but all appointments should be made in "iwcordance with the very highest stan- dard of purity; Those who held such a belief were quickly undeceived, and the people who were led to expect such great things from the new Dispensation found that expediency not principle was the guide of the professed purists. Hor- roeks Cocks and his assistant Whellams owed their appointments to their willingâ€"i ness to put up evidence in palliation of the Elgin Frauds, and the relatives or retainers of Hodgins, Farewell, Macken- zie and other prominent Grits were pitch:l forked into place because of the accident} of their births or the easiness of their political virtue. Room was made on all‘ sides for the worshippers of Mumbo Jumbo, and even down to the gardener of the Brantford Asylum. Mr. Mac- donald’s nominees were made to under- stand that only the House of Maekeu-‘ «’zie and the Tribe of McKellar could en- joy the fatness of the land. From Guelph the third-rate attache of a Grit news-‘ paper was promoted to a hotter living at the public’s expense than he ever enjoyed at his own, while in Toronto, Terry Clarke, 21 most subservient tool ol' the Grit purists, was given a lucrative job on the parliament buildings, only to appear a short time after in the role of a public drunkard before the Police Court. In this manner our public institutions are gradually being converted into nests oi; corruption, and the account of an almost nameless crime attempted by a relative of Mr. Mackenzie’s in the Bruntford Blind Asylumâ€"the particulars of which we give elsewhereâ€"taken in connection with previous developments, goes to show that there is something more than a mere‘ coincidence in the fatality which attends Grit appointments. Will the bowling purists who wish to snatch a verdict against the Dominion Government explain *away these damning facts? Will they tell us how it is that the nominees of tlu-ir leaders have so frequently prom-d It is now evident that the Grit lenders intend holding meetings throughout. ther Dominion in accordance with the threat uttered by Mr Mackenzie upon the floor of the House. They expect to make great capital out of the Paciï¬c charges under the manipulation of the factions demagogues who are so busily engaged amusing the worst passions of their pin-A fizuns. Well Messrs. Mackenzie, Blaket and \Vood are aware ol the impossibility ot‘disubusing Grit minds of the po sonous falsehood they are retailing. There is no calumny too gross for the ordinary Grit stomach provided only that the obâ€" ject be to blacken the character of Min- isters. The charges are no longer spo. ken of as being debatable. Even \l r. Blake, able lawyer as he is, professes to believe the charges already proven. Al- though his language is not so course and indecent as Mr. Wood’s, it is equally pernicious. They all teach the same doctrine, hatred of Sir John Macdonald. No treatment is too had t'or him i there- t'ore the rank and ï¬le are taught. to con sider him outot' the pale ot' honorable political warfare. Grits are wise in their generationl They realize a fact which Ministerialists are but too prone to OVE‘K“{ look. It is that if the Royal Commie-t sion can be utterly damned in the esti- ‘ mation of the people it matters little what its verdict may he or how it may report. Who can doubt that this is the game for which the demagognes are playing? While ministers are relying upon their innocenCe and trusting to the result ofa fair trial, the Grit leaders are harangueing the great ultimate Court of appealâ€"the people! No voice has as yet been lifted to defend the government against its slanderers. Mr. Mackenzie declined todichss the charges with Hon. Dr. Tupper at New Glasgow and other places where the former had called meet- ings. Whether the cause of the dema- goglh: be just or unjust, it is dangerous to allow him to engross the public earl The masses rarely reason when their passions are appealed to in the ï¬ery lan- guage of the orator. Tyrants have al- ways directed their best efl'orts to secure ' the orators, Well knowing that through them the populace would be readily en- snared. Nothing is better with which to ï¬ght ï¬re than ï¬re itself! So with the‘ .Grit demonstrations. Either let the‘ friends of the Government call meetings of their own or attend those convened by their opponents. It is absolutely suici~ dal to allow the frothy declarations of the enemies of order and constitutional lib- erty to go unchallenged. Ministers have to do with unscrupulous opponents and must watch closely their movements. It is an admitted fact that Mr. Sand- ï¬eld Macdonald’s Administration was overthrown by the series of public meet- ings throughout the Province which his opponents had all to themselves. The tactics which were so successful in 1871 are being repeated to-day. If the Grit programme is carried out unopposed, Mr. Blake might well snap his ï¬ngers at the 3- Royal Commissron. Now is the time to stem the tide of anarchy which threatens the very system under which we live. Let Grit demagogues be met wherever they call meetings by persons authorized to defend Ministers. Longer delay will surely be disastrous lâ€"antford Cour- tn be thieves, drunkards land libel-zines I†Will they account for the ‘ spnees,’ the ‘indecent assaults,’ and the swindles that have been perpetrated in the name of Reform? Until they do this they had better dmp the morality and tem- perance cry. Champagne glasstes, flush photographs, and indecent assaults don’t accord well with prohibitmy laws and prayers for the wicked lâ€"Guclph flea- 111d. When Mr. Blakewâ€"by an unfair and unjust Mickiâ€"snatched a verdict from the Ontario Legislature in the absence ot‘one- tenth of the representatives, there were people foolish enough to believe that a newera was about to be inauguratedâ€"a sort of poliiical milleuium, when there should be no more “ kissing by favor,†The Bank of North America which is said 130 have collapsed in thegreat ï¬nan- ncial crash in New York, has no connec- tion in any way whatsoever with the Bank of British North America. GRIT DEMONSTRATIONS NESTS OF CORRUPTION. More than 4,000 people were married in San Francisco last. yeur, and 249 were sent to the lunatic asylum. The question of opening the coal mines of China is attracting general attention in lhnL century. The statistics of the chewing gum makers Show that Indiana chews ï¬ve times as much gum as Michigan. When Horace Greeley visited Yosemite he picked, up in the trail a horseshne'und hung: in on the ’kuotof an oak lreé for who- ever might. choose to use it. No one took it, and in time the knot grew over the horseshoe, and recently the portion of the nee containing it. was cut out and sent to San Francisco as a. momenta of M r Greeley's economy. A " Honeymoon car“ is now mu on the Paciï¬c Railway fur the purpose of bridal parties. The Wanderer. the oldest newspaper in Vienna, established 64 years ago, has ceased to appear. Charleston, S. 0., claims to be the health iest city on the comim-nt. Fifteen deuth a. week in 50,000 populatlun. A Miiwankee woman forum, on beiug convicled, applied to 0m- ot' the neWSpnpers for a situation as penitentiary correspondent. A London boy wants to know if it is null! for his folks 10 pay $500 for a piano for his sister, and make him pick berries for cu-cus money. ~ During the past twelve mmnhs=514 deaths uccurred in San Francisco fmm Consump lion. The health ofï¬cer. in his annqu reâ€" port, says: " It is an und tubled factV that. more deaths with this disease occur mnnn! the Irish population than the people of any oxher nationality.†The Turkish anlhm‘lhes have gwen an elder t0 Krupp, of Essen, for 500 heavy fortress guns. The cost of the guns will be £7507000. ' The Grits of Montreal are concocï¬ng plausible stories to hide [he deep dxszruce that ulluches to (he dishonorable conduct, of' the 11cm. ('3) Jnlm Young. Great indignation is living manifl‘sted by all classes in ll'ltlvlll't‘ill uwr Ille dishonorable conduct Of Young, Hollon. and [he publish. ers of the Mouneul Herald. A Furmer In Washingxon County Ky , has found :1 practical use fur :1, Snake. for two years he hrs bud one shut. up in hls corn crib, and durng :11] that. lime not. a live mouse has bean sew there. A smart man at Snudus'tv pm arsenic in a hnltle uf' wine, hoping that a burglar wnuld drink it_ and his Wife placed it among a hun- dred other bntzles. The smart man is now wondering: “hich is lhe bottle. “he Figaro says the cmzvicis (m hoard thy “ Vll‘glllie " attempted In lynch Roche- i‘OIt, and that in consequvnce Ruchcl'urt had to be separaied frum the uzher prisnnw‘s. Theqvnlue 0f the whiskey destruyed by General Shmley in the Yellmsslt'm- exped iliun was $8,000. This was apart f'rcm what was destroyed by drinking. Thu Wesleyan Conference has decide to establish :1 public schnul at I amhridge. It is to be under ('Xr'iusivv Mellmdist manage ment. but members ul' other religinus com munilics will be admitted as pupils. It is not so generally known as it ought to hv. Ihnl the kernel: some SHHH’ flllllS, nsperinlly pvm-Iu-s, cm. :31: prus~iv min] to an eant which may pznw poiunmus sf a large numbcrpf the harm-ls be cairn. Women who vinlutelhe city oridinunces are cfmdemlied to sweep the streets,le Muâ€" hile. They do it of their (-wn ncc'ond in must CiI'IL‘S The s'wimning (‘hmupinnship 01' Fug'lzmd was (mulesled on the bmpvnliue rm the 18le ult .The compelilnrs wme‘ Hue preset l chum {lion (J B. Johnson). Hurry Parker. and Pewr Johnsun. The met: (one mile) wm: won eaisly by J. B. Johnson in 30 min. 9*}; sec. Kentucky has 5,190 manufacturing lublishments, and ranks in {his nespecl fourteenth State in the Union. An ingenious Boston girl has taught a . .. . sqmnel, Ill his revolvmg cage, 10 mm her sewing machine. A Vermont school library declined a set of Dickens’ works on accuunt of [heir imu mural tendency. The guns of the “ Devastation †are not. it is stifled, considered large enough. and they are to be mturned [0 the Woonlwich uuthorities, who we to make what use they can of the “ infants â€. The guns to be placed on board the ship or floating battery Wlll be longer and heavier. Oranges are raised in Sun Bernardine meas‘ uring sixteen inches in circumference. California claims to have g: ined 25.000 population by emigration within the past twelve months. On Saturday afternoon a b‘rnkesman nnm ed anhin was accidentally killed at. Scar- buru Junction by falling of? a car. A slave ship was recently captured in the Indian Ocean by a British s‘onp of war, and out of300 slave taken-0n bunrd.250 had previouslv died ofsmall-pux. The remain- ing 50 were in a dreadfully sickly state. It is staled in the Manchester Guardian that Mr Caldwell intends, in conneclion with his scheme for promotion in the army to place all ï¬eld uï¬icers who have reached or passed their sixtieth year upon retired full pny. Exceptions Will be made, however, in the case of any ofï¬cers who may he peci~ ally recommended for retention on the act- ive list. Publicity has Just been given to an exten sive jewel robhery in London. While a ï¬rm in Bond street were preparing several packages for the inspection of the Shah of Persia. it was discovered that one contain- ing jewellery worth £10.000 was missmg. The gold setting of the jewellry has smce been found in Thames. but no clue to the thieves has been obtained. Prince Stirbey, the owner of the Chateau de Becon, near Courbevoie has sued the city of Paris for 30.00%, the estimated damage inflicted by the Federal batteries of Montmartre during the double siege opera.- tions. Should Prince Stirbey's suit be suc- cessful, a host of proprietors will, it is said at; once commence similiar proceedings against the Municipality. Advices from Cape Town state that the Ashantees have defeated a British boat expedition on the River Prah. We lmrn from Memphis, Tenn., that there was a marked falling off in deaths from yellow fever there on Sunday, the total number of interments being 13, of which only 9 died from yellow fever. The leading physicians are sanguine as to the permanent abatement of the dis- ease. 31mm gnaw. [he I BARRIE, Sept. 20.â€"Bef'ore Justice ‘ Galt, John Tyron and son and George Sydney and son, formerly of Prieeville, iu the County of Grey, hunters, were this day convicted of the murder of 1Francis Fisher, trader, from Syracuse, New York State. The murder was committed last February at. Comartean lLake in the Parry Sound District. The ldeeeased had a large amount of money Jabout him, some Canadian and soon lAmeriean currency. When the prison lers were arrested a large amount. of th- money was found on them. Dr. White ‘ iof Parry Sound, is the Coroner who l'er retted out the mysterious affair. The skull of the deceased was produced in Court, and its fractured appearance was lstrong evidence against the prisoners. The evidence shows that the murder was committed for the purpose of'vobtainine ‘the money of the deceased. The trial llasted two days, and the jury in about ‘an hour returned a verdict of guilty. ‘The prisoners were sentenced to be hanged on the 16th of December next. ‘Mr. E B. Wood, Q. 0., prosecuted on behalf of the Crown fï¬Mr. D’Arcy Boul 1 ton, Q. 0., and Mr. William Lount de- fended the prisoners. WEDNESDAY, Oct. l.â€"CreditSule of Farm Stock. &c., an Ihe Richmond Hill Mills, on lot No. 42. 1st Can. of the Township of Vaughan, the property of Messrs llumâ€" lile & Calvert. Sale at 12, a. m. H. Smelser, Auctioneer. 0:"? Parties getting Sale Bills printed at this ofï¬ce will receive a. notice similar to (be above, FREE of charge. TURUNTO YOUNG MEN’S CHRIS TIAN ASSOCIATION. Their beautiful and commodious bqilding, with its Halls, Library. Free Reading Room and Gymnasium are intended a' once to in‘ vile and impruve all young men who enter. Finnrâ€"Snperhno. . . . . . . . . . Sprung \\ hem oxlxa Fain-y ............ l-xu'a... . ....... Su'uulul EMI‘H.. ()alnwnl... (Turbnmal . Bv‘nn ......... \‘Vhezuâ€"Spriug FIHDAY.SEP1‘. 26 -â€"â€"Credit Sale of Farm Slack, Implements, &c., on Xot N0. 3, rear ofthe 3:-d Con. of King. the pro- perly of MI". Wm. Nickle. Sale at 11 a.m. H‘ Smelser, Auctioneer. The lining Men’s Christian Association take pleasure in informing their friends and the Christian Public generally of the facili ties for usefulness which 1hey now enjoy. Prayer Meelin rs. Lilerary and Musical En~ tertuinments are frequently held and open to all. Parents, Guardians. Pastors, or others who have your]; friends in the City or about, to come to it, are invited to urge the-m to come to us. A Reception Committee has been formed, the members of which gladly call on “H struttng whom they may hear of from thnse interested. Commuttirations from t'xiettds at 1:. distance are gladly re- ceived Harlov “LAM. b- :' Mumm. by Pouhrv ‘ l’ork -- M ess Bacon ......... Warnsâ€"Salted . . Smode . Dressed Hogs . . . Lard.......... Butterâ€"lb liolls . Parked†CORNER OF Qmwm Am JAMES S'rs., I Tuuuzvro, June, 1873. To Parents, Guardians, I’asiors, and others ' whose Sons. Wards, or Friends may be leaving home for residence in the City Q)" Toronto. Wagsâ€. ,. ‘ pried App’es Salt. . . .V Wool . GRA'I‘EFUI. AND COMFOR'I‘ING‘ â€" " By a thorough knowledge ofthe n-rlural law> which govermheoperationsofdigestion and nutrition. and byacajejul appiication of the ï¬ne proper- ties of well-seieclod cocoa, M.I Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which max‘ save us many heavy nuclors’ bills.â€â€" Civil Sm‘vicc Gazelle. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk Each paw-km is labelledâ€" ' Yum-s EPPs & ’70., Hommnpalhil- (Ilwmis 5. London." Convict ed of Murder and Sentenced to be hanged. MANUF\C'I'URF 0F Coc0a.â€"" We will now give u arenunl or the prnCPSS adopted bv Messrs J mes Epps {\z (‘.u.. mnnnfac ure~ of dimwic urlicles. at their works in the I‘luqon Rand. l.ondonâ€-â€"Gassull's Hausdth Gmdc OctoberRl. l872. 739-ly Will clean a‘l kinds of grain, embracing wheat, rye. barley. and oats and Will not choke wilhany Illlrlley or foul grain. No slink or him) v- required Io he used. and the mach He had not at nv time be Slopped by clog; ing oflht Sue-vs. PATENT SI-EVE ! AII orders for this Sivve addressed to the nalanlee. Jnhn Rae. Lnnsing P 0.. (MIL, will receive prompt all} mion. ~ 7 . . Anv illil'inan em on (Ms patent will be punished with the ulmom rigo nl lire law. I 1R“ muVon'd hill branch) in the HERALD ‘ A ( opy of ï¬rst number can be; 15¢:st at this Book Slow. Oflice. v Farmers and Threshers Take Notice. Yonge Street, July, 1872. REAKFAST. â€" CHOOL REQUISITRS 0F ALL AE’S NEW AND IMPROVED l H L E S 0 CI E TY DEPOSITORY kvmin an the HEM/um Bunk S ;. per hag pw- harrul ï¬livcial Ulll'S Turks.“ ........ . Chivkuns, pm' [‘air‘ Ducks. per pwil‘. . . SOi’uLVI‘U MARKETS AUCTION SALE. Toron‘n. Sep’embor ropectfully, Tums J. VV11.KIE, Secretary. uamas EPPS’S COCOA. â€" Elï¬nticw. JOHN RA F. Lansing P.†(158 @ 0 4H {(3 21 “(I {(3 13mm» 1) {in Q 2 725 {ID H 1m ([17 7 uh @ U 75 fl; 0 75 (0) (I25 @ @@@@@@@ H.) 53.)â€. (3â€thï¬‚ï¬ 5567522 lsflnï¬b ()(mfu‘; 008m) 011er 0 IQMD (ism/(b 1) ll (0') 021i {(3 (I l5/(D 017 rm “07¢? lï¬nra 035® 32m) ‘24/(1‘ ilflfl 1873. ©©©© 7294f 5 80 6 10 Ii 4!) 15 an 7 5n 5 4') I) ()0 3 i (I l 24 135 196 l. H H on H 4'3 21* (HI HS IN) I! (Hi 3 HI (3 5“ h (I!) (E 9!) I (In 0 40 (I 70 8 (H) 0 ()0 0 12 0 14 (I I3 7 M) !) l2 0 23 0 I7 021! n 36 'i‘nreo lmge barns, two slables. and olherne- cessnry tarm buildings. Two spring creeks run across the iol, and plemy of good watar abounds. it is situated a! a distance.) of eight- een miles from Torontu, and two milas from lLr-lmmnd Hill, This farm is nearly a“ under- druined and “’(‘ii fenced. will: two good or- chards. and about One hundred and furty of which are cleared and well (vulluvaled. There are on the pro- perty two good Burgoyne. Hurbidgos und Co . Colman Street London Newherv and $0115.37 Newgale SL, LonduIL Bars 83’ am Sun. 95 Farrinydou St . London Sanger and Sons. ()xro'd 5L. London. And all lhe London Wholesale Houses. FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! Fu r fu rlher purliculars. apply, either by letter (post-paid). or on thr- plemises, to MRS. JA‘MES CLIFFORD. One Box of CA arke’s B 41 Pills APOTHECARHS’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. MontreaLâ€"I‘Ivans Moxcer and Co.. Wholesale “ Dunggisls. Lymnns Clare and ('0. Torontoâ€"Eldon and Pa, Wholesale Drug “ gisls. Shame. and Owen. llamillon --. \Viner and (‘0. Halifax.â€"Awr\. Brown and Co. LUMBER, SH‘ NGLES & LATHE 0 To Weekly Papers. rece ved m the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hil‘ S warranted to cute an dis<harges from the Urinmw~ 0151:111an enher M'X acquired or comtilmim nl. Gravel nnd Wins in the Back. So‘d in Boxes. 4:: Rd each.by all Chemists and Patent Medians anrlo PLANING DONE TO ORDER. Richmond Hill, 090‘ 9. ’72. : 75l-ly Ranging in puice from 30 cents per lb upward \‘Ir, Wells will visit the lollowing places, on lhe days memioned. Mnrulmm, on the 8th day of each luonlh. Slouï¬'ville, " Hllll , "y " Sprmghill, " Mlll “ " Richmond ll ill. |81h “ “ 'l‘lmruhill. " 21M] “ " Maple, “ 2‘2ud " " Mr Wells or assistant will he at his ofï¬ce. Yonge Street. Aurora. at all times. A l lelters addreswd to Aurora. promptly nt- tonded to. rally l‘m found at home from o‘clock. P M. John Elliott Langstaï¬' nrized Lu collect acronnts. February 4lh, 1873. 7 SURGEON D EN TIT, Teeth also sot wilh lhe Ceiuloid Base. a new invenlion. being lighler. stronger and more durabl’a than the old kind. ‘ Having had nine \ears expmience. satisfaction can be guaranteed. Residence at Aurora, Ont. Particular allenlion paid to ('hildren’s teeth, and also to Gold Filling. A stock of beautiful Ieoth a‘wms on hand and.“ Work warrautudi T W0 HUNDRED ACRES l) cilors, Conveyancers. &c., &c.; “Frommâ€"No 56, Church Street. Toronto. nexl dnor north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE. R. E. KINGSFORD, M.A EDWARD PLAYVTER, M.D , (Medalist, Toronto University,) IJHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c. Coroner for the County of York. RF: idelweâ€"Uppnsile H ankin's Store, Cor‘ Yonge and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill r Comm Engineer. Draftsman (SIC Surveys. Plans. Dowriplions. Reporh. Plans of blix'gus. Speriï¬vntions. Ferns 0t conlracl. Securuty Bonds, 6m . execuled with neaturss and despalch. N0. 4 Trust and Loan Buildings. Co-nar of Adelaide and 'l‘orumo sheets. 'I‘( HtUN'I'O should at onca send his name and addreqs wnh $1.5“ for mm \ear’s suhscliplion m MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGI- NEER. CHEMIST, FARMER AND MERCHANT. Fifty Acres Good Bush. Superior Farm for Sale, QEING LOT N0. 28, ‘IN _’»I‘HE>SECâ€"r 77w Canadian Patent -0fï¬ce Record Der: 4. 1872. Richmond Hill. June 19, 1873. UBSCHIPTIONS FOR THE TORON March 12. 1873 Toronto Jul\‘ 28. 1873 “VERY INVENTOR, BUILDER, SIIINGLE CUTTING, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF. 'ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" ICHMOND HILL SAW MILL BLAKE a KINGSFORD, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- 8. JAMES, ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYILR, and concession of'lhn Township of Markham, cant-dining Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. ‘1, Sr-ie propr‘emr, F'. J. CLARKE A LARGE STOCK OF ANDREW MAGER, AGE N TS IN CANADA. MECHANIC.“ M iGAZINE, EXPORT AGENTS. gtiï¬vsllmwuuï¬, Also a ï¬ne assortment of J. M. WELLS, L.D.S., T0 Tm: PUBLISHER, (Hm-RGF. E. Dl‘leï¬AHA’l‘s flmtmry. DEALER 1N AND AND Richmond Hill P. 0. Mom 1: r AL 759-h' 7734f. 2 lo 3 is auth- 7644f 75W 7b4-If ONTARIO HOUSE 1 any num .erâ€"nolexceedingtnroehundred dollars h_\‘ any one: depusilor.) will be received anhe Richmond Hill P'Wl UfliceJor which Governmenl wilhllow lmuesl. l“oIparticularsapplyto HEAP JAPAN TEA. ONLY 25 CENTS PEI: lb. V CENTS PEI: lb. Skirving's Imp) oved Purple Top Swede, Mangel Wurtzel and Car- -r0t Seed, at the DOMINION TEA HOUSE. A. MOODIE. Call and†examine our-stock. before purchhs ing elsewhere. as we lee] conï¬dent we can gin pr-rl'er't sulisfarlion. ' Rémembm' the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre St.. opposite Sanderson d’c Sons. Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. Just came to hand, suitable for the SPRING TRADE, _ At Prwes that defy competmon. Department will he found the very best familV Flour manulnclured by Rumble & Calvarl, Richmund Hi2! Mills, which has stood the team for a length of time. and in snowed by con pe- 1emjudges to be the best flour hmught imo the town. Pens,()uls. Bum. Shorts, Bacon, “nuns and Polaloes always on hand now on hand ï¬t for wed. Also Clover. Tnnothy and Max Seed Ail kinds of ï¬ald andrgflrrdqn sggds. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadulteraled, BLOOI)‘S DUBLIN l’Hlt'l'Ell. AND U’KI‘LEPI‘J‘S ALE. &c. Crockery & Glassware. GA DEN TOOLS. &c. Farm Produce taken in exchange. likinds of Farm Pmduco lake!) in exchange and [he ighest market price‘pgid: Consisting of Teas from 50 cents l0 $1 00. which Ior quality and flavor, cannot besur~ passed. COFFEESL CONSISTING 0!“ Choice Tras, Tobacco, Curranls, Raisms, Prams, Dned A pples, gm, SALMON TRUU‘I‘. can FISH. COAL < 01L, &c. Splendid Green} Tea for 50 cents per lb. Which {er stranglh and flavor cannot be surpaSsed nuth of I'm-onto. A large and beautiful assortment Qf BOOTS AN D , SHOES! 0ï¬icehuurs: from 6:30A.M.t09:30 P “av 4, I869 56!- 1) THE TEA CHEST Green. Roasted and Ground'Coï¬'ee ; A SPLENDID ARTICLE. Salmon T rouZâ€" Cod Fish and Labrador Herring. WINES A ND LIQUORS RICHMOND HILL Eyi‘o's Flour kept on hand. \vluch canuol be beat by nnylhiug Ihal calm-s to \own. Pcas,~Sho'rts, Bran, Clover and Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, (to. 1) Chancery, Notaries, &c. OFFICE --Courl Street. Toronto. Branch Ofï¬ceâ€"Division Court Clerk I ofï¬ce, Riel» mond Hill. 'l‘nos. K. Mono“. Hones Tunan ““"\IR. 'I‘Euv is Goverumem Agonlt‘ov hesaleol’ DOMINION TEA HOUSE, RICHMOND HXLL. Horses and Vehicles for hire. Phnrgos mo- dernlb. Opposite Sanderson 6L Sons JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Ric‘rmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’7‘2. 75] 3m 1} King Slrrel- East, Torumo R. A. IImk1<oN.Q c. F'. 0mm. THOMAS Musk. Q.c. W A Fo<Tl€R (Tmmmcs Mos-s. W. G. FALctmsnmm: Tornnlo. Dw. 4, 1872. 75U-tl' HARRISON. OSLER 85 MOSS, QARRISTERS, &C.. NOS. 36 AND 38 1' King Slrrel East. Torumo h- all its branches, and Fun] his oxprrirnm‘, cam u! mienliull. and numamt» chmgr-u he hop“ In rm-mve a ~|mrv of (“e nuhl'c patron- "Ln AH orders by mm' pmmp'h armndud In. JOHN LUVHJCY, (‘hnrch 9‘... Vlarkhiun Vllunga. lamlnn 8 N73 755-“le 'I‘HE SU {SN-“BER REGS T’J NOT! 2 Gnnd Agmm: rI-qnired lo canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan wiln a new and what will hI. a very popular book. None but 'ive busi- ness men engngnd. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Ofï¬ce A choi:e lot of BLAFK TARTAR. OATS P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. “as always on hand the largest and best vnriéty of SPRING GU'ODS, Remember in Boots En?! shown-l cannot be undorsold. NTARIO HOUSE. JUST A RRIVED Toronto, April 25 . IP72 lEPOSITS ‘OF ONE DOLLAR, (0R MORGAN 85 THOBNE, AgRISTgRs, SOLICITORS IN HOUSE PAINTING! TA'I‘IONERY 0F ALI KINDS AT 1‘ ‘ ithERALD Book Store.‘ ‘8 ICHMOND HILL L I V E R Y GENTS WANTED. 3. GB. @mnrtmnt. PROVISIONS: IN THE I’LUUR AA!) FEM) fy the public Ihal he has regunmoncmi business at GROCERIES, MARRIAGE LICENSES. A Large and Select Stock of (ï¬rearm, 8m ALEX. M 00DIE ALSO AGENT ron THE Painting. M. ’PEEFY, Postmaster AT THE Hanna: Tmle n- f POST OFFICE. 563-11 AND WATEliSPOUTS FOR- THE D0- Mlmon. at $6 per IUD loet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed: Sap Huckels. ?ails.CiderMills.Washing Muchinuï¬luingles Waggon Felluasand LumberSawedtoorder Forparticulalsaddross JOHN LANGS'I‘AI‘T,‘ Steam Mills 'l‘luornhil' 1 [motion of lee Anglo American House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those: large and commudious premises belong- ing to ('apt. 'l“ A. Milne. (punsitu Messrs. Speight ck Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. ExceHem acrommonuleon aï¬'orded for the travelwing public and commercial mop. Livery slnbles in connacticu with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. JEWELRY, JEWELRY, ALBUMS, WORK BOXES., PURSES, TOYS, POCKET OUT'I‘LHA‘Y, $5 TO $20 THOMAS SEDMAN, ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER‘ Underlnkor. &c. RnsumNCIcâ€"Nearlv opposite the P051 Oï¬iree Richmond Hill. A FRESH SUPPLY, A! $1.89. $5. $5.50, $3.50 and $9. a! .he HERALD BOOK S-rmm Richmond Hill. in the village of BOOKS. PAPER COLLARS And Cuffs, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. (WU LU {IDKAJ Agents: wantad ! All ciasms of working [mopltL Ht" either sex. young or old. ma « Inmp mounv at Work for us in lheir spa" mmnm-b. ur a“ Um xime. than at anything FIE} i’mliu Hat's [rum Arum,“ G. S'HNSUN d: (10., l’oriland, Maiug Village Lots for Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR. sales number 0! Vi hm hm u...“ “A And are lncnved at the Nlo-wast come! of lot No. 35: uh Concession ul' Markl‘nm. in a section where mechanics and labumm can get neatly work and high wages Apph ;il' by lellcr.prepuid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square,ur lo ' WM. G. HINUSTON. Dingla l’. 0 March 97, 15179. 7144f THE CANADIAN PUNCH! “ G R I P†Out Everv Saturdayï¬ ots U Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of ï¬nd, one frame dwulling house. wi III a burn stables. and other outbuilrings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise“ In About (mejiflh of an Am‘é; I HAVE for a considerable time must considerpd i1 l0 bu mv duly (u advvrlme the public of Ihe British Nouh Amt-rian Provinces Pgninst buyâ€" Ing from unwincip’ed dealers medicines em~ hunting from New York. and snld as III) LUNG LIFE PILLS 1 ‘- Hollgwm’s PiHs and Minimum.†in w ich mnch ingenuiu‘ haw been (replayed in passing ,hem of? as of nn make. I! is verv diï¬icnl indoed Io atmmpl to nnnmer-tn 'he many den ‘ vices 10 which the pal-lies have had remume. Thoy say, amongst nlhI-r things. that a man label hm hm n ndupud by xlmm. and Wil‘ bare-ï¬med (-fl‘ruulen caulion the public Hflflilml being dvcaived by purxnu~ imilnliuns. t A poor man h} uh» name nf ||o|" way u: elnplnyrd by H a ‘o-cal rd l'hanm-nl Company in New York who lem-‘s hi~ name fur a san vakl}‘ sum. Thu nu-dinines Fuld h_\' this (‘onlpmv are pnllm-d oï¬' upon the pnhlic us my " Hull: Way’s l’ills and ()illllur‘lll †H) lhnl were thm' tn injnm Ivalf IIIF non-munm' In leCN‘di! would (all npnn [ht fabricators nE‘IIu-ss cnmp- unds. hul would cmmidemhly Lamage the reputation 1-fnvy ake As i! is no! at a" nvcmsary fnl' Ihis (‘m w H) incur any expensn in the s e of IIINI‘ prm‘uu lions. or In a verv imi ed exmn ("Mil-9 M thsy do upon nn‘ nan v). (hr-y art- in 'I pn him» In nï¬'vr lhv m M n vur)‘ low prion in l‘nnana. whuru whey urn purchased hr 3 |'=-w \- holwpu'e House“ that I can name, and will numu here afar-I, il'lhu’ continue to and Ihh mane ‘l'lu- fullmving are the names and ddres-‘es of u-nm ol' Ihe Houses who grt m_\ medicmcn from here- dirucl 1- Mann‘s szry. Hrnwn & ("n ‘ I-Ja’ifax. NA. Messrs Formth A: Cm, Haï¬fax. h S Messrs 'l‘. B Barker A‘ Son-2 SI Jul-1L3 B M“ '3‘. “es Brisay. (‘haulnm- 'l nvrn. I' kl. MoSsrs Langley 81 ( o Virlnrin Ii (' Messrs Moore 61 i 0 Vu-xuri ,BJ‘ BOGUS ME."ICINES. [{OLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTHENT. l'lach PM and Bux of un preww-xiwn l-e tho- "nilish Gnvm'mnnnl Sump. wilv - e» m- -- HuHuwny’s Pl‘ls and Unllnmnt. ‘ m-r‘on.‘ (Signs) “NW ‘5 HOIA‘OW KY 5:13. O..jmtl Sin-u . W (Old/07! Ju Sloro._ VICTORIA SQUARE ! N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" Sept. 4. 1872. Thornhill. Nov. 3,1869 N l Apr" 9. 187... I". CRAWFURD. Richmond Hill, Dec. 24. ’7'2. 753-3m House and Lot for Sale, ‘NwlfUCAS _STREET,' RICHMOND MILY BIBLIES, sale a number 0! ISCELLANEUUS “(N PKS SUITA NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. ï¬rumrty for 5:11»,- Patent Eaveâ€"txough ble fur pmsomu, at. the HERALD Boon The lols comam FOR SALE BY R E l.AW.l)rugg?nt, Richmond Hill D. 'I‘. WOOTEN. 737-“ y I, |873 Vi Inga lots. slum ed R DAY‘ 5ll)-.If w]: l-HJ‘R .» wads, r‘on." 785. Testimonial from Prrfesscr 13.6, Column 1 lmvn arm-I3 n-xmmmd [hr unwound In Mr H. H R-«ewu. (iflht'd the Humming Bird, or (Tuiihli PM†5. malmlnom w' h} Ma- Ihnsvck . nuv Hunlx Ilvex "'9 W. mh-rl'ul'" .weo’t mu! pure In 'mm. m (1 from H mr In ( "Lr. :ou-' sll‘lfl'liflll. flï¬lf‘ll‘hlf'd 1n n main in mm longer Chickering lImn mhe-r piunur‘. :n‘d uvqunrull.\' lo Maud a greater alnmn I vri “N r HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Pub. 28. M72 7|4-ly 1"! Pd us in Hn- :u I’l‘l‘ Iha 53'1‘ nf Mus“: (~ ,‘~ hrnlnd Organs and \hl which wr guu- q llx‘ nu >1 and ruunmIrpndumm us I mhnhiw rl't‘ll inslrmu: m v (Sigurd) (I 0n Currant Bushes «ml Fruit Trees. THE (‘I | h\ l' SIC (3 /\ H DER l'( AW’DICR |)vs1r0\‘.~‘ a“ kinds M" lusech, Grubs and Cat- o-rpiilurs un ( “'1'an and Gum-barn Bushes. Sn‘d M‘ "ruggiuéi and Slovokm-persat 95 cents per box. Prince’s Which is amm'éd Io parlurs whore spncv is an uhjwn The mun-01' us mum uuxilnn I emirer now. and him-9d mum |he best known prhu-u-lo.~ ul' scivnco. It Faffms in ()nrlfï¬W/flh the usual Mme; uml saws Food. Price ‘25 m um and .1“ W‘ pm' box. A dollar hux contains mu huudr d fee-(la. HUMMnx‘G HRD PIANO M R ll :eslrnvs lhe Ticks. [Irunmh‘h' the growth of III» won] mud inunuvm lln- condun n pl‘ the animal A 35 l'nnt lm.\‘ wi I clean 20 sheo-p or .3 lambs. ‘\s "Him I‘lklfliv . A hudivs, \vl-Plhm-(hey be .Hq [huh Hva ..~, Ill-pr!» ul' vvr-II Zuu- “Hun “Hr-ml i: (-1: ml II c- Vugulnble Kingd‘ In" my gu'rrrmw In; rI/u/ [3 Il‘t , whirls hind} :1“ did \I'IHI‘JF n (-x .v. m-n am! a: "whim; mm “no .- er: I" um 11- s: N'liul- wh- n [his prillr-iple 'sxuvmv (-m lzn ui~a~ovmw u' "mans Whordhy vim i" mm ’w ownuun (I in lhv living budyifl lion and vilNu-Vrrx-q' nhn inunt‘iem' con-litu- mw III- Inn-n u uwlm :mr‘ Inn's-hand ï¬nds Ihal h\ 1mmanthIhnw Ingrmiiumsiu prnpur pn-mn-vivne: lhr- him“ and nervous syslum are qwngrlwnv-d ' This. Hum, 1‘ ~|Ihwt~n|iaUy the basis on‘ \\ hu-lo I“: I I «M ’ l'} l’ P"! H‘nll M is ImillJm dI-er': amiun I» m- u- Ila» lhmd H 8 Brain nnd‘ Nn-vn-n F‘ F)! m and I|N’ Muscies HrvnglhÂ¥ “mug Ihq- new†il NHL-‘05 llu- rapid dmlrihu? tim» u' VILH'vZI 1’ Blunt! in lhu Mlhclllnl‘ Urgnua nl‘ ||w H m “pn\]â€y n.» Smggi-h Hvarl and Liver. \‘I'ehlvll‘x'll'lllfl H 4' m"ivn ml the annoh nnd‘ "nwv‘i :un' "Mummy sh:- Lnngs [0 be ï¬ullyinr flnlwv wnl- “v y:- I! u n' mwr l' r u Lenses of Wenlmessund [unnu‘inlilvll “Hulnr M'ihiug from sedentary . a m pirultlnmnn I'M n! I'vvvr nr m-hilil ' I! u n1 amrr‘ l' r u LIMN‘K of “'enknessund lxmmiminu \\ ! vlln r RYH-illg from sedentary w. . a m [lil'ultl‘llfll'l I'M n! I'vvvr 01' dummy and -.~ rfl'nwo-nns in I’ULMo- \ usv (‘I'Nr-I‘MI‘TH'K "*anv runf'rmed vases nurlhg Mum mm 11 um“ n“ ho-Imï¬IIe-d. whera hr |. p yvï¬â€˜ [Ir-m! t-un‘il nI-r’ nvv l‘ a fortnight. in Brmu-inhe v7 i~ n »pn r'iï¬qu and m Amhm. .r‘ gwm r01 o-l u, In-Ie- t-rar‘ t'tller renlvdy fails. hm Nurvnzr- l‘mhilin iv Hands Imrnmlled, and mm hv usml \wflv v-nuï¬dq m-o in all vases. As ln~ 3‘ mnu-nw dislilll'l and dlï¬â€˜f‘ff'll' from evmv mlwr lam-mavmn o! Hvuophnsphiles.b. carc'fnl u» ask for I“: LLuws’ Svnupand lake' nr mlwr. upâ€! ‘All\ (‘mr' 1H1“ “MN-ml '1 (-1: ml ll 0‘ I'll! guru'qu [I]; I‘ll"! ['7 Ir: , ~M|I|y> (I 0x >‘n IH'i‘. am! a '9': fun: n-sl w-liun w mums! (-In, I'm ui~a~0vmw rim i" mm ’H- <"-I:IIII< (1 5| “rm-r! n Immz I- llu unr'd \1I-IIII‘I‘IEIH'III1 inn ‘IHI thu-vt'rt-t' vh- in ll" has \' 'm Salr hv |)ru._u_n~1sn “n-Iflmm. Nnv. 3 TICKS 0N SHEEP. USE A Inn's 'I‘ICK MESI‘HOYER. SOLD RV APU'I'HECAPIEB. l’ricv, 3M 50: Six for $7 51'. JAMES l. FELLOWSClwmiII.‘ 8‘. 10h.- lulu Fellows’ Compound I'RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. ATTENS HORSES, COWS, CALVES, gamma gut-‘trmumtï¬, ShePp and I'lps 23:1th Eflmlicinw, CATERPI LLARS H. I: 'RIZL‘EUI: HAS FI‘CCEED H. B. REESOR, Sm‘umm and lurlwm Pianos. A 5'0, lhu I: M'alm HUGH MILLER & CO.. Agliruhnral (Themisls. Toronto; HI“ I " g n 5: Mylodmns; ‘uv wvlnumu. CHEMISTS. King >1u.-.xEn-1.'l‘uromo 5x1 mighisnnd ‘ln wkm-pel's. LA \‘V Agniâ€, Richmond Hi“. IIHI“ has ’I'm' Hln ll II~I'|{-> ? 'hxg Iluuw 5min an Noti'ca. DEALER 1N mggi-h Hvarl and Liver. m-‘iun “I the Mmth and m; «lu- Lungs to be ï¬ullyinr ll WILIJCR SI (‘1) n] (z ('hIJJNS. um I". mum-mm. my} m 1|.» sanion for 2" I’m In A (‘u’st'elfl- Hui-«Hum m lawn of >1 1: quunliï¬vrfnlvprol‘al .~ Ilw lmu‘iny Her must H m u n-hlvllfnl‘llil'ed. "vhliln‘ed the quel- inuu (‘iem' unn- lim- mr‘ Ill r\'6~,\. and ï¬nds vngrmiiomls in prnpur A! nervous vswm are