Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Oct 1873, p. 2

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1V Richnwnd Hilngntiou. Changeot-umu Baking ufl‘cr: Sepiembor 29, 1873 : ’ {ta-nu North 8.!" A.M..- 2J5 pm" 5 1" 'pm doing South 9 ‘35 «.M. 3.:4“‘p m “"327 Vp.m @Méfim’kgmam Notwithstanding the hubbuh made byl 2+9 irritated “ bunditti.” who predicted]. i‘axrimment would not be called together will the usual Sesaion in March, April. w 'viay next. Sir John Macdonald has advised His Excellency, the Governor- Geuurzll to cull Parliament together on He 23rd insmnt. Sn satisfied is thel Gmernment 01 their innocence that they are prepared to meet their opponents in the Huuee. The necessity of having the witnesses on the Pacific Scandal business exunined before a Commisdon has he- Imum more and more apparent vvel'y day aincv the cnlutnencvnwnt ol' the inwsti grtion F incy :1 witness bell): bautered by withL-r or any one of the two hundred membera in the House of i’ommnns. Fancy Mr. Blair of West ank‘ or Mr._ fluteelfe 'of East York crossques- timing: the. lender 0f the Gnvermnent or :ii'. Francis llinclgs‘ The Commissiom er» "haw bum in swan" for several weeks ‘ "my amd'ull the witnesses named by Mr. 1 Huntington have 4WD” e\i:lence exci‘pt Humingzlm, McMullen and two or tlvrsa u'lmrs. The utter falsity of 1116 el-wsgeshuvo bwn pI'OVud. Sir Jnhn Mug-dumnld states Inn‘or (mthâ€"- which nia-niS lube- uf'nn Wi-iu- in he umimutinn m Ilw briuuudaâ€"thut the terms of' the (-«mraut Were prepared with (he must M:‘.Up‘:l’!llS cure in exclude American w‘:£§i<ts frqu having any possible in- ‘vf‘i‘d‘: In it. The Athl"lC)--d€ll(‘l'ul for Qseh-c, M. Ouiluet. was before the Royal Commission 0n Tuesday lust, and while giving his evidence quotes :1 con «:umu he had with the late lamented u' Geurge E. Cartier, in the following uurde, with regard to lhe Pacific Rail- way Contract: "' Mr 0 ready hair] that I had some con ~e'snliun with Mt George (‘urtier in July Hill August ul'1872, in which he spoke to me of Sir Huih Allan. the Allen Company, [he‘l’acific Railwry. and the Northern Rail K_m1v. Sir George rehutted'the idea ot‘ “any ‘ebmiectittn of American Capitalists with the J’ucific Railway, and said that he neve.t ‘ mmuld consent to such a thing. and that he 1hml.‘ht the road should be constructed without. the aid of American capitalists. While exptessing his appreciation of the merits of Sir Hugh Alli-n, Sir George did not appear to me to be on very friendly let-ms with him, th itis to say un terms of personal friendship; nevet theless. he thought that Sir Hugh Allan, lrnm his position, would be of meat assistance to the Pacific Railway. He told me that he wished to see the amalgamation of the Macttherson and Allan "03.. and that he had been unjustly reproached with tipposniun to the Northern Colonimttion Railway in favor of the Grand 'Rav'lway. I remarked to him that I regard- ed it as unfortunate that his Guvwnwnt had got settled the uestion nf the COIIIIuCI. of the Pacific Rni wav bt‘callSl‘ I added "that this quéition wttuld militate against him in the Province lll Quellt-‘C and particularly in Montreul East. I said to him also that Sir Hugh Allan had told him that he owed his Commercial prosperity in great measure to the Conservative pallv. and that I thought. that Sir Hugh Allan ur his company would aid him by influence or otherwise in his election. Sir G. Cartier thereupon said that he could not entertain much hupe that Sir Hugh or his cumpttny. meaning the Mnttti‘enl Ocean Steamship (70., would come to his I-Bfllfilfillt‘l‘, but as for him (Sir G Cartier) he had sevrt'al times put his partâ€" fniio in danger to maintain or obtain the subsidy for the Allan Cu. " Q. Have you. got tht-m yet? “ A. Nu. I gave them to Sir Hull] Ailan on his return i'rnm Montreal 1 am convinced of the fact lhut these papers were either stolen from the private drawer 1n Whit'h I kept them, ()r from the place in which Sir Hugh Allan kept them. I do not imagine that they have the originals, but i imagine that they must, have some confide” tin] clerk to get possession of them, and furnish them with copies. By this means Ilsa he may have got the information about If. Langevin.” ~ Mncnamrs’ INSTITUTEâ€"With this week the Annual Subscription to our Mechanic’s Institute, for ‘ the season 1873-74 commences. The Library Committee has lately published a cute logue of the works in the library, which enumerates a variety of excellent read- ingâ€"they will also 'be able to make very large additions to thelr library with the handsome appropriation from the govern- ment. The public, we are sure, 1n the neighborhood, cannot do better than se- gun tickets for the present year. In Mr. Abbntt’s evidence appears the following. showing to what de5parate length» the needy party will go to secure what they suppose to be crimina ing evi- dence against their opponents. Mr. Ab- bon. gives his experience to the Commis- Iiou in a few wards. “ Mr. Abbottâ€"There has been so much "ring for breacht-s of confident-e and for thu .hunctiou of private lettt-rs in this whnlv Ifnir, that it is impussihle to know the [:0 litiotu ot the matte-r. “Judge Gowanâ€"I do not undmstand )ou “Mr. Ahhutt l uwnn that twarly all. it nut a“ the h'ttm's that hm‘t‘ hth [nmlishvd in the papers mutating to this I’m-ifit- :lmlil', have bran uhtuinet] by illvzal if‘tmt criminal mews. Ft» ilIRlHIICt‘, the tour pawns that were,uh|isned at the HM of Mr. MvMul len’s sPcnnd lettvr. must have hk-eu publish ed M, I think, c itllill‘rtl mmns. “ Q Wlml pup)”; nu ynu wit-Ir tn? “ A 1 wafer to thr drutl :md tvlegt‘um nt SirJohn Macclmmd and tlu- h-ttvr 'vl Sir Haurge t‘ultim’. and th: lt‘l'eipl 01‘ the Can- tral Cummitwv. " lu whuse possvssion were those nape-s? “A. The-y ware in my pussessiun during: the absence 14' Si. Hluh Alluu in NFwt‘ouud lmtd‘ ‘ PARLIAMENT CALLED T0- ' .GETHER. m1“! ERN RAILWAY OF CANADA {hcnuoxn BILL, 001'. 3, 1873 IMPORTANT REMITTANCE.â€"We learn from the Leader of Monday last, f‘That the Dominien Government have ordered from England halfa million pounds ster- ling in g0ld.”‘ This is a wise step, and in keeping with Sir John’s commercial policy in 1857, at which time a mono- tary crisis prevailed over the civilized world, and the credit of Canada stood second to no other country. Our banks have also ordered large amounts, so that the business portion of the community may be prepared for any emergency re- sulting from the recent failures among the leading business men in the United States. We cannot help attributing the failure of Jay Cooke, & 00., to the firm stnud our GOvcrnment have taken in re- fusing to have anything to do with this firm or Americans generally, in forming 1 the Canadian Pacific, Railway Company- Onc thng we are certain of, ifJay Cooke ‘85 ()0. had hadvin their "possession the charter forhuilding "our great ' railway, and the prospect toffi‘havingflthe thirty million dollars in Canadian bonds, and the fifty million acres of Canadian ter. ritory to flout inthe money market they would have got, all the money required- The financial panic and its consequen- "ces, that has prevailed for the past three . weeks in the United States might have been staved off for a time. GnnD RESULTs.â€"Mr. James Russel’ of this neighborhood‘ at the Guelph Fair and at the Protrincizil Exhibit-ion d ring} the past two- weeks, made the following very remunerut'ing sales of stock, which proves that if our Agriculturism go the l‘lgllt way to work there is ample mum s to be made out “of stock. raisin, Mr. ll. is very succéésful, and is considered: one of' the leudlugfirmers in the country- Snld to Mr; Wm SCI It, Milton. one _\f‘:.l‘ ling ram . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . $50. Sold to J. Hunter, South Bruce, one pair (wt-sf... . . . . . $75. ram 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45. Sold to J. Harry, Trenfon, one yearling ram .. .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100. Sold 10 H. Ruwlings, Lxmbton, one year ling rn‘n‘..‘........ . . . . 0 $100. Sold to Al. LVléhljllgale. Belleville, one yearling mm. . _ . . . . A _ . . . . . . . . $40. _ Sold to J. W. Kay, Blanshurd, one y_ear- I sum to D. McAlister, Norlh wening'um. mm pair ewes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120. Suki, one yearling ram . . . . . . . . . . . . $150. Sold to Andrew Hutchinson, Saugeen. 3 lambs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . $75. Sold to J. Healy, Adelaide. one yeafling ling mm . _ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40. Sold to Ferdinand Yost, Bentiek. 6 ewes and one ram. ...$350. Sold to John Ross, Walpole, one ram lamb. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . .7 . . . . . . . $120 Sold to Patrick McClavy, Walpole, one ram lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40 Mr. Ruswll has yet for sale a. number of Cotswold lambs. Union Exhibition at Newmarket on the 7th and 8th October,â€"â€"next week. MILITARY Picâ€"MC.â€"â€"As was an nouneed, on Tuesday last, No. 2 Troop of'Cavulry, commanded by Captain James MeConnel, held their annual pic-nic in Councillor Warren’s Grove, adjoining this village. Notwithstanding the threa- tening state of the Weather the attend anee was excellent, both of, civilians and volunteers. The Committee 0t Manage mom, with the officers of the troop at their head, did' everything to make the affair a success, After enjoying at. ex- cellent ten, provided by the mothers and sisters of‘ the young connected with the troop, dancingr Wits commenced on a commodious platform erected for the purpose. to the sii7periot‘musie of Messrs. McKenzie and Stephens. The band of the 12th battalion; from Aurora, was pleh‘i'lli during the afternoon and even- ing, and awakened the welkin by the stir ring selections of music given at inter‘ vals of very short duration; the band was under the leadership of Mr. Ireland who very thoughtfully had them seren- ade a number of the inhahitants of our town. We believe everything passed off pleasantly, and after adjourning to the Hall for a continuation of the dance, all went home at an early hour well pleased with the Annual Pic-nic of' Troop No. 2. THE VELLORE Union Sabbath School Tea~ParIy will take place on Thursday next, thu 9th inst, at the Town Hall, 6th con. Vaughan. The' Lutheran Choir will be present. » Tea served at one o’clock. Addresses will be delivered by several Rev. gentlemen. Tickets 25 cents; children 15 cents. Proceeds to aid the Sabbath School. THE CANADA COMPANY’S PRIZE.â€" For the thlrd time in four years we have the great peasure to announce that the Canada Compan. ’s Prize, of $100, for pure, unmixed Winter Wheat, has again been brought home by Mr. James Mc- Nair. of the 2nd. con. Vaughan. There has been an alarming outbreak of hydrophobia in the colliery districlsi of Eng land, not. only dogs but a'so pigs being at- Lacked by the dine-an. According to the Journalde Paris a Brit isn travellar had arrived in the French capiI tal bringing news of Dr. Livingstone down to July. He reported that the great [have]â€" ler was then in good health. The telegram failed to indicate Dr. Livingstone’s geoâ€" graghical position at the time stated. Mum gamma. DEAR SIR,â€"I am informed that you are a member of the Temperance organi-‘ zation at Richmond Hill, and claim to be very precise in observing all the rules and regulations of that body. As the ChiefMagistrate of the village and a Justice of the Peace to boot, you are ex- pected to enforce the observance of the law. In view of these facts, will you be kind enough to inform your constituents? how it happens that a recent complaint1 laid before youâ€"-in regard to a flagrant violation of the law against liquorselling on the Sabbathâ€"in your capacity as a Justice of the Peaceâ€"~was hushed up. I ‘do not care to introduce names and cir- cumstances, as the public are already familiar with the matter ; I merely dc- sirethatr you, as a prominent temperhnce’ man, should have an. opportunity offlex- plaining,r yourself, and proving your con- sistency. I, for one, will be glad to ‘know that you can do so satisfactorily- ‘ If you do not, you may hear again from BOâ€"PEEP. To Abraham Law Esq., .I. P., Reeve of Richmond Hill. THE VILLAGE FIRE ENGINE-â€" WHERE IS IT? RICHMOND HILL, OCT. 1st, 1873. DEAR SIR,â€"Am0ng the first items of expendituie which our Village Council assumed was the debt due on the Fire Engine. In addition to thac,a Hose Reel was provided for in the proposed estimates, which I heard the Clerk read at the Council table. A liberal sun) was also voted to be paid for putting and keeping the Engine in good working order. A Fire Company was formed! sometime ago, and much enthusiasm' displayed for a week or two; but it died off, and now there is nothing said or done to lead any person to think that there was a Fire Company and Fire En- gine in the Village. What is that pink of Jolly Good fellows (Capt. Trench) about? Please stir him upâ€"or his chance of the Reeveship may disappear. I by its superior juiciuess and flavor. In an other expetiment, the removal of the earth from the north side of a tree, alone, caused the fruit on that side to ripen several days val'iiex‘ than that on the south side. Fre- quent watering was of course necessary in the above experiment. Ems'rsscr: 0F LIVE M’AMMO'I‘Hstâ€"The d seovery of mammoths in Siberia, in the deep gorges of the mountains near the Lena, Viner, which was lately published as having been made by a scientific Russian convict, who saw five living animals, 12 feet in height and 18 feet in length, with projecting tusks {our feet long, excites some discussion in Enmpe. It is worthy of inquiry whether the mammoth of the past tertiary period, discovered during this century in Siberia, near the same river, can have ouy relation to the c0nv1ct’s discovery. Thousands of these animals have been found buried in the ice, with their well preservad skins, and thousands of tusks are bxought to England Io this day for the use ufthe turner. These are of nearly the same dimensions as these seen by the Russian. The convict has re- ceived an unconditional pardon on there: commendation of Scientific men who have inVestigated his statements and believe them to be true 'l'm: SPHYL‘X DISASTEILâ€"The hull ofthe yacht Sphynx was found last Monday near Newcastle. by the crew Ufa vessel belonging lu Captain Robinson. A number ofzttticles Were found un board her bearmg the nnme (if T. K. Morgan. The must and limitsail of the yacht were gone, and it IS ptrsnmed that she must have dritted over a. hnndted miles front Port DthUUSle.-MaiL HASTENING THE RtPhNthG 0? FRUIT. -Act in; upon the princtple, that renewal of the earth immediately surrounding Ille roots in creases their activity. and accelerates the maturng of all parts ofthe plant, including the fruit, Mr Stall removed the eatth about an early pear tree, eight Wt elis before the nmmal period tor ripening, tor ,9. space of 13 to 16 feet in diameter, and to such an extent as to leave a depth of earth over the roots of only about 2â€"24 it ches, which cnuld be thorotuhly warmed by the sun. He was surprised not only by the ripening of the frutt in the middle of July, but also Great excitrment was caused m Servia by al'epul‘l thin the property of the refugees from Bosnia, who were compelled to flee into Austria to escape Mussulman fanaticism; hull been tonliscated by the authorities, its mums being treated as rebels. Only a few duke Define the Turkish Government offered to dumantue the Christians of'Bosnia safety It uhv) “nuid n turn to their homes, but the relu t-,us (lit; DUI cons dor that the securities 0.11:,” (1 Lane could be depended upun. A Movement is (in foot at H'fiiifa‘xfi‘ohluis' the sum of£1,000 for the pul'pos’é’fif‘éefldin r George Brown home to row 4; s'é‘fillwi’pi’de' against Saddler for the clmmpionship’of' the world. As cure for corns the Medicdi)‘-M\Ifl$‘li ' . Circular says: Caste: gil shqgld be agplidd to the corus after purng CIOSé‘Ty‘fiéfigh‘ifii’ if before going to bed. It softenfllhe cor s} which become as the other flesh: It. will} cure every time. ’* Some of the farmers near Iowa City find a. ready market for their corn llusks at a mattrass factory in that, city. The farmers‘ are receiving enough for their husks to pay all the expense of cribbing their corn. 1 Between Vittoria and Madrid an express train had been thrown off the rails while crossing a. bridge over the Douro. A num- ber of persons were killed, including agenâ€" eral_and some other persons of disxinclion. II was not known whether the disaster was the xesull of accident 01' design. 0n the Pumpelulm Line the Cm-lisls had succeeded m thruwlng a train «:fl'the rails. Bell Ewartxwas visited by an acfiVeib‘ur- glar on Friday night. The scampbruke in- to the Railway Station and then‘made a. raid upon several places of business, securing money and goods with which he 9389):;de g Sep. 30, 1873. LAW vs. TEMPERANCE. @mwmmnflwm Yours, SQUIRT .Mwfi THURSDAY. Oct 16.-â€"Cash Sale of lum- ber and cordwood, at Mortson’s Mill Oak Ridges, Yonge Street. The proper ‘ ty of Mr. Thomas Mortson. J. Gormley Auctioneer. “' " FRIDAY, October 17.â€"Credit Sale ofFa'rm Stock, Implements, &c. on lot No. 6, in the 2nd Con. of King, the property of Mr. James Rafferty. Sale at 10 o’clock. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. ‘ WEDNESDAY, Oct. 22..â€"Credit Sale of Fm-m Stock etc.; without any reserve, on lot. No. 33, of the 3rd Con. of Markham, the property ofer. Josephus Baker. Sale to commence at twelve o’clock noon'. J. Gormley Auctioneer. V ()1? Parties getting Sale Bills prmted a! this office will receive a. notice similar to the above, FREE of charge. BIRTH. Plenumâ€"um Richmond Hill on the 2511' ML, the wife of Mr Henry Hopper, butcher of a. daughter. CARS()Sâ€"WO0DS.â€"By the Rev. G. R. Sanderson. at lhe residence ofthe bride’s father or. the 25th inst.,r~1he Rev. W. Well- ington Carson, Wesleyan Minister Hamilton to Miss Nellie Maud Woods. second and youngest daughter "of J. 0. Woods, 141qu 'l'hornhill. " ' ‘4 Y" r. ' w w, i L ‘o‘r’dir to economiao‘. in“; cfiha‘iliék n'! ._ yfl‘axgs, for [ha Villagngf Ric; njqnd Hill, as wellna for lhv l1nurn§§fiapql_ béig‘titmf’Nhs. 3 and 4 of the 'I'owjus/Iips ‘M' Mmhlrirm" hull Vaughan, including the Vllngc, [he Rampav. ers are hereby invhed to call at the Clark‘s oflice and pay all ramsfw which thov are liable. [or the year 1873. to the undemgned. on or before the TURNIP SEED! By [he Rev; John Hum, on the 30th Sept. at the residence of the bride's f'alher, Viv toriu Square Markham. Mr Abraham) I t risks to Bethesda third daughter of Jamu Sioutenborough, Esq., J. P. Vfibbmgodge willfibo held my“ M‘quu [veil the 6H] October, at‘7 o’clock. ’ L' ‘ " " “‘ w‘AME on Ihe puvmises of the subscribe: 1142. ill the lat .Con of Markham. mm Richmond Hill M701“ the Fifteenth July last, A Run AND WHITE Ilmrrza. coming Threw Years old. The ounnr is requtszed lo pl'uxv expenus,aud lake the unimn away. ‘ Mpre than half a century ago a fihysician of the Bntlsh army discovered a. cure for t at hitherto con- sidered incurable disease, Runarunsm, which, In his own practice, pruved to be an unfailing remedy. the prescnption of which has long been in the pos- aessron of a druggist. who gave it a trial in his own lamily over 25 years ago, when it made such a re- markable cure of RHUEMATIsM that astonished all who were “(Painted with the case. ' Others med with such comp ete success that estabhshed the fact that it does effectually cure RHEUMATISM. "AL u..- _-.u_z_- y.-- L‘â€"_â€"Afi;veukly journal of Current Events. Literature. Science and Arm, \griculture and Mechanics, Fashion‘ al_I_d ALJsement. Sod ullulubuuv' ~v.v.. -y ...._ Mechanics, Fashion unit-1"K'uigéfinént. Sod ER- BOOK 0F at 10¢ a number at the Hzmw Book Btorrfl I I All)“ an“, Bswk $ka KINDS AT AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! nun. u. uvnn mum-mun, - n, - Since the ori nator‘a death, this medicine has been at u an er the name 9! GRAHAM'S PAIN ER IDA 0R. Its superlomy to all others is uni- versan y acknowledged 1n the cure or most. form: of pain. Tx_'y 3t. ‘ .K , "in... a___.:_L- -‘a And-n yunu. Ll n. For pal; by an respectable dmggisto and dealer! Inmedlcme. Price 26 cents. 182 Adelaide Street East. MUNVICIPALIITY‘”OF dilCHMOND HILL agrimltmal Libuptenmus. M. 'I‘EEFY, Richmond Hill. Sep. ‘29., [873. 'I're: 01a]! Descriptions So that partin favu'in- us with a call cannot fail to be srttsfied bo'h in price and quality. Remember that Which I am offering at very low nrices in Rxcnmoxn HILL alwaul has the LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK For the Fall and Winter Trade! smug swam. ml -_u1*n;>:;1 779-” Richmond Hill. Sep. 30. I873 VANADIAN ILLUSTRATED N_EWS. B‘y' order of the Council 'l‘har next ragular communication of Ihé I have also a tuw very Superior GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE gm: gmtimxmty. BOOTS AND SHOES AS just been received an Immense Stuck of SEED STORE! HARVESTING TOOLS SETTS OF HARNESS The largest selection of lst AUCTION SALE. ICHMOND LODGE,A.F. & A.M . N0. 23, G.R.C. TORONTO A SPECIALITY. NOVEMBER NEXT. [n the Dominion. ll be held next Nl‘quu [vellliklg xr, at~7 u’cldék. " ’ " “‘ ROBERT: E” LAW. Sec'y. MARRIED. Strayfed. TAXES. WM VANDEILBURG AND AND WM. RENNIE, AN EFFECTUAL CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. . 0n. '1 reusw 2* I873 AUTUMN. |873 WM. ATKINSON THE STOCK COMPRISES: thch {or qualitv and price will, he innisfied. ,‘IVO unbounded sulisl‘ocxion. :QUrockery, Hardware, Glassware, Groceries, gm, Which cannot be nu rpnssod if equalled. WM. ATKINSON. FANCY FLANNELS, ROM THE PREMISES OF THE SUB- scriber. lot ll, rear of the 3rd Con. of Markham. about ihe ls! August 1m. A while HULL! “Ell-‘ER coming 3 years old. Am om: giving such Information as will lend to he! re- covon will be rewarded ; and any person de- taining her in their possession after [his uyno will be proaecuted according to law. ALEX. BROW 5. Store . OETICAL WORKS, 0F AL- THE different poets. at the HERALD Book FLOWERS, U 1m, Con, Vaughan, an old tea cow. Tho owner is requested to prove ptoporly, pay ox- penses, and take her away. JAMES ASH. FANCY GOOD 5. In fact an Immense Stock suitable for the taste of his numerous customers. Mount-«1.-EvunsflVlercer and (30.. Wholosalo " Drugglsls. Lynmlu, Clam and (lo. Tvromo.â€"E|liult and Co . Wholesale Drug- " gists. Shapler and (:wen. Hamillon.â€"â€"Winner and Co. Halifax â€"-Avery. Brown and Co. Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture.” For cleansing rnd clearing the blond from all impurites. cannot be too highiy recommen- dad ddn. Hangar and Somx. Oxford Street London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. 6‘ OR TH E BLOOD IS THE LIFE.”â€"'- See Demeronomy, chap. xii, vane Q3 CLARKE’S World Famed BloodiMixture. For Scrol'ula. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores or all kinds ii. is a never-failing and par- maneut cure. It cures old Sores Lures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcernled Sore Logs Cures Mackheads. or Pimple: on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Concertina Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Discus". (Tures Glandular Swolliugs . .(Ilears the Blood from all impuro matter, From whatever causfi arising. As this mixture. is pleasant to the taste. and warranted free from anything injurious to the must delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor aclicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of tosximonials from all parts. Soul in Bottles 25 3d each, and in Cases. containing BlX times the quantity. Ila enchâ€" sufliment to cfl'ecl a parmnuant cure in lhe great major-it)~ of long standing “usesfllY ALL ('llld‘llS'l‘S and PATENT MEDICIN E Burgm‘ue. Burbidges and Co.. Colman street, London. \‘ewbery und Sons.37 Newgam Street.Lo|1don linrclay and Sons. 95 FBI’I'lungII Sire“. Lon- APUTHECARIES' HALL. LINLOL'N. ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. @1311 6mm, @mmiw. NAME ON THE PREMISES. LOT 54. Vaughan, Sept. 17th, 1873. DRESS GOODS, Buttonville. Sept. I5, 1873. EGS to announce the arrival of the great- or part 0‘ his VENDORS throughout the world. §ol§rPr_oRneloAr». J 9!.3A_KKE,Chanli‘a‘t, AMES. TOYS, &C., FUR SALE AT the‘ Bunny Book Store. BLACK STUFF GOODS, different poets. Dealer in everything Good and Cheap Cor-tn} Store. Richmond Hill. AGENTS IN CANADA. CANADIAN COT TONS, RIBBONS, and Winter 80068 ! COUNTERPANE& A full assorrmem of BLANKETfi STRAYED. STRAYED. TWEEDS, MANTLES, DOESKINS. SHAWLS, .3 co W3 Fall Goods W3 LCROSBY Fall and Winter Goods! CALI. AN]! BXRMINB. EVERY DEPA RTMENTo The from half of lot No. 18, 3rd Concession of Vaughnn. . EMAINING [N THE RICHMOND HiIl Post fiicerlSoplemhor. 1873: 515' It, W. Morrison, Mrs C. Ambler, W. (2) Muller. Mr- Catherine Anna} J. Maiden, Mill Baird, George . McMnstor. Jamel Hraiee, Chas. S. McBride. .Iohn Rim. Sarah McWade . John Baker, Michael McKIy. Hugh Bulitho. Henry W. Mcbeilh, Janet Bolton, John Neil. Mary J, Cooper, Mrs V > Outer, Catharina Espey. Joseph ' O'Brien 1). 0. Elliot. Mary O’Heron. John Finnie, Peter 1 Po“. Woodrufi' Gardiner. Wililm WJ’OWI‘“, Lucy fl. Grnv. David Frost, George Glover. Edward Phillips. 8, Henuessy Catharine Rogou. Josiah B. lngrahmn. J. Su-ckdnie. T. Joyce. Redmond Simpmn. Adulino Kennedy. J‘ H. i pancor. W. J Kirkinnd. Jamar iVnno‘erhurgh. J M. Kerswill. Jamal Vanderburg. Lame Lommon, J. Vunderburgh. W. Legge, George F, Wh-lan. Daniel Lewis. Mist; Wrrwick, James Lahmer. Mia: B R. Wilson. T. H Moylnn. Patrick ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST 0!" N0- VEMBER NEXT. More or loss. Tums euy. For further pm- ficulnn apply to J. C. McQUARRIE. J I: A wllo'th'orougiily understands Household work. to whom good w-gos will be gin“. Apph personally to Mrs G A Burnard. Richmond Hi”. Richmond Hill, Aug. 98th. 1873. 798-“ THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY WILL BE DLOSED l'OR ONE WEEK, Hisyolu'aleer Ms humming PARTIES WISHING PICTURES CAN GET THEM ANY TIME AFTER THAT DATE. Qty @umlfi, fiwmim. CONTAINING 52 ACRES Maple, Julv 93. l873. EWELRY ! JEWELRY! FOR SALE chap at the Hun.) Book Slow. AS roeuvod Ihs gum” pan of hi: FIRE-PROOF STORE, ON SATURDAY, SEP’T 20. 0F THOS. B. COPELAND Wanted. GOOD GEfiERAL granny, BE SOLD guifitcuzgmufi. List of Letters RICHMOND HI LL Grocer and Dry Good: Merchant, N 0 TICE. i pal-mar. W. J Nunderhurgh. J M4 ywdarbutg. Lame Vunderburgh. W. Whulan. Daniel Wrrwick, James W ilson. T. H I. CROSBY. M. TEEFY. I. u. 783-43 Mapk IMPORTANT NOTICE ! PEOPLE’S STO RE, Superior Teas and Groceries Call and examine .he large and well selectedi stock in WINES & LIQUORS ROOM PAPER, CROCKERK, }LASSWARE, WIN DOW SHADES, TINWARE, PAINTS & OILS, GLASS & PUTTY, FURNITURE, NEW ENGLISH MUSICB MAKE A NOTE OF IT! Claims to be a firm class Hanna. and the only true wav of lesfingit is by romparison: and an inspection of the stock nnd prices in res- pot- [fully solicited. ID' The highest prices paid for unskind" of Farm Produce. . MUSIC! MUSIC! MUSIC 1, Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. A heaulil‘ul choice lot In be cloned out a! greatly reduced prices at [he Cent-ml Store Black Jets, Ear Rings; Red, Colored, Opal, Blue and Pearl Necklets, See them at the- HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL. CELEBRATED ~AXLE GREESE PRA CTICAL MILLINER She has! no hesitation in prumising sltil faction to nll who may favor her with a call. Dress and Mantle Making ! Done to order on me chutes-t notice Shop one door north of Mn. Bam- ard’: store, Richmond Hill. OPENED OUT YESTERDAY, Will. be happpy to see all desiring an llhing in her branches, being a Impaction Invited and Patronage Solicitad. Tennis Balls, Solid Rubbef Balls, Richmond Hill, AugustfiS. l873. Wm ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. June 5. 1873 73 FANCY GOODS! May 8. [873. For the hem. purest and cheap»: Ground Cofkes and Spices, 513mm and mm. AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE“, ASHIONABLE MILLlNERY SHOP. PEOPLE’S STORE BARGAINS ! EMNANTS 0â€"Fâ€"DREss GOODS. SPLENDID STOCK, PARCELb DELI VEREQ, P. a 32mm J...--..J um A.._-A.~m Inn-tn "1.551 If you want pure. unadullorated DON’T FAIL TO RICHM 0ND HILL. Remember the Grammy 8m. A LARGE ARRIVAL 01' PEO PLE’S STORE. PEOPLE‘S STORE. RICHMOND HILL. MRS. HASSETT IF YOU WANT A [.80 BIDWELL’S RFHAMBER 'I'HE N FHOR’I‘ . THE Charms, 60 TO THE FOR SALE. AND Lockets,_ ; PUTTY, UTLERY, and Rings, CEO. 772-“ 776 851+?!

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