Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Aug 1873, p. 2

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Around the lofty throne of the Grits’ Idol there were assembled some days since a few of the faithful, to deliberate on the udvisibility of petitioning the Governor to postpone the prorogation of Parliament, until the House might have an oppcfitu- nity to debate on the greatest slander of the day. This step, like all other fruit- less ones, was taken at the injuntion of “The Globe,” and must consequently be carried out, since it comes directly from the “ Little God” himself. 0 ye Grits! What idiocy l To think that our Gov- ernor, who obtained so much popularity immediately after his arrival in Canada, and who has obtained so much abuse at ‘ the hands of the Globe, would be swayed or influenced in any way by a few howl- ing rebels, and led to act so inconsistently and contrary to all precedent, is simply absurd. When the Premier adjourned the House without prorogation, he did so for the purpOse of receiving the report of the Committee which was ap- pointed to inquire into the Huntington charges, and positively said " that the meeting in August would only be a formal one ;" but since the investigation can not be carried on, owing to the ob- stinacy of Messrs Blake and‘ Dorion in refusing a Royal Commission. These men wish now to have a general meeting in August, in order to debate on a ques- tion which they know cannot be any more revealed than at present, since the Imperial Parliament have refused the Oaths Bill, and they (the Grits) have refused a Royal Commission; and they not only wish the debate, but they want a decision of the House when it is not possible for a great many of the members to be present. N o doubt they have before their‘ mind’s eye glowing reminiscences of the defeat of the late Sandfield Macdonald Government when eight members were absent, and now are speculating on such another opportunity ; such is their nature. How many victo- ries has the Globe prophesied '1’ And how many “moral victories” has it won ? Always apparently hopeful, but alas always disappointed. The case stands as clear as day already. We have on one side,a hired mercenary; a man who has shown himself to be a vile rascal, by receiving fifty thousand dollars for such information as any sane man will not and does not believe; a man who has been made a liar of by all those honora- ble men who have thought it worth their .ubile tonaiv ' ' we have on the other side, one man at least whom our sovereign thought worthy of knighthood, and nine more beside him, most of whom gave their testimony on oath. Think you how would a court of jurisdiction act in such a case? Would one man’s evidence condemn any man or body [of men against the sworn evidence of ten men ? The question is absurd. What then do these men want ? They want to be as they have always beenâ€"obstructionists; and if any hope of postponement of prorogation may still linger their breasts, they are cer- tainly forlorn ones; and when they hear the news on the 13th proximo, their “sore heads" will, no doubt, feel a little aorcr. ' The Grits are making the most of the letters handed them by McMullen, but welfancy it will be found in the end that they have misjudged their case against the Ministry of the Dominion. It may he that Sir Hugh Allen has sold the Americans. With that we have nothing ‘to do. But it is e most singular thing that up to the time he had shaken 05 the Americans, no fault was found with him by the Grit Press. With that im- maculate sheet, the Globe of Toronto, he was all right. So therefore it would appear by the correspondence of Me- Mullen, and by the reproduction into the Globe of articles from the American press, that the trouble is not that the Pacific Railway was sold to the Ameri- cans, but that-it was not sold. We find that the amount for which the Grits say the Railway was sold, has diminished down from $350,000 to $40,000. It may or may not be that Sir Hugh gouged the Americans out of the larger sum, but what is that to us ? what have the Ministry of the day got to do with it? It may or may not be that Sir Hugh, with others, subscribed $40,000 to the election fund in favor of the supporters of Sir John Maedonald, but what is it the business of the Grit Party ? Do they subscribe nothing for election pur- poses? How is it that every member of their party is assessed a certain amount yearly to support the party. Yes, and even the servants of the Dominion Gov- ernmentâ€"men who get their bread and butter from the men in powerâ€" pay pe- riodically subscriptions to keep up the election funds of those opposed to the Government. This we presume is all right in the eyes of your pure Grit. Did George Brown never subscribe to pay election expenses? What amount my agm gmm. A TEMPEST IN A TEAPOT. RICHMOND HILL, AUG. 1, 1873. FORLORN HOPES. Sm,â€"In Saturday's IIerald you pubâ€" lish a communication that does injustice to the Finance Minister and the Prime Minister of Canada. As a friend of the latter gentleman I ask at your hands the favor of publishing some statements in his defence. As I have no interests whatever in Canada, in the Pacific Rail- road, or in Sir John Macdonald, I ask you to believe that I write under a sense of justice to a man of eminent ability and position. The Pacific Railway of Canada has been made a subject of con- tention by political factionists. The reckless assertion incident to partnership here, holds in full force on the other side of the lakes. It has been carried to an extraordinary height in the case of the Canadian profit for a. railway to the Pa- cific. The heading and the text of the letter sent you on the subject from Mon- treal is a reproduction of the exaggerz» tion of party violence, and should, there- fore, be taken by all just men with more‘ or less suspicion. Mr McMullen published Sir John Macdonald’s receipt for $10,000. The contest shows, that that money was paid, like the money paid to Sir George Cartier, for general election purposes.” Few men of sense will hold that the receipt of $10,000 for election purposes, by the head of a. great party engaged in a poli- tical contest throughout all the provinces of Canada, reflects in any wise on his personal honor. Neither does the receipt of double that amount, for the same pur- pose, suppose any discredit to the memory of Sir George Cartier. But Mr McMullen states that the promoters of the Pacific Railway of Canada expended in the last general election in the provinces $350,000. This outlay, even though actually made, is not connected with Sir John Mac- donald, and therefore cannot be held fairly to involve a question of his per- sonal integrity. Its amount is probably not a fraction of the expenditure made during the last contest for the Governor- ship of the single state of Pennsylvania. That a company, having a contract amounting to probably three hundred millions of dollars with the Canadian government should have deemed proper to keep that government in the hands of its friends rather than of its enemies, at an expenditure of one-eighth of one per cent of the amount of the contract, involves neither surprise nor c_ulp§bflity, did he pay to the MeMullen fund? It is said that during the Ontario elections, the Ontario Government were supplied by funds derived from the sale of silver mines in Lake Superior. It might not be out of place for some member of the Opposition, at the next meeting of the Legislature, to move for a Committee of' Enquiry. Would the Mowatt Ministry act the noble part of Sir John Mac- donald ? We are afraid not ; they would vote it down, and stifle discussion. We beg, for the informatlon of our readers, to give the following letter: A STRONG PLEA IN FAVOR OF SIR JOHN MACDONALD~WAS THE GREAT LEADER BOUGHT FOR. A FEW DOL- ' LARs ? NEW YORK, July 20,1873. [We find the following letter in yes- terday’s New York Herald, addressed to the editor of that paper 1] Mr MoMfillefld‘chaI-gesfhoâ€"W, that 347000 'was lent to Sir John Maednnald and $4,500 to Sir Francis Hincks. These alleged payments your correspond- ent defines as money placed where it would ~“ do most good." This allusion is declared substantially by MeMullen himself to be unwarranted, for he admits that the loans in question were made “with good knowledge that they would be repaid. And who can suppose that, even though Sir John Macdonald and Sir Francis Hincks are men to be bought, they can he “knocked down” in a trans- action so great at a sum so paltry ? If these advances of 84,000 and 34,500 were made at all they evidently have been made like those of the $10,000 and $20,000 for “ general election pur- If, after these explanations, any taint remains from Mr McMullen’s statements on the character of the eminent man he accuses of baseness, let it be met by a comparison of the accuser and the ac- cused. The letter of your correspondent describes McMullen as one of a class of men very common in the lobbies of legis- lative bodiesâ€"a sharp adventurer. Sir Francis Hincks is, on the other hand, an Irish gentlemen, who, having served with distinction as Prime Minister of Canada, was honored for his fidelity by promotion to the Government of the Windward Islands. Sir John Macdon- sld is a life-long Canadian, who, having controlled the Government for nearly twenty years, has been rewarded for his devotion by the special Favor of his sove- reign. Is Mr McMullen's unsustained statement sufiicient to blur the fair fame of two gentlemen who have been declared, after a life-long duty to their Queen, good and faithful servants? A disappointed or cast off adventurer, as Mr McMullen apppears to be by his arm letter. we can refer to his statements, without violating the reason of things, to personal spite against Sir Francis and Sir John, even though those statements did not receive the lie direct in the pub- lic fact that Sir John Macdonald, after a quarter of a century of almost supreme power in Canada, is to-day virtually a poor man. M. B. H. IMMEDIATE INQUIRY. â€"- We learn with pleasure that the Governor-General recognising the great public desire mani- fested to know the truth or falsity of the charges made by Mr Huntington, the Grit press, and their witness, McMullen, has ordered the immediate issue of a commission to examine into, and report upon all subjects. connected with the Canadian Pacific Railway matter. We are not yet in a position to announce the names of the gentlemen chosen by His Excellency to constitute the Commission; but we are justified in saying that, in the event of their consenting to act, they are such as will command public confi- dence, and more satisfactorily exercise the judicial functions required of them than any Committee necessarily composed oi Parliamentaay supportersand oppon- cutsâ€"avail. “ Yours, &o., “ P. E. W. MOYER." What a sad comment upon Grit journalism! giving as it does another proof of the truth of the old adage that rogues are always the first to call rogue. Here we find a paper bellowing about corruption, when at the same time it was practising the work of all kinds of black- mailing. It is ever so with such poli- ticians, and it is to be regretted that there are others of the same kidney much nearer Belleville than St. Catharines, where they sell editorial opinion and ‘pufl's for a consideration.â€"â€"- Montreal Gazette. ‘ “ Dear Sir,â€"Mesler, the bill poster, tells me that you have given out your contracts for advertising in St. Cathar- ines. I am surprised that you have not called at this ofliceâ€"the Times being one of the oldest and best circulated papers in the Province. 1 have also re- ceived a number of “ Advance Couriers” and marked papers relating to your show. Surelyyou don’t expect favorable advance notices without giving the usual adv. patronage. If you have inadvertantly overlooked my oflice, and Wlll send me an adv. at. the same price as the St. Catharines Journal gets, I will do what I reasonably can for your concerts, other- wise I shall feel at liberty to make pub- lic what my views are relative to your very questionable proceedings towards other exhibitions. I am certain I can make you loose, or rather prevent you from getting, at least ten times the little amount of an advertisement would come to. He is destitute of honor, principle, or gratitude, and is beyond all cavil the most treacherous, twoâ€"faced, insinuating, cheeky, persevering and persistent knave, that has ever rendered the curb-stone famous in Chicago. For the benefit of our readers we republish the following correspondence, which we‘ hope may prove interesting : A. TRUE SPECIMEN OF A BRAWLING GRIT. The St. Catharines Times is one of those Grit journals which ever abound in venomous attacks upon its political op- ponents, charging them with all kinds of wrong-doing, including bribery, corrupt- lon, &c. While dealing out its vials of wrath against Sir John MacDonald and his colleagues about selling the Pacific Railway Charter, we find it trying to create a panic among the people of St. Catharines by raising the cry that Bar- num’s menagerie would be likely to in- troduce cholera into the town. The reasons for the dolef’ul predictions of‘ this disinterested Grit are admirably brought to light by Barnum’s agent publishing the following letter, received from P. E. \V. Moyer, editor and pro. prietor of the Times : How such an adventurer, unknown, penniless, uncouth in his manners, with- out influence or social standing, and with nothing to recommend him but his un- blushing impudence, ill-manner and brassy cheek could think to impose on honorable men is beyond comprehension. St. Catharines, June 6, 1873. To W. S. Pease, Barnum’s Museum : This McMullen is a Canadian by birth and has only lived in Chicago a few years, but has, in that brief period, ren- dered himself a social scourge by borrow- ing small sums of money and afterwards ignoring the obligation. But McMullcn regards himself as amply compensated by having his name appear in connection with the list above referred to, even if his role reaches a de- gree of baseness, meanness and treachery, from which Judas Iscariot would have recoiled with horror. SlR,-â€"--There is a paper published in the village of Markham, called the Econ- omist (the organ of Senator Reesor.) Occasionally this paper gives its readers some choice bits of political information_ On looking over yesterday’s issue, I find the following, which I think is worthy of being noticed. I therefore beg»> to re- fer you to it, as it may form a text for a: good article in your paper. Sm,â€"As a Canadian I feel greatly aggrieved to seein the public prints the unsullied names of Sir Francis Hincks and Sir John A. Macdonald assailed by a Canadian adventurer named McMullen who left his country for his country’s good, and who is known in Chicago as a curbstane broker wholly without capital, character, or position, who could not borrow five hundred dollars on his own name to save his life, and Who has prin- cipally distinguished himself in being connected with several notorious swindles in getting up bogus Insurance Companies the chief of which was the “ State In- surance Company of Chicago,” and through his agency thousands of farmers throughout the North-west were swin- dled out of thousands of dollars, and many were reduced to beggary by him. “WHEN SHALL WE THREE MEET AGAIN.” To THE EDITOR or THE LEADER. Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, July 23, 1_873. THE LOWER. DEPTHS 1 To the Editor of THE LEADER. MCMULLEN, BY ONE WHO KNOWS. A CANADIAN. Our village Council will have a special session on Saturday evening next, to take into consideration the call of the School Trustees for the large sum of money re- quired purposes, and for other business. Speaking of the charges against the Government by that precious scamp Mo- Mullen, it says: “So far, we have evi- dence that cannot he controverted, be. cause we have the telegrams, the bank books, and the letters.” Does the precious editor mean to say, that he has private papers belonging to other people, or is it meant the “party” has ? It is certainly a pretty statexpf things. How did they (the editor or the arty), come in possession of this propek unless it was stolen? Verily, the/Grits are ca- pable of small things wh A they decend so low as to steal a. man’gank book and then boast of it through ‘he press. Do confer a favor, Mr Editoi', on the people of the east riding of York, and take the poor fellow who edits the Economist under your care. “ C. B.”â€"-Wribe your letter ; ‘you are not alone in your opinion of the School Trustees â€" the Building Committee os- pecially. FIREâ€"A large fire happened on the rear of Duke street, Toronto, on Wednes- day morning last. Four frame houses were completely destroyed and three brick buildings were gutted. Our Mechanics’ Institute have issued a catalogue of the books in the library which will be found useful to the readers in selecting books. The price will be five cents, and all the members ought to have one. ' Mr Allan McLean, lately school teacher at Victoria Square, has received the appointment of English master in the Hamilton Collegiate Institute. Mr McLean is well fitted for the position and will no doubt fill the charge with credit to himself and advantage to the Institute. ‘ PRESENTATIONâ€"Last week Mr John Cook, of Thornhill, was‘ the recipient of a purse presented to him by a few of his friends in the Wesleyan Methodist Church in this village, as a small token of their appreciation of his serivices as a local preacher, a mark of their love toward him as a brother in Christ and as a testimony of their respect for him as a gentleman whose example aids in the desemination of temperance as well as religious principles. ’ PROF. FLANDERS’ TROUPE or IN- DIAN VooALIsrs.â€"This distinguished company of Indian Vocalists made their second visit to Thornhill on Friday last, but owing to the unpropitious state of the weather, their concert was postponed until the next evening. On Saturday evening quite a large gathering of both young and old assembled in the Victoria Hall. The Indians appeared. in full costume as of old, and the rendering of the several pieces was splendid, the critic failing to discover any discrepancy be- tween the printed and the acted pro- gramme. The two little Indian boys, whose attractive performance in the past have greatly assisted in winning for the troupe" their present popularity, are cer- tainly deserving of the highest praise, for the excellent manner in which the character of various pieces were set forth by them; the singing was also 'ivery com- mendable. Upon the whole, ‘we think the concert was both instructive and amusing, and therefore interesting. Harvest operations are progressing finely in this neighborhood. The fall wheat is nearly all housed and the barley well advanced. Two weeks more of fine weather and the farmers will have all in them crops is the ge- neral eip‘ as i‘xo a Jae who are most interested. SCHOOL TAXES. â€"- The Board of School Trustees of this town have de- termined upon levying for the handsome sum of $2670, on the Public School Section and High School District; $1000 is for Public School purposes, $1170 for paying balance of contract for building the new brick High School, and $500 for necessary working expenses of the High School. This levy will make our taxes much higher than they have ever been for school purposes. The rate for‘ Public Schools will be about four mills and eighty-five hundreths in the dollar; while the High School rate will be about one cent and one-fiftieth of a. cent in the dollar. In addition to these, of course there will be the County rateâ€"about a mill; village rate, about three millsâ€" exelusive of the railway tax for the east side of the villageâ€"altogether, very close on 2 cents in the dollar. East Riding of Y0 , 25th‘Ju1y, 187 . mum’a gamma. Yoys, &c., AUSTRALIA. Monday evening next, the 4th inst, is the regular practice of the Richmond Hill Fire Company. A full attendance is requested. Messrs Trench & Wright are building a handsome Hearsei-to be used in this neighborhood. WEDNESDAY, August 13.â€"Credit sale of ‘ Household furniture, &c., at Victoria Square, Markham, the property of Mr A. McLean. Sale at' 1 o’clock. James Gormley, Auctioneer. Oj-r Parties getting Sale Bills printed at this office will receive a notice similar to the above. FREE of charge. ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYER, County Engineer, Draftsman Aw. Surveys. Plans, Descriptions, Reports, Plans of bridges. Specifications. Forms of contract. Secu qty Bonds, &c., executed with neatuess and despalch. No. 4 Trust «Sr. Loan Buildings, Corner of Adelaide and Toronto streets. TORONTO. Wanted. an apprentice to the printng busi- ness. Appiy at this office. The next regular communication of the above lodbe will be held next Monday evening the 4th Aug.. at 8 o’clock. "THAC’KERA Y’S BOOK OF SNOBS.” The person who borrowed that book from me is hereby requested co return it at once. M. TEEF Y. THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY APPBENTICE WANTED. l or persons trusting my wife, Sarah Bar. or any of my famIly, they having left me with- out any just cause, HENRY HART. PARTIES WISHING PICTURES WILL DO WELL TO CALL BEFORE THAT DATE. I1. tioned against trespassing on Lot 23, on the 2nd concession of Vaughan. as they will be prosecuted with the utmost rigor of the law. ROBERT METCALF. Hill Post Office. lst July 1873: Brillinger. Jonathan Byers. J. T. Braxel, John Bond. John T. Baker, Mikel Beers, J. N. Clark. Melinda Carpenter, George Clafi'y. Katie Drummond, Janet Deadman. John Finnie, Peter Gardhouse. James Gray. David Hall, Thomas Hacking. John Jackson, Hannah Kely, Hattie Kirkland, James Keall. Frank Lndl’ord, Mary Ann McBride, John Mchlan. Alex. McRae. John Nigh, Jonathan Nigh. Enoch. Raitte, Robert Rumble. Edward Rogers, Josiah B. Reaman. Daniel S. Seece: Margret Sexton of Church. Sexsmith, George Scott. Rev. J . Wright, A. Wilmot, J. Wheaten J". ises of the Subscriber, Lot 42, rear of let Con..Vaughan, about two months ago, The owner is requested to prove property,pay expenses and take them away. WILLIAM LUND. should at once send his name and address with $4.50 for one year’s subscription to EVERY INVENTOR, BUILDER, MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENG]- NEER. CHEMIST. FARMER. AND MERCHANT. MONTREAL, A Copy of first number can be seen at this Office. 766-2 ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS, l A weekly journal of Current Events, Literature. Science and Arts. Agriculture and Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sold at We a number at tho \HERALD Book Store. The Canadian Patent Office Record NOTICE TO TRESPASSER S. Toronto July 28,‘ 1873 Richmond Hill, July 2!. 1873. Vaughan. July 10, 1872. WILL BE CLOSED FOR. A SHORT TIME Butlonville. July 7. 1873 AFTER TUESDAY, JULY 22. Vaughan, June 27. 1873. N 0 TIC E. HEREBY FOREE) ANY PERSON ~ List of Letters EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND LL PARTIES ARE HEREBY CAU- STRAY.â€"â€"CAME INTO THE PREM. flew ganwtmmm, A Ewe and two Lambs. 0F THOS. B. COPELAND BOOK BORROWERS I M ECHANICS’ M AGAZIN E, Search your Book-shelves for iitimllammm, ICHMOND LODGE,A.F. &A.M. I No. 23, G.R.C. GEORGE E. DESBARATS, AUCTION SALE. JAMES WIDEMAN. Sec’y. TO THE PUBLISHER, NOTICE. 8. JAMES, AND M. TEEFY, P. M. 7544f 782-tf 78l-3 781-tf 779. JUST RECEIVED A Large and Varied Assort- ment of PEOPLE’S STORE. BREAKFAST, DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS. FFUURRNNIITTUURREE ! SURGEON DENTIST, FLOUR 65 FEED KEPT CONSTANT- LY ON HAND. A Call from all is Solicited. P. G. SAVAGE. Residence at Aurora, Ont. Particular attention paid to Children's teeth, and also to Gold Filling. A stock of beautiful teeth always on hand and all work warranted. Mr. Wells will visit the following places, on the days mentioned. Markham, on the 8th day of each month. Stoufi'ville, " mm H u §prglighill_,___."' A]:}t~h If u AIT letters addressed to Aurora. promptly at- tended to. Which cannot be sumassed in Price or Quality. Teeth also set with the Celuloid Base, a new invention. being lighter. stronger and more durable than the old kind. Having had nine years experience, Satisfaction can be guaranteed. On Thursday the 22nd inst.. in Toronto, or on the way to Richmond Hill. a Note of Hand tor $89.37 given in my favor by Mary Town- sley. Yorkville. and due on the 22nd of April last. All parties are cautioned not to negotiate for the same as payment_has been stopped. Any one findi-ngâ€"the above note and bretum- ing it. to the subscriber will be rewarded. GEORGE weary, R'icmiioud' Hill. 18th u - Thornhill, " 20th “ “ Maple, " 22nd “ “ Mr Wells or assistant will be at his office, Yo_ngg Stree‘tnéuroni. rat gll times. EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. THE YORK COUNTY Half Yearly Examination In optional subjects. Natural History. Botany and Agricultural Chemistry (open to 11. class). Candidates should give notice of their in- tention and the class in which they wish to compete, accompanied, in all cases. with car- tificates of moral character; and, in the case of II. and I. class candidates, with certificates (fromlpractical educators)ofsucces in teaching, these to be in the hands of the Chairman of the Board of Examiners on or before the 24th of June. NOTE LOST 1 , BARGAINS .r REMNANTS OFDREss GOODS. A beautiful choice lot to be cleared out at greatly reduced prices at the Central Store, Wm. ATKINSON. NORMAL SCHOOL, TORONTO. Tuesday, July 15, at 9 a.m. I. CLASS CERTIFICATES. MONDAY, JULY 12, AT 2 P. M; SPECIAL OETIFIGATES, 0f Candidnia for P, S. Teachers Certificates will commence (D. V.)in the WINES AND LIQ U0 RS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, Richmond Hill, June 19,1873. Lot 58, lat Con. Viughnn. Richmond Hill.‘ May 26, 1873. 775-4t ON MONDAY, JULY 14th. AT 2 P. M. Aurora, May 28, 1873. Richmond Hill.June 5. 1873. The subscriber wishes to announce that he has III. sill CLASS CERTIFICATES. LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK, IN GROCERIES, ANOTHER LARGE LOT 05‘ FRESH ARRIVALS DECIDEDLY CHEAP. J. M. WELLS, L.D.S., (fixnmiw, 8m Which will be sold We have our usual @utfimfig. PROVISIONS, AN D GENERAI CONSIBTIN. OI D. FOTHERINGHAM. Presiding Inspector. AT THE ALE. 01‘ 0N 7734f. 775 -2 176. mammal g‘jmplmmtfi. 182 ‘ Adelaide Street“ East; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! TURNIP SEED! Will clean all kinds of grain, embracing wheat, rye. barley. and oats and will not choke with any lhistley or foul grain. No stink or broom required to be used, and the machine need not at 11v time be stopped .by clogging of the Sieve. All orders for this Sieve addressed to the patantee. Jobn Rae. Lansing P.0.. Ont., will l‘ecplve prompt attention. Any 'infriflgement on thié patent will be punished with the utmost rigo of the law. JOHN RAE, And surrounding country for past patronage. and desires to state that his PATENT SIEVE ! Of Goods, or at LOWER Pmcuzs. CANADIAN & ENGLISH TWEEDS, v .‘ 7: Cotton Tweeds, Cottonades, 0mm broons, Denims, (fi'c. r And to the Ladies he would say, if you want Comple-te‘ qll i_t§ Branches! DRESS GOODS! She has no hesitation in promising s: faction to all who may favor her with 'a 4 JUST CALL AT THE CENTRAL, And there you will find the BEST A SSORTM ENT 01" Ever shown on Richmond Hill, At prices ranging from 10c to 500 per yd. THEY WILL MAKE YOU STARE! Also a full assortment of Inspection Invited and Patronage Solicited. Dress and Mantle Making! Prints, Cations, Ginghams, fizz, SHAWLS, Fancy Shawls, BLACK &WHITE LACE SHAWLS White and Colored Quilts, ‘ IN FACT ALL THE NOVELTIES IN THE DRY GOODS LINE. The MillineEQâ€"Departmmt; ' Hitherto kept so replete with all that was Chaste and Elegant. [his season embraces the most beautiful and exquisite goods of the MISS HICKS, ‘ MILLINER & DRESS MAKER, PATTERSON, Announces to the ladies in this vicinity. that she is prepared to do ail kinds of sewing either at home or her customers’ residences. at Low Prices and on the Shortest Notice. Will be happpy to see all desiring anything in her branches, being a PRA CTIOAL MILLINER Done t0'order on the shoxtest notice. Shop one door north of Mr. Barr» ard’s store, Richmond Hill. May 8. 1873. 7724" Crockery, Hardware, Glassware, Groceries, é'c., ' Which cannot be surpassed if equalled. WM. ATKINSON. Dealer in everything Good and Cheap. Central Store. Richmond Hill. ' D To Weekly Papers. recs-ved at the HI:an Book Store. Richmond Hill Farmers and Threshers Take N otic e. 779-tf Yonge Street. July. 1872, Begs to reuun thanks to the inhabitants of Patterson. May 29, 1872. NO OTHER HOUSE CAN OFFER. A BETTER ASSORTMENT gummy and 52mm. £133 @0qu @wmiw. STRAW WORK GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE AE’S NEW AND IMPROVED UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON‘ A DRESS LUSTRE, ASHION ABLE MILLINERY SHOP. MRS. HASSETT ANNOUNCEMENT- SEED STORE! HARVESTING TOOLS He Would call special attention to his LARGE STOCK 0F SPRING STOCK BLACK GOODS, VERY LATEST STYLES. And he feels confident that ATKINSON, The largest selection of TORONTO RICHMOND HILL, A SPECIALITY. With a large stock of A full assortment of [n the Dominion. IS NOW AND AND AND WM. RENNIE, Tonom‘o. Ou- Lansirig P. 0. 775-3m 729 4f

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