.1.‘ RichmondHillSlation. Changeoftime taking effect September 29, 1873: Going North 8.10 AM. . 12.15 pm), ..5.10 p m Going South 9.25 A.M. .3.40 p.m.. $.27 p.m We are glad to learn that the activcl and intelligent Reeve of' the Township‘ of York,:(Wm. Tyrrel, Esq.,) is about to take proceedings wi|h a view to quashing By-Law No. 233, of the County Coun' cil. Our readers will bear in mind that this By-Law has been declared illegal. and is that which reduces the High School Districts in the County of York to the incorporated villages ; it was cal- culated to destroy the High Schools of the country. It alfords us much pleasure to learn that a re-actionary feeling has set in amongst many of the members oi the County Council who voted for the By-Law, and that no further attack Will be made upon the High Schools of Rich moud Hi1], Markham, Newmarket and Weston. Wm ngfla gamma. SABBATH SCHOOL RE-OPENING.â€"â€"â€" The teachers and friends of' the Wesley an Methodist Sabbath School, Thomhill intend celebrating the re opening of 1110 of the School Rooms on Wednesday evening next, witha Grand Social, to which the public are courteously invited to attend. Addresses will be delivered on the object and advantages of' Sabbath Schools. A good dioir will be in atten- dance.-â€"Tea served at 7 o’clock. Pro- ceeds of the evening to be applied in de fraying expenses incurred in furnishing the rooms. Tickets 250. The check of the Globe in ï¬nding fault with the Government in appointing Mr. Manughan to the Post-Mastership in “’0 d‘tock is certainly amazing. The gentleman appointed is a newspaper" writm of ~ome note, he is an admirer and supporter of Sir John Mucdonald and his Government, and therefore he is appointed to the position he now occu- pies. No tanlt can be found with him upon the ground of ability to ï¬ll the po- aition. The fault with the Globe is that the ofï¬ce should have been given to a Grit, to one who would have been a tool to the “Reform †(Brown) party, to one who should aid and assist the party who are now seeking the overthrow of the Ottawa Government. This is the whole objection of the Pharisaical writer of the Brown organ. We have had occaâ€" Iion before now in ï¬nding fault with Sir John “in casting pearls before swine,†if we might be allowed so to write in ten- dering and giving ofï¬ces to the enemies of himself and party, especially as con- nected with the Post Oflice how careful should he be of allowing those opposed to him of" getting appointments. A SUGGESTION TO THE POSTMASTER AT YORKVILLE.â€"“ We are informed that the gentleman who occupies the above position loses no opportunity of ut- tering the most extreme and violent party hatred against Sir John Macdonald. It is scarcely becoming ofa public officer thus to villif'y the chief of the Govern ment that is giving: him his bread and butter. Self respect, if the Postmaster possesses that qualiï¬cation, should learn him better manners ; or it' he has party scruples on the subject, the most sensible way for him to illustrate his feelings is to tender his resignation.†The other day attention was called by one of the Toronto papers to a rumor of a deï¬ciency in the Toronto Post Ofï¬ce accounts. \Vhen out comes the Globe exculpating the Toronto Postmaster, and in his defence stated that it was merely a difference of accounts, in other words Mr. Leslie (who is a good Grit), thought his salary was not high enOugh and gave himself credit for more than his salary. But this is Grit purity, this is G rit ethics. “ O, for the power to see our- selves as others see us.†Yellow fever 15: again on the increase in Memphis. The reports at noon ycs- terd y show that there were 27 deaths from that disease. On Friday the 17th,» the ‘Vesleyzms of this Village had a good gathering ct friends at a “Cold Collation,’7 in the Lecture Room of Wesleyan Church. After dinner the party returned to the Church, when P. Patterson Esq, M.P.P., was requested to take the Chair. Around the Chairman on the platform we noticed the Rev. Messrs Dick, Hunt, Leroyd, Keough, Gough, and Jollifl’ee. The choirs, one from Victoria Square and the other in connection with the Metho dist Church in this place, added to the variety Contributions of excellent music. The object of the meeting was the liqui dation of the debt on the rai‘sonage: that object was sec-01111 lléllCd. Sum total of" E‘dbSCl'lpiiOhE and Collation receipts-â€" Q6 The following extract taken from the same paper of Toronto, will give our reaâ€" ders an idea of the men the Brown party would likg to see ï¬lling the public ofï¬ces of the country. ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA W! THAT ODIOUS BYâ€"L AW. Rxcnuoxn HILL, OCT. 24, 1873. WHAT NEXT ? The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Vaughan met at the Town Hall, on Tuesday, lhe 14th inst, at. 10 am. The Reeve in the chair. ' Members present: Messrs. Webster Porter, Beaman and McQuarrie. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. . The following petitions were presented. From James Newton, and 12 others asking the Council to pay the funeral ex- penses of one Edward Smith. From ‘ Wm. J. Egan and 10 others, belonging to School Section No. 11, praying the iCouncilnot to entertain the petition of certain ratepayers, of School Section No. 17, presented to the Council at its last meeting, praying to have a portion of School Section No 11 taken from said Section for the purpose of forming anew School Section. Also from Wm. Malt- by and 37 others, belonging to School Section No. 18, praying that the petition of certain ratepayers of School Section No 17 be not entertained so far as relates to taking any portion of School Section No. 18 for the formation of a new School Section. A claim for loss of sheep killed by dogs, amounting to $6, was presented by Alex. Bryson. MrKeaman, seconded by Mr “Yokâ€" st‘er moves, That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the iolluwmg sums for charitable purposes, viz : _ Applieandns for the oflice of Inspector of Weights and Measures, was made by Matthew East and Wm. PaHerson. Mr Webster movedl Mr lieaman sec- onded, That the matter of forming a new School Section, affecting School Sections Nos. 18, 17, & 11, be laid over umil next meeting for further consideration. A report was received from the Towu- ship Engineer in reference to the disput-_ ed 1'04d between lots 5 and 6, lat con cossion {Item Bay. ‘ To the House of Providence for the Funeral expenses and (5 months mainten- ance of Sarah Livingstone, $13; To Nelson Playter For the funeral expenses Edward Smith, 5511 ; To James Livingâ€" stone for the funeral expenses of John Dale, $9.20. From W. H. No'rris at al praying that. the limits between York and Scarboro’ be ascertained by the Township EnginA oer, and from Robert Robertson, praying for a certiï¬cate to obtain a shop license. Mr McQuzn‘rie, seconded by Mr Por- ter moves, That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to Alex Bryson, the sum of $4, being two thirds of his claim for loss of sheep killed by dogs. Mr Porter, seconded by Mr’McQuar rie moves, That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following sums to the undermcntioned persons, as certiï¬ed to by the Road Commissioners in their respective Districts, Viz : In Dis. No. 1, To John Brassill...$21 00 do “7111. Espey ........ 20 00 do Michael Mch ugh. 54 00 do John Brassill ...... 75 00 do Benj. Brrillingcr. 25 00 In Dis. No. 2, Nicholas Shaver.. 25 00 do Robert Matthews. 61 00 In Dis. No. 3, Arch. Morrow.... 47 75 do Samuel Robson.... 17 60 do Jacob Rupert...... 9 15 Mr MeQuarrie, seconded by Mr Pow ter moves, That the Treasurer be and is hereby authmized *0 pay to John Allen Inspector of Licenses for Distaict N0. 3, the sum of $10, being one half the ï¬ne imposed on David Gould; also to pay to Robert Matthews the sum of 31. being expenses incurred by him in suit Muni- cipality of' Vaughan vs. Hornbrook. Comniunicaiions were received from Messrs Bull and McWilliams, reSpecting Yorkville and Vaughan Plank Road, Township of York v. Scarlett; Crossings of' Toronto; G. and B. R. R, and Atty.- General v. Toronto Grey and B. R. R. Petitions were received from R. S. Crossing ct al, praying for a grant to im- prove a road between lots 30 and 3], 2nd concession from Bay. â€"Mr-\Vebster: seconded by Mr Porter moves, That the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to prepare a By-Law appro- priating $750 from the Tax Fund, to be apportioned among the several Road Dis- tricts as follows, viz: A cmnnmnicatinn was recoivcd from the Clerk of Markham Council, asking York Township Council to grant the sum of' ï¬ve dollars to assist in openingditches and improving the hill near German Mills lrcck. The minutes of the last regular and of the special meeting of Council were read and adopted. Moved by Mr Porter, seconded by Mr McQunrx-ie, That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to J. Brooks the sum of $4.37, being his costs in con- nection with the arrest of' Thomas Doyle. Mr Remnan, seconded by Mr Web~ ster moves, That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to Martin Smith the sum of $4.61, for furnishing lumber and bullding culvert in District Mr Reaman, seconded by Mr \Vebster moves, That the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to purchase the School Law Lectures, parts 1 and 2, for the use of the Council. ’l‘o District No. 1, $25; No. 2, 3200; No.3, 300. The Council then adjourned until Tuesday, the 11th day ofbovomber next to meet at 10 A. M. The Reeve having called a special meeting of the Council, they met. atthe Prospect House, Egliugton, on Monday, Sept, 15th. 1873, at 2 o’clock p m. Presentâ€"The Reeve, and Messrs. Bull, Duncan and Leslie. A petition was received from the High (“011001 Board of Dislrict N0. 1, asking flue Council to assess the township for $825 27. The Reeve was instructed to take pro- ceedian tohave byâ€"Iaw N0. 233, of the CogntyffYork, quashed. A By-law, No. 421, was passed levy- ing High School rates for 1873. The Council then adjourned. On Oct. 6111 the Council met, the Reeve in the chair, and all the members present. The Treasurer was mstructed to grant a certiï¬cate m George Kennedy, to en- able him to obtain a tavern license. YORK TOWNSHIP COUNCIL VAUGHAN COUNCIL. 20 00 54 00 75 00 25 00 25 00 61 00 47 75 17 60 9 15 The Council examined into the claims Charles Wenman and John R. Bull for shefp kial1>edr by dégs. ' The Clerk was instructed to have one hundred copies of the Health Byâ€"Laws, together with certain sections of 36 Vic. chap. 43 printed for distribution. A certiï¬cate was granted to Robert Robertson to enable him to obtain a shop license." The Township engineer was instruct ed to deï¬ne the limits of the deviation, of the town line between York and Scar- boro. ‘ The Reeve was requested to notify Messrs Smith and Morton and all other persons encroaching on the road allow ance between lots 3 and 6, let con. from Bay to remove such obstructions. A ll esolution was passed expressing; the lhanks ofthe Council for compliment- ary tickets received from the York Town- ship Agricultural Society to attend n dinner given by them on the opening day ef‘ the Township Fair. The Treasur-er was instructed to pry lhe following sumszâ€"To Julm Duvi> For I avisville Avenue, $46.50; to John R. Bull, for sheep killed, $16; to Charles Wenman, for sheep killed, 311; to James Watson, $8; to Mr l‘lowell,$5; to R. Buckner, $4; to “ï¬n. Baker, 35; to Mrs Wicks, $4; to Mrs Mitchell, $4; MrQ Milan. 84. A Telegram from} Calcutta to the Times says: asevere famine is threatened in the province of Bengal. , A ByJaw No.422, was passed, appoint- ing health ofï¬cers for the Township of York. Thirty persons died‘in Memphis dur- ing the twenty-four hours ending nopn Wednesday. ‘ The Council then adjourned to meet at the Prospect House, Eglingon m: Monday, November 3rd 1873 at 11 o’clock a‘m. DEAR SIR,â€"â€"Will there ever be any reform in putting stone on Yonge Street ? At present and for years they have been scattered along for half a mile at a stretch where they should have been put only quarter the distance, and four times as thick. It is rare that the stones touchâ€" being from two to four inches and some- times a. foot apart the spaces being thinly covered by sand or partiaily powdered stone. The effect of this thin scattering of the stones is that they are far longer in bedding, lying loose about, not being braced together; they are rougher to drive on, for the Waggon wheels drop down and rise continually till the stones are neaaly all hammered or ground to sandâ€"dear satxdâ€"â€"the travel is driven off the road; gate-keepers can’t pay up; rents have to be lowered ; income to road is lost; farmers have driven almost all the way to Toronto one wheel deep in mud and the other bouncing above. This is not all the trouble and folly. 1 say again, will there ever be any improvement ? Yours‘truly, STONE. The Roman Catholic authorities of: Quebec have prohibited fast dancing. ‘At a meeting; of the ratepayers of the Township of Vaughan, held at the Town Hall, to take into consideration the ques- tion of Township Boards of School Trus- tees, and also compulsory attendance at School, a unanimous resolution was pas- sed against Towuship Boards, and a re- solution to the effect that the compulsory clause should be continued on the Sta- tutes and means taken to make it more cflectual. " Markham Council meets at Unionville to-murrow, (Saturday) the 25ch inst. Be sure to pay your taxes before the 15L November, and save the expense of employing a Collector. The village and School Section will gain about $100 by prompt attention to the suggestion. It is reported that Jay Gould’s broker in London has disappeared with 3700-, 000 proï¬ts made on Erie stock which Gould was calculating to offset. losses suffered since the crisis. YONGE ST. S. S. TEACHERS, Assoâ€" ClATION.â€"Tlle above Association will hold their next meeting- at Carville on Monday evening next, at half-past seven o’clock. On this occasion Mr D. Mc- Lane, of Toronto, has kindly consented to be present to deliver an address. Also, a gentleman well-skilled in the Sabbath School work will give an original black- board exercise. Other topics will be discussed, and the election of" oï¬icers for the ensuing year will take place. The contractors on our High School are pushing on the work with vigor in order to have the job completed by the end of- the ï¬rst week in November. The plas- terers will ï¬nish a good job in two or three days ; the oarpenters_ are busy, and the painters are at Work. When ï¬nished7 our High School will be the best, building for High School purposes in the country. ' To the Ediloz' of the York Herald. STONING YONGE STREET @mmm (mum. @mwmmflmm WEDNESDAY. OCT. 29,â€"Credit Sale of Live Stock, Implements, &c. on lot No. 7, in 5th Con. of King, the property of Mr. Ancel D. Carley. Sale at 10 a.m. H. Smelser, Auctioneer. " \VEDNESDAY, 29th OCTOB‘ER.â€"Credi! Sale of Live Stock Implements, 850., on lot 30, in the lst. Con. of Markham, the pro- perty of Mr. R. J. Arnold. Sale at one o’clock. , l‘ RIDAY, (let. 31.â€"Credit Sale of Thorough ‘ bred Stock, on lot No. 71, with farm of Mr. Wm. W. Harman, in the 1st con. of King, the property of Messrs. Wm. W. ‘ Harman and Thomas Armstrong. Sale atone o’clock, sharp. J. Gormley, Auc- tioneer. FRIDAY, 31st Oct.â€"Credit Sole of Live Stock, Implements, &c., on lot No. 44, t in the lst Con ofVaugban, the p-mperti of Mr Geo. Rumble. Sale at 1 o'clock. '1. Smelser, Auctioneer. Oï¬- Parties getting Sale Bills printed at :his ofï¬ce will receive a notice similar to the above, FREE of charge. ROBINsoxâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Saturdm the 18th inst., Robert mbinson, aged 50 years. PLAYTERâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Mohday the 20th inst., Agnes Blunche, daughter 01 Ed. Playter, Esq., M. D., aged 3 years and 11 months. Becomin worse, untll last December, when I tried GRAHA ‘S PAIN ERADICATOR altho h Ihnd no hope of it beneï¬ting me, I yielded to t e per- Inuqun of othqre. ‘ _ ONTARIO HOUSE Fall Arrivals FARMERS! FARMERS! We have Beautiful Sugars 10 and 11 lbs/2w $1, Splendid Tea for 50 cents per II), the best aatdï¬ucst Ground Cofl‘ee and Spices. Choice Tobacco, Dried é‘ Salt A call ï¬om all is respectfully solicited, Remember the place, Corner of Y ongc and Centre St. opposite Sanderson (,9: Sons. Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. I have been one of the cutest sufferers from the effects of Asthma, luv ng had it in its most severe f_or_m f9; meaty-gin .ygqrs; .for 'tlgq lest. 313 ans of that time I had not. lain six Fight: in bed, or seven eaxs had such gevere pain In my left side than con (1 not reqt on It, my appetite was gone and I had swelling m the region of my stomach, an eneraJ weakness. This condition wan comtantl ecoming worse, untll last December, yvjlen _I Egie _ . The ï¬rst dose I took relieved the difï¬culty 0! my breathinézland before I had two bottles used I was com 1e ycured and have since enjoyed u flood 11 1.; ever 1 (316. . MARK MOORE. Mr. M‘Bore hm! sine; reaming} well. V ‘HE Commissinnezs appointed to eonskucl 'hu lulercolonial Hailwgy give Public N». lice that the} are prepa'ed to raueive Tender» fo» the c‘lllï¬h'uclioll «fa “ Deep Wmer Ter. minus†at Falhar Icint. Plans and Speciï¬cations mav be seen at the Engixnoms’Ufï¬ces in UH,qu and Rimouski, on and after the 2|?le duyol onember nexl. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID. Tenders marked “ Tender» for Harbor and Branch Line,†will be received at lhe Commis- sionms’ Uflice. Ottawa. up to six o’clock, p. m" el‘lhe 20m day of December next. A. W ALS H . 'awzbm, Consisting of aged, shearhngs, lambl. Also several pairs of chuica ewes of the same breed. RQBT, MARSHL ‘ . V . a J holding “Jud class Provuucml Caruï¬cale Duties to commenca is! Jan. l874 Appli- rations stating salary wil'e h receiwd until lst November M73. Good recommend tinns required. THE .BESl‘ FAMILY! BACON, HAMS, POTATOES, PEAS, OATS, BRAN AND SHORTS, ASTHMA. PURE BREI] SHEEP PUB BALE. CommiSsioner’s Ofï¬ce. Ottawa, 17 Och, 1873. RIGHMONDELL MILLS! GEORGE & DAVID BIRREEL NO HUMBUG! SOUTH DOWN RAMS! Parties favoring us with grisxs may rely on a good return and well mauu'a: uwd. Earrings, w 'd ITE FISH. COAL 01L,TINWA RE &c. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR w& vFEED! CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES GROCERY LINE! THE ONTARIO HOUSE! BEAU'I'IFUL ASSURTMEN'I' of all 1 kinds suita‘wle for the FALL & WINTER I‘RADE just come 10 hand at BKUWN’ that will convince 3011 there 15 INTERGOLUNIAL RAILWAY ('ct. 22nd. 1873. Lot4l,Con 1, Markham, Markham. Out. 21. 1873. HIGHEST MARKâ€? PRICE PAID FOR \VHEAT. Richmond Hill Fiour Mills, Oct 15. 1873 FLOUR, ‘ OAT MEAL, CORNMEAL, GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT EG to inform Merchants Bakers &, Farmers ‘ that they have always on hand a large stock of [IE SUBSCIHBER offers for sale a few pure bred gm mmmnmnm Wanted. ACHI’ZRâ€"MALlCâ€"F‘or S,S. N02! King I ,u-, , .\, 1 u n FARM PRODUCE TAKEN WM, ST!“ PHE‘NS AUCTION SALE. Always on band, also Secwlmy and 'l'rmsurcr. Temperanceille P. 0. IF YOU \VANT All kinds of CALL AT IN THE AND THE DIED. C. J. BRYDQES, A. W. MCLELAN. “EPWVE‘W. 7176065 '0}; '0»- Jun. 30. 18'70. mmissiuncrs IMPORTANT NOTICE ! PEOPLE’S STORE. Superior Teas and Groceries WINES & LIQUORS Call and cumin: the large and we“ selected stock in WIN DOW SHADES. TINWARE, PAINTS & OILS, GLASS-8: PUTTY, CUTLERY,and FURNITURE, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE, COME SIT BY MY SIDE, LITTLE DARLING. MOLLIE’S ANSWER BIRDIE HAS COME. Claims to be a ï¬rst-class House. and the only true way of testing it is by comparison ; and an inspection of the stock and prices is res- pectfully solicited. Flour and Feed kept constantly on‘ hand. UTheZhighesl prices paid for I†kinda of Farm Produce. CELEBRATED AXLE GREESE OPENED OUT YESTERDAY, Tennis Balls, Solid Rubber Balls, Black Jets, Ear Rings, Red, Colored, Opal, Blue and Pearl Necklets, PORTS AND FAST YOUNG MEN '1 should mad the best work publ.shed Sen‘ Lo any address (conï¬dential) on receipt of $125. Address, Cm! P931.stst Orncm, Toronto. See them at the HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL. “FATHER SAYS I MAY.†“ MOLLIE DARLIN G.†RVING’S FIVE-CENT MUSC. PARCELS DELI VERED.’ P. G, S AVAG Richmond Hill, August 98. 1873. 768-“ Ground Coï¬'ees and Spices, FANCY GOODS! £00135“, ï¬tatinmy, 8m. LITLLE SUNSHINE. PEOPLE’S STORE STROLLING ON THE SANDS. NO 8. SPLENDID STOCK, 9'0: the best. purest Ind cheapest If roniwam pure. unadulterated “I HAVE NO HOME." RICHMOND HILL. Remember the ï¬ruvzxiw, 8m PEOPLE’S STORE. I l’ IIMBEK THE PEOPLE'S STORE. ROOM PAPER, CROCKE‘RY, lLASSWARE, IF YOU WANT ALso Bmwnufls IN FHOR'I‘ . THE Charms, FOR SALE. Lockets, Rings, (kc. '373 Fall Goods '373 LCROSBY Fall and Winier Bonds! Done to order on the shortest notice Shop one door worth of Mr. Bam- ard’s store, Richmond Hill. 1 man and woman to rca-i (especially those contempmting malrnmony.) Send $1;l|0 to Eunmn vausuma Co., Toromo. and have it returned (post-paid) closely sealed. She has no hesitation in promising satin- fuctiou to all who may favor her with a call. Inspection Invited and Patronage Solicited. Dress and Mantle Making ! Will be happpy to see all desiring an blhing in her branches, being a BRA CTICAL MILLINER CALI. AM] BXAMINB. Ambler, W. (2) Armstrong, A Ashley, James Applebx, George Anus. .l. Benson, Mrs Jane Beers. J K. M. llrwdel, John Brown. George Hughes, G. P. Haï¬'cy. B. Jewell. G. Klinck. Joseph A. Kerswill. Janle Kirkland. James Kua'e. F‘. Kendrick, Bridget Kirkland, Alex. Begg, Master Willinmhee. Reuben Baldwin. Henry Brillinger. Jonathan Burn. Mrs Sarah Brasel, Juhn Bra‘uon, James Cook. Frank Cuisley. Juhn Cosprove, John. Dullmnge. Phillip A. Lixon, l‘.dward Deans. George Elliut, Miss Sarah Fisher, Bernhard Fleek. James Grifï¬n. Julin P. (load. Jesse Grnv. David Granger. Mrs Henry Howard. James Hastings. Alonzo Mnhoney. James Nande . John McNuir Rolrert McMillua, William 1\lc('ufl'rey. Holierl McLaughlin. Alex Mal/luster. James Rumbln. George Reid. James Smith, Mrs J. Stuckdnle. 1‘. Sims, Jul)“ Simpsnn Adalino Scull. Henry Stephenson. Joseph Smith, Mr (gravel pit) W'hompson. 'l‘hmuas Terrell, 'l‘hmnas VV ilson. Rub’l (mason) ’DHE BEST BOOK FOR EVERY YOUNG EVERY DEPA RTMENT- Will clean all kinds of grain. embracing wheat, rye. barley. and nan: and Wlll not choke will) any Illistley or foul grain. No sliu'k or broo n required lo be used. and the machlne need not at nv lime be stopped by clogging oflha Suave. wAH ill-den; for this Sieve addressed to the palentee. ann Rae. Lansing P.O.. 0nt., will receive prompt atls‘ntion. PATENT SIEVE ! thy Iinlrihgement on this' pnlent will be punished with the utmost rigo of the law. JOHN RAE. Lansing P.O Yonge Street. July. 1872. 7294f £193 (5mm, (ï¬wmm. Farmers and Thrashers Take Notice. May 8. 1873. @yillimg and (Sewing. STRAW WORK ASjecewod 1hr great" part of hi: ASHIONABLE MILLINERY SHOP. MRS. Iiiâ€"SSE†FIRE-PROOF STORE, EMAINING [N THE RICHMOND Hilll’osl' nice. llectober. 1873: AE’S NEW AND IMPROVED List of Letters RICHMOND HILL I. CROSBY: Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, AND Hughes, G. P. Haï¬'cy. B. Jewell. G. Klinck. Joseph A. Karswill. Janle Kirkland. Jame.- Ke-a'e. F. Knndrick, Bridget Kirkland, Alex. M. TEEFY. tn 7724f IBIS AUTUMN. I873 WM. ATKINSON Fall and Winter GOODS! Which for qualitv and urine will, he ins-tisï¬ed. give unbounded saxisl‘oclion. THE STOCK COM I’RISES: FANCY FLANNELS, MontreaI.â€"Evans,Mercer and Co.. Whole-ll. “ Druggistsv Lymans, Clan uné Co. Toronto.-â€"El|iott and. Co . Wholesale Drug, " gists. Shapter and Owen. Hamilton.â€"Winner and Co. Haiifax â€"Avery. Brown Ind Co. Burgovne. Burbidges and Co.. Colmn-n “root, London. Newbery and $0113.37 Newgato Strevl.London Barclay and Sons, 95 Farringdon Street. Len- ddu. / _ Sangov and Sons. Oxford Street London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. A beautiful choice let to be cleared nut at greatly reduced prices a! the Conunl- Snort, THOMAS E. COPELAND, PHOTOGRAPHER; RICHMONI) HILL, For Scrofula. Scurvy, Shin Discus“. Ind Sores of all kinds it, IS a never-tailing and per- manent cure It cures old Sores (,ures ulcerated Sores on the Neck. ("ores Ulceraled Sore Legs Cures l‘lacnheads. or Pimplee on tho Fnco. Cures Scurvy Sores (‘ures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swallings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. nnd warranted free from anything injurioun to the most delicate constilutinu of either sex, the Proprietor sclicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. . Thousands of testimonials from I" parts. Sold in Bottles 25 3d each. nndin Cueo. containing six times the quantity. 113 eachâ€" sufï¬cient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing '-ases.BY ALL CHEWlS'l‘S and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. V Sole Proprietor. F. J CL,ARKE,Chemit-t, APOTHECARIES’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. FLOWERS, FANCY GOODS. In fact an Immense Stock suitable for tho taste of his numerous cuatome'rs. Framing done to order. Negative: pro. sw-vod. (fld piclures carefnliy copied uni onu Inrged. 6m Parties having pictures of child- ren taken are lequmled to be m the Gallery 'nelweuu H) a m and 3 p. n_)._ Entrance to gallon between BARGAINS ! REMNAN’I‘S 0?DREss GOODS. Crockery, Hardware, Glassware, Groceries, Lyn, Which cannot. be surpassen if equalled; WM. ATKINSON. 6‘ OR THE BLUOD IS THE LIFE."â€" Seu Deukerouomy, chap. xii, verse '13 For (‘lmmsmg :nd clearing the blood from all impurites. cannot be too highly recommen- ded C L A R KE ’ S World Famed Blood Mixture. gm ($011115, @merim. PRU CTOR’S HOTEL and MOODIE’S n STORE. DRESS GOODS, Richmond Hill, Juno 5. 1873. Al" Tm; LO'WES T RATES. EGS ‘o announce the arrival oflhe grout- er part‘of his EGS to inform the public thnt no is prov para: lo hnnish all kinds of BLACK STUFF GOODS, Trade Mark " Blood Mixture.†AGENTS IN CANADA. Dealer in everything Good and Che-p. (‘entral Store. Rirhmund Hill. CANADIAN COTTONS, PICTURES & FRAMES RIBBONS, EXPORT AGENTS. COUNTERPANES, yhntugmphg, A full assorrmenl of BLANKETa TWEEDS, MANTLES, DOESKIN S. Wmv ATKINSON. SHAWLS,