Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 Aug 1873, p. 3

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A Man named Shelte‘txs attempted to murder lns wife and the captain of a steamer, one day at Chippewa. He Wounded his with in the side and in the arm but failed to hit the upmiu. He then tried to commit suecide, but failed. Cause jéulousy. The steamer Marimichi, from Pictou, with 150 excursiouisls,fcr Quebec, went a- sh‘brelion Friday night, in a fog, but was gofgff and beached in a safer puailion. -â€"â€"'l‘he passengers. mails, &c., reached Que- bec on Saturday night. Nobody was drown- ed or injured. The latest contribution to Tichbornia 18 made by the Dunstan Times, which has been given to urn erstand that the long-lost Arthur Orton. whost: name has figured so conspicuously in the celedrated Tichborne case. has lately passed through Clyde, on route for England. It is stated that a Treasury Circular has been issued to all the public depailmems forbiddingr under penalty of dismissal, civil servants of the crown from communicating official information within their cognizance to the press. “ My Lord’s ” have at. the same time transmitted a form of declaration to be signed by the employees to the effect that they will observe the rule. A stampede of buffaloes at. the brink of a cliff seventy-five feet high, beside the Pacific Ocean, supplies for the Denver (COL) .News a. “beautiful little story”, which concludes as follows: For thirty sec onds it rained buffaloes, aud the white sand at the foot of that blulf was incarnadine With the life-blood of wild meat, and not until the tails of fifty or seventyfive of that herd had waved adieu to this wicked world did the movement. cease.,’ A serious fire occurred Sunday night on Lot No. 14, West York, involving a loss of property 10 the extent oi'mcre than $1,000. It appears that at the place mentioned there is an extensive farm, rented by Mr Mc- Glcshnn. The fire occurred between eight and nine o’clock. The crops had been gathered in, and were, of course, complete- ly destroyed. The buildings were. we believe, insured. The glare caused by the {1 ames made a brilliaut reflection on the sky during the course of the evening, and it. 11 ad not subsided until a late hour. Captain Jack, the notorious Modoc In- dian, who murdered Gen. Canby and his nssocintes,i9 to be executed in comptu with several other confederqu who assist- .ed at the assassination. 'l‘ney are to be hanged on the 3rd of'Oclober, at Font Klalnath. A singular freak of nature has taken place upon an apple tree in the yard of Darius Bennett in Blackstone. Two good sized apples, touching each other, have grown directly from the trunk of 1he tree, a. few feet above the ground, and so close to the bark that it IS difficult to distinguish any stem. The original bud and blossom was also in close contact with the bark, and it- is an occurrence so uncommon that many have paid it a visit. All the grading on (he southern exten- sion of the W. G. &‘ B. R. is completed- -exeept about a. mile. They are pushing forward the work With energy, and truck- laying is progressing fast between Winghum and Lucknow. An Indiana man claims to have succeeded in playing a thorungh confidence game upon the potato bugs. He planteda grain of cumin each potato hill. and, us the corn came up first. the bugs thought it was a corn field, and stancd for othersceuus. Try it. A Dreadful storm, accompanied by thun- der and lightning, extended from the eastern shores of Canada to the midlund districts of England on Baturd v, Sunday, and Monday. and much damage is reported. A man employed in Nugle’fl mil], Rock Forest, while sawing bubs, had a piece driven through his upper lip, knocking out his front leclh, and (H.111ng through an the rear of his jaw. He drew out ilie stick at once and is in a fair way ofspeidy recovery. A stone mason of New London took it into his head to perform a dangerous feat last week. Having cut the stone intended for the top piece of the new spire of the Second Congregational Church, he straddled it and was pulled up on it to the top of the spire, where be aided to adjust it in its place. This spire is the tallest in the town. and twenty feet higher than Groton monu‘ mem. ABeard and moustache exhibition and competition is the latest novveily at the Nonh Woolwich Gardens near Londcn. Ajury of lzxdins is to award prize medals for the “ Landsoincsb beards and mous- aches.” The Bidwells and confederates were tried on Tuesday last in London for com mitting the great; forgery on the Bank ol' England, found guilty, and sentenced to penal servitude for lll‘e. Within the past two years a. Detroit repoxter has shaken llamas with thirteen “Buffalo Bills,” alldisplnying the same bountiful supply of “ shooting-irons,” but, every one with a different “ peiz.” A lad, fonr years old, son of Mr Wm Brown, of Proton, Was shot through ihe body while he was picking berries in his father’s fieid, by some party unknown. The child ran to the house and dropped dead. All the hotel keepers in the township of Charlotteville, beinnr ten in number, were arraigned onFriduy before a bench of magis times at Charlottevnle Centre for selling liquor and keeping pnblic houses without licenses. The Municipal Council refuse to issue licenses as per a vote under the Dunkin Act last Spring. The prosecution took place under the new Croolcs’ act, they were lined $20 each. Mr. Lees and the County Attor- ney appeared for the prosecutors and Mr. C. J. Fuller for the defendants. The town hall was crowded to excess with spectators. Josh Billings gives the following advice to young men; “ Don’tlie discouraged if yer mustach don’t grow. It- sumtimes hapeus that where a mustach duz the best nothing else duz so well. The Daily Telegraph publishes reports from all part of England, whioh are gen- erally favorable to the hopes of an early and plentiful harvest. The writs for the elections to the House of Commons in Prince Edward Island have been issued. The nominations take place on the 10th, and the polling on the 17th of September. “We are {awfully and wonderfully made,” as the mun, quoting Scripture. said to his friend as they were looking at the skeleton of a donkey. A Japanese paper states that 382 Japan- ese smdeuts are sludying in Europe, America and China. Only five of the fair sex fig are in this enumeration. A Boston woman wanted to elope, but when her husband gave her the money to go she changed her mind â€"it took all the romance away. It is stated that Prince Bismarck has given permission for the establishment of Good Templar lodges throughout the Ger- mfn Empire. A Balloon ascended at Philadelphia. on Monday and aligh‘ted fifty-two miles away in fifty minutes. It is said that there never was an honest redbreast; he IS always a robin. glam: glimm. “J. P. FREEK’S BRICK-YARD.- We give below a description of the above named brickyards, which are situated in a central part ofthe town on Ross and Moore Sts., east of the L. & P. 8. Railway. The yards were purchased last winter by Mr Freck from Messrs Moore & Lindop who carried on the business previously. The new pro prietor, who thoroughly understands his business. has greatly improved the yards, and is now carrying on increased business. M r Frock gives ( mploytnent during the sum- mer to about 25 hands. and turns out from 10,000 to 20.000 first-class white bricks per day. At this rate our town should not com- plain, as it has been doing, for want of bricks. It appears brick-making as an enter- prise has not been carried on very success- fully here, and the consequence was that our builders and contractors were compelled to leave town, and to go to other markets for their building supplies, thereby leaving money at other places, that. ought to have been left. at: home to encourage trade and manufacture. Mr Freek’s average monthly expenditure for wages and horses is from $800 to $1,000, which is of considerable im- portance to a. rising town like ours, and en- titles Mr Freek to the thanks and encourage- ment of the community for his enterprise. He boasts of having,r a bank of clay that is second to none in the country for the manu facture of bricks. It is a fine blue sand intermixed with a stratum of quicksand. and extends down from 10 to 20 feet; when manufactured it makes a durable white brick. One can judge from the amount of business going forward here, oflthe progress our town is making. We hope soon to see many of the shaky frame structures on our principal streets to be replaced by brick buildings.” ' MURDER AND SUICIDE.â€"SEAFORTH, Aug. 17.â€"â€"A man named Scott,_ a school teacher, who has been residing at Detroit for some time past, returned here on Friday by the night train, and went to his father’s house, about five miles from Seaforth. 1n the town- ship of Hullett, where he met his wife and their youngest child, nine months old. They left there about ten 3. m. on Saturday to go to Mrs Scott’s father’s,Mr John McMillans, across the field and through a piece ot'woods. Not arriving“ at McMillans it Was supposed they had got a chance and had gone to Sea- forth. On Sunday morning a man passing the woods was attracted by the crying of the child wlnch he found in the edge of the woods, and on searching a little he found the bodies of Mr Scott and his wife with their throats cut. Mrs Scott’s body was partially hidden by a log, which during the afternoon her father passed close by as he went to Mr Scott’s house to inquire about them, having heard that they had left for his place iii the morning. Mrs Scott’s head was restmtr on the folded coat of her hus- band, and his body was lying close beside his wife’s. No motive for this horrible deed can be assinged. An inquest was held on the 18th inst., when the following verdict was returned :â€"“ That. Ma'y Scott came to her death by wounds inflicted with a knife in the hands of her husband, Robert Scott, while in a state of mental aberration. That Robert Scott came to his death by wounds inflicted upon his person by a knife In his own hands while in a state of mental aber- ration.” On Monday morning last the miller at Mr Boyd's grist mill, Bubcaygeon, was startled by seeing a strange animal of won~' drous aspect dashing about In the waler issuing from the mill race, and around which is an iron network for the purpose of cat ching eels. The etmuge animal played such pranks that Mr Punshon, the miller, was at first disconcerted. Fimzllv he wmch ed his oppunrtuuily, made a dash, seized hold of a black Hmnelhing, nrd brought out a fine beaver by the mix. A short struggle established the supremacy of man. THE ROPE \VALKER A’l‘ NIAGARA FALLS. â€"Some years ugh, when madin performed the great feat of walking {LCI‘USS the Niu gara River upon a. rowe, he electrified the public by his wonderful nerve; but Since that time other aspirants to fume have ap- peared; and on Monday lust, Bionaiu was thirty cast into the shade by Professor Bell- eni', of Paris, France, whu not only walked across the river, but he jumped into the foaming waters from the ropeâ€"a. distance of 140 fth â€"and. upon coming to the surface, was received in a bout safe and The wants of Great Britain ani Germany in the line ofbreadstntfs seem to be almost without precedent â€" certainly they have never been exceeded. The cable reports that the imports into Great Britain and Ire- land last week were between 40.000 and 45,000 barrels of flour and about 1,500,000 bushel‘: of wheat, and yet, following close upon this, there was room engaged at New York, on the 20th inst.. to load 400.000 bushels of grain, mainly to‘the United King- dom, but part to the Continent. Six'oe 'the year 1849, when they were but abnnt 6,000 miles of completed niili'ond in the country, the railroad sys‘em of the Uniled Slates had increased on January 1, 1873, to 7.1000 miles in actual operation, with 8.000 more in process of Con truclioni 'lho ruillmul slulislics show that in 1858 llwre were 27‘000 miles of roads built, in 1869. 43,000 miles find that since the Will‘ the hull" of the whole has been construclt-d and put in operation. The average railroad growth for the lust live years has been nearly 6,000 miles annually. At a rule of $40000 per mile the (rust of the compleled rmuls would be pmlmps, $3,000,000,000. whi‘n lhose in pm (s5 and not yet com- plettd will cost $320,000,000. “Te clip the following from the St. Thomas Times. The paragmph refers to at Richmond Hill lad, and it gives us great pleasure to notice enterprise among young Canadians, more especially when they are known to most of our readers: surface, was received in a bout safe and sound. The fear, was repeated on Wednes- day lust. This plucky Frenchman may try this feat once too of'len. The Ottawa. Citizen records an instance wherein a boy was saved from drownngr by the enclrling of geese. 11 says, a little boy son of Mr Mensuage, who resides on the eastern bunk Of the canal, near the toll bar, fell into the canal yesterday afternoon. Fortunately a colony (5f geese were taking a quiet hath near the spot. Their cackling drew the attention ofthe child’s mother. who, running down to see what had 0003. Stoned the disturbance, was just in time to save her little one, A moment. later he would undoubtedly have been drowned. It appears that the Alsatians are no more resigned to their fate than they were before military govemment was withdrawn from the Province. A Mulhouse corres- pondent of the Republique Francaz‘se, Paris, thinks that at the next election they will again systematically abstain from voting, as the most. emphatic form of protest against the annexation. This feeling, says the cor- respondent, is very strong at Mulhonse, and atthe third voting for circle councillors only about thirty electors have recorded their votes. The Guelph Hm‘ald'truly says of Me- Mullen’s proposal to extract $50,000 from the coffers oi’lhe Mail as a. solatium for the Wounds which that journal has given his “ character, ” and the remarks of the Grit press thereupon:-“ If Satan himself sued a conservatie paper forspeaking disrespect- fully 01 him. there would not he wantng Grils to rejoice that the dusky gentleman was about to‘ vindicate his chuiaeler.” Flourâ€"Superfine . . . . . . . . . . . . 7$ 5 50 (Fl) Spring Wheat extra . . (r (MEI) Fancy . . . . . . . . ... 5 90 (0 Extra. . . . . . . . . . ..... 6 5” fl) Superior Extra. . . . . . 7 '25 K?) Oatmeal. . . . . . . .....~..... 55(IFCD Cornmeal . . . . . . . . 285 ft?) Bran. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ll (N) /(D Wheatâ€"Spring . . . . . . l 16 ft? Soulus and [)8th . . . l (in @ Treadwell . . . . . . . . . . 7 "0 @ Barley..................... 05wa Poase.......... . . . . . . ...... 055/17) Oats . . . . . . . . ............. 04243 Ha\'................... 1800@ Straw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 no ft? Potatoes. per bag . . . . . . . . . . . . J 2" (‘3 »\pp!e.~.por bm‘ral .......... 200(0) “outbvlhe side,....._...... 600(0) Mutton, by he carcase . . . . . . 7 00 rm Poultryâ€"Heme . . . . , . . . . . . . . 0 75 fr) ’1‘m-lm}s........... 075((3 Chinkans. per pair” 0 55 fl) Ducks. per pair. . . . (5 (w {(3 Porkâ€"Mess .. . . . . . ..... 1800 @ Ex1:af’rilllo......... (Hm/(D Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 08 f0) Hamsésalled‘............. 013 @ Snmlwd............ “WU/a Dressed Hogs ...... . . . . . . . . 6 (’(J {(3 Lard... . . . . . . . r . . . . . 011 f1) Buuerâ€"ib 1:0”? , , , _ _ . . . . . . 0 20 ((3 Packed...” 015/03 97225 . . . . . . 017frb 'Dned Apples... . . . . . . . . . . . . 007/0 Salt . . . . . . ................. lfiflfi» Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . 044E» Will clean all kinds of grain. embracing wheat, rye, barley, and oats and will not choke wiihauylhistley or foul grain. No slick or broo‘n required lo be used. and the maclmne need not at my time be stopped by clogging oflhe Sieve. me‘rmul. AND COMFORTING-â€" -‘ By a thorough k nowiarlge ofthe natural Mws which gnverntheoperationsnfdigeslion and nulrélion. and byacareJul application 61' the {hip proper- ties of well-selected cocoa, MJ Epps has pro- .xr ~ , .- v vidcd our breakfast tables will) a dedicater flavored hevaragn which mar: save US many heavy doctors’ bills.”â€"C'i'nil Sm‘vicc Gazelle. Made simplywilh Boiling “later or Milk. Each pal-km is InlmHodâ€"â€"~' JAan EPPS 6'5 ’70., Homceopalhir' Chmni: 9. London.” NIANUl-‘AC'I'URE 0!“ Coco‘\.â€"â€""‘ We will now (give M1 awcuunt or the process adopted by Messrs James Epns & Co.. manufactures of diulmic articles. at their works in lhe l‘fusmn Read. London”â€"Casscll’s House/Luld Gmdc, October 3]. 1872. 739-” PATENT SIEVE! All orders for this Sieve addresflad to the palentee. Jobn Rae. Lansing P.O.. 0nt,, will l'BCfEIVe prom pt attonlion. Any linh'ihgement on this patent will be punished with the utmost rigo of the law. JOHN RAE. Flourâ€"Superfine. . . . . . . . . . Spring Wheat extra Fancy............ I'lera............. Superior Extra. . . . . Off’ENfib OUT YESTERDAY,- Tennis Balls, Solid Rubber Balls, Black Jets, . Ear Rings, Red, Colored, Opal, Blue and Pearl Ncclclcts, Parents, Guardians. Pastors. or others who have young friends in the Ciiy or about to come to it, are invited to urge them to come to us. A Reception Committee has been formed, the members of which gladly call on all strangers whom they may hear of from those interested. Communications from friends at a distance are gladly re- ceived. ‘ See them at the HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL EVE RY INVENTOR, BUILDER, MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGI- NEER. CHEMIST, FARMER AND MERCHANT, should at once send his name and address wxlh $1.50 for oneyear’s subscription to Prayer Meetings, Literary and Musical En- tertainments are frequently held and open to all. MONTREAL. A Cbpy of first number can be seen at this Office. 766-2 NEW ENGLISH MUSIC ! Their beautiful and commodious building, ‘with its Halls, Library, Free Reading Room and Gymnasium are intended at once to in- vite and improve all young men who enter. CORNER OF QUEEN AND JAMES S'rs., Tonoxro, JUNE, 1873. To Parents, Guardians, Pastors, and others whose Sons, Wards, or Friends may be‘ leaving home for residence in the City of Toronto. " The loung Men’s Christian Association take pleasure in informing their friends and the Christian Public generally of the facili- ties for usefulness which they now enjoy. MUSIC ! MUSIC ! MUSIC I The Canadian Patent Oflicc Record AND TORONTO YOUNG MEN’S CHRIS- . TIAN ASSOCIATION. Farmers and Threshers Take Notice; QREAKFAST. â€" EPPS’S COCOA Yonge Street, JulyI 1872. AE’S NEW AND IMPROVED AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. SPLENDID STOCK, MECHANICS’ 'M [\GAZINE, Yours repectfully, THos J. WILKIE, Secretary. c m 0‘ t ‘ fipvvml gfintzw. TORONTO MARKETS A LARGE ARRIVAL OF GEORGE E. DESBARATS, RICHMOND HILL. TO THE PUBLISHER, Toromo. August 28. 1873, > . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 50 (Fl) 5 60 Wheat extra . . 0 00(1) 0 ()0 . . . . . . ...... 590/0 6H] . . . . . . . ..... 650@ (‘00 Extra...... 725m) 75!) ........... 550ch 575 . . . . . . . . 285m?) 000 . . . . . . . . ll (BO/(D (POI'O . . . . . . 116/1? 117 1nd Deihl... )(‘m@ 125 all . . . . . . . . . . 7"0@ 120 053/143 062 .. . (155/17) 06h 042/0 043 . ISUOQD 3' (N) . . . . . . . .. 11mm» 10'00 I . - . . . . ...... JQVWD 125 200m) son Gunra) 650 arcase . . . . . . 7 on rm 0 ()0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 075/(3 090 07.)@ 12.3 ns. per pair” 0 55 fit) 0 GO Charms, Lockets! Lansian P. 0‘ Rings, (the. 7:29 -tf 0 GO 0 70 l8 ()0 0 00 0 12 0 14 0 1‘2 7 no 0 ll 0 22 (J 17 0 20 0 7;- 0 H) 0 46 In all its branches, and from his experience, careful altemion, and modnrete charges, he hopes to receive a share of the publ'c patron- age‘ All orders by mail promptly attended lo. One hundred and forty of which are cleared and well cultivawd. 'I‘heAe am on the pro- perly two good FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! 'l'nreo lalge hams, two elables, and other ne- cessary larm buildings. 'l‘wo spring croeks run across the lot, and plemy of good water abounds. It is situated at a Ilislzmce of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two miles from Richmond Hill. 'l‘llisl'arm is nearly all under- drained, mid Well fenced, with two good or- chards. and about PLANING DONE TO QRDER. Richmo'nd mu, Dé'c. 9. ’72. 75l-ly LIGHT AND DARK PR INTS. GROCERIES,CROCKERY LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE Fifty Acres Good Bush. For further particulars. apply, eitherby loner (post-paid). or on the pxemises, lo ’r‘HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO NOTI‘ A Sphndid Assortment of .1) chars, Conveyancers. &c., &c.. nFFCI«:S.-â€"â€"N0. 56. Church Street. Toronto. naxl door north of Byitish American Insurance Buildings. SPRING & SUMMER TRADE. Black Lustres, (SPchm u VALUE) rally he found at ‘home from o‘clock. P M. John Ellimt Langstafi' orized to cnllect acvounts. J. N. BLAKE. EDWARD PLAYTER, M.D , (Medalist, Toronto Univm‘sity,) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, 8w. Coroner for the County of York. RPsidenceâ€"Oppnsile D. ankin’s Store, Cor Yonge and Elizaheth St. Richmond Hill. At Prices that will ohfy Competition, AND SUITABLE Foil THE French Marinas, Henrietta Cloths, Grape Cloths, Sedan Clothsfllletz Cords, Cobomgs, (Sn, (EC. A BEAUTIFUL. ASSORTMENT OF‘ Ranging in price from 39 cents per lb. upward NEW SPRING GOODS HARDWARE, Glassware, Delph, 610. &c. &c. Of Good Value at Low Prices. 1. CROSBY, Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, K} A weakly journal of Current Evants. Literature. Science and Arts \griculturo and Mechanics, Fashion and ALJSOMBIIL Sod at 100 a number at the HERALD Book Store' CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. TWO HUNDRED ACRES U \R x “mend Hill branch) at the HERALD Book Store ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS I A weaklv journal of Current Events Canadian-and English Tweeds, BLACK BROAD CLOTHS. Doe Skins, &O., &c. 1873. Church St" Markham Village. January 8, 1873. 755-6111 QICHMOND HILL SAW MILL .! Dec. 4, 1872. HOUSE PAINTING I March 12. 1873 February 4! h . 1873 Superior Farm for Sale, EING L01‘ _No. 278, _IN g‘HEsECj Qty (15mm (firmwfwfi. TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT ‘ the HERALD Book Store. FIRE-PROOF STORE, - 0N EXHIBITION AT The Fire-Proof Store. CONSISTING 0F SHINGLE CUTTING, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMQND HILLt WILL GENFâ€" BLAKE & KINGSFORD, ARRISTJERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- BLACK GOODS, I B L E S 0 CI E TY DEPOSITORY ‘ Color-ed Lustres, ‘Figured Lustres, BLACK; COLORED &,I«‘1GURED GRENADINES, DRESS GOODS, 0nd concession of'the Township of Markham, cautaining fy the public that he has re':ommenced business at Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fim Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. 3" A LARGE STOCK OF AN JMMENSE STOCK ANDREW MAGER, CONS'I‘ANTLY ON HAND A full assortment of gtimummnfi, Also a fiue nssortment of MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. RICHMOND HILL A splendid Stock of TEAS, Painting. SPRING, DEALER IN INCLUDING 403m» yummy, AND R. E. KmGsFORD. M.A Riclnnoixd Hill P. 0. 1873. 759-h' 7644f 52 lo 3 is auth- 7501f U any mun -ar-nolexceodingLnrurhundred dollars by any one depusilor.) will be raceived althe Richmond Hill PostufiicoJur which Governmentwillallow l nwresx. U CENTS man It. Skirving’s Impmmd Purple Top Swede, ' 4110172ch Wurtzel and Car- rot Seed, at the DOMINION TEA HOUSE. A. MOODIE. ONTARIO HOUsE. JUST Amuva ONTARIO HOUSE MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY HEAP JAPAN TEA, ONLY 25 CENTS mm It. BLOOD’S DUBLIN [’UHTER, AND U’KEEFE’S ALE, Sac. Crockery & Glassware, GA DEN TOOLS. 611:. Farm Produce taken in exchange. ' Remember lhe place, Corner of Yonge and Centre St" opposite Sanderson «I: Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. REMAINING [N THE RICHMOND Hill Post Office. 18: Aug. 1873: Aims. J. LahmunJacob Ambler. W. Lackia, T J Brillinger, Jacob Morrison. Mrs C. ‘ Brown. Charles Mc' "onaghy. F. Brockm. Richard Mc Donald. John Bnin. Sarah McCav, Hugh Cook, Susannah McBride. John Clark, Davtd Phillips, S. Drummond. Janet Priest. George Giebnor, Mr Ross. Crawford Gardiner. William Rogers, Josian B. Gorman. John Simpson, James Ingranm J. Simu son. Adaline Kerswell, Chas. Stewart. James Keal. Frank Wavwick. James Kenm-kv. J. H, Willson. Robert L. Lewis, Miss Consisting of, 'l‘oas from 50 cents to $1 00. which let quality and fiavor,cannol be sur- passed. COFFEES, Peas, Shorts, Bran, Clover and Timothy Seed, Flux Seed, Garden Seeds, d2c. WINES AND LIQUORS CONSISTING 0F Choice Teas, Tobacco, Currants: Bazsms, Prams, Dried Apples, $0., SALMON TRUU'I‘. COL) FISH. COAL OIL, Szc. Splendid Green Tea for 50 cents p27“ ‘21) . SPRING TRADE, _ _ At Prues defy cpmpetztwn. )all and examine our stock before purchas ing elsewhere‘ as we feel confident wn can give pm‘feI-t smisfat-tion. Ofiicchours: from 6:30 A.M.t09:30 P.1ll- May 4,1869 5634f Eyer’s Flour kept on hand, winch cannot be beat by mnylhing that comes to town. BOOTS AND SHOES! Department will he found the very best famih‘ Flour manulablurad by Rumble 6'1, Calvarl, Richmond HM Mills. which has stood the 1831 for a Ienglh ol' lime. and is allowed bv conva- Lent judge» to be the best, flour lnnuuht inlo the town. l’eas, ()als. Bran. Shorts, Bacon. Hams and l’otaloes always on hand A clloibe lot of ULA('K TARTAR OATS nnw on hand fit Ior seed. A‘so Clover. Timothy and Max Seed. AH kinds of field and garden sogds. H kinds of Farm Pnodune taken in exchange and tho ighest market Nico paid. THE TEA CHEST Salmon Trout, Cod Fig/2 and Labrador Herring. A R RISTE RS , SOLICITORS IN Chancery, Notaries, 6L0. (“Fl-Wm: â€"Court Street. Toronto. Branch Ofliceâ€"l‘ivision Court Clerk's oflfice, Rich- mond Hill. ’I'Hos. K4 MORGAN. Home: THoaNE U King Street, East. Torunlo. V R. A.II-uu:1s0N,Q c. F'. OSLER. ‘I‘Honus MOSS, Q.C. W. A Fm: CHARLES Moss. W. G. FA! 2 Good Agents required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with anew and what will he a very popu!ar book‘ None but live busir ness men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Office. RICHMOND HILL Horses and Vehicles for hire; (‘harges mo- deralu. Opposite Sanderson &Sons JOHN BROWN, Proprietor; Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 751-3m DOMINION TEA HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. “Jun. ’I‘I-mFY is Government Agenlfol' hesaleof Toronto, Dec. 4, 1872 Has always on hand (113 largest and best variety of P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. HARRISON. OSLER & moss, zAliflIS’JSERS,V&O.,VNOS. 36 AND 38 Toronto, April 25. 1872 SPRING GOODS Which for sOronglh and flavor cannot be surpassed north of I‘oronto. A large (ind beautiful assortment of Remember in Boots in?! shoeml cannot be undm'sold. EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (0R FOIgiartiuularsapplyto ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadultemled, GENTS WANTED. Green. Roasted and Ground Coffee; A SPLENDID ARTICLE. ICHMOND HILL LIVERY Just came to hand, suitable for the PROVISIONS: (1.3.. @emrtmwt. IN THE FLOUR AND FE5‘D MORGAN 8; THORNE, GROCERIES, MARRIAGE LICENSES A Large and Select Stock of List of Letters @xnmiw, 8w. A LEX. M OODIE ALSO AGENT FOR THE M. ’l‘liEFY,Postmasler AT THE 7i] w. A Fos'rER. W. G. FALcmBRmGE M. TEEFY, v. M. Home: THOKNE kmf POST OFFICE 75(I-tf' l traction of Ihe Anglo American Hnum by fire. the subscriber has taken and filled up those large and connnvdious promises halung inu to Capt. 'I‘. A. Milne, 0pm»th Meswh Spoiglu 6'1. Souk- Nnvol~y Wm'ks. Markham Excellent act‘ommor‘mmn afl'nrded lbr Mu travel-ng public and common-(rial man. l-ivwx stables in connactiun with the howl. Banter Ale and Porter. MINION. at $6 per HIU (001. Also Flour ing and other Lumber Dressed: Sap’l‘nckels. Pai‘slliderMills. Washing \1acllines,ShiImIe> Waggon Felines. and LumberSawedto order Forparticulam address And are lucmed at the North-west, come» of lot No. 35, 4th cnncesaion of Markl’am. in a Pectin“ wlmre mechanics and labcrem can get sleadywurk and high wages Applx- (if by'epaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square, at to ’ U Hill. containing one acre and a quarler of land, one l'ramo dwelling house, will) a burn stables. and other outbuilmngs Lhoreon, Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise“ M l salea number in the village of VIBE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number 01' Viihge lots. situated About (/nefjlh of an Arm (TIM/4.53 S EDMAI‘TY (NARRLKHL‘ 1ND WAGON MAKER J . Uudr-m: UL Ruslmv'nz - uni-j \-;.;,o.eite the Post Offive Richmond v, _ r'lil’h‘H SUPPLY, A! $1.89, $,‘). $5.51). iii-£50 and $9. at klm HERALD BooK Sronn Richmond Hill. $55 TO $20 JEWELRY, JEWELRY, ALBUMS, W 0 R K B o X E S , PURSES, TOYS, (11)!) 1U ‘ll’é‘l Agents wanted ! All clamas of working people, of eilher sax. \oung or old. ma 6 mom monm‘ at work for us in their film" moments, or all the limo. than at anything elm. Particulars fro-e. Addnes‘ G. S’l'INSON ISL (10., Portland, Maine I HAVE for a onnsiderahle tims nasl considered it to be mv duty to udvr rlisa the public of lhe British Nonh American Provinces against buy- ing from unprincipied dealers medicines em- anating from New York. and FUN as my (Signs ) THOM Is HOLLOWAY. 533. Olford Strum. W. C . Lon/Ian, July I, 1873 785 I‘ Hollaway’s Pills and ('intmem." in w’ ich much ingenuitv haw heen displayed in p ‘sing them off as of my makef It is very difficult indt‘ed to attempt to enumernta the many de vices to which the parties have had res-ounce. They say, amongst other things. that a new label hate been adopted by them. and with bare-faced efi'mnterv caution the public again“ being deceived by ~purinu< intitnti'ms. Avpoor man “by. the name of Hunt-way is glnplnyod by the ko-cal vd ("hemlvnl Company in New York who lends hie name fur a small weekly sum. 'l‘hn men‘icinrs blald by this Coman are palIm-d ofl' upon the public as my " Holl- Way’s I’ills and ()inlnn-uL” so that werethov to injure half Ihe communin no discredit would fall upon Llu fabricators oflhess compa‘uuds. but Wuuld considerably Lama-g3 the reputation of my u aka» My Pills and Ointment are sold at the lDWest wholesale nex plieefl. in quantifies of ant less than £20 wmthâ€"vizu 8s “d” 29:4 . 34s .per dozen boxes of Pills or pow 0| Oimmnnl. for which nâ€"min net‘s mast bn sent in advnnms. These medwmes are not so!d in tho Uniwd Stale-s. Each Pot and Box of mv preparation hours tho Rvilish Guvvmmeut Stamp, with 1‘ 0 words, “ Hulluwny’s PiHs min Ointment. London.” BOOKS, PAPER COLLARS - And Cuffs, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE r[HE CANADIAN PUNCH! BO G US M E ’y‘IC'INES. I{OLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTVIENT. As it is not at all'm‘cmsarv fur Ihis (‘nvw to incur any expensu in 41m S‘Ih‘ of tht-ir produc- tions. nr In a verv imi ed extent (trading rm they d1: :2} 2n luv name). 1h: y mo in '1 pn~ilion to of? v' 'hrm a: a very low price in Panama, whN'n ' :xrn puacflmsod hv a fuw h’hoh-suie Hmm ‘m I can name. and will name here afam, w, cuminun 1n vrn'd the same. '4‘?“ 4‘ - .wj me. the mums and ddro sex OfW .' :Hnw Whyget my medicines of w w» -' Chanda-.1 wE‘n net luv f I” u run; x Mr.- » wvu A; (70., “3’”? Men-r, .‘ Con Halifax. NE Mns- . ‘ « Hrlzer A" Sm», SI Ju M- ’i‘, '-. Hrtmy. (Thailmia Town. MPSSD‘N .mIglev & ( 0 Vivluria 8 Nexus Muom a; (To.. Victoria, B.C S [cm . Out Every Saturdayfi cts LUNG LIFE PILLS! DAMN VICTORIA SQUARE! N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" Sept. 4. 1872. Thornhill. Nov March 97, 15179. April 9. 187‘;- I". CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill, Dec. 24. ’72. 753-31)) Patent Eaveâ€"tmugh ND WATEKSPOUTS FOR THE DO House and Lot for Sale, NWIfUCAS‘ STREET, RICHMOND ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for plosouls at the HERALD Boon NIPISSING HOTEL, Village Lots for Sale. anpertg fur 5m, P0 CKE T CUT’I'LEA‘ 3", JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills .Thornhill ILNov. 3,1869. 5H)-.lf ‘ '\\'u A; (70., Ua’ifax. NS. Co” Halifax. N S A" Sm», St John. N.B ny. (Thailmia 'I‘nwn.‘ REL “GRIP” The |ols comam FOR SALE BY AYOR’S \VM . G. HINGSTON. Diupla I’. 0 '9. 71441‘ MARKHAM. D’LIES, '1 LAW. Druggint, Richmond Hill D. 'I‘. WOO'I'ICN. 737-1? Viilage lots. situated PER DAY Chick 1V1 ed us in the agency in Ilnissnmion for the snla of Messrs G. A. Prime 6: Co’s cele- brated Organs and Mokudeons, in favor of which we giva our most unqualified approval and venommendulion as the loudiug and most reliabis‘ reed instrument now manufactured. D EALER LN Prince’s firgzms 61 Melodeens, HUM MING BIRD PIA NO Which is rumpled i0 parlors where space is an objuuL 'l'he mo-lo of Its unuslmvliuu Is omiroly new. and based upon the best known principles of science. l havu 'arefnlly examined the pianos so d hr Mr, U. B Rumor. called the Humming llird, 6r Coliln'i PM]! Hi. manufactured by Ma- Illnsocli,antl Hunk they are wanderfullrsweet and pure In 1mm. and from their peculla. con- sil'uullnll. calculated to remain in tune longer 'llan mhcr pianos. and consequently to slan'd a greater amouhl of wow. Testimonial frém Professor H. G, Collins Price 95 0mm and $l 0“ per box. A doliar box contains two hunde 1‘) reads. animal n- u.) lambs. As alllifo-endowed bodies. whelherthey lu- Bonsl, Birds. Hoplihs. lusevts or evun Znn» phites. and snhjt-(zxs of the Vegetable Killgdum arr. gorurwu/ I/g/ rifulfnrm, whiI-h binds all [he- splingN oi exzsu-nae. and ts nollvingcan saw them " 0m rivsl‘m-Iion when this prinrfiphx leaves Iimm,\l10 di>covm'\' nl' means whmetw' vilmilv may he snsluh‘H‘d in the» living body is indv‘od a boon lo the wor’ . Moder-n clwmislrv has ventilated the (tum; 0n and flisnnvel'od tho ingrrdients cnn..tim tinytln-hr.’1in. mus-Mas am! “WIVES, and fit. that by introducing these ingredients in pvt». proportith the brain and nervous system at Hmngtlmnrd. In Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Aslln: it gives relief where overv other remedy far For Nm'vons Déhillly it stands unrivall. and may he “sud with confidence in all was: As his is enlirely distinct and different f'r: every other proparaflon of vaopl'uosplliles. 5 careful to ask for FLLLOWS’ Summand talv no other. It Fartens in, Unaffimflh the usual Mme, and saws Food. Amucumunu; Cumnsi-s. 167 King Street East, 'i‘ol'oulm For Sale by l)ruggi.~ls and Storekeepers. R E. LAW, Agent. Richmond Hill‘ This. then. i< substantially the basis whirl] Fr:l.l.ow’s HYPHI’UOSPHI'IES is lmilt.z div-em avliml is upon Hm Blood. the Brain ar Nervous Swmm, and the Muscles. Hung} oning Hm nerves. i1 canses the rapid (l‘sllim tiou oI‘ Vitalized Blood in the Muscular 01‘3‘ ' of the Bad)" II resn'ovs Ihe Ticks, promotes the growth of the wool, and improvrs the condiliun of tho animal A 35 cunt box will clean 20 sheep or Fellows’ Compound 81 RUP OF HYPOPlâ€"IOSPHITES'. It IS adapin for ALL cases of Weakness r.» Emavinlinn. whmher arising fiom sedan!» lif'u. a lrnpir-n) rlimate. from fever or mlw from nnv causo,and is efficacious in l' NARY CUNNUMPTIUN. many confirmed having been cured and all benefiued. where us’e hw been continued nvnr a fortnight. Rnucing the sluggish Heart land Liv» strenyllmuing the M‘Iion of the Stomach n‘ Wowels and mmhling the Lungs to be fiuily ., flaled wllh ()mge'l. SOLD BY A P07‘HEOARIES. HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. 28. H572. 714-ly 64-8 Markham. Nov. 3. 1871. TICKS 0N SHEER. USE nxumn’s TICK DES'I‘R'OYER. ATTENS EQRSES, cows, CALVES’, gfilrmicai fixafitrxztzzvntfi, (Signed) cling We gumuamm. Shaop and l’Jps. ‘. H. 13. REESOR HAS SUCCEED gamut Eéflextitium CATERPILLABS H.B.REESOR, Price. $31-50: Six for $760. JAMES l. FELLOWS,C|\emim.. St. John. N.B. Stainwa)‘ and Durham Pianosl A so. the cal; hrated A grit n Mu ml Chemist‘s, 'I‘oro uto, HUGH MILLER SA (10., Notice. I]. G. COLLINS. w m. FLUM murmur. Wygmgwdflmv 2‘3 ’59 i a: x &. qr?

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