llkill wfl'e. \ >epu‘lph Going N-mh ml†A.» Going South THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT The second session of the second Pun, liament was opened on 'l‘lmrsdny lust and the speech delivered by Lord Duf- ferin referred to two Very important sub-E jects which will occupy considerable time ot the House. The first was the " Pa- ciï¬c Scandal,†and the other the Paciï¬c Railway. The Royal Commissioners have handed in their report on the evid- ence taken before them. The opponents of the Government declared that the workqot the ’lommissioners Wuuld he a “ mockery " that nothng would be elici- ted by them worthy of the attention of the Commons. On reading this report the pnblie,we think,will admit that there is material for at least a weeks’ debate. The House has learned enough, and every member of Parliament is in pos- session of facts which will force them to declare by a good majority that the char- ges made by Mr Huntington are Without foundition. TheGrits will oppose the settlement of the question, it is to them I fatjob; ten dollars a day at a season when business is dull is not to be refustd â€"â€"and the amount of capital they will endeavor to make out of the Paciï¬c Scandal is not to be estimated. '%wwnï¬ï¬‚. Why, the very fact that Mr Tilley the Minister of Finance, has a surplus is sufï¬cient oi'itselt' to warrant. ourluwyer- ridden House to protruct business for the full three months, when members will be intitled to another thousand dollars each. We are in the 8.11116 happy con- dition as the country where legs of mut- ton grow on trees and must pigs run about squeaking"covne and eat me.†So we uuy expect the Chancery crew led by Blake and Huntington. to move that all the evidence be retaken by the House. And this is how it will be done: the question is written out for the witness by a lawyer, it is then read by the Speaker, when up jumps 3. member and protests ngainst it, it is then debated upon, and after the dï¬mte and the vote it is deci- ded to put the qtlh'lim] or not. What a glorious eh nice for that lawyers. in and out of Parlimnent, and for the members generally who want the other thousand The tug of war errmmenced day, when M r Wilton, one of hers for Hamilton; moved the in reply to the spewh from 1]): in a new, and able weed). Mr McKenzie moved in amendment that the following- words he addrd to the 2nd paragraph: "And we have tn acquaint His Excellency that. by their course in reference to Llh: investigatiun ol' the charges preferred by Mr Huntington in his place in this House, and undcr the facts disclosed In Ihc evidence laid be- fore us. His Excellency’s advisers have merited the severe censure uflhib House.†The )I/wep, in support of his amendfl The Langstalf Farmer’s Club will meut mude a great effort to saddle we meet on \\ udnesday evening. November Ministry with the responsibility of Viv 5th. This being the ï¬rst meeting of the tually selling the Paciï¬c Railway eon-1Club for the season 0‘ '73â€"4- the 111' tract toSir Hugh Allan and his Ameri- tirl'“; PWSldema M" GUO- weldl'le, Will can friends; he tried to prove his case by l deliVU" an address: after WhiCh: the Glee" quotin;_r largely ‘i'mm the Allan-310M ul- ; “0†0f Oflicel'ï¬ Will take Place- len correspondence. Now these letters a l l which Mr Mackenzie makes so much usel A misunderSMndlng 0“ 301119 magnltu‘le ' u I n n of, have been proved to be incomplete and l has HPISCD between Allsma and Turkey therefore unreliable so far as they have in regard to the Turkish functionaries nuy reference to the gentlemen occupying; having, unjustly it is said, accused the the treasury benches. l Austrian Consuls in Bosnia of fomenting Dr. Tupper, following: in reply to Mr. Mackenzie‘s speech, went over the whole history of the country for the past six years, and showed up the inconsistencies of the OgipOsition since Confederation, and particularly their want. of sincerity on the Paciï¬c Railway. The Minister of Customs occupied foux' hours in deliv- ering one of the grandest. and most truth t'ul oraaions ever given at Ottawa. Sir Francis liincks, with his great knowledge of the country and its public men, made an exhaustive speech, going over the whole history of the question. Mr Huntington, the lion. James Mch donald (of Pictou) E. B. Wood and others have given their views on the question before the house. Mr Jus. Macdonalil moved the following amend- ment to the amendment of' Mr Muckeir Iie; “ We desire to assure your Excel lency that, after consideration of the Itutemems [mule in the evidence before us, and while we regret the outlay of" money by all political parties at Purlin memory elections, and desire the mast. Itringent measures to put an end to the practice, we at the same time beg to ex- press continued conï¬dence in your Ex~ oellcncy’s advisers, and in their udminis trution 0:" public affairs.†The result of the di\ision is sure, and will be a glo- Vrious victory for the Government 01' Sir John Macdmiuld and the dis- eomï¬ture of the Opposition. Sir Jonu’i mission is not yet ended; 'O THERN RAILWAY OF CANADA wnunxn “ILL. 001'. 31, 1873 lnuuml Huhmnun Emmy u: mu Te. 1 sele ‘ A: :9, IH73: Ill I" cod on Mon- of‘ the mem- thc Address the Throne, 5,11) p 27 p he is now on the eve of another victory, an l the task will be hit and his colleagues 0- :Ompletc the grand structure of Con- federation by buildin},r the Paciï¬c llail- way in the centre and west ol' the D.) million, 21.4 they have the Interculonial in the east, and thus make our own territory the great highway between old Engr- lund and its great eastern dependency. We. ï¬nd the folinwing in an American paper and it: refers to an old resident 03 Mr town. M any of Mr. Vel'ney’s friend .vnll bu glad ‘0 learn that he and his ï¬lm ily are. So much respectccd in the land 01 his aduption : “ l have waited for some few Weeks hnp ing tltui some ntte tnure competent w’mld i'ttruish vuu witlt certain facts respecting nut late pustur. Rev. James Verttey. Mr Vet-A may has hthured with the Crttgret,utiumtl church in Frednnin. for the punt six years wtthgomlsuecesn. A church edifice has been erected, a neat and very Comfnrtzthle intr~sntttt_»e. A part of the memuership rt! sided in tlte eastern purl of the town of Newton. and he has preached there regular every Lord's day in the afternoon (0 an appreciative congregation. He resigned his «Net-sight of this church in August. last, under :t cunvictinn that a change wouid be good for both pastor and people. A puiltt which the church were compelled very re lumntly tnncqniesce in. Previous to his departure from this to his new ï¬eld of labor in the town of Leroy. the church tnemhers and several friends gathered at the pursuit age, in Freduniu. and presented him with Dr. W. Smith's dictionary of the Bible ‘3 vols. in calf, and to his bore a steroscope with 27 views A few days after this at, it sucial in Newton, liars Verney was surprised with at china ten set. us the gift ot‘the friends ; unthat. part of the parish. These gifts were accumpanied by remarks of the esteem and regard itt which himself and wife and: fumi'y were held by the members of thr- church and community. Suitable responses wete made on ettch occasion. Their Christ tinn character. their ntttinble and frienle disposiliun have endeared them to many hearts. In removing to their new field of labor they carry with them thelprayers and good wishes of a large circle of friends.†Father Hyaeinthe has deï¬nitively re nounced the ecclesiastical costume. A private despatch from Calvert, Texas, says :â€"'I‘he fever here is worse than at. Shrcveport. Seven per cent. of our popuiation have died.†STAR LACROSSE CLUB.â€"-A meeting of the Star Lacrosse Club, will be held at Palmer‘s Hotel, on Saturday evening, a: 7:30. All interested will please take notice. A Teleg'am From New York announ 003 that the jury in the Stokes’ case re~ turned a verdict ot'luzmslaugher in the mmflokes has been sent- cnccd to four years State Prison at hard labor. Bu sure to pay )our taxes before the lsc November, ano save the expense of employng a Collector. The village and School Section will gain about $100 by prompt attouLion to the suggestion. Sir Edward 'l‘liomtun, the Briti~h Minister at Washington, By the colIScut of' his government, has agreed to serve as umpire on the United States and Mex- icuu Ulunus Commissitm. This week the United States Treasury begins the payment of silver coin to all who apply for it, dollar for dollar. From wliat__1’resident Grant has said on the subject, it may be concluded the Admin- istration will do all it can to bring silver extensively into circulation. A late Washington despatch says that arrange- ments are being made for the coinage of both gold and silver to an extent hitherto unprecedented, so as to be ready for re- resumption of specie payments, the ï¬rst Step towards which is being already taken. A lxxisundersfunding of some magnitude has arisen between Austria and Turkey in regard to the Turkish functionaries having, unjustly it is said, accused the Austrian Consuls in Bosnia offomenting Pansluvisn agitation. Count. Andrassy- declares that he will not. be satisï¬ed with excuses, and demands “ample satisfac tion.†MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT___0n )3“. llw 5111 (-on. of King. I 0 properly of 3‘ , . J :Mslhfll: . S! {10 "IN I'hursllay nlternoon, Ida Macdougall’ If"§;wlsfmmx,’:,“mt: a 0 L “ {laughter of Mr. J. G. Malcdougall, con- Snrnnn. Nov 8 ~(‘wdit Sale of‘ Fnrn' . n n - pl V b ‘ v ' ) l'ecnoner,of' tlns town, lell mto one of §""“‘ F‘C' ‘2“ 1“" N†30 ‘" 'h‘ 4†n w (on. nl the 1uwnshlp 0f Markham. lln the post. holes du: on green street, and pmnerw 0f 31. Dav"; Lewis. Sal;- at .,..p when she was founl life was extinct.‘ 0""‘l0k‘ Sharp- J M Patterson, AUC‘ . . . Iiorwer. l‘he deceased. who wasu ï¬ne bl‘lghtlltt-le FRIDAY. 14,}, Nov‘__prpdh sale of Like girl of nearly ï¬ve years old, had gone ' Stock. Implements, Furniture, Hc., rm , ‘ - . Lot. No. 4. in the rear ot'4lh Con of Kim: out to play W1?!) the other clnldrennand : the pmpmy of Mr Angus Wilkie. Sal"? W515 Ve'Y curehfl 1“ warmâ€? her hale ‘ at ten o’clock. H. Smelser, Auctioneer. infant brother from falling into one of (If? Purlllï¬is gelling Sal? Bills prlnled at . . [his oï¬ice wxll recelvo a nouce smnlar lo the post. holes m wlnch she met her own ,hr “MW, FREE of Marga melancholy death. The heart-broken __. -,_. -__.. . . . mother, who immediately missed the e l ICHAIUNinszzyï¬lgiA'F' a†child, had made search for her, and had ' .. ' . ' I ' 'I‘ha nexlhxpgulnr cornmnnir’gt'on of Ihr looked Into all the holes but that In which above ledâ€, WM humid m“ “and†‘ “mun the sad catastrophe had occurred. 3â€"4-qu 3rd November, m 7 o’clock. ‘ Whitby 012mm. l ROBERT E. LAW, Soa’y. Wimâ€™ï¬ gamma. V . . 1 mmY Oct. 31.â€"â€"â€"(‘-r0dit Sale nfThnrough {Drama Treasury bred élnck. on lot No. 7!. 0n the farm of 5‘1"“ com to a“ Mr. Wm. W. Harman. in the Isr can. of for (10mm From King the prmwrtvuf Messrs. Wm, W . Harman and Thomas Armstrong. Sale has sald on the atone o'cluck sharp. J. Gnrmley, Anc- ‘uderl the Admin- iioneet. C - - _ FRIDAY. 31m ()ctâ€" redit S2119 of Lin m bung 811ԠStuck. Implements. &c. on In! No. 44 llatlon- A late in the Ist. Cm: nf' Vuuuhnn. the prover-n; Iys that arranae_ of Mr Geo. Rumble. Sale at 1 o‘clock. _ ° '1. Sme‘ser, Auctioneer. ’r the comage 0f TUESDAY, 4Ih Nnvâ€" Credit $9119 of Live 11] extent hitherto S ock. Implvmonls, Furnim'e etc, on lol Nu. 35. 4!!) mm M Markham. Gm'm ley's Corners. (h? prorwny nl‘ Mr D F yments, the ï¬rst Hornvr. S118 m 1 p m. Salem Eckurt'l ; O. _ . Auctinmâ€"‘er. fl“ already “kc†rmsnn. 4th Nuv.â€"~Cr9dit Sulp of m.» S! ck lmphmm Is etc. on lot Nu 2. i- IDENT____0n )3“ H10 51h (-0â€. «W King. I e pmpm'ly of TV James Mmhewsnm. Sn!e at 10 o’clnu" Ida MEICdouga“: H Snwlsvr. Am-Iiuneer. Malcdougall, con- SATURDAY. Nov 8 «Credit Sale of‘ Farn' m] him mm np' Stuck. me. on Lot No, 30 in Iho 4H ) be ready f'or re- Adissolution of' Parliament in Britain is expected to take place at no distant date, and when it. does occur it is evident- that the country will not be taken by sur prise, for great preparations are baing made in prospect of the event. Con- l stitucncies not satisï¬ed with those who: represent them in the House of Commons at present, are greatly exercised about the Future, and are anxiously looking out for some candicate who will, as they think, suit them better. In many cases rhoso who at present have a seat in the loose of Commons. and who are willing to come forward again as candidates, will ‘have a hard race to win, while it is b) no means improbable that not a few of them will have become ex-M. P.'s at the close of the election. BOLD RoBBsRY.â€"Newmarket Oct. 28â€"- Last evening, between 7 and 8 o’clock, burglars entered the house of M r A. Campbell, tinsmith, (late of llich mond Hill,) on Prospect street, and suc- ceeded in opening two trunks, to ï¬nd in one of' them his cash box,containing over 8600 in money. Then- were four Do- minion bills of $100 each, the balance in other sized notes. It appears they open ed the Venetian blinds, the windows not being secured, and the family being in the other end of' the house, whilst Mr and Mrs Campbell were out visiting They got away with their booty without being heard by any of the inmates. On Mr Campbell’s return home, about 9 o’clock, he observed the windows and1 :shutters were open, through which he entered the house. His suspicion being aroused, he searched for his cash box, and it was nowhere to be found. Two suspicious persons were observed all day parading the streets, and one was ever- heard saying he would be into snme place at night. The merchants and other public oflicers were advised of it before dark and were prepared for anything un usual. The burglars are still at large, but the detectives are on the track. THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE.â€" It is understood that the combination of no- bodies, which, collectively, goes by the nmre of the Ontario Government, has Edecided upon postponing the meeting of‘ [the l’rovincml Legislature until late in January. We believe it is true that such a decision had been come to. Whether Mr Oliver Mowat will be able to justify so marked adeparture front the policy which has heretofore governed the calling to- :gether of the Local House, remains to be seen. Itis quite in keeping with the known characters of" the It‘eztpables, hav- ing denouneed the Sandflold Mztcdonald Governmmmfur delay in: the session once to the earlier days of December, them ‘selves to postpone the culling of the. V House until the latter days of' January, l ' But. we apprelï¬nd the reversal of 397 lvotes in South Huron is a very signiï¬ RAILWAY ACCIDEKTsâ€"lluring t.he"past week a long chapter 01‘ accidvuts Doom-red onthe Toronto, (hey and HIUCP lluilwuv. Uu Fridny night a heavy freight train min olfthe truck at. lhu Hunwer. near Wand bridge, datum}:in sei'eml MN and an engine»: and on balurdny anmher freight tlainjumpod the track at. Charleston, sumshin: two m- throe cars, and interruptin: trafï¬c on the hue rm' several hours. On Muuduy. a frei: I train ou lhe Grey Extvusinu sun-0nd thp il‘:|Cl\‘,flltd the engine and nine cars were thrown into the ditch. On 'l‘ur-sdnv lhl' lanl‘d train which stui'ted f'rmn ()an Sound in the morning. was thrown frnm the rail near thn Junctiun 1n Amaranth, causing a detention for four hJUI'S. ln thpsv accidents fortunately tm one was hurt; but tlw deten- tion to trains, and the interruption ut't~~uf‘ï¬t-. was very aunn_vin;,r to {asst-tigers and the business public. cant warnng to them that they cannot play ducks and drakes with public affairs after their own clumsy fashion. 'l‘rnly. the “ great Ruï¬n'm †Party may well pray for some ovidcnve of starcsmzinship in those who control its destinicsâ€" Mail. TH lMPSONâ€"At Dryunock. Oak Ridges. after a lingering illness of about. a year, which shn hnre with “Mini ~n fortitude. on the 27th inst . Amws Thnmpson. relucl ofllw law 'l‘lmums Findlay. aged 23 years and 14 davs. AUCTION SALE DIED ,inlunmnanILL MILLS! }GE01€GE do DAVID BIRRELL l'OOlIl. U '\T TICE i~ hurl: given Io nil part esiu~ l .crcsnd not to '« M'nurlge or unnecoasrr Ily harhur, nH' 2W0- x-rndit [u unv uncle Uumd liuruer. better known as " Uld David." fqu ‘his (IMF. as l wvll not he raspunai‘ule for any ugagmuenls he mm contract And the cumâ€" munm‘ urn un‘ned to assist. me in making his «Humming dun-a couniouuble as posrible by .pbwrvmg [his nonce. m Imam-won.“ i-hi wn} give- l’uhh- he. lice x at the) ma pug: ed to receive '1‘. ndm Iur ‘H- unuslruuion w “ Deop Water Tor. minus ’:.t «h: In,» , {’l-mw and Q1.-rciï¬cmwmv may be seen at [he ling‘nm -s' 'fli as In 011;." 3 .~. .6 lium n M. on and al'lc-r the: 2| 1h 6 y o NJvmnlwr sr-xl. Tend M maka “ Tenders for Harbor and “much Lina.†will [)6 receaved gt xhe Conunls ~inuuls‘ rflirx Unrwn. up to Six o’cv,uk. p "1,. a; UN 2| ll‘ duy u D xmuher next. A W ms“. l...H. x MANDLER, (1 J. am Dubs. A w‘ M. a ELAN PURE BREE 5MB? PJR BALE. Commis-ionm's 1 $10., ()1! us. 17001.. 1813. ('onsinlil, u of age E. xevorul p :Ers of (‘huic SOUTH I)O\VN RAMS! 'I‘HOS HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24, 11-73. . 7 FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! I hnhlmu nd cIass l‘ruvmcirfl (Ta-rlaï¬mt; Inuit-s Iu cnuum-nc ALJan In 4 App“ valmns rmtiug salan‘ wul‘e b receiwd until ls! Nuvemhur IP73. hood remnnnmd lions ro-qnired. l’urucs t’avori g us with grism ma) ron ona unud mum- and meal munu'uculmd. ONTARIO HOUSE Fall A rrivals FARNI HRS! FA RM ERS! CHEAP BOO' & SHOES INTEREDLBNEAL RAILWAY ! We have Bmlnt'lful Sag/11's 10 and 11 [by/hr $1, Splendid Tea for 50 cents per [[1, the best umlï¬nest Ground Cofee and Spices. NO HUMBUGâ€"l GROCERY LINE! , , . Maw, __.___-. _. . --,-.~ “When GRAHAM‘S PAIN E'RADK‘A- TOR was ï¬rst int oduced hnre. I was doubt ful ofns virtues. but since then it has been used in m own (smufn and we ï¬nr: ll: pos- svssed of t nzrare qusl ty in a valentmedicine of being better than it is represented to be. Many are astonished toï¬ns obstinate aid on scandan cases of Rheumatism cured by a few spp Icutions. and that it possesses simnar power over other forms of diseases and pain. I hsve kept It constant! on 113- d for the as: three yam. Inl woulu not at my home be wi out. it." For sale by all respectable mums sad “In in medicme. Price 25 come. U/wire 'l'oburro, Drivel é‘ Salt Herr-lugs, VVill'l‘l‘)FISH.(HALUll.,'l'lNWARE&c. A ball from 3|! i7: remvevlt'uhy S0]ir'il»d‘ Ram/'mber Ihe place, I orner of lege and Cenire Stu'npposife Sanderson (f: Sons, ls’ic/mmna’ Hill. .1 . BROWN. DON’T FAIL T_.0 MAKE A NOTE OF IT! THE ONTARIO HOUSE] BEAU l‘Hi'UL ASSUK ‘ MkN'l' of all ‘ limds suitfl Iv fur llw FALL 31 WINTER lliAlMy j'ls. chum In hand at BKUWh’ lhal will convince um them Is FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORNMEAL, GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT Always un hand. also BACON. HAMS, PU'I'A'I‘UES, PEAS. OATS, “RAN AND SHURI‘S, FARM PIN.)I)U(1ETAKEN AVID THE H l G H I". r T V] A R KH'" PRICE PAH) NEW ENGLISH MUSIC! NI()NV’H.LE “the: run In connvctlnn with aacll train. Cunnnodlous sunple ‘H E EU {5: pure _br .d l‘HE BliSl‘ FAMILY! gm: @dvcï¬smmm \l rkhmn. (L PUBLIC NOTICE. ‘ PRICE PAID FOR \VHEA'I‘. Richmond Hill Finur Mills. Out 15. l873 EU to rn‘nruu \lerchnllts Bakers $1 Farmers that .hc) haw alwm’s on mud a large slum; of l'm, 2%‘ud 18"3. Wanted. E \t manâ€"M «pi-.7 For sis. Np 2"King AT TRE ILERAIJJ BULK STt RE. ETTER THAN IT IS REPRE- | SENTLD TO BE. Rev. 1". C. IRELAND Luau-n. P. 9,; 91 nun.-- “n . n .uu. v.- n. brumini n men-won m “'M. S'l'l‘ 7 lilC\S, Seclulmy and Hammer. Temper eiHo l’. U. [( ! MUSIC! MUSIC! A LARGE ARRIVAL Ol‘ Union House. RICHMOND HILL. CHUHLR of? ra- lor rifle ohmic" MW!» (if (h mum; breed. R‘ IB'I‘. MARSH, Lul 4|,(‘un I. Markham. D LNIEL HORN R. IF YOU WANT Lot '20, 9%“ An. Markham Ail kmus ol' CALL AT IN THE :1 pointed (0 (minimal i-ni wn} giva- l’uhh- ho- rd to receive '1‘. ndv-u iv “ Deop Water Tor. mari ngs. 3/, min Also Cu mndssiunn s ’v‘uardian. 797 IMPOR TAA’T NOTICE! PEOPLE’S STORE, Superior Teas and Bmceries WINES & LIQUORS Call and examine due large and well solocled A stock in WIN DOW SHADES. 'I‘INWARE, ' PAINTS & OILS, GLASS & liUT’l‘Y, {"‘UTLERY.and Claims £0 be a ï¬rst ciass House. and lb. only uue Wl\ of lea-ling n is by rompariaon ; and an inspection of the stock and prices is res- pefltfully solicited. Flour and Feed kept wrigtir’rit'ly on 5:71}. CELEBRATED AXLE GREESE 63' The highest plices paid hi I" kinda oI'Furm Produce. '; UBNITURE. Tennis Balls, solid Rubber Balls, Black ths, Eur Rings, . End, Colored, Opal, Blue and Pearl See 'them at the HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL IRVING ’S FIVE-CENT MUSIC. COME SIT BY MY SIDE, LITTLE DARLING. " FATHER SAYS I MAY.†Ground Coï¬'ees and Spices, ‘31 in. 'l'oromo.‘ AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. \I’ORTS AND FAï¬T YOUNG MEN b should rand the best work publirhed >01: 0 any address (conï¬domial) on rocnlpt of 13195. Address, 0111 Primal“ Oman. FANCY GOODS! PARCELb DELIVERED. l’. G. S AVA G Richmond Hill, August 28. 1873. 768-1 {I RDIE H AS COME. -’l OLLIE’S ANSWER MOLLI'E DARLIN G.†PEOPLE’S STORE PE NED OUT YESTERDAY, $001323, ï¬tatinnrg, m. Fur my best. purest Ind cheapest I" rougwanl pure. unadultorated LITLLE SUN SH IN E. SPLENDID STOCK, STROLLING ON THE SANDS. NO 8. RICHMOND HILL. Remember the @mrriw, 8m “I HAVE NO HOME." Necklels, PEO PLE’S STORE. PEOPLE’S STORE. IF YOU WANT {DOM PAPER, 110th RY, J ‘ (LlLASSWARE, It! IDMBI‘QR THE A LEO lixuwr. IN SHORT . TH I 00 To 'I‘HK FOR SALE. Charms, Lockets, Rings, (to. ‘373Fall' Goods I373 LCROSBY Fall and Winter Bonds! I AS received th' gmnar mm of h?- gm @undï¬', (ï¬rmriw. EVERY DEPA RTM EN'I‘ BALI. AM] BXAMINB. Ambler, W. (2) rumtuong, A \hhlt‘y, James \pplrb , George Anus. J. Benson. Mrs Jane Balcrwin. Henry Britiiuger. Jonathan an. Mus Sarah Brawl. Juhu linnwn, Jamel Cook. Frank Cuisley, Jnhn Cusgrove, John. Dollmnge. Phillip A. [ixon, Indwuvd Dvnnn. Ganrgo Elliot, Vliss Sarah Fisher. Bernhard Mahoney. James Nicwme. John McNair Kuhert McMillun. Wllliam MM nï¬'tey. Robert Muhughlin. Alex. McMnater. Jame- Rumblu. George Reid. James Smith, Mrs J‘ St. ckdnle. '1‘. Sims, John Simpsnu Adulino Beers. 1 li. M. Kvnie. F. Bra del, John Kendrick, Bridgu "row". G- urge K'rklann, Alex. 302;, Haul-tr Williumlmo. Renhc-n Elliot, Vliss Sm Fisher. Bernlum erek. James Grifï¬n. Jr-hn P. ‘ood. Jew-e Grnv. David Gmnger. Mrs Henry Howard. amor- Huslingn Alonzo Will clean a†kinds of grain. embracing wlmnt. we. bmlny. and hats and WIN um clmhe wiahany Ihirlley or foul grain No slit-k m hmo » reqmrrd to he used. and me much In! nm-d n0! at nv time be Hopped h_\ CrogLIn! of the Suave. PATENT SIEVE ! All «Meg: for thin Sir-v0 nddrbmed In the uammee, anu Rae. [musing l‘ 0.. Uul., will rum-Iva prompt ullrnlion. -.. . H Ail“; 'i}.1FiI.§».. am on thin pan-ml will be pulllfllbed with 1le MIIIONI rign of the law. JOHN RAE. Lum'ing P U ’ Yomn- Street Ju‘y. 1872. 729-“ Dress and Mantle Malling ! She has no luesxlntiuu in premith satiu I'a‘livn to all who man favor hnr wilh a cul; Shop our door north Q)" Mr. Barn- ard’s store, Richmond Hill. Inspection Invited a7 Solicited. HE BEST BOOK FOR EVERY YOUNG mm and womnn In ten! ("racially thos- conteulp’nting matrxmony.) Send $I:00 In Eunu. Prnusumo Co..Toromo. and luv. it mumod (pout-mid) cloaer mlod. PR A CTICAL MI] .LINER Will ha happpy to we all doshin “or branches, heim a Farmers and Threshers Take Notice. .h. u. . Yongr Straw, Ju‘y. 1872. FI [IE-PROOF STORE, §Ii1limg mi ï¬rming. May 8. i873. EMAINING [N THE RICHMOND Hull Posl flice. lleclober. 1873: Mar, W. (2) >8uW. a! natuong, A Hnï¬'ey. B. ԠHay, James Janell. G. )lrb . George Kliwk Joseph A. us. J. Kerswill. James mull. Mrs Jane Knrklnnd. Jame! AE’S NEW AND IMPROVE!) ASIIIONABLE MILLINERY SHOP. MRS. HASSET'I' Done to order on tha shown-t nolico List. of Letters RICHMOND HILL Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, AND I. C R OSBY. Sims, John Simpsnu Adulino Scum. Henry Sh phellsul). .Inaeph Smilh Mr (grmel p“) Thompson. Thoma- 'I'arrcll. 'l humus V\ iliou. Rub’t (mason) and Pah‘an '14 M. 'l‘. EFY. r. a un whlngln 772-1! l873 AUTUMN. |873 WM. ATKINSON fall and Winter GOODS! Whech fnr qualin‘ and price will, ho innit-fled. give unbounded satisfaction. THESTOCK COMPRISES: FANCY FLANNELS, FLOWERS, M (was, @wnmm. FANCY GOODC. In fact an Immune Stock suitable for the Into 0! his numerous cualoxnon. THOMAS B. COPELAND, PHOTOGRAPHER, ' ' RICHMOND HILL, Crockery, Hm dware, Glassware, Groceries; gm, Which cannot be Ill rpuascd if equalled. Framing done to order. Nogntivu pro- aerved. ()ld icturoa carefuliy copied and on- lnrged. 5L3. ’urties haviugpicluru of child- ren when are quuestod to be a! the Gunny 'uelwow 10 I m and 3 p. m. Entrance to guliory between H DOR THE BLOOD IS THE Lll'E.â€- For cleansing A nd clonrin the blood fun) nlI jnl}:\|ritos. cannot be 1.00 h ghly “common- dad C L A R K E ’ 8 World Famed Blood‘jhlixtnre; Fol Scrofuln. chrfl'rShin Dinning and Sons! of MI kinds it is a never-failiu‘ and por- mnuenl cure. ' 11 euros old Sores (,ures Uicprnted Soto: on the Neck. Cums Ulceruled Sore Lugs Cures hlucuheads. or Pimpiu on the fun. Curt-n Scurvy Saves “uros Cancel-ans U'corl (‘uren Blood and Skin Divan... (’nrns Ginndninr Swfllinuo (.‘lanra thn Blood from Ill impure mm», Fium whntevnr cause arising, As thm mixture in p'ounnx m lhe‘ tutp. And warramed free from anything injuvioun xp ill. most deiicate constmniou of either on, tho Propnhtur aciicitn sufferer. to gin ii 0 trill In 1m! in ulna ‘ Thuurnuds of tamimnuida {rem a“ punt. Sold in Holden 95 3d ï¬nch. and in (Tue), containing six ismm the quuntity. H- eachâ€"- sufï¬cient to effect s permanent euro in an great majority of long ntnndin two-.RY AM. (IHF. “18'! S and PA’I‘ENzi~ MEDICINE VENDORS ‘hroughhm the world. Sole Proprietor. F. .l (‘LARK E,(‘.hamiol, APUTHECARH‘S' HALL. LIN' ~OLN. FINGIANIX MontroaI.â€"Evan-.Mercor and Co . Whole-.50 “ Drug um Lymnnn, Clan Ind Co‘ Toronto.-- llinu and Co . Whoioaalo 0",. H gistn. Shnpmr Ind (nun. Hamilton.â€"Winnm and Co. Halifax â€"Avery. Brown and Co. dun. Sungnl and Soul. Ox'ord Street London And all the London Wholou'e Hon“: DRESS GOODS, Burgavne. Burbidgea and Co. (301mm moot London Vowbm-y aum Sums!†Nawsvnte Stre- 1.1.ordon Barclay rmd Sons. 95 Farriugdnn Slroel. Lo‘n- EGS to announce the Irrinl ohho grantâ€" or part of his 7A beautiful choice lot lob. alarm! on! u 'rntly reduced price: at tho Comm! 5on. Wm ATKINSON. BARGAINS ! REMNANTS OF_DBESS GOODS. PRUCTOR'S HOTEL and MOODIE’S AI' 1'"! . LOW E ST RATES. Richmon'd Hill. Juno 6. m BLACK STUFF GOODS, EGS 1o inform the public that no in pro- flmad to hunish all kinds of CANADIAN COT TONS, Dollar in everything Goal! llld Chup. Pug-1| Store. Kichmund Hill. Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.†RIBBONS, AGENTS IN CANADA. PICTURES J: FRAMES Sac Deuteronomy, chap. xii, um 93 COUNTERPANE& EXPORT AGENTS. ghntogmphg, BLANKETS, A full nssarrmalt of TWEEDS, MANTLES, DOESKI NS. WM. ATKINSON. ITORI. SHAWLS,