Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Dec 1873, p. 3

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A9- :TIILCAkns- .u p is... STEAM SAW ILL! 7 ‘HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the farm- ing community and Lumber dealeru that he is about to elect a Steam Saw Mill on Mill Street, near Hall’s old Foundry. Richmond Hill. and invi'ss all who have log.» to cut to have them oti during the Winter, as the capa- city ol the Mill will be ten or tweIVe thousand feet a day. a large number will be requiied. Lumber Out: To Order, At as low rates as possible SHINGLES CUT AS USUAL ANDREW MAGER. Richmond Hill,Nov. 92. 1873. 8(l1ly VFHE IMPORTED BERKSHIRE PIG. A. W RI-Glhfiv'r', CARRIAgflgNDngILDER Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhowJ that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the UiNDERTAKING BUSINIESS. '1‘HE LATEST NOVELTIES Ladies’ Black Combs ! AID BELTS! Thirty new and fashionable styles to soâ€" [cut from at ' THE HERALD BOOK STORE ' OETICAL WORKS, OF ALL THE difl‘orent poets. at the Hanam Book ‘ .1 - Store. t I ‘6 HOOL REQUISITES OF ALL THE EARL!” -, C b kind' I" the HERALD B°°k SW" WILL snavs sows AT in unit son 1874. THE BESI‘ BOOK FOR EVERY YOUNG 3‘32 FOR THE SEASON! man and woman to real (especially those M P. contemplating matrimony.) Send $leU top 2" 'g‘ “’2” Evans: l’t'ausiuso 00., Toronto. and have st prize at Markham, " “ Newmarket. . H U " *‘ E lin ton I mmdt post-Pull) “090W “‘l'd' -- a 2nd '- Gugelpii, ’ .. ‘- n H 3rd “ l’rovriicial. London, f ' UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TOEON It To weekly Papers. recs-red at tho HERALD IN 1873' R. .l. STANTON. Book Store. Richmond Hill- ' 'l'hornhill. Ont. . l , Thornliill. Nov, 25. 1873. SO]. One Box of Crarke’s B 41 Pills S warranted to cure all disthargsu from the V I Urinary-Or ails, iii 'eitbsr br-X acquired or AD JERTISEMENT' » constitutional, (gravel and l'ains in the Back. â€" - Sold in Boxes. 4s 6d each,by all Chemists and ' Patent Mediums Vendors. Sole proprietm, I". J. CLARKE. ' To sum. OUR .3 APO'I‘HECAKII‘TS’ HALL. LINCOLN, N- E W M A P I ,0" ' , ENGLAND. F TH ‘ ' o a Secâ€"Lm‘rzz‘mr‘o ' EXiORT s DOMINION OF CANADA . .. . . . Burgoyne. llur iilges an ‘0 . To niaii tract 1“ I . a i ' ‘. Fine New Hearse for hire, Funeral Furnishings, Coffins and Caskets in every style L‘md‘m mi;.{i.‘“.i.§‘?lii,§ffi‘i,m *3 '0 [’3' "NW" h" ' Nowherv and Sons. 37 Dialogue St . London. I . '- 'l‘ROY & (10,, 32 Elm; St. East. Toronto. SUIâ€"6 Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1873. Barclay and still. 9.3 I‘urriiipdoii St. . London Sanger and Sons. le‘oid at . London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. Montreal.â€"Evtins Mercer and (30.. Wholesale “ Drug Sir-g L; U-tziis Clare a) d l n. Torontouâ€"Liiioi: and (‘u., I't’liv; {rs-th- Lliiig; '973 Fill Goods I373 l873 AUTUMN. lilac-3r“? A. WRIGHT. illicit Emir, 6mm”. gm finds, ‘6 0R Tllr. ILOOD IS THE LIFE.”â€" Seo Deuteronomy, chap. xn, verso ‘23 C L A R KE ’ 8 World Farmed Blood Mixture. Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture.” For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impuritos. cannot be too highly recommen- d“Ii'or Scrofula. Scurvy, Skin Discuss. and Sores of all kinds it is a never-falling and per- maneiit cure. ‘It cures old Sores. Lures Ulr-erated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulrerated Sore Legs (Tum s'isckhsads. or Pimples on the Face. Cures Si urvy Sores. ('urss Cancorous Ulcers. Cures Hood and Skin Diseases. (‘urcs blandular Swallings . Clears :ho Blood from all impure maltor, From u hatevsr cause arising. As “I‘D. mixture is pleasant to the taste. and Moran‘s-d «res from anything injurious to the most dellcuh Linn of either sex, the l’rupriotor sciicits sufferer:- l a trial to test its value. Thousands of testimonial. I}. :, -.: l paws Implements. ’l‘ t) It (H) fix 'I‘ () ggriiulttm '1 mains. it A I NV"; tin; e'n HIIIfIX.â€"Avsr .. brown s; u (10. T A LARGE STOCK OF T TEAS. Ranging in price from 3:) cents per lb upward. GRICULTURAL WARE HOUSE , AND STORE! WM. ATKINSON S E E D 398 to aanoaa In ' . B “J.” .{ u- s. s unval o! the great Also a fine vssoi’tiiieiit of Earnin Groceries. '1. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. J, 182 Adelaide Street: East. LCROSBY J. The largest selection of urine Superior Farm for Sale, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I Fall and Winter £0008! at” Wm WM House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS STREET, Hill. containing one acre and a quartet of land, one t'raine dwelling house. with a burn stables. and other outbuiluings thereon. Tot ms, easy. Apply. on the premises In I". CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m Village Lots for Sale. ’ HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR _ sale a number of Villrrge lots. situated In the Village of VICTORIA SQUARE I The lots contain RICHMOND .- .w r v “ W W p I '1 Elli transit llllllil Is niath iii till arch stiil'nl.‘i‘. Ioi' ladies Hilll Gents, both iii gold and silver. But; the ascoiiipunyiirg cut repre- sents Ill proper proportions THE $25 RUSSELL HUNTING [EVER WATCH, In sterling silver case and . l Izoltlpoiiits full 'th‘llcd About Lnejij/h of an Arre,l 'waI-mntedruriivg yearsâ€"1 And are located at the North-west come ol lot No. 35, lth Concession ot' Markl‘am. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Applr :il' by lettcr.pi'epai(l) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square, or to WM. G. HINGS'ION. Dingle P. O Marcli97,1879. 714-tf NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES~ truction of the Anglo American House bv lire. the subscriber has taken and fitted up those.- large and comtiiodious premises belong- .iii: to Cnpt. 'l‘. A. Milne. opposite Messts. Spsiglit 5r. Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation afi‘orded for the traveliiiigpublic and commerctal lnel‘. Liverv stables in commotion will) the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. D. T. WOO'I‘ICN. Supt. 4. 1872 737-tl’ Patent Eaveâ€"trough NI) WATEHSPOUTS FOR THE DO- ' MINION. at $6 per ltlll lei-t. Also Floor “IE and other Lumber Dressed: Sal Buckets, f'ails.(,iilerMi|li~'. Washing VlachinemShingles ‘-\ aggoo F'ellowand LiiiiiliciSowedtoordor For pa "ticnlai s :1 rldrcss ’Ull \ luXNIiS'l‘x'i FF, Sloan. Milli- l‘hornliilr column. Nov. 2:, IHIiEl. Sillâ€".ii N. ‘AI’LRIAGE AND WAGON MAKlflll,r J Undertaker. Arc. Rnsunzscuâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Oflico Richmond Hill. FAMILY BIBLES, A FRESH SUPPLY. At $1.89. $5. $5.50. Alli-3.50 and $9. at the, Sold in Bottles 2‘- Jld -hull, illlll Ilt art's containing six times the quantity. lis IHClIâ€"~ sufficient to efi'ect a permanent curs III the gloat ll'l“j0l’ll'\‘ ol'long slamling u«r-s.IIY “L'- r- H ’I\,' received the great" D!“ of his (lllhi‘llSI'S and l‘ATl'L‘AT MI‘LIIII I.‘! VENDORS throughout thr- Will'ld Sole Proprietor. I". J (.fl. XltKI‘L, HALL. LIN Ur .\. ENGLAND. EXPORT AGEN I‘S. (Toluri n HII" I EING LOT N0. 28, IN THE SEC- oiid concession of the Township of Markham, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES l l D _ 1 II He Ol’lllllloll. One hundred and forty of which are cleared , and well cultivated. There are his the pro- FIELD »' AND GARDEN - ierty wo end A. THESTOCKCOMPRISEs; FRAME D'WELtLING HOUSES! S E E D S 3 WM. RENNIE, 'I'nree large barns, two stables. and other no: TORONTO. ONT. AND . . HARVESTING TOOLS Which for qualitv and price will, he is satisfied. give unbounded satiofoclinn. csssary tar-m buildings. 'l‘wo spring creeks run across the lot, and plenty of good water abounds. It is situated at adistance of eight. een‘niles from Toronto, and two Illllfia from Richmond Hill. This form is nearly all under- drained and Well fenced, with twoagood nr-: . ‘DRESS GOODS, ' .~" chards, and about " . . Fifty liuipr-rnr. Burbidgcs and Co. llUlMlilll '\ ewhoii,‘ inn” Serial-l7 Newoiite Sire: Barclay iii-d buns, 95 Fnrringdoii Sweet. Lon- don. Ssnge- and Sons. Oxford Street London. And all the London Whelesaie Houses AGENTS IN CANADA. Hontrsal.-â€" Evaiis,MeIC(-Jr and (20.. Wholesalo “ Dritugtsts Lyiiians, (Ilars and Co. 'l'rronio.-â€"Eliiott and Co . Wholesale Drug~ hill and Winlei Grads! FANCY FLANNELS, 779-tl‘ I Qriihttmliit. P. O.‘ SAVINGS BANK. Acres Good Bush. For further particulars. apply, either by lctter (post-paid). or on the premises, to MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. Richmond Hill P. 0. BLACK STUFF GOODS, “ 3's 5. SI ) H ‘ id ( . T Hamilton.-â€"V\;iiliiior IDEAS.“ "you D“ 4' 1879' 75”“. RICHMOND : a}. POST Halifax â€".An~ry. Brown and Co. > ' _ I I "W HILL D F F[ C E. ~W’W E P L E .1. E COUNTERPANES’ illtfitrlltmwnfi. I EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (on any n u iii re râ€"iiotexceedin pt iireehn iidred ONTARIO HOUSE,“ ' dollars hyaiiy one depositor.) will be received Arrivals ‘ I DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, althe Richmond Hill Post ()flioe.t‘or which ‘ GovernmentwillxllowInterest. Ii ARMERS! FARMERS! TWEEDS ICHMOND BILL. WILL qFNEâ€" b‘oi,iarticularsapplyto 1N , rally be found at home from c to 3 M. TEEFY.Postmaster. IF YOU WANT o'clock. P st. John Elliott Laiigstafl' is auth- orized to collect accounts. . CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES DOEstNs. “on... an. 1373. CALL AT A THE ONTARIO HOUSE! EVERY DEPARTMEN BLAKEaKINGSFORD’ ",“llit. I‘Enr‘v is Government Agon :l'or hesale of [MARRIAGE LICENSES. A LSO AGENT FOR THE 759.” ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS soLL MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. s '. ~ . . i. . ' r I Ix ififigli;ShflléorAhiSFOAIiLMtal';NolLEag citors, Convoyancsrs. 6L0... 61c" Ol'l'iceliours: t‘rom 6:30A.M.to9:30 P.iIi TRADE just come to hand at BROWN-s FLOWERS, “Fromâ€"No. 56. Church Street. Toronto. rm 4, l 869 5634i , that will convince you there is nexl door north of British American Insurance I ' Buildings. - A LL- L g N o H U M B U G: RIBBONS, .J. N. Bun. B. E. KINGsroaD. NLA. ‘ -â€" _ _ MORGAN & THORNE, “ v' IN THE EDWARD PLAYTER. M. D A R R1 S TE RS SOLICITORS IN MANTLES, , Chancrsry. Notaries, &c. (Medalist, Toronto Unioersity,) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, «be. GROCERY LINE l we have Bountiful Sugars 10 and 11 lip-for 81, Splendid 'I'ew for 50 cents per 112, the best arid/inert Gronnd Cafes and Spices. Choice Tobacco, Dried é‘ Salt ’ ‘ ' I Herr ings, WHITE FISH. COAL OIL,TINWARE&G. THE BESI‘ FAMILY ! Uri-“ice Tâ€"Court Street. Townto. Branch Officeâ€"Division Court Clark a oflice, Rich mond Hill. Coroner forthe County of York. 'l'Hos. K Mona”. H-mnr Tu. in; Residenceâ€"Opposite I).ankin’s Store,()or. Toronto. A pri‘ :3." . IR'N "- f Yong. and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill A "W 7 W 7., Mm" ‘9' 1873 764'” RICHMOND HILL L I v E R Y STABLES. SHAWLs, Elli. ill IX 9' I. CIOB’IY. Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, FIRE-PROOF STORE. RICHMOND HILL In fact an Immense Stock suitable for the taste of his numerous customers. 5. JAMES, ROVINCIAL LAND Stl RVEYER, llorses and Vvhirrle‘ I'm- Countv Engineer, Draftsman die ‘ deraie hire. ("barges mn- A fall assortment of ()pptislli‘ Sanderson $1. Sons ,______..___E. , S x, Pl .‘, Dos-mi lions. Re IOI'IS. Plot S . ,, , . crockery, Hardware, GIUSSUMITV, of Si'izvsmuutiond). Forms ht contracl, I JOHN ' R0“ Ni PMPIIN‘” MEAL! Farmers and Thresher! Take G'OfCr’Ies éoc sacw'ly Bond"?! ‘6‘ ‘ exccmed Will! beam 55 RI!’ Iiiond lliil. Doc. I4 ’72. 75l 3m OORNME AL, Notice ' ’ 'l and dospalcb I L - Which cannot be surpassed if equalled No 4' Trust and I can Buildings (‘I “3“ 0' HAR r‘ _ . . _ . .. t v HISON. C'wLER 82; MOS GRAHAM FLOUR: . “'I ATKINSON, Adelaide and Toronto shoots. TORONTO 8’ CRACKED WHEAT Always on band, also BACON, tiAMS, POTATOES, PEAS, OATS, BEAN AND SHORTS. All kinds of FARM PRODUCE TAKEN AND THE H I G H ES T M A R KE'I‘ PRICE PAID A call from all is respectfully StIlit'l'Fd‘ Remember the place, ( orner of' l'onge and Centre St. opposite Sanderson (I: Sons. Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. Oct. Land l873. GE'ORG E (I: that they have alwaw on h'qud a slim «if FIRST-CLASS FLOUR‘ & FEED! Parties favoring us \\ II" ziis I~ Ill~_\ I r- llllJ good return and wel llpiinurih" ma.- HIGHEST MARKET PRICF "\lll Fill~ W t Richmond Hill l-‘lon M . t ct I Vl‘llnTS \ND VAST I 1U ‘rli ELk should read the best wm-lt pum «hr (1. r-ent' 1. .II} addrrss (contideri'ia I on . .‘L‘o Tomato. r'c ‘. ol Address, Ci'rr l’raLisuins Oi'i-‘Ic; RIIIIIMIINII HILL MILLS !, DA V10 BIRRELL I EG to inform Merchants linkers A Farmers largo RAE’S NEW AND IMPROVED PATENT SIEVE ! Will clean all kinds of grain. embracing wheat, rye. barley. and oats and will not choke with any thistley or foul grain. No stick or broo in required to be used. and the machine need not at iiv time be Hopped by clogging of the Sieve. All orders for this Sine addressed to the natentee. John Rae. Lansing P.O.. Ont., will rfllthlve prompt attention. Any iiitriirgeireiit on this patent will be punished with the utmost rigo of the law. JOH N RAE. Lansing £0 Yoiigs Street. July. 1879. 7294f APER BOOKS OI“ ALL KINDS AT T :.i-i “tutu II Book Stine. it , USIC! MUSIC! MUSIC! A LARGE ARRIVAL OF NEW ENGLISH MUSIC 1; m j BA RGAINS .r l THE HERALD BOOK S'l‘tIhE. RICHMOND HILL. DON’T FAIL TO MAKE A NOTE (IF IT! I I .H-._____. largcd. 6L0. Dealor in everything Good and Cheap. Central Store. Richmond Hill. ‘Qttiitngmpltg, H THOHAB B. COP-ILAND, PHOTOGRAPHER, RICHMOND HILL, 8508 to inform the public that no is pre- rod to furnish all kinds of PICTURES d: FRAXES At His LOWEST RATES . Framing done to order. Negatives pro. served. ()ld pictures carefully copied and sin. Parties haviii'pictlrss of child- ren taken are requested to be at the Gallery '-etwosa III a m and a p. :n. ‘ Durance to gallery be' «can PRIICTOR’S HOTEL and MOODIE’S s'ronl. REMNANTS C'sâ€"DRESS GOODS. A beautiful choice lot to be elsarsd out at greatly reduced prices at the Central Store Wm. ATKINSON. Rich-old lilldaso 5. IIT M Toronto Jult ‘28. l873 7>'4-If EVERY lNVEâ€"NTOR. BUILDERTHOM no...“ w MECHANIC, MANUFXCTIYRER, ENGI- NEER. CHEMIST. FARMER AND MERCHANT. should at once send his name and address Will) SLSIJ for one voar’s sul‘iscriptioii to The Canadian Patent Office Record AND HECHANICS’ MIGAZINE, 10 THE l'lllLlsillK, GEORGE E. DESBARA'I‘S, MONTREAL. A Copy of first number can be seen at this 0500. 756-2 EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE cheap at the HERAL- Book Store. GAMES. TOYS, 850., FOR SALE AT the HERALD Book Store. I III. E SOCIETY DEPOSITORY , . (Rich 'lt'lld Hill branch) at the HERALD -" isk Slora ‘ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. A weekly journal of Current Events. Literature. Science and Arts. \griculture and Mlehanics, Fashion and AI. .issmsnt ESARHISTERS, (LC, NOS. 36 AND 38 A King Street East. Toronto R. A.HAHIII~ON Qc. PJ's-Liza. A l“u\"l‘l-ZR W. G FALCnNaMrm 75 -tl' (lHAKLEs I (ins. Toronto. Ur-c. 4, 1372. I GENTS WANTED. 2 Good Aiznnis required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and whitI wilI be a very IIOlltllflr‘iItIDlt None but live llllai‘ lie-s men engmg 'rl. Exclusive territory. Ap» piy lit the liernld ilvrce Painting. r‘od TATIONERY OF 1st "to a number at the Hague Book Stors' ’i‘IIE SUBSCRIBER BEGS T’J NOTI- fy the public that he has re :otiiinoncrld business at HOUSE PAINTING! In all its branches. and from his experience, careful attention. and moderate charges. he hopes to receive a share of the public patron- agr- All orders by mail promptlr attended to JOIIN LU‘WLEY, Church Sh. Markham Village. laiiuarr 8, 1873. 755-(im {AfORK BOXES. ALL SIZES, AT; HERALD BOOK Smut). Richmond Hill. jEWELRY, JEWELRY, ALBUMS. \VORKL BOXES, PURSES, TOYS POCKET OUT'I'LERS’, BOOKS. PAPER 0 O LLARS And Cuffs, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. $5 Algeria? waif:le All classes of working people. of either sex. young or old. ma 6 more money at work for us in their Spftl‘t moments, or all the time. than at anything elst. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON A: (30., Portland, Maine. 'J‘HE CANADIAN PUNCH! “GRIP” Out EVCI‘V Saturday.5 fits. MAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLS! FOR. SALE BY R. E LAW. Druggist, April 9. l87... Richmond Hill I “7.055.. JIIEDICINES. WE H 0L L O W ATEâ€"’8 PILLS AND OINTMENT, I HAVE for a considerable time past considered n In bu mv duty to adv: riiso the public of Ibo, British Mirth A n'll'l‘lcall Provinces Pghlllh‘l buy- Iiig‘ l'rom unpiipcipletl dealers medicines eni- Limiing from New York. and sold its my '- llolltivra-’s Pill:-~ nnd I'iiitmelit,” in w‘ lCll much ingenuin' Im~ been displriierl in passing them oli‘ as of III\ make. It is vorr difficult indeed to attempt to Blllllllt‘tnlt‘ the main de Vices to which the parties have had I'flsritlir‘e. Tlii-v say. amongst oihv‘r tl-irgs. that a new label has be ii adopti d b_\' thorn. and will hate I'acr-(I «til-onion caution the pnbuc against llI‘iIlet‘t‘l‘lVflll by pur-nu- llllllall‘ ns, t A poor man bi tho name of ilol‘v way is .impmt. d by [Le o-cal H‘l t benm-nl (‘ouipuiiy lll New York \Ilio lcnr‘s his name for a small! wmklt sitvn 'Ihs motllltllles Si.l(l by thisI Contpun‘ art- palmod Oi‘l' upon Ihr- public its llI\‘ " lIoIl Wh_\"F l’ills and ()Intim-nt " \o that worn thm to Iiijui'a ball the community no discrrdil would fall upon ilii fabricators nl'lliuss comp Duds. bul wunld considerably inning» Ilii~ reputation --I' my ~ ain- As it is not at all necessary for Ibis ('nyw lo. incur any expt use in the s B of their produc- tions. or to a vert imi ed cxe III (trading as they do upon lll\' tin-re). I|I«_v are in 'i pmition to ofl'or Ilium at a very low price in l‘nnada. where Iliv-y are purcliawd by a tow wll()l(‘>ala Houses that I can name, and will name here after. it'tluv continue to vrnd thu snmo. I'liiv following are the names and mldresw. of «nine ol the Houses who got my medicines‘ from here direct :-- Messrs Avi-ry. llrown &' Co , Halil'ax. N.S. Messrs Forsrlh d1 Co., Halifax. N S Messrs 'l‘. B Barker dz Sons. St John. .\ B M" 'i‘. lles Brisay, Charlotte 'l‘uwn. l'.l'..l. Messrs Langlev do (.0 . Vii-iuria. II (J. Messrs Moore or to. Victoria, B.C. My l’ills and Jinlineni are sold at the Iowa Wliolesalo net prices. in qiiaiititii-s of on; 1..., than £2” worthâ€"th . its d., 29s . 34s .pi-i dozen boxes of Pills or pots ol Ollillnt'lll. for which ir-iiiiit noes must be sent in advance. These. medicines are not sold in the United States. Each Pot and Box of my preparation hears the Rritish Government Stamp. with t? 8 words, “ Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. London.” the H rzrrALD Book Store. “TESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES} at the HERALD Book Store. ALL KINDS AT the Hanan look am. 1 (Signs ) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. Orford Slrcm‘. IV. C . London, July I, 1873 785 . together with a. gold-p13 ted ' AlllCI't chaiiIâ€"-»u'liicli will be sent to any part of Can‘ , ads. on receipt: of 5525, or 3 LC. 0. 1)., per express , . . v1.3. martin 3 s w (- l‘.’atch Importer, 83 King street zast, TORONTO. 0231‘. usual glttrtmmmtr, H.B.REESOR, DEALER IN Prince‘s téi gains & Ill lotlcons Chickeruig. Steinway and lItllllulll I’iaiios. A 90. tho cslr liratei‘ HUMM lNG l‘IRD PIANO \‘Vliii-li is :iuuir'od to parlor» where space is all 'l he llltI-lt' Ol' llh I’lll]'-i-lll ti: II an entirely ill-w, i'lltl llitrt'll upon the best known principles 0| sciiiiice. (iliji-(‘l Notice TV} II. II. ll. lllClCSOll IIIIS SUCCICEI) or! us in tho hflfllll‘V In llIlr sin-Iron (or the sali- of Messrs G _»’i. I‘m” a .K- (To’s relo- braiml (Irgons and l'ai‘or of which Wi‘ glvv our most llI.(]llt‘llliil'(l approval and rccomnrondulion us the lending and most reliabio reed instrument now nianul'aciured. (Signed) H. G. COLLINS. \NM. FLUM I‘LRFELT. Markham. Nov. 3, 1871. Vlulndoons. In Testimonial from Professor H. G, 00111.! I have 'nrel‘ully examined the pianos so (1 hr Mr H Ii Ilsosor. called the “morning Bird. or Colihi'i l’i II] vs. riiannt'acturod by Ma< thuseclt. nnu illlllh they ate Wonderful!" guest and pure in moo. and irom their peculm. con- siruclion. calculated l0 remain in tune longer ‘llnll other pianos. and oonsequoiitly to stand a greater amour I OI" wear IIENIIY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Fob. :18. 1672 714-1)! , ATTENS HORSES, COWS, CALVES, Sheep and l’ips. It Fall/71st.” (lllfl'fll’t/T/lll the usual lime, and sari/rs Food. A dollu Price 525 (‘fliils and till Oll per box. box contains two lllIlICl'. d l'eods. OATERPILLARS OIL Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees. THE (TIIIIVICSI'I GUIDER I’UVVDICII Dvat‘tn’s all kinds of Insects, Grubs and (lot- erpilliii's 01] Current and Gooseberrt Bushes. Sold by l‘i'tlggisl~ and Siorolteepers at 95 cents per box. IIUGII MILLER do (70.. Agricultural Chemists. Toronto TICKS ON SHEEP. USE WILLII’S TICK DES'l‘ltOYER. ll zcsii'urs the ’l‘:(:l<s. promotes the growth of ilio wool. illlll lIIIlIItIVtS ilm cot-(Iiiiiii ol' the animal A 33 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 3.3 lambs. IIUGII MILLER $1! C(L, Annicumuma CiiEMisrs, 167 King Street East, 'l'orollll For Sale by l)rlii_rt_ri.~tsmi(l Storekeepch ll. ‘C. LAW Agent Richmond Hill. Eillllt‘ttl Emulators, *e, . . W . . _. A "fiifii.._.#_‘-v “fl Fellnws’ Compound SKY IlUl’ OF lin’OI’HOSPIIITES. I. V As alllil'n r-Iltll)“ od horlios. “'l elliertliev be Heart Ilii‘tls. ltvpiilm Insert» or r-vi'n Zun- Iilrllek nnr‘ ml jot-is ul [LB Vegetable Kingdom IMP. gIIIII‘I'I/(‘v/ by I'Ii’u/ fur (‘1‘, \\ IIiI-II binds all the spring,» (I! ox \‘I'llt't'. :itirl as nothing can save, New I' out Ilvsl notion who II this pI‘IllI-ipl. Imivos I. om. rho r’iwovr-ri of means wborebv vilfilll‘ lll‘viV he xiistriini-(l in tho living body is itilit‘f‘tl a liiirili lrr lllt‘ u'nr'd, Morlui'ii ('lioiiiisiiw lli'ia i'rii.lil:i ed the ques- tion and riisvnvcrwl Ilii- ingrrrlient- constitu- llllL' lllr- brain. muscles and nrrvos. and finds that lI\' introducing lliust‘ ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous system are stir-rigilreiwd 'l'liis. llll‘ll. Is substantially the basis on lu'hii-lr Vii Law’s llYP'Il’HIISPIIII rs is huili.its di-oi-i :n-tiun i~ up: II the llluod. il a Brain and Nervous S\Sll'lll. rind Ilie MllelBS fin-nigth o-uing the- IIPIVGS. it causes the rapid (LA-tribu- tion (it Vll.:ill'/,P(l Blood in the Mu~cular Organ. of lllt' ll Il\' inimiin ll 0 \‘liiggish Hr-ai'i rind Liver. strengthening the action ot'tho Similar-I: and mm and HILIIIIIH‘; ilir Lungsto be fitillyiuv flair-n “'llli llxxyz- ~. I: H; “Hull-fill I‘« r .\l.l.“.aSPS of Weakness and l‘itiim'inlion Wl't‘lllt‘l' itll>llll_l Drill! sflthlI-H‘I'V lil‘r'. n ll‘lrpil‘ill t liiira'e. l'ii-iii I‘o-vcr or tivliilifi’ from our came. and 's «flit anions in l’lILnol- NAHY ('l’vallMlW'lnN. 7‘ any l-onf'ro ed rages having been ('Ill'l II and all lioiicfil’od. “here its the tier lit-on coniii uml ovr r a l‘ortiiigl-t iii Brmwliilix it i> a spot-lilo. and In Asthma it gives relief whore overt other remedy tails. For Nervous chillty it stands unrivalled, and may be nst with confidence in all rasos. As his is entirely distinct and lel‘rBllI from every other preparation 0‘ vaophosphites, In i‘al'kl'lll mask for FiLLou s’ SYitur.aiid talu no other. ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for presents at the HERALD BOOK 8m. SOL!) BY APO’I‘HECARIZB. Price. $160; Six for $760. JAMES 1. FEI.LOWS.ClIenist 04-8 “in Me. If]!

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