Time-andagain within the past few years "theLiberal:Conse1vative party has suffered defeat through lack of organi- zation. Even in constituencies where “they were numerically the strongest. they have sacriï¬ced themselves simply because they‘iaclted- unity, and. were unable on the day of election to concentrate. their strength. The Grits, on 'the'contrary, l. stick together withta plaster-like adhe- “sibn, and from the ï¬rst of J anuary-to the last day of December they are ready for any political emergency. In municipal contests their organs preach neutrality, "*and advocate the ubolishment of politics from the struggle, but no sooner does a 'Grit council get elected than they straightWay set to work to manipulate the municipality and get things ready for the next parliamentary election. Not a, pound-keeper is. appointed under their regime unless Ire swears feality to the party. . From the highest to the lowest; position is in their power to bestow the political principles of the applicant, and I ,not his ï¬tness for the work on hand is lthe standard by which he is accepted or rejected. Mean and contemptible as is this style of political warfare, it has to in: adopted by the Conservative party also or they must stand the consequences of their neglect. n. .- i 'It is proposed to reserve the pictureSque wilderness of the Adirondacks as a pub- lic pleasure resort for all time coming." This'region extends from Lake Chainâ€" iplain to the Mohawk liiver, and from Vibe Black River to the Ft. Lawerunce; \it comprises about 1,700,000 acres or about. 2,703 Square miles, and fornisai part of' ï¬ve different counties. 'l'here‘ are 834,480 acres of this expanse of country upon the Hudson side of the mentality, which it- is recommended should be reserved as a forest park, in order to protect the sources of the Hud- son which are being sensibly uï¬ected by the too rapid melting of the snow, con- seflue'nt’bpori the reckler oenuding of the pine hind. The-States owns only‘ some 40,000 acres of the territory which hit is proposed 'to acquire. um. cvcly .Luvtu, \lllub‘.’ I-vlv- -v.._v.__r form assoc12tions,and lay the foundation of an organization that will place the par- Jty on an equal footing with their oppon ents, We are aware, however, that itis of little use tendering this advice unless some practical suggestion accompanies it; 'we therefore recommend an early m0ve- ment in this city, so that our friends throughout the country will be assured that we are in earnest in the matter. We hope to be able to announce in a few days that a start has been made. When that is done it will be the duty oftbe cen- tral organization to lend every assistance in theforuiution of similar organizations in the country. Oboe this much pro- gress has been inaugurated, there will exist a guarantee that, in future elections, the Liberal-Conservative party willenter the ï¬ght something better than a disor- ganized crowd of voters with no head to direct their movements.â€"â€"Smt. With the exception of two or three counties at. the most, there is no organi- nazatiéu whatever in this western Pro- vince. From now to next January is the time to undertake the good work. Let. every .towu, village and township It'is to the credit of the large cihes of the United States that they have shown a laudable ambition to outvie each other in the number and beauty 0"." their pub: lic parks. New York, Brooklyn, Philu‘ delphia and Baltimore possess parks‘ whose ' scenic beauty is not excelled throughout the world, and Chicago will by-and-bye have a magnigcent series of parks Which-‘will present a driving circuit unequalled for extent at least. The preservation of the Yosemite as a public plesure ground, is a notable example that ï¬n'ide in the preservation of natural bean 13' is 110:; incogs'iseem with the manual: anj‘s‘m-rev'f'rdembidracy, and the proposed Natibnal Park Of the Yellowstone will be anothe; still more remarkable illustration of the same "fact-w Tue State of Ncw York will shortly be called upon to vin- dicate its title to the same kind of credit. Some cheerful revelations about the extent to which the adulteration of tea is practised, were made by one of the ehemists appointed under the new act for the'detection of such frauds, at the re- cent meeting of the British Association. Green teas appear to form the favorite subject o'f‘a‘dulteration. In several sam- ples of such, he had found large admix- tures of exhausted leaves (dried) strongly g’ coloredbyiPrussian blue. Other inferior ‘ qualitieshe'lhad found exclusively com- posedggofeiflï¬usted leaves; strongly faced I withfFrench chalk, and a little Prussian blue. 'One sample submitted to him was I labelled? Rough flavored; think, sappy Moning Congou at 2s. per pound, better than ear), be got elsewhere for 29. 6d.†This many-adjectivsd compound was’ found to be quite_a remarkable .instanco I f L of ingenious fraud. Ninety-ï¬ve per cent of the'mixtnre was composed of foreign and exhausted leaves, intermixed with sulphate of iron; the remaining ï¬ve per cent. consisting of Catechu, starch, mag- nesia; rnetallic iron, graphite and sand. '_l-'he.publicity given to this instructive analysis will probably have the eï¬ect of making people strongly distrustful of inferior green teas. and “ strong sappy †‘Congous. In justice to the green teas, it must be remarked. that analysis show- ed that genuine green teas were richer in tannin than black by about my per cent. The lack of color formed no evi- dence of lack of strength, though gener ally so considered; for green tea posseSs- ing very little depth of color, was found to behalf as strong again as black tea, whose color was very much higher. The thrifty, housewife’s device of- putting some carbonate of soda in the tea-pot. was admitted to be eflicacious in bring- ing out a deeper color in the infusion of inferior teas. but it was flatly denied , that the soda could have any eï¬'ect on the strength of the mixture. IN UNION 1.8 STENGTH. An esteemed correspondent sends us the 1 facts of the above case, which are as fol l lows :â€" "‘ On Thursday last two t'ellows working in the hrickyard got drunk and commenced insultng every one passing on the sidewalk opposite Mr. Severn’s brewery, and stopping people driving on the road. Constable Nicols coming up at the time, in stead of trying to quell the disturbance went to the Reeve’s house and fetched him, who on seeing the men were drunk told the con- stable to do his duty, when he answered that he was not going to interfere with them. The Reeve told him it was his place to in- terfere. Seeing that the constable was t ail-aid. the Reeve went towards the men to tell them to desist, when they beth set upon him and knocked him down several times, the brave constable keeping out of harm’s way. A nice man for a constable ! After getting on his feet again and seeing that he could not arrest them for want. of help, he told the constable to come along: with him and get some help, when the Constable left him and went home and returned armed with a plasterer’s. lath.‘. a weapon that would not kill a butterfly. ~Then seeing the men in custody he exclaimed. ‘ Thank God for that, I knew we could take them.’ The othet constable of the village, a Mr.’ Dan iiels, appeared on the scene just’ "14 hours after, and said he had only just heard of it. and wished he had been there, as it would not have occurred He is .71 years of age, so that Yorkville is left entirely at the mercy ulithc rou'flhs. ’ Nicholl’s age is 74, so that y'ru see they are two men useless to" act as constables. There is nuts. night but some one is insulted and pelted with ï¬lth " 0n Saturdan the prisoners, Thomas Brown and Henry Fussell, appeared before Mr George Bostwick, J. 1).. charged with the assault upon Mr. Severn. '.l he ï¬rst witness was Mr Severn, who stated that on Thursday night the prisoners were shouting and cursing and he told them to desist. Fussell came tow ards him with the intention of striking; but tefore he succeeded he (Severn) struck him with his open hand and knocked him down. A general tussle then ensued and the witness was struck several times by both prisoners, Constable Nicholls was with him at the time. Several witnesses corroborated the Reeve’s statement. For the defence it was urged that the prisoners were charged with assaulting a peace oflicer In the execution of his†duty; that the Reeve was not a peace otï¬cer, and was not in the execution of his duty. The. Magistrate agreed that if the Reeve wns not a peace ofï¬cer, the prisoners must be discharged on the present int'orma‘ tion. He would reserve decision until this (Monday) evening. The ï¬nancial panic lessened the sale of postage stamps in New York $2,000 daily. The somety editor of a New York paper, stales that}umps and black silk stockings, with scarlet cloaks, are now the proper .thiugs for gentleman’s full dress. ~ A man named Warner had his leg broken at Lexington, Mo.. the other day, and being in great pain he begged ofsome one to shoot him. Mr Curtis, one of his neighbors, obligiugly complied with the request, and IS amazed at. ï¬nding himself arrested. Assault upon the Reeve of York- ville. A pretty Chinese girl is now undergoing trial at Pekin,’ charged with being the cap- tain of a pix-alical crqu recently blown up in one of the Chinese rivers. ' ‘ An immense hdgmg house 101‘ the poor IS about to be opened an Moscow. v Russia. in honor of‘he belrothal of the Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna, with Ihe Duke ()f'Ediu burgh, and will be called, Prince Alfred of England’s home for the poor. ’ One of the means by which political agita tions are constantly maintained in Ireland. resulting so frequemly in l'iOYI.:iS adverted 10 in the lunniskillen Advertiser. The " Hum}: liule†party of that toWn having Muck up a. notice printed on green paper calling for a meeting on a certain day, and closing with n prayer For Ireland, the “ anti» Hbme Rule †people themselves put up an orange cnluuued ymaler calling f'uran opposi Linn meeiing, and winding up with‘a prayer for lhe Queen. The Advertiser ,remarks in connecliun with this matter that not, only ,w11l mesa enthusiastic partisans have paved the; May for u "guod Chu’i'stiau rn’w †but, What “ill be wnrse, they will " help Parlia- ‘ment‘ to do what that now uruble bo’dy is al ready anxious to doâ€"-that is to pass'nn Act that will compel both to hold lhuirmeetinga and celebxations within doors for many years Lu come.†l l lerwas a matter of secondary importance-‘1 hat must depend on the income and style of :liyinoâ€"l’ntt e essential thing was that it should come to the wife regularly, so that she should no more have to make a special request for it than:her husband‘would have to ask her for a dinner. This lady’s own husband was, as I happened to know, of a most generous disposition. was devotedly attached to her. and denied her nothing. She herself was a most accurate and careful manager. There was everything in the household to make the ï¬nancial arrange ments flow smoothly. Yet she said to me, "I suppose no man can possibly understand ‘how a sensitive woman shrinks from asking for money. lfl can help it,‘1ny daugh ters shall never have to ask it.- If they do their duty as wives and mothers they have a right to their share in the joint income. ‘ within reasonable limits; for, certainly, no money could buy the services they render Moreover, ,they have aright to a share in de- gtermining What those reasonable limits are.†‘ Now it so happened that I had myself gone ‘ ;through an experience which enabled me perfectly to comprehend this feeling. In early lit'eIwas in the employ of a kind 3friend who paid me a fair salary, but'at no deï¬nite period ; I was at- liberty to ask him 't'or money whenever i. needed it; This seemed tt' me, in advance, a most agreeable arrangement; but I found it quite otherwise. It proved to be very disagreeable to ask for money; it made every dollar seem a special favor ; it brought, all kinds of'nisgiyings, as to whether he could spare it. without incon- venience, whether he really thought my ser. vices worth it, and so' on. My employer was a thoroughly upright and noble man, and I was much attached to him. I do not, know that he ever refused or demurred, when I asked for money. The' annoyance was simply in the process of asking, and this became so great that I often underwent great inconvenience rather than ask. Fin- ally, at the year’s end. I surprised my friend by saying that I would accept, if. necessary, alower salary. on condition that it should be paid on regular days. and as a matter of business. The Wish was at once granted; Without the reduction; and my employer probably never knew what a relief it was to me. Now if a young man is liable to feel this pride and reluctance toward a mere em player, it is easy to understand how many many women may feel the same eVen ’in re- gard to a husband And I fancy that those who feel it most are often the most conscien- tious and high minded women. It is' un- reasonable to say of such women, “ T00 sensitive 1 Too fastidious 77’ ‘ For it is this very quality of ï¬ner sensitiveness men affect to prize in woman, and wish to protect at all hazards. 'ASKING FOR MONEY: One of the very best wives and molhms I have ever known om-e said to me, 111m, whenever her daugh ters should be married, she'should stipulate in their behalf with their husbands for a regulal sum [0‘ be paid lhem, at certain in U-rvals, for Illeir personal expenditures. Whether this sum was to be larger or smal From the Sun. Their beautiful and commodions building wirh its Halls, Library, Free Reading Roon and, Gymnasium are intended at once toin vice and improve all young men who emex Prayer Meetings, Literary and Musical Ex. Lei-minments are frequently held and open to all. _ ' ‘ h The Xouug Men"s Christian Associatiox‘ take pl‘éasure in informing their friends am the Christian Public generally of the fuci. ties for uSefulness which they now enjoy. . Parents, Guaidians, Pastoi's, or otheir who have young friends in the City or biking: to come to it, are invited to urge them It (50mg mm. A Reception Committee Inna" been formed, the members of which gludi} cali on all strangeis whom they may kept: of from those interested. Communication: from friends at a. distance a’i-‘c gladly re‘ ceived. TORONTO_ YOUNG MEN’S CHRIS; 1 TIAN ASSOCIATION. CORNER OF QUEEN AND JAMES S'rs. V. . Toaoxmo, .JVUKEV1873. To Parents, Guardians, Pastors, and others whose Sons, Wards, or .Fm'endsrxmay be leaving home for residence in the City Q)“ Toronto. Bacon . . . .. Hamsâ€"Salted Eggs... .. .. Dried Apples.. Snlt.......>... Wool U (inA'rm‘uL AND Conrowrmwâ€" "By a thorough knowledge ofthe nAtural laws which goveluthe operations ofdigestion and nutrition. and by a caregul application: 0f the ï¬ne proper- iies of well-selected cocoa, M: Epps has pro-- vined our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored bevera e which may save 'us imany heavy doctors’ _§ills."â€"Civil Service Gareth. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk Each pnrflél is Jahellgï¬-r Umus Ens £170., Ho pmhic Chéilffistsï¬London." thï¬â€˜acwkm :qlf Coéoa.-â€"“,Wo will now give in) account'of llie'jpmcess adopted by “ms-ts James ,Epps dz. C0.. manufaC'ure" of le|etliC arliclespm their works in the Euston Re d; London’Lâ€"Se'g arliele‘ in Cassell’s Hausahultt - ~ VAMEEon the prenugasï¬df‘ihe subscriber. ldtfil‘lg in {he 15! Can, of Markham. near Riuhmoud Hill ahvni (he F1; fleenth July last, A RED AND WHITE HEIII‘IZR coming Three Years old Thu owner is requesth to prove pro erty. [my expenses,nnd lake the animal away. MUNICIPALITY OF RICHMOND HILL [N order to economise in the collection 0! I Taxes for lhiI Village of Richmond Hill, as well as for Iht- Um": School Seatinn Nus. 3:![111/[444fl’16 Towns/lips uf' Mark/mm and Vaughml, inrluding the Vlluga. the Ratepaw era we hereby invited to call It the Clerk‘s ofï¬ce and pay all ratesfor which they are liable. fol the year 1873. tolhe undersigned. on on before. the Ricnmdnd Hiâ€. Sep. 22; 1873. (V AMES. TOYS, &G., FUR SALE AT the HERALD Book Smm‘ ' THE LATEST NOVELTIES‘ Ladies’ Back Combs! \chmnund Hill branch) at ll]8_HERLLD Book Slore \ A weekly journal of Current Events. Literature, Science and Arm \griculture and Mechanics, Fashion and AL, Jsemen't. Sod at “'0 ; number at the HERALD Book Store- Thirty new and fashionable styles to se- lect from at ' ' ' Store. OETICAL WORKS, 0F AL“ THE different pools. at the HERALD Book VILLAGE, SERUM. AND EITHER Gaol)?! $3134," 1‘31? Richmond Hill. Sep. 30, i873 Isl NOVEMBER NEXT. BY order bf the Council. EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE REAK FAST. â€" EPPS’S COCOA " ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. )APER BOOKS. OF ALL KINDS AT ma HERALD Book Store. " C H 0 0 L REQUISITES OF ALL I B L E SOCIETY DEPOSITORY cheap at [ha Hump; Book Store.- Yours repectfully, THos. J: Wmmc, Secretary. kinds al the “mum; Bonk Store the HERALD Book Siore 513mm gamma. TORONTO MARKETS; BELTS! THE HERALD BOOKSTORE Tqromo, Ocmbt-r ‘21. 187;! TAXES. Wu VANDERBURG AND 7M: TEEFY, v E ' l reusurer. 739-13 n It) 014 013 7 no 012 022 0 I7 021» 1 UN 0 40 0 71» 8 1m 0 UL 0 IN 0‘36 Panic nlar altemion' paid‘ to Children’s teeth, and alwvlo Gold Fillingâ€, A stock 0( beautiful teeth alwass enfhand {ind ad work warramed. Mr Walls will'vigit the lollowing places. on he days mentianed. ' ‘ . ‘L Mnrnhnm, on the 8th day of each month. < Slouï¬'vllle, “ .mm _ . u _.. Springhill, °° - 14m 4- in Richmond Hill. 181}; "' u .. 'Thornhill,‘ " Qluh - -u 1. Maple, '“> 722nd7 ‘ ‘f u. ' i - Mr Wells or assistant will be at his ofï¬ce, \‘o‘nge SireelhAnrora. at all times. V ‘ Al letters addresaed to Aurora, promptlY‘ah vnded to. ‘1 . ‘ ’ ‘ . Teeth also set wilh'the Celuloid Base, a iew invention. being lighten suongor pnd more duiuble than the old kind. Having had nine years expelience; satisfaction can be ‘guaranleed. . ' One Box of CLarke’s B 41 Pills 0 T0 Weekly Paperstrece'ved al the HERALD Book Stole. Lichumud. Hill Burgoyne. Burbldges and Co . Colman Street London' ' Newherv and Sons. 37 Newgate St.. London. Burcvay new Sun. 95 Parringdon St , London Sanger and Sons. Oxfovd St.. London. And all llle London Wholgsalo Houses. SURGEON] IDENTIT; IS A arranged to cum all discharges from the U’rinnrv Oygunx 3n ahlxar max ‘ acquired or co'ï¬ Iilu'im al Grnve‘ and Pains in the Back. Sa‘d in Boxes, 4s ï¬d each.by all Ghemksbu and rpm, Muducme Vf’l dors. , , . Snlu proprieln TF. 3. OLA “XE. APO'I‘HECARH-TS’ HALL. L LINCOLN. EN GLAN D. ' MontreaL-rliva‘us Mercer and Co.. Wholesgl" “ Dlugzisls. Lymans Clare and (3'0. ‘ Torontoâ€"Elliott and (35).," Wholesale Drug “ gins. Shapten and Owen. Hamiltonâ€"Winer and Co. Haiifax.â€"Avur1.;Brow11 and Co; One hundred and furty of which are cleared and well cultiva led. ' Thane are on the pro- ' peny two good ‘ . LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE SHINGLEâ€"b UTTING, AND PLAN'f'N'h-ï¬bnh: TO oabï¬mi FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! 'l'nree large bums. two slub‘es. and other ne- cessary (arm bu'fldings. 'l‘wo spring creeks run across the iot, and plemy of good V yvatgr abounds. ' H is situated at a distance of eight- een'miles from Toronto, and‘ two milesfro'm kiwi-[£363 V'il‘hisfnr'm isilearly I†under- drained nudiwail fenced, v‘vilh two good 6;: chards. and nbout Ranging in price from 30 cents per 1b upward : Fifty Acres Good- Bush. For further particulars; np|)l_\',eilher by [alter (post-paid). or on the premises. to RICHMOND HILL SAW MILL TWO HUNDRED ACRES rally bé:found at 'hoine-fï¬m 2 lo 3 o’clock. P-M. John Elliott Langstaï¬' is auth- orized‘ to coflect accounts. February 4th. 1873. 759-†Dracm,’ Convlelygucerm Sun, 6w..- Chromaâ€"No. ‘56. Church .Street. Toronto. ,nexl door north of British Amerioaï¬ln’wnnco Buildings. V ~ . ‘ _ LN BLAKE. : R. E. Kmasronn. M.A :UBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON EDWARD BLAYTER, 11.1) , (Medaiist; .Tgronto Univusilg) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, am. I Coroner forvth‘e Cbunt'y of York. RMidencqâ€"Opposï¬le D. Hopkin's Sloro, Cor. Yonge and Elizabeth St._ Richmond Hill.' March 12-1873 .' . 3764-“ r Iinï¬m Engineer, Draftsmul 6m. Surveys. Plgns. Descriptions. Reports. Plans of brit’ges. Speciï¬cations. Forms of contract. Sacurny Bonds, &c . execmed with 1163111685 and despulch. ' No. 4 Trust and Loin Buildings,:Cov'l|9r ofl Adelaide and Tomato sheets, TORONTO. should at lonce‘ send his-name nud'nddress 'Wllh $1.50 fog- ona v‘oar’s subscription to ' MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGI- NEERVLCHEMIST,‘ “mum ‘ 1 'AND MERCHANT.- ' Richmond Hill, June 19, 1873. , 8. JAMES, ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEY-ER, Cmum' Engineer, Draftsmul 6m. The Canadian Pdtent -0}fï¬c¢ ‘Rccord Richmond Hm, Doc. 9, ’72., Dec 4. 1872. Sugerior Farm for Sale, EING..L01‘.N0. [23, m _'_I‘HE .3129. 'l‘bromo ‘Ju lv ‘28 .' 1873 A Copy of ï¬rst number gun be seen at tï¬is Eco. ' - , I 766-2 DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, vICHMOND HILL,_’ wlgn GENE": BLAKE «a KINGSFORD, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, ‘ SOLI- VERY INVENTOR, BUILDER, oud coxicéssioii or the Township of Markham, Containing Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Progf Stbre, RICHMOND HILL. . l A LARGE STOCK 0F lusz‘dence at‘ Aurorah Ont; AGENTS IN CANADA. ANDREW MAGER, M ECHANICS’ M KGAZINE, EXPORT AGENTS. ittiï¬vcllmmuï¬, Also a ï¬ne useortment'of ‘. M. WELLS, -.L.D.s., MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. Richmond Hill 9. 0. 872. 7501f GEORGE E. DESBARATS. ' ' Mount“. mung. TEAS. TO THE PUBLISHER, DEALER IN AND 7754f. 751-ly 784-11' .THE TEA CHEST Consipting of‘Teas from 50 centq in $1 00, which lot quality and flavor, can‘nbt be sur- passed. DOMINION TEA HOUSE; RICHMOND HILL; Eyre's Flour kep‘ on hand. wh|ch cimnol b6 beat by anything that comes to lawn. Peas, Shorts, Bran, Glover and Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeda, doc. Salmon Trout, Cod Fish ’and Labrador Herring. PROVIEIONS} agrimltuml flmplmmm. WINES AND LIQUORS ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadultemted, BLOOD'S DUBLIN 90mm, AND- wxuaru’s ALE. aw. Crockery 8c Glassware. GA DEN TOOLS. 4w. Farm Produce taken in exchange. CHEAP JAPAN TEA. ONLY 25 CENTS PEH lb. Skirvin ’s'Improved Purple Top Swade, glangel W-urtzel and Car- rot Seed, at the noMiNION TEA HOUSE. A. MOODIE. ï¬- . sag. Q9, Qmax‘tmmt. U} a’ny nuhme râ€"notexoeediugmraehundrod dollars by anygne depositor.) will be received atthe Richmond Hill Pom ()fï¬cofl'o’r whic‘h Goiernmeulwillallow Interest. TUB-NIP, SEED! 132 Adelaide Street East. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! Oï¬icehyoulfs: from 6:30;.ult09:30 PJI- May 4,1869 ‘ 563-†A R RISTE RS , SOLICITORS. IN Chnncery, Ruffles, kc. Omen 400:}! Strait. Torohlo. ' Brunch Ofï¬ce-PDiviaion'Cun Clerk's olico, Rich moud Hill. ' Tues. K. Mom". I latel'Tlunl RICHMOND . ‘ POST IHILL _ f; OFFICE. n‘EPdSITs ’OF ; ONE » OLLAR, (OR RICHMOND HHILL LI v E B Y Horses ind Vehicles, (or hire. ,Chnrps mo- deralu. Opposito Smdoreon «yam. ‘ JOHN BROWN. Propriotor. , Richmond Hill. Dac. H, ’79. ‘ 751-3"! “.“Vln. Tun is Govérilmout Alcnfl’or hassle of ‘ ARRISTERS, JLC., NOS. 3‘ AND 38 King Strept Eust, Toronto! R.AA.-H.mlusox,q‘c. 1'; Devil. Tqu†Mosé, Q.c. _W. A Fosnl CHAN,“ Mesa. > W. G. Pusan-ma: Toronto, Dec. 4, 1879; - 7504f 2 Good Agents required to cunnns MIrk-‘ ham and Vaughn! with I now Ind what will be a very pop‘uhr book. None but livo busi- ness men engaged. Exclusivo territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Ofï¬ce. ' Has aMayson hand the largest aid best ‘variely of 1 In all its branches. Illd from hil experience, careful attention, und moderate ohu'ea‘, In hopes' to recsivo a shire of tho publm patrol- aga'. All orders by mail'promptly utondud 10. JOHN LUMLEY, I Chunk St" Markhm Villug'o. “IORK BOXES, ‘ ALL- SIZES, AT ‘ Una Hmujm Book Store. E “IESLEYAN EYMNS, ALL SIZES, at the HERALD Bonk Slére. 7794f P. O. SAVINGS BANK. HARRISON. OSLER II: X088. Green, Ranged and Ground'Coï¬Ee ‘; Toronlq, April 95. 1879 I‘HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS T0 NOTI- GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE January 8, 1873. HOUSE- PAINTING I Fo 1pcrthularsgpply t_o TATIONEB-Y OF ALL. KINDS ' AT " chaï¬ng“ 390k 8mm - ‘ SEED STORE! AND EAR VESTING 2'0 OLS GENTS WANTED. GROCERIES, MORGAN _& THORNE, {y the public that ho his ro'mfltnohoed business It A'SPLENDID ARTICLE. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ALSO AGENT run nu '-:ALiaul'jlio012m~ @xnttrieï¬, '&t. at the HERALD Bonk 'Slére. TORONTO 'he largest selection of COFFEES, A ' SPECIALITY. [u the Dominion. Painting. M. TEEFY, Postmutor AND WM. RENNIE, Haml' Tlun! Ili- x! Tonomo. Ouf. 1.576- U Hill. co‘nlaixiing one ac're and a quurler of land, onlo_i'rnnm dwelling house, with]; burn stables. and other outbuilrings thereon, Tetms, any. Apply. on the pr'emisei Vf': F H i v ‘ ' F. CRAWFORD.- Villagé 1.0th ft); sails; TH‘E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS ‘FOR § dale a numbe‘r bf Village‘ 1013. situiifed lilale {number 'or Village‘ 1015. situiffed in the villuge'of‘ ‘ . About: Unï¬ï¬ï¬k of an Acre; Andjrozlocaled at the North-West corae. of lot No. 35, 41h Concession of Markham. in I section where mechanics and laborers can gm aténd')"w6tk and "high wagel' Apph‘ (if by letter.prepnid) to ‘Henry 'Jennhggu, Victoria Squammrlol . ‘ - ; WM. G. HINGSTON. .1 traction of the Anglo American House by ï¬n. tho'uubscriber has t‘ken Ind ï¬tted hp thou large and cammudious premiseu belongw ing to Can '1‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight i. Son's Novohy Wurkl. Markham. Ezeollom accommodutmn aï¬ordcd for the ‘nvelling publiennd commercial men. Livery «tables in ccnnaction with the hole]. Bottled Ale :nd Poner. I1 unuuu, at $6 per IUO toot. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. Paila.CiderMills. Washing Muéhinesï¬hingleb Waggon Felloes.und LumberSawedtoor‘der Forparticulnre address JOHN LANGS'i‘AFF, '7 ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. 6w; ‘ Rusxpuncnâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Oï¬ice Richmond Hill. A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.82. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the HERALD BOOK STORE. Rlchmond ,Hill. FAMILY BIBLIES, JEWELRY, JEWELRY, 'ALBUMS. KWORK'BOXE& PURSES,‘ ' . TOYS, $5 T0 $20 V 4 BOOKS; ‘ ‘ PAPER COLLARS And Cuffs, - AT THE HERALD BOOK-STORE All class" of working peohlo. of either sex. young or old. ma 9 more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the‘ time, than at anything elm. Particulars freo. Address ‘ G..S'l‘INSON & 00., Portland, Maine. THE CANADIAN PUNCH z “GRIP†1 IA" {or I Consitloruble time nut cdnaidered it to’ be my duty to ndvartiae the public of‘ the British Nonh Alnerichn Prnviu'cee against buy- infl from ’nnprincipiod ‘deqlors medicines em: uniting, from New York. ï¬nd sold as my “ Holiowny'a Pills and (mum-m.†(in'which much ingenuitv has been displayed in passing Ihom off a: of m) make. It is~vary diflicuh indeed to attempt to enumqrata the many de vice: to which the pinion have had 'rosoume. They lay, Imongsl other thingl. that a new Inboi hu ‘baan Adopted by them. and with lure-faced efrontorv caution thapublig ngpimat being deceind by spurioug: imitations. ( . . _ _ A ,1 [I‘M ._.A._ 2 LONG LIFE PILLS 3 VICTORIA SQUARE ! Out EVerV Saturday,5 cts. BOGUS MEDICINES. ' , EIGLLOWAY’S PILLS AND ' ' 'OINTMENT. ‘ uv.... ..vr..,, ‘1 A poor man by the ï¬lms ufliol‘uway ,is ompioyed by the so-cnl'ed Chemic-l Company in New York. who lends his name for a small weekly sum. The medicinos -s«.|d by this Company are palmed ofl’ upon the public as my " Hollovay’u Pills Ind Oinmmm.†so that were they to injure hulf the community no diacrodil woqld full lipon lhc fabricmors ufthegs compounds. bud would " coniiduably‘ d-muge the rupulation of m_y mnkw ‘ ‘ o .- 1‘ . A: it in not It ufl'needsaary fo_r this ï¬lm-1w to, incur uny'expenao in tho "Io of their prodlicâ€" tioxlb. nr tb’u'verydimixod oxtoul (trading as they do nponm)‘ name). they arejn a position to ofer them qt: I; vgry low ‘price in Canada. there» they are purchased bv I fnw Wholesale Houses that 1 can’ nnma, and wiILun‘mu hero. diet, ifthcy- Cominuo to vend the sumo.- ' N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- ibâ€"i'iflhruhriuy, Ch‘mhue‘Town.’ REJ. Messrs Lingloy & Cm. Victoria. B C, 1103er Moore & C... Victoflt, LC. 3 f ‘l‘herfvtlallgwrin‘g uric tho names Ind addresses of some sf the Houses who get my mbdicinea from‘hore direét :- ' ‘ . ‘ ' ' Messrs Avery. Brown dz 00:, HIHTAX; N.S. Messr- Forqvth & C0,, Halifux. N S . Moa_s_n’_']‘. Bnl~ko£_&'§0ns.-§t thn, NJ un- My Fill: and dimmom are sold In muons wholesale nprrieos. in 'qunntities of hot less: than £20 tenthâ€"vii; 89 “d†223w 343:. pér dou- hues If Pills or puts ot‘Oiutmnm. for which remilganoen must be "m in (dunno. Those medicines Cr. not «Ed in m. United Gluten. ‘ ‘ ' ' Inch Po} ind Box‘pf in preparation burs flu British Government Stamp, with H inwards, “ Kollovny’u Pilll and Ointment. Lond‘pn.†(SW) m mus HOLLOWAY. s33. own-smut. W. 0.. , . London, July-l, 1878 j 785 March 27. 1872. Sept. 4. 1872. - I Stoa‘m MiHS Thornhill ‘l‘homhill.Nov. 3,1869. - 510~.tf 83,611de Hill. ‘Dec. 24. ‘72. 4 753-351; Hohsa and Lot'for Sale, - 3 N LUCAS STREET,- RICHMOND April 9, .187... Patent Eaveâ€"txbugh ND WATEBSPOUTS FOR THE D0 "imam-in: 15m; NIPISSI‘NG HOTEL, MABKIIAM. I'SCELLANEOUS BOOKS sums. YT Me for. 'pwaé'n’w at the Hun» Bo’on POCKET THOMAS SEDMAN, Theftlo'ts; confnm FOR ' SALE BY R. E. LAW. D'rixggilt, Richmond Hill D. T. WOOTEN. 737-tf AgentsA wanted I PER DAY. Dingla 7P. 714A“ Chickering, Slainway and Durham rim Also. the CEIF‘bJ'ulBA: ivrl ed us in the ugéncy in [hiss-90th, . the an]: of Messrs G A. Prince & Co’: bruted Organs and Mallodeous. iu' fa which we give our most unqualiï¬ud app. and re'commendalion as the leading and relinbie reed instrument now manufacturr. HUMMIN G BIRD PIA If I have rarefnll)‘ examined the piano: bv Mr. H. B’ Reosor. called the Humzmu Bird, or Colibri Pian >3. Inmmfactu-ud ‘by 3m» thuneck, and flunk they \axe wonderfullr u “v‘ and'pure in mum. and 'i'rdm [Mir petui.,z. . 2:4: 9Lructiou. calculated to remaini'm tune 1m; v Ihan o1th pinnastand coiléeQuenlly to’slu greater amount of mm; | DEALER 1N Prince’s'ï¬rgans & Meléfleem Which is adapted to parlors where space ir ohjecl _ The mode of Its Uolhlnmï¬ol) entirest new. and hased upon \hubeS' known principles of gciunue. Markham. Nov. 3. 8871. . TeltimoniaI from. Professor the, 001:5}:- It Fattens in IOn‘effoulrt/z (I usual tame, and savés F ooda ‘Pricé 25 cents and $10!! par bo‘x. A dux box contains two hun‘drud feeds; - ‘ ~ Sold by‘ Druggisls :aud Storokeg‘pin-s at cents' per box. .- N ' HUGH MILLER 5:, CU†' H Agricuhural ‘ _Ch611gista.~.‘i‘ox'oxzt FA'PTENS HORSES, colws, CALVE Sheep and Plus. THE CHINESE GARDER POWDEE- Desarovs all kinds of Insects, Grubs and C erpillars on Cdrrqnl and'Gpouebem Bush , TIOKS' ON SHEER-j Uer mum’s TICK DES'I‘ROYER 1t destroys the Ticks. promotes ftthrbvvth the wool, andvimproves the con‘dili‘rl‘l of t .animal. A‘ 35 ceutbox will clean 20 sheep 35 lambs. , _ r _ ‘ * HUGH MILLER 4k. CU.i 0n Currant 'Bushes and F ruit AGRICULTURAL Chmilsfs. 167. King Streal EagLy'Poron For'Sale by Dragging gnJ‘SLoreï¬oepns. R E. LAW. Agent. Richmoi'xd 9* As ulllife-qudowud hodias. whetherth Bensl‘ Birds, Reptiles. [Mei-ts or haven 2 bh’itas. ’aud subjecis of‘the Vegetabic Kingw are governed by rilalfm'vc, which binds ui» Spl'ngh‘ ol'roxi'sxence. ï¬nd us- nothing can : them, foam desnuclion when this prim 'laaves them, the discovery of ‘meaus whe; vilalilvmuy‘be sustained in thaJiviug bod iudaed ‘n bdén.lo th‘e worid. _ ‘ _ f V Modern-chemistry Immvontiln odï¬lio q‘ tion‘nnd discdyered thfe ingn diam} comm: tiug‘the brain. muscles and 'hervea. nhd that by imi‘oducilig these ingrediqu Lu pl‘ ,propm‘ï¬oun thq brain} and nuwpus syslenz. strengthened. _ ' ‘ 'I‘his. then. is“ subslantinlly the basin which FEL'LOW’SJ'lYPHPHUSï¬HI'rEs is huj‘u. direét aclrio‘u iS upnnlthe Bhde (In. Brain Ne'rvous S\ stem. and Ilmsllusclu.~ .f‘tre- g eu‘iug the norve's. it cause’s the rapid 3in v. tioufof Vitalized Blood'iu the Muscular 0: of the Body. ' ' ~ ‘ ., ‘ Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Iwu strenglhauing lllq action of tho_ Siomach ‘ï¬owels‘_uml elmblingltln Lutigs to be ï¬n? 'v flaith yvnh Oxygen“ , ‘ lnBronchilï¬ it is a speciï¬c. and in Mm: it ivyen‘ralieï¬ when "Irv other roman: f}. ‘or Neriioï¬s ngill‘tyf it stqqda up“? and may be used wit-h conï¬dence in mi 2“- ‘lt is'adapled for ALLcaseS'of Weakness Emnciation. whether arising .fmm seam. Iife.‘u [mph-a]'cliniutb._from Tevérhqr um: fl'pm um: tause,and is efï¬cacion in L NARY Consuflr'ronï¬.. many mnï¬j-uwu' having been cured and all beuelï¬ued. Wk ‘ -> use Ills beenxcontiuuod over a fdril'xiizh: I Fellow‘s’ Compound: u RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITI 'l'dronio Feb. 28. 1872 @170: 31:55:11 swam. imam Wampum, (Signed) Slyéep and Pigs; ,. B. 3.,REESOR HAS sUccsa; fl‘atmt aitptli’vim, CATERPILLARS H. B. REES'O'R; HENRY GUEST COLL] IV Notice. H. G. COIMNS.’ WM. FLUMERFELE TH 714-11 Tm