We have Beautiful Sugars 10 and 11 1113 for $1, Splendid I'eu- for 50 cents fer lb, the best and ï¬nest Ground Uoï¬ee and Spices. Choice Tobago, Dried 5 Salt Rm 7 ‘i’onge and Centre 8.45., opposite Sanderson dc Sons, Richmond Hill. J . BRO WN . THE BES 1‘ FAMILY! BIB-H'MIINB HILL lInLS! GEORGE a. DAVID BIRRELL HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID NVO FIRST-CLASSVFLOUR & FEED! mum's AN!) FA-T Y...>U ~U HEN b shouId I'nld the best wo’rk pub: .~hed ' out to any address (conhdomiu!) on rececpt o? 3] 25. Addroan, Cu: PPILIBHINO Orncm, Tomb. * - ONTARIO HOUSE Fall A, rrivals FARMERS ! FARM mus 1 . IF YOU WANT xv- . Always on band, also BACON, 'HAMS, POTATOES, PEAS, OATS, BEAN AND SHORTS. MontroaI.â€"-Evuns,Mercer and (Jo . Wholesale ’ “ Druggistsv Lymans, (Ilaro and (To. Torontoâ€"Elliott and Co . Wholesale Drug , ‘ “ gis't: Shapler and‘lweu. Hamilton.~Wumer and ()0. Halifax â€"Avr ry Bvuwn and (To. CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES GROCERY LINE 1 Parties favori -2'us with grills mny h-h‘ onn gaud return and “en nmm-ncmmu , ,,do'n. Slings: and Sons. Oxford Street London. And all the London Whoiesale Houses , Herr ings, WHITE FISH. com, OIL,TINWA,RE a“ Burgoyno. Burbidges and Co. Colman) atreel London. New!)er and Sons.37 Newgate Stre:-I.Lovdon 8|“:le and Sons. 95 Farriugdon Sn-eot. Lon- CALL A1“ THE ONTARIO HOUSE APOTHECARIES’ HALL, LINLUI..N. ENGLAND. For Serol‘ula. Scurvy, Skin Dieeuen. and Sor of all kinds it is a never-failing and per mm M cure. It euros old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcoruted Sore Legs Cures Blackheads. or Pimples on the F109. (3qu- Scurvy Sores ‘ Cure- Cancerous Ulcers ‘Cnres Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glnndular Swollings. Clears the Blood from all impure mutter, From whatever cause Hitting. AI thil mixture is pleasant to the taste. and warranted free from anything injurious to the .most delicate constitution of either sex. the il'roprietor solicits sufferers to give it 1 trial to fleet in value. Thousands of toutimmnials from all parts. Sold in Bottles 21 3d each. and in Cases. containing six times the quantity. lls oughâ€" auflicient to eï¬'ect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing "uses.BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT M EDICIN E ‘ VENDORS throughout the world. _Sole Proprietor. l“. J CLARKECltemiet, _’ BEAUTIFUL Abb‘ [1 MLN’I‘ of all 1 kinds suits-we for the FA 1.]. 51. WIN'I‘ER [‘HADE J1v~.I:w|m- In Hand ul BKUWN’ that Will convmcr- mu them Is For clennsing and clenfring the blood how all impuritea, cunnot be too highly recommew -dod . ‘C R THE BLOOD IS TH E LIF E.“--A See Deuteronomy, chap. xii, verse '23 C L A R K E ’ 3 World Famed Bloodimxmre. Hlonls'r numncr nucr Mm ton wum’r. Richmond HI I F.0ur Mulls, ()cl 1:") A call from all is respectfully aoliciwd, Oct. 92nd. 1873. FLOUR, . ,OAT MEAL, CORNMEAL, GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT DEG lo’inform Merchaqu Bakers a Farmers [that they hue always on huld u large flock of CARRIAGE BUIEDER AGENTS IN CANADA. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.†Begs to announce to the Fine Ne“ Hearse for hire, Funeral Furnishings, Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1873. EXPORT AGENTS. All kinds of UNDERTAKING BUSINESS IN THE AND THE RICHMOND HILL, ‘ e to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhomJ that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the Will clean all kinds of grain. embracing wheat. rye. barley. and outs and will not choke wilhany lhistley or foul grain. No stick or broom required to be used. and the machine need not at M time be stopped by clogging of lhs Sieve. NEW ENGLISH MUSIC! All orders for this Sieve uddromed to tho nalentoo. Jobn Rue. Lansing P.O.. Ont., vii! recplve grongpt stlention. Any Vinirihgemem on this patent will be punished with the utmost rigo of the law. JOHN RAE. Lansing P.O. DON’T FAIL TO , MAKE A NOTE OF IT! BALI. AM] BXAMINH. PATENT SIEVE ! EVERY DEPARTME N - Fall and Winter Bonds! Farmers and Thrashers Take Notice. HUSIC! MUSIC! MUSIC! A LARGE ARRIVAL 0!‘ 1973 Fall Goods '373 |873 Uil‘UMA. 1973 Yen‘s Street. July. 1873. APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL. FIRE-PROOF STORE, AE'S NEW AND IKPROVED gm «Mada @t‘nmim AS rocoavod the you» mm of his :nn Humâ€: Book Stan. I. CROSBY. Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, RICHMOND HILL ROSB‘Y 1N sc RDDWQJ 7294f oflins and Caskets in every A beautiful choicp lot to be clured tut at grouly reduced pricu at tho Central Slora Framing done to order. Negatives pre- served. Old pictures carefulin copied and en‘ largied..&a. Parties having pictures of child- ren (uken are requested to be 3: the Gallery «run 10 I m anda p. m. Entrance to gallery between PRUCTOR'S HOTEL and MOODIE’S I'I'ORE. REMNANTS 0F DRESS GOODS. THOMAS B. COPELAND, PHOTOGRAPHER, RICHMOND HILL, FANCY GOODS. Crockery, Hardware, Glassware Groceries, é‘c., Which cannot be surpassed if equalled. FLOWERS, In flct an Immense Stock suitable for the taste 0! his numerous customers. FANCY FLANNELS, THE STOCK COMPRISES: Which for qualitv and price will (in unbounde suliafoction. Wm. ATKINSON. Ihhmond Hill. Juno 5. 187 7’) LOWEST RATES. DRE SS GOODS, EGS to inform the public that na is pro- rod to furnish all kinds of EGS to annuunco the arrival oftho poul- or_put of his gm; 0511mm, @rumm. BLACK STUFF GOODS, Dealer in everything Good andA (_3_h_§_np. n- ...... I a. A. WRIGHT. PICTURES &: FRAMES RIBBONS, CANADIAN COTTONS, BARGAINS ! and Winter 60008 ! ï¬hn'tugmphg, COUNTERPANE& . ATKINSSEN A full usurrmolt of r in everything Good and Chel Central Store. Richmond Hill BLANKETS, MANTLES, TWEEDS, AI' THIS DOESKINS. WM. ATKINSON. SHAWLS, ‘, ho is nu'aï¬ed, style. ‘ A wu-‘kh' journal of Current Events. "P “In: a u Lilwature. Sn'anee and Artu‘ \griculturo mud‘ Mechanicn, Fashion and Athsement. Sodl -TA‘l'IUNEKY 01“ at We a number at the Hunt.» Book Story ' b tin Inn.» M " wk ‘Store GAMES. TOYS, &C., FUR SALE AT lha HERALD Book Store should at once send his name and address wyth $1.50 for one Year’s subscription ta A (‘opy of ï¬rst nnml-mr an be seen at thil Ofï¬ce. . ‘ 7515-2 Surveys. Plans. l)o<-I-ri|~lions. Reports. Plans of brit’gns, Speciï¬cations. Forms of contract. Security Bonds, &c . executed with neatly-s5 and despalch No. 4 Trust and Loan Buildings. Co her of Adelaide and Toronto sheets, TORONTO RPsidenceâ€"Opposlle D. Hapkin’s Store, Car. Yonge and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill March12, W73 _ 7644f MECHANIC. MANUF‘ACTI'RER, ENG]- NEER. CHICMIST. FARMER AND MERCHANT. i ' nilors, Conveyaurm's, &c., 5ch “Hanaâ€"No. 56. Church Street. Toronto. hex) dnm- north of British American Insurance Bumï¬ngs. J. N. BLAKE. IL E. KINGsFoRD. M.A. EDWARD PLAYTER, M.D , (Medalist. Toronto Universityg PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, kc. Coroner for the County of York ’I'he'Canadiqn Patent Ofï¬ce Record For further pal-liculars. apph‘,eilherb3 letter (post-paid). or on the, pwmises,10 MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. 8. JAMES, ROVINCIA L LAND S U RVEYER‘ (‘uunlv EngilH-M‘, Draï¬swan 6U: 'l‘ureo huge hams. tvrn slahlew. and’5mhér ne- cexsnn ‘arm building», " Two spring crne‘lh I'un acms's the iot, and })im|'}' of good WflN'I abounds. It is situated a' a distance of eight- een miles from Taroutu,and two nlilrs from Rmhnmhd Hill. This farm is nearly all under drained and wall fémsed, with two‘good 'nr- â€" chants. and abunt DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, i ICHMQND HILLK WILL GENEâ€" One hundred and iku-ty of which are‘ cleared and we“ rullivulod. Them am on the pro- perly hvl) flood FRAME DWELLlNG HOUSES! "My lw fnuwl at mhmk. P M‘ John “Hi0 rized luanacI acmums P‘b-hruavy 4th. 1873. BEING LOT NO. 28, IN THE SECâ€" ond concession of tha Township of Markham, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES ‘ ANA THAN TLLUSTRA TED NE WS‘ Ranging in price from 33 cents per lb upward Toronto Julv 28. 1873 EWELRY! JEWELRYi FOR 'SALE MontreaLâ€"Evaus Mercer and (70.. Wholesale “ “tuggile Lymans Clare and Co. Toronto.â€"El|iott and 00., Wholesale Drug " gins; Shame and Owen. Hunlillon‘. , ~Wiuer and Co. Halifax.â€"â€"Avw\. Brown and Co. Fifty Adres Good Bhsh. Burgoyne. Burbidges rand Coâ€. Colman Street London Newberv and 80115.37 Newgate SL. London. Barc‘ay and Sun. 95 Farringdon St . London Sanger and Sons. OXl'ovd 5L. Londun. And all the London Wholesale Houses. Dec 4. 1872 ‘VERY INVENTOR, BUILDER, AI’OTHECARII‘ES’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. IS warranted w on re all discharges from the Urinarv Organs, in either sex acguired or constitmioual, Gravel and Pains iu the Buck. Sold in Boxes. 45 6d each.by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; Sole proprietor, F“. J. CLARKE. One Box of CAarke’s B 41 Pills BLAKE & KINGSFORD‘ ARRIS'IZERS. ATTORNEYS, SOLI- ’1‘! IE BEST BOOK FOR EVERY YOUNG man and woman [0 read (especially those contemplating malrimony.) Send $1:00 to EUREKA l‘vnusumo (20., Toronto, and have newrned( post-paid) clouely sealed. U To Weekly Book Store, Rh cheap at the Hunâ€. Bonk SIm‘P. '1' hirty new and fashionable styles to se- lect from at Superior Farm for Sale, EING LOT N0. 23, ‘IN _THE_SEC§ Ladies’ Back Combs E I I“ S 0 C I E TY DEPOSTTORY (_Rich - md Hill branch) at (he vam [ha HERALD Book Siore )OE ore nunlv Engim MECHANICS’ M AGAZINE‘ U'BSC Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store1 RICHMOND HILL. l ‘HE LATEST NOVELTIES A LARGE STOCK OF kinds HOOL different AGENTS IN CANADA GEORGE E. DICSBARA'I‘S, ETICAL Also a ï¬ne assorunent of. {amcfllmxcmw, EXPORT AGENTS.- 'ro TH E PUBLISHER, HIPTIONS BEL-I-sz, THE HERALD BOOK SK’ORE fnuwl at lmnw from John Elliott lmngstal kly Papers. Richmond TEAS, the p oetsl AND WORKS. REQUISITI: IL E. Kmasrokn. M.A “mum: AND {ichmond Hill l’.‘ race véd at the HERALD Hil‘ at FOR THE n from 5! [0 3 ugstalf is auth- the I Book Humw 0 F Store 759- I \' A4 7r4-1f 754M TORON THE ALL Book In all its branches. and from his experience, careful attention, and mnderutn charges. he hopes to receive a share of the nubhc patron- agn All orders by mail promptly attended In JOHN LUMIJCY. Church SL. Markham Village. ‘ITESIEYAK HYM-NSLALL SIZES, 2 Good Agelns required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and wha' will [19, a very popular book. None but live hnsi- ne<s men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap-- piy at the Herald ()H'nce. (‘Fx-‘Icr: â€"Coura Etyrlu‘ Turnmu. {ranch Ofï¬ceâ€"Division Cour: Clo-rk a: ofï¬ce. Riv!- moud Hill. ‘Hos. K “ORGAN. HORACE THORM Toronto. Apri' ‘2.’ IV“) 1:- ,f 1} King Street, East, Torumo R, A. HAxxIsomQ c. F. Osman. THOMAS Mnsw.Q.c. W A Fowuk (IHAnLEs Moss. W. G. FALcnanm: Toron'o. UPC. 4, 1872. 75“-1f ’ any uum urâ€"nolexceodinglner hundred IoHars h_\ an _\' onedeposimr.) will be receivnd althe Richmond Hill Poul Uflicofor which Gavel-"men! «villuHow Inturesl WONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY \1av4,lr169 'iorses and Vehicles Inr hire. (‘hargos mu- derale, Opposite Sanderson & Sons ' JOHN BROWN. Proprietor RICHMOND HILL ,= iEmsns POST OFFICE. wk, -â€". OF ONE __DOLLA R, (0R FIELD AND GARDEN @EEDS! J anuarv 8. 1873‘ AGRICULTURAL. IMPLEMENTS 182 Adelaide Street East. @gmuuumx ilmplcmmm. HARRISON. OSLER 81: Moss, 1 AliMSTERS, am. NOS. 36 AND 33 ‘HE SUBSCRIBER REGS T0 NO'I‘I HOUSE PAINTING! Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. ’72 ()fï¬cehol'lrs: from 6:30 A-M .Ln9:30 P.M DOMINION TEA HOUSE. A. MOODIE 779-†P. O. SAVINGS BANK. ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadulteo‘aled, BLOOD’S DUBLIN PORTER, AND ‘ O’KEEFE'S ALE. &c. Crockery \ & Glassware, GARDEN TOOLS. &c. Farm Produce taken in exchange. MORGAN 8L THORNE, A H RI ST iii RS , SOLICITORS TN Chancery, Ngtaries) &,c, GENTS vWANTED. Peas, Shorts, Bran, Glover and Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, (9c. WINES AND LIQUORS ICHMOND HILL LIVERY Eyrejs thc Inn.» M 8m. THE TEA CHEST Consisting wnicn 90! passed. Salmbn Trout, 00d Fish and Labrador Herring. Poxpm-ticulnrsapplyto ORK BOXES. ALL SIZES. AT the HERALD Book Store. 'fHEAP JAPAN TEA, ONLY 25 GRICULTURAL WARE HOUSE HAR VESTING TOOLS SEED STORE! “as :3. (9. @epmtmmt. 9’s Flour kept on hand. which cannot be beat by anything that comes to town. the puhlig: [h 3.1 OMINION TEA HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. Green. Roasted andLGruund Coffee ; A SPLENDJD ARTICLE. :llAlx’Ix'IAGE LICENSES “.50 AGENT FOR THE PROVISIONS: The largest selection of GROCERIES, lways TORONTO rza‘v is Government Age]. of Teas "unliu Qirnmim, M. Painting. In the Domininn ALEX MOODIE' COFFEES, c lhal he has rmnmmenced business at :Vl. TEEFY. Postmaster AND hand l variety t'rnm 50 cents 10 31W. nrd flavor, cannot be sur- WM. mamm m, ALL KINDS AT 9! r9 Lhe largest and host 3' of Toaom'o, ON 755-6": 75] ~3m 75H-tf (Signé ) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. 0.:fm'll Strum, W. C . Lam/(m. J Mr 1, 1873- 785 Each Pot and Box of mv preparation hears the- Rritish Government Stamp, with! 6 words, H Holloway’s Pillx and Ointment. London.†My l’iHs and Ointment are sold at the Iowa. wlmlesa’n net plices. in qllnhlilivs of not 'HKS than £9.†wuxthâ€"viz . 8s > d. 95‘s . 34s ,per liozeu boxm 01' Pills 01' pair: 01 ()inunnnt. for which rennin net‘s mast h" sent in advance. These med clues are not sold in (he Unite-d Slams. As it 351:0!atall'necnssary for this CREW to incur any expense in the s e of their produc- tions. nr to a van imi ed axe ut (trading as they do upon Im‘ nan-u). [hwy are in a pmilion [n nfl'ur thom at a very 10w price in Canada, whnru rhuy are purchased b\ a few \Vholmala Holst that I can name. and will mmm here aï¬er, H'lhu‘ continue In vvnd Ihu same. ‘i'hp fnllnwmg are the names and voidresse: of some of Ihe Houses who get my medicinvx from here direct :-â€" MPSSI'S Avnry. Brown 6; Co , HaPifnx. NS. Massâ€: Fnrmth & C0,, Halifax. NS. Messrs ". B Barker 62 Sons, St John ‘ B M- 'I‘. has Brisny, Charlotte luwn. 1212.1. Messrs Langley & ( (I Vn-Iuria B (I. Messrs Moore A: 1 0.. Viclnl'iL Bl). A; poor mall 'l)}' the name of Holloway is emplnyvd by 1l.e o-cal Pd ('lieminnl Company in New York who lends him name for a small weekly: sum. The medicines snld hy [his Compr are palmst off upon Ihe public as my " Holloway’s l’ills and Ointment.†so that were lhm‘ to injure hall" llm communin no discredit would fall upon llH fabricators oflhoss cnmpuunris. but would considerably damage the reputation of my make. “ i'lollbwa' ’s [’iHs and Ointment.†in w ich much ingenuilv hns- heen displayed in passing Ihem of? as of mi make. It is var)~ difï¬cult indeed to allempt to enumerate the many de vices to. which the parties have had remurce_ They say, aumngsl other things. lhnL a new lahel him be 11 adopted by lhem, and will- hare~faced t-ï¬'runterv caution the public against being deceived by ~purinus il’nilalinns. t I HAVE for a considerable time was! considered 31m be my duty to adVrrlise the public of the British Nouh A mm-ican Provinces ï¬guinst buy- ing l'mm unprincipled dealer's me‘dicins em- anating from New York. and said my MAYOR’S LUNG LIFE PILLS ! Out Everv Saturday,5 (‘ts THE CANADIAN PUNCH! $5 TO $20 WU _LU 909‘] Agents wanted ! All (‘Inwas of workng peoplo. of miner sex. \oung or old. ma 6 mom mme m work for us In rneir spun moments. or all thu limo, Hum at, anything elm Particulars free, Addie-w G. STINSON & (30., Portland, MninP. iOLLO WAY’S PILLS AND OINTM ICN'I‘. BOOKS, PAPER COLLARS And Cuffs, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE .W0RK_ BOXES PURSES, TO A FREE†SUPPLY. At $1.89, $5, $5.50, $4.50 and $9. at I HERALD BOOK Srmm. Rxchmond Hill , 7 .__4--.-.-. \ J Undertalwr. &c. Rmsnmncvcâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. JEWELRY, ' JEWELRY, ALBUMS, Mlmon, at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ingr and other Lumber Dressed: Sap Buckets, Y‘ails.CiderMil|s.Washing VlachineaShingles W aggon Felloesmnd anberSawedtn order Forparticulal waddl'ess J ()H N LAA NGS'I‘A FF, Steam Mills 'I‘hornhill. April 9, L truclion of the Anglo American House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up than large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. '1‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight &. Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent acconnnodatmn afforded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connaction will: the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. ISVCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA THOMAS SEDMAN, jAIiRIAGE AND WAGON MAKE And are loomed at, [he Noth-wesl corae‘ of lot No. 3:3. 4th cmmession of Mnrkl‘am. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Applvï¬flby Iellcr,prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square.†10 WM. G. HINGSTON. Dingla P. 0. March 97, 1879. 714-tf m ’i‘BE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR U Hill. containing one acre and a (Runner of land, one frame dwelling house, with a barn stables. and other outbuildings thereon, Terms, easy. Appl)‘. on the premise“ "- AMILY BIBLES, l‘hornhill. Nov. 3, l8(i9 Sept. 4. 1872. N COANSEQUENCE OF THE DES" bl. for proonts at the HERALD, E00“: Patent Eave-trough ND WATER§POUTS FOR THE D0 v i TORIA SQUARE : sale a number of Viihge lots, :itnmm the Village of ' F. CRAWI": “D. Richmond Hill. Dvc‘ 24, ’72. 753-3 POCKE T ()UT'ILEI‘YI" NHVIjUCASA STREET, ucmxgrm B 0 G US ME UIO'INES. NIPISSING HOTEL House and Lot for Sa’le, Village Lots for Sale import-g fur ï¬nk, uGRIP†FOR SALE BY The lots contam R. E LA \V. Druggifll, Richmond Hi†MARKHAM. D. T. WOOTEN. 737-tf PER DAY TOYS, 510-.1f 753-3â€) the ll 19 aviapvnd fur ALLCRN‘F of ‘Weaknessand Iinmviniinn “'ilfllilt'l' arising from sedenlan Hl'ra. n Irnpirnl rlimale. from fever or anhiliii‘ From anv cause, and is efï¬cacious in PULMO- NARY CoNsuanmN. many nonï¬rmed (uses. having been cnrr’d and ail hens-ï¬ned. where its new na< been oominued "vi 1- a fortnight In Bronchitis ii is a spvr‘iï¬l'. and in Aslhma it givaï¬ I‘Oiil‘i whore ever‘ other remedy fails. Woanrvous Hohilih it stands unrivalled. and may lw nswi with (-nnï¬dmu-e in all mums. As ‘his is Fillii‘PiV dislim'l and diï¬â€˜an-nl from every other prmmraimn nl' Iivpophosuhwu. in careful toask for FLLLUWS’ SYRUP. and rain no other. â€" Rousing-1h? Sluggish Han" and Liver, strengtheng the aclinn ofthe Stomach and Bllwelr and vuuhling‘ [he Lungs to be ï¬ullyin- ï¬nluu wnh Um g» ‘.. Mndern nhmnisnw ham VOIiUIHVOd the quas= [inn and discovered the ingredients con-{inn tint;th brain. must‘le‘s and nr-rvesmnd ï¬nds lhnl hy in'rmhming these- ingredimus in proper prnporlin'ns the brain and nervous syslem are slrongihound This. than. i< subsianrinlly the basis on uhivh Frltlmw’s llvpnpnusvm'ras is huih.its diver: m-Iinn is upnh the Blood. the Brain and Nervnns Swmm. and rhe Muscles. flrenglha uning Ihr- nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion 0" V'Halized Blood in the Muscular Organs of Hm “0th As alllif'wendou'nd bodies. wlielherthey be Roam Birds. Rr-pliles, Insevvs or (wen Zoo- phites. and subjects of the Vegeinble Kingdom m-n garm'nm/ by rim/furs", whirl: binds all the springs of exsimu-e, and as nothing can nave I‘mm (vom (iPSI‘ “I‘Linll when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means wherehy vimlih may he sustained in tha living body is indrverl a boon to [he wnr' . THE CH [NICSI‘Z DDSII‘OYS all kian 01' erpidzn‘s on Currant Suki by Druggisl cents per box. TICKS 0N SHEEP. USE mum’s TICK nasrnovmt ll Heslrm-s the Ticks. promotes the growth of :m- woulde imprnvrs the condition of the limal A 35 ('«Ill box will clean 20 sheep or lambs. Price 25 cams and $1 00 per box. A do]!!! box contains two hundvxd funds SOLD BY APOTHECA PIES Price.$l'50: Six for$7~50. 0n Currant Bushes and It Fain/Is in Onejï¬2urt/z the usual time, and mums Food. HUGH MILLER ea 00., Aumcuurumt. CHEMISTS. 167 King Street EasL, 'l‘oronlo “or Sale by Drnggists :1 nd Storakoepers. R Q. LAW Agent. Richmond Hill. I hmm ‘arefnlly examined the pianos >0‘d M Mr H l’. Rnaxur, called the Humming Bird. or (lnliln-i Pi m us. manufaclnrod by Mn- uluwcl: mu, think Ilmf. me wmmerl'ul" )‘weot n‘m'l pure in mum. 'and from their pecuh. con- Bll‘lwlinll. oalcnlalod Io remain in tune longer *han olhn- pianos. and consequently to sland a gromorhmmut nl' wear . HENRY GUEST COLLINS. 'l‘m’oulo Vol). :28. 1872 7l4-1y Testimonial from Professor H. G, Collins JV! 9d ux in the agnuray in lhisseulion for the 9:1]? uf Messrs G 3". l'rinre & (Jo’s rat-Jeâ€" hraied ()rgnns and :\1uh)donnz-. in favor of whit'h Wv giw- our mus! unqualiï¬ed apprnvnl and raumnmendution as [Ile- lending and most I'B'iflbil' rned imxrunwnt now nmnuï¬mlm'ed. (Signed) I]. G, COLLINS. WM I“LUMIHRFELT. 31*» a ‘ ‘ < ATTEN mu... 5 HORSES, COWS, CA'LVES, -\ and Inn“ ‘ Chickering. Stainway and Durham Pianos. A190. the cal: lu'alec’ Which is adsxplml to parlors where space is an object. The mode of its mmmu'lion s emirer new, and hde mum Ilu- best known principles or sciullce. HUMMING 131129 PIANO wnvfl'z mu 1:11;» Prince’s éfrgans & Melodeons Fellows’ Compound ‘X RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES‘ Maukham. Nov. 3. MI "“i‘R kn: bu Sileup and I’Ips. gaunt iflvtl'iti’nw, Ejï¬méml nstmmmtg‘i, CATERPILLARS “@312 531:5sz await. H.B.REESOR, JAMES l. FELLOWs.‘ HUGH MILLER &CO.. Agricultural Chemists, Toronto Notice DEALER 1N GAR DER I’UWDER Insects, Grubs and Cat- and Goosclwrl'v Bushes. and Storolmepers at 95 a. Mm. mi EA S SUCCEED 'rm't Trees. hem y;