Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Jan 1874, p. 2

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Thus, it will be seen that Mr Boyle has retired upon his Muralsâ€"leaving M r Patterson and Mr Porter to contest the Reeveship ; as they are both Clear Grits, Ind on this account neither of them have any special claims upon the sympathy of the YORK HERALD, but as a choice of evils, we would give a decided preference to Mr Patterson. and our reasons are these :â€"When I” 1' Porter first Wont into The following are the parties nomin- ated at the Town Hall of Vaughan 011 Monday last. to fill the offices of Reeve. Deputy Reeves. and Councillors for the ensuing your 2'â€" For Reeveâ€"1. W'illlam Clinton Put- torson; 2. Thompson Portep. I'm- lhjmty [Canoesâ€"1. Archibald Mchxanne; 2. Thomas Webster; 3. N. Clarke Wallace. For CoumiI/orsâ€"l. Daniel Reanlan ; 2. William Devlin ; 3. Alex. Cameron; 4. M {All} I lurby. Vaughan inparticular, and the County generally. Mr Porter has proved an ut- ter failure ; he has simply made himsch ridiculous, and brought the Township of v ‘ . . . . r everywhere. Their golden key and their fltcile morals enabled them to unlock all secrets and rummage ewery private Ca- , binet. l The moving spirit and promoter of such a plot and succession of plots is the. man that the Grits delight to honor.: Heaven knows we do not envy them 1 For it was, after all, a mere necident‘ that, enabled the conspirators to triumph. t firs} it was the accident of an accident that limit" izzl'amons plot was not made‘ 9?. e tame-i=5 of their fitting punish- xzirat. llut .anice though slow is sure, Hui Wi‘ do not yet despair of' the aveng ins; >zt’ltiU%;5;' that dogs the steps of the guilty. mix-r A. 1' Etlf‘i AT RICHMOND HILL. Kt ww - :2’: following are the names of the png-JE‘W‘ ivy: in the Hauntipul Council of the Village of' Richmond Hill, at the Nomination held in the Council Chamber, on Mon‘ day the 29th Decomber. 1873â€"pursuant to the Statute in such case made and pro vided :â€" For Reeveâ€"l. \Villiam Harrison; 2. William b'. Warren; Parker Crosby. For (‘ounc/Uorsâ€"l'. John Brown; 2. ‘ John K Arnold; 3. Ana B. Wills-on ; 4. lsaac (lrosby; 5. Benj. Davidson; 6. \Villiam PoWel.; 7. David Hopkins; 8. William Atkinson. used for the respective oflicos â€"â€"â€" NOHINA'I‘IONS FUR VAUGHAN TOWNS HP. The following are the parties nomin- ated at the Town Hall of Vaughan 011 Monday last. to fill the ofiices of Reeve. Deputy Reeves. and Councillors for the l V "V V u i l v V i . trated wisdomâ€"in my humble opinion it does not speak much for the judgment of' your electors in their selection. at least I thought they were not CXactly the ‘style’ our towa would have sent for the des- patch of business. In longditudinality of lace and roturdity of figure, aiid'pon- derosity of hone your Council lack noth- ing,1n fact, they rather surpass ours, But not wishing to be sensariously criti 0:1. I waited, expecting a proportionate derelopmentof brain. A panorama of important matters belonging to your vil- lage passed before them without investi- gation, and were settled Without a word, until a Contractor presented a bill for a sum agreed upon at a previous meeting; all at once their heads were set a’reeling for a vast number of probabilities reeled around the settlement 0: that debt. Riel, at Ottawa, would not be a circum stance to your ‘rcel' beflne that Council, That Riel only murdered one man, this ‘rcel' migh. Cause the death oftwo. To me it was a rml mystery, to them it was a ‘rcel' difficulty. It came out at last. The p0pulai Contractor was evidently aiming at one of those chairs, and per- haps Wanted the other for a friend. Conscience would not. allow the bill to be paidâ€"time would not allow an investi- gation that might end their deep anxiety for the public weal, and their extreme solicitude t't‘r their own safety, prevented them from accepting the ofier of the UOI;€1""‘!U3' to take it oflr their hands. Then ;: it was unanimously agreed by the 'i'tmn Councilmen that that ‘rcel ’ must be ' interviewed,” if it took until after the Nomination to do it. The meeting then broke up evidently thinking : that they had completely demoralized at least one olLtheir opponents by digging a: pit for him to fall into; but, judging; from the remarks and comments made: I should think they have tumbled into a1 Treat-h themselves. out. of which it will i be exceedingly diflicult to scramble l For Reeveâ€"I. \Villiam Harrison; 2. William b'. VVm‘rcn; Parker ()rbsby. For (‘ounc/Uorsâ€"l'. Juhn Brown ; 2. John K Arnold; 3. A32: B. \VillsOn ; 4. Isaac Crosby; 5. Benj. Davidson; 6. \Villium I’nwul.; 7. David Hopkins; 8. William Atkinson. IcConncil we were led to understand (but he was a young man of ability, posâ€" sessing good judgment, and a desire to promote the intereszs of'the Township of 17 | - Vaughan into contempt by his motitin in the County Council to petition the Council (if the city of Turonto asking the. to erect a covering over part offhe Market Square for the accommodation of famich ! Such bumkum motions are laicuiated to cause their authors to be 2.: Tallnviwg are the names of the ‘ {used for the respective nfiiccs =1:.2:txpnl Council of the Village of' liiclanmml Hnll, at the Numiuution held in the Council Chamber, on Mon‘ day the 29th Dccomber. lSTBâ€"pursumnt to the Statute in such case made and pru vidcd :â€" The moving spirit and promoter of such a plot and succession of piots is the man that the Grits delight to honor. Heaven knows we do not envy them 1 For it was, after all, :1 mere neuident turn-z. Ind w. my St; gumy. The high character of the Premier en- abled him when the charge was made to Oreat it with silent contempt. He did not even give the miserable fabrication the dignity of denial. This spirited and high-minded conduct produced so proâ€" impression on the House that the Grits began to fear that, it. would re- act on their own party, and their leaders found it necessary to whimper out an explanation that Mr Huntington’s motion was not intended asa vote of want of confidence Thus out. of their own mouths they were condemned. The first verdict against them was pronounced by themselves. That they were launched upon a career of crime, subswqttent event! butficiently demonstrated. In the Men- treal letter-stealing case they took a step further in the downward course, and actually became the ilCCtanllCCS of cri- minals. ,Nzty, criminals LlIUll];Cl\eS of the first part. for the perpetrator of the crime was only an agent. Conspiracy in- evitably gravitates into crime. Not agency was too infamous to be used in their designs. They were prepared to go any length. They had their spies everywhere. Their golden key and their flcile morals enabled them to unlock all secrets and rummage ewery private Ca- binet. ‘ The Grits‘ all; 2' their mannt r. are after having the usual .:.;.->unt of rejoicing and celf-grutulzninn over their mince-led vic- tory by feasting llunlingtnn, the Arch» Couspirator, at Montreal. It is :1 inchin- choly trium‘ih that of conspiracy against law and order, that, of law-breakers against, good citizens, that, of letter-steal- are over high minded {.IEIJIhilllCtll We review the larcer of the man who was head and front and f‘utspaw of the plot The conduct ot' Huntington through the irif-iim)un;ifl'.1i1‘ was notoriously char. acteristic of the " vuys that are dnrk " of the Compirator. He became posse-s. ed of certain papers in :t manner which h. wu unwilling to explain. It is now Iscertainad by debuueliing Mr Abbott's clerk by bribery. He made a grave ohlrge ngninst the then existing;r govern- ment, and immedi‘tely sat downnot, darâ€" ing to trust himself to a word ot'explan- ntion. He dared not. trust himself in the presenco of'n competent judicial tri. buml! He knew Ihut it wruld snowed in szrippin;v his statements of the nis of misrepresentation: with which he had surrounded the real facts of'the cute In parlismcut, aided and nbbetted by the fictions and unscrupulous countenance of his party, he could reiterate his charges with all the vemon with which he Was capable; but the calm; impartial investig- ation of a law court would soon interrupt the flow of' manufactured indignation and unmask thc vile conspirator in all his re- pulsive colors. His conduct was so tran- Iparcnt that no one was really deceived. RichmumlHiIISlalion , akin: (:3ch September >19. lb": Going North 8.1“ AJ. . 2.!51) 50in; SanI' 9 :‘5 m...“ j. THE ACCIDENT OF AN ACCI DHM'I‘. Eh: éfi'mi’s ‘gfimaflfl. 0.3THERN RAILWAY OF CANADA lltlroxn HILL. Jun. 2, 1874 Change- oI mm- "I 51)., 5 l” p m 3.“.‘27 p. ’I‘he day for the Nomination of candi dates for Municipal honors for 1874 is past, and thoss willing to represent the “independent. electors” are now fairly on the war-path, and canvassing is now the order of the day. This year, in many of our Municipalities, gentlemen of'superior abilities have consented to be brought forward, and there is now no necessity for our putting up with men who lack many, or all of' the requisites, which con- stitute efiicient oflicers in a Municipality. Every intelligent elector should exercise his judgment as to which candidate is best able to do the duties likely to be assigned to him, either as Reeve, Deputy or Councillor in the most efficient and creditable manner. Last year some of the electors in this Municipality thought it a joke to run certain men for the fun of the thing. This doubtful kind of amusement may excite the risible facul- ties of' a few of the electors who lack in: telligenee, but when we have to foot the bill for a year’s mismanagement and dis- Hoping §Ou will be next election, Mn EDITORâ€"Dear Sirâ€"Not having much to do at this season of' the year, and spendng my Christmas holidays in your pretty village, as I was strolling along last Saturday evening I dropped into your Council Chamber, as I under- stand you have the privilege of being in- corporated. The Reeve and two Coun- cillors only were present and if they are to be taken as samples of your concen- For Councillors we would give a de- cided preference to Daniel Kuaman, and Mr Cameron; it is desirable to infuse new blood with the old, that, an improve- ment be brought about in Vaughan Council mattersâ€"a consummation de- voutly to be wished for. We hope our friends will rally to the polls and give Mr Clarke Wallace ahear- ty support as one of the Deputy-Reeves. lie. is a well informed man of business ; thoroughly conversant with the duties required of him, and will reflect credit upon his constituents when in the Coun- ty Council. Of the other two Candi‘ dates for the Deputy-Reeveship we think Archy MeQuarrie is the best of‘the two. To ithdz'lor of the York Herald. l \lacdnnald M r Porter is usponsible, asnne of the Deputy llecves of Vaughan. 't'or increasing the salary of the Clerk and Treasurer; that officer now receives $325 a year besides pickings to the amount of $141 31â€" and it is rumored that he is intendingr to bring it up to the even $500 it'hc ant Webster can securc'thcir re- turn. We consider that the labourer is worthy of his hireâ€"but we do respect- l'ully submit that giving the Clerk asalary and allowing: picxings into the bargain is a very unsatisfactory as well as unsafe Way of remuneratinga Township ofiicerr As for Mr W C Patterson, we need hard- ly introduce him to the electors of the 'l‘ownship of Vaughan. As we said he- t'ore, his politics and thom of' the Herald are wide as the poles asunder; but, he is a more reliable Grit than his competitor; he is a better business manâ€"shrewd and painstakingâ€"and will see that the finan- cial affairs of the Township of Vaughan are caref’ully managed, and every dollar accounted for. All this we believe the farmers and ratepayers of the Township of Vaughan are pretty well aware of, and for these reasons we believe it will be most desirable to elect; Mr Patterson as Reeve, and leave Mr Porter at. home. laughed at, and to reflect disgrace upon u constituency sendingr such representa- tives to the County Council. Mr Por- ter’s weakness is vanity; he ever esti- mates himself. and the consequence is, as we have said before, he is an utter failure. At the Town Hall on Mondny he squirmed and \rriggled to catch Con servative votes and Radical votes, and showed himself to be ready for anything; he claimed to be a true Grit for having supported Unbertus as against Governor Ilowlnnd; and he insulted every Con- servatiVe present by his reference to po- litieil questionsâ€"and forcibly reminded his auditors of the donkey kickingr the dead lion, when he spoke of Sir John A. Doc. 29, 1873 @mrwpmfieme. THE ELECTIONS remain yours, &c., BRICKS. more successful l Moved by Mr Powell. seconded by Mr l Hopkins. that the Treasurer be hereby auâ€" ‘ llmrized to pay lhe following: claimsugainst l this cm'pm'mion for the year 1873 :‘ lP. G. Savage, salarv as cmetaker of‘ Fire {Engine up n Blst Declmbpr. 1873 $15.00 lFred Crawford. tor posting Election " Bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00.50 Alex Scott for printing per account. 8.40 Jumps Daniels, per centage for collect Gm'rI,EMRx.â€"l been mm! resnflctf'ullv to resign the oflicol of (‘lmlz and Treasurer of the TOWNSHIP of Markham. In do'ng so I have great plemure in tendering you and your predecessors mv heartfelt thanks for the kindness and forbearance given to me at all limos in discharving the arduous and responsible duties of the offices l have had the honor of holding in the Township for the must fourteen yenrs. During lhal time it has a‘lwnva hoen mv endeavor to do my dutv imnm'fially to the heat of' mv judgment and for the best interests of the township. I am, gentlemen, The above nouncil met at Hunter’s hall. UninnviHe. on Saturday. 20th inst. Reeve in the chair ; members all present. Minulos of last meeting were read 39d confirmed. Mr Marsh introduced a By law, in blank, to amend Bylaw No. 147, and alter School “The Renve road the fonving communi cation of the Clerk ofihe Municipality: To the lem'm'pal Council of the Township of Markham: Mr Trench came forward and “:1th that asthe (‘mmcil declmed to pass his account for the Hose Real this evening. he desired to withdraw his claim against the Corpor- ationâ€"â€"and that he now declines to deliver Ibo said Hose Peal to the Council, The Conncfl then adjourned. Mr Powpn moved seconded hy Mr Unpâ€" ‘Kins that the sum of one dollar he struck off the Collector’s Roll on account of assessv ment. 0" John Mnrfloy for a dngâ€"said Mortâ€" Yey having removed from the Municipality ~â€"Cm'rivd. in! taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.29 â€"Cnrried. Mr 'J'renoh’q account for making Hese Realâ€"amounting to $20 was ordered to be laid over Mr Powell moved, seconded hy Mr n0p~ kins. tha’ the Treasurer he hereby authurâ€" ized to {my over to the Treasurpr of the Township of Markham the sum of $33.81, being the amount due from this cvrnoration for tax in aid of the Toronto& Nipissing Railwayâ€"in accordance with the agreement entered into with the Corporation of the Township of Markhnmâ€"Which agreement henvs date this 27th December, 1873.-â€" Carried. Mr P0on moved seconded by Mr Hopâ€" kins ihat lhe Clerk be hereby aulhmized to Hi” up the blank form 1mm [he Provincirfl Treasurer’s dvpanrgem, for the year 1873; and that hp :3 hereby authorized to change 111+- figures 0! Vhe endmNemont m) the hack of said form from 1872 to \1873â€"(111‘2'996. Mr PuweH moved, seconded by Mr Hopâ€"- kins. that Ihe Reeve and Clerk be hereby instructed to Sign the duHIicate agreement just r‘eadâ€"â€"â€"and to attach the seal of the Corporation 1hereto.â€"Carried. Counciilot Powell moved seconéed by Councillor Hopkins that having heard Mr Pearson’s letter read this Council lwreby instructs the Clerk to write to Mr Pearson again and say that it is the opinion of this Council that he (Mr Pearson) should pay the ‘ull amount (twentv dollars) ot'l’ine in- flicted by him on Mr Valle to the 'l‘reasurer of this corporation . and that the Clerk do respectlully request Mr Pearson to remit the necess ry amount on or before the first, of January nextâ€"Carried. Th0 Clerk read an :igrevment in duplicate l):t\A'oon51l1(-‘Cm-pmalimis of {he Township 02" Markham of [he first part and Richmond Hill ul ihe secnnd prrtâ€"which agreements were drawn up in pyrsuance of" preliminary rrangements made’ betw9en lhe two corâ€"- porution utvUnionville, on the 8th Seplem bPl' last. - Pursuant to adjournment the Council met; presen 1. the Reeve in the chair, Councillors Hopkins and Puwell. Minutes of 13th Dec read and approved, The Clerk read a Communimiion received from 1‘). Pearson qu. J. P. of Au rora. rlntud lSlh Dvcamherin relation to the fine imposed on Mr Velie, Innkeeper of {icmmxd llill. For Councillorsâ€"Messrs Marsh. N. Butâ€" ron, W. Armstrong, jr., W. Lawson, H. Jennings, Thos. Martin, Wm. Lundy. The firm three named gentlemen will be Candiâ€" dates for the Council, as the others have retired. For Deputy Ix’ecvcsâ€" Messrs Millikenr Lane Ind (Jul. Butmn. Mr Parker Crosbv requests us to announce to his friends that he is not a candidate for the Roeve’s clmir. ' They ought now to cast their votes for the progressive candi- date, Mr Harrison, and leave all trimmers at home. MARKIIAM N0mxumx.â€"The following genfiemen were "emulated on Monday last: F07 Reeveâ€"Messrs Eukiu and Robinson. play of'ignort *3 it takes the point ofl°l the joke and makes it a blunt matter of' dollars and cents. “latching the proceedings of our {resent Council we early came to the conclusion that each chair required a substitute for the man who filled it, to make a respectâ€" able representation of the intelligence of" this community. As the year closes we become more and more confirmed in our first impressions. It will be seen by re«l fering to the minutes of the last Council published elsewhere in our column: that not content with a years imbecility and ignorance, they have tried to work against the interests of the municipa-‘ lity by throwing the harmful effects of' their stabornness into the coming year, ‘ by disqualifying for office. Mr. Wm. ‘ Trench, a gentleman who was Willing: to work for the benefit of' the Huoicipality, and one whom the electors had un-l aminously selected as a Councillor for! the ensuing year. If the worthy gentle- men who perpetrated this ruse, did so; for the purpose of securing their own‘ seats by making a candidat less in the field, they will find that their sltot‘t-‘ sighted policy has only shaken from l under them the sandy foundation. on ‘ which they rested. and the result will be ; whst we have ask forâ€"a new Council. 1 By giving your votes to Mr. Harrison For Reeve, and selecting four from the following gentlemen :-â€"â€"Mcssrs. Brown, Atkinson, Crosby, Willson, Arnold, and Davidsonâ€"the ratepayers will improve things wonderfully fbl next year. Unionville Dec. 20, 1873 RESIGNATION 0!” TH! TOWNSHIP CLERK. M ABKHA M COUNCIL VILLAGE COUNCIL. Your obedient swvant, , GIORG: EAxm MONDAY, ntxt the 5th JANUARY, 1374. Barn Slahies. Driving House. Piggarv. 61c. (Ionstantsupply of good waler For house). as wall as a Gun Spring CIee-k running acms~ the land. [ha whole [wing almost a closad by a N‘ w Board Fence, '1 arm Liberal and pous esx on will bu gnva immedinleh. leher pal'ucnlars can bu had by applying to 88 Acres ClearedJG of which are waded down in Wheat; lemnindm‘ in good Slandng Tin. ber. _NEW FRAME DWELLING HOUSE To t/Lefrce and independent Ecectors of the T0 WNSHIP 01“ VA UGHAN. give an avcuunt 9f the process adopted by “ends J- mes Epps 2’: (70.. munufaculrm of dioieuic :n'liclns. at [hair Works in [he Huston Rwd. Londml’kâ€"See arficio in Gassell’: Hour/told Guulz \R’HI'HIN Three miles uf tlu- Vilmgo of " 'I‘hornhill, and five minutes walk of Nonlmrn Railway Station. bniug on Evl4t Half of’Lul 6, Third Con, in the U GRATva AND Conrowrmaâ€" " By a thorough knowledge ofthe n aural law> which governthe operations ofdigeslion and nutrition. and by a carejul application) of tha fine proper- lies of well-selected cocoa7 NlJ Epps has pro- vided our brealifasl tables with a dalicalaly flavored beverage which mav save us many heavy ioctors’ llllls.”â€" Civil Sm‘vics (iazctla. Made simply with Boiling Walvr or Milk Each paw-e] is labelledâ€" ' 1.4st Err! 61. '70.. x Hommpathir (,hemisls. London." IVlANUFAC'l‘IIRE av Cocm.â€"“ We will now VALUABLE FARM PER Your vote and inn-res! arc respectfully reques- [ed for ENSUIAG YEAR, Mr Marsh, seconded bv Mr Lane, moved that be it resolved that whereas the assess mth of the Tomntu and Niptssing Railwav in this township was reluced, by mutual agreement. from $20.0(JO to $0.500, that the Treasurer be and is hart-by authorized to remit to the Collector of taxes for the east half of thié townsldp the amount of taxes lost by the aboyc reduction. _ Ml' Marsh, secomlvd by Mr Buttrm, moved that the Treasurer he and is, hereby aulhor- ized and required to pay tn Mr Daniel Tipp 1le sum (“$100, and In David W. Eyer the sum ol'$95, so soon as they shall haw; .sev- emllv executed lvases ()l‘i'xher‘gl‘m‘bl flélihat tlmfi'rhu've sold to 1l1is muxnicilmlit'v‘. the said grdvvl pits being siluleed' (m L rt, No. 23, in Ilm 41h Can. of this Municipality. Mr Lane. sécundrd by Mr Marsh. moved that the mvnby g:umed_ by this. ( (,uncil 10 Alex. Collar, and payiilvle tn the (ude of John Slq 1n 1 Sun. slmll hr m and after this date he paid [(1 the warm (:1 the Rene. Mr blIHH{(‘II.SE’CO’1(II‘(} by M)‘Lane.x110V(‘d th-q the sum 01' $1 33 be refunded by lhe Treasurer tu Jame' F “less, said sum being an overcharge of' on his property fur the pl'tmenl'yoar. Mr Malsh, éecondm‘i by Mr Lane, moved that M r Geo I‘iukin'lhe( lerk and Treasurer of this Municipalitv, be pnid the sum 0Y$60 out of the funds ot‘t‘nis Township, for oxtm services done by him in connection with ‘1he Said tnflices durng the past year, said (12'.er work CuHSiSIillg‘ of registeling births, denlhs and Inurriugesfi :nveyancing, &c., on behalf of lhlS muni nullity. l ' Mr Marsh introduced a By Law to alter ‘tlle electoral divisions fri- municipal pur- ‘poses as follows: No. 1 composed of lbts l26 10 40 inclusive, in lst Conn and luts 1 {t015 inclusive, in an. 3rd and 4th Cons. No. 2 cmnpnsed of Lots 41 m 60 inclusive. in the lat (lon , and l6 to inclusive, in ‘lhc 2nd, 3rd and 4Ill Ccns. No. 3 composed of lots 1 lO 15 inclusive, in the 5th, 6th and . 71h Cons. No 4 (‘UHIpUSPd of" lots 16 to 35 linclnsive. in the 51h, 6111 and 71h Cons. No. 15 cmnpnsed of lnts No. 1 to 15 inclusive, in the 8th 91h 10th and 14:11 Cuns No. 6 iommwoserl of luls 16 lo 35 inclusive, in 'lhe [Bil], 91b and lOlli Co‘vs. “The llv Law, on 1 motion, “as read the several times and pas ,‘ sud. Patterson, Woodbridge and Kleinburg, Mr Marsh inlmdnced a By Yaw to amend By law 238, by insel ling the word maximum between the words 'lhe and amnunt,’ in the second section of said By law, and striking out the word ' two’ and insertihg in lieu thereof the Word 'laree,’ which received its several readings and passed. u. .. . Mr Millikan. secunaed by Mr Marsh, moved that Mr Geo. Eakin, the IateVClerk and Treasurer, be and is hereby instructed and required to hand over to his successor in ufik'c, all books. papers. moneys, and other documeus. the pmpm-ty of this mnui cipality, on the (its! dry of Janunry. 1874. or so sum) thereafter as the present. Ctm-k and Treasurer furnishes the Reeve with the necessary security as required by Byxluw of this mttnicmnlity. Mr Lune introduced a By Law, in blank, to appoint a Clerk and Tresurer in the place of Mr Enhin, resigned. The Byan, on motion, was ruad 21 first time, and the Coun- cil went into a committee of the whole thereon. Mr Lune 1n the chair. The com mittee rose and reported the By Law as amended, and the blanks filed with the name of John Stephenson, and security to the amount of' $40,000. On motion the re- port wns recciwd and the By law received its third reading and passed. N0. 23. 9th 0012., he pai‘ by [hr Treasure- Mn; Lune. $60!)”de by Mr Millikan,muvu‘ that the accou‘nt of H. R. Cox-son, for prim ing, amounting to $11.25, be paid by LL Treasurer. 4 SeclidnEVNo. 5 and 8, which was read the filSL firm? Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Lane, moved; that the resignation of Mr George Eakin, as Clerk and Treasurer of the Township, be accepted on and after the lat day of Jan- uary, 1874, and than the Council would take th:~1 odp-urlunity of expressing the high es» teem they hold for him, and they only regret that they cannot retain his services longer, as they have nnfonly found him strictly cor rect i.) his accounts. but kind and courteous to all persons with whom he came in con tact. Mr Button, seconded by Mr Mil'iiken, movedowfil the account of Henry Johnston. pverseeirffqy Baud Division No. 54, amount I”! Mr Milliken,’ seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the sum of$3 be paid to the Reeve by the Treasurer, for supplying clo: thing 10 Jnhn Edmondson, as instructed by the Council. 0n mnhon the By law to amend By law No. 147, to alter Schuol Sections Nos. 5 and 8, was read a second and third time a‘fid passed. HENRY LEVION Thurnhil], Doc. 31. H573 806 QREAKFAST. â€" EI’PS’S COCOA. October 2“. H373 The Council then adjourned sine die. _. CLARKE WALLACE, Township of Vaughan LIIABLE my run sun! 96 ACRES 01" CHOICE LAND DEPUTY REEVE, 103451.375; fol din'hinq in from of L( 0%}lttié’91 33mm. PULLIFG AT )‘onA m u 0N 739-ly Sufiâ€"tr Dis No. 1 at Patterson; No. 2 Wood- bridge; No. 3 at Kleinburg, ETWEEN Kiuh wOlId Hill and the Third Loucension of Markham, on the 2611) Dec" 5 Gentleman’s MH\K C()ln.ARET. The finder w ll be unilany rewnrdod by return- ing it to tha owner. at the Wesleyan Parson- ago. or to lhis oflice. WM. 0. PATTERSON Eighteenth Day of Febmcary, 1874; Al ll U’ctuck in tin: Format)". being Hm lime appointed for nbjudication or the chums. Dued the 23rd day of Ducomber, 1873. FORTHCOMING ELECTION. to send. by post, prepaid. to “enr- Harrison» ()sler 6L Moss, of the City of Toronto, tho So- !iottors for the Exocutoru cf the said Martin Brannatt. their Christian and Surnumou, ad« daesses anJ description. thu full particulars of their elalmn : statement oftheir accounts. and the nature oftha Mcut'ities (ifany) held by them ; or In detault .lloteof they Wt“ be per- emptoril, excluded from the benefitofthe said dscrea. Every Creditor holding any securlty is to produce the sums before me. the under- signed Master in Ordinary ol the said ( uurt. at my Chambers; in Osgoode Hall. in the City of Toronto, ou the I Court of Chnnoory, mud» in [he Suit of Marshall vs Teefy, the Credk‘ors of erlin Brennan. late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York. Farmer, who died in or about me month of November, 1872. no on or before the MARTIN BRENNAN, DECEASED. TOWNSHIP 0 F VAUGHAN Your vow and inlereat ale respectfully aolioi led fur [Ihancety Notice to Creditors Seventh day of February, 1874, RENO VING'IIISBUSIN Jb'S JNO. BRO\VN’S STORE, clasa wurk. THOMAS B. COPELAND PHOTOGRAPHER, ‘ RICHIWONI) HILL Richmond Hill, Dec .‘9, H573. In tho neighlmrhuod Saws, Nails, Sérewa. Lurks. Files. Buus. Hinges. Pockot and Table Cutlely. and 81.1051 every variety of Carpenters’ tools. which i will so“ at_ SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE DECIDEDâ€"LY CHEAP! THE LOWEST TORONTO PRICES AMERBY CHRISTMAS and 1: HAPPY NEW YEAR Pine". (Tastfllon & Co’s French Brandy. $1.5” per gnl‘on, . . .4 'cts per qiafl Finfll'urs ()ld Jnmana Hum SH 50 PM" EGHML...... . . . . . . . . . 4‘3 015 pew-guafl Hernard’s Uld 'I'om Gil ' .5" [991‘ gallon A Gwen: variety of Chnppiug Axes, Double Steal, from $1 each Give mo 3 call and examine my Goods and l’lices. Best Old Ry. (not surpassed in qua- lily.. . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . $l par galbn Beat ["amlly Mall. \nol surpassel il qualitv) . . . . . . . . y , . . . . . . . . . . 5“ p9 r’gallou Dekuyper's Holland Gin. .. . $250 per gallon M} as per q! Tine Dry Golden Brown. She ry I'iue. $I.M) per gnlinn, .. . .40 c Fina Pura Terragona Port Wino $1.5U per Filo». ..........-m c I< determined to so" the (‘H HA“EST CRUCERIES to be hed‘ on Richm and Hill this war Just look at the prices and compare with other more! zâ€"- ' Fine firighk Rqfined Sugar, 10; lbs and II; lbs for............... .31 Fine powdered Loaf Sugar Nlbs for 31 Good. NaIIrnl Lou 9”. Japan Tea. ..........30ctl nnd35cls porlb Fine. Fresh, Young Hyson Tam. . 45c“ per lb better than any sold on Richmond Hnll‘or................. . . . . . SOclaperlb Fina; full flnvomd young hyson ton (352.:tsperlb as good as any sold in the Villag. for.;...’........... . . . . . . . . . . 75ctspulb Strong. fine Flavored Muynno Young Hyson Tea...” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . shots per lb as gnud at any wld in the vilhg. for . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........9{)clsperlb Mnndnrin filixllro, I {raglan and_ IN WINEs AND LIQUORs-z I have the best nssonmem and the best vintages in the vintage and win sell Retail at Wlwl-snl- l’riues doliei-us Tu.................8$Itl [an IE Spluujad flavored Black Tea fram 80m: per lb Valalxia Raisins, last season's crap thsfor...... . . . . . ........$1 GEORGE A. BARNARD!‘ With nu excallmn assortmonfi of Pure Fresh Ground Spices, Essences. Lt mun, Citron nnd “rungn- Peol. Mutdmmld’s [’rinm Clmwing and smoking Tobaccos in l’lug 8nd Fine Cut. (.1‘055 62 Blackwell's Vicki’s, Canmd Fruits In Great Vnrlcu . VVilh an hsurlmem of ’J'uys and (Tonfectiunery CH EAP GROCERIES Richmond Hill. Dec. 31st, 1873. SOS-ti FOR SANTA CLAUS I Election on Montiay next. the 5173 JANUARY, 1874, AT 9 A. MUNICIPALITY Richmond Hill. Dec. 1873. URSUAN'Y‘ TO A DEGREE OF THE Begs to inform the public that I). intend: ND Asgbo is‘gnlting a gallery lhero fined up i_n gay}! En Is he will [In ablo to do first THE 22nd DECEMBER INST '1‘ COPELAND. TO ONE DOOR SOUTH OF Polling places :â€" Uo- intonas moving on LOST ! (S'd) J: W, TAYLOR. AT THK 0' TH! .. “.40 eta per quark l havo also on hand the best assortment of AT CASH PRICES. 44; 015 ’91- quafl $1.5“ Ppr [MHUII 40 cm per “a” 40 hts per gnarl Sign of the British Flag Staf, Richmond Hill. . Hogan’s Hotel. Spring“!!! ' THE LATE JOHN BALES Saturday the 10272 January, ’74 TERMS :-â€"'l‘ha l’n‘chser will be roquirod to pay down To" put com, on (he in of Sula, Ind won‘h within one month to Innko on. lllird of the purchase money; the blame in {our Annual lustalmnnts. with interest at the rate If seven percent. per uulm to be secured by mortgage on the premises. Upon pnvmonl u above and on givin g the Mrrlgnp tho pur- chaser will ho let in possouion. For further particulars Iddrexl CHAS. .I BALES lig- liugtun; MCDONALD 61 BADGEKOW,SQ- AT on o'aLocx 1’. 11., As mum's: Thu East half 0| lot No. II in this 4th Con- cassmn 0'. King, (excepting twont~ five acres told u- Juhn Kan.) coaluiuing in nil Seventy- fivo Acrns. lnnrn or IBM. licfiora. Town“ or I. The Property is shunted lbont I. miles from Springhill The soil Is . oxm-llem clay 101nm and is wall watered. Thu undertigned has rocoi‘voi {mm the Executor: of' instructiqu FARM PR OPER TY! Remember the place, Corner of Yong: and Centre St. apposih Sanderson d‘ Sons. Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. ONTARIO HOUSE THE VERY EST CHRIST m BMEHIES‘ Hunt’s Old Port Winn. Bpkldid quamy. $2.”) per gnulm, . .75 cu; por quart Finest Henuessy’s Franch Brandy $93.5 pnr (anon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 eta peu qlrt Imported Blewnn’l B Mlod ficotch Whiskey-1.145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bncta bottle lupnrted Mun-art's Scotch Whiskey. “.0 mm Flashy. . . . . . . anus PM ilnd Imported Fin Irish Wlnsku in Pin) P‘Iasks,. . . . ... . . . .. . .3“ ch per flask Dekux'pv r'v Schoidam Schnupp’s. 50c '0 70¢ par bottle, Fin.“ & Bart Frr'nch Brnudies .liflcls In $1 per bums J. M. PATTERSON. Aucti’r. Bloomington. Den-ml”: 15. 1873» New'CIop finest Valendn Raisin-L Hlbnfor . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . New Cmp, fines! Sioved and dressed 10 lbs for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sf NO)? prop. finssl Snedless Raisins. Cnnuulu, 13le for . . . . . . . . . . Soft Shell Almonds. 51b for.. . . . Swoot Hickory Nuts_ . . . . . . . . . . l ins Fresh Ground 1 offee. . . . . Purofiirouud» West India (Ioflée. 2|b Bars Excellent Soap. . . . . I Bust Pennsylvania Coal Oil . .33 8; lbs {in ........ . ........... 31 New Urop Zanle Currants. 15m- $1 New Crop. sieved and dressed Zamo in gallon'lou Taylor’s Fines! “alllmoro Oysters 30¢ per cu Fino'rresh Sardine!” . . . . . . . . 17 e per cm A call from I" is I’Mpeclfully solicited‘ UCTION SALE GOOD AND CHEAP, To sull bv l’nhlm Auction. ll Thanks to the public for past Patronage. CAN BE HAD AT THE Gimmim, «\I‘t. G A. BARNARD, . . . . . $1 .....$l . .lllcls par lb .. . . .250ts par lb lée. . .30c13 per lb 12§ms per bu .33cls per gallon 803-5 R0 OM PAP-” .3- Call sud onmino befm prob“ eluwherc. PARCELS manna. mum um, Nov :5, 1m. FURNITURE cnocxznv a; 31..“st XXX OYSTERS. Ground Coffees 6: Spim. White Fink, Salmon Trout, Split 6 round Smoked Salmon, Hm Haddig Yuma ltd B M BRAZIL WINES AND LIQUORB. ALMOND, CANNED FRUITS l‘ Orange g' Lemon Hamish NEW DRESSID CUBRANTS, NE W VALENTIA 'J’Hl STOCK CUXIISTI 0' STAPLE AND FANQY “7131158 T9 RETURN 5'18 mun to his nIrnotou Ili'qu' fir 1M vary libord Ilppurldltiu. pm you. Ill now bcflflo quuuc'oulhufiio in I‘lil pro- paIOdJO apply all than who any (111518 XMAS SEASON I LEMON, ORANGE. AND CITBOI PFFLS. CHRISTMAS IS COMING. SUPERIOR SEEDLESS HAW. We ban a hive Ind urhd gum-.6 much an “ Throughout m hone I buy “it. The: cook in glory reigning Tho maidn' soft drum of mini-too, ’Midu grnvor cnru disdlininl : For. in hor ears the magic voic- Ofnuother song in humming. ‘ The Chrillmal pudding mu: ho mu... for €hriumu Du in «his. ' " Always on hand a replete nook of FAVOR HIM WITH A CALL BARDINES, LOBSTBRS, he. And that for CASH he will “If unocnnrnqg, CURRANT&LJ FISH! It'll AID UlADULTUBAT” TEAS J 5170138. A P. G. SAVAGE RICHMOND HILL. Gruttrm, M. LOKDON» LAYER (nu OLD nun) IUITAILI FOR 1". 1mm sun-r, WITH AID All) NEW'

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