The Murder Trial at Barrio. CONFESSION OF THE FATHER. On Friday morning last John and George Tyion (father and son) were placed upon their trial at the Barrie Assizes, for the wil ful murder of Mr. Frank Fisher, on the 28th of February last, at a place about 120 miles from Parry Sound. The Hon. E. B. Wood. M.P., Q.C., prosecuted the case on behalf of the Crown, D’Arcy Boniton, Q. 0., defended the prisoners. and was assisted by Wm. Lount, barrister, Barrie, and Allan Lloyd, barrister. Bracebridge. The I ourt room was crowded during the two days of the trial. ‘ After a rigid examination of witnesses the Jury retired to consider their verdict at 4 o’clock p._m.; and were absent an hour and a. half, when they returned, and amid the profoundeet silence, on being asked if they were agreed, and what was their verdici, the} renderedaVerdict of "Guilly.†A low moan escaped from the elder Tyi'ou when he heard his doom, and Le clutched the dock with a convulsive grasp ; the younger Tyron seemed more collected. but the thtching at the mouth, and the startled look about the eyes. showed that be fully comprehended the. fearful situation in which he stood. PRISONERS DECLARE THEIR INNOCENCE. The prisoners were then required to stand up and give their reasons why sentence of. death should not be passed upon them, when John Tyron said, in a voice ti'einulous with emotion.-â€"I am not guilty of the crime» I did not murder Fisher; and ifthe jury could only see the spot where Fisher lay dead they would come to the conclusion that he died accidentallyâ€"neither,of us are guiltyâ€"may God have mercy on us. George Tyron. in a trembling voice. but ï¬rm bearing saidâ€"l am innocent of the crime, as innocent. as a child unborn. I have a wife and childâ€"and I hope the county will not see them want. It. was noticed that George Tyrou dwelt with marked emphasis on the words “ I am Innocent.†THE SENTENCE. In passing sentence the Judge saidâ€"I deeply regret to see you, John and George Tyron. iii the position in which you now stand ; but I perfectly agree with the ver dict the jury have rendered ; inoeed, I do not think the jury could have :enl'cred any other verdict consistent with their oath I will now only add, ihatI can hold out to you no hope of mercy in this world, but hope you will by repentance and prayer im prove the short time in which you have to live, and receive from God the mercy you cannot receive here. 1 have no discretion in the matter, but must sentence you as the law directs, which is. that yon. John and George Tyron. be taken from hence to the place whence you came, and from thence to the place of execution on the 16ili day 'of December next, and there be hanged by the neck till you are dead, and may God liavci mercy on your souls. The prisoners were then handcuffed and ,laken from the dockâ€"the younger one com paratively ï¬rm, but the elder trembling all ‘ over. REPORTED CONFESSION OF JOHN TYRON. On Monday evening last our townsfolk I were considerably excited over a report that ‘ the elder Tyron had confessed his guilt, ; and that the confession l'ullv exonerated his son George from any knowledge of, or par ; Iticipation in the murder; and the next 5 morning we learned that he dind Ciltll’bs‘sed ‘ the deed to Mr. lio‘tilton, his counsel, in the,†morning. on his knees. and that his Son lllll ’daoariiiga his father make the. coitfeaisn iii,'! wept bitterly. We also ascertained that, the i elder Tyron had sent for the Rev. E Mor» , gan,'rector of Trinity. Church. iiurrie, and-~ cptilfess’ed his guilt to him. We waited on ‘ htheItcv. gentleman on Wednesday morning, arid‘learii'e'd that the‘report Wesson-eat; At «obt’qunest'the Rev. Mr. Morgan-Jimmy dictated to us the following, which ‘i may not," he said, “be corn ct in every'partii-u~ tar, as I give it from memory, not havmg. committed it to writing.†We may here add, that the Judge has in structed the Crown ofï¬cials not to permit the confession to be published. so that we could not get the ofï¬cial document, but the following is, we believe, however even more full:â€" REV. E. MORGAN’S STATEMENT. On Monday afternoon I saw John Tyron, on request of the gaoler, Mr. Lang, who said the elder Tyron had confessed his guilt to Mr. Boulton, iii the morning, and wished to see me. I immediately went, when he confessed to me that he murdered Fisher. I believe he told the truth, not only on account of its apparent correctness, but front his manner whilst making the confesston, which was as follows :â€" THE CONFESSION. On the evening of Friday, the 18th of February last, just before dark, I was lying on my bed, in the shanty; my son George was leaning with head resting on his hands on the table, siiiginx. Next morning my son was going away to get an Indian to bring him to Barrie. being very anxious about his wife, who was expected soon to be confined. I was very much opposed to my son's leaving me ; and I suddenly thought that if I could put an end to Fisher that I might prevent my son’s going away. I im- mediately rose quietly from the bed, and passed out of the door unknown to my son. Fisher had just gone out to get some meat to cook for an early breakfast next morning. (Tyron then gave the distance and position of the scaffold from the shanty. as see evi dence ) 1 seized a large axe lying against the door; it. was not the small axe produced in Court; I followed Fisher, and struck him I a blow with the pole of the axe, on the. top of his head, whilst he. was looking up at the meat. He fell instantly on his face, I then struck him several Hows; after which I took hold of'h’isr'feet to get them on the hand-sleigh. and in so doing the body turned on its back; and then, with the axe, struck one of the brackets on which the scaffold rested, and the slabs fell, one of them on Fisher's face, and the other some short dis? tance from him; I don’t think this occupied more than one or two minutes; l then threw the meat which had fallen, on that slab, and then went back as quiet as a cat into the house, and threw myself on ‘the bed ; my son George not perceiving me go out or come in, but was still leaning on the table, singing. I lay on the“ bed, I suppose, about ten minutes; then I happened, suddenly exclaimed, George, where’s Fisher ; he’s a long time out. George then went out of the door, and neatly instantly shouted, three or four times, Father, the scaffold has fallen on Fisherâ€" run I I went out, and, stooping down, pre- tended to listen if Fisher breathed; this was done to deceive George. George then said, Let’s call Bob up; Bob was called. and came at once. I said to Bob, This is a ter- rible accident : Bob suwgested they should remove the meat and slab froin Fisher. George ran into the house for a light, and the, wind blew it out, and before he returned with a light, the second time, Bob and I had . removed thi- things from the- body. We their took the bodv into the shanty, and the iiextday Fisher was buried. The day after the funeral George went to South River,and gave lFever, an epidemic that has already swept icent. and without em vloyment, and little- . ,. . r _ l miniul circumstances we are forced to make ,, pretended nothing had' 13, Rev." E. Morganâ€"Why 'did you n... TORONTO YOUNG MEN'S CHRIS- confess your guilt before the trial, as you. might have added the death of _ yoursoii to that of Fisher 7 John Tyronâ€"I made sure I would not. be hung, as there was no evidence against me; and I therefo e determined to keep the se cret within my own breast, till Mr. Boulton came to me this mowing, when it suddenly struck rueâ€"he has done all he can to save ‘ | I I my life, I ought to tell him I am guilty. then confessed to Mr. Boultou in the hearing of my son. - By the Rev. E. Morganâ€"Did you feel no compunction when you killed that innocent man for his money 7 John Tyronâ€"Nol My heart was as hard as a stone. [felt no more than if I was killing a mad do ~. I never thought of Fisher’s money. I did not know he had any. My only motive was to keep my son with me. Fisher always said he had not any money with him. All the money I had was $1.25. The rest was Fisher’s. I told my son I had found $20, in gold, which belong ed to Fisher, and gave it to him to take Care of. The Rev. E. Morgen further saysâ€"After the elder Tyron’s confession, I spoke to George Tyron. who burst into tears, and said. “I never would have believed my fa ther guilty of such 11.0;ij if I had not heard him.confessit.†' " ' Yellow Fever. _.â€" CONTINUANCE OF THE PLAGUE~APPEAL FOR ‘ All). i ' H MEMPHIS, Sept 2S..â€"-.Thét‘e are sixteen yellow fever interments here to day, and the weather is very unfavorable for the abate ment of disease. Snasvnroar, Sept. 29.â€"Within the last four days several of the most prominent and useful citizens of Shreveport have fallen victims to the epidemic.:.~'1'he p0pnlat-ion has been fenrfnlly thinned out by sickness and death. We no longer have funerals. Hearses followed by one or more carriages dash through the streets like asection of ar- tillery in battle seeking position. The How- ard Association have owned an orphan as. yliim, and are feeding-about two thirds of the resident population. There are fewer deaths and new cases because there are fewer people. The Physicians Committee last week investigated the origin of the ep- idemic, and show beyond question that the fever was importeddfrom Cuba. Drs. Chapin. Brown. Davidson. who are here ifrorn New Orleans. are fully satisfied on this point. The Shreveport Times of to- morrow will contain the following appeal, which the Howard Association earnestly re quests the press of Ihï¬â€˜S'QE'III'y to publish: -â€"- "To one FELLOW Ci'rtzst,â€"-The Yellow‘ awav more than 400 of the community, is. still'raging with unabated fury in our midst. We have now at least 700 sick of all ages, sex, colors. and natibnalitics. all of whom, from the pec‘dlt“ character of the disease require skilful nursing. In addition to this, there are hundreds of peeple left without a children. All of them must for the present be provide for, and pji’oyided for by the Howard Association, and there is no work to do into no money to be had. Destitution in our midst is as heartrendering as the dis- cuss itself. a d IllerP‘IS a fearful number of deaths. The drain upOn the i'u'nds of the Association has thus fun-been enormous, and the liberal aid Sent to us lw our sister cities is nearly exhausted. Under these this gerwralappwrl to-.t,he Country for ad ‘1 dilional aid. We have people amongst nsl Writtgwiti want. andgjyiisg, from all see-'- tious iii the Union and, from summons. at d‘ We feel that the great fpublic heart. will re Spond to thislappeiilf'e‘xtbrted b): the most dire necessity. Our ownxesancgs are near; ly exhausch _ The wealthy are. broken down, the pooiiare threatened with actual starvation. the sick and dying are about to be deprived of the commonest. comforts humanity can offer them " d ‘,“',We appeal..n,ot,to._ our fellowcountrv- men,’but to our fellow/men for aid.†(Signed) " L. E. StMuoNs, “President Howard Association. D’ B. MARTIN, “ Vice-President do. “D. P. Fenner, M. D.. Thomas G. Allen, M. D.. J. S. Cntliff, )M. D., Mickiiisou Dal- zell. M.l)., George}. Pike.†V Naw UBLEANS. Sept'.'29.â€"â€"Special diSpat- ches from Brenham and Bryan, Texas. to the Picayune state that there are panics in those places trom the apprehension of yetâ€" low fever, which has broken out in Calvert. A Story comes from Connecticut which ’ is pleasant to readin spite of its tinge of sentimentality. Two brothers who had been living for years on the most uncomr for-table terms, lately came to blows; thence to a Justice of Peace; thence through ap peal to the Superior Court. One was found guilty, and in the case of the other the jury didn't agree. Then did the wise Judge \ Foster call them before hint and gave them la long and serious lecture. He told them 'how wrong and shameful it was of them to treat each other 0; that there was fault on both sides. and he didn’t. know which was -the worst. Ele remarked with much reason that law was an expensive luxury. and ad- vised/them to keep out. of it. Then he be- sought. them to be triends hereafter and sol- emnly demanded from each a promise to that effect. 'iThey gave it promptly and obeyed him. sobbing when he told them to shake hands. Duing this odd scene we are ,’ informed that the State lAttorney and all the , members of the bar were weeping, which is I certainly withptit exception the most extra ordinary thingnecorded in legal literature. . in “own†V‘- . The~rFeiielgipFails Gazette says that on ,Thnrsday. the .18th inst... as a man named 1 Wm. Daggiwasiridingon aivaggiiii and lend- ing a Span of horses, by some means he felt lfrom his Seat and one of the wheels passed ,over his stomach. He was immediately carried'into Horde Tavern at Norlaud. near which‘the accident happened, whereevery , thing3possibl Kites done for him but he died ‘the next dig. Deceased. who, we :re in formed was; abbut thirty years of age and unmarried, came from Peterborongh and was in the employment of Messrs McDoug hall & Ludgate of that town, who have a‘ shanty ' out. beyond Nurland. to which the poor man was on his. way when he met with the sad mishap which terminated his exist- ence. The ï¬sherman of Norway carry in their ï¬shing boats a water telescope, or tube three or four'teet in length. They immerse one end in the water, and then, looking intently through the glass. they are enabled to perceive objects at ten or ï¬fteen futhoms deep" as distinctly as if they r ere within a foot of the surface. So, when they discover plenty of ï¬sh. they surround them with their largenraught nets, and often catch them in hundreds at a haul, which. fwere it not for these telescopes. would fre :qneutly piove precarious and unpr ï¬iiihle TIAN ASSOCIATION. .l ’ Coaxsa or QUEEN AND Jsxss 81's., . ToaoN'ro, JUNE, 1873. To Parents, Guardians, Pastors, and others whose Sons, Wards, or Friends may be Toronto. The louiig Men’s Christian Association take pleasure in informing their friends and the Christiatn Public generally of the facili ties for usefulness which they now enjoy. Their beautiful and commodious building, with its Halls, Library, Free Reading Room rind Gymnasium are intended at once to in- vite and improve all young men who enter. Prayer Meetings. Literary and Musical En- tertainments are frequently held and open to all. Parents, Guardians. Pastors. or others who have young friends in the City or about to come to it, are invited to urge them to come to us. A Reception Committee has been formed, the members of which gladly call on all strangers whom they may hear of from those interested. Communications from friends at a distance are gladly re- ceived. Yours repectfully, Taos. J. WiLKin, Secretary. TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, October 3, IS73. Flourâ€"Superï¬ne . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 75 RE 5 80 Spring Wheat extra .. 6 (lo/Q 6 IO Fancy . . . . . ......... G35iib 640 Extra. . . . . . . ........ 57541) 680 Superior Extra. . . . . 7 25 ro- 7 5H Oatnieal....... ..... _.... 515(1) 540 Curiiineal 285tle 000 Bran.............. . . . . . . . . 1250fwl3l'0 Wheatâ€"Spring ............ 12 ft?) 191 Scales and Delhi i 25 {E 130 Trsndwell . . . . . . . . . . l ‘24 (I) 126 Barley............. . . . . . . . . 1050 III) Pause..... . . . . . _... . . . . . . . . 058(1) 000 Oats . . . . . ... ............. 040(1) 04'! 24mm» 2800 Straw . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . l3 1'0 @ l6 "0 Potatoes. per bag . . . . . . .. . .. (l 80 a t) 00 Apples. per barrel .......... 225d? 30“ Iieef.oi'theside ........... 6t)ll@ 650 Mutton. by he carcass...... 7 (III rm 0 (ill Poultryâ€"Geese. . . . . . . . . . .. (l 75 @ [l 9" Turkeys .......... 075((D lflll Chickens. per pair.. 0 25 fa) I) 40 Ducks. per pair. . .. I! (It {(3 0 7o Porkâ€"Mcss................ l80tlfi1) lflllll Extra Prime .. . . . .... U 00 [ID 0 0“ Bacon . . . . . ..... . . . . . .. 008E!) Ill? Hamsâ€"Salted............. Illlfd) "l4 Snioked............ 0194/61) 0l3 Dressed Hogs . . ..... . . . . . . . 6 I'll ((1) 7 (ill‘d......... ............ llll.’('1) 012 Butterâ€"lb Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . 0 20 db 0 '22 Packed . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 l5 ft) 017 REEL“... ... ...... 017d» 02) Dried Apples.. . . . . . . .. 0 07 ((3 I 75 Salt . . . . . . . . .... .... .. I50@ 000 Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 035@ 036 Motion. )REAKFAST. â€"- EPPS’S COCOA. â€" (inn‘rzriii. AN!) COMFORTING. -- “ By a thorough knowledge nftlie natural laws which goverirthe operations-of digestion and n ittt‘itiou. and hr :1 c'ireju} application of the ï¬ne proper- ties of well-sulecied 0005)». Mt Epps has pro: vizlet‘l our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored hoverngo which may save llS many heavy _noctnrs’ lijlls."â€" Civil .Sm‘vicc Gaul/13;); “Marlo “simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Ear-h [mi‘ltN is labelledâ€" 'lAMirs lirrs & '70., Her. mopniliir (‘lir~iiiists, London." ll‘lANui-‘IC'rURr or CoCOA.~â€"",We will now leaving home for residence in, the City of grating. @ J. M. WEEDS, DENTIT, SUR GEON Residence at Aurora, Ont. Particular attention paid to Children’s teeth, and also to Gold F'il‘ling. A stock of beautiful teeth always on hand and al work warranted. Mr. Wells will visit the lollowing places, on a do.“ mentioned. Marsh-m, on the 8th day of each month. V th Stouï¬'ville, " Itlth " " Springhill, " 14th " " Richmond H ill. 18th “ " Tliornhill. " 20m “ " Maple, " 2‘2Hd " “ Mr Wells or assistant. will he at his ofï¬ce. Yonge Street. Aurora. at all times. AJ letters addressed to Aurora, promptly at- tended to. Teeth also set with the Coluloid Base. a new invention. being lighter. stronger and more durable than the old kind. Having had nine years experience, satisfaction can be guaranteed. Richmond Hill, June 19, l873. 77.3-tf. UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON ' TO Weekh‘ Papers. rcce ved at the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill One Box of Cr arke’s 341 Pills IS warranted to cure all disthargcs from the UriiiarvOrgatis, in either sex acquired or constitutional. Gravel and \l’ninsjn the Back. Sold in Boxes. 45 6d all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole proprietor, F. J. CLARKE. APO'I‘HECARIFS’ HALL. LINCOLN, ENGLAND. ‘ EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne. Bnrbidges and Co , Colman Strut London Newborv‘and Sons, 37 Newgata St., London. Barclay ann Son. 95 t‘arringdon St . London Sanger and Sonsâ€. Oxfoid 15L. London, And all the London Wholesale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. MontreaLâ€"Evaus Mercer and 00.. Wholesale “ Drnggiste. Lyinaus Clare and (To. Torontoâ€"Elliott and ("o., Wholesan Drug " gists. Shaptei and Owen. Hamilton -Winer and Co. Humanâ€"Aver}. Brown and Co. T A LARGE STOCK OF T TEAS, Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. Also a ï¬ne assortment of Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, .L “i RICHMOND HILL. LL RICHMOND HILL SAW MILL l ANDREW MAGER, DEALER IN LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE _SHINGLE CUTTING, [-i AND / V,» I‘ ,l J. FLEMING ,‘ftj‘ONE TO ORDER. v Rialimo‘ndflill, Dec. _9. ’72. 751-t y give no account of the process adopted by .A’Icssrs James ICpps Ni Co‘.. manufactures of ’ dietetic articles. at their _works iii the Eustou Rand.â€â€"-Gosscll’s Hausrliolrl Guzda October iii. “#72. 739-137 , l ,. Farmers and Threshers TakerE ‘~ ‘ T'W-Os- HUNDRED , Notice. Rsnis NEW AND IMPROVED PATENT SIEVE I Will clean all kinds of grain. embracing wheat, rye. barley. and oats and will not choke with any ilii>tley or foul grain. No stick or hroo-n required to he used. and the much no need not at iiv time he stopped by clogging ofthv Sieve. All orders for tliis'Sinvo addressed to the natentee, .lnhn Rae. Lansing P.O.. Ont., will I‘HPPIVB prompt alt! tilicn. _ Anr inlringelreut on this patent will be punished with the utmost rigo of the law. JOHN RA E, Lansing P.0 Yonge Street, July, l872. 729-tf SC I B L E S O CI E TY DEPOSITORY . R r mood Hill branch) at the HERALD Book Store H 00 L REQUISITES OF ALL kinds at the Book Store 7 Muslin-:Statinmy, 8a.. IRVING’S FIVE-CENT MUSC. NO. 1,: “ MOLLIE DARLING.†NO. 2, “I HAVE NO HOME.†! NO. 34- “ FATHER SAYS I MAY.†No. 4. COME SIT BY MY SIDE, LITTLE DARLING. No.5. M OLLIE’S ANSWER- NO. 6. lBIRDIE HAS COME. NO. '7. ï¬shing. This instrument is not. only . used by the fishermen. but it is also found in the navy coasting vessels. A Brantford paper intimates tba pears Superior Farm for Sale, _EING ~LQT N0. 23, IN THE SECâ€" oiid concession of the Township of Markham, containing ; ,. . I l and well cultivmed. There are on the prod, petty two good FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! 'l'nree large barns, two stables, and other no- cessary tarm buildings. Two spring creeks run .across the lot, and plenty of good water abounds. It is situated at a distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two miles from Richmond Hill. This farm is nearly all under- draiued, and well fenced, with two good or- chards. and about Fifty Acres Good Bush. For further particulars. apply, either by letter (post-paid). or on the premises, to MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. Richmond Hill P. 0. Dec 4. 1879. 75tltf inhabitants. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" rnlly be found at home from '2 to 3 o'clock. P It. John Elliott Langstafl' is auth- orized to collect accounts. February 4th. 1873. 759-lv BLAKE a. KINGSFORD, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- citors, Conveyaucars, &.c., &c., Orrcrcs.â€"No. 56, Church Street. Toronto; next door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE. R. E. Kixesronv. M.A EDWARD PLAY'I‘ER. 1L1) , (Medalist, Toronto University,) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, 8w. -' , , 'lll it: “v One hundred ahd forty of which are 'cle 7°d,'-.ȠI Stratus, 8w. .«AA , _ ._ . .\_.-. EM gnaw Watch. DOMINION TEA HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. r T H E T ALEXTIIOODIE Has always on hand the largest and best variety of GROCERIES, Consisting of Teas from 50 cents to $1 00. which for quality and flavor, cannot be sur. passed. 0 OFFEES, Green, Roasted and Ground Coffee ; A SI’LENDID ARTICLE. Salmon Ti'ouITCod Fish and Labrador Herring. PROVISIONS: . Eyro’s Flour kept on hand. which cnnnot be heat by anything that comes to town. i Pens, Shorts, Bran, Clover and Timothy t Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, ch. WINES AND LIQUORS ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadulteraled, BLOOD'S DUBLIN PORTER, AND O’KEEFE’S ALE, &c. Crockery & Glassware. GA DEN TOOLS. 61c. Farm Produce taken in archange. HEAP JAPAN TEA, ONLY 25 CENTS PER Ii}. Skirving’s Imp) noted Purple Top Sioede, Manch .Wurtzel and Car- rot Seed, at the DOMINION TEA HOUSE. A. MOODIE. ONTARIO VHOUSE. JUST 'ARRIVED AT THE ONTARIO HOUSE A Large and Select Stock of SPRING GUODS, CONSISTING or Choice 7 'eas, Tobacco, Currants, Razszns, Prunes, Dried A p les, dim, SALMON TRU 'l'. 001) FISH. COAL ' OIL, die. Splendid Green Tea for 50 cents per lb. Which for strength and flavor cannot be surpassed north of Toronto. A large and beautiful assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES! Just came to hand. suitable for the SPRING TRADE, At Prices that defy competition. Remember in Boots and Shoes, 1 cannot be tll'tdorsoltl. IN THE FLOUR AND FEl'D Department will be found the very best familv Flour manuiactnred by Rumble dz Calvert, Richmond Hill Mills. which has stood the test for a length of little. and is allowed by cont 6- town. Peas, Oats, Bran. Shorts, Bacon. Hams _._A,qligi:e lot of BLACK TARTAR OATS Timothy and Flax Seed. All kinds of ï¬eld \ll kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange and the leighest market price paid. ing elsewhere. as we feel conï¬dent We can .Remember the place, Corner of Yon 6 :1"?qu Hill. J. BROWN. " I QB. geranium. P. 0. SA VINGS BANK. RICHMOND "‘ EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (OR dollars hvaiiy one depositor,) will be received Goverumantwillallow Interest. M. ’I‘EEFY. Postmaster. “,Nln. Tam-v is Government Agen It‘ci MARRIAGE LICENSES. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Oflicehours: t'roin 6230A-M.t09:30 Lu 563-tf MORGAN 8; THORNE, A R R I ST E RS , SOLICITORS IN Chancery, Notaries, &c. OFFICE â€"Coun Street. Toronto. Branch Ofliceâ€"llivisiou Court Clark 3 ofï¬ce, Rich moud Hill. "I‘Hos. K. Momnit. Toronto. April 25. IRVQ Honor Tm)an tr. «1‘ .RICHMOND HILL LIVERY STA B LE S . Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons Coroner for the County of York. Roridenceâ€"Oppogiie I). Hopkin’s Store , Cor. Youge and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill. March re. 1373. 764-tt' 8. JAMES, ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYER, Couittt' Engineer. Draftsman die. Surveys. Plans, Descriptions. Reports, Plans of bridges. Speciï¬cations, Forms of contract, Security Bonds, dtc . executed with neatness and despatch. No. 4 Trust and Loan Buildings, Corner of Adelaide and Toronto streets, TORONTO. Toronto Jnlv 28. 1873 784-tf EVERY INVENTOR, BUILDER, IMECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGI- NEER. CHEMIST. FARMER AND MERCHANT, should at once as nd his name and address with $l.50 for one year’s subscription to l The Canadian Parfait Ofï¬ce Record AND M ECHANICS’ M AGAZINE, 'ro THE PUBLISHER, information of, what. he considered the acci- _ . dent, and came back that, night. while have not. been so plentiful in tWelve years George was away to South River I opened as they are the present season in that 10- Fisher’s satchel. and took out his money cality, and speaks of the trees being ’moumlg ‘0 “00' fairly overloaded. lAT THE HERALD BOOK STORE,’ GEORGELE. DESBARATS. srnormmo ON THE SANDS. Mox'rnnAL. A Copy of ï¬rst. number ban be seen at this i Ofl‘ico. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’79. 75l1-3m HARRISON. OSLER 85 MOSS. ARRISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A. IIAKR!.~'0N,Q c. F. Osman. THOMAS Moss, Q.C. W. A FOSTER CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALcosnntncr: Toronto. 096.4, 1872. 750-tf P isntjudges to he the best flour brought into the ,atidFotaloes always on hand now «on hand ï¬t for seed. Also Clover. and garden seeds. Call and examine our stock before pnrchas give perfect satisfaction. .. g and Centre St. opposite Sanderson (I: Sons, INA; any num verâ€"ttolexceedingtiireelinndred attlie Richmond Hill Pnut ()flice.t’or which Foiparticularsapplyto he sale of Auto acnu'r FOR nu: May 4,1869 ! AGENTS WANTED. 2 Good Agents required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and what will be a very popular book. None but live busi- ness men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Oflice. Painting. ' HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO NOTI- fy the public that. he has re :ommenced business at HOUSE PAINTING I In all its branches. and from his experience,; careful attention, and moderate charges. he‘ hopes to receive a share of the public patron- age' All orders by mail promptly attended to. JOHN LUMLEY, Church St.. Markham Village. January 8, 1873. 755-6m STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT the HBRALD Book Store. as CHEST , ing to ("npt. salami W silt; , House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame erelling house, with a burn stables. and other outbuil- iugs thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the preniiso~ m I". (Jlt.\WFl RD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3in Village Lots for Sale. 'l‘HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Vilrgo lots. situated .in the village of ‘ VICTORIA SQUARE I The lots contain About. (meï¬ï¬‚k of an Arre, And are loomed at the Nor-haven come of Hit No. 35, llh concession of Mnrllam. it a -e(-.tiun where mechanics and lubrrnrs can get steady work and high wages Applv it by leitcr.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square,or to WM. G. HINHS'ION. Dingle P. 0 “441' '1 R0 ‘OZMOHQI 'is'] 399115 mll)! £9 'nuoduq nail,“ 'TI.’:'IIHO" a M SSthIXQ and "Q '0 '3 r , .io ‘ggg yo QIIIOOBJ an apt: ‘ -ui;,) p) and Knit 0: QKIJE sq ll!M 'PI'IM“"U“I° WWIIV pazeId-ppiï¬ ti qiim .taqqozioz up. â€"â€" an†.io; pantsuits ‘pauomaf no} ‘stittod mod pun asou soaps Bunsen ul 'llClIVM llElATl llllllllllll IIJSSCH 95$ ill]. morpodmd .iedoad u} squad March 97, 1879. NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES-v traction of the Anglo American Human by fire. the subscriber has taken and ï¬tted up those large and comtnodions premises belong-- 'I‘. A. Millie. oppositi- Meser Speight 55 Son’s Novelty “’orks. Matkhun qquq 1',an pill: SGIIN’I JO} ‘ . . ‘ . ll . Excellent actommmal oll afforded ‘or. the ,. .ngM 5m.) htttautiduwoag travelling public and commercial men. Livery ! 0m Qua 13A hip,†, 0., m stables iii contraction with the hotel. Bottled l " H J ‘ i Ale and Porter. ‘ _.w \ w D. T. “,OOTEN' . cipltl'ue waspâ€"it itt ap'atu s[ of, .- . i a to: .v Sept.4.187£- 737m T l...,lij .3 I I" 'i fitter ', Patent Barreâ€"trough - ND WATERSI’OUTS FOR THE DO 3 MINION. at $6 per IUD toot. Also Floor ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sag "rickets. i'ails.CiderMills.Washing 'VIachineASI'inglr.» Waggon Fallonand LuinberSnwadtoordoi ' P‘orpurticulaisaddress JOHN LANGS'I'A FF. Steam Milli- 'l‘horuhill Tlioriihill. Nov. 3,1869. air gun at :jlnr-‘tunurntï¬, H. B. REESOR, DEALER IN ' Prince’s (“gulls rt litxlotlrons. ClIit-kt-uug Fminwai and littl'ltnlll Pianos. A M thv~ malt bran-t lHUMM ING BIRD PIANO 18m. ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER.l Undertaker. etc. RESIDuNcEâ€"Nourlv Opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. FAMILY BIBLIES, l A FRESH SUl’l’l Y. At $1.82. $5, $5.50. $K5il and $9. at be HERALD Bl)th Srom‘ : Richmond lisll. JEWELRT: JEWELRY. ALBUMS. WORK BOXES. PURSES, . TOYS POCKET curt-Lira}: BOOKS. .. PAPER COLLARS Arid Cuffs, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. P E R D A Y. $5 Agents wanted! All classes of working people. of either sex. young or old. ma 9 more money at work for us in their span moments. or all the time. tlmti at anything elsi. Particulars fro-e. Add-ass G. S'I'INSON & (30., Portland, Mzine , THE CANADIAN PUNCH! “GRIP†Out Every Saturdayï¬ cts. MAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLSl FOR SA LE BY R E LAW. Druggnt. April 9. l87... Richmond Hill BOGUS MEDICINES. [IOLLO WAY’S PILLS ANI) otarnnur. I HAVE for a considerable- time has! consider-rd it to be mv duty to adv: rtiso the public of he British North American Provinces against in“ - ing from llllpt‘il'clpt‘d dealers tltt'd‘c' its mn- anating from New York. and s td ha in) " Hollowav’s Pills and (drums-oi " in w .i-x much ingenhitv has been depleted in paw-mg them off as of mi make. It is vnrx rtiï¬ivnr inde to attempt to oniimer-‘t~ be main rte : vices to which the parties hnvr- lmd I'Oht-ll‘t'fl They say, amongst other things. ho :1 net-- label has be: it Idnpod by them. an" a ~- bnreofaced efl‘ronterv caution the pot. in hghli -. I being deceived by Now» iinltnti- ns t I poor man by the II'III‘P of Hot w~:_\ in employed by the .no-cnl ed (‘hem-cnl (‘r-tnpriny i in New York who lsnr'n hiv nmne for a .‘~l|iï¬.l Weekly sum. The "telllnilluh I-I.l(l hr the... (.‘onipiity are puliiied 03' upon th» pol» i4- as. my " Hollowny’s Pills and Uint- unt " o Illtrl . werethey to injure half the POIiiliruuilt’ no discredit would fall upon the fahricaiors ot'tln-ss compounds. but would consideranly mongr- the reputation of myinake As it is not at. all necessary for this (‘nr o. to incur any “pause in the sale of Ito-iv promo. = tions. or to a vorv inii=ed extent (tratiintr ms: they do upon mv name). thvy are in a pthlli'fll ; to offer them at a vnrv low price ii. l‘mrar'ad where they are purchase-(l in n l« w \» hot. at, Houses that loan name. and w I name here after, lfthty continue to vr-nd th mule The following are the - nines mu r’dr‘e*~8e , of some of the Houses who get I. x no rlmrnrti’ fromghore direct 'â€"-â€" . Messrs Avrry. Brown a. (‘n Ifa'hx \ - Messrs Forsyth A (‘0,, Halifax, ‘\ S , Messrs T. B. linrker N; Snip, St .l-wn [k IS l M†'1’. Des Brisay. (‘ha-loiie 'I «no, I ll. Messrs Langlev 5: t o Vivi» rin IE I' i Messrs Moore AI. "0 , Virturir RC. , My Pills and Jintninni am sold :Al the ?nwe~ wholesale net plicer. in QIlf‘IlIlllth if H'I, less than £20 worthâ€"Viz . He d. 2:"- :‘4s .per dozen boxes of Pills nr pr is o ()i. rm. "L for which remittnices must be St'lii. in advance. These medicines are not sold in the United. States. Each Pot and Box of mv preparation bears} the Ri‘itish Gown-unreal Stamp, witht e words, i“ Holloway’s Pi ls aim Uintnruni. Lot-don.†' (Signs ) TIN)?“ ‘S HOLLOWAY. ; 533. Oxford Street. W C . Landon, Jilly l, 1873 785 , IsriiLi..\xnoUs BOOKS SUI'I‘A ’ ble liir presents al the “ERILD Boos Which in rumpled to parlors where space is In object The tun-ir- of its construction I entirer now. and based upon the best known principles of science. Notice. R! H. R. REESOR HAS SUCCEED ed ii iii the agency in this section for lltP sale of Messrs G A Prince & Co’s cele- brated Organs and Mo-lodeous. in favor of which we give our most unqualified approval and rucnmmcrttlaliou as the landing and most reliabit- reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) H. G COLLINS. “' M. FLUMI‘ZRFELT.‘ Waiklinm. Nov. 3. '871. Testimonial n-om Professor 1!. G,:¢o'lllï¬i ' w. d ilulv... awfully examined the pinppp h- “r If It. Runner. called the lion-i ,5! l'I'I'ti, or (Told-vi PI ill is. ’lllï¬lltl‘nriwti whit" "'- h- tlinsr-cl: . nnr think they ate wonderfullt'éw'd'et and pure In 'one. and iron] their p truth. c6!!- struction. calculated to remain in tune longer 'han titllel' pianos. and consequently to stand! El'eatoi' amour-i of wear ll ENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb 318. “‘72 » 714-13 ALVES, if A'I’TENS HORSES, COWS, C Sheep and l’ips. [t Fit/innit in anfumflf _‘flze usual time. (out sat-rs Food. him» :25 u. in»: Mid 'iil fl" per bog». A dollar lwx contains tun lsutrt‘r d fouls. lA’l’i‘“RPll.l.ARS On I ur/nnl Bushes and Fruit Trees. 'l lth I lll‘»l 3“: (l 'l DER l'l =WI)ICR l): sirms all Iiiiui ‘ INN t‘l~. Grill» and Cab nipilim r~ii~ n-rwui ant (hos-charm liuslwa So d .(twtils per lynx. l‘llgtgrrlv an ' Sio'okeepei-s at 95 HUGH vtIJ ER & (10.. '.;_riir-nltii~a (‘ht-iiiists. Toronto. _.â€" 'I‘l(.‘Kfr' 0N SHEEP. list. i. : it’:~ rioK 'lIE-F'I’NI)YER.. i-siiM» the l‘ (Ski, promoter~ the growth of «um um! iiirv rows the (:I||‘_(llll u of the at how A 3.") I‘I‘lLl tn-x wi'l clean 20 shetp or 3.3 ii-Ii-lIII [Hi-(ill \‘lll.l.I‘:li S" III)†or ICI‘L'I'IlltAI. CHEMISTS. “‘7 King .‘Il‘twl East. lorulllo ll“n- \-i' '2 i‘!‘!l"i'l-ll~"\ll(l "titre-keepers}- I, \ \K’ \goul Ru" "Int-ll I‘ll" Ellrtliriniafi V: llows’ Compound . h IiI’l’ OF i’lYI’UI’I‘IOSI’IIITES. .s smith Ntldtiplh’i lmoir s. ulelher bet he Head lilillk lit-til .rk. I1I>flli> iir n-V' n, Zoo- o‘nttu an: Arline!er tlrch-gctnblo Kiitpd in "'l'gfll'l'l'l'll’ In“ I‘I’Ilf from . VI liirli‘ binds all the ox r. to r. :t.lrt' rs nothing can sure \. r..... . ’t e “ m ilrsl t-l'llvti wllvll this print-iplo- luau "It In - I‘d‘t'l't‘“ ot ,iiienns \"hhl'aiiy vita iv um ‘r ~ «win. d in the living body is imirm' n how =- Ilt‘ \\'il'd ’ \lrvd. r :~ Mu llt.‘!l" has ventila‘ed the ques- ti: u it!†(libl'tzvl‘rl‘l llll' ing» r'ient eon titti- Illlt Il lira n n parlor and urrves, and ï¬nds that lay lllll‘t‘vtllll'lllg these ingredients in proper propowirns ilu- brain and nervous system are sll'ï¬llgrllfllll'd This. then. I~ mbstaulially the basis on which Fun-w“ liVP'II’HUSPHI'II’s is built.itu dirm': m III-II is apt u the Blood. tlie‘Brain and Nervous Sistnin. and the Muscles ttrongth- suing the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion ol Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organ: of the Body, Housing the Sluggish Heart and Liver. strengthening the acrion of the Stomach and ‘towels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyiiiv fluted wtth 0mg:- i. i It is aliattinl i';r ALLcases of Weakness and Emu-intian whether arising from sedentary Clit'r. a In pirul t hit-ale. from fever or'debility from any cmmmand efï¬cacious in PULMO- NARY CoNsUMPTtnN. many confirmed cases having been cured and all beneï¬tted. where its u~-e on. lu-mi continued ovirr a fortnight. In Bronchitis it i~ a specific. and in Asthma it git-us relief where over other remedy fails. For Nr-rvons Debillt} it stands unrivalled, and may hm usmi With conï¬dence in all cases. As his is entirer distinct and difl‘orout fron- evevy other preparation of vaophosphites, bi icnret’nl to ask for FELLOWS, Swwhaud takt no other. ' SOLD BY A PO'I'HECARIES. Price. Mil-50: Six for $750. JAMES1.I"ELI.OWS.Chamist, (“-8 St. John. N. B.