Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Nov 1873, p. 2

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lV RichmondHillStation Clmngeoflime taking ofl'ccx Seplemhar 29, 1873: Going North 8.10 Ln. . E2.15 [3 m...5,](l p m Going Soutlv 9 25 AJU. .34” pm” N927 p.m In the month of July last, the Editor of the Economist, writing upon the Pa. cific Scandal, stated, “ We have the tele. grams, letters, bankâ€"books, cheques, &o.” yt ”° “‘7 ‘“ Thek <0 are 1 right mm“- man who m and telegra. We 845mb The Hon Sir John Macdonald in his I great speech before Parliament, said, “I have got evidence beyond the possibility ‘ of a doubt that my telegrams were stolen from Sir Hugh Allan’s ofiice day after day ; that a man went to the office night after night, after six o’clock, and copied those telegrams and brought them down and sold them to the Opposition ; that the safe of the ofiice was not broken and that after the documents were copied and sworn to by the man he was paid money for them." Does the Editor of the Economist know who the man was ? If so in the interests of' the public he should give the information. The Econom'lib't 535’s 1â€"“ Sir John A. uacdonald deemed there was not one jot‘or time of evidence to sustain the charges against him.” And Sir 301‘“ was right, and if the Ecfl’wmia dares to say to the contrary it is listing under m”- takc. The charges brought against S” John was the selling of the Pacific Rail- way charter which even Goldwin Smith acknowledged failed utterly and entirely, and in fact, because he did not sell the charter is the cause of the whole trouble being brought upon him. Up to a cer- tain point Sir H. Allan was all right \with the Globe, and this point was the breaking off of allowing the Americans .to have anything to do with our Pacific Railroad. And this is more fully shown in the leader of the present Government, withdrawing the charges made by Mr Huntington, and substituting lllC Spend iing of money at elections by Sir John, which may in his own words he answered as follows:-â€"“ I don’t hesitate to sayâ€"â€" :nnd I state this in the face ofthis House, and of the country, and of the worldâ€" that I am not aware of any one single farthing having been spent illegitimater and contrary to law. I can tell of one man on the other side of the House who spent 820,000; another case I can prove of spending $30,000,1md 1 can also prove cases ofspending $5,000, 86,000, $7,000 ,and $8,000; and when the committee which the hon. member for Bothwell challenged me to move, and which I inâ€" tent to move, is appointed I shall give the proofs.“ Can any honest-hearted mun doubt Sir John Macdonald ; the only di-fl'erence is that he was frank and honest to confess â€"- his opponents got other people to do the work for them. If Sir John had set the manager of the Mail to attend to all money matters con- nected with the elections, the same as George Brown did for the other side, it would have been more prudent, but at the same time more in accordance with the “ organized hypocrisy " Way of doing.r things. Sir John Macdonald, we vcn- ture to say, is thought more of to day than the leader of the “ Letter Stealing Party,” and it can be said of him that he found his country a province, and he made it a nation. He found it small, he made it great. He found it unknowri, he gave it a name that the period is fa- miliar with. He found it on the shores of our inland lakes, he expanded it till its borders lapped either see. He found it a speck of confined territory, he made it a half a Continent and laid deep and well the foundations of a mighty nation. And it may well be said let us remember this. Let the country remember, and let his friends in the County of York remember, and let them not beled astray by the clap-trap of the .“ Availables” paper. In the Economist of the 13th inst, we have the astounding news that the new Government will be found to-day _with a. majority of forty to forty-five. What a great pity Mackenzie does not know this, it would be the means of saving him a terrible amount of anxiety; do for pity s-nke let some one send him a copy of the sheet having such cheerful information, and this too brought about without any corruption, without any hopes or prospects of reward, it being the free gift of a free legislature, not- withstanding they did sign a “ round robin ” to condemn Sir John before he Was heard in his defence. Listen to what Mr Tilley says when he was ap- proached by Mackenzie, and this is his answer; “ He was asked to put the Hon curable, the Leader of the Opposition in power, though he last Session struck at the very foundation of the rights and liberties of the Local Legislatures; but were he perfectly in accord with him for these and other reasons he would not do so, because, as he had stated, it was he (Mr Mackenzie) who had rolled up against the Minister of Justice all the charges that had been made and pro- mulgated; and when that Hon. gentle man was arraigned before the House and the country for corrupt practices hc Was bound to say that from having sat with him in Council for the last six i” are he did not believe he was guilty.” Thek so are the word of an honest and up- right n_1an. Can as much he said of the man who made use of the stolen letters nnri tplporrn m5? HOW DOES IT TALLY? RICHMOND HILL. Nov. 2?, 1873 (TEERN RAILWAY OF CANADA afiwwulfi. The following is a synopsis of that portion of the Act relating to Municipal Elections in Townships :â€" l. The Reeve ot a Township must be elected by a general vote â€"Sec.69. 2. Elections for Deputy Reeves and g Councillors are of Three Kindsâ€"â€" u. Election by acclamation.â€"â€"See. 106 11. Election by general voteâ€"See. 90 c. Election by Wardsâ€"Sec. 1%) a. Election by acclamalion will occur when a Candidate is nominated for any particular office and has no opposition for one hour.â€"Sec. 106 1). Election by general vote occurs where a Township is not divided into wards and the Election shall be held at the last place- of meeting of the Council or such other place as the Council may appoiut.â€"â€"Secs. 90 and 111. The Township Clerk shall be the Re- turning officer at such elections. Sec. ‘ 111. 0. Elections by Wards. 1. A Township must not- contain more than Four Wardsâ€"Sec. 91. 2. The Council ofany Township may di~ vide the Township into Wards or abol- ish such divisions upon receiving a petition from a majority of the qual- ified electors of the Township so to es- tablish or abolish Ward divisions. 3. When a Township is divided into \Vards, each \Vard shall contain, as nearly as may be, one quarter of the Electors of the Township. 4. A Returning Officer must be appoint- ed for each \Vard. 5. The intention of See’s 105 and 106 appears to be that a nomination shall be held in each Ward. the Returning Officer presiding, and that each Ward Snell elect a Councillor. MUNICIPAL INSTITUTIONS ACT OF 1873, 36 VIC. CHAI’. 48 4:. They condemned out the consent of the rm'rued without asking Hdasp. 5, They declared it necessary for the House 10 go on with the Pacific investiga [ion ; they have dropped the Pacific in vestigation like a hot potato. 6. They declared Riel to be amenable to law and demanded his punishmeut: they de clnre Riel be; amenable to law, and decide to let him escape. The Spectator calls attention to the fact that while the Grits have lately shown an utter abandonment of prin- ciples. they have stuck to their policy of‘ personal slander and abuse with reirarkâ€" able consistency. The following is a brieflist of some of their acts of incon- sistencyzâ€" 2. They condemned coalition : they take two Conservatives and five supporters of Sir John Mucdona‘d into their Cabinet. 3. They condemned the entrance of more than thirteen members into the Cabinet: they appoint fifteen to their own Cabinet. 4. They condemned a prorogatwn with- 1. They condemned dual representation': they appoint Dorion, who holds two seats, to a Cabinet office. VAUGHAN MUNICIPAL ELECTION eeve and Councillors to serve for another year. The question suggests itself shall we submit to be trikad as we were last Decem her? ls it fair that the Clerk :‘nd Treasur m‘ of the 'l‘mvnship shall lwep his office in another S'luniuiimlity, mid at so great in distance from the centre of the Tuwnship? ls it, reasonable that ratepayers and utliers of the Township of Vaughan should be com: pelled to travel from Kleinhurgr and “fund bridge to see the Clerk of the Township of VanJhnu on business? The Clerk aud Treasurer is pretty fairly paid for his services by 1119 farmers and ratepayers of Vaughan ; between salary and admitted extras. it reckons up, in the printed accounts for 1872, as follows :â€" Salary ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32500 Percentage on School Money . . ., 6830 Registration Fees. . . . . _ , . . . . . . . . 18-40 Journeys to Toronto and Postages. 31-61 As Returning Officer . . . . . . , . . . . 13 00 As Selector of Jurors . . . . . . . A . . . 10‘00 So that in addition to a stated salaly of $32.3 per annum, it appears Mr Lawrence is permined by the Council to pocket $14131 in [119 shape of pickings. This I call good Simâ€"The lime will soon arrive for the “ free and independent electors 0fthe Town ship of Vaughan ” to make choice of a pay! No‘ wonder the Clerk worked things at the last nominatlon so as to secure for himself this salary and pickings. But the time is now approaching, when the electors will have the right to say Whether they will submit. to be tricked out of their rights. for the simple purpose ol keeping our Clevk and Treasurer i r his pOSItion, at a good salary and residing~ in another Municipality, so far awyaylrom- the centre of the Township. Tom} I “think it is proper that a competent man simuH 1w fairly paid for his services, but it shuuid in: ufixed sumâ€"and no extras 01‘ 1wrcentages. The system of allowance: iii lo the Editor ofiize York Herald. If' the Township is entitled to one or more Deputy Reeves, the Councillors shall at their first meeting elect from amongst themselves such Deputy Reeve or Reevesâ€"Sec. 91. As Sec. 91 states that “the members of Words shall be four in all cases ” and that in dividing a Township into Wards the Council shall have “regard to the number of‘ electors in each \Vard being: as nearly equal as may be ;” it would appear that the Byâ€"Law creating Wards, or Electoral Div1sions, in most. Townships has been repealed, as being inconsistent with the Act, and such Townships may be considered as Townships not divided into Wards, and the election of Reeves, Deputy Reeves and Councillors should be elected by a general vote, especially as Sections 105 and 106 are very ambiguous, and if acted under literally might lead to the election of sufliment Councillors to form or compose Four Councils. . The Nomination of Candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors in Townships shall be held at noon on the last Monday in Decem- her. . The Election of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors, (if not elected by acclamation) shall be held on the first Monday in January, the poll to be open from 9 o’clock a. in until 5 o’clock @mmfipmfiwm Now and Then. House} they pm the consent of the $32500 68-30 18-40 3161 13 00 10-00 $46631 addition to salary. is attended with more or less abuse, and should be put a stop to. It. is to be hoped that the electors will bring this subject out prominently at the approach ingr nomination on Monday the 29th De- cember, and exact a solemn pledge from eut‘h candidate that a reform in this direc- tion shall take place; and that the Clerk and Tre: surer shall reside, and keep his office as near the centre of the Township an is the Town Hall. His comfort and conven- ience must not be the chief consideration with the great mass of the farmers and the ratepayers of the Township. Tllel‘e is a rumor afloat. that a ticket is now being formed that will give the balance 9f power to thefront, and that Mr William v. ‘Vvuv. u. HWJHHW, u.... ...u. .v-. ..._ . Patterson is to be the nominee for Reeve, and by this means secure to the Clerk and Treasurer the advantages he now enjoys. If the majority of the electors agree to it, I can only say that they me more patient and self sacrificing than majorities usually are. One thinpr they should doâ€"they should muster in full strength at the Town Hall on Monday the 29th December, at noon, and there scan closely the proceedings, and see that no tricks are played. If they find that a ring: is being formed to carry front in fluence into the Council, for the purpose of serving the interest and comfort of one mun, it will be their duty to put a stop to such proceedings, and elect men who will work solely for the public good. Yours, W. Vaughan. Nov. 25, 1873. Mu EDXT()R,â€"-Cnn you inform your read- ers as to the law_ on the. weight of u Baker’s Loaf of bread; and what is the duty of our Village Council in regard to that very im portant and necessary article of food ? Yours Richmond Hill Nov. 26 l872 [We believe that the standard weight. offi Baker‘s Loaf is four pounds Avoirdupms. The village Council is authorized under the Statute to pass a By-Law " For seizing and forfeiting bread. or other arcicles, when of light. weight or short measurementâ€"Eu] Large quantites of deer are being slain in the townships to the north of Brockville since snow has fallen. A Railroad accident is reported at Bir- mingham. England. and many persons are smd to have been imnredl. The sLe-nner Alaska. from Cincinnati to New Orleans, was wrecked on Sunday night. No lives lost. Grave apprehensions are felt for the safety of Her Majesty’s ship Sirius, now 36 days out from Halifax. A meeting of the South Simcoe Grits will he held in Cookslown, on the 5th of Decem- ber, to select 9. candidate. Hon. J‘ G. Currie has declined to become Welland Canal Solicitor, and the appoint- ment has been given to his brother, Mr. M. Currie. Over a thousand skilled English and French silk operalors have returned home from the United States since the cessation ol'work at the silk factories in Patterson, It is estimated that 30, OOO'FI'ench Cana- dians have returned to the Province of Que- bec from the United States during the past three weeks. Many ofthem have gone west At the Autmn Assizes in Toronto the Jury in their presentment condemned the sys!em of licensing saloons and groceris and recommended that these licenses be dis continued and the nu show of tavern licenses be reduced. PLEASED WITH Hmsm.F.â€"The Editor of the Brampton Progress loves an innocent joke,â€"and announces to his readers that he is satisfied with himself. thus :â€"â€" “ This week THE PROGRESS is printed to our satin faction, and we trust. our readers will over look the imperfections ofthe past two weeks. The type is from the Dominion Type Foun- dry.” IL is understood that the Government have information of a serious disturbance amongst the Indian tribes in the North west. A collision between the Blackfeet and the Crees has resulted in a. loss of life. The barque Canada, with a cargo of Suwn lumber from Montreal for South America. 1001: fire on Thursday night and was burned to the water’s edge. The captain and crew, with the exception of the Cook, saved them- selves by taking to the water. The hull drifted on Bic Island reef. The ladies who had charge of the social held on the 18th inst., for the benefit of the Episcopal Church in this place, are happy to inform the public thatâ€"thanks to their friendly patronageâ€"it has been quite a suc- cess. The sum of $38.25 having been cleared on the occasion. A Churchman and his wife in the vicinity, who were unable to be auhe social, generously sent $5 as an evidence of their good will, thus making a total of $43.25. FAMINE 1N IOWAâ€"Private letters received assert than for some time past, the inhabit ants of the north Western Iowa, particularly within the Counties of Lyon and 03ceta, have been suffering from the want of the actual necessities of life, caused by the fail- ure of the grain crop there last summer. These sufferers are in need of everything in the way of food, fuel, and clothing. DR. LIVINGSTONE.â€"The London Times of Nov. 7th has the following letter from Dr. Livingstone :â€"" I am proceeding to day or to mormw7 10 Munuco. Upper Congo. In a few days we expect there the Livingstone Expedition, which cannot proceed from St. Salvador. Livingstone himself is a prison- er in a town twenty days from here, but is (“itii'elv without means to pay his ransom Assistance has. however. been sent to him, and he may be here in a month or so.” The forthcoming Municipal elections are commencing to create some stir already; in this village canvassmg is the order of the day. The cand dates spoken of for the lieeveship are Messrs Wm. Harrison and Wm. Warren, and for Councillors Messrs Wm. Trench, John Brown, I. Crosby, W. Pogue, D. Hopkins, Wm. Powell. Others may be brought out previous to the nomin- ation, and we trust the ratepayers will make a selection so as to make an improvement on the present Council. Mecnwics’ INSTI’I‘UTE.â€"~The Rteâ€"union committee ofthe Mechanics’ Institute are making arrangements to give a lieâ€"union on Friday nexL the 5th December. They are pt‘OmiSt‘d the assistance of several Toâ€" ronto amateurs of ubiiity‘ and Arthur Wilâ€" son Esq,Y of Eglington, who has so often, during the past. rendered good and pleasant service towards these entertainments given by the institute, will also be preseuti A minor reached us on Wednesday last of the death of Henry Smelser, Esq, the popular Auctioneer, which is said To have occurred on Tuesday evening last, at his residence, near Luskey, King. He had an attack of inflammation on the lungs. and had been complaining for some time. We tender our sincere sympathy to his widow and family. During the past fifteen years we had no more steadfast friend than Mr. Smelser, and many of his friends with us, will mourn his sudden death. Mitw’fi 53mm. A HOUSEKEEPER n l nllu: n . I u c n n c ~ o...- U I" IKU II I” n Extra. . . . . . . . . . . . b 6:": fti 0 (Ni Superior‘Extru..... 57 @‘J 5 75 e Oatmeal. . . . . . . . . .. 5 (m a» 5 15 '8 (Yornmeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 fa) 0 00 52' Bran, . . . . . . . . . 50 [(3 3 “0 Wheatâ€"Spring 1 1'2 @ 1 13 f Soulus and ‘eihl . .. i 4 RE 122 ' Treadwell . . . . . . . . . ’ l7 {(1) l ‘20 .‘ Harley........... . . . r . . . . . . 117/!) 116 ‘r l’euse.......... .......'... "GO/('1) 000 n (has... 040%» 041 e Hank... 524 UU@2800 ,. Straw . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 N) (6) 16 ()0 z- Potatoes. per bag . ‘ . . ‘ , . , _ ‘ H 0 60 fa) () 70 ‘s ‘- pple.~, per barrel . . . . . , .... 2 50 ((3 3 00 l Hoof. ox {he side . . . . . . . . , . . 6 00 ((2 6 50 | Vlulmn. by he carcass. ., 7 (HI {(7) 0 ()0 ’ l’olNLryâ€"Geese . . . . . . . . . . . . U 75 ED 0 90 Turkeys 075/51) 101) n Chickans. per pain. 0 25 rd) 0 40 e Ducks. per pair” . . (E 65" {(2 O 70 n Porkâ€"Mess............... )8(J(I@ ISUU Extra Prime . . . . . . ... 0 00 {(3 0 00 y Bacon 0086') 012 _ Imusâ€"Salted . . . . . ......... (J 11 KO) 014 " Snlokod............ 012m) (H3 ‘: Dressed Huge........ . . . . . . 600m) 700 t Lard..... . . . . . -...... . . . . . Ollfl 012 n Butterâ€"Tb Kolis , . . . . . . . . . . 0 20 rd) 0 ‘2? Packed . . . . . . . . . . . . U 15 {(3 017 Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 017/0 020 e Drxed Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 07 @ 1 7 r1 Salt....................... 150/13 00 e]Woo|.......... . . . . . ...... 03543 036 Ostrich feathers are worth fifty guinea: per pound in the London market. Every English soldier who is se‘nt out with the Asbantee expedition in to be pro vided with a pocket filter. CHRISTMAS CHEERâ€"Mr P. G. Savage anâ€" nounces in this weeks issue the arrival of an immense supply of Christmas groceries. He sells cheap an‘d keeps first class goods Most of the mustard sold by grocers is not genuine. It may contain a little mustard, but is composed mainly of Wheat flour, tur- meric. and sometimes capsicum. One of Mr Dicken's sons, not the oldest, having shown himself a remarkably effective reader in semi private performance: and charities, is about. to read in public on his own account. There has been a serious inundation at St. Petersburg, the waters of the Neva hav~ ing risen ten feet above their ordinary level. At Cronltadt there has Mso been an inun- dation. A man named Hamilton, who was assault ed in the Kingston jail a month ago by a man named Potter and his wife, died in hospital on Sunday. The accused have been found guilty of manslaughter by a Co- roner’s jury. A Shepherd named Green has been found dead in bed at Lewis. He had never more than 105. a week. and was aged 51 ; yet a bank-book has been fonud with a. Credit to his account of £300. ’iis board and lodg! ing nevér exceeded 25. 6d, a week. BAND SOCuL.â€"The Richmond Hill Brass Band social came off as announced on Tues- day evening last, and was a success. The tea was excellent. The selection: given by the Band were well rendered. and redounds credit to their teacher Mr Spalding, aml to their industry in surmounling many difficult ies iv a few weeks. The proceeds, we learn will about wipe out the debt on thevinstluâ€" ments. CONFLAGRATION A’l‘ St. Jointâ€"St. John, N. B.. Nov. 14~â€"â€"A fire broke out at six o’clock this eveningr in Allen’s foundry, Car- leton, west side of the harbor. The foun dry was consumed. The flames spread rap ply ’l‘wn blocks, comprisng eighteen dwcl- lings. were destroved rendering,r thirty fam‘ ilies homeless. Three steam fire engines. were sent from St. John to assist in subdu‘ in.r the flames. There is a strong weslerly wind. The tide is falling. and fears are enâ€" teruinhd that the water will leave the enâ€" gines before the fire i8 got under- The loss will be very heavy. THE AGE or‘ Easeâ€"To assist our dyspep- tic readers we (Medical Press and Circular) quote the following French wrinkle, to as- certain the are and consequent freshness of an egg 2â€"Dissolve 120 grammes of common saltin a litre of water. If the egg is one day old it will sink to the bottom; if it was laid the day before. it will not reach the bottom; ifthree days old it floats; and if more than five, it comes to the surface, and 1he shell projects more and more according to the staleuess. THURSDAY, 4th Decâ€"Credit Sale of Live Stock, etc., on lot 33, in the 81h Con. of Vaughan, the property of Mr W, J. Egan, Sale to begin utl p.m. Wm. Armstrong, auctioneer. 0:}- Purties getting Sale Bills prmted at this office will receive a notice similar to the above, FREE of charge. GRATMFUL AND Couromlua. â€" “ By I thorough knowledge ofthe nnlurnl law} which gavel-mine operationsofdigeslion and nutrition. and by acarejul applicalidn of the fine proper- ties of well-selected cocoa, M1 Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills.”-â€"C‘ivil Service Gazette. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk Each pai‘uel is labelledâ€""JAMES EPPS 6L ’70., Hollmephlllll' Chemists. London." At Richmond Hill, on ihe 25th inst, the wife of Mr P. G. Savage, ofa son. ' MANUFACTURE or Coco«.â€"” We will 119w give an accluum of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps 5L 00.. manufacmre» of diomtlic articles. at their works in [he Euslnn Re d. London"â€"See arllcle in' Cassnll’s Hausnhnld Guzdc Eggs . . . . . . ‘ Drxed Apples Salt . . . . . . . . . Wool .. . . . . . Flourâ€"Superfine. . . . . Spring Wheat Fancy . . . . . . . Exlra. . . . . . . . Superior‘Extru MARRIED. ’ PECKâ€" RAYMONDâ€"At the residence of the parents of the bride, in Independence city, Iowa. on Monday, November 17th inst. by Rev. H. S. Church, Mr N. J. Peck and Miss Libbie M Raymond, late of Richmond Hill. 0c|obor 3] . |872 REAKFAST. â€" EPPS’S COCOA. \l menial ilntivw. T0 1h) N 'I'O MARKETS AUCTION SALE. BIRTH. Toromo. Nov. 28. 1873. . . . . . . . . . . S 500@ 510 eutextra.. 5 ‘25@ 000 570/23 575 56:",sz 001! 7 @ 575 0 ® 515 85/0) 000 5 @ 300 l @ 113 24@ 122 ll7® 1‘20 117/111 [16 UGO/('1) 000 .......... 040i» 041 . . . . . . . . . 2400©2800 . . . . . . . . . . 1300(131600 06”@ 070 . . . . . 250@ 300 . . . . . . . , . . GOD/(2 650 case. ,, 7 (HI {(7) 0 ()0 . . . . . . . . . 07568 090 .......... 075/6) 101) :.perpair.. 025$) 040 cumin... “Mfr? O70 .......... )80(I@ ISOU a . . . . . .... 00042) 000 0086!) 012 .......... (Jlifa) 014 ....... 012m) (Jl3 . . . . . . 600m) 700 . . . . . . 01] {ab 012 . . . . . . . . . 020m) 02? . . . . . . . . . 015@ 017 . . ...... 017@ 020 739-13' 0 (>0 0 36 The next regular Communication of lbs above lodge will be held next Mondav (venmg the 1st, December, 2:17 o’clock. STEAM SAW MILL! HE Subscriber begs to intimate to (he farm- ing community and Lumber dealers that he is about to erect a Steum Saw Mill on Mill Street, near Hall’s old Foundry. Richmond Hill. and invi'es all who have log~ to cut to have them on during the Winter, as the capa- citv of the Mill will be ten or twelve thousand feet a da\ . a large number will be required. Lumber Out To Order, AI as low rates as passible SHINGLES CUT AS USUAL ANDREW MAGER. Richmond Hill, Nov‘ 92. 1873. $2 FOR TIâ€"IE SEASON! 1;! October last TIE-I “ E EARL!” Thornhifl. Nov, 25. 1873. The cwneris requested to prove proparty, pay expenses, and lake Lhem away. My Pigs won ls! prize-it AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Vaughan, Nov. 95, 1873 DOMINION OF CANADA Profits from $200 to $300 per month. Per- manent amp loyment. PUBLIC SCHOOL T E A UH EBB ' EXAMINATIHNZ ax'ali‘i'hird daggeemseatgg; ’w’i’n' be held in the County Buildings, Adelaide Street. To- l'OlHu, commencing FRIDAY EVENING THE 19th Inst, HE Public may rely upon having a rare treat as the Committee have alreqdy se- cur-d the services of several first-class Ama- teurs who have never taken any part in the Village beforé. 'l ‘HEZoxamination of Candidates for Second RICHMOND HILL GRAND CONCERT I The examinalibmof Candidates for FIRST- CLASS (‘orlificues will be held at the same place, commencing on Friday, December 26th, at 1:30 P. M. Blank forms, [0 be filled up;3 53‘ the (landi- datei. can be obtained from the Inspector, and must be sent in not later than Nov 29th. JAMES HODGSON , Chat 2 mrm Buard of Examiners; S the white rose wakens intu buty. :0 dus the white pig cum tu gladden us. His ems are him the lilac ieuf played upon bi the young zephnrs at evemide, his silkanesu is the woct ov buly. and his figger is the outline uv lovluness. “is pastime is the history ov in nerseuee. and his Icssui'e is elagance. “is ackshuns are the laws of perlneness. “is da- time is pause, and his vvonings aro;genlil for- gitfuhiess. He early iamelh the mislery of food and growath hugely. Men gaze at his porkyness and koum his value by pounds. Has this Prince ov Pig in his celebrated York- shire Bonrd JUSII BILIIINGS ; and would also recunnnend his Hist Prim Boar JOHN CUMMINGS. 0n MONDAY, DECEMBER 15th., COUNTY OF YORK! Inspector's Office. ’ Yorlxvilae, Nov 51h,1873‘ NHTICE is hereb} given to all parties in- el'ested not to mount-age or unnecessvr- ily hallwl', or give credit to my uncle David Humur. better known is " Old David,” from this duh . as 1 Will not bu responsible for any engagements he mav contract And the com- munity are invited to assist me in making his remmmng du_\1~: a~ comfortabla as possibie by observing this notice. AME on the pJemises of [he Subscrib-‘r, lot No 24 m the 2nd Ceu Vaughan. about Two Mm! .~ ago a Red 1f: White Heifer 2 years old. Tl\e'_ownel' is raquesxed to prove properly, pay expouses and_take the animal away. CHARLES KIRKLAND. Richmond Hill. Nov. 12, 1873 THE STAR LACROSSE CLUB! TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16th. GEORGE WELDRICK PURE BBEB SHEEP FDR BALE. Consisting of aged. shear-hugs, lambs. Also several pairs of Eh ' t-Wus of the same breed. SOUTH IDOWN RAMS! WILL SERVE sows AT MY FARM F031874.’ AME into the premises of 1119 Subscriber. Lot 2). 211d Con. of Vaughan, about the Langstafl' Nov. 2, 1873, HE IMPORTED BERKSHIRE {’1'}, gm 'gdmtifimmw. :30 P. M. FOR SECOND CLASS, \HE SUBSCRIBER ofi‘ors for sale a few . pure bred Markham. Oct. 21 . 18734 PUBLIC NOTICE. A. M., FOR THIRD CLASS. ‘ TERMS: 3:1 A'I‘ Tl'VlE OF SERVICE. ADVERTISEMENT. ICHMOND LODGE,A.F. 66AM , No. 23, G.R.C. SIX SHEEP. THE WHITE HO G. 2nd 3rd ROBERT E. LAW. Sec’y. STRAYED. GEO. TRENCH. Sacâ€"Titus TROY & CO., INTEND HAVING A TO SELL OUR 32 KiugSt._East, Toronto. 801â€"6 IN 1873. R. .l. STANTON. ROB'I‘ . M ARSH, Lot4l,(lon 1. Markham. Strayed. DANIEL. HORNER. Guam. Lot 20. 2nd Con. Markham FOR THE OF THE AND ON JAMES RUMBLE. 3. 801-3 1. Markham. 'Newumrket. Egl'mglon, Guelph, Provincial, London, 'l‘hornhill. Ont. BUlly E01. CHRISTMAS IS COMING. y'flSHES TO RETURN HIS THANKS 'v to his numerous customers for {heir very liberal support during the past year. and now begs to announce that he is again pre~ pared to supply all those who may STAPLE AND FANCY DECIDEDL Y CHEAP! THE STOCK OONSISTS 0F Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Richmond Hill, Nov. 25, 1873. CHRIS TMAS SEASON I BO OM PAPER. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. NEW VALENTIA XXX OYSTERS! NEW DRESSED CURRANTS, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, &c. Ground Coffees & Spices, LEMON, ORANGE, AND CITRON PFFLS. SUPERIOR SEEULESS 'HAISINS. ALMOND, CANNED FRUITS ! BRAZIL NUTE‘E, WINES AND LIQUORS, White F ish, Salmoin Trout, Split (f: round Earrings, Smoked Salmon, " Throughout the house a busy stir, Th a cook in glory reigning The maids’ soft dream of mistletoe, ’MidsL graver cares disdaining : For, in her ears the magic voice 0f another song is humming. ‘ The Christmas pudding must he mude‘ For Christmas Day is coming ’ " Orange 5 Lemon Marmalades. FAVOR HIM WITH A CALL We have a large and varied assortment such as And that for CASH he will sell Always on hand a replete stock of PARCELS DELIVERED. CURB-ANTS. RICH MOND HILL. P. G. SAVAGE FISH! PURE AND CNADULTURATED @wctriw, 8m TEAS é SUGARS, (kc. FURNITURE, MAIN STREET, LON DON ; LAYER, SUITABLE FOR THE (mm: OLD FRUIT) \VITH AND AND Finen Haddics, Yarmo uth Bloaters, NEW FIGS, 801 NIONVILLE Busses run in connection with each train. Commodions sample room. MR. JOHN PALNIER, HOTEL-KEEPER, ' OULL respecuuliv announce to his friends and customers that uu menu!“ I the G001) TICMI’LARS stopping the sup‘ ply of Liquor on SA TUIL’D A Y N10]! T8 (13 S UNDA YR. THE LOWEST PRICES ! He has found It Ir- issav‘r tn have on hand n large supply 0139an "O( KE’I‘ MASKS to accommodate his friends which can he had at. Please cull before 7 o’clock on Saturday evenings. Aber William Agar Samuel Armsxrong James Ashley A. Bng William Bnin John Brown George Barnes: Hezekiah Bantami William Chase Simon Davis George nailnll James Dixon Thomas I)0iill)flgt Philip A Dixon ludvmrd Gm'mlpv .-‘.. ({iifliu John P. iiaslmgs Afozszi) Richmond Hill. Nov. H", 1873 .JEMAINING IN h mnrom nice. An Illustrated Monthly Journal, universally admit/ed to be the best Periodical in the World. A lx’epresmlative and Champion ofAma‘z'can Taste. Not for Sale in 'Book or News Storcl. ’l HE ALDINE, while issued with all the regularity. has none ol‘ the temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicezl. It is an elegant miscellany 0! pure, light and graceful literature; and a collection of pictures the rarest specimvns ol' artistic skill. in black and white. Although each succeeding number afiords a. fresh pleasure to its friends, the reel value and beauty of The Aldine will be most appreciated after it hat: been bound up It the close at the year. While other publications may claim superior cheapneas, as compared with rivals ofa similar class, The Aldino is a unique and original conceptionâ€"alone and un- approachedâ€"absolutely without comuet'ition in price or character. The posses orofa com« plete volume c-uuot duplicate the quantity nf fine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes fur ten times its con ; and then, there are the chromoa besides. TERMS: $5 per Annu'm. in Aduancq with Oil Chroma flee. For 50:: zztra. Illa ch umus will be sent, mounted. varnished and prepaid by Ma 'l CANVASSERS WANTEn.â€"Any person wishing to act permanently as a local canvasser will re. ceive full and promptinformation by applying to The Aldiue will. hereafter. be ohlninnblo only by subscription, There will be no rodn- ced or club rules : cash for subscriptions mun be sent to the punlishers dirocl, or Landed no the local canvasser. wnhout responsibility to the puhiishm-s, except in cases where lho cor. lificate is given. bearing the facsimile sign-tun of James Sutton & Co. lfany subscriber should indicaté a prefer- ence for a figure subject, the publishers will send “ Thoughts of Home," a new and bean- lil'ul chrome. 14x20 inches. iepresenting n liltle Italian exile whose speaking eyes betray the longings of his heart. A R’I‘ D 1“. PA RTM ENT. 1874. The illustrations of The Aldine have won a worldwwde reputation. and in the art centres 0! Europe it is an admittad fact that its wood cuts are examplr‘s oflhe highest perfection our attained. The culnmon prejudice in favor of "steel p|’-tes," is rapidly vie lo a. more educqu and disul‘iluillalillg taste which recag. nizi-s the advantages of superior artistic quality with are-mar tmzility ol' production The wood ruts 0| The Aldine possess all the delicacv apd elabomlt- finish n[. l' v moxt costly steel plate. whiie ihny afford a better rendering ot'lhe artist’s ongrlia‘. 'I‘HOS HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24, 1873. 7 To fully realize tho wonderful work which The Aldiuu is doing fur Iha cause 0| an cul' ture in America. 11 is only neceSsarv to considâ€" erih cost 10 Lhn erple of any other decent ropresuntntium of tho productions of groan painters. In uddiUon In designs by membevs of the National Auudvm , and 0 her n0le American artists, The \‘dinv will IGIH'UdIHH‘ examples of the bum loreign mnslms, solocls-d WHh a View L. lhe highest arm-lu- Hu'cess and greatest gnu- om‘ mxeresl Tiqu ‘hu subscriber to Tho Ai- dine wiii, m n lliflillg Inst. n-ujm in nis own These chromos are in every sense American. The\' are by an original American procou. with material of American manufacture. from designs of American scenery by an American painter. and presented to subscribers to the first successful American Art Journal If no better because 01 all (his, they will certainly possess an interest no foreign production can inspire, and neither are ihey any the worse if by reason of peculiar facilities of production they cost the publishers only a trifle, while vqual in every .espect to other chromos Ihlt are sold singly for double the‘subscription price of The Aldine. Persons of taste will prize those pictums for themselvesâ€"not for the price they did or did not cost. and appreciate the enter- prise that renders their dislrihulion possible. dine w , m n lliflillg Inst. n-ujm in nis own house the pleasurle and efining influences of U'l‘e al't "l‘he ( hrlsxmm hsue =0r H474 will an“ uin specid dt‘blglls axgqm [Hifllt‘ 10 \Im snasun, by our ln~stnxmxs.:u1d wili surpass In altruiinns any of us pwl.e(‘e.\.~ox‘s Every suhscriher to The Aldinr- for the yrar 1‘74 will rec: Ive a pan of chromos. ‘l he ori. ginal pictures were painted in oil for llw pub- Iisher> at" 'I he Aldilw. h Thoma< Moran, \Vlmse great ( olmmio pic'u-e was purc‘Iaeu-d 1)) Cungn-rs t'm- 1m ihunxaud dollars. Tha sulujech wan- (thmen I0 t'r‘pcerrnl " The East." and "l'ht \\ «at ” (me lb :1 View in the Whixn Moumzuns. New Hmnpshfle. the other given the rhtts in Ilm Green szor‘ Wyoming lorrilur). t't‘hr- (Inflitreuru In Um nature of llm nnnlmst, scrum [imam " s is a pleasing and affords a -good dim lav of the al'tilt’s scope and (adoring. the vhlumos arrv ach workvd from xhlrlv divine! plates, and lro in size (l2>< I6) 8 (I appenrauca exm-t fac- similes ol the originals. 'l he pxesentation of a worlhyexnmple at America’s greatusl land- scape painters to the subscribers of't'he Aldme was a bold but peculiarly happy idea. and its Sllt'naMsIUI n-alizah’on is mtested by the follnw~ ing testimonial. over the signature ()er Moran hlmsnll. V The quart rlx timed plates for 1‘78 hv Thus. Mnrau Mid J M. VVoudward Gentlmnen,.â€"l am delighted wilh the proofs in color of ynur chronms. They are wonder- ful|y sucr-essi’ul remesenun‘ions by mechanical process of the original pniutings Very respectfully, » NxWARK. N J.. Sept. 201b, 1873. ¢ Messrs James Sutton & Co. )EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND ROSPEC’I‘US FOR 1874â€"71}! YEAR. THE ALDIN E, JAMES SUTTON & Q0._,_ (Signed) List of Letters PREMIU M FOR 15. 4. Union House. Notice. Pub'lishen. 58 Mliden Lune, New York. Isl November. 1873: “ughns (1". l" Hehnkay F. H aslop James Hall J. Jarvis I'Zdwnrd Johnson Charley Leonard .‘m-ob Lindsay Isaac Lyons Thou L McMillan William (9) Qlllllll Alex. Rnner James Rlllnhte Geo rge Slaploton I). Siver Rohrrl ThOIlthH John R. .- .vlsh Ahax. “Williams Jane JOHN PA LM ER. THUS. MORAN. M. 'I‘iu‘EFY. mu will be

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