w- .a....."-.. .q mmx. soo'r'r. " - ‘~ nominee 0F ‘ ‘ THE You): HERALD.†1 o lo: Cheap Book and Job Primtizngstablia/zment. l- units: $51 PER ANNUM in ADVANCE. . n Orncnâ€"Yonon Sun, RICHMOND HILL. RICHMONDZHILL, ONTARIO, chum 5n VOL. XV. NO Til u YORK HERAD " " IS PUBLISHED : PATENT MEDICINES. PROCLAMATION- ., . 1 "r . 'US’I‘ARD’S Catarrh Speciï¬c Cures Aoute We went home from the‘fOreet, Ever rluay Morning, V and Chronic cases of Catarrh, Neural- ' My bitter thoughts and I, ' ia,Heada.qhe,Colds,Coughs, Group, Asthma; To e shadowy . And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest ronchitis, &c., it is also a good Soothing Till the gray squirrel; rustled by. mails or other conveyances, when so desired. Syrup. . . I . $151.33“le HERALD Will all“)? be foundv- USTARD’S Pills are the best pills you A mighty wind was blowing to “EMT†the late“ and mo“ Important B can get for Dys epsia, Sick Headache, Among-the hemlock tops-'â€" ' r ' * - ~ Forelgn and Local."NeW5*a“d Markets) “ltd Billiousness, Liver, idney Complaints, &0. Afree, ‘wild bl‘eezb that shook the trees . . the greatest care will be taken to render it AVEYW Rheumatism’vvounds, Bruises, And whistledthroughthe oopso. acceptable to. the man Of business, and a ‘ 01d Sores, Cuts, Bums, Frost Bites, . s valuable Family hewspaper. j Piles, Painful Swemngs’ White Sweuings‘ v r , ' I . ' _ . mefs ' one. Doll“. Per ammm m “d and every conceivable wound upon man or vauce, if not paid'w1thm two months, One beast? . Dollar and Eifty Cents will be charged, No paper discontinued until all arrearages arepaid ; and parties refusing papers withâ€" out paying up will beheld accountable for the subscription. All letters addressed -to the editors must be post-paid. SUBMISSION. H z é. . , . several of the memberss ' '- upon the scene with an ex reï¬nion of intenscpain,theunha py ndropped wood'Whero‘silence sto’od" ' iMrs' Rathbur‘nfs ï¬ll"? ' 91nd; urged into the house. w * r- 5 ‘ ‘ As soon as he rccove _ mishap, he sent in his'rssignation, but a critical examination’bfad been made in the meantime, and it trans- pired that, as far as theï¬vorthy man was concerned. there was not the least blame. The resignation was not accepted. “ 1‘ __. ._.._â€"‘o.-â€"_ riot in Society. fi‘Om his Faroâ€"far o’er dale and hillock iTlie last year’s de‘ad leavesi And "loose, white ' clouds, » Ihroudl, ~V ,_ _ p g: Go drifting down the sky. fly, ‘ -. 1 like Nature’s THE KING OF OILS Stands permanently above every other Rome dy now in use. It is invaluable. LSO, the Pain Victor is Infallible for 1 “ Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flox, Colic, Cholera MorbuiugPain. and Cramp in the Stomach'and BOWeis, «'10.: ' ' - Directions with each bottle and box. H. MUSTARD, Proprietor, Ingersoll 0h ! wind that crushest forests Beneath thy footsteps fleet, » Thou mayost shake but c’unst not break ' The wild-flower at my feet ! We asked a lady of our acquaint- ance one day, whether she had ever (nown another lady, also of our acâ€"' quaintancen She hesitated, reflected and ï¬nally thought not. As We hope pencd to be aware that bb’th ladies had been born and brought up in n. ' little rural village in houses Within a ' stone’s throw of each other, we perâ€" sisted in bringing up reminiscences of - the forgotten one. Finall ourfriend _ said with an indescriba la air of scorn, “Ah! you 'nican ‘ , I suppose. Of course I remember her, but she is not in society.†ADVERTISING RATES. W I I ’ Why is the wild-flower growing 1 PER INCH Where oaks uprootedcaat Their branches wide on, every side 2.. Manufactured by , It bendeth to the blast. 'One inch, one year... . .............. $400 Two inches, one year ..... .. 3 50 ‘ Three inches, one year .................... 3 00 Advertisements for a shorter period- than One-year, iiibcrtion.. 0 50 Each subsequent insertion ........ 0 25 22 inches to be considered one column. Sold by Druggists generally. The Dominion Worm Candy is the medicine 0 expel worms. Try it. - 700-y The wisdom of submission The blossom knew full well, And at my feet in accents sweet Its simple tale could tell. J. u. SAN’DERSON, ETERINARY SURGEON, Graduate Of Toronto University College, corner of F Yonge and Centre Ste. East, Richmond Hill, . begs to announce to the public that he is now practising with H. Sanderson, of the same place, where they may lift consulted person- ally or by letter, on all distance or horses, cattle, &c. All orders from a distance promptly at- tended tci, and medicine sent to any part of IT I; THE CAUSE OF ALL THE' REv_ the Province. ' y swim“ sraounLEs. I , Advertisements without written direction inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. All transitory advertisements from regu- lar or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. Vi'e came back from the forest, My happy thoughts and I, mm the shadowy'wood where silence stood Till the gray squirrel rustled by. , What is society ?"VVebs’Ler deï¬nes it; as “ a number of persons associated for any temporary or permanent ob- ject ; an association for mutual proï¬t, pleasure or usefulness, as the persons collectively considered who live in any region or at any period; any community of individuals who are united together by any common bond of ncarness or intercourse, those who recognize each other he associates, friends, or acquaintances; speciï¬cally the more‘ cultivated portion of any community in its social relations 1i. influences, etc., etc.†- oâ€"â€"-v-~â€" That Recsterg I‘H m n H: RALD BOOK & JOB PRINTING ESTABLISEMENT. Orders for any of the undermcntioned dos- cription of Plain as: Colored Job Work will be promptly attended to : Horses examined as to soundness, and also bought and sold on commission. Richmond Hill, Jan. 25, 1872. I i .l. 507 (From the Danbury News.) ~ The Rev. Mr. Pinknoy, oi'Slawsou', ~ - bought a gamerrooster from a Dun: Change EBUSIHGSS bury dealer, Saturday. Mr. I’inkncy HE EXCELSIOR PUMP Is NOW informs us that .he was not aware the manufactured by Mr. Peter Phillips, who fOWl was of the game species ; he has recommenced business in Richmond Hill, bought it because of its; Sb 3 1,0}? 3p. in the old place, and who is now prepared to pearance We believe thifl statement ï¬ll all orders promptly. ' i ‘ , . , .. . . and are conï¬dent that the good poo- Tlm 1 ump u .Easwst Worked, Moat Durable, l f S] -11 -t h. f H and Nearest Made in the Dominion. e O .a'wson W1 acqm 1m 9 a . lame 1n the unfortunate affair of It is so constructedwith the castings of .. . . the handle as to make it all tight, therefore Sunday mgrnmg! the Pm"tlcularï¬i 0f . preventing. children from" putting anything which are as follows: into it. - . . .- v . The Subscriber would respectfully an- 4 At the time the? trouble 09mm‘lllce‘l: nounce that he is prepared to put in this {an ankney “(as engaged m anang' Pump _- . W ' mg his neck-tie preparatory to:putâ€" 0N TRIAL 503, ONE MONTE; ting on his coa’tund vest. Happen- . V And flaccepted, . ing to look out of the window, he saw WA'RRANTED TWO YEARS ‘ his new rooster and a rooster belongâ€" ’ ing to the'Widow Rath burn squaring Or if they are not preferred to any other ,; . 1 . . pump they may be returned, and the money on m the Street f0} aï¬ght' Sulpl'lsed and penned by this dlsplay, he Imme- Will be refunded. Those pumps are suitable for all depths, diatcly Started out to quell tlgrdis- hon from a cistern to a well of 150 feet. They turbance, butit was too late. JOHN CARTER, are ,not liable to get 9‘.“ 0f I‘E’P'm" 'bemg he’got there, a halfdozen young rufâ€" - douole-valvcd, and the Jomts'datre all turned pth 30. - tb - . fl d ‘ i‘censed Auctioneer for the Counties of in a lathe; consequentlythere is no leakage mils: ll 1 flog}? m; e.†T’ 31“ h York, Peel'and Ontarim. Residenceâ€"- at the joints, which is invariably the case 0"“ 1.â€. thcu‘equ,hadaurl'Q‘l'l‘led the Markham: P. 0. address, with the common pump made by hand. bll‘dï¬l,ï¬ which ‘were “11‘*l!‘ellciy- In the EKG ELSIOIR Plllii P. QFancy Bills, Business Cards, Circulars,Law Forms, Bill Heads, Blank Checks, Drafts, Blank Orders, Receipts, Letter Heads,Fancy Cards, Pamphlets, Large and Small Posters, and every other kind of Letter-Press Print- .II I Timing made largo additions to the print- ing material, we are better prepared than ever to do the neatcst and most beautiful printing of every description. Now, taking this deï¬nition as a. measurably correct one of that. float- ing, changing, and most intangible thing that we mean when we talk about. “society,†these ladies were both in it. They had ï¬shed in the brook together with a stick and a crooked pin, they had played school together and taken imaginary teas with acorn cups and saucers and oak- leaf plates on the fiatrock behind the district school, and they, had had‘ splendid times over mud pies in the democratic days of childhood. Then one had gone away to an expensive young ladies’ school, and icturning had presently floated to the altar, all tulle and orange blossoms, making what “ society †calls a brilliant mar- riage. The other hgdl armed ll she could - in“ the l2little red ‘8?!) ()‘Oi-hOlISB; had staid at home darning the stockâ€" (mt. 'AnoTloNEnizc. w w HENRY. SMELSOR, V ' 'Icensed Auctioneer for the Counties 'of York and Peel, Collector Of Notes, Ac: counts, &c. Small charges and plontyto do. ,, . Laskay, March 2, 1865 539-1y' FRANCIS BUTTON, Jr“, icenscd Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on the short- kést notice “and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Buttonvillc. MurkhamLJuly 24, 1868 l: 7, 6th 004., [Elk’tméllq £33165 listende to 01163165110?“ Price: $5 above platform, and 40 cents affray. "They would thrust their ings and helping on bulging days; pnd 5 01‘ as 110 Ice. all on reasona 6 arms., er foot below'. . y ‘ .l I . A V. ’ ‘ ‘ Y . ‘ I I . v : ‘ Orders left at the Herald oflice for Mr. Car- p heads Ont at emâ€) Othela ‘md “"359 “1'91 be! 30m]sz blow“ R“ L" go to college had bcc01u0_salc;~.u omun in a store in the nearest town thatshe might aseist in paying: his bills. File was not in society in the sense in which society is looked upon ilri u more state of paying and receiving visits, but because of her, other quiet doing of duty and unconscious/selfâ€" respect, society was enriched though it may not have known it. 1 Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and their necks, and then dance around mymgï¬Ã©dhï¬gï¬g cgfllpï¬tjugrsyg; and strike out with their spurs, and ‘g ‘ “r 1- p jump back and strike out their heads cisteriis,;&$3 each. . l - we“ digging (Mlle on the shortest not,†again. And Wnon the boys saw him. ' ‘ they shouted out: Address, stating depth of well, PETER PHILLIPS, Richmond Hill 743-13Y tar’3~sci'vicc will be promptly attended to. 'Jimc 27, 1867 3) EDGE ISTS. H. SANDERSON 8L SON, PBOPRIETORS OF THE “ Hurry up, baldy (Mr. Pinknoyis a little bald), or you'll miss the fun.†RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, Oct.14,’72. Corner of Young and Centre streets East, have constantly on hand a good assortment of Drugsglfaints, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Varnishcs, Chancery, Notaries, &c. 'FancyArticl‘cs, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines OFFICEâ€"Court Street, Toronto_ Branch “id an oth‘vfl‘ artieles kePt_ by druggisis Ofliceâ€"Divisicn Court Clerk’s O’dicc, Rich- geucrally. Our stock of medicines warrant- mend Em, ed genuine, and of the best qualities. TBOS K. M OR G AN Ilir. Pinkn‘ey was incxprcssibly shocked. It was Sunday morning; the homes ,of two of his deacons and several of his-most prominent mom! bcrs. were in sight, and here were those roosters carrying on like mad, and a parcel of Wicked and profane boys shouting their approval, and MO‘RGAN & THORNE, _ , A R R I S T ER S , SOLICITORS IN There is far too much of this pitiful caste spirit among woman. Certain kinds of work they regard as honor- able, and certain kinds of workers HORACE THOR“. they deem worthy of respect, but the It‘l (1 Eli, J 2" " 2 0" . . . » r i ‘ ' ‘ ' . “1mm 1 a“ 0’ 7 ___ 7 J > Toronto, Apr1125, 1872. tt no1selessly bettmo‘ on theresult. he m,“ M labfwmg for Ray’ In many - __ d q f, 3,, D, A , 1 . j l b exams, they legard as a fact to be apo- T THOMAS CARR! S. JAMES, {Ea (313;): “ibmtoéifgle 21:80:15,131: logizod for. The better and braver ealer in Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, (LATE JAMES & FOWLER†l ' e 1" p among women should give a loftier streamed down his face, which burned like ï¬re, his knees trembled, and he felt, as he sawiho neighbors gather! ing, that if the eorth'would only open and swallow him he could never be suflicieutly grateful. D Wines, and Liquors, Thoruhill. By ’V,oyal Letters Patent has been appointed ls- , suer of Marriage Licenses. - '_ , DENTIS a' 1“ . tone to society's Opinions on this sub- IlCIiITECT, CIVIL ENGINELR, AND _ Jockâ€"Hearth and, Home. Surveyor, Trust and Loan Buildings, cor- ner of Adelaide and Toronto streets, To; ronto, 719â€"tf Home Love. 9 A; ROBIESON’S, L. D. S. New emcth'o'd of extracting teeth, without pain, by the use of Ether Spray,which ma‘ï¬'ccts the teeth only. The tooth and gum ' s’urrounding becomes ‘insensible with the external agency, when the tooth can be ex- â€tl‘ac‘ted with no pain and without endanger- ing the life, as in the use of Chloroform. Dr. Robinson will be at the following places prepared to extract teeth with his new apv paratus. ' All Ofï¬ce operations in Dentistry. _,p,orformed in a. woi'km'anlike manner : Aurora, lst, 3rd, 16th and 22d of each month J. SEGSVVORTII, ‘ EALERIN FINE GOLD AND SIL- i ver “Watches, Jewelry, » &c., 113 Yonge feet, Toronto. > * ’ .Septcniber;l,‘;l87l. » . ADAM H. MEYERS,JR., (Lateiqf Dugyan é‘ Meyer:,) ARRISTER, ATTORNEYTATâ€"LAW', SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, CONVEYANCER, £50,360, 12 York Chambers, South- -‘.’ U: ‘ 524': Some men may sneer at family affecâ€" tion if the sentiment be paramount to all earthly considerations-â€"if business losscs'or gains are forgotten in'scasons of family affliction or rejoicing. But then those are not among earth’s noblest sonsâ€"they are simply money-making automatons, whose places can be filled an hour after they have vacated them 3 men who live only in the minds of their . Just as he attempted to catch his rooster, a rough-looking individual, with his pants in his boots, and a cup with a drawn down foreâ€"piece, came up, and, taking in the scene at a a glance, sided with the other ifooster.‘ , 4584 “Fair play,†rebooted the new-- comer, for thebencï¬t of the crowd, 0FFICE;â€"N0- and “Don’t stop our-the birds, old Newmarketm†“ 2d u n iffgoï¬ï¬g‘laf “mu-t0 and béurt Streets, codger,†for the particular beneï¬t 0f l:ins1nenâ€"~.1,10t in their hearts. The great Richmond .l-jill, 9th and 24th “ “ jammy), 15, 1373, 756-1y Mrillekney. “7.11:0; Cl‘ilz‘ld " be'QDd lever by which the world is moved Mt.Albcrt...... .. ......15th “ “» ' ‘ - . reason, was um m ' about, swmcm r should be called iove- ibis the basis of ' ‘ ' 0 n H -‘ _ a] p g . _ 6 f3 , .. . H “ Wm, MALI-1031c his arms, and muttering incoherent true excellenceâ€"of all exalted thought. u . ARRISTER’ Attorney, Soj'iiitorflimcmn things, . t0. the great danger ofstepâ€" \Vhere a family of children are taught .2 Kleinburghumuu “29th “ ‘ iccry, Conveyancer, 8m. 1 . . pmg 0“ the combatants- from childhood to be kind and loving to vNobleton. . . . . . . . . ...... 30th “ ‘5 OFFICE.â€"No. 6 Royal Iiis'surzmce Buildings, , ,, Goodmr 01d Pink'nc'ygv rooster In one another, and see the daily exhibi. M ‘-.N;h,0,,s:0,:gd9 Gas always on hand :51, Toronto Street . screamed the boys in delight, as that tion of such kindness and love between ,. , “TorontorDecpiZ, 1859... . to; A Aï¬iï¬p, 4.1,,“ 23 1870 6,5,, .. 01d fowl knockedahandful of feathers the parents, and. from the parents to .w; . ’,.‘». ’ . p ., ‘ _ . 1L: .ij , . . I from his Opponentis'neck them, there we see strong manhood and 1 _'W. II. A"; R. PUGSLE-Y, FD'WARD‘PL .YTE>‘l« noble womanhood. Aï¬â€˜ection does not “ The parson knows how to do it,†(Medalist, Torontolfm‘versii‘z/J . said the one-eyed mamglcefully. beget weakness, nor is it cfiiuninutc for a Eï¬ik’ SICIAN, SURGEON, &C. brother to bc tenderly attnohcd to his [sister-sf That boy will make the noblest and bravest man. Under the protec- tion of men who cherish mother and sis- ters with tender care, women are always sale. That young man who was accusâ€" _. i ‘1". (SUCCEgSOkS TO W. W. 00:1,.) _ 1.1 )UTCHERS,RICHMON D -HILL, HAVE always" oar hand the best of Beef, Mutton, ‘iJ’IIIllJ, Veal, Pork,--Sausages, &c., and Sfll at -' the'low'est price-3 for Cash. 1 Also, Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried linings, A; ~ ‘ :1 Mr. Pinkney could have swooucd. ‘-I’ll go youy$5 0n the widder,†said the rough man“, earnestly wink- ing at tho clergyman. Coroner for the Cminty of ‘1’-’. rk. ‘ izlen‘chnposite D. ' Hopkin’s Store, Cor. Yongc mid'l’arlizunent Sts. Richmond hill. ' - ' The li' ‘ " market price given for CattIE, I‘I31.01‘.12"187:3‘ 764' j“ shim) Einkll‘d)’, lake film: . -- w - . . . . - . Shae-Whamâ€. 310- I r Pinkney,†chorused the crowd of rug:- tl’med (91,138 lugsweetil“Weâ€? loving g. 1,, m1 Hm Oct. 2 w- . r. I . ' . . ‘ ï¬, . f .. Sister, mo 11; an lllOl‘lIIDO‘ as trey met 1, . , 4, 142 44c 1yl Dye. OBMEB’ amufï¬ns. a o I , .3 't. 'p .. 1' . (11.. . ,. . . . . smws its 111 mence l.)()ll mu m . no “ My irlc‘nds,†protested- the nimis- 1 ’ ‘ ter, in a voice pf‘agony, _“ 1 cannot, I cannotâ€"é†' g ‘ . , . “ I’ll back you, sir," said an enthu- siastic man. with a . ï¬sh-pole. “ I’ll put up for“ you,’u‘nd you can let me t UNTAN T, Book-Keeper, Convey- ‘ duh» 4. r ‘ FARMERS BOSE AND SHOE STO iii . . [i armor, and (Joumussmu Agent for the or purchase of lauds,‘farm stock, £50... will never forget it; and when he shall take some one to his heart as his wife, she shall reap the golden fruit thereof. The young man who wasin the habit of giving his arm to his sister as they , , †walked to and from church, will‘never have W from 3701}? donatl‘)†, [leave hiswifo to ï¬nd her way as best The clergyman grouped. " she c'au.‘ The young man who has been “Catch the Widdor,†shouted thcgtaught to see that his sister hadia seat Twp-l] map to, My. Plum-10y, indicm, before he sought his, willncver mortify mg the lady's bird by}; motion of his, a neglected wife. in the presence of ï¬nger, ' -' strangers. And that man who always ‘Mr. "pmkhey clutched it, dropping handed to his sister his chair at the on his knees as he did so. At the table» W111 never have t9 Hugh “he time, the rough man, by a dexterou's» sees some gentleman extend to his wife BARRON, manufacturer and dealer safe M" 1km}? of b00173 and ï¬lmâ€: 33 Vveat also for the collection Of. rents, notes and ac- m‘m: ,v “Weilorcnto. counts. Charges Moderate. Boots" h (1 shoes made to measure of the (new; R1 h ' ‘ d » ' 3' ‘ . V m ‘ â€" 5r ‘ t, I end H ll. beat Hinterial and workmanship, at ’the low- . ;. '« .- 0,-an we. "1011137004; 3- We: iuncrating prices. ' Tofonté,"Dcc, 3, 1867. F. WHITLOCK, ‘ - . ,. 4‘ 1 N I ‘ PETbh 8- GIBbON, CHIMNEY SWEEP, AND DEALER IN LAN SURVEYOR; l 1 old iron, rags, &c., 550., Richmond Hill. Civil Engineer and Draughtsman- All orders promptly attended to. . ' Orders by letter should, state the Concession, November 12‘, L872. . ‘ Lot and character .of Survey, the subscriber having the old Field Notes of the late D. - . » + . ' i - ' .- , 13131591? and ouher surveyms, which shomd Itwas an Irish coroner who when " be consulted ' ‘ ‘ mo , $1.1 mafly: “388,?†to "NW-"dz asked how be accounted forau extra- numen s, w, previous to commencing . . . . . - - - ' " , .wmh .. ordinary mortality in. Limerick. re- move, caught, the clergyman’s bird, the courtesy She knows“ due from hlm- Oï¬ice at Wmmwmm, Yonge Street, in plied sadly, “I can not tell. There andalsodropped on his knee, oppO= . r the Township of York. are people dying this your that never- site. Jan’y 8, 1873. died before.†, ,./ A \. 747-:tf I . _ I ‘00~4 , Thch isa man so harinp that he sleeps on tick. 755 Just then Mr. Pinkney looked up, RIDAY, OCTOBER 24, I873 andt ere saw two of his d" ' cons and ng down . ; is to win the nations :back. to , the uncicnuvuys is heard in the lilllll, Simplicity In Living. Tolive simply, to master and con- tract expenditure, is a sore need in all classes: The influences which sur- rounds, the habits which we fall into as a second nature, all sway usiu the same direction. Every family and every class'seems to have caught hold of the skirts of the one above it, and to be desperately holding on. Well, as Mr. Golden Smith saw, the best thing they can do is to let goâ€"the only thing which will give themselves any comfort, or make their lives- of real use in their generation. The moment they will do so, and begin resolutely to live without regard to what' their neighbor on the right spends in carriages, or their neighbor on the left in upholstery, they will ï¬nd themselves rich for all good .pur- poses. From that moment it can no longer be said of us with truth, and that we dare not trust our wits to make our 'houses‘ pleasant to our friends, and so we buy' ice-cream. And this most needed Of all reforms is just the one which every soul of us can carry through for himself or herself. We cannot sweep our whole streets. No doubt. But every one of us can sweep our own doorstep, and if he will do it, quiet- ly and regularly, anon his right- hand neighbor follows, and before long the whole street will be swept. And in this way, and by this moans, can almost all these social tangles We have been glancing at, casually, this evening, he set right. Simple livingl TO it even the great househOId question,at once the most ridiculous and the most haras- sing of social troubles, will in tho and yield, will begin at once to look notwholly insoluble and hopeless. Speaking of this sore question in the Nation the othorday. one oi’thc‘ witticst of American essayicts took up the cudgols for Bridget against her numerous accusers. “My good friends,†he urged, “what right have you anything else to look for? The things which American life and manners preach to her are not pa- tience, sobcrmindcdness, faithfulness, diligence and honesty; but self-as- assertion,discontent, hatred and suâ€" periority of'all kinds, and eagerness of physical enjoyment ;†and the words come home, 1, four, with f-llll- gular force, ions islanders oven in those days. Let us hope that the picture of, the good cumin time which ,he goes on to dr may prove true to ‘us also. ““v‘fhechcr the sound of the new gospel which ,.. :4 n n’ fair to expect til-ii ii. will :ml‘ liiltl her ears wholly cl .. g and that when the altar of duly is again not up by her employers, she will lay on it attractive beefâ€"stakes, potatoes done to a turn, make libations‘ of soup, display remarkable fertility in sweets, an extreme fondness for washing, and learn to grow old in one fumily.â€_~â€"Thomas IIughes. o oâ€"Hâ€"râ€"H- The Erie Railroad. The New York Times of Oct. 8 says:â€"“ The report of the meeting ofthe shareholders in the Erie Rail- Way is published in the London pa~ pers brouin by the Java. It appears that Mr. Watson endeavored to ir- vite the unfortunate foroiim stockâ€" holder to invest more money in the road, assuring him that. all the money he had previously invested had been inisappraprialcal. ch agree with him in his statement, but he mighthave added that any further money put into the enterprise would be thrown away. He assured lbc meeting that when he came mo Oï¬ice he found the road in possession ofoilicers who had grown rich bv it. Of course he could not; have refci‘rcd to S. L. M. Barlow, Esq. ‘To replace this stafl‘,’ we quote from the London Timers, ‘liy men who could be do- pended < n was a Very difï¬cult matter. Such .mcu were not to be found in America? This was complimentary to ‘ America,’ a: d encouraging to the capitalists who were invited to invest another fin-tyi'cur millions in the road. let ‘nble counsel ’â€"presum- ably the aforesaid S. L. M. Barlowâ€"â€" had assisted the new Directors, and now the work of ‘reclamation ’ was going on. The road was ‘ rescued from Wail street.’ ’The trafï¬c had increased in the ï¬rst six months of the your by $891,298 ;’ as to the ox- pcnscs, Mr. Watson judiciously held his peace. A Mr. Crook said that the ‘cuccess .of Erie was due to Messrs. ‘isclmiiShcim and Mchnr , aided by the support of the Times.’ Thisis certainly a very curious statement for the Times to publish, and when the public discover the true condition ol the Eric Road, it may be worth recal' ling. We should have hesitated to declare of our own knowledge that the London Times is in any way resâ€" pOusiblc for the ‘success ’ of the Erie swindles in England; and we do not believe that the managers of that great journal would knowingly allow their columns to be used in support 'of an enterprise which is practically in an insolvent condition.†â€"..+â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" There are experts on all manner of subjects in these days of litigation.â€" turkoy case, and declared that she knew “ these turkeys by their walk, their countenance, and their manner of roostin 0‘.â€- j A woman testiï¬ed the other day in a News Items. The population Of London is given in the last census report at 3,254,260. An Ohio editor publishes man'iagcs under the head of “Attachment Noti- ces." ' Mrs. Charles Sumner has taken her maiden name: Skipping two husbands, she now calls herself Alice Mason. There isn’t a woman in Milwaukee who can cook healthy meal 0‘? victuuls. One of the papers there says so. The San Jose Furmcrs’ Club' is considering the advisability of importâ€" ing girls from the East for servants. The Chicago but chars, grocers and market men have formed a Protective Association against folks who don’t pay their bills. The remains of Commodore ‘Matthow F. Maury have been taken to R.†med, Va", and last week were rciut ,d in Hollywood Cemetery. " ' Avery cheerful-looking man in Du- buque, Iowa, was pointed out as a per- son 'who once narrowly escaped marâ€" riage with Susan B. Anthony. The day before the failure of Jay Cooke be entertained President Grunt at-liis palatial residence at Chilton Hill, near Philadelphia. The desk in the Salem Custom House which Nathaniel Hawthorne used has been placed in the Essex Institute, in that city, for safe-keeping as arclic. Ida Lewis, the heroine, says the Do- troit Free Press, goes about with an old wrapper trailing behind her, hair down, and slippers out at the toes. A Torre H auto man announces that he has “almost†hit upon a. plan to “harness gravitation,†which, when quite complete, will give him perpetual motion. Prof. Fisher mu.th a balloon ascension from Yonkers, N. Y.. last week, and landed in the middle of the Hudson River. lie was rescued by boats, and saved his balloon. A lady from St. Paul, l‘viinncsota, Miss Elizubcth It. Boswell, has written to the faculty of the Troy Polytechnic Institute, asking to be admitted to the course of study of engineering. 1) i 4224.. 75mm! manui‘acturing pup.†l‘lour barrels. "boy ul'o cyliudriml in Shape, claimed to ho struugcr than \‘l'nutl, bush-ave wooden l“ ‘ ' I moi l. c 'J ‘ x to substitute papcr†“ bill) howls in time. A pimctlca.l~lookiug craft has been secn flying up and down the \vatci'h‘ of [lake Champlain lately, selling liquor to whoever would buy along the shore, and bidding defiance to the Vermont prohibitory law. A Des 'Moines editor expended all his energies the other day, in ï¬shing, and looking rather disconsol ate as he trudged homcward, but brightened up when be reflected that he Wouldn’t have to clczm the fish. A special from Chillicothe says :â€" “ \Villie Neil", a boy fourteen years old, was killed instantly last week in that city by being accidentally struck in the stomach by the elbow of a boy with whom he was playing." . Sal ah Jane DoFoc said, the other day, that she would be married in her Kentucky home in spite, of her father, and some men tied him to a sofa, the crowd walked in, and while he gnuslied his teeth Sarah Jane was wed. The Chicago Times heads a big arti- cle with the words, “What is Truth '1†but the St. Louis Journal declines to answer, “knowing the uselessuess of an attempt to convey the right idea to the Chicago journalistic mind." One by one all our cherished delu» sions are dissipated : and now comes Mr. Harvey, the Russian traveler, who tells us that the iii-Jr, izin women’are not beautifulâ€"thus. .. . .. .115: away a mirage which has long hung lake a rosy cloud over the universal mind. A well-known broker, speaking about Vanderbilt’s wealth, says that “1‘0 is known to own $15,000,000 of \Vcstei-i, Union Telegraph Company, and that six months ago he drew interest on $45,000,000 of New York Central, Lake Shore and Harlem stock.†A Maine clergyman recently mailed a postal card with a dollar bill sewed to it. On the card he wrote :~“ Tied to this card is one dollar, and if any one steals it, it will be after it has left the honest old tow.) of Kitter f.†It reach- ed destination, notwitlistnncling his own violation ci‘thc Post Ollice regulaâ€" tions. Congressmzm V :ui-zlcll in {ï¬l'é‘illbi’tl by North Carolina papers with an attempt to compile, “from the most authentic sources," a lecture or essay on the early history of his State, in which he intends tic-establish, beyond the possibility oi doubt, the existence there of a civilized colony of the Caucasian moo at least 2,000 years before the birth of Colum- bul. Somebody has discovered down in Maine, among the Shakers utpAlfred, an Old lady named Lucy Laiigdon Nowell, who, as alleged, was born on the 4th of July, 1776. “She has never been inn railroad car, and is in excellent health ,†and it is proposed to send her, in a Pull- man car, should she live, to Philadel- phia, on the occasion of the centennial celebration} " lTHE. YORK HERA-Ln l PUBLISHED ' AT THE TOFFICE .57.}? - all Issued Weekly on Friday Morning, } YONGE Sr, RIGHMOND HILL. - a 3."! , Termszâ€"One Dollar per Annum in Advanfc' ALEX. Scorr, Psormmon. WHOLE NO. "196 How Gunpowder was Made. A HOUSE WHERE MEN NEVER LAUGH. How do you think you would like to live fearing every x; oment. » to be blown up, none daring to speak aloud to jar anything, for four of starting an explosion that would send you in an instant to the other world ? You don’t‘think it would be very plesaut? Well, it isn’t, yet hundreds of men live in just that stateâ€"work. receive pay, and live your after year in'the vcry sight of death,'ns it were all thutthe world may, have gun- powder. 'You can easily guess that these men ,go about quietly and never laugh. . I You know that gunpowder is very dangerous in a gun or near a ï¬re, but perhaps you don’t know that it is equally dangerous all through the the simple proocss of making. A“ powder~mill is a fearful place to visit, and strangers are very v seldom al- lowed to go into one. ' Theyvare built far frOm any town, in the woods, and each branch ofthc work is done in a separate building. These houses are quitcu distance from each other, so thatil“ one blows up it won’t blow the rest. 'i‘hen the lower parts of the buildings are made very strong, while the roofs are very lightly Bet on, so that if explodes only the roof will sulicr. But, in spite of every care, sometimes a whole settlement of the powdermills will go oï¬'in an instant, and every vestigo of the toil of yours will be swept away in a cloud. But, though you fell like holding your breath to look it it. is is really a very interesting process to see. It is made, perhaps you know, of charcoal, saltpcire. and bri’mstono. Each of these articles is prepared in a house by itself, but the house 'where they are mixed is the ï¬rst terrible one. In this building is an immense mili- stone, rolling; round and round in an iron bed, and under the stone are put the three fearful ingredients of gun- powder. They aro thoroughly mixed and ground together. This is a very dangerous operation, because if the stone comes in contact with its iron bcd it is very apt to strike fire, and the mcrcst suspicion of aspurk would set oil' the whole. The materials are spread three or four inches deep in the bed; thowhccl, which goes by \\‘:‘1'.cr»pm-vor, is :lnricd, and every man leaves the place. The door is shut, and the machine is left todo its terrible work alone. When it has run long enough, the mill is stopped, and the ~ mencomeibackh lion feuch the powder in hard lumps or cakes. The next house is wheré the cakes ‘arc broken up into grains, and of course it is quitc~us dangerous as the last one. But the men can’th away from this. They are obliged to at.- tend to it every moment, and you may be sure not a laugh or a joke is ever heard Whilo within its walls. ,Evcry one who goes in hasZto take off his boots and put on rubbers, be- cause one grain of the dangerous powder, crushed by ,the boot, would explode the Whole in an instant. ‘ The floor of this house is covered with leather, and is made perfectly bluck by tho dust of the gunâ€"powder. It contains a set of sieves, each one is smaller than the last, through which the powder is sifted, and an immense ground and laboring mill, , where it is ground, while men shovel it in wooden shovels. The machin- ery makes a. great deal of noise,but the men are silentas in the other houses. The reckless crushing of the ma- chinery even seems to give greater horror, and one is very glad to get out ofthe house. The slowing room is next on the list, and there the gunpowder is heat- ediu wooden trays. It is very hot, and no workmen stay there. From there t goes to the packing house, where it is put upin barrels, kegs and canis- tcrs. ‘ Lastly, through all those houses, it goes at last to the storehouse. One feels like drawing a long breath to we the fearful stuti’ surely packed away, out Ofthe hands Of men, in this curious house. You’ve 'hcm-d of things being as ‘ dr ' as a powder-“unï¬t; but you would nbt think this home- ‘vory dry. it, is almost imbcdded in wzm'r. Did you chr licur Of a Witterâ€"root inï¬lt‘i x: 1" [u- .slezul ol‘ stops to go in there are :l: ‘l low tnnkmbi' water, through “incl.- evcry one must walk to the door. iowo‘cr house,»- is ,7 i. cvcrallcwol, except :um gilt. 'i‘lao wugceare'good ; the day’s work is 52 fl, ending :aquys at three or ibur o'clock. But lllC men have u serious look, that malice one think every immicutot danger, and to get away. ~-â€"~â€"-»â€"â€"â€"â€"<> c: as n @- Puciilc Exhibitionâ€"A stand of arms. ‘ The best thing to do should the drum Ofyour our be dost 'oyc(‘â€"â€"’,lct a trumpet. ‘ Ladies in delicate health should go to Coloradu. ‘ The. case of Mrs. Prather, of Golden City, shows the wonderful restorative effects of the climate. She could not even sweep her room when they lived in Ohio, but in less-than a your after her arrival in the Territory sho chased her husband a mile and a . quarter with a pitchfork. This. oporuâ€" , , ,