GENTLEMEN,â€"It is quite unnecessary for me to assure you that any represent. tations emanating from persons possess ing the right to speak on public alfairs with such authority as yourselves will always be considered by me with the greatest respect, even had not circum- stances already compelled me to give most anxious thought to the matters to. which you are now desirous of calling my attention. You say in your memoran- dum that four months have elapsed since the Hon. Mr Huntington preferred grave charges of corruption against my present advisers in reference to the Paciï¬c Rail- way contract, and that although the House has appointed a Committee to en- quire into these charges, the proceedings of this Committee have on various grounds been postponed, and the enquiry has not yet taken place. Gentlemen, no person can regret more deeply than I do these unfortUnate delays, the more so as they seem to have given rise to the im- pression that theyhave been unnecessarily interposed by the action of the Executive. It may be premature at this moment to enter into a history of the disallowance of the Oaths’ Bill, but this much, at all events, it is but fair to every one that I should state, viz., that immediately after I had assented to that Act I transmitted a certiï¬ed copy of it to the Secretary of State, in accordance with the instructions by which I am bound on such occasions ; that, leaning myself to the opinionâ€"an opinion founded on the precedent afford- ed by the Act of the Canadian Parlia- ment, which empowers the Senate to ex- amine witnessess on oathâ€"that the Act Was not ultra vircs, I accompanied it by a full exposxtion of the arguments which could be urged in its support, but on the point being referred by the Secretary of ,State for the professional opinion of the law oiiiceis of the Crown, it was pro- nounced inconsistent with the Act of Confederation, and that therefore the postponment of the inquiry, so far as it " has arisen out of this circumstance, has 5 resulted wholly by the operation of laW, and has been beyond the control of any one concerned. You then proceed to urge me, on grounds which are very , fairly and forcibly stated, to decline the advice which has been unanimously ten- g dered to me by my responsible Ministers, and to refuse to prorogue Parliament ; in other words, you require me to dismiss them from my counsels ; for, gentlemen, you must be aware that this would be the necessary result of my assenting to, your» recommendation. Upon what ground should I be justified in taking so grave a step? What guarantee can you aï¬'ord me that the Parliament of the Dominion would endorse such an act of personal interference on my part ? Yen yourselves, gentlemen, do not form an actual majority of the House of Comm-i ons, and I have no means, therefore, of ascertaining that the majority of that body subscribes to the opinion you have announced. Again, to what should ‘I have to appeal in justiï¬cation of my con- duct? It is true, grave charges have 1 been preferred against these gentlemenâ€" . charges which I admit require the mest 1, searching investigation â€"â€" but, as you ' yourselves remark in your memorandum, the truth of these accusations still re- r main untested. One of the authors of the correspondence which has made so painful an impression upon the public has admitted that many of his statements were hasty and inaccurate, and has de- nied on oath the correctness of the de- ductions drawn from them. Various as- sertions contained in the narrative of the 1 other have been positively contradicted. d Is the Governor-General, upon the tl strength of such evidence as this, tol k drive from his presence gentlemen who r for years have ï¬lled the highest ofï¬ces of State, and in Whom, during the recent session, Parliament has repeatedly deâ€" 3 clared its continued conï¬dence. It is J true certain documents have appeared in d connection with these matters of very g grave signiï¬cance, in regard to which if the fullest explanation must be given, u but no proof has yet been adduced which necessarily connects them with the cul- pable transactions of which it is asserted they form a part, however questionable , they may appear as placed in juxtapo- i; sition with the correspondence to which Jt they have been appended by the person ‘ who has possessed himself of them. Under these circumstances, what right. has the Governor-General, on his personal responsibility, to proclaim to Canadaâ€" nay, not only to Canada, but to America d and Europe, as such a proceeding upon 1 his part must neceSsarily doâ€"that he as believes his Ministers guilty of the p‘ crimes alleged, against them. Were it S4 possible at the present time to make a y‘ call of the House and place myself in di- rect communication with the Parliament of the Dominion my present embarass- ment would disappear, but this is a physical impossibility. I am assured by w my Prime Ministerâ€"and the report of _yl the proceedings at the time bears out his 3“ statementsâ€"that when Parliament ad- Y‘ journed, it was announced by him as W a leader of the House, that the meeting on the 13th of August would be imme diately followed by prorogation, and F that no substantive objection was taken E to this announcement, and that, as a fr consequence, a considerable portion of ti] your fellow members are dispersed in p1 various directions. I should, therefore, HnFâ€"‘Aflmnâ€"HM u ’n‘mm a. Zt 3C only deceive myself, were I to regard the 0,. present assembly as a full Parliament. N Since the adjournment, indeed, circum- stances have occurred which render the 5( proximate re-assembling highly desirable, E†but in this country there are physical 1" circumstances which necessarily in terpose Si a considerable lapse of time before the fe representatives of the various provinces ' comprising the Confederated Parliament; of Canada can assemble, separated as u some of' them are by thousands of' miles 1 from the capital of the Dominion. In w] regulating the times and seasons When “’1 Parliament is to be called together, the W Executive is bound not only to consider m4 OTTAWA, Aug. 14..â€"â€"’1'he following is the substance of the verbal reply made by His' Excellency yesterday to the memorial presented to him by the depu- tation of members of the House of Commons:â€" HIS EXCELLENCY’S REPLY TO THE MEMORIAL. THE DEPUTATION. ANOTHER ROPE-VVALKER AT NIAGARA Fursâ€"Signor Ballini, popularly known in Europe as the intrepid Australian Blondin, from the Paris hypodrome, has arrived at the Falls and is actively engaged in making preparations for his feat of rope-walking across Niagara. River. The ropeto be used on this occasion has just been completed in New York and is 1,500 feet in length, nearly 500 feet longer than any cable heretofore used for the same purpose, It will be held in position by 16,000 feet of guys. The Signor proposes to perform all the daring feats heretofore witnessed at such exhibit- ions at the Falls. and a ï¬nal specimen ofhis daring, proposes to jump to the surface of the river below, a. distance of 150 feet, where boats will be in readiness to pick up what there may be left of him. The show will come off some time the last of this month. LATEST POPULAR PHRASEâ€"All irate citi. zen of the Grit persuasmn entered our sane. tum this morning, accents,“ Who wrote that ? †Instead of in- dulging in any Vulgar slang phrases, such as threatening to kick him down stairs or put a head on him, we calmly arose and said, "‘ You leave here or we’ll prorogue you.†It worked like a charm, and he left and demanded in angry precipitately. Two boys were quarrelling on the Market Square, when one exclaimed “Give me them ï¬sh hooks or I’ll prorogue you.†The ï¬sh hooks were delivered. If you doubt the efï¬cacy of that little word, just say to your Grit friends, “ How are you prorogued 7†then you’ll see some tall walking.- Guelph Herald. ONLY $50,000.â€"The notorious McMullen, ofthe Paciï¬c Scandal notoriety, has sued The Mail for the model. sum of $50,000 for defamation of character. We hope he may get it. He has tried to “raise the wind†in so many peculiar and dishonorable ways that it. would be too bad if he was disappoint- ed in his last effort. Besides, we believe he is entitled to it. Bonner holds his horse Dexter at $100000, and surely an ass should be worth half that amount. Let the jury by all means award the fellow his price. â€"â€"Jllitchell Advocate. A man about ï¬fty years of age, accom- panied by a wife who looked still older, ap, phed at the Detroit ticket ofï¬ce of the. Gen- tral road, a few days ago. for tickets to Jackson. When told the price he demurred and asked for second class accommodations. There were none to he had, and after with drawing for a consultation he returned to the window and asked: “ Well, won’t you knock off a dollar if the old woman will ride on the platform. ORILLIA, Aug. 18.â€"-â€"The cricket match between the Toronto and Orillizt c'lubs took place on Wednesday last on the Orillia ground. Tomnto nad one innings and Or_ illia two. Toronto were victorious by 48 runs. A prisoner, hemmed in Georgia the othey day, entre'lted rhe sheriffor permission “to see Hum)th (his wife) for a few minutes.†He wanted to ask her if she would “ stand byvand see him dangle “Hannah agreed to Wolves in immence-numbers have appeal" ed among the settlements near the straits of Belle lsle,and entirely broke upon one settle- ment. 0n the lst of July they attacked a party killing and devouring three men and one woman. The same nithhey attacked the tent of Capt in Chm-lea Murrny‘an Eng lishman on :L hunting tum, and were driven off by rapid ï¬ring on thorn, not, however, until they had tom the tent in several places We learn from Collillgwood that large steamers are now running on Rainy Lake and Lake Winnipeg, so that'farmcrs emi- grating 10 Manitoba can take their horses and farming utensils with them. Barnum spent $10,000 for advertising in St Louis (purchasing a whole page of the newspapers), and had receipts amountig to $60‘000. The moral is brief but pertinent â€"advertising pays. A genuine live alligator meanders around in the Atlanta. (Ga) sewers, picking up chickens, young Africans, and such uncon~ sidered trifles. the reasonable convenience of these gen- tlemen but also to protect the i‘edeia] rights of" the Provinces which they re- present. Under the circumstances I have concluded, on the advice of my ministers, and even if I differed from them as to the‘policy of such a courseâ€"me notâ€"it is a point upon which I should be disposed to accept their recommend- ation, to issue a Royal Commission of inquiry to three gentleman of such legal standing, character, and authority as will command the conï¬dence of the pub- lic by virtue of the powers conferred upon me by the Act Vic. 31, chap. 38. On the other hand, I have determined, in proroguing Parliament, to announce to the members of both Houses my in- tention of their re-assembling immediate- ly the Commission in question shall have concluded their labors. By these means an opportunity will be afforded for the' preliminary expurgation of these unhappy 1matters before a tribunal competent to take evidence on oath. Ample oppor- tunities will be given to the members of the more distant Provinces to make their preparations in View of an autumnal session; and within two months or ten weeks from this date a full Parliament of Canada will take supreme and final cognisance of the case now pending be- tween my Ministers and their aeeusers. Gentlemen, the situation we have been discussing is one of great anxiety and embarassment, but I cannot help think- ing that, on a calm retrospect of the various considerations to be kept in View, you will come to the conclusion that in determining to be guided by the advice of my Ministers on the present occasion â€"â€"in other words, in declining to act as though the charges which have been ad- vanced again them were already provenâ€"â€" and in adhering to arrangements upon the faith of which many of your col- leagues are absent from their places, I have adopted the course most in accord- ance with the maxims of Constitutional Government, and with what is due to those whom the Parliament of Canada has recommended to my conï¬dence. Flour-Snperï¬ne. . . . . . . . . . .».$ 5 50 (TD Spring Wheat extra.. 0 0043 Fancy . . . . . . 5 90 “77 Extra. . . . . . . . . . . .... 5 50 @ Superior Extra . . . . . , 7 25 @ Oaimeal. . . . . . . . 550@ Common! . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . 2 85 FD Bran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 (If) Q) \Vheatâ€"Spring............ 115m) Soulos a‘nd Deihl . . 3"] 00 @ Treadwell . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 ED Barley............. . . . . . . . . 055mm [’ease...................... 055mb Oats . . . . . ............. 042/13 ['luY.......... .. . . 1800/13 Straw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll 00 fa Potatoes. per bag . . . . . . . . .... l 20 ftb Appien, pm; barrel . . . . . . . . ... 2 00 (ID Buntbythe side............ GOD/(D Mutton, by ‘he cal‘case...... 7 ()0 ((D Poultryâ€"Geese... . . . . . . . . . . 0 75 ED Turkeys........... 0 75¢? Chickens. per pair.. 0 55 [(D Ducks. per pair.. . . "(W/1% Porkâ€"Mess................ 18 0057) Extra Prime .. .. ..... 0 on rm Bacon. . . . . . ............... 008/13 Hamsâ€"Salted............. 013 [(3 Summ-d............ (I Ill/('1) Dréssedl'iogs.............. GPO/(D Lard......... 0H ((7) Butterâ€"lb “OHS...†... ... 0 20 @ [’anked............. 015KB Eggs...... 017/0 DriedApplauunnuu... 007@ Salt......‘-.....--........ [50/13 Wool ..................... 044flb Kl A weekly journal of Current Events, Literature. Science and Arts; \griculture and Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sod a! 100 a numlier at the HERALD Book Store: U (Richmond Hill branch) at the HERALB Book Store. ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NE WS, / A weeklv ionrnal of Current Evnnfg, Ear Rings, Red, Colored, Opal, Blue and Pearl Necklets, See them at the HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL. Each Pot and Box of my preparation bears tha Rritish Government Stamp, with the words, " Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. London.†(Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. Oaford Straw, TV. 0.. London, July 1, 1873. 785 OPENED OUT YESTERDAY, Awpoor man 'hyl the name of Holloway is employed by the m-cal'od Chemical Company in New York. who lends his name for a small weekly sum. The medicines sold by this Company are painted off upon the public as my “ Holloway’s l’ills and Ointment.†so that. were they to injure half the communin no diSCredit would fall upon the fabricators ofthess compunnds. but would considerably damage the reputation of my make- As it is not at all necessary for this CREW to incur any expense in the sale of their produc- tions, or to a vow limited extent (trading as they do upon my name), thry are in a position to offer them at a very low price in Canada. where they are purchased by a few Wholesale Houses that I can name, and will name here- after, it‘thcy continue to vend the same. The following are the names and addresses of some of the Houses who get my medicines from here direct :-â€"- Messrs Avery. Brown & Co., Halifax, N.S. Messrs Forsvth 6’: Co., Halifax, NS. Messrs T. B. Barker & Sons, St John, N.B M“ '1‘. Des Brisny, Charlotte Town. REJ. Messrs Langley & (10.. Victoria. B.C. Messrs Moore &, 00.. Victoria, B.C. My Pills and Ointment are sold at the lowest wholesale net prices, in quantities of not less than £20 worthâ€"vim, 8s 6d,. 29s., 34s., per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances mast be sent in advance. These medicines are not sold in the United States. Tennis Balls, Solid Rubber Balls, Black Jets, I HAVE for a considerable time has! considered it to be mv duty to advertise the public of the British Noni] American Provinces against buy- ing from unprincipled dealers medicines em- anating from New York, and sold as my “ Hollowny’s Pills and Ointment.†in which much ingenuity has been displayed in passing them 03‘ as of my make. It is very difï¬cult inde to attempt to mxnmerate the many de- vices to which the parties have had resource. They say, amongst other things. that a new label has been adnpled by them, and with hare-faced eï¬i'onterv caution the public against being deceived by spurious imitations. 3 REAKFAST. â€" EPPS’S COCOA. â€"- GRA'I‘EFUL AND COMFORTING.â€"â€"“By a thorough knowledge ofthe nntiu'al laws which governthoperationsofdigeslion and nutrition, and byacarejul application of the ï¬ns proper- lias of well-selected cocoa, MJ Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables will] a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ liil!s.â€â€"(Z’i,7:il Snrvicc (:‘uzctle. Made simplywltli Boiling Water or Milk Each packet is lalmllodâ€"“ .lAMFS EPPS & ‘70 Homoeopathic Chemists. London." MANUFACTURE OF Cncm.â€"“ We will now give an account of the morass adopted by Mossrs James Epps & (.30.. manufaclm'ea of dietetic :ii'liclos. at their works in the Enslon Rand. l.ondonâ€â€"Cassal£’s Household Gmdt: October 31. 1872. 739-ly BOGUS MEDICINES. H 0 L L 0 W A373 PILLS AND ' ' OINTMENT. Oaimeal. Flour-Superï¬ne. . . . . . . . . . . Spring Wheat extra . Fancy . . . Exll‘a.............. Superior Extra. . . . . ....-~...- Parents, Guardians, Pastors, or others who have young friends in the City or about to come to it, are invited to urge them to come to us. A Reception Committee has been formed; the members of which gladly call on all strangers whom they may hear of from thoseinferesXed. Communications from friends at a distance are gladly re- ceived. - Their beautiful and commodions building, with its Halls, Library, Free Reading Room and Gymnasium are intended at once to in- vite and improve all young men who enter. Prayer Meetings, Literary and Musical En- tertainments are frequently held and open to all. The Young Men’s Christian Association take pleasure in informing their friends and the Christian Public generally of the facili- ties for usefulness which they now enjoy. IBLE 8001 E TY DEPOSITORY CORNER OF QUEEN AND JAMES STS., TORONTO, JUNE, 1873. To Parents, Guardians, Pastors, and others TORONTO YOUNG MEN’S CHRIS- TIAN ASSOCIATION. SPLENDID STOCK, mm 5mm leaving home for residence in flee City of ‘ Toronto. ‘ Yours repectfully, THos. J. Wlem, Secretary. Specisz gyntim: TORONTO MA RKETS. Charms, Toromo, August 21, 1873, .. . . . . . . 550/78 ’heatextm.. U 0043 590“? . . . . . . . . 650@ Extra . . . . . , 725/(3 550® . . . . . . . . . 285F(D 110041) 116er .‘nd Deihl . .. 2?"! 00 KID all . . . . . . . . . . 100® . . . . . . . . U55@ . . 0:35er 042/13 1800/13 11 (VD/(3 12043 QOOKID GOD/(D arouse†. .. . 7 (W ((D .. . . . . . . . . . . 075@ I........... 075@ ns. per pair.. 0 55 [(D 5 60 0 00 6 l0 0 00 7 5O 5 75 0 00 00 ()0 1 l7 1 25 1 20 0 62 0 60 O 43 31 00 16 00 l 95 Lockets! 00242012701906 0011|0l212704 moono70000000 @@@@W@@@@@@®@ mmwmnmnwmnmmu MUOOOGOOUODIO Rings, (ï¬e. Residenceâ€"Opposite D. Hopkin’s Store, Cor. Yonge and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill. EDWARD PLAYTER, M.D , (Medalist, Toronto University,) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, 8w. Coroner for the County of York. J. N. BLAKE. .1) citors, Convéyanners, &.c., 620.. nFFCES.â€"NO. 56. Church Street, Toronto, nexi door north of British American Insurance Buildings. 1» rally he found'nt 'home from 2 to 3 o‘clock. P‘ M. John Elliott Langstaff'is auth- orized to collect acrounts. “OCEAN T0 OCEAN.†SANDFORD FLEMING’S EXPEDI- TIUN THROUGH CANADA IN 1879, Being a diary kept during journey F mm the Atlantic to the Pacy'ï¬c / BY THE REV. GEORGE M. GRANT, LONG LIFE PILLS! In all its branches, and from his experience, careful attention, and moderate charges, he hopes (o recaive a share of the public patron- agm All orders by mail promptly attended to. AND PLAN’ING DONE TO ORDER‘ Painting. V BE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO NOTI- - {V the nublic that. he has rn'mmmnnnmi LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE ‘2 Good Agnms required to canvass Mal-IF ham and Vaughan with anew and what will be a very popular book. None but Jive busix Hess men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Ofï¬ce. RICHMOND HILL SAW MILL ! March 12. 1873. Ranging in price from 30 cents perjb. upward April 9, x875. TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT ‘ [he HERALD Book Store; LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS. CONSTAN'ITE 0N HAND A full assortment of GROCERIES,CROCKERY 0f Good Value at Low Pricey 775 February 4th, 1873 INCLUDING French Marinas, Henrietta Cloths, Grape Cloths, Sedan Cloths, Metz Cords, Cobourgs, ¢§~c., disc. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF 3 anuary 8, 1873‘ A Splendid Assortment of SPRING & SUMMER TRADE. Black Lustres, Richmond Hill, Dec. 9, ’72. At Pricek that will 07qu Competition, AND SUITABLE FOR THE HOUSE PAINTING I Of Halifax. N. 8., Secretary to the Expedition. WITH SIXTY Iâ€"LLUSTRATIONS. JAMES CAMPBELL & SON, 775 Publishers. Toronto CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. NEW SPRING GOODS BLAKE & KINGSFORD, AERIS’ILERS, ATTO_RNEYS, SOLI- Canadian and English Tweeds, BLACK BROAD CLo'rHs; DOe Skins, 800., 860. DR. JAMES LANGS'I‘AFF, ’ICHMQNI} H_I_LL,_ WIL_L GAENEâ€" 1873. SHINGLE CUTTING FIRE-PROOF STORE, GENTS WANTED. Qty (maï¬a, @ruverm. fy the public that he has rauommencea business at The Fire-Proof Store. BLACK GOODS, (SPLENUII) VALUE) Colored Lustres, Figured Lustres, BLACK, COLORED & FIGURED GRENADINES, HARDWARE, ' Glassware; Delph &c. &c. 610. Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proqf Store1 RICHMOND HILL. \T; DRESS GOODS, ANDREW MAGER, A LARGE STOCK OF @im‘cwmwus, 73. SPRING“ 1873. â€"â€". AN JMMENSE STOCK Also a ï¬ne assortment of RICHMOND HILL I. CROSBY. Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant FOR SALE 13" JOHN LUMLEY, Church St†Markham Village. A splendid Stock of TEAS, 0N EXHIBITION AT R. E. LAW DEALER IN CONSISTING 0F R. E. Kmasroan, M.A '. Druggint, Richmond Hill. 755-6m 759-1v 764-tf 751-1y The rate on Letter-5901‘ the United Kingdom (via Quebec in summer, and Portland in win- ter),is nowmduced to 6 cents p61} oz. weight. if sent via New York. it will be 8 cts per ; oz. These ratesapply onlywprspai/llelters; ifsent unpaid ,oriusufliciemly prepaid. there willbe a line of doubletheamonm ofdeï¬cientpOSLage. AT. TEEFY. Postmaster. 'N.B. Letters for-DespflatélrlrEgï¬iese hues of Steamers should be so marked N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes bey‘ara the time of closing. â€"â€" BRITISH MAILS Are closed at Toronto as follows : By Cunard Line. every Monday. . . 10:30 A.M. By Canadian Line.ever_v Thursday 10:00 P.M. D AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH mond HillPosIOfï¬ce. ‘ Untilfnrlher notice.tlxe mails willbeclosed atthis ofï¬ce as follows REMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Post Ofï¬ce. 1st Aug. 1873: Aims, J. LahmanJacob Ambler, W; Lackio, T. J Brillinger, Jacob Morrison, Mrs C. Brown, Charles Mcl‘onnghy. F. Breclm'l. Richard McDonald. John Bain. Sarah . McCav, Hugh Cook. Susannah McBride. John Clark, David Phillips, S. Drummond. Janet Priest. George Giebnor, Mr Ross. Crawford Gardiner. William Rogers, Josiah B. German, John Simpson, James Ingram. J. Simpson. Adaline Kerswell, Chas. Stewart. James Keal, Frank Warwick, James KennekyI J. H, Willson. Robert L. Lewis, Miss ALSO AGENT FOR THE MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. .lJ anynum'nor-noickceedinglhreehundrod dollars lxyany ohe (leposilor.) will be received attlle Richmond Hill Poet OfficeJor which GovernmentwillallowInterest. Oiï¬cehours: from 6:30A.M;t09:30 P.M. May 4,1869 563-†Di. Comlnissionerin B.R.,is Government Agent for issuing Marriage License in the County onork. Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"7 A.M.t0 9:30 P.M Richmond Hiâ€.00t0bel 23.18657. lxegale of RICHMOND HILL V Rémembcr the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre St. opposite Sanderson (f7 Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. Cal] andmcxamiue our stock before purchas- ing olsewhere. as we feel conï¬dent we can give perfect satisfaction. Alfkinds of Farm I’zoduce taken in exchange and the highest market priceApg-xid. Richmond Hill, Novvj‘zï¬, 18h. now on hand ï¬t for seed. Also Glovér. Timothy and Flax Seed. All kinds of ï¬eld and gal-don seeds. IN THE FLOUR. AND FEED Department will be found (he very bes‘ familv Flour manufactured by Rumble & Calvert, Richmond Hill Mills, winch has stood the test for a length of time, and is allowed by compe- [out judges to he the best flour bxought into the town. l’eas, Oats. Bran. Shofls, Bacon, Hams and Potatoes always on hand _ SPRINGI'l‘RADE, _ ' At Pmces that dcfl/fompetztwn. BOOTS AND SHOES ! Southern m ail Northern Mail. . Southern Mai]. . ONTARIO HOUSE ONTARIO HOUSE. CONSISTING 0F Choice Teas, T abacco, Currants, Razsms, Prunes, Dmed Apples, Qt, SALMON TRUU'I‘. con FISH. COAL OIL, &c. Splendid Green Teafor 50 cents per lb Which for strength and flavor cannot be surpassed north of Toronto. A large and beautiful assortment of V CE; "1'5 PE R lb. Skirving’s Improved Purple Top Swede, Alangel Wartch and Carâ€" vrot Seed, at the DOMINION TEA HOUSE. A. MOODIE. HEAP JAPAN TEA, ONLY 25 CENTS PER 11:. ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadultemled, BLOOD'S DUBLIN PORTER, AND O’KEEFE’S ALE. &c. Crockery & Glassware, ' GA DEN TOOLS. &c. Farm Produce taken in exchange. WINES AND LIQUORS Eyer’s Flour kept on hand. which cannot be beat by (u)thng [hat comes to town. Peas, Shorts,B1‘an, Clover and Timothy chd, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, die. P. O. SAVINGS BANK. Consisting of Teas from 50 cents to $1.00, which for quality and flavor,cannoi be sur- passed. AC OFFEES, A SI’LENDID ARTICLE. Salmon Tanyaâ€"00d Fish and Labrador Herring. THE TEA CHEST A choke lot of BLACK TARTAR OATS DOMINION TEA HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. CHMOND ‘ 5% POST HILL #2:?! OFFICE. EPOSITS OF ‘QNEHDOLLAR, (70R F0xpnrticulnrsapplyto . u v ‘ 1 Remember m Boots and Shoes, 1 cannot be undorsold. SPRIN‘G GOODS, ALEX 1!! 0 ODIE Has always on hand the largest and best, variety of TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND . Just came to hand, suitable For the 512. (*3. flanxrtmmt. MARRIAGE LICENSES, Green. Roasted and Ground' Coffee ; MARRIAGE LICENSES. PROVISIONS: A Large and Select Stock of GROCERIES, M. TEEFY,Postmasler. TEEFY in Government Agontfor List of Letters RICHMOND HILL. (Iémeriw, 8w. JUST ARRIVED AT THE MORNING. ENING. Phillips, S. Priest. George Ross. Crawford Rogers, Josiah B. Simpson, James Simpson. Adaline Stewart. James Warwick, James Willson. Robert L. 1%!!!“51: ['1 ‘3}. km ,A\ w. an mm x; M. TEEFY, r. M. .6255 PM. .6:45 AM. 13:45 A.M. Store. Out Every Saturday,5 cts THE CANADIAN PUNCH! WU _I_U Qi’fl‘l Agents wanled ! All classes of working people. of either sex. young or old. make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time. than at anything elm. Particulars free. Address G.‘ STINSON & 00., Portland, Maine. $5 TO $20 BOOKS, PAPER COLLARS . And Cuffs, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. JEWELRY, JEWELRY, ALBUMS, WORK BOXES, PURSES, TOYS, ROCKET OUTTLEEY, A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.89, $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the HERALD Boox Sronn. Richmond Hill. U Undertaker, &c, RESIDENCEâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. THOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKE Undertaker. &c. FAMILY BIBLIES, BARRISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A. HARRISON,Q.C. F. OSLRE. THOMAS Moss, Q.C. W . A, FOSTER. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRJDGE Can be ilad at the Post Ofï¬ce. for 10 cans A WEEK. Apply to Horses and Vohi ii \ "or hire. Charges mo- derale. OPPUSFEJ Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 7513111 AR RIS TE RS ,. SOLICITORS IN Chancery, Notaries, &c. (Emmaâ€"Court Street. Toronto. Branch Ofï¬cerâ€"Division Court Clerk’s ofï¬ce, Rich- mond Hill. ' Tues. K. MORGAN. HORACE TULBNE THE MORNING PAPERS OF TORONTO: ND \VATEHSPOUTS FOR THE DO- MINION, at $6 per IOU foot. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pailsf/idérMills,\Vasl)ing Machines,ShinQIes Waggon Felloes.and LumberSaWedto order I’m-particulars address JOHN LANGSTA FF,_ ' Steam Mills,’1‘hornhill. L (motion of the Anglo American House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those large and commndious premises belong- ing: to Capt. '1‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight & Son’s Novelty VVOl‘hS. Markham. Excellent accommodation afl‘nrded fur the travellingpublic and commercial men. Livery stables in connacticn with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. And are located at the North-west comer of lot No. 35, 4th cnncession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high \vages- Applvflf by lenienprepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square. or 10 WM. G. HINGSTON. .L sale a number of Village lots, situamd in the village of THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Villuoa lam, nihvsflnrl About Oneï¬ï¬‚/z of an Acre, For further particulars. apply, either by letter (posg-paid), or on the premises, to MRS. J AMES CLIFFORD. anee large barns, two stables, and other 118- cessary farm buildings. Two spring creeks run across the lot, and plenty of good water abounds. It is situated at a distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two miles from Richmond Hill. This farm is nearly all under drained, and well fenced, with two good or- chards, and about Toronto, Dec. 4, 1872 HARRISON. OSLER 85 MOSS May 1‘4, 1869 FRAME 'DWELLING One hundred and (beg: of‘ which are cleared and well cultivmeii, '1 here are on the pro- perly :wo good U Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house, will; a barn stables, and other outbuildings thereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on‘tlle premisea’ M- Toronto, April 25,1872 Thornhill. Nov. 3,1869. IS_C_EI_JLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- TWO HUNAM‘QED ACRES N CONSEQUENCE OF THE Sept. 4, 1872. March 537, 1872. VICTORIA S UARE! Fifty Acres Good Bush. Dec. 4. 1872. ICHMONE; WILL LIVERY MAIL. ble for presents at lllé'ï¬â€"EkAEDvhagil ' F. CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill, Dec. 24, ’72. 753~3m Superior Farm for Sale, EING LO'I: no. 2_8, _IN _THEVSECâ€" House and Lot for Sale, N’VEUCAS- ISTREET, RICHMOND NIPISSING- HOTEL MORGAN &: THORNE, 0nd conce’sshm or’lhe Township of Markham. Nut-dining Village Lots for Sale. Patent Eaveâ€"trough Emmï¬gjnxï¬gfle, “GRIP†The lots contam MARKHAM. GLOBE, M. TEEFY, D. T. VVOOTEN. 7374f PER DAY. Richmond Hill P. 0‘ HORACE Tuc‘nm “Hf Richmbnd mu 564-xt LEADER. Dingle: P. O HOUSES l 7504f 510-.1f 7144f 75(le l In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Asthma it gives relief where overv other remedy fails. For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may he used with conï¬dence in all cases. As Ihls is entirely distinct and different from every other preparation of Hypophosphites, bt careful to ask for FELLOWS’ SYRUP,and take no other. SOLD BY A POTHECA RIES. Price. $1430: Six {01‘337-50. JAMES ]. FELLOWS,Chemist. 64-8 ' St. John. NSB. It is adapted for ALL cases of Weakness and Emacintion, whether arising from sedentary a. a ti'opica] climaie. from fever or debility from anv cause,and is eï¬icacionsin PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION. many conï¬rmed cases having been cured and a†beneï¬Lted. where its use has been continued over a fortnight. 1,“,2 This. then. is snhsmmiahy the basis on which FELLow’s Hymmmsmu'ms is lmilt.itl direct ne'inn is upvn the Blood. the Brain and Nervous S‘stem, and lho Muscles. Strength- ening the nerves“. it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitalizod Blood in the Muscular Organs of (he Bodv. Rous‘ingwthe Sluggish Heart and Liver. strengthening the action of the StomaCh and Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyin-’ flafmji mlh Oxygen. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingredients constitu- ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and ï¬nds that by introducin these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous system are strengthened. As aiHii’e-endowed Ivodies. whetherthey be Bonnt. Birds. Rom-11w, Insects or evan Zoo- phitos. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by z‘ilz/lfm‘cc, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save them {'mm deStIDClioll when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vitality may be sustained in the living body is indeed a boon in the worid. Fellows’ Compound SY RUP OF IIYPOPHOSPHITES. AGRICULTURAL CHEMIS’II'B. 167. King Street East, Toronto. ' For Sale by Druggists and Storekeoyers. «' R. E. LA W, Agent. Richmond Hill. TICKS ON SHEEP. USE MILLR’S TICK DES'I‘ROYER. .ll destroys the Ticks, promotes the growth of the wool, and improves the condition of the animal, A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER CO., Sold by Druggists and Siorokeopers at95 cents per box. HUGH MILLER & CO.. Agricultural Chemists. Toronto. THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Demroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- el'piHurs on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. Price 25 cents and $1 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds. It F aliens in Oneâ€"fourth the usual Mme, and saves Food. 0n Currant Bushes and F Wit Trees. I have carefully examined the pianos old by Mr. IT. B. Reosor, called the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pianos. manufactured by Ma- thuseck, and think they are wnnderfullysweet and pure in (one, and from their pecnlu :' cou- alructiou. calculated to remain in tune longer 'llan other pianos. and consequently to sland a greater amount of' wear. HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. 28. 1872. 714-ly FATTENS HORSES, COWS, CALVES: Sheen and Pink MR. H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED A ed us in the agency in this section for the sale nf' Messrs G. A. Prince & Co’s cele- brnmd Organs and Melodeons, in favor of which we give our most unqualiï¬ed approval and rocommendaiion as the leading and most l'ehabie reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) H. G. COLLINS. jvij. FLUM ERFELT. Markham, Nov. 3, 1871} _ ' ' Tesiimonial from Professor H. 6, Collins Chickering; Slainway and Durham Pianos. Also, the celebrated Which is adapted to parlors where space is all objecl. The mode of HS canstrnction is entirely new, and based upon the best known principles of science. Prince’s fll'gans & Melodeons, HUMMING BIRD PIANO 3mm: @thmmtï¬, Sheep and Plps. gamut ï¬tmitinm, 227111: 31:55:21} mun. CATERPILLARS H. B. REESOR, Notice. D EALER 1N