AMM’INION TEA HOUSE wum- A ‘ n. . , . .rl‘ll‘clly and Sons. 95 Fan-nugdnu Struthon- dull. m ‘ gï¬ghu and} 39'". Ox'o'rd Sin-at London. -' h'fï¬ud (I‘l/lhpghondou Wholesale Huuua. :PIiE,;fl:.-,EA CHEST 3.. V 1N.'Jl‘lil\ dunking the inhabitunlu of Rich- _ Innudzflill and vicinity for tho lube-ml pl!- ronnge they have given him nFsuru dwmlhu nothing will be w-n'ing to secure that palrun- up for '874. ‘ . ln gnnounciug the arrival of his Hill Po-iUï¬ice. lsl December. 1873’: Abor William Atkinson, Thom" Bogg. William L. Bonnlnl. Mr Chute, Simon C. Dixon ’l‘hnmu Dollinlgo Philip A, Dixon, Edward Ewing, Richard Fisher,Snmuel firrior, G. Gormley A. Griflin, John 1’. thpin. W. va. David Hulin l Alonzo Hall, 'I. Hutingu. A. Huron, James H. chh, John Hedging. Hun-y Kerswel', James Klinck, J. A. Leonard, Jacob F. Lee. Reuben Litre. Samuel McMillan. William Mcllurney. McConnell. J. McCullough. David O'Brien. Timothy Quinn, Alexlnder Siver Robarl Sinclair, Benjamin Sliney. Wmï¬ Thomas, J. R ’l‘ulor. James Triager, Emily Wlluh, Alex. Walker. Mr: C. \Vilnou, G. Wilson, Roberl Hum nl.-Eunu.Mevcer and C3, Wholon'a ‘ “ _ Drpg“ bw.‘i}_l.ylnnnq, Clan and Co. ' 'l‘rromo'unglï¬uuf-ud Co .- Wholesale Drug- “ giatn. Simpler Ind bwou. quihon.-â€"Winnar and Co. For Serol‘ala. Fcurvv. Skin-Discuss. and Hon-s of all kinds ll [3 a newrllmlmg and par- Iraumm im'r‘o‘ ' ‘ ll cnrun old Soros (Lures Ulcomlod Syn-w on [he Nrck. (.‘nros Ulnaraled Solo Logs 1.,'mogg.l'xlicwl_)'gnd§i m" Pimp lea on the FICD. Curea Selim/3' Suée's' l‘uxu (Iancernus Ulcorn (‘us'aa Blood and bkiu Dix-onus. l‘qres Glandular Swallings . fikmh‘lhd'fllu'od from all impure mailer, Fr! In wlmtevar cause arising. Au thu mixlurv is plunnul to the taste, and Ulrl‘nled (rue from Ilpfllnng lnjnripus ‘10 1h; mbfl fdclbcatd ‘consul'u‘ï¬nn ul‘euher sax,‘ 'lhe l‘rnprietor sclicils kufl'erers lo givo it a trial In [ml ilw value. Tllvusanda (If twlil'mmiuls‘ frbm, all nuts. b‘uld in Bottles ‘28 3d much. And in ('tsos. containing mx times the qnunmy. [In eachâ€" Snlllciunl lo efl'ecl n pflrumuonl cure in the great mnjorily of long ul-ndi'ng ranleY A LL (.‘HL‘ \HS i S and PATENT IVIEUICL)l E NUSNUURS Illrollghuul the world. V Soft Proprietor, I“. J Cl..ll£KE,(§l|eminl, .AI’UTHECARILS' HALL. LINLULN. ENGLAND. " ' JJ‘IIgmne. Burbidges and Co. Colman street ‘ -' lmudou. FIJHRISTMASW Broâ€"BUS .2 Sect/less, Layer and Valentin Raisins, LepmnPIEgl, Tau from 500. upwards, WINES AND LIQUORS Hodgius. Ham .13"in Edward nuirgxeAmy; link}; 13d co. ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadultemlcd, Crockery & Glassware. A general stock of goods to he found in gqncrnl More. P R '0 V I s I o N s : PEAS, SHORT-S, BEAN, AND EYEiE’s FLO UR For cleansing end (clearing the bimd from allimpmim. mum be too higth recommon- dad v c L A R K E ’s World Famed Maud Mixture. Salmon Trout, Cod Fish and " Labrador Herring. 6‘ U0 would cali spééini align;er to his [31:9 stock of ' v .871. _-£._’ CA R R“I'Aéï¬f§_U I L D ER yaw 30 U R‘ R A N 1' s 1 List of Letters EthINING IN THE RICHMOND OI; THIC BLUOI) IS THE LIFE.†Trade Mark "Blood Mixture.†GROCERIES AGENTS IN CANADA. Grm;,Rousted (fl Ground. GOODS DELIVERED . . 1i1CIâ€"11WON1) I-IILIH Begs to announée to the mhabjlam§ of l iclxmund lilill and surrounding ’ Illat he has built a new Hearse and commenced the h.“ « . .in.¢L‘- m. “ire, butler-‘11 l‘unumuu Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1873; "or: Dvuloronomy, chap. xii, verse '43 EXPORT AGENTS. ALEX. MOODIE BICHMOND HILL. QQFFEES, {UNDERT KENZG BUSWéESS A'lwn) s on hand CONS! “KG 0" H. TEEFY, r u. A. MOUDIE. LEaLLamLWJnier Mods! EALI. AM] ' " EXAMINH. WU 1U QULIU Agonts wanted 1 All classes of working people. of either sex. ~young or old. make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at Iuyxhing alsy. Particulars frae. Address G. STINSON ‘1. 00., Portland, Maine. BALTIMORE OYSTERS, $5 TO $20 A5013 G. A. BARN ARD’S! SIGN OF THE FLAGSTAFF RIOHIVIOND HIIEL! 02 EVERY DEPARTMENT. Parties favoring us with grisls may rely on a good return and well manufactured. RIEHMONII HILL HILLS! ‘PORTS AND FANI‘ YOUNG MEN 5 should read the best work published. Sent to any nddrpss (conï¬dential) on receipt of 3.525. Address, CITY PrBLxsulm OFFICE, Toronto. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS H OYSTERS 1! TH]! FINEST FRESH GEORGE ((7 DAVID BIBRELL LCROSBY '373Fall Goods '873 HIGHEST IARKEI‘ rmcm PAID won WHEAT. Richmond Hill Flour MiHl. Oct 15. 1873 FIRE-PROOF STORE, Qty 05mm, Cmeiw. EG to inform Merchants Bakers & Farmers > that they have alwavs on hand a large stock of AS rocewed lhe'gmnlu purl of hi- AT 300. PER CAN, AT Grocer and Dry Goods Merclnun, RICHMOND HILL 1N I. C IOEBY. 63, Lynn...) “nu unmet: 111 every stle. R. DAY. Consisting of aged. she-rungs. lambs. Also several pairs'of choice “was 703'» 11:9 same breed. A boanlif'ul choice lot to b. clearod out n! ‘rutly reduced pricea u the Central Sm-o Auures hi: cmlomern III-t nothing, at thib fesï¬vo season. will be Ion undone m supply de- mands atpricos 11ml wiII lulirl'y the pur:hnaers' PURE BBB]! SHEEP FDR BALE. Which for inin' Ind Price cum» h pan-d in the undo. Ca me into the promises of the Subscriber. Lot No. 64. rear of tho 15! Con. of King. About the 16th November lalt, _ A red and White Steer. 'l'ha owner is req'ï¬os- led to prove property. pay expenses, Ind take the animal away. King, Dec '2. 1873. SOUTH DOWN‘RAMS! TEAS AND SUGARS CENTRAL STORE, REMNANTS 0F DRESS GOODS. WM. ATKINSON FIGS,‘ ALHONDS, BRAZIL, ' NEW VALENTIA, CHRISTMAS FRUIT ! THE EEWEI. STEM! “7 here you will ï¬nd a good Assortment 1N O U R R .A N '1' Old and New Fruit. J.ot41,Con 1. Markham, Markham. Oct. 2| . 1873. Wu. ATKINSON. Richmond Hi]. Dec. 17. 1873 H'Wm. ATKINSON. Richmond HillJune 3. 137 -' A ' 71 HE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a few pure bred Lends tho tanks}! for the Superiority ol' lheartictuSgnuught la the uulico of the Pnbliq in the Vicinity. STRAY STEER. gem @ï¬vztimmmtï¬. and English Wall Nam BARGAINS ! CALL A T F1 LBER 7', RQB’I‘,‘ N1 A usq ,_ SEEDLESS, ‘ - 9859.6 and "LAYER RAS A NS FOR YOUR. JAM ES THOMPSON THE neighborhom’ 802-3 III- EDWARD PLAYTER. I'D , (ï¬ledalist, Toronto University,) It ~49- PHXQICIAN, summawcyw. q s Coroner for the Coumyfof' Yolk R H 0 VING‘ HISBUSINESS JNO. BROVVN’S STORE ND as he is gelting a gallery thoro ï¬ned up in good stvle he will be able to do ï¬rst class work. “3 intends moving on THE 22ml DECEMBER INST. ‘ '1‘. COPELAND. THOMAS B. COPELAND, PHOTOG RAPHER, RICIâ€"ILIOND HILL l NIONVILLE. Basses run in connection with each train. Commodious sample room, ' 1. County Enginm, Uruflamln (to. I Surveys. Plans, Demriptions. Reports, Plans of bric’g-s. Speciï¬cations. Form! of contract. Security Bonds, &c . executed with neulnesa and dospalch .\ ' A Wet-lily journal of Current Events. [Me-Mum . Scien'te and Arts \gricuhuro llld Muchnnic s, Fashion and ALJsemont. Sod at. NC I, number at the HERALD Book Smm' should at once 39m] hié mums and address wnh $1.5†(qr oha‘, \‘par’s subscription to ’I he Canadian - Patent Ofï¬ce Record ' ..i ,‘ mi ‘MECHAEIICS’ MAGAZINE, No. 4 Trust and Loin Buildings. Cornnr of Adelaide and Toronm streets, TORONTO Rnidiucoâ€"Oppnsine l). Hupkin’s Store, Car. Yong. and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill, March 12. 1873'. 764-“ GAMES. TOYS, &C.,"b‘UR SALE AT the HERALD Honk Slum !‘ wok Store J. N‘ BLAKE. MECHANIC, .‘ngï¬Uj‘ACTl'RER, ENG]- NEE R. CH‘I'}M'ISII‘, 'FA RM ER ’ " .AND. MERCHANT. A Copy of ï¬rst number can be seen at this Oflieo. . . ‘9: _ 766~2 U cilors, anvayulcars, &c., &.c.. “Harlemâ€"No. 56, Church Street. Toronto. nexl dnor north of British American Insurance Buildings. 1" raily be found nl home from 2 to 3 o'clock. P M. John Elliou Lungataï¬' is auth- orized to collscl act-cunts. 8. JAMES, ROVINCIAL LAND SU R‘VEYER, - Counlv Enn'inm. Druflamln 6w. Richmond Hill. Dec . 1873,“ Ranging in price from 3"} cents per lb. upward. Moutrel‘.â€"â€"I‘Ivans Mower llld (70., VVholotale “ Druggisls. lA'IIlMIS Clara and (To. Tammaâ€"Ehiul‘. and Cu, Wholesale Drug “ giats. Simple. and Owen. Ulll’lliht)ll.-â€"-“’ill.l' and (‘0. Halifu.â€"-Avor,\. Brown and Co. _ Bugoyne. Burbidges and Co . Column Stroel London Ne‘vhcrv and $0115.37 Newgnta SL. London Bare any and Sun. 95 Furringdon St , London Stinger and Sons; ()xfo'd .31.. London. And all the London Whales-lo Houses, 'I‘HOS. HUNTER. Proprioum October 24, 1873. 7! Toronto July 28. 1873 One Box of thr‘ke’s B 41 P1115 .:_Swr|n:prroprimov ,' r. J. CLARKE. APOTIIECAIUFS’ HALL. LINCOLN, Ladies.9 Back Combs I IS wirrmtod Loy‘cuue a†disnhargu from the Urinary Organs. in num‘r srx acquired 01 co ti'uniorml, Gravel and l’nins iu the Buck. Sold in Boxes. 4s 6d ull Chemists sud Fuel)! Medlcuno Vendors. .V‘Swlnjproprimov, r. :- CLARKE. 'Ihi‘rty new and fashionable styled to se- ‘61,! from at ' ' WHE HES l‘ BOOK FOR EVERY YOUNG m m and woman to To“ (especially those I'lll’Ulllellllg Inulmuony.) b‘end $1;UU lo Luann Humans: Cu.,'l‘oromu. and hth res-mm“ you paid) thanon #01104. Begs to inform the public that ho intends EWELRY! JEWEL LY! FOR SALE "AD btoro. D To Weekly Paporsn'eco-ved M the HERALD (took Store. Richmond 1H“)- February 4111. 1873. ' OICTICAL WORKS, 0F AL.“ THE u‘xfl'oreut punts. ul. H16 “mud; Book VERY INVENTOR, BUILDER, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, =ICBMQND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" BLAKE a KINGSFQRD, , ARRIST_ERS, ATTORNEYS, sou. I B L E S U C I E TY DEPOSITORY _ (Blchmuud Hill branch) In the HERALD :0 E1001; REQUISITES OF ALL cheap til the Hxxuï¬r‘BBhk Sigé, UBSORIPTIONS FUR l'HE HADIAN ILLUSTRATED NE WS, HE LATEST NUVELTIES the HERALD Hook Sioro Family Groceries. 1. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. ‘L A; guimllmwmwm kind! It the HERALD Book Store. A LARGE STOCK OF u‘xfl'oreut punts. AGENTS IN CANADA. 1‘0 ONE DOOR SOUTH Dl‘ GEORGE E; DESBA R ATS, Also a ï¬ne assortment of EXPORT AGENTS. :Union House. BELTS! 'I‘UE'HERALD BOOK STORE TEAS. ENGLAND. R. E. Kmasronn. MA. AID MONTREAL. dw‘ q 3 BA 759- l v 7P4-If TURON 97 U any uumher-uoloxcoodinglllreehï¬ndrdd dollars Ivy any one dopasilor.) will borocojv’od anho Richmond Hill Pfllt omen!" w’hich Govormnemwillsllow Interest. FoIparticulnrsapplyto MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Chancery. Notariés, &c. OFFICE ~Coun 8%:eot."l"¢zron1o. Brancli' ()flicoâ€"-Division Court, Clerk I oflico. Rivh mond ,lljll. .. - Tang. I. Mona“. V " Home: Tuuam omcehours: from 6:30A.M.to9:30 rum Mav 4, ISBQ 563-†1) King Street, East; Torunlo R. A. IIARIHFON,Q c. F. Osman. ’l‘HoMAs Moss, 1.0. W A Fos'run CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALcnnnmar: FIELD AND GARDEN S- E E D S 3 RICHMOND ’ .. POST HILL 0 F m c E. nEPOSITS 0F ONEHDOLLAR, (on Horses and Vohichs for hire( Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson 5950115 In all its branches. and from his experience, careful attention, 1nd moderate charges. he hopes to receive a share of the public patrun- 833' All orders by mail prompfly Attended lo. ‘ ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES, at the HERALD Bonk Store. 2 Good Agents required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and what will he a very popular book. None but iivo busi- ness men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Ofï¬ce. “fun. Tsar! in Government Agomfor hassle of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTs! ‘ ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. 132 Adelaide Street East. gawk-1:1th gaummmnm. January 8, 1873. AGENTS [ANTED BVBIYWIERE DOMINION 0F CANE l‘rutilu lrom $200 to ~;~3uu per month manem amp loynmm. STEAM SAW MILL! 7794c Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. Tiwmhill, Nov. 25. 1873. , JanN BROWN. Proprietor. Riplumond Hill. Dec. 14, '72.. 751-3111 HARRISON. OSLER-& moss, 2A33]S'11ERS,§C.,_NOS. as mu 3s 1‘“ H Subscnha‘ begh m nuiumxrlo din Turm- v ing cuu‘mmnn} and Lumber dealer» um no is almut to exam 1: Steam Maw ML] uu Ml" L‘ll‘vct, near lel-‘s old F: uud:y. liiclunond invi'es a†wlm imvc log» to cut In navo (hum on duriltgflhe Wlmer, as the uapr tin oi the Mill Will he Ien or valve thousand ees 3 dl}. a large number will be requnod Toronto. April 25, 1599 HOUSE PAINTING ! FOR THE SEASON! ‘3‘HINGLES CUT AS USUAL ANDREW MAUER. TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS LT ‘ lho‘ï¬zmn Fuck mm. liicluum-d UNLNDV. 92. 1633. My Pigs won '8 [um m Lumber Cut To Order, 1‘ HE sï¬EA‘RL!†I MORGAN 8x THORNE, AgRISTQRs, SOLICITORS IN ICHMOND HILL LIVERY IIE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO NOTI- GENTS WANTED. E. 0. SA VJNGS BANK. GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE mu. 3mm: sows AT MY “ma Fur. 1874. AND HARVESTING TOOLS, SEED STORE! g. Qcpartmwt. fy the public that he has rouommencod business at HE lMl’UlinD LSL'MKDHHH'J 1‘1 MINION OFOANADA MARRIAGE LICENSES. The largest selection of ADVERT] SEMENT. TORONTO AL§O AGERT FOR THE Al as low rates as possible In the Dominion. JOHN LUMLEY, Church St" Markham Village. 'l'kUY & C0., Painting. 2nd 3141 32 Rh 2 St. East, Toronto. GUIâ€"6 M. TEEFY, Postmaster TO SELL OUR IN 1873. , R J. STANTON, Thornhill. Ont. OF THE AND WM. RENNIE, , Markham, hewmumeh Lglmglun,‘ Uumpu, Home: Tuuam 1r { Tonan’ro. On. “Jul. London, 7504f 8U“) I'm- Duh (Signer) moms HOLLOW“, 533. Odord Slrcrl. W. C. v ' Landau, July 1, 18735 785 Store. LARGE STOCK A FRESH SUPPLY, A! $1.89. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. I! tho HERALD Boox swan. Richmond Hill. Each Poland Box of In\' preparation bears thn Rritish Government Stamp. wilh H 0 words, “ Hollowny’s Pills Ind Ointment. London.†I HAVE for a Considerable tifnn hast considered ll (0 b9 mv duty to adv. rllse the public of the British leh Amnricau l’r‘bviucesvgninst buy- ing from unprincipred déhlé‘rs medicines om- auullng from New York. and sold as my " Holloway ’s Pills and '(rilllmexit.†in w‘ ich much ing‘g'nulu’ him beamd'u‘pliiwï¬ in passing Hum 091' as of m\ makalï¬; It is very difï¬cult indeed lo anonpr to epunjxi-‘I‘atn vhe. many de} vices to which the p'nr'tiu lmve‘lm‘d resource. They say, numu‘gikl'mh‘a ~~ hin'gnglhal u now label‘ hag 'lm'i n adopted ‘by' they]. ï¬nd "with barn-faced em‘onlerv é'autiomhs public agaiuet being deceived by . purinus imiluliuus.‘ I t As it is no! at [unnecessary {Or‘jhifl CnEw‘Ulo. incur nny expense in tho SHIB of" their produc- tions, or to n vorv imi'od exe nt (trading as they do upon mv name). thny are in \ po~ition to offer Ihem at a very low price! in Canada. whore Ihey are purchased b\' a few \Vholesula Houses that I can name, and will name here- afaer, iflhu' conliuuo Io n-nd the some Thr- following Ire the Hume: and addrosées of some of lhe Houses who gfl my m‘edicines from hora direct :-- Mes'srs Avery. Brown 61 Co , Halifax. NS. Messrs Forsrlh Jr (30., Halifax. N S. . Mossrs'l'. B Barker & Sons. St John, N.‘ M“ '3‘. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town. PuEJ. Messrs Langley 6L (jo , Victoria. B C. Messrs Moore &. (30.. Victoria, B.C. LUNG LI FE PILLS ! compnunds. but wninld considorably damage the rapmmion of my make» FAMILY BIBLES, BOG US MEDICINES. H OL LO WAYâ€"’3 PILLS AND ' OIN’I‘MEN'I‘. 'Awpoor man 'hy' the unmg ul‘ llpliowny is employed by [Le sh-cal 0d Chemical Company in New Yul-k who lends'hisnnme fur a small weekly sum. The medicines Shld by this Compan are palmed ofl' upon Ihé pilhlic as my " Hollovqay’s Pills and Ointment.†so that were they to. _injure half the community no discredit would fall upon tle {hbricntors-oflhe'ss My Pills and Ointment are sold at the hives wholesale not pl‘iCl‘S. in quantitiva of not lass than £20 wollhâ€"viz . 85 | d.. 2%., 34s., per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Oinumnt. for which remixtnncen nnst be sent in advance. Those mum-Ines uro not sold in the United States. THOMAS SEDMAN. ARRIAGE AND WAGUN MAKER, Undertaker. &c. RESIDENCEâ€"NOHHV opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. CHRISTMAS GOODS. [1 mums. at $6 per [00 test. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pails.Cider Mills, Washing Machines,Shingles Waggon Felloes.nnd LumberSawodto order Forparticulursnddress HERALD BOOK STORE} “1325- 1- trnction ot‘ the Anglo American Housa by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those large and commodinus premises belong- ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. oppoeite Messrs. Speighc a Son's Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent ncvoinln’onaleon nï¬brdod for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connaction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porler. And are located at the Nowhm‘est coma: of lot No. 3:3, 41h cnncession v! \ nrkham. in a section where mechanics and um» rers can gel steadywurk and high wage-s" Apph‘dl' by lell('epuid) to Henry Junmngs, Victoriu Square, or 10 “’M. G. HINGS'I ON. * Dingle: l’. 0. March 97, IS“). 7144!“ ‘â€" ule- number 0! Vhluge lots. slum-fed in the VI. age of S the whuqrum wakous mau buty. so dun the \rluti ‘Sig (‘quI In Lhddou us. Um ems Ire hke ma mac lle' play“ upmn' bi mu young zephurs g1 evuuunu, Ins snkanusu is [he Ioct uv baly. ï¬nd hi! ligger .s L..u ouil nu M lovlluusa. Hus pastimv m the Luxury 0v in non-cums. and his [cs-are is elagahce.‘ Hus uckehuns are lhu lzi'w‘s of pt‘l‘Hiolluas. His in tin). ls pause, and hm IV6|.iIIgS are gonin lur- gllIdillUSH. He Milky lurumh \w nnsxexy 0 mod and growalh 'lmgeh‘. M u gaze at hi> purkynvas and you.†I vame by pounds. About (me-jifl/L of an Arne, April 9. I87». Hun “Ha I‘m-cc ov Pig in Ins ev‘lvbrmud lulkr shim hum Jt'SH. BILi.lN( S ; and wuuld ulao IeCuInmeud'lns I‘LSL I‘sz Blur JOHN CUMhHAUb‘ TERMS :' 51 AT TIME 01“ SLILVICE. Langstuï¬ 30v. {2, 1673. U HIM. containing one acre and a qnurmr of land, one lraum dwelling houw. wimn burn stables. and other ombuilt mgs ahereon. Terms, easy. A|~p|_\. an the premisau; '4‘ Thomhill. Nov. 3, 'G EoudL: ' W iiffliiï¬iâ€"bx Sept. 4. 11572. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- VICTORIA SQUARE ! Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND WATEKSPOUTS FOR THE DO‘ ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for presents at the HERALD Bnox Richmond Hi". Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m HE SUBSCRIBER I OFFERS FOR ‘NHLUCAS STREET, RICHMOND NIPISSING HOTEL, House and Lot for Saie, Village Lots for Sale. Eruptrm for {55316, JOHN LA_NGSTA_F_F, THE ngm BOG. FOR SALE BY The lots contain )IARKHAM. AT THE R. E. LAW. Druggin, Richmond Hill Stegm Mills'fl‘hornhill. F. CRAWFURD. D. T. WOOTEN . 7374f 510-.“ A» alllif‘a-endowad bodies. wholllerlhey bu Beast. liirdsvllnptllï¬s, ITISBMS or even Zoo- phites.1md snhjor-ls of the Vegetable Kingdnm nu govt nevi by vr/lulfm'cn, which binds all the springs q. ex:slmu~.e. and as nolhing can save them f om desl notion when this principr leaves (hem, me diwcuvan~ of means wherth vilnlih may he sustainede the living body ll indeed a buon tn the wor'd. ' IAIQeJIOWs’ Compound S’XBL‘ 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES. Mndern chmnislrv ha» vomih'ed the qual- [ion and discovered the ingret’ienls commuâ€" ting Hm brain. muscles and nr‘rves. and ï¬nds that by inlrnducing these ingredisnts in proper proportions the brain ,aud nervous 531st If. strengllmned It destroys A1|Ie Ticks. promotes the growth of the wool, and irnp)‘ove8_}he condilivn of tho aninmlv A 35 cam bova'vill clean 20 cheap on 35 ylamba. ' " ~ 7~HU’(‘:AHMH.I.ER 5. 00., As lhis is emirer distinct and different from every other preparation of vaoplnosphith, Lt. careful tonsk for FELLows’ Sx‘nur. Ind uiu no othor. ' ‘ AGRICULTURAL Cmmllfp. 167 King Streel East, Toronto» Fbr Sal. by Druggviï¬sls nini'd Slorokeoporm ’ R' EuLA’W ‘ Agom. Richmond Hm.- 'I'h’is. thgn. is substnmiauy the basis or: which mew’s “YPOPHOSPHI’IE! is built.“- direct "min" is upml the Blnud. tho Buin ani Nervous Sureln. and ‘xhe llusclos. .‘trengxh- eningthe nerves. itcgunqs [ho rapid distribu- tion of Vicalized Blood in the Muscular Organ. of the Rudy. ' Sold by Pruggisb and Storekeeper; ll 95 cents per bok. ' In Bronchitis it is u speciï¬c. Ind In; Asth‘ it givcs relief wharo oven“ other remedy ram. For Nm'vous Debillty it stands mnrivnlled, and may he “Sud with ronï¬denve in all ram-l. Price 25 cents and 3! MI per box. A lollu box contains two hundrcl feeds. THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Desxrovs all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cal- erpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. Rousing [he Sluggish Heart Ind Liver. strengthening the action‘ ofthe Slomnch and ‘iowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬tuin- flared wnh Oxygen. l! is atlapmd for Anncases of “’eaknoss and Emacintion,wlmthér ari_'ng from sud-lusty er'. n‘ truyï¬ralhli‘mgfo. 'flo'm fav'or or debiliq ï¬'om' ‘anzv cause; and is efï¬cacious in PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION. many confirmed cases having been cured and all benoï¬ued. whom it- uso has been cominued nvvr I fortnight. It Fattens in One-fourth flu usual tame, and saves Food. l lmvo carefully examined the pinnonto“ by Mr. H. B Roeaor. ‘called the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pianos, manul'ucturod by M.- lhuseck, and think they no wonderfnl‘y “not and pure in lone. and l‘to‘m their peculm col- nlrnclion. calculated to remnin in tune long" 'han other pianos. and consequently to Illld a greater amount‘of woa’r. HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. ‘28. 1872. 716-†0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Tree» zwï¬vn$_;_.-».u.,: far...“ i . .r.. n- .- -- ~ v." FATTENS HORSES, COWS, CALVIN, Sheep and Plus. LVrl ed us in the agency in ll!is.80f‘li0l) for the sale ,of Messrs G A. Prim-e &. Co’l col. < ‘braled Organs and Molodeons, in favor a! which we give our most unqualiï¬ed approval and recommendation as the. leading and mo“ roliabie reed instrument now manufactured. Telumonlal from Profane:- HLG, 991113! Chickering. Sininwny and Durham Pianos. Also. (he Celebrated HUMMING BIRD PIANO Which is adapted to path)†where space is an oijcl. The mode (If m: communion :- entirely new. and based upon the bell known principles m" sciehc‘o. Prince’s Organs & Melndcens . {MCKS ON- SHEEP. Us: “mum's TICK DES'I‘ROYEK. song 73v {ragga-CA 31:5. Markham. Nov. 3.1871. i" f .ï¬ivdivimï¬, (Signed) R. H. B. REESOR BAS SUCCEED glut-ital gustmunmfï¬, Sheep and Pips. Elm gum: Watch. CATERPILLARS Price. 51-50: Six for$7-50. II. B. REESOR, DEALERIN Esurr paws (‘h pig. JAM ' «Jflï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬l HUGH MILLER &CO., Agricultural Chemists. Tommi. N otiee 11.13.. COLLINS. WM. PLUM ERFELT.