Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Oct 1873, p. 3

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Poisoned Milk. ,. Thefeeding of the great communities REPORT OF THE that now cons itute the population of our citiesisa singular process, accom. panied with a vast amount of adulteiaâ€"g tion arid‘trlckei-y, and often converting what seems to be wholesome food into a poison. ishing as milk, which is utore in use to be diluted than adulterated, should even under the dilutinginflueirce of water, he- come the bearer oI'i'ever and the minister of death; '1 he numerous cases of ty- phoid fever that have been traced to the mixture of bad water with the milk the cows is one of the iitost singular in- cidents in the history of our Civilization. It is to be hoped that, lit the first place, it will be the viteans'ol'checking the dis.- honest and very annoying practice of di- Iutingfuiilk at all; anti, in the second place,'lthat."it' will lead to the inspection of Wells and putnps, especially such as are near i'armyards, or in other situations where impure elements are likely to he in ‘cltinitidt’ with the Water. One Wl‘uld like to see an expansion both of intelli~ gence and ot' conSt-ienCe in conntctit-n with “such things. Multitutles of persons artfgd‘i utterly- 7igziioi'arit of the conditions of health, that they cannot be brought to COlllpl't'lli‘lltI how the position ot a well, a few feet from pigfiy. could Itaveanytlritrg to do with tlit~ bu‘riring' skin and stricken frame ot'tlie initiates of the house. Many too. have such lax eonscioirces in. regard to sanitary arrangements atttl influences. that. while they would be horror-struck at the thought of uirirrtcnrionally supplyâ€" ing custoiitors with milk mixt-d tiith arâ€" scnic or [)l'ltSs'lC acid_ tlny arc t'nl'ott'SS as to “HWQIITIIILY oi wa I'I' \\Ill(‘ll they supply whether to their own families or to the public I’visons piolessirrg gott- IIIN’SS ought-to set an (’Xitllrlllt‘yltl tht- rest. oi'the courtizutiity in the \t- y special at ieiition which tip vgivc to such things. We are forcibly rei'rti'ndetl that if one“ member suffer. all the members snflcr with it. \\ I'lehll the swearing system in the tailoringr trade was the subject ol'ex- pasure. it was found that dt-atllv i'ever had been carried from the g‘ul'r't-I- of a Iialfstarved tailor to a l'ashioiiable house where the garment he I ad been matting1 was to be. Wtilll.‘ In more recent times, the life of the Prince (‘oiisoii was sacri- ficed to lever bred by defective d‘ and the Prince of Wales was tilt the ever of dying from a similar cause. \\ e are. all nearly as dt-pendtrnt‘on rig-ht sanitai'yl conditions as it‘ we lived til the same house. Such disclosures may surely lead us to ofi‘ci- the prayer t with special car- itestnessâ€"“ Give us this day our daily bread " The bread given from the Fa- thct'ls‘hand will} not be poisoned ; that is the security of the children. We have been hearing of the death of one of the, ritEIicst [llt‘n'Ill' Europe; the late I. uke of Brunswick, and the daily misery in which i he lived lest his food should be poisoned. “Had the poorrman been able to ofl‘er the Lord’s prayer as a real prayt-r. he might have been saved his misery. and his wasted life [right have been turned to some good pur'pose.â€"â€"Srt‘jrtlug Magazine. l .___ .._ In Woon’s Ht'iUsEitomr MAG ZINE for l Nnvétrgher. the tab e or coitttrits stentsr “Spreadhlor 'a‘ 'l‘hanksgiviitg feast, arid 'gt‘v'gs: yidciice that no cilia-Its have ' "l that, could add to‘" its excellr’iig.‘ “ A Sermleth a;Skiiu.irier;” is not. only pleasing in its‘lquaintness, and originality, but. contains sound logic. “ Mrs I’oinen “byl'sl’in Money,“is capital. ~"‘ Upon the Stand," is another me it irirrirs sketch, by the popular writer; ‘Kate W Hamilton. “ Ctidtisli and Potatoes," by Eleanor Kirk. is a short serial which 'opens vvt-Il. m‘ Growing Aged 'l ogethcr ” by the “CV. Robert. Collyer, is‘WcIl Worth the-price. oi' the years subseiprioat ; it is Full of this grcat‘irian’s oloquenceâ€" powerful in its very sitiiplicit). 'l‘ltere are rtrairy other ,ilfllel'l‘esylfrig articles had we space to name ..‘tl’lslll. he poetry in this number is titt- .iusuallylgood. A new feature oi'tht :nag- .r, azine is the introduction of pictures, and 1‘s“ the illirst-ratiorr, "Past. I’reserit, arid Fu- ture." lit-re given. is exceedineg pretty. _ 1:)_l‘lce ot' tiiagaziiic, one dollar per yearâ€"- With the cIii‘oiiio " Yosemite,” one dollar and a half. Address WooD’s IIoUsEH tiLD MAGAZINE. Ncwburglt, N. Y. Dori Carlos "has issued postage stamps rehearing? his own. portrait. Thepopuhltioii of London is given in _.,,,,,,the,last census report at. 3.254260. """"“I.':t‘st. year there were 1455 inqur-sts .,,_._.blrt1Id,,_i{t England on cases of suicide tr txrrsewrnurdereâ€"JJI57 inert and 398 Women. Yet it was hardly to be expected , that a substance so simple arid so nour- of f TEE PACIFIC INQUIRY. ROYAL COMMISSION. ’10 the It ighl Ilonomuble Sir Frederic/r Temple. harlof'Drrfl'erm. Viscount mio Baron (Umrdebnge. of t 'laudeboye. in HM (ouirly of Down. in the peerage 0] III. United Kingdom. liaron Utrjfcrin. om (Validating/e. and Bully/cilia urrd Kit/a . lrogh. tn the (ourrly of Down. in Ihe peer cry/c of Ireland. and a lul'oncl, Knight Qf the mos-I illustrious order of M l'arriclc, and Alright 4 oimnanoler oft/re him-t Hon curable order of the Bath. Governor Gen eral of Canada, aucl Vice Admiral of the same. 5 May il please your Excellency: The undersigned t ommissitrners. appointed :by Itoyal Cotirtiriss on addressed to them no ‘tler the Go at Seal of t‘anada. hearing date the Mill d..y of August. A D 1873, have the honour to repo:tâ€"â€"(l.) 'I‘hat they met at Oil. Wu on the lHIh (ix-y ot August last, tor the purpose ol making preparations for thr- discharge r i' the duty iinposr d on them by the toiiiiitisStot.. (2) 'l he course of proceedings “as then St tried, and the 4th day of Sepleritbt‘r last was appointed for cnleritr,«_r upon the t-xuiititraliori of vritnessr-s. (iii) The Cotninissiotteis. on rind. i'takiiigr the it.- quity they treteerjtritieil to make. had hoped that llli entire t‘tllil tit-i ol it noird not have been It‘ll in their hands; that the Hon Mt Huntington, or some ()l|t' thnr DHIII‘HJG that the charges s‘prtniicd iti tho Commission could be I siablislit d h\' HVldt'ltct‘ Would have t‘trlltIllCIl‘lI the inquiry bride them. zindtht-y had tesotvt (l in silt-ti event not only to accept such hid iii the llt\‘t'SllJflIlUll. but to allow to the [)Itrllltlll‘t at least the same latitude in the Illtit'It' of prt cr editig as the recognized Courts til Justice allotted itt ort’liita y judicial inves- li-,_rnii ins. and Hail) to give to IIIt' iircitrbers Eor the (i vetrtrnerrl a l'lte latitude I'or doteilt-e. ,Iliis‘ (mu so try poured lo the ('oiirurissiuiit-rs 1n. In just. and in ttt‘t‘tiltlnllt't‘ with it but they ‘ ? (‘1It‘\(‘(l to llr‘ your I‘:X('t‘ltt‘llkf_\ ‘s wishes and t’Aytl'lillltrlts (-l) [‘1 IIIP pi-isertitioir of illtll trotk the t tilltllliSSltJiPls‘ Irate culled «line Illi ll‘ silt Ii 't-istrns as [Iii-y liutl rt-ttsun tti ht Ill-\t‘ eon-d _’I\l‘ any ll formation on the sulrjtt't o1 it. o tnltvrnise lttt-ititttte the iii- \"-‘sll;_2ltlltlli. and (‘int‘L‘ltlI‘_V the Hon Mi Hurt lln‘lgtonfto “hour a Itllt'l' alriit‘xrd to ,IIIIS 1report nus .rdtlrt-sstd till the lel (ii of All: trst lasi past. It‘tlut‘hllll; liitii to turniin to the ttointnissioii a list oi sueh witnesses as he i iirrghi \\1~Il to eXaiiiine. and to proceed on ,llit' day trained \sitli etidence in the pietiiises. l A letter tins also addressed tirthe Horn. the lSeet-tiary oi State, givi rg notice of the day Vappointed for the pltit’et‘tlillg, a. t‘opy oi nhich isulsti annexed. lit the interval be tween the titer ia\ ol tireeiittg and the day so a, pointed, summonses were duty served it] on Mr Huntington tit-d ollit-rs to appear and ,_'l\t' t'nltlt‘lltl‘. (7) Ur. the 4th day oi‘t‘iep retither lllt' l'trlltllllssllillt‘ls met. and alter the lubitcaiioir of ilie Cotitttiission the wit- nisstrs cited lot the day were called. (8.) Mt Huntington laith to a pear. (9) The etident-e ol the Hon. Henry Shrines was taken, and a sewed packet placed it: his posv session by Sir Hriuh Allan arid Mr George W McMnlleu wrs produced and deposited with the Commissioners (l0) 'l‘he sealed packet was opt-tied with the consent oi Mr. Siririies and Sir Hugh Allan. and the several papers it contained neie put in proof. (II) g'Ihe Commissioners lllt‘ll examined the lother witnesses iii attendance, and after- \rards on~ 'suecirssivd days proceeded to the examination of those whose names ltlt,‘ on the list styled "List of witnesses I‘lo he examined” hereto annexed. (1.2) Or the limit three gentlemen whilst- naint s tne on the list. twenty nine have. bet-iii maritined. (l3) 'Iwu of these, Mr Geo. Mc-“ttlren and the Hon. A ll. I‘ostei'. i‘ai ed to appear. although only stiintiioiied, the to mer. through a special messenger 56'“! to I Iiicugo for the pu pose. (l4- ) The other [Mr Mr Henry Nathan and Mr Donald Nnirli. :tic resident. the former in Iliitish .tlttluttthia,--and IIIL latter in hittllllubungie tiislttnre and Consequent delay III securing their attendance, anti the large outlay it viil. causmrendtir it inexpedient iii the opinion ot the Coinmrssio..ers re call them to give evidence. (l5.) Ill addition to those whose ’I‘URUN’I‘O YOUNG MEN’S. CHRIS TIAN ASSOCIATION. CORNER or QUEEN AND JAMES Srs. Tokurt’ro, JUNE, 1873. l .‘o Parents, Guardians, Pastors, and others whose Sons. Wards, or Friends may be: leutmrg home for residence in. the Utty of Toronto. I The luring Men’s Christian Association take pleasure in informing their blends and the Lhrisliaii Public generally oi the lacili ties for usefulness which they now enjoy. Their beautiful and ccmirtodious holding, with its Balls, Library. Free Reading ltoottt and Gymnasium are intended a‘ once to iii- vtte and improve all young uteri who enter. Prayer Meetiir :s. Literary and Musical Eir- tettainttrents are frequently held undopeit [0 till. i Parents, Guardians. Pastors. or others who have young friends iii the City or about t to come to it, are invited to urge 1hr iii to come to us. A Reception Committee has been ltll'lllt-d, the members ‘ll itlitcll git-dry call on art slittrtgrrs ithottt they it'l'étyhrut‘ of IIUlll those interested. bottlirlu..icatior.s lltllll lilei.ds hi it are gladly te- Utll"d. Clemenceau. I) (iltA‘l‘lJ’lll. Aim Consort-trim -â€" " lit a thorough kirou'leopr oi the ti rural law which gr-vertrtlieopsraiiorisofdigestioii and nutrition .‘tntl liya c-ireJul application t l' the line proper 'it-s of well selet-rlcd Cocoa. Ml Epps llflr- pro~ vitied otir breakfast tables with it delicately flavored beverage which 'll’t\ save us many heavy nocturs’ liills."-â€" Ciml Nrrvirc liuzntlc. \rladt- simply with Boiling Watt-r or ’Mrilt Erich par «I is lalmlletlâ€" ‘ ‘AMrs ICPPS 51 (To . Hoi- aep-Hru- ('hrnirsts. I error It," \IANt'i-‘tc‘rurtt or (Itwot â€"~‘ We will lltiui" give an mount of the pl'tCH-‘N adopted ht \lessis J tires Epps A ('o.. riianiif'ttc tirev ot tire-rattle articles at'their works in the l‘itr-iori Ru d. Itontlou”â€"-See urlrce iii Crtssnll’s non es are in the above trietilirrnr-d llcl. the t‘oiirtitissiotrcis hme called and cxatiiircrl .\li Danie-1G Mt'Mttllerr, Sir Hugh Allan. the ilon. J J C Abbott. and the lion. Mr Uniinet. (Ill) Most of these witnesses \‘H'IL‘ t'rtrss r xntiitnt-(l till behalf of the (iov r-ti.iittni by Sir John Illat-dotiuld or other members or it (17.) Mr Charles M. Smith t l (hit-ago, was si'ttrtniottrd bv the (Intitmis sinners. litrt rlid tutti-pt eat. [IF] Iiiirh me also has been ghcn by Mr I‘llid. C. Martin and .\Ir 'I‘Itos. \\ whose names were ILlil'll-IM‘LI by tilt mlreis oi the (itnellllllt‘lil' ltrl Mt (ietr. Norris. jl‘.. and Mid. Perkins n hose names were trlSr- so liitnt lit-d. were t-iit-d lo rtppcarbtit tirade dclnnlr [Ill ] 'l he ("i rirtitissrr nets 0 the 23th day or bl l tent tier, vtr ile still iii course oi their exrriiliirn- irons, teqittsterr by llllltlt ailnt tlt Ltlllt‘ltl Elli pets ms puss-rssing tit-y intottnarion tit the subject (rt inquiry ttr a; near and give t‘ri tli-nct- lit-'lt'le rlit-ttr. [20.] No evidence has teen tiIIl‘II d itt ansiret to the announcement [II ] 'I he Ct-iiititrssinii closed its sittings Itll' ltll\lti;_' evidct cc on the Isl (lay oi October instant. 'lhrse sittings were public and ' lk‘ll. “lid illeUIIlIIIUIIHIIIlIl “its PI‘I Vlllt‘ll IOI' reporters ol the public press. [‘12 ] 'I'ht' :(lt irttitissitmets have endeavor-ed in oltt-d hence to the requirements of the ('oinmls villlllc’lOfllHtllll :tom the witnesses all the (\ldt'llct‘ pertinent to the subject titalter ol inquiry iihich they Were able to give. [23.] 'l his evidciit'e is contained in depositions. thirty six in number. and (‘GI titiir documents. The general assertiny of French Free- tiitisoiw has rt-r-olvod to abolish the tflice 591' Grand Master. Ili‘e‘utti-tod lodges is fo take the sttpi't'trie direction of tlieor'dcr itt France. ii?” San Fi'ianciscols exports by sea during l ‘tt-lfl‘. iiiireiinontlrs curling September 30th _ alhotrtr'ed to $I5.985,096 Her futrivéasulr‘y shipu't'enis during the same ,lilfllepil‘IY land and sr-a. aimunttd to$17,- r‘t'8343t134fl.otgwhich 310.269.0635, came to this city. or ‘--. . ' According t0~vthc Baltimore American, 3:“‘I-t‘lie {Iltl'n‘lmOltitlI season has opened hiutitf's‘ualanimation. notwithstanding they'fiitatir‘cialcrisis." 'I‘Iiere were eight- cen..trewl'y made brides arid grooms at» a ‘iprominen'tliotcl in that city last Sunday, and we are also informed that “ as usual, .f the season has been opened by the widotv~ ' ers."" ~.==.t.iI2n England the population is equal to _ one person to every 7.340 square yards: ‘1’ V iti,Wales one person to 18.777 rquare yards ;‘iii England and Wales, touetlier, 7.953 square yards; iii Scotland "ricoii‘eto 28.044 square yards; iit Ireland one to..18.621 square yards. 1n the United Kingdom, as a whole, the popu- ‘ttt‘t‘ttin-r is one person to every 11.935 square yards, or! about 260 persons to the‘square mile. Nine million of ball cartridge for the Henry-Martiiriqr-ifle have been ordered at Woolwiclr, presumably for use against the Ashnntees. 'I‘lie " Bonny” takes ,out witlt her a stock of Hale’s rockets, the saute‘titihich produced such a salutary giltâ€"act on the Abyssiniaiis. When they ' have spread fireaud triglit in their course, 'thEg®dclude~with the explosion of' a shell, whiehtimorowds can bezverv de- emotive. " 4 ‘ The great council of" art ot nhit-h are annexed to this report and siecihrrl ics,ct-ti\el_\' III the llcctllll‘llttllylllfl rtst 2-1.1I5t‘llt‘tllllt'. [24] It the t‘V'lIt rice be ‘t-ottsitlr lt‘l' ittlrtt dulll. n has :tllst'lt truth the ,i..Iu:e anti Clll'll'llblt’llflt‘r‘r ot the inquiry. lnhlt-h thittlt'tcti it ir.tx,edtet.i to trinit its longer by the technical 7Utk‘b ol (‘Vldl‘llt‘t‘ observed lll ordinary tribunals. [2.3] With rtspeet to that portion of the torirntissi-zn \\ htch .t‘lnt‘S lo the. insert-lion of Illt‘ Com IIIISSIUIH'IS the expression til their opinions upon the (‘\'ldlll(_‘t‘, they Irate determiner! not to avail therriselves of tr.e liberty so lgircit. [2m] '1 hey had arrived at that con lCIllSIUII lt'ett'tle they More informed (Ji your Excellt-ncy’s VieWs on the hl'lut‘t‘l, that they \‘I'clétxtlliltllhd and justified III it by a cunt ii.triilcalron l'l’CBth‘d Delore their labors t-otii- tireitced. to vrltich your Excellency kindly ytiurits us to allude, relating to o e or two matte-"s on which they thought it their duty~ to consult your Excellent-y beloie entering upon the execution of their task. [27 ] In that cotntnnnicai oit your ILxcerrt-twy Was pleased to express the opinion that the lunc- tioits oi the Commissioners was rather in qutstloital than jutllt‘llll. and that the exccu tron ot thetn sli- uld not be such as in any way to prejudice wlialt vet' procee lugs PM It :lllPlil might. desire to take, when it re as srtitbred in October. [28.] 'lhe Loirimis ,sitriie s crunching; vrilh your Ex ('llellCV in the view that the t'oiittiitssion do not require them to pronounce judiciallly on the livid t‘llce. consrder that trteir duty shall be fully discharged when they shall have torwurded to the becrclaty t.t' the accompanying dclIOSIIUHS‘ilId document with this report iii triplicate as requested by their iiistruc' lions, unless a report of .heir opinion of the evidence shall be specially requested. “ All oi which is r'especttully submitted. r (Signed) “CHAS. DEWEY DAY, " Chart titan. (Signed) “ A. POLETTE, -* Commissioner. (Signed) " JAS. ROIST. GOIA AN. “ Commissioner. “ noyal Commission Rooms, Ottawa, " Oct. 17, 1873..” -.'mI..~'v/I.ulrl Guido October 3| . M572 739-1)‘ Strayed. r IAWE on the pit lnises oi the sub criber, U l t 42. iii the 1st Cori of Mnrhtiaiir. near Richmond . ill, abrl’l thi- Ffif'lcen/h Ju '3] last, A llsn no V‘Hi'rr‘. “RIFLN coririig Three livers ott Thr- on iii-r .s requested to prom 'rm erty. pat expenses. and take the animal .WHY. \I‘ M V \NIHZKI'URG Richmond Hill. Sop. 30. tr7'l. MU.\ICII’AI ITY OI“ Itlt HMMND HILL. titular, audit AND EITHER "I AXES. “N 0rd r to moiroti-rse iii the collection o' I 'I‘axrs or th- lr'i. ugnof [tin/ ltlll7 ts \\l‘-I its lo IIi limo b‘c/mol barium .\:.~‘ 3 mu: 4 ./ t/rr 'Imrnslups n7 hltii/t/rum tl'ltl Vang/um. I'lll'llldrllg l/Il' I" llugc. the Ramp“ ins are herein invited to call at tli:~ Clorit' iflitro and pm all I'Hlt‘le‘ which iltet' are limits- or the your I673. toilrouirdcrsigiico. on or before the lst NUVI‘.MHER NEAT. BY order oi'ltie Council. )1 Richmond Hill. Sea ‘22. will '1']; lil‘ Y. [rm/2mm . EWISLItY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE ti clip in or llll‘ Iltrtai.. litrnk Sim-o. it AMES. TOYS, &C.. FUR SALE A'IV the Hirttth Hook More I) ,K Hunk Sluro trr-nd Hill brunch) at the Ill-KAI.“ ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. A Werklv journal of (iii-rent Events. Literature, Science and Artur \griculiurc anti \ltCllHIilt‘N, Fashion and At JN int-iii rod at It ( a number at the HERALD Iii-0k .‘rore'fl I ‘ HE LATEST NOVEL'I‘IES Ladies’ Back Combs ! AND BELTS! Thirty new and fashionable st,les to se- lect from at THE HERALD BOOK STORE Yours tepectt'ttlly, ll HUS J- WILKH‘J. SUCICN')‘. S .t arrntt-tl to mile all tlistba'yes trtm 'llt“ Urinary Organs. iii enher H it acquired or , .W\m. COD ntuiiot at Grai’el‘anti I'ivirts in the Back. A ' a "W i H V V 7"" [Said in Boxes. -’Is no encirer ulleeirrists arid TORONTO MARKETS. Patent DILdIClIlB‘VNIItIOl‘N. , r _ V ' Sole proprietor, I" J. CLAIIKF. Toronio. Uciolit-r Ell. lis'73. . t‘ll‘)’l‘l.]E(/‘[‘\'{l'. S, H MAL. Llp‘coplN. h‘lourâ€"â€"Stipt-rlilit~............$ 5olilfi) 5 (r1) Eycluflyl); . Sprng it heat calla . 5. ti (to o t'rU rune; . . . . . . . . . .5 7t at, s 7.5 EXPORT AGENTS. . . . . . . . .. (Him I“ ' . . ’ é,:::,,l,,, p-‘m, 9:5 {(2, 7’ Burgoyne. lluibltrges r iitl I. o , ( oltirati Street ~ , , . J» 'U, r 5, 1; London ‘ “human ' ' ' U . n ' :2)”, U “I; Newbuiv and Sons. 37 brwgnte St. London. ' ' ‘ ' ' ' H. I ' ' i H ,2 5“ {w 3 , t. Hart: av Iii) Sr ii. 95 ll al‘l'lllydtlll Sr . London “ |m,‘,_\ mi”. ' ' ' ' i I ' ' ' I l5 ((-1, , ,7 Stinger and Sm s. (ixlt‘sd St. London, Jul“: ' JIM." 2,. m) l 2,, Aritl art the l (illtioll IA holesale Houses. 'I‘teatiwcli . . . . . . . ‘ ‘~’l_‘ (‘1 I 2? AGENTS IN CANADA. Hurley-“......” . . . . . . . . . . llrfw r2! 6 l'eat-e. . . .. . . . . . . , , , _ , . , , . . tr Mr ((L H N “criticalâ€"liven.» Merlot-r and (‘o_. Wholesul i'flli‘ . . . . . ... .... . . . . . . . ll 4” W1) U41 ' " litiggtsis. [Animus (Tito-e or (I l o. Ilh\ .. . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . 24 till fa} 2h NI Toronto â€" I‘llriott and ("ti, \Vtiotesule Drug Straw . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . l3 ho (a It; on '- gins. Sliaptet and Owen. t’otaioes. per bag . .. .. 0 ti" (G: ll 7\. Hamilton “ liter and ('o .lyyflas, poi barrel . . . .. . .... 2 5i! fit) 3 tr: ltalilitx.â€"Avui'\. Brown I: d Cpo. Betti. o. the sitle . . . . . . . . . . . Ii UH (fl) ti 5“ ‘ Mutton. by he carcus- . _ . . . . 7 III' (fix I! tr“ ‘ " “"â€" , M‘ l’i‘l ~«Ii-rs . . . . . . . . “'5@ 09“ .i. a t e ‘“ "-‘ Tkaj‘w I _ __ ., 7‘, w , ,,., 1 A LAiieIr. STOCK OF T ()Illl’lt-O‘IIS. pvt ruin. it Q: fill ti 4” T ‘ lint-ks. per p tr. . . I' ll fa; ll 7o Porkâ€"Mess ..... . . . . . . . . . ‘istlv ((3 son A b ’ Extittl’iirtte ...” Illil fu‘; Ol'li - ,- -, . r” . . . “hm.” I “I” n . fl . U W [a u ,2 Ranging in price train .3 cents per 11) upward -urnsâ€"â€" Salted . . . . . . . . Hl F17 ‘ l4 "â€" Siriolu-ll . . . . . . . . ll IQIEI) 0 l3 Also a fine apartment of Drew-d 02> ..... . . . . . . . . ti - fa 7 it) . Lnl'd.... . . . . . - . . . nu”... ” II 0 [2 GI-Ocerles_ litittcrâ€"lbiiolls... .. I 2r-fa) “'2! . Pal'liel’l.... . . . . . . . 0 r5 rm 0 l7 1. Crosby, [we proof Store. 'ees... .. . . . . . . . “writ o2 Dried Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tr U7 ((3 . 7.; RICHMOND HILL, LL Salt ..... lfitifd trio 1 Ward .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 35 0) It 36 W‘ ’ ""“"" I "' "' ’ RICHMOND HILL SAW MILL I )REAKFAST.â€" EPPS’S COCOA l 3 I It L E S O C I I5 'I‘Y DEPOSI'I‘OIIY; demerits, to; p . g .r. M. WELLS, 1.0.5., ," -' grating; SURGEON DENTIST. Residence at Aurora, Ont. Particular attention paid tot Iiittlrcn’s teeth, A stock ot burnout and also to Gold Filling. teeth a wars on hand and at work warranted. ' I \rlr Wells will vts-t .lie ollcwrng places. on~ the day s mention. d. Murnlthlti oil the 8th day oi" each month. {Stutrfi'vrlle " ltilli " ” Spittiglitil. " I4tli " " Richmond Hill. rttlli " " 'l‘nnrnliill, Qtitli " '° Mup'e, “ 22nd “ “ Mr \Nells or asst-taut will he at his oflice. Yortgr Street. \uroia. at all times. . I letters addressed to Aurora. promptl)‘ at- tended to. ’I‘eetli also set thlll the ('cluloio B'se. is inert invention. br‘tig lighter. stronger and i nvrtig bad he more durable than lhla t d It.trd. nine \euls cxlm tenets, sarisluturon can guaranteed. Richmond Hill. JuiieitL‘l‘ l873. 77 th M. UllSC ll’TlllNS'FUR lllll‘i 'lUliUb ‘1')eus, bhorts, Bran. Glover and ’Ii-mothy K 'I o H «with Pain ts. rn-ce vo-o at (It: HMtALn liook Si. te. Richmond Hill 0.... Box of ctatitt’s B 41 I11]: ANDREW MAGER, DEALER IN LUMBER, SH' NGLES & LATHE iS'IIIlVGLEâ€"C UT TING, AND PLANING DONE Richmond Hill, Dec. 9. ’72. 751.” Superior Farm fOr Sale, ,EING LOT NO. 28, IN THE SEC- oriii concession ol' the 'I‘imuirship ol Markham,containing E" 1T “'0 HUNDRED ACIt’EA One hundred and forty of which are cleared and well in rivaled The e are on the pro pertv two good FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! 'I'nroe large barns. trio stables. and other no t-essitrv ‘aiui buildings Two S‘ll'llll' creeks run across lite lot. and plan v of good watt-- abounds. It is situate-l at a distance ol eight ten miles from Toronto, and two miles fruit. It (“lint-ind Hill 'I'liistarlii is ttearlv all under drained and \vo-ll fenced. with two good or- clinrtls. and about Fifty Acres Good Bush. For t'tirthorparticulars. fililll\‘.ellllel‘ll~ Ictier (post-paid). or on the promises to MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD Iliclin orrd Hill I’. 1. Dec 4. 1879 75lltl' _ @tisrrtittittutta, DB. JAMES LANGSTAFF. ItTHMONI) HILL. WILL GENE- ll‘ rally he lountl at Iran!“ from 'J to 3 o‘clock. r M. John Elliot Langstuti' is utilli-, ul‘lzed to collect accounts. February 4th. IUTB. 759-” BLAKE a. KINGSFORD. [SARRIS'I‘ERS ATTORNEYS, SOLI. citors. Conveyancsrs (\‘zt'. , &c..‘ l FFCKS.â€"N0 56. Church Street. Toronto“ nexl rinor north of llritislr American Insurance f Buildings. .l. N Bi Arts. R. E. Krnasroan. MA EDWARD PLAYTER‘, M.D , (Medalist. Toronto University/Q panrcuN, SURGEON, tw. | l Coroner for the County of York. Re Motion-Opposite ll Hopkier Store,(.‘or. v Count Strivevs, I’lairs. Descriptions. Reports. Plans of hinges. =4. (‘l‘lfil'i trons. Foil is‘ot contract. Security Bonds. &c . exeou ed with neatn- rs and tlespntcli No. 4 'l’itist and Loan Buildings. Co irer oi Adelaide and Toronto “metal. 'I‘( IILON'I‘O 'I'oiorito Juli 28. l873 ‘7‘4-Il‘ Engineer. Dialisnruii A1 t: EVERY imitates, BUILDER, MECHANIC. MANUF\C'I‘URER, ENGI- NEER, CHEMIST. FARMER AND MERCHANT. should at once send his ulmo and address With $1.50 for one tour'i subscription to ‘~OETICAL ,WORK“. OI‘1 A.. THE dili'ei'enr. poets. at the Hunt it Book Store. CHOOL REQUISITES OF ALL z’lhe Canadian Patent Office Record I AND MECHANICS’ MAGAZINE, 1‘0 Tm: yrianisunn, GEORGE E. DESBARA'I'S, t holds at the IllIJItALII Book Store > MOIME‘L. l)APEBi BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT A Copy of firlt numb,” on be sun at this the Hmtn Beak Stan. l on“. . ‘ 703.2 .- by" g epttrtttttttl. M 'I) DOMINION TEA HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. t as: ,THE TE ALEX 3700011.” Has Iways on Illll'l the largest. and best Varion of GROCERIES, aConsistiugot I‘eas train 5“ cent: 0 SI 00 'wnien tor quality ttrd flavor,'2unttot be our- passed. COFFEES, Green. Roasted and Ground Coffee ; A Sl’LbNDlD ARTlCIJS. Labrador Herring. PROVIEIONS: Eyru's Flour Itepi on hand. which cannot be beat try any thing that comes to town. Seed, Flux Seed, Garden Seeds, dl'c. WINES AND LIQUORS ALL KIVIiS, Pure and Unadultcraled, ltLUOli’s UU-MLIN t)’KI<.EI"E’S ALE. Arc. Crockery & Glassware. “A DEN TOOLS. die. Farm Produce taken in exchange. _ CHEAP JAPAN TEA, ONLY 25 (JLNIS PEA II). Shir-vlrrg’s Improved Purple 'I'op Swede, Mongol Wurtzel and Uar- r rot Seal, at the ’ DOMINION TEA HOUSE. A. MOODIE. illitllltitttltlfi. TORONTO A GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE! 182 Adela-ride Street: East. The largest selection of I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND HARVESTING TOOLS In the Dominion. FIELD AND GARDEN TO ORDER. 5 E E S ! PURSES, WM. RENNI E, 7794f 'I‘otton'ro, Oin'. P. of SA VINGS BA A‘K. {ICHMO’ND , ’ HILL r ‘1. I ~ "A- ;. ‘EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR. (Olt I any tllllll Hr-llOIHXCvet’Ilnplrll't‘t'lllllrlll‘t‘t' inllurs lit arrv one depository) will hon-coin” ‘lllllt‘ Richmond Hill I’i-sl iltIice.rtrr WIIH‘I Government tviIltlIotv Interest POST UFFI C E. For iarticiilarrapply to VI 'I‘I‘II'IP‘Y.l’ostriiustoi “fl IR Permit is tt‘rovorririierri Agen l‘n besqu of MARRIAGE LICENSES. AGENT rort Trir. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY Ofliceliours: from 6:30 A.M .t09z3ti r.» “av 4. li'llill 56341 MORGAN 8r THORNE, A R R I ST E RS , SOLICITORS IN Chancery. Na\arien,&c. Ii “vrlctz â€"(‘.onrx Strut 'l'orotito. Brancl Officeâ€"-I‘ivision Court Clortt It often. Rirl iiiunti Hill, '1 H05. K Morton. Toronto. April 9.3. I541? lunar-Jr Tit-suit u- f I{ICHMOND HILL LIVERY S T A B L E S . Horses and Vehicles for hire. tierute. Plumes mo- Opptisile Sanderson 618cm; . JOHN BROWN, I’ropriotor Ritr‘itiiond Iliil. Dec. 14, ’7'). 7-“ 3m HARRISON. OSLER 8: MOSS, EAI‘IHISTERS, &C.. NOS. 3‘ AND 38 King Street East, Toronto R. A.II\HRl-OK.QC. T. “sun. , . . ., . 'l‘uouts Moss. Q.C. W A ostrzit Yoiige anti Elizalieth ht. Itrchmoud ill-II‘4 ‘ I “HAM.” M0“. w. G, Fulcmsflumr 7 mm" film‘3 H 4‘1: Tot-unlu. DrcA, 1:472. 75a."- s. JAMES, ’ ' ' ' , " _\ GENTs WANTED. I ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYER, 1- ‘2 Good Agents required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and what will be a very popular book .V'oue but live busi- ness men one"! -I‘l. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald (Mice, Painting. HE SUBSCRIBER REGS T’J NO'I‘I- fy the public that lie hu re :omtiionerd business at HOUSE PAINTING! In all its branches. and from his experience, careful attention, and nlodl-I‘Bitl charges. he hopes tn rot-Alva a share of the public [mil'tilh age All orders by mail promptlv attended to JOHN LUVIIJIY , Church St" Markham Vihlge. 755-61. J anuarv 8, I873. no I RK BOXES. ALL SIZES. AT the H mum) Book Store. 7ESLEYAN HYMNS,VALL SIZES. at the Hurt/tip Book Sure. TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT the [Inn look 80m. A CHEST Sal/man Trout, Cod Fish and I" It'I‘EK. AND r‘ I Quantity torfialt.’ r i House and Lot for Sale, ON LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one lrarnu dwelling I)0lls‘8.,t\'ll‘l a l) trn stables. and other outbuilr lugs thereon. Terms easy. Apply. oti the pretirise-i '0 I". (IltAWl’i I“ 1). Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3ni Village Lots for Sale. 'I‘BE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sales number 01 Village lots. thrhlt'l. iii the village of VICTORIA SQUARE! The lots Colllflll] About (.iiefiflh of an Arrc, And are heart-d at tile North-west uorao oi 'ot r\o 35, ltli concession of Markl am. in a section where mechanics and Iabr rats can get steady work and Iiiin wage-s Applt it by letter.prepaid) to Henry Jennings. Victoria Square.or to WM. G. HINGS'ION. Diirgltr I’.() March 97. 1879. 7144f NIPISSTNG HOTEL, MARKHAM. ~,N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DI‘TS- A trut'iiotr oi the Anglo American Home hi live. the subscriber has taken and fine-d ur those large and cotritiir dious prr-iiiises belt-no trig to ('spt. 'I‘ A, Millie. 'tppositrr Mes-is Sprigli: tfi. Son’s Nuvoliy Works. Mnrklirnt Excellent act-outrun: at on afforded for tht» travel-int! public and coriiniororul Ilrel‘. Live-rt stables III contraction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. D. 'I'. “’OO'I‘I‘IN. 737 44 Sept. 4. IS'I'J Patent Eavesâ€"trough / NI) WATEHSPOU'I‘S FOR Till“ Dti “throw. at $6 per lth tact. Also Flour iiig and other Lumber Dressed: Sap Rackets. I’ails.CiderI\Iills.“lashing \Iat-Iriiies.Shiiigles Waggon Folloos.urid Luiiibei‘Suwodtoorder I’ot'purticulttisaddress JOHN LANGS'I‘AI’I’. Sloan. Milli- 'I‘borrrhlh lhortiliill.Nov. 3,1869. 510-.lf » - x s 1.»... THOMAS SEDMAN. ‘ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER. / Undertaker. Arc. RESIDENCEâ€"'Nearlv opposite the Post OIIir-c th'lllllulld Hill. FAMILY BIBLIES, A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.89. $5. $5.50. fill-1.50 and $9. at the HERALD Boon Sroitrz. Richmond Hill. EWELRY, JEWELRY, ALBUMS. WORK BOXES. TOYS, POCKET CUT'I‘LEA‘ Y, BOOKS. PAPER COLLARS And Cuffs, tr. 2‘â€" gtttrtatii ‘e‘t’c’tttr 'Jxo 'omzmzo: “1523 roe-its WI}! :8 ‘Ieuod'vur llama ‘TIztrtnIm a m l . sseadxa .red "(I '0 U n - .to ‘93:? yo adrenal uo 2pc «reg yo Mud Aura 0; pics sq III“A qalqMâ€"ulmla JUQIV penipilppifi It 111th 19111330; . â€"'\' sag .toy pagutumn «. ‘peuamef nu} ‘sitiyod pprr}: M ) put; esco malts employs ul l "IIIIIVM Ill/l3] t'l‘, flNllNllH IIJSSIEII 95$ 3H1 suoiqmdtud Jedoxd u} squas ~81d91 qua Supt'uradtuoaoi: an; aura 'JaAlts ptm ppm it; qqoq ‘squafy put: setptz'l .toy qqeitrts sazts [[12 111 spam sI irtrttrrrrr llll. '- “ mu , i galls-ital flitfittttittttttfi, H.B.REESOR, DEALER 1N Prince’s llrgairs & Melodtrtiris . . . . . 9 Chickertrig. Stainwat and Durham Plullol. A s'ti. lhtl cob l-rnter I-IUMM ING BIRD PIANO Which is attained to parlors where space is Ill object 'l'lie "1040 of its noiistitictioir l entirely new. and based upon the best known principles oi'scicnce. Notice. ]\,f R. H. I3. REICSUH HAS SUCCI‘TED ' ed as iii the agency in this sot-lion tor the sale of Messrs G A. I’rintc A (70’: rein 'hraled Organs and Mulrrdt-oiis. in favor of which' wr- gim- our most unqualified approval and rucotririietitlrtlioti as the leading and ritual rclinhie reed Ill‘lll‘llllllflll rrt-w iiiaiiui‘actured. (Signed) H G COLLINS. , WM Fi.Ut\'Il'RI“ELT‘. Markham. Nov. 3 7t. ' Testimonial from Professor H 6, Collins ,. I l liavi- aret'tilly oxaltirirt'd tht- liinlrtisrflti \II' II It Roesor. called the I‘ I’i‘l‘tl, or (lolihrl Pr rtr rs. tiiairntm-tn'rit! ht .Itt- IIlIIs't-cli. .‘Ill- think the“ :tie wonttcrt'rrl' and pure in wife. and from t= err littlli.‘ ht .vet t' ' tili- stirivtrnn. calculated to l'l’llinllr’ in lunc- i~|::'r" than other pianos. and eoiisr-qticirlly to smut: A git-arm union: to! umr- ' H EN It h (ilIItLS'I' COLLINS 'I'oronto Ft-Iin‘JH. I072 7I4-Ir AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE PER DAY. $5 Agents wann-tl! All classes of wu‘ltiiig people of either sex voting or old. ma 9 more rironot at wirik lol- its in their spurt moments. or all the lilllt‘ ti-ztn ’tl. aiivtlring elsr Particulars true. Add es. G. S'I‘INSON & ('o_. i’ortltttrd. M in». 'J HE CANADIAN PUNCH! “GRIP” Out: Everv Saturdayfi cts. IVIAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLS! FOR. SALE BY R. E LAW. Dr'ngg'nl. April 9. l87... Richmond Hill BOGUS MEDICINES. [{OLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTtlEN’I‘ l HAY! for a Considerable time imsi considered ii to be mv duty to adv rtise the public of the British North American I’rovl-ices against htiv- rug from niipriiit-ip ed dealers medicines cui- rtiraring from New York. and sold as my " Ilollowui’s Pills and (lititmoirt ” lti w lcli much iiigruuitv has hePrr d splays/rt in passing Item of? as of on make. It is verv difficult iiitit ed to utIt-tiipt to enumerati- 'lrt- inntit- do View to whichth turtles have had resource 'l‘lit-y any, amongst other things. that, a ||e\v label bu be it adopted by them. and with hai‘e'litced r‘fi’ronterv caution the public against being deceived by purintts imitations. t A poor man by “IR name of Hol':~way is oinploytd by its -o-cn| tvrl l'hennr-al Company| in New York who Ierrt‘s his Home for a small: Weekly sum. The trit-r‘it'iires fluid by this (Toriiprtiv are paliiii-t‘l ofl‘ upon Ihn public as triv " Holloway“! l’ills nrid Oiut .i-trt " so that were thcv to llljlll‘fl half the noiittntrnitv iio discredit would lull tip-iii tlrt fabricators ol'tIn-ss comp uiidtn. but Wllnld considerably «Mirage the reputation of my 4- the As it in riot It all necessary for this (‘iirw to incur any expense iii the a do of their produc- tions. or to a vorv iiili ed extent (trading as they do upotr tiiv nan-e). tli-y art- iti '1 position to ofsr them at. a very low irrico iii "straits, where they are purchale hr in I'l-w Wholesale Houses that I can name. and will name here after, it'llitv continue to VPIH‘I the same. "hr following Ire the names and ddr‘esses of some of the Houses who get my medicines front hort- direct :-- “eser Awry'. Iil'I-Wll 5; Co . Ha’ifax. N3. Messrs Form lb 51 (70., ilalii‘nx. N S Messrs-'1‘. B Barker A Sons, St John. N B M~ ’i‘, lies Brisvty. Charlotte ’I'own. l‘.E.I. Messrs Langley &, ( 0 Victoria B C. Moss”! Moore A: (la . Victoria, BC. My Pills and i)IllI"l€\lli are sold at the Iowa. wholesale net prices. in quantities of rlttl loss than £2” worthâ€"viz. 85 d. 29:. 34s .per dozen boxer. .t' I’ills or pi Is at ()ii tmr-ut. for which rt-iirirt out- must he urnt iii advance, Those llcd't'lle! ll. not sold in the United ' Stan-l I‘llch Pot and Box of I1“ preparation bears the- Rlitish Govern-rent Stump, witht (- words, H Holloway”; Pills lhri ()ll‘lllhfll‘l. London.” (Sign!) room is Horteown. ,538. Oxfln'll Street. W. C . London. July I, I878 785 ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 'SUITA bl. for present: at the Hunt.» Boox ll lion. 'vaous Sistt-rii. Ind IIH‘ Muscles T'I‘ENS HORSES, CO WS. CALVES. Sheep and I’ips. warriors in Once/huth Ill”- uauu/ lame, and sari/'3 Food. I” It Price ‘25 fft‘lll! and fill Iltl par box. box contains l\\(| llllII/(lI‘Ld let-its ' oArtrtiFiiaARs 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit A t'ohs' Thu 5 THE t‘.lllr\lr.SI‘. (I \ltDElt l’UWIHxlt |)~-sirtr\s all hunk of Insects, Grubs and (‘at- erpirlars oti ( urrairt anti Griost-bcri'\ Bush“ So'd hv "‘rnggists anti Stoiokospeis at ‘2‘ cents per box. HUGH MILI ER dz Ctr , Agricultural Cliuiiiists. 'I‘oronttv TICKS 0N SHEEP. Usr: t ILLR’S 'l‘lCK oss'rrtormt It restrovs the Ticks. promotes the growth of the wool and iiiipr‘ovr-s the conduit ii of the animal. A 35 cent box will clean 2“ sheep or 3.3 lambs HUGH MILLER & Cit, Attractini'triui. (Trimmers “W King Street East. lot‘tilrllr For Sale by “I‘llygisls and Storekeeper? R "I. LAW Agent llit'ltliioiiti "77 glottal Eliminate. Fellows’ Compound 81 RUP OF HYPOPIIOSI’IIITES. t , As nlllil‘u-eudorvil-d budit-s. wl other her he I‘lonst Ilirds. Iiopl’lvs‘. Insnvls or even Zr... plrites mill sr'il-jr-cts ol ti o Vrgtrtablo Krlwdntr Il'lflgllrt’l'llflll Iii, rilu/fi-rrr. Vt Irirli binds all th- springs OI ox-s'r'lrt'o. alitl as limiting ('hlt sat - ll em i‘oiii do-sl notion wlirri this print-ip < baans it cut. II‘fl itiscovuri ol iireniis wlroreb vitalit‘ rimv be sustained it) the living body is iotlood a blur" to the Wor'd. \Ioduriiolioiiristri has volttlla‘ed the (“HM-- lion-«rid discovered the lug. dietrl t‘riti-tru ting IIII‘ brain. IltllFt‘li'R nut! nor-vos. and fir-n. that bv introducing tho-st- ingredients in pl‘or proportions the brain and nervous sysiriit :r. strengthened. : 'l‘liis. their. is substantially the basis . ~ which FILLOVV’N llYl‘tiPHiisPHItEs is both direct notion is up. it the Illood. the Brain air. trout: i i-nirrg the nerves. it causes the rapid dlflllll“ tion (it Vitalized Blood in the Mtisculni' Orr; » . of IIIP Br (IV Housing the Slttggish Hurt and. Livv sll'Plli’lIll-ll-IIIE the action of III. “ovum-Ii 'lowels and enabling the Lungs to be fitrlly flateti wtih (lingo i. It is noun-rd for “menses of Weakness -, HillaCIflIItin.wlINlIl-‘I‘ arising from satin-ill life. a tropical t limits. from fever or ttnbi I'rririr niiv cause. and is nificactons in I’m,» may (‘or‘tsnnr'rtnm many confirmed -~ having been cured and all hennfitted. what-- um um been continued oVr-r a fortnight- Iii Bronchitis it is a specific. and in As . it gives rt-liet" where .VO|'\ other I‘Ollloll‘ lr‘or Nervons Dehillty it stands unrtv and rirav be usud with confident-o in all As his is filllil‘fllv distinct and dim-rents I‘VPI'V other preparation of vaoohossrhite r-aréi‘ril till-8k for FrLLows’ SYRUP, anti : no other. soon or A Porinma all.» t’ricc. Slrfillz Six I'orat7 50. JAMESI. rumors (in... . ..thflhn N: ,04-8

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