Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Aug 1873, p. 3

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I think no reasonable man will say that the above is an indication of bad management or extravagance; five more economical men; could not be selected than those who have been elected, and if their successors will be as cautious about incurring expenses as they have been, the ratepayers have nothing to fear in regard to village tax. It is the demands of our School Trustees that are pressing heavily; they ask from the School Sec- tion $1000â€"a very much larger amount than has ever been demanded before. In addition to this, there is the balance due on the contract for building the High School, amounting to $1170, which the Trustees have formally ordered to “ be levied and collected from the ratable property of the village of Richmond Hill.” From legal opinion had and ob- tained, it appears the Board of Trustees have the power, by statute, to make the ratepayers “stand and deliver I” The Village Council are in no way willing parties to the demands of our School Board ; the school law gives extraordinary powers. and there is no doubt but our Board are “ taking the benefit of the act.” It is to be hoped that the ratepa-yv ers will calmly consider the situation,and not act rashly on Monday next; of course they are the proper judges of What. is best to be doneâ€"and it is quite likely they will do Markham, Aug. 4th, 1873. DEAR SIR,â€"-One of our village fath- ers handed me a copy of the minutes of the County Council for the session in June. On page 117 is the “ second re- port of the Standing Committee on Equalization of Assessments.” The re- port says “ they have examined the sev- ‘ eral assessment rolls for the current year, and find upon the whole that they are carefully prepared, and without apparent technical errors, with the exception of the roll for the village of Markham, which does not appear to have been du- plicated, and is without the usual quali- fication of the assessor.” This is reflect- ing severely on Mr Corson, who is sup- posed to be competent to perform the duties of Village Clerk. He was once one of the auditors of the County, and blundered there; I hope he is not at the commencement of a series of them. I and many others here think that he undertakes more than he is able to ac- complishâ€"his management of the edi- torial department of the Economist is fair evidence of that. Mr J. D. Phillips, the chairman of the County Council Committee, dealt Mr Corson a hard blow that timeâ€"more power to his elbow! Grits all I l l To be raised by rate . . . . . . . . $300 00 There are items included in the above expenditure, amounting to $150.15, which will not be required in any future year, viz. : Debt paid on Fire Engine . . . . . . . . . $50 ()0 Estimate for Hose Reel and Tank. . 40 00 Corporation Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 60 Expenses of first election . . . . . . . . . 7 55 $150 15 By deducting these items from the amount to be levied for this year, it will be clear that only one-half will be re- quired next year, if the public do not demand any larger expenditure for walks and repairs. SIR, -â€"- It may not be amiss, in View of the public meeting announced for Monday next, to submit; the probable receipts and expenditure of the village for the current year, exclusive of school rates: Outlay for all village purposes aboht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct Licenses, &c. . . . We give the following extract from a letter, received a few days ago by a gentleman here, from a relative, residing at Memphis in the State of Tennesee, which gives an interesting View of some things in that part of the world : MEMPHIS, 23rd July, 1873. FACTS FOR RATEPAYERS AND OTHERS. MY DEAR â€"â€"â€".â€"Doubtless you are wondering why I do not write. The reason has been that I have just arrived from Arkansas, where I have been for the past two weeks or more. Altogether I had a very pleasant and satisfactory trip so far as business goes, and was not much subjected to inconvenience, as most of my travelling was done by Rail- way and steamboat. I went direct from here by cars to Little Rock; left here at 5:30 p.m., and arrived there early next morning. The Memphis and Little Rock Railway is terribleâ€"the worst I ever saw. They do not run more than five miles an hour; forty miles of the track between here and St. Francis river is built mostly all on tressel work at an immense expense. The bed of the road MARKHAM VILLAGE CLERK. Yours, &c. Richmond Hill, Aug. 7, 1873. FROM THE SOUTH. @fimmfimuflmm. Yours, THE PARISH BEADLE. purposes ...$564 00 . 264 00 $50 00 . 40 00 8 00 . 8 00 . 36 60 7 55 The great trouble with Arkansas is the “exemption laws ;” honest men have “no show.” A man is allowed $2000 personal property, and if he is married he can keep his homestead, worth $5000; that is, they are not liable for his debts. Business is done over there mostly on honor, and none can be made to pay unless they choose; because a good deal of property can be covered up under the $7000 exempt by law. Besides a man going into business in Arkansas, generally “prepare to mer- chandise” as they say by putting what- ever property he has in his wife’s name. The men who got the exemption law through the Legislature were nothing more than thieves and swindlers who obtained their election by negro votes, and the state never will be anything any- thing until this law is repealed. It is a very prolific state, corn and cotton being as good as any of the southern states, the great lack is want of reliable honest business men. The Ottawa printers are on strike. The SHAH is now visiting the Vienna Exhibition. Forty thousand slaves have been set free in Khiva, as the result of the Russian expe- dition. It is stated that the recent excesses of the Carlists is creating a reaction in favor of the Government. Brown of Halifax, has agreed to row Biglin for $1,000. The time for the race is not yet known. The Spanish Cories have a bill before them making provision for the separation of Church and State. A fire occurred in the Vienna. Exposition on Saturday morning, which did a. consider able amount of damage. Little Rock has grown to be a town of 20 to 25,000 inhabitants in the last two years, but a great many expect a reaction to come now; new railways have been opening up the country, and people “rush on” further south and west, and the fever for emigration to Texas is keen. I made a good number of strong friends in Little Rock, and in the course of‘ my business transactions struck a good many Canadiansâ€"one in particular left Toronto five years ago with just enough money to land him in the town. He is now member of the State Legislature; President of the Board of County Supervisors; married; has a family; and is worth 25 or $30,000â€"and all in five years. His namefis John M. Murphy, and [he is a very affable gentlemanly man, who looks well after “No. 1.” I remained in Little Rock ten days; visited eight or ten other little towns along the river and railway line, and returned here yes- terday, feeling very much benefitted by my trip. A terrible rain storm visited Lima on the 9th ult., which destroyed property to the value of a million dollars. Don Carlos is in Gueronica, in the Prov- ince of Biscay. On Sunday he took the oath of fidelity to the Province. The Provincial Government of Nova. Scotia. intend giving a ball in honor of the Governor General’s visit on Friday evening. Fix-President Theirs considers the- trou- bles in Spain purely internal, and that the attitude of France should be one of strict neutrality. A very serious fire occurred in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, which destroyed twenty-three blocks of buildings. The loss extends into the millions. The visit of the Comte de Paris to the Comte de Chambord is regarded as politi- cally significant. The former was recelved hy the Emperor of Austria, I poated up town; saw very few per- sons about except no end of “nigger- polieemen,” it being about half past four a.m. ; registered at the Metropolitan Hotel; had a good wash; got outside of my breakfast, and commenced work in earnest. It was terrible hot 98° and 99° in the shade. Strenuons exertions are to be made by the English, French, and Americans to ob- tain a revision of the Treaties of ’58 with China, securing greater privileges for for. eigners in that country. The English Government has succeeded in finding coal in the central provinces of India. The mineral extends over an area of sixty miles in length, and from fifteen to twenty miles in bredth The English revisers of the “ Authorized Version of the Bible” have received a. very handsome offer for the copyright of their new version. But the New Testament will not be ready for three years, nor the Old Tes- tament for six years. is continually falling and sinking, and accidents (though not attended by any fatal results) are very frequent; so un- even is the motion that one experiences a feeling similar to sea-sickness.” The cars are carried across the Mississippi river on a transfer boat the same as at Detroit; but at Little Rock they have only a ferry for passengers over the Ar- kansas riverâ€" the station being at Ar- gentia, on this side directly opposite Little Rock. The Italian Government has sent a fleet to Spanish waters to protect the subjects of Italy at present in Curthagena, and to CO» Operate with other foreign Powers in what» ever measmes the exigencies of the circum- stances may demand. Yours, &c., Ergfilmfi ‘éflmw. TORONTO YOUNG MEN’S CHRIS- TIAN ASSOCIATION. The loung Men’s Christian Association take pleasure in informing their friends and the Christian Public generally of the facili- ties for usefulness which they now enjoy. Their beautiful and commodious building, with its Halls, Library, Free Reading Room and Gymnasium are intended at once to in- vite and improve all young men who enter. Prayer Meetings, Literary and Musical En- tertainments are frequently held and open to all. Toromo, Angus! 7. 1873. Flour~Superfine... .. . . . Spring Wheat extra .. Fancy.............. Extra............... Superior Extra... .. , Oatmeal........“up...” Cornmeal.................. wma¢mm 5 3 8 U‘COHCU! fd) 5:) @ (ti) {(1) fl) ....$ 53()@ 5 35 3 8 3( 0 00 5 85 0 00 6 75 5 40 3 00 Tm: SHAH AND THE LOST Terms or Isâ€" RAEL. -â€" Dr Cumming, preaching in the Scotch National Church, London, on the 29th ult., referred to the visit of the Shah. To his mind the land whence his Majesty had come was specially interesting, because it was the country in which, according to Scriptural testimony, were once located ten of the twelve tribes of Israel, and it was not at all improbable that they would yet re- appear from it, afrer having been two thousand years hidden from the gaze of the nations, and that they would then join themselves to the other two tribes, which had remained up to the birth of Christ faith ful to the law and the commandments of God, as given them through Moses. If such proved to be the case, then might be ex- pected the “ fullness of the times,” as set forth in Scripture. A prophecy of Scripture had set forth that three kings would at a certain period come forth from the East, “from the sun’s rising." A verification of this had happened lately, in the respective visits of the Sultan, the Keedivc, and at present the Shah, to England, and each for the first time. He believed the visit of the three potentates would be the freeing of the Jews in their several dominious, who would be enabled to recognize and worship the Son of God, whom their fathers had cruel. fied and despised. At the present, Persra is the only country in Asia where Christi- anity is not freely taught. Parents, Guardians, Pastors, or others who have young friends in the City or about to come to it, are invited to urge them to come to us. A Reception Committee has been formed, the members of which giadly call on all strangers whom they may hear of from those interested. Communications from friends at a. distance are gladly re- ceived. CORNER ow QUEEN AND JAMES 81‘s., TORONTO, JUNE, 1873. To Parents, Guardians, Pastors, and others whose Sons, Wards, or Friends may be leaving home for residence in the City of Toronto. According to an account given by Pro- fessor William Mathews. of Chicago, Mr Spurgeon’s labors have greatly impaired his health. “The sword,” says Professor M., has proved too sharp for even the stoutesb scabbard. Ten years ago preaching was al- most as easy to him as singing to a bird. To electrify, convince, and persuade audiences was a. labor of love. Now every Sunday’s efforts cost him forty-eight hours pain.” U GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING- â€" “ By a thorough knowledge ofthe natural laws which governtheoperationsofdigeslion and nutrition. and by a careJul application of the fine proper- ties of well-selected cocoa, M1 Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with l delicately flavored beverage which may save ua many heavy doctors’ bills.”â€"Civil Servics Gazelle. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is labelledâ€""Muss Ens 6L ’70., Homeopathic Chemists. London.” A book likely to be highly valued is in preparation entitled “ The British Legion of Honor.” The work will give a list and biographies of all men, statesmen, artists, manufacturers and others who have been honored with any title or degree of prece- dence and whose names are not in the peer- ages or Baronetages. MANUFACTURE OF COCOA.â€"” We will now give 211 account of the process adopted by Moser James Epps & Co.. manufaclurei of dietetic articles. at Lheir works in the Eusion Road. l.ondon”â€"C(Lssclt’s Household Guzdc October 31. 1872. 739-ly $5 TO 3520 KiDU lU 'JDKJU Agents wanted' All classes of working people. of either sex. young or old. ma ‘0 more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything e193. Earticnlarg free. Address Sir Sidney Waterlow, Lord Mayor of London, who was recently created a bar onet, is a. printer, stationer and blank book manufacturer. He started in life a poor, unknown boy, without friends or influence, and with a very imperfect education. Stu-e. REAKFAST. â€" EPPS’S COCOA. â€"â€" ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for presents at the HERALD Boon Yours repectfully, THos. J. WILKIE, Secretary. G. “STINSON & Co., Pomahd; Ma'hl’e'. fimiat ‘g‘ibfitw. TORONTO MARKETS. PER DAY. 3 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@W@@@@@@@@ 005057 0)0000555U008. 0 057704 )22256M0N20007756000BHUH211054 ( 31]]00081126700008000060000010 1 11- .I. LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE SHING LE__0 UT TING; PLANING DONE TO ORDER. in all its branches. and from his experience, careful attention, and moderate charges, he hopes to receive a share of the public patron- age- All orders by mail promptly attended to. .1. truclion of [he Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and filled up those large and commodious premis‘es belong- ing to Capt. 'I‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight & Son’s Novelty Works, Markham. Excellent accommodation afl'orded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connaction will) the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. 2 Good Ageing required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and whal will be a very popular book. None but live busi- ness men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Office. Paintingax HE SUBSCRIBER BEG'SLTOL‘NOTI- {y the public that ho his rauommenced 1V1. Commissionerin B.R.,ia Government Agent for issuing Marriage License in the Connly onork. Office hoursâ€"7 9:30 Pm Richmond Hill.0ctober23.1869. OPENED OUT YESTERDAY, Tennis Balls, Solid Rubber Balls, Black Jets, Ear Rings, Red, Colored, Opal, Blue and Pearl Necklets, LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS. CONSTAN'l-‘Lâ€"Y 0N HAND A full assortment of GROOERIES,0ROCKERY RICHMOND HILL ~SAW MILL l French Marinas, Henrietta Cloths, Grape Cloths, Sedan Cloths, Metz Cords, Cobourgs, (Sr-0., (fie. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF At Prices that will defy Competition, AND SUITABLE FOR THE A Splondid Aucrtmum of l" AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH mond HiHPostOffico. Untilfnrthernoficofiho mails willbeoloaed atthlsoflice as fuliows NEW SPRING GOODS CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. SPRING & SUMMER TRADE, Black Lustres, HARDWARE, Glassware, Delph, &c. &c. 6w. 0f Good Value at Low Prices. Northern Mail.. ..... ....... ..6:45 Am. Southern Mail. . . . . . . . .. . ....6:45 Lu. 1m; ma. Southern mail . . ..... . .....6:55 PtM. N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes” before the limo of closin . â€" g BRITISH MAILS Are closed at Toronto asfollows: By Cunard Line. every Monday. . . 10:30 1.11. By Canafiian Lihe.9\very Thorsde 10500 mm.’ Canadian and English Tweeds, BLACK BROAD CLOTHS, Doe Skins, 860., &c. See them at the HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL. The rate on Lettersfor the United Kingdom (via Quebecin summer, and Portland in win- ler),is now reduced toG cents per; oz. weight. If sent via New York. it will be 8vcts per 4 oz. Thesoratosnppl onlytoprepairtlotters;ifsent unpaid ,olinau iemly prepaid. there willbe a fine of double the amount ofdeficiompostage. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. INJ}. Letters for Desphtch hy throne hues of Steamers should be so marked 0N EXHIBITION AT ‘ The Fire-Proof Store. 1873. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" Sept. 4, 1872. Richmond Hill, Dec. 9. ’72. Church St" Markham Vil'lnge. J anuary B, 1873. 755-6m HOUSE PAINTING I Richmond Hill,Nr~v 20. IS‘H. Qty $001121, @rumm. FIRE-PROOF STORE, GENTS WANTED. BLACK GOODS, (SPLENDID nuns) ‘AMES. TOYS, &C., FUR SALE AT the HERALD Book Store. ' Colored: Lustres, Figured Lustres, BLACK, COLORED dz FIGURED GRENADINES, DRESS GOODS, SPLENDID STOCK, TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND {y the public that ho his rauommenced business at NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. MARRIAGE LICENSES, ANDREW MAGER, AN IMMENSE STOCK RICHMOND HILL I. CROSBY. Grgcor and Dry Goods Merchant, RICHMOND HILL. A splendid Stock of CONSISTING 0F Charms, DEALER IN SPRING, INCLUDING MORNING. JQHNULUMLEX». D. T. WOOTEN. 737-tf Lacketsz » 1873. Rings, (fie. 751-ly ONTARIO HOUSE. JUST ARRIVED ONTARIO HOUSE BOOTS AND SHOES! _ SPRING TRADE, . . AtAques flagt defy 50mpetztzon. A choise lot of BLACK TARTAR OATS now on hand fit for seed. Also Clover. Timothy and Flax Seed. All kinds of field and garden seeds. Skirving’s Improved Purple Top Swede, Alangel Wurtzel and Car- mt Seed, at [he DOMINION TEA HOUSE. A, MOODIE. IN THE FLOUR AND FEED Department will be found the very best familv Flour manufactured by Rumble & Calvart, Richmond Hill Mills. which has stood the test for a length of lime. and is allowed by compe- tent judges to be the best flour brought into the town. Pens, Oats. Bran. Shorts, Bacon. Hams and Potatoes always on hand Alfkinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange am! the highest market price_p§id. u Rémember the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre St.. opposite Sanderson (f: Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. Consisting of Teas from 50 cents to $1.00, which for quality and flavor,canuot be our. passed. COFFEES, 7 Call and" examine our' stock- hefore purchas- ing elsewhare. as we feel confident we can give pun-feet satisfaction. SANDFO RD FLEMING’S EXPEDI- TION THROUGH CANADA IN 1872, Being a diary kept duringjourney F mm the Atlantic to the Pacific I BY THE REV. GEORGE M. GRANT, Eyer’s Flour kept on hand. which cannot be beat by anything [hat comes to town. Peas, Shorts, Bram, Glover and Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, (the. CHEAP JAPAN TEA, ONLY 25 CENTS PER lb. Choice Teas, Tobacco, Currants, ‘Rmsms, Prunes, Dried Apples, fizz, SALMON TRUU'I‘. cm) FISH. COAL OIL, &c. Splendid Green Tea for 50 cents per lb. Which for strength and flavor cannot be surpassad north of Toronto. A large and beautiful assortment of THE TEA CHEST WINES AND LIQUORS BLOOD'S DUBLIN PORTER. AND O'KEEFE’S ALE. &c. Crockery 6c Glassware, GA DEN‘TOOLS, 61:. Farm. Produce taken in exchange. Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward LONG LIFE PILLS! Salmon Trout, 00d Fish and Labrador Herring. ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" rally be found 'at home from 2 to 3 o'clock. P M. John Elliott. Langstafl' is auth- orized to collect accounts. DOMINION TEA HOUSE, RICHMOND-HILL. .1.) ciiors, Convéyancers,&c., &c.. 0Frcr;s.â€"No. 56, Church Street, Toronto. nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J . N. BLAKE. EDWARD PLAYTER, M.D , (Medalist, Toronto Universitg,) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, 8w. Coroner for the County of York. Residenceâ€"Opposive D. Hopkin’s Store, Car. Youge and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill. March 12. 1873. 7644f THE CANADIAN PUNCH! Out Every Saturday,5 ots. OB PRINTING DONE NEAT AND quick at the You: HERALD Cheap Book and Job Priming Establishment. Has always on hand the largest and best variety of April 9. 187;). February 41H. 1873. Remember in Boots 51171 Shoest cannot be undorsold. SPRING GOODS, Of Halifax. N. 3., Secretary to the Expedition. WITH SIXTY ELUSTRATons JAMES CAMPBELL a; SON. 775 Publishen. Toronto. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, BLAKE &. KINGSFORD, ARRIS'ILERS, ATTO‘RNEiYS, SOLI- ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadultemted, Green. Roasted and Ground-Cofi‘ee; A SPLENDID ARTICLE. Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proqf Store, RICHMOND HILL. xT; Just came to hand, suitable for the PROVLSIONS: A LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES, OCEAN T0 OCEAN.” A Large and Select Stock of glimllanwufi, Also a flue nssortment of firmriw, 8w. ALEX. Ill OODIE' “GRIP” TEAS, FOR SALE BY CONSISTING 0F R. E. LAW. Druggiat, Richmond Hill AT THE R. E. KINGSFORD. M.A 759-” U anynumher-nolexcaedinglhreehfindred dollars by any one dopositnr.) will be received atthe Richmond Hill Post Office.for which Governmentwillallow Interest. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. EMAINING IN THE RICHMOI Hill Post Uflice. lst July 1873: Brillingar. Jonathan Byers. J. T. Bi'axel, John Bond, John T. Baker, Mikel Beers, J N. Clark, Melinda. Carpenter, George Olafi'y, Katie Drummond, Jana: Deadman. John Finuie, Peter Gardhouse. James Gray‘ David Hall, Thomas Hacking. John Jackson, Hannah Kely. Hattie Kirkland, James Keaii. Frank Ludf’ord, Mary McBride. John McMHan. Alex MlcRBB, John Nigh, Jonathan Nigh. Enovh. Kaitte, Robert Rumble. Edward Rogers, Josiah B. Reaman. Daniel S. Seece: Margret Sexton of Church. Sexsmiih, George Scott. Rev. J . Wright, A. Wilmot, J. Wheatol Anu [1. MlNlON. at $6 per IOU foot. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Paila.CiderMills. Washing Machines.Shingles Waggon Felloes.and LumberSawedto order Fox-particulars address And are located at the North-west comer of lot No. 35, 4th concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers cuu get steadywork and high wages. Applv (if by lettcr.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square, or to FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! 'I'nree large barns, two smbbs. and other 116- cessary farm buildings. 'E‘wo spring creeks run across the iol, and picmy of good water abound. It is situated at :1 distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and Wu miles from Richmond Hill. This farm is nonriy ail under- drained, and well fencer whh two good or- chards, am} about Fifty Acres Good Bush. For further particulars, apply, either by letter (post-paid). or on the premises, to J. salon number of Village lols, situated in the village of Ofiicehours: from 6:30 A.M.t09:30 EM. May 4,1869 563-lf AR RISTE RS , SOLICITORS IN Chancery, Notaries, &c. OFFIw.â€"Coufl Street. Toronto. Branch Officeâ€"Division Court Clerk’s office, Rich- mond Hill. Tues. K. MORGAN. HonAcn THoRNE One hundred and forty of which are cleared and well cult "waned. There are on the pro- perty two good THOMAS SEDMAN, ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. &c. Rnsnmncsâ€"Neurlv opposite the Post Office Richmond Hill. Can be had at the Post Oflice. for 10 CENTS A WEEK. Apply to U Hill. containing one ac're and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. with a barn stables. and other outbuildings thereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise-1V m About One-fifth of an Acre, THE MORNING PAPERS 0F TORONTO: RICHMOND HILL TWO HUNDRED ACRE/5' 'fl \IR. TEEFY is Government Agenlfor he sale of Horses'audIVehicies for hire. Charges m0- derale. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. i JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 751-3m ARHISTERS, 650., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A. HARRISON,Q.C. F. Osman. THOMAS Moss, (1.0. W . A‘ FOSTER. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDGK Toronto. Dec. 4, 187?. 7504f A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.32. $5, $5.50, $8.50 and $9. at the HERALD Boox STORE. Rlchmond Hi“. FAMILY BIBLIES, I B L E S 0 C 1 E TY DEPOSITORY (anmond Hill branch) at the HERALD Book Store. VICTORIA SQUARE I 'I'hornhil]. Nov. 3,1869. March 97.1872. Dec. 4, 1872. P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. M11314, 1869. Toromm April 25. [87‘2- HARRISON. OSLER 8t: MOSS, Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. Superior Farm for Sale, EINq LOT 30. 28, .IN _'_rHE_s_EC: ‘EPOSITS 0F ONEUDOLLAB, (_OR_ Patent Raveâ€"trough ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE D0- F0lparticularsapplyto House and Lot for Sale, ‘kaUCAS; STREET, RICHMOND ICHMOND HILL L I V E R Y MAIL. oud concession of'the Township of Markham, containing E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Undertaker. & a. as. (29. flepzxrtmmt. Village Lots for Sale. gammy m 3312, MORGAN 85 THORNE, MARRIAGE LICENSES. JOHN LAszmEF, List of Letters MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. ALSO AGENT FOR THE The lots comam WM. G. HINGS’I‘ON. M. TEEFY,Postmaster. GLOBE. Steam Mins','1‘homhin I". CRAWFORD. MlcRBB, John Nigh, Jonathan Nigh. Enovh. Kaitte, Robert Rumble. Edward Rogers, Josial'l B. Reaman. Daniel S. Seece: Margret Sexton of Church. Sexsmith, George Scott. Rev. J . Wright, A. Wilmot, J. Wheaten M. TEEFY. Richmond Hill P. O. 7501f M. TEEFY, P. M. Hogan THoRNE lfl-xf Richmond Hill 564-“ RICHMOND July 1873: POST OFFI CE. LEADER, Dingla P. 0. 714-! f 753-3m I have carefully examined the pianos sold by Mr. H. B. Reesor. called ,the Humming Bird, 01' Colibri Pianos. [manufactured by Ma. thuseck, and think xhey are wonderfully sweet and pure in ‘one. and from their peculmr con- slruction. calculated to remain in tune longer 'han other pianos. and consequeme to sland a greater amount of wear. HENRY GUEST COLLINS. It Fattens in One-fourth the usual tzme, and saves Food. Price 25 cents and $1 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds. lVJâ€" ed us in the agency in this section for the sale of Massrs G. A. Prince & Co’s cele- brated Organs and Mt1l0d60118,ill favor of which we give our most unqualified approval and recommendation as the leading and moat reliabie reed instrument now manufactured. Sold by Druggists and Storekeepers at 25 cents per box. HUGH MILLER &CO.. Agricultural Chemists. Toronto. It destroys the Ticks, promotes the growth of the wool, and improves the condition of the animal. A 35 cunt box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER (E5 00., Chickering‘ Stainway and Durham Pianos. Also, the celrbraled HUMMING BIRD PIANO THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Desuoys all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. AGRICULTURAL CHEMIB'I'W. 167, King Street East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepera. R. E. LAW, Agent, Richmond Hill. Which is adapted lo parlors where space is an object. The mode of 11s construction is entirely new. and based upon the best known principles of science. Malkham, Nov. 3,187]. Testimonial from Professor H. G, Collin- As nlllit’e-endowed bodies, wlielherthey be Beast, Birds, Reptileansecls or even Zoo- philes. and subjects nf ihe Vegetable Kingdom are governed by vitalforcu, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save them fiom dest: uclinn when this principle leaves them, lhe discovery of means whereby . vitality may be susmilled in the living body is indeed a boon to the world. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingwdients constitu- ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and finds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous system are» strengthened. Prince’s Organs (E: Melmlcous, FATTENS HORSES, cows, CALVES, Sheen and Plus. 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees. As this is entirely distinct and different from- every other preparation of Hypophosphites, b1 careful to ask for FELLOWS’ Svnur,and tako no other. ' SOLD BY APOTHECARIES. Price, $160; Six for 3157-50. JAMES 1. FELLOWS,Chemist. 64-8 St. John. N. B. Fellows’ Compound SERUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. This, then. is substantially the basis on which FELLOW’S HYPOPHOSPHI'I‘ES is built,itl direct action is upon the Blood, the Brain and Nervous Ss’stem, and the Muscles. Strength- ening the nerves, it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organ» of the Body. > In Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Asthma. it gives relief where overv other remedy fails. For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may be ussd with confidencq in all cases. Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Liver. strengthening the action of the Stomach and Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be fiullyin- flalad Wllh Oxygen. It is atlapted for ALL cases of Weakness and Emaciation,whelher arising from sedentary life. a trupicalclimale. from fever or debilin from any causo,and is efficacionsin PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION. many confirmed cases- having been cured and all benefiued. where its use has been continued over a fortnight. Toronto Feb. 28. 1872 TICKS 0N SHEEP“ USE MILLR’S TICK DESTROYER. :fitufiiwt gamtrmumtfi, (Signed) R. H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED Wm game“ Watch. Sheep and Pips. gaunt Eficxlrircinw, CATERPILLARS H. B. REESOR, Notice. DEALER 1N H. G. COLLINS. WM. FLUMERFELT. 714-]y

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