' YORK TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. The Council met at the Prospect ap House, Eglington, on Monday, Sept. 1st Were read and approved. Communications were received from relative to nuisances in Weston; from John Wesr the Rey. W. A. Johnson agreeing to adopt afoundling child; from A. A. Riddle, Superintendent T. S. P. H., re Robert Watts; from N. Stephenson, in the matter of a road crossing west of Carleton Station, on Grand Trunk Railway; and from Wm. Burland, asking the Council for a por- tion of road allowance in front of his dwelling house at lot 25, 3rd concession West York. The following written opinions were receiVed from T. H Bull in the matter of Attorney-General v. Toronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway Company, and in the matter ofcrossing at lots 10 and 1], 5th concession West York; and from R. A. Harrison, in the matter of High School assessments. Circulars were received from the De- partment of Public Works, relative to drainage debentures, and ftom the Deaf, and Dumb Institution, Bellevillc, stating the terms of admission Io the Institu- tion, and enclosing by-laws. Petitions were received from} William James and 45 others, praying that Jacob Cummer be appointed Inspector of Weights and Measures; from the trus~ tees of High School, No; 1, asking the Council to assess the township for High School purposes for 1873; from the sidewalk Commissioners at Davisville With report; from Wm. Hogg, at al praying for aid for Mrs. Wicks; and from Mary Chambers, praying for a cer- tiï¬cate to obtain a tavern license. The Clerk and Treasurer informed the Council that his‘ post ofï¬ce address in future will be Eglington. The Reeve was instructed to write to Messrs. Smith & Morton to remove a fence erected by them on the road be- tween lots 5 and 6, lat concession from 'the bay. The minutes of the previous meeting several readings andpassed. and was laid over. year. dollar for High School District No. 2; 14ths of a mill on the dollar for High School District No 3, which received its several readings and passed. Mr Burton, seconded by Mr Milliken, moved that the license granted to A. Size,to keep an liotcl,known as the Union .Hotol, situated in the village of Union- .villc, be transferred to Thomas Hunter, be having furnished the necessary certi- ï¬cate as required by law. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Lane. moved that. the sum of $15 be granted Jane Hespey, a deaf mute who has no means of support, that has been living upon his charity; the above grant being conditional upon the corporation of Vau- ghan granting the sum of $20 for said purpose. Mr. Millikcn, seconded by Mr. But- ton, movcd that the sum of $1.50 per week be granted to Robert. Anthony, an old andinfirni person, during the plea- sure of this Council, to date from the 26th day of July last, said suir pay- able on the order of Albert Clarry. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr Lane, moved that the sum of $2 be granted to Mrs Grooves for extra care to a found- ling child during its sickness, said sum payable on order of Mr Lane. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the sum or $5 per month be paid to Mrs. Grieves for support of a foundling child placed in her care by this Council, the above grant to com- nicncC from the 15th day of August last, and to continue to be paid during the The Reeve and Mr Bull were instruc- ted to ascertain the terms on which road can be obtained through the pro- perty ochil Meehan.- The Reeve and Clerk were instructed to issue a certiï¬cate to Mary Chambers to enable her to obtain a tavern license when she obtains the Inspector’s certiï¬- cate. Messrs. Win. Nason, John Par-' ker, and \Vm. Hunter, were appointed [Health ofï¬cers. The Clerk was instructed to deliver to; the Collectors’ Rolls for 1873 upon ' receiving from them the usual bonds. The Clerk was also instructed to as- certain if the land applied for by Wm. ' Burland has been leased or otherwise disposed of. I The Treasurer was instructed to pay the following sumpâ€"â€" To Win McBride, $15.00; Mr. and Mrs. Rowells,,$5.00; Mrs Milan, $4.00; \Vm. Baker, $6.00; Mrs. Wicks. $4.00; the Reeve, for indigent persons, $10.00. A by-law, No. 419, was introduced to amend by-law, NO. 374. , A bylaw, No. 420, was passed to re- pleasure of this Council, said sum pay- able on order of the mover. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the sum of $40 be and is hereby granted for the purpose of ditch ing and otherwise improving the road, in front of lots 30 and 31, in 5th Con., and that Messrs James Gorlnley, \Vm. Mustardhnd Chas. Spoiï¬trd be Commis- sioners to expend the same; said sum payable on order ofthc commissioners when the work is completed. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the account of Samuel Wil- son, road overseer, amounting to $7.15, being for plank, for culvert and stone for break-water in road beat No. 8, b7} 'paid to his order by the Treasuru‘. v Mr Lane, seconded by Mr =Marsh, moved that a grant of 35 be made for opening ditches and improving the hill on the west side of the German Mill creek, CII the townline 'betwoen this Township and the Township of York, on condition that the municipality of York grant an equal amount, and that Samuel Wilson and Wm. Hood be comâ€" 'vive and amend by-law, No. 359. ’ The Connoil then adjourned, to meet got the Prospect House, Eglington, on Monday, September 1st, 1873, at _11’ 9.701601: azm. ' J. I ILLsoN, , Clerk and Treasurer, YORK TOWNSHIP. Willowdale, July 14th, 1873. d MARKHAM COUNCIL. The above council metat Size’s hotel, I Unionvillc, on the 30th ult. Members ' all present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes1 of last meeting were read and approved. COMMUNICATIONS. 0 From M. Teefy, Clerk. Richmond Hill, asking when it would be conveni- vent for the committee appointed by the .Markham Council to arrange matters as 'to the assets and liabilities between the two munictpa‘lities, for the purpose of adjusting the same. From H. R. Corson, Clerk of the vil- lIago of Markham, notifying the Council of the appointment of Messrs J. Speight, 'T. A. Milne, and H. Mcgill. a com- mittee, to meet a committee ap- pointed by the Township, to adjust all claims pending between the said munici- polities. From Mr Marsh, Secretary Board of Trustees High School, Richmond Hill, District No 3, asking the Council to levy and collect, for High School purposes for the current year, from the rateable property of that portion of the district lying within the municipality, the sum of $93.06. ‘ From Rev. Mr Carmichael, Chairman of Board of High School District No. 2, asking this Council to levy and collect‘ from the rateable property within that portion of the municipality lying within thesaid district, the sum of $267, for High School purposes for the current year'. 'Froni Dr. McCauslnnd, certifying that Robert Anthony was examined by him professionally, and found hiin unï¬t for physical exertion, in consequence of old age and severe ruptures. From Win. Fierhellcr, asking to be appointed Township Inspector of weights and measures. From Thomas Thompson,asking to be appointed collector for the western part of the township. Report and aï¬idavit of P. S. Gibson, P.L.S., relative to replanting monument at South-west of Lot 1, in 3rd Con. Mr Button reported thathe had made enquiry into the matter relative C. Cro- zier, and learned that he was not a resi- dent of this municipality, and was earn- ing wages at the rate of $1 per day. He recommended that no aid be granted him by this Council. ' Mr Milliken reported that he,had vis- ited Mr Anthony and found, upon en- quiry, that he is old and very.mucli en- feebled by diseases caused by no indis- cretion of his'own, which was further , established by the certiï¬cate of Dr. Mc- Causland. He recommended that the relief granted heretofore be continued. Mr Lane introduced a By-law in blank, for appointing Collectors for the current year, which was ï¬lled with the names of Thomas Thompson as collector for thcvwest side, ann Jacob Pike as col- cotor for the east side, and received its ' of Wm. Meek as pound-keeper. missioners to expend the same, said suu’f‘payablc on order of the commission- ‘CI‘S. ' , Mr. Button introduced a B" w v- . , y s I'Iking out the name‘of A Size as pound k’ecper,and inserting that of Thos. Hunter ; also striking Cut the name of John Webber, and inserting instead thereof the name The Bylaw received its several readings and passed. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the account of Aaron Bell, for 1,152 feet plank, and $3 for repair- ing the bridge between lots 15 and 16, in the 5th Con., amounting in all to $14 52, said sum payable on order of Tlios. Trann, overseer. Mr Milliken, seconded b7 Mr Lane, moved that the account of Peter Pike, overseer ofroad Division No. 53.2Imount~ ing to $6, being for plank account, Open- : ..I ‘ ing water course, and securing the but- mcnt under Church St. bridge, said sum payable by the Treasurer on order of Peter Pike. Mr Lane. seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that. $8 be paid to P. S. Gibson, P. L. S., for planting an iron bar and (mder post to mark the place of an origi- nal monument on the south-west part of Lot No. 1, in the 3rd C0n., it being part of grant made for that purpose at the meeting of this Council in the month of May last. Mr Milliken. seconded by Mr. Lane, Mr. Marsh introduced a Byâ€"law to point an Inspector of weights and meaâ€" sures, which rcceivcd its ï¬rst reading Mr Lane introduced a By-law to as- sess the municipality for general purpo- ses for the Toronto and Nippissing RR. rate, and the special rate for High School Districts Nos. 2 and 3 for the current 3 mills and a ith on the dollar for Township and County purposes;1 2-10Ihs mills, interest and sinking fund for pay; ing of bonus granted to T. & N. R. by the municipality; 17th ofa mill on the to John Langstaif for the support of ' give, :n. account of the process adopted by moved that Messrs Eakin and Marsh be and are hereby appointed a committee to investigate the grievances laid before this Council by Mr John Welsh, in res- pect to a trespass road running through his property, and report at the next. meeting of this Council. The Council adjourned, to meet on the last Saturday in September. One year ago this month the American communin was somewhat surprised, and not a little amused, by the announcement then made that ex-Mavor Knlbfloisce, of Brook- lyn a soptuagcnarian, a. very wealthy man and the widower of three wives already, was involved as defendant. in no action for damages in the sum of $150,000 for breach of promise of marriage. A widow lady named Mary Frances Wade,\vas the plaintiff and she was generally reputed to be ï¬ne looking and highly accomplished and was only thirty years of age. The suit was never brought to trial in consequence of de- lays sought hy the defendant, and meantime, as is generally known the “honest old Dutch- man.†as he was called. Was taken ill and died, and this it was believed put an end to the suit. On the 1st inst, however. an op- plicatiou was made to Judge Neilson, in the Brooklyn City Court, to have the case re opened and the action continued against the estate, the executors of which are the late Mayor’s sons. Charles H., Albert M. and Franklin H. Kalbfleisch. These gentlemen will now be defendants in the action. The counsel moved for an order to compel the executors to show cause why the suit should not be brought against the estate, and the Judge granted it, making it returnable Oil to morrow (Saturday) This is the ï¬rst suit of the kind which has ever been brougt in Brooklyn. A serious irregularity has been discovered on the part of one of the clerks in the Mon- ey Order in Halifaxâ€"an embezzlement to the extent of $7,000. The clerk was arrest. (1 and lodged in jail on Monday afternoon. need not at my time be stopped by clogging \ ‘-'..' . _,.__ gum (hunt a, Electrics 1873. SPRING: 187:; -__ TORONTO YOUNG MEN'S CHRIS- TIAN ASSOCIATION. CORNER or QUEEN AND JAMES Sis, TORONTO, June, 1873. To Parents, Guardians, Pastors, and others whose Sons, Wards, or Friends may be leaving home for residence in the City of Toronto. AN gMMENSE’ STOCK The loitng Men’s Christian Association take pleasure in informing their friends and the Christian Public generally of the facili ties for usefulness which they now enjoy. Their beautiful and cominodious building, and Tweeds, with its Halls, Library, Free Reading Room BLACK BROAD CLOTHS and Gymnasium aré intended at once to in~ . ’ vile and improve all young men who enter. 1 Doe SlKlnb’ &0" &0' Prayer Meetings, Literary and Musical En- l tertainments are frequently held and open to all. ON EXHIBITION AT The Fire-Proof Store. CONSISTING OF CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. A spleiidâ€"id‘Slock of D R E S S G O O D S , At Prices that will defy Competition, Parents, Guardians, Pastors, or others who have young friends in the City or about I to come to it, are invited to urge them tol come to us. A Reception Committee has been formed, the members of which gladly call on all strangers whom they may hear of from Ihoseinierested. Communications from friends at a distance are gladly re- ccived. AND SUITABLE ron THE SPRING & SUMMER TRADE, Black Lustres, (SPLENDID vawn) Colored Lustres, Yours repectfully, Tuos J. WILKIE, Secretary. Figured Lustre“: “"9 BLACK, COLORED a. FIGURED GRENADINES, A Splendid Assortment of \n-n ’I‘ORON TO MA RKETS. Toronto. September Ii, 1873. NEW SPRING GOODS THE T (Altamira, DOMINION TEA HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. I’ll CHEST E ALEX.- MOODIE Has aIWRys oII hand the largest and best variety of GROCERIES, Consisting of Teas from 50 cents to $1 00. which Ior quality and flavor, cannot be surâ€" passed. C OFFEES, Green, Roasted and Ground Coffee : A SPLEN D1 1) ARTICLE. Salmon T rout, Cocl Fish and Milo" W'wre mechanicsalw‘ V'brrer'wmget‘ Labrador Herring. P R 0 V 17531 0 N s : Eyer’s Flour kepi on hand, which cannot be beat by anything that comes to town. Peas, Shorts, Bran, Clover and Timothy Seed, Flam Seed, Garden Seeds, (he. WINES AND LIQUORS ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadultet‘aled, BLOOD’S DUBLIN PORTER, AND _ O’KEEFE’S ALE, 8:0. I Crockery 65 Glassware, HEAP JAPAN TEA, ONLY 25 Skirving’s Improved Purple Top Swede, A. MOODIE. ONTARIO HOUSE Tobacco, Currants, dim, Splendid Green Tea for 50 cents per lb. Flourâ€"Superfine. . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5 70 ï¬t) 5 75 Spring Wheat extra . . II ("WE U 00 B L A C K G O 0 D S , Fancy 61010 b' 10 ’ CA DLN TOOLS. die. _ . . . . . ......... INCLUDING . grim“. . 675315?» I; French Mew-nos Henrieita Cloths Grape Farm Produce taken in exchange. nporior .xtra. . ’ J' a . Oatmeal. . . . _ , . . .. . _ . .. 5 so «a 5 75 Cloths, Sedan Cloths, Metz Cords, Eornmeal. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . “2 g 03 Cobourgs, (51L, (Dc. CENTS PER 117' ‘rnu.............. . . . . . . . . i t l ‘ VVheatâ€"Spri'ng . . . _ . . . . . H, I 18 r.» ] 19 A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT 01"I Soulos and Ucihl . .. l 26 fir) l 28 rilangel Wurtzel and Car- Trendwon , , , _ . , _ , . , i on (a i 22 LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS. trot Seed, at the Bai'leV............. . . . . . . .. 078/I2l 082 â€"- . e pause'uu 0 55f,» 06,, CONSTANTLY ON HAND DOMINION TEA HOUSE. ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 2?, g 23 A full assortment of l 177 I <Ohoooo-Iono-oo-|uo nil ‘ Straw ........ ..... 13 norm 1400 , N ARIO - Potatoes. per bag.. . . . . . . . . .. 0 8" f0; 0 00 O JUST ARRIVED Apple per barrel . . . .. . . ... 2 50 on 3 00 HARDWARE, . AT THE lioef.n\thesidc............ inO@ 650 Mutton, by he carcase. . . . . . 7 00 fa) 0 (l0 Glassware Del h . ’ p 9 Poultryâ€"Geese . . . . . . . . . . . , . U 75,@ 0 90 ' am we 61c ‘ qumys'.“ "' I ‘ 0 75 (a) , 0,, , t , . . A Large and Select Stock of Chickens. pei'_palr.. 0 2 {(3 0 40 Good Value at Low Prices S P N G- G (_) O D S ’ Ducks. per pair. . . . ll 6') (d) 0 70 CONSISTING 0F Porkâ€"Mess ..... 18 norm IS on I. CROSBY. . , Bacon {if}? 8 g 8 Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, Chm’ce 7am, _ , Hamsâ€"Salted. . . . .. . . o It r.» 014 F ‘ Balsmsa Pmm’sa Dried Smoked . . . .. .. . . mayo 0 l3 IRE'PROOF STORE: Apples, P1359051 â€Â°gS-'---------~ f,‘ ff Cf; RICHMOND HILL SALMON TRUU'I‘. COD risn. COAL 1‘ on..- o - n n . a o n a I n n I u o o . “.c. Butter-lbltolls......,. ._, OQOQD 0‘2? ' ’ Packed . . . . . . ...... 015??) 017 l n I l dfl ll‘ggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. U 17 rm 0 ‘20 ' . Which fcr strength on avor cannot be Di'letl Apples... . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 07 @ f' 7% T A T f surpassed "Will 0f Tommo- Salt . . . . . 1.5an 0H) r ,"z t t W00, h ' I 0 35 Q 0 36 T E A b, , A large and beautifu assor men of Ranging in price from ‘30 cents per lb. upward. 3 Also a ï¬ne'ussortment of ' Slain lilgil‘llnttml. A 1- REAKFAST. â€" EPPS’S ' COCOA. -- Giu'rizrut. AND Communismâ€"“By a thorough knowledge oftlie natural laws which governthe operations ofdigestion and nutrition, and by acnreyul application of the ï¬ne proper- ties of wellâ€"selected cocoa, Ms Epps has pro- ‘: vitled our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills."â€" Civil Service Gouda.- Mndc simply with Boiling Water or" Milk. Each packet is labelledâ€"-- .quirs' Ervs & '70., - Hommopnthic Chemists.‘LondOn.‘?' - MANUFACTURE or Cocoa'.â€"-†We will now v Groceries. shy, Fire Proof Store, J) ,AIOND HILL. . PHIL-L SAW MILL I Ew MAGER, hum in onset. LATHE _,..;.»}’{ ' Messrs .lainelepps a. 00.. nimiufselures'gbf diuretic articles. at their’WOrlis,iii'llib'EiiSl'on' '» 5 L- .W» .- October 31. larg'm‘w’ Hmdwhlésofllff’ ' "SHIN: 11E CUT TIN G, H.,...†.. LL ‘_ _ I, . . 1,, ‘._ AND SJAMES’ PL.ANII,;IG,3I3NE ’10 ORDER. P ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYER, - R'°"'“°“‘l‘f..- Dec' 9’ 72' 75“" Countv Engineer. Draflmnuu Arc. ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". Surveys. Plans, Descriptions, Reports, Plans of bridges. Speciï¬cations, Forms of contract, Security Bonds, &c . executed with neatnsss and despntcli. No. 4 Trust and Loan Buildings. Comer of Adelaide and Toronto streets, TORONTO. Toronto July 98. 1873 7844f Superb? Farm for Sale, ')EING LO «N0. 28, IN THE SEC- oiid coiicstéiou of the Township of . Mania“... containing _ TIVO WEED ACRES One hundred and forty Of which are cleared OPENED OUT YESTERDAY, “"1 W" “will?“33:35..â€Â°" m" "w' FRAME DWELLING HOUSES l" anee large barns, two stables, and other no- cessary farm buildings. 'l‘ivo spring creeks run across the lot, and pleniy of good water abounds. it is situated at a distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two miles from Tennis Balls, Solid Rubber Balls, ' Black Jets, Ear Rings, Red, Colored, Opal, Blue and Pearl Richmond Hill. This farm is nearly all under- Necklds’ drained. and wall fenced, with two good or- Chm-ms, chards, and about Lockets, Rings, the. SPLENDID STOCK, See them at the HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND IiiLL Fifty Acres Good Bush. For further particulars. apply, either by lclter (post-paid). or on the premises, to MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. ’ . Richmond Hill P, I): Dec 4, 1872. 751M interruption, Farmers and Threshers Take Notice. DR. JAMES LAN GSTAFF, . " ICHMOND HILL WiLi GENEâ€" R‘AE’b NEW AND IMPROVED R rally be foundiat ’home frdm 2 to 3 o'clock. r M. John Elliott Laiigstaï¬' is auth- PATENT SIEVE I orized to collect accounts. February 4th. 1873. Will clean all kinds of grain. embracing wheat. rye, barley. and oats and will not choke with any tliisiley or foul grain. No stick or broom required to be used. and the machine 759-1v BLAKE 61.. KINGSFORD. ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- citors, Conveyuiicers,,&o., &c., nFFCES.â€"N0. 56, Church Street. Toronto. uexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. of the Sieve. ' All orders for this Sieve addressed to the palentce. John Ree. Lansing P.O.. ()nt,, will recnive prompt attention. Any inlringenient on this patent will be J- N- BLAKE- puuislied with the utmost rigo of the law. JOHN RAE. , Lansing P.0. 729-tf R. E. KINGSFORD. M.A EDWARD PLAYTER, M.D , (Medalist, Toronto University,) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &e. Yonge Street, July, 1872. MUSIC l MUSIC 1 MUSIC l Coroner for the County of York. Residenceâ€"Opposite D. anliiti’s Store, Car. Youge and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill. March 12, 1873. 764-tf A LARGE ARRIVAL 0F ' EVERY iNVENToR, BUILDER, NEW ENGLISH MUSIC! MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGI- NEER. CHEMIST, FARMER - AND MERCHANT. should at once send his name and addrcs wrth $1.50 for one year’s subscription to AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL. AND MECHANICS’ MAGAZINE, To run PUBLISHER, GEORGE E. DESBARATS,, ‘MO'N'I'REAL. .DONT FAIL TO A Copy of'ï¬rst number can be seen at this I Ofï¬ce. 766-2 'MAKE A NOTE OF IT! SC H O O L REQUISITES OF ALL kinds at, the II Imam Book Store. IBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY (Richmond Hill branch) at the Ileana) l Book Store. I, 4 f ' . 77w Canadian Patent Ofï¬ce Record “THE SUBSCRIBPB BUGS TJ N0“ BOOTS AND SHOESI Just came to hand, suitable for the SPRING TRADE, At Prices that defy competition. Remember in Boots piid Shoes. 1 cannot be uhdorsold. IN THE FLOUR. AND FEED Department will be found the very best family Flour [manufactured by Rumble &.Calvarl, Richmond Hill Mills, which has stood the test for a length of lime. and is allowed by compe- Ioiit judges to be the best flour brought into the town. Peasmls. Bran. Shorts, Bacon, Home and Potatoes always on hand ‘ A choice lot of BLACK TARTAR OATS new on hand fit , for seed. Also Clover. Timothy and Flax Seed. All kinds of field and gal-don seeds. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange and the highest market pride paid. Call and examine our stock before purchas ing elsewhere. as we feel confident we can give perfect satisfaction. Remember the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre St. opposite Sanderson (f: Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. ' @â€" O. geranium. .P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. RICHMOND POST HILL 0 F FI C E. V EPOSITs OF ONE DOLLAR, (OR. a Iiy Iiuiiilierâ€"Iiolcxceedln gt liroe liu iidrod dollars by any one depositor.) will borcceived attlie Richmond Hill Post Ollico,for which GOVBI'lllllelllWlll'illOW Interest. FoIparticularsapplyto M. 'I‘EEFY, Postmaster. 1R. 'FERI‘Y is GOveriInieut Ageiitfor he sale of MARRIAGE LICENSES. ALSO AGENT 'I-‘oi-i THE - cl *\' MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Oflicehours: from G:30A.m.to‘3:3_0 P.M. May 4.1869 563-†MORGAN & THORNE, __ all... . a' . A can . _.- 1, House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quartet of land, one frame dwelling house, with a barn stables, andother outbuilcings thereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on 1he premises In I". CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m Village Lots for Sale. HE SUBSCRIBER Claims FOR sale a number of Vil|.,m II-Is. home: In the village of VICTORIA so; The lots coll"l“r: About ()nej‘ijth of" 57:3, «’lfl‘fl, And are located at the No! lot No. 35, 4th Concession n ?\ “w†,.. . g. , a... _ . "ornor of m. in a steady work and high weng Apply letter,prepuid) to Ileiiry Jennings, Vi Square,or lo : If by ctoria WM. G. HINGS'I'ON. Dingle P. 0. March 97. 1872. 7144i 1‘ 'NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES~ truclion of the Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and filled up those large and commodious premises belong- log to Capt. '1‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight do Son’s Novel'y Works. Markham. Excellent aceotmnonauon aï¬'orded for the travelling public and commercial liioii. Livery stables in connection with the hotel. Bottled ‘ Ale and Porter. l D. '1‘. WOOTEN. Sept. 4, 1872. 7374f Patent Eave-trough AND WATERSPOUTS'FOR THE DO- . MINION, at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Luoibanros-sed : Sap .Buckels. Pails,Cidcr Mills, Washing M achines,Shingles » Waggon Felloesmnd LumberSawodto ordor Forparticulars address JOHN LANGS'I‘AII‘F, Steam Mills,’l‘hornhill Thornhill. Nov. 3, 1869. 510-.tf THOMAS SEDMA , ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. &c, RESimzivcnâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. FAMILY BIBLIES, A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.89. $5, $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the HERALD Boon STORE. ' Richmond Hill. JEWELRY, JEWELRY. ‘ALBUMS. WORK BOXES, PURSES, TOYS POCKET OUTTL .- 'Hr HAG, BOOKS. , PAPER. COLLABS 'And Cuffs, AT TIIE HERALD BOOK STORE. ’ l P E R D A Y. $5 Agents Wanted ! All classes of working people. of either sex. young or old. me o more money at work for us in their spare moments, r- ~ I» time. than at anything 613). Particular , A. drag; G. S'I‘INSON & (in. . ‘ ' ' “GRIP†Out Every Sat . : litryï¬â€˜) cts. MAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLS! FOR SALE BY R. E. LAW. Draggiat, April 9, 187... Richmond Hill BOGUS MEDICINES. H 0 L L 0 W AYTS PILLS AND ' OINTMENT. A R RI 8 TE RS , SOLICITORS IN _I Have- for a Considerable time must considered Chancery, Notaries, &c. Orricr. â€"Court Street. Toronto. Branch Ofï¬ceâ€"Division Court Clerk‘s ofï¬ce, Rich- mond Hill. Tues. K. MORGAN. Toronto, April 25, 187% Howie: THoRNE lflrif RICHMOND HILL LIVERY S T A B L E S . Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- dorale. Opposite Sanderson &Sous. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 75l-3m HARRISON, OSLER 8; Moss, ARRISTERS,'&C., Nos. 36 AND as King Street East, Toronto. R. A. HAiuirson,Q c. F. OsLER. THOMAS MOSs, Q.C. W, A FOSTER. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE Toronto, Dec. 4, 1872. 75ll-tf AGENTS WANTED. 2 Good Agents required to canvhss Mark- ham and Vaughan with anew and what will be a very popular book. None but live busi« ness men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Oflice. Painting. it to be mv duty to arlvwrtise the public of the British North American Provinces against buy- ing from unprincipfeil dealers medicines em- anating from New York. and sold as my " Holldway’s Pills and Ointment.†in which much ingenuity has been displayed ill passing them off as of my make. It is very difficult indood‘lo attempt Io enumerate the many dev vices to which the parties have had resource. They say, amongst other things. that a new label has been adopted by ihem. and with bare-faced efl'ronlerv caution the public against being deceived by spurious imitations. A poor man by the name of Holloway is employed by the so-cnl ed Chemical Company in New York. who lends his name for a small weekly sum. The medicines sold by this Company are palnied ofl‘ upon the public as my " Holloway’s l’ills and Ointment,†so that were they to injure half the community no discredit would fall upon the fabricators oflhess compounds, but Would considerably damage the reputation of my make- As it is not at all necessary for this CREW to incur any expense in the sale of their produc~ lions, or to a verv limiled extent (trading as they do upon my name), they are in a position to Offer them at a very low price in Canada, where Ihey are purchased by a few Wholesale Houses that 1 can name, and will name here» after, ifthty continue to veud the some. The following are the names and addresws of some of the Houses who get my medicines from here direct tâ€"é Messrs Avery. IlroWn & CO., Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsvth & CO., Halifax. N S. Messrs 'l‘. B. Barker & Sons. St John, N.B M" 'i‘. Des Brisny, Chollulle Totvii, 1’.E.1. Messrs Langley 6L Co.. Victoria. BC. Messrs Moore or CO., Victoria, B.C. My Pills and Ointment are sold at the loWesI wholesale net prices. in hiiaiilities of not less fy the public that he has recommencgd business at HOUSE PAINTING I In all its branches. and from his experience, Careful altenllon, and moderate charges, he hopes to receive a share of the public patron- 'ngo‘ All orders by mail promptly attended to. JOHN LUMLEY, Church Sh. Markham Village. January 8, 1873. 755~6ni dozen boxes of Pills or pets at Ointment. for which remittances must be sent in advance. These medicines are not sold in the United States. Each Pot and Box of my preparalion hears the Riitish Government Stomp, with ll 8 words, “ Holloway’s Pills and Ointment, London.†' (Signer) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. 0.1;]‘07'11 Street, IV. 0.. London, July I, 1873 765 ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT- the HERALD Book Store. bio for pioseuls at the HERALD Boox Store. than £20 worthâ€"vim, 81; I'd.. 29s., 34s.,pel'l Want. 1 l lllllll‘ll lllllll 1s made in all sizes snitch? c for Ladies and Gents, both in gold and silver, But the accompanying out repre- sents in proper proportions THE $25 RUSSELL HUNTING [EVER WATCH, In sterling silver case and , gold points, full jewelied, . Wai‘mnted for live yearsâ€" .. together with a gold-plated Albert chainâ€"Which will be sent to any part of Can~ ads. on receipt of .3125, or C. O. D., per express. W. E. CORNELL, . ‘ Watch Importer, 83 King Street East, TORONTO, ONI‘. Hannah- g’chtaltal glhtalnmttula, H.B.REESOR, DEALER IN Prince’s Organs It Melcdeons, Cliickering. Stainwny and Durham Pianos. Also. the oelr brated HUMMING BIRD PIANO Which is summit! to parlors “‘llfll'o space is an object. The mode of Its .nslluitliou ls entirely new. and based upon the best known principles of science. Notice. R. H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED ed us in the agency in this sot-lion l'o‘r the sale Of Messrs G. A. l’rini'e & Co’s cele- brated Organs and Molodt-ons. in favor of which we givp our most unqualiï¬ed approval and recon-iinelitlnllon as the lending and most reliable reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) H. G COLLINS. . \VM. PLUM PIIPE LT. Markham. Nov. 3. l 7|. Testimonial from P’rofessor H. G, coums .I havo carefully examined the Narrowed by Mr. H. B Roesor. called the Humming Bird, or (lolibri Plan/ml. inanul'noluvod by Ma- thuseclv, and think they ale wr-Iiilorfiillrsweet nn‘d puro 'in tone. and from their l‘:l‘(‘.lll..‘i- cou- ’ struction, calculaiod to remain in tune longer than other pianos. and consequently to slaiid a greater amouan wear H EN RY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto FoanI-l. 12372. 714-ly ATTENS HORSES, COWS, CALVES, Sheep and 'l’ips. ' It Fattens in. Onofow'th the usual time, and saves Food. _ Price 25 cents and $1 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundrrd feeds. CATERPILLARS 0n Currant Bushes and Frhit Trees. THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER. Desirovs all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillars on Currant and GOUSII110T|'\' Bushes. Sold by Druggists and Sloi'ekecpers at 95 cents per box. _ IIUGII MILLER st. 00.. Agricultural Chemists. 'I‘Orolltc. l TICKS ON SHEEP. USE MILLR’S TICK DES'I‘ROYER. It destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of llie wool, and improves the condliinn of the animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. ' HUGH 'MILLER &. CO., AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, 167, King Street East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists and Storolroapers. R E. LAW, Agent. RiclimondHill. gluten gllnlltiuta. Fellowsi Compound , SYRUP OF llYPOPl-IOSPIâ€"IITES. *â€" As alllifc-ondowod hodios. u'lielllertlicy be Boast. Birds. li’oplilos. inset-ls or oven Zoo- phites. and subjects of tlio Vegetable Kingdom are governed by rilulfnl'cn. which binds all the springs of cxrstonoo. and as nothing can save them from (lPSl‘IIl‘llOll when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vilalitv may he sustained in the living body is indeed 'a boon to the wor'd. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the iuprodientr constitu- ting the brain. muscles and uorvos. and finds that by introducing these ingredients in proper propoi’lioiis the brain and nervous system are strengthened. _ , This. then. ls substantially the basis on which FELLOW’s IIYPIIPHIISI‘HI'I‘ES is huilt,itu direct notion is upon the Blood. the Brain and NerVOus Svslmn. and IlIe Muscles. r'trenglhi euiiig the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitalizcd Blootlin the Muscular Organs of the Body. _ ‘ Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Liver. slrcngllmniiig the notion of the Stomach nnrl Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyin- fluted Willi Oxygen. It is adapted for ALL‘casos-of “’cakness and Emaciution, whether arising fiom sedentary life. it tropical climate. from fever or tlrhilily 'from any cause, and efï¬cacious in PULMO- Iuanv Consumr'riniv. many confirmed oases ihaviug been cured and all bonehtlod. where its use has been continued over a fortnight, I III Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Asthma gives relief whore overv other remedy fails. For Nervous llobilily it stands unrivalled, and may he usml with confident-o in all oases. As ‘lils is entirely distinct and different from every other preparation of Ilvpoplnospliilos, hi it careful to ask for l"i.LLows’ SYRUP. and lulu IIO other. SOLD BY A PO’I'HECA It’lES. Prion. SL130; Six I'oi‘$7"5ll. JAMES l. FELLOWS,Chemist. 61-8 St. John. NJS.