Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Jan 1874, p. 1

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f1 [‘3- HF affth the teeth only. The tooth I'm! gum surrounding becnmes inaenaible with the a external agency, when the tooth can be ex- tracted with no pain and without endanger- ing the life, as fix the use of Chloroform. Dr. v. Robinson will be at- the following places prepared to extract teeth with his new'ap- paratus. All office operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner : ' Aurora, lat, 3rd, 16th and 22d of each month Newmarke .. 2d vafiighmond Hill, 9th and 24th “‘ “ “guilt-Albert, ......... . ......... 15th “ " "'Tho'rnhilih “ “ Maple” ......26th H “ Burwick.... . ........ 28th “ " lgleiphurg...‘ ..29th “ " a . .Boottaixd shberslrrinvafié'tp meavsuré, of the ‘lbest‘m'aberialand"workmanship, at the low- : «gremgneritingpriiqes. (3800291501151 To w. w. oox,) ' UTCHERS, RICHMOND HILL, HAVE ‘ i adwa 's on hand'the‘best‘of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, eai, Pork, Sausages, #0., and sell at the lowest prices for Cash. ‘ Riéhifiondfinl, Oct. 24, '72. ,New method‘ of extractinglbeeth” without r ‘paji‘n, .byfhe ape ofMEthgr Syrayqvhich Also, Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried _Ha,ms. . .. ' The highest markét‘ pricé given for Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, arc.- FARMER‘S’ BOOT AND SHOE STORE Corner ofl'oung and‘Centre at‘reets East, have constantly on‘hand a good assortment of Drugs. Paints, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Varnishes, . FancyAx-ticles, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines M11311 other articles kept by. druggits generally. Our stock of medicines warrant- od genuine, and of the best qualities. Richmgnd Hill, Jail 25, ’72 705 JOHN BARRON, xpanufacturer and deélé'f in all kinds of boots and shoes, 38 West MES-kefi Squpr‘e', To'ronjm. ‘ pll’gyglj‘QIAL L431. D _ summon, QM!) - Albert Thoi‘nhili. .. Maple” .. Bfirwick..... .. $1271.11" Kleinbul‘g...‘..‘........... Noblgtovn‘.... ' Nit} o‘xxs Oxide 11mm. . ......... 15th ...26th .2817!) ..29th .30th Gas always ova" ‘ hah‘ai n Kl H (I u 1‘ H u H II .‘1 Gt 2 Fancy Bills, Business Cards, Circulars,La.w Forms, Bill Heads, Blank Checks, Drafts, Blank Orders, Receipts, Letter Heads,Fancy Cards, Pamphlets, Large and Small Posters, and every other kind of Letterâ€"Press Print- .wng- , _ __, _ Wines, and Liquors, Thornhill. By {oyal Letters Patent has been appointed Ia- auer of Marriage Licenses. . Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Ontario. Residenceâ€" Lnt 7, 6151: Con., Markham: P. 0 address, Uhionville. Sales attended to on the short- shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Orders left at the Herald office for Mr. Car- ter’s service will be promptly attended to. June 27. 1867 ' H. SANDERSON 8.: SON, PBOPRIETORS OF THE RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE icensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Peel, Collector of Notes, Ac- counts, &c. Small ch35 es and plenty t-odo. .Laskay, March‘Z, 186 ‘ ' 539-1y icensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attendedtoon the‘ short- est notice and at reasonable rates. P. O. adgiress, Buttpnville. THaving mazle lafie additions to the print- ing material, we e better prepared than ever to do the neatest and most beautiful printing of every description. " (7/:ertp'Bobk and Job Priystingfi'uabmhmmt‘ main &Colored Jo Work than one year, iilsertion.. . Each subsequent msertxon.... 22 inches to be considered one column. All transitory ddvertisem‘gnts from rgg‘l'l- hr or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. ' -Adverbisements without written direétiun insorted till. forbid, ‘andfharged acgordingly. A‘II. BOOK ' ' ESTABLISHMENT. ' Orders for {any of the undermentioned des- cription of All lettefs addressed to the editors must be post-paid. ' One inch, one year... . Two inches, one year.. Three inches, one year.. Adyertisements £9; a qhorter perigci No paper discontinued until all aFrearages are paid ; and panties refusing papers with- out paying up will beheld accountable for the gupscriptioq.‘ ‘ TERMS: 011's Dollér ‘per annum in ad- vance, if not paid within two months, One Dollar and Fifty ants \_vill _b_¢_s charged. THE YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most. important Foreign and Local News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a. valuable Family Newspaper. And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest- mails or_9ther ggnveyancegl w_hen so_de§ired: Aurora, April 28, 1870 Every Friday Morning; Tab] YORK HERA‘LD Mark’ham, July 24, 1868 ‘oront‘ol .Dec'3: 1867‘ 32â€"5117 Edgiriéexf 9:114" Dgaughtgman. 0Fr1c1;~~YONGE Sun, RICHMOND Hlu :mentz ‘UBLTSHER AND 'PROPBIETOR if}? w. H. (a R. PUGSLEY, TJiRMS: $1 PER ANSUM 1N ADVVANC‘E‘ A. ‘ROBIESON’S, L. D. 8;. VOL. XV. N0 30‘ will be promptly attended to : FRANCIS BUTTON, Jn., EEka ‘sj GIBSON, ALEX. SCOTT; ADVERTISING RATES. AUCTIONEEIIS. THOMAS CARR, I‘kiE IIERJKLD (‘5; JOB PRINTING HENRY SMELSOR, DENTIS (RY. DRUGUISTQ. JOHN CARTER, ' ’ Tm: YORK HERALD.” XS PCBLISHED 615-12! PER INCH 745-1y 497 ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor-in-Chan cery, Conveyancer, kc. _ Onxcxâ€"No. 6 Royal Insurance Buildings, rToronto street}. ’ - Tofohtb, Dec. 2, 1859. ' 594 The Wait dgn'b seem to' be a better pla'w for 'wgrkingmen than the East. A Denver editor ‘mys mat. a. Waggon- stood for twenty minutes in front'of his‘ aflce, and he had mt less than twenty-appficatiom to unkmd it but an anxious in em half a 60114:: ACCOUNTANT, Book-Keeper, Convey- ancer, and Commission Agent for the gale or purchasq My lands, farm stock, &c., also, for the collection of rent-s, notes and ac- counts. Charges Moderate. Climaxâ€"Richmond street, Richmond Hill. 700-1y HIMNEY SWEEP, AND DEALER IN ‘ old iron, fags, ‘&c., &c., Richmond Hill. All orderupromptly attended to. \3 Coroner for the} County of York. ' Residenceâ€"Opposite D. Hopkin’s Store, 9931. Yonge and Parliainent Sta. Richmond Hill. (Luge v 0:459“ 4‘ Meyer») ARIIISTER, ATTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, CONVEYAXCER, .39.: "‘c- OFFICE ;-â€"No. 12 York Chambers, South- east Corner‘of Toronto and Court Streets, Toronto, Ont. rmmuy‘ 15, 1873. . 756-ly (LATE JAMES & rowun,) RCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINELR, AND Surv’eyor, Trust and Loan Buildings, cor- ner of Adelaide and Toronto streets, To- ronto. « ' ' 719-tf OFFICEâ€"~Uoul‘t Street, Toronto. Branch Officeâ€"Division Court Clerk’s Office, Richâ€" mond H111. Tuos. K. MORGAN. Hoxucn ’I‘nonxz. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS IN Chancery, Notaries, 8w. i Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price, .156, complete for cis- tern not exceeding 8 feet. Churn‘pumps for cisterns, $3 each. Well digging‘doue on the shortest [notice Address, stating depth of well, - PETER PHELLIPS, » These pumps are suitable for all depths, from a cistern to a well of 150 feet. They are not liable to get out of repair, being doubleâ€"valved, and the joints are all turned in a. lathe ; consequently there is no leakage at the joints, which is invariably the case with the common pump made by hand. Price: 35 above platform, and 40 cents per, foot below. ‘ 1 manufactured by Mr. Peter Phillips, who has recommenced business in Richmond Hill, in the old place, and who is now prepared to fill all orders promptly. This Bump is Easiest Worked, Heat Durable, and Neateat Made in the Dominion. . Iyis so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all tight, therefore preventing children- from putting anything into it. The Subscriber would respectfully an- nounca that he is prepared to put in this Pump VVARRANTED TWO YEARS, 01' if they are not preferred to any other pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. All-orders from a. distance promptly at- tended to, and medicine sent to any part of the Province. Horses examined as to soundness, and also bought and sold on commission. 1 _ Richmond Hill, Jan. 25, 1872.. 507 U‘ ver Watches, J owelry. 530., 113 Yonge reet, Tbront'o. V Toronto University College, corner of Yonge and Centre Sta. East, Richmond Hill, begs to announce bathe public that he is now practising with H. Sanderson, of the same place, where they may be consulted person- ally or by letter, on all diseasesoof horses, cattle, &c. ONTRIAL EOR ONE MONTH J. H; SANDERSON, ETERINARY SURGEON, Graduate of Toronto University College, comer of Stands permanently above every other Rem dy now in use. It; is invaluable. LSO, tlm Pain Victor is Infalij‘ule for I Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flox, Colie, Cholera Morbus, Pain and Cramp in the Stomach and Bowels, &c. ‘ . Directions with each bottle and box. Manufactured by I H. MUS'IlARD, Sold by Druggiata generally. The Dominion \Vorm Candy is the medicine 0 expel worms. Try it. ' 700-y November 12, 1872. D USTARD’S Pills are the best pills you can get for Dys e sia, Sick Headache, Billiousness, Liver, i ney Complaints, 61c. AVE you Rheumatism, W'ounds, Bruises, Old Sores, Cuts, Burns, Frost Bites, Piles, Painful Swelllngs, W'hite Swellings, and everv conceivable wound upon man or beast .9 Septemp-e; 1, 1871 \lUSTARD‘S Catarrh Specific Cures Acute l and Chronic cases of Catarrh, Neural- gia, Headache, Colds, Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., it is alsoa good Soothing Syrup. » Toronto, April 25, 187‘ . March ‘12, 1873. Oct. 14, :72. (Medalist, Torontb University,) ‘HYSICIAN. SURGEON, 8w. [VHE EXCELSIOR PUMP IS NOW 'J. SEGSWORTH, ‘EAILER IN FINE GOLD AND SIL- FDW'ARD PLAYTER‘ M.D., Change of Business. ADAM- H. MEYERS, .13., MORGAN THORNE, E-XL‘ ELSIOB PUMP. PATENT MEIDICIN 12s. PROCLAM‘XTION- F. WHITLOCK, THE KING OF OILS WM. MALLOY, And if accepted, 8. JAMES, O’BRIEN, Proprietor, Ingers'oll Richmoxid Hi1). 743-1y 747.ti 684 so quick enough rd escape ditngng Juat as he was crawling news: the tank the train backed mddenly; and '- Fetal Free Ride. (me: the Kansas City Times.) A horrible and somewhat singular death occurred in this city yesterday morning. A young man named John Diina, who‘reported himself as recent. 1y from Lower Canada, was discov- ered at; Atchison by the brakeman on the St. Joseph and Kansas City as- senger train concealed beneath) a. sleeping car. He had been riding be- neath the car from St. Joseph. having held himself upon the true-ks and rested his feet down upon the brake beam. The brakeman advised him to get out of his dangerous osition, but- it appeared that he fail to take his advice. He held on to his .uncom~ fortable position, and reached Har- lem, opposite Kansas City, in the‘ middle of the night He was warned ‘ that he would not be permitted to‘ ride longer in the truck of the sleep- ing car, which was to be switched ofi‘ of the Kansas City train and attached to the outgoin St. Louis train. He attempted to Isongage himself from the truck, but, owmg to his cold and benumbed condition, was unable to do and’ cé‘x‘i‘nting him fifty brand-new gold._piecos into his hand, stamped with his royal likeness, he said tothe astonished farmer, who knew not what Wis coming,“ Thrus‘ting his hand into his pocket, The king, well pleased with his answer, said,“ “Bravoly spoken, old (man. Now I will also give you something to guess. llavoj'ou ever seen me be. fore 1’" ' " Never," snid the farmer. ‘4 In less than five minutes you shall see fifty time and carry in your pocket fifty of my likenesses." “TM coin is enuine, for it also comes from our rd God, and I am hispgyma‘ster. I bid you adieu." “This is a. riddle which I mm unravel," said the farmer. “T116111 will do it for 011‘," re l'ed the king. y p l “ Then I will solve it for yon,” said the farmer. “ I have two .old parents at home who kept me When I was weak and needed help; and new that they are weak and need help I keep them. This is my debt toward which I pay tw'b groschen adny. The third air of gresehen, which I lend away, spend for my children, that they may receive Christian instruction. This Will come handy to me and my wife when we get old. With the last two gresehen I maintain two sick eistere, whom I would not be com elled to keep; this I give for the Lor ’s sake." ' “This is a mystery which}~ Gamma solve," replied the king: “ How is Illa} “I” The farmer smiled, and said,-â€" “Well, if I must tell you, two groschen -are_for myself and awife‘ with two I pay my old debts; _two i lend away; and two I give away for the Lord’s sake." ' lefi. “ That is not much," 'repliod the king; " can you get along with this ?” “Get along, and have something 1“! n “ No, sir,” replied the farmer, who knew not that it was the king; “I am not so rich as that;.1plow for wages.” “ How much do you get a day '3" asked the king. “ Eight groschon ” (about twenty cents), said the farmer. A ' Oontented Farmer. Once upon a time, Frederick, King of Prusnia, sun-named “ Old Fritz,” took a ride, and espiod an old farmer plowing his acre by the way side, and cheerin singing his mglody ‘3 Y0.“ are‘wovll off; 51d Ran,” said the king. “ Does this new belong to you, on which you mindustrionsly labor?" There {we those who battle slander, Envy, jealousy and hate ; Who would rather die than pander To the passions of earth's great ; No earthly power can crush them, They dread not the tyrant’s frown ,: Nye”: no!- favgrr luth tlgem, There are those who flew:- weary, Bearing suffaring and mom; Though the way is long and (freely. It is vocal with their song ; While their 8 irits in God's fnmw, Bending to is gracious will) “Are fashioned in a. purer mould By his loving mam}:le skill. There are those WhOBS loving mini-am ’Tia to bind the bleeding heart ; And to teach the calm submission VVhera pain and sorrow smart, “Easy are angels bearing to us Léve's tic}; ministryoorfi x While the ni ht is nearing to us, And life’s ‘tter trials cease. There are heart; which never falter In the battle for the right ; There are ranks which never alter Watching through the darkest night ; And the agony of sharing In the fiercest of the strife, Only‘ gives a. noble bearino -- Only makes a granderliife. Her hind their ZIOBLE LIVES. {ICH‘MOND HiLL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1874 The man who wax “above his busi- ness" has just gene up stairs for a few minutes. Timkins aroused his Will from a sound sleep theothcr night, saying he had seen a. ghost in the shape of an ass. “ Oh,’ let me slee was the re 1y of the into dame, '“ don’t be My «mud at year "I Mm.” Stowaways dragged from their bid- ing places when the ship is in blue water have to take their chances; and a very calamiteus chance it is.â€" If the culprit be a woman she has not much to fear. Jack is proverbially gallant, and an active woman may make herself very useful in the cabin and the cook-house. But when the offender happens to be a raw lad~ which he generally is, and Irish to bootâ€"he has emphaticall abad time of it._ He may consider imself for- tunate if he is allo‘Wed to earn the worth of his bed and board by per forming the most menial drudgery, and at the end of the voyage the cap- tain can, if he chooses, take the stow- away before a magistrate and have him punished for fraud. It usually happens, hOWever, that the skipper, when the run is over, is as glad to get rid of his unprofitable passenger as Ithatptuwenger is to be well rid of the ship. The former says nothing about ithe pecuniary loss his owners have [snfi‘ered, and the latter is quite con- 3tent to be silent with regard to the numerous attentions conveyed through the instrumentality of mar-: linspikes and ropes ends with which; he has been flavored b the boatswain l and his assistants. hat the French 1 authorities would have said to these‘ waifs and trays on their arrival at Havre is uncertain; but the poor fel- lows need fear no frowns of human just-ice new. They are drowned. Romantic Deatth young lady drowned intern-a. . ‘ Barbers are great tmvanem ; they go from poll to poll. 7' The smallest women look hopefully to Hyman: So well is the practice of smuggling" hnman baggage known to seagoimz folks, that prior to a large emigrant» shi sailing, there is generally organx ize a picket of sailors headed by one of the mates, and furnished with him; toms and ratt‘ans, who make a tour of exploration among the paekin cases and the provision easks. “ tinting; for stowaways "7 is a most exciting- ‘sfm‘fi; the wretched defaufter’e are ‘~ started " from their holes, roundly abused, hustled on deck, “flanged”: by the captainâ€"happy they, in an; American clipper, who escape beingl “Shanghaied” by the boatewain, or “ booted " by the first mateâ€"and are then contumelionsly kicked over the side. Some etcwaways, howaver, generally contrive to « pass unnoticed in the search; and sixâ€"thennmber found on board the Ville dn Havr‘oâ€" may be considered as a fair average among 150 passengers. The ship, in any case, cannot be man'jr days at see. before they are discovered. Every fresh be ahead of beef or biscuit that is unhoaged diminishes their chances of immunity; still there have been known instances of the unfortunate creatures beinginadvertently jammed up between and behind heavy piles of merchandise, and so eufl’ering aliving entombment rivalling that of 0m- sta-nce de Beverley in horror. The London Telegraph eayslln the melancholy catalogue of the pom-e people engulfed in the Ville du Harm, 3 we read that there were twenty-sewn ‘ third~claes aseengers and six “ stowo} aways." ' It’he lest named term is enf- fieiently curious to call for explana- ;tion, and in tendering it we touch ‘ upon one of the most wretched features of emigrant life. A, “etewnwey” is an individual who, at the last moment, just before the vessel leaves the docks for her destination, Blinks on board. creeps below, and conceals himself as securely as he is able in remote nooks and corners of the lower deck or the forepeak. Sometimes he gets into the bold ; but there, if the ‘ hatches are buttoned down, he ruins the imminent risk of being smothered.- At all events, he crawls into his coigfl of vantage and erouches there like _‘e rat behind the wainecot, asking for fear of discovery. An detection must sooner or later be. the doom of the stowawsy. E made as comfdrtablo as possible finder the circumstances. He was a pale, (telioatoly built man, of abauL28 or 30. He had evidently been isnflbi'ixig from the pangs of poverty, and was in want of the common nominal-16: of life. In his pockets ‘we‘re’ib'und an empty purse, an empty tobacco pouch, and four postage smm He said he was unmarried, had no. tends nearer than Lower Canada, Inc? was endeavoring to reaohgflt. Louin ' The brakeman who stood nom- him says the poor fellow fell back and at. tered no cry While‘tho heavy iron flanges of the car wheels crushed and mangled the limb from the hi down to the middle of the thigh. ‘ e was taken 11 find at once conveyed to West ansas City. where, throu h‘ the kindness and attention of t e N agent brothers, his last hours were the heavy wheelspf théfiloeping car caught his left; leg, running over it just; below the hip. ; ‘ ‘ “ Stowaway” u t..4-â€" Mr. Leslie, of Newcastle, England, the builder of the Ville du Ham, has eontributed 82,500 for the RIM pf the “lam by ‘31. law if M m1. b ~eo4~l< The Ashentee Expedition. At five o’clock on the 12th instant, the Thames steamship, with the tree 5 and stores already enumerated, finafiy set sail for the Gold Coast, Lifter being delayed two days by the fog. Not counting these two days, she was got ready in just a. week after her zir- rivnl at the Royal Arsenal, a fact 're- gsrde‘d as very satisfactory, consider- ing the extent of her cargo, which includes 900 tons of revisions, 280 tons of ammunition, 1 0 tons of cloth- ing from I’imlico, 400 tons of cools and about 200 tons of miscellaneous stores. Her freight is larger, espeoi~ ally in n Wder, than that of any ship which as receded her on the same errand. 'e is the thirteenth of the hired transports engaged in the expedition, and a. considerable quan- tity of stores has been sent out in the‘ ships re ularly tradin between Eng- land an Africa, wit out reckoning the cargo of Her Majesty’s ship Dromedary and the troop-ships. This week 150 tons of meat were sentfrom the Victualling Yard, Depiford, to Liverpool, for transport toCn tain Glover, at Accra, by private s ips, and similar consignments are going off every week. Cases of stores. for the next ship, whiohwill probably be the Sprite, are aooumnlatin at Wool- wioh and Deptford. At t e former place five additional surf boats and two more hospital boats arrived yes- terday from the builder's yard at Limehouse, whence two more only of the former are to be delivered to make four; dozen. Those boats are contrived on a novel plan, and those which were sent out early orejaid to have answered admirably, the our 0 ofthe Bonny'having been landed y them. in four days, which was quick work. There are ten surf boats and four hospital boats yet remaining to be sent out, six of the whole number of surf boats being for the Admiralty and the other forty two for the use of the Army. At the clothing factory, Pimlico, the workpeople are still busy making the Ashantee uniform, but nothing is yet said about any ad ditional troops being forwarded to Africa. The 2nd Battalion of the 4th King's Own, and some other regi- ments which have been mentioned, have, howeverLgn the merest rumor, begun to make preparations for de- nrture, and in sbme cases all leave 8,3 been stopped, and the officers who were away called in, lest'a sud- den order should nrrive and find them not ready; A few days ago, General Sir John Adye, Director of Artillery and Stores, said that a whole battery of Artillery officers, non-commission- edi oflicers and men had volunteered for the expedition, and it is said that this was the A Battery of the 11th Brigade at Woolwich. A He was E0 Badly burned that the flesh came off his arms, lenvin the bones here. One side of his hea was full of live coals when he was flicked n , and his e ebrows Were no nrned t at when t- ey healed they grew together, closing the eyes. A year later the doctor’severcd the lids and found the eyes all right, and the eyesight was good. Life with this subject was not unusually rough again until he was six years old, when he was seized with rheumatic fever, and it ended in a fever sore on his right leg. The bone decayed and passed away from the knee to the ankle, and a consultation of physicians was held on the subject of amnumtion. It wee1 decided that ho was too weak to stand i 1t, and so the limb remained upon the] rank. Months afterward it began to ball, and after three years of crutch gymnastics he was well agein.â€"â€" Hardly had he thrown aside the crutches when he fell from a tree, breaking his right arm; It began to heal romptly, but one mighty he stretched i}. ever the head of his bedg made a new Break, inflammation got into it, ulceration folleyved,hnd after 1 To begin with, he was born ofpm parentsâ€"which first misfortune was enough to make him Wish lie-had never been born~and his troubles commenced very soon after that sad event. At-six weeks of age tho whooping cough seizod him,rand,1 after days of min and sorrow, he a1» arently di . His mother “laid im out,” and told hor neighbors he was dead. They all Wopt over the pretty little cor , when one of ithom,‘ of a med lesomo disposition, thought from his looks that them might be life in him, and commenced blowing breath into his hints and tossing him in her arms. 9 came book to life again. When ho was six months old his sister rocked him out of the Cradle into an old~fashionod fire-place, and left him lying under the “ forestiok ',’ in a hot bed ofcoals, while she went out to call her mother, who wa flaking up o_hip§ in tho door- ...___..I '7 A Life of Bad Luck. How pleasant a. surprise it. is to see the miracle of novel motion in objects that are usually inanimate! We have seen a. rope walk, a note run, a watch spring, a horse fly, and a. Bamboga hop; and next summer we shall go over the hills to see the big tram leave, and the mountain «lope. Vilma ynu see an altl gentleman of sixty, on a clear bright day, carrying a blue cotton umbrella, tied tightly about the waist with a sho&stringâ€"-the um- brella. tied, not the old gentlemanâ€"you may look out for min before night, but the probabilities are ymx will not see it. Three years; ago :1 Gloucester lady made her husband promise that he would give her each day the five out pieces he had in his pocket, and on his birthday, a few days nines, she 51: rised him by making him a. present of a. nd; some gold watch, cosfiin upwind: of $100, which she had pure axed with the mug thus obtained. It 311. , hoiv MI faking: will a - '. A new itm in the fashion of ladies' dress was accidentally introduced in one of the churches Sunday. A lady war- ing an elaborate Elizabeth mill-black silk, lined with sky-blue satinâ€"durum directly under the chin a small paper on which was marked the price â€"31 25. In one of the suburban schools of Dover, the committm man put out the word “psaltm'” to a class in spelling. It was a poser till it. reached the foot of the class, when a outlayâ€"headed little fellow spelled it correctly, and beihg askml 69 define it, shouted out? " Mom salt.” ' A bfighb‘dyed Italian boy starred with his organ before a dairy window, and, after playing for a while, examined the rotary ehm'n which was there in operation. “ ' chum is the best,"’he said, at last. “ t. makes bred and huh tor; ymm «mly makes bntm." An ingenime Yankee aeamsbm‘ss makes a squirrel, in his revolving cage, turn her sewing-machine, and her Hiber- nian competitors can’t understand how sho manages to do long 5mm: with “such a little bushy" An inquiring man thrush his fingers into a horse’s mouth to 303 how many teeth he had. The horse closed his momh to seehow many fingers the man had. The cmrimity a! each was: fufly satisfiad. “What is the matter, with you, Uncla Toby? What makes you walk so lama ‘3" “ Well, I jined a temperance society ’bont a month ago, and ham drank nothing but watmr since, and i a‘peot fits got- intr.) my jints and kinder rusted “ My dear," said the sentimental Mrs. Waddlns, “ home, you know, is always the (lamb spot on earth to me.” “ Well. yes," said the practical Mr. Waddles, “it does coast me about twice an much as any other spot.” - ,,,.,T!39_,.lnmv,Mn.Ihmaa. I 7 _'. m gne year's minty to 'all clo‘i'ka aer'w ants in the employment of Barring Brothers, the gross sum to be paid amounting to upwards of £30,000. 01in of a, party of friends, referring be an exquisite musical compositicin said, “ That 50mg always oarriés me away when I hom- it." “Can anybody sing it 3” uked-a. wit in the comm}. An Irishman in Bridgeport, who was told that his employer’a store had bum‘ ed down, exclaimedâ€"“ Well, I can't see how that can be, when I have the hay in my woken” Cincinnati wants m change her big policemen for men who can chase a thief three blocks without having to sit down four times to mac. A little boy is an may thing u love, but a big baby is a- very hard thing to love, a veteran obmm’er. especially if you have married her. A man out West who ofi‘ored hail-for a friend was asked by a, judge if he had an incumbemnoe on big farm. . "Ml yea,” said he; ‘" my oh! woman." The question of where all the Smiths come from is answered. A factory in a neighboring city bears the sign, “ Smith Manufacturing Gompany." A Lady who Was not a Shakapenman scholar, hearing the " Hen-y Wives of Windsor" h' hly .isad, inqnixei haw many wives r. indsor had. A young man who was crossed in love attempted suicide recently by tak- ing a dam of yeast powder. He immeâ€" diately mm above his troubles. lg young fellow, fond of talking, ro- marked, “I am no prophet.” “ True,” ropl-ied a lady presen', “ m pmfit t4) youmif or any one alas." How would you MW in tth Iot- Oers "that you- wem twice the size of your companions 5â€"1 W (I double you.) When is a 5km o‘umm like an $002 of an M3: $~thn it in ft}! of knots. What key uniacks flu) dob),- af axiézary i ~â€"-=W)u'eâ€"key. Lazinms trm'els so shwly that ,pm'w ty soon overtakes hat. Matchless Mumâ€"Having; a cigar} and nothing to light. it with. ‘ What business ought Tom Thumb to go into lmecer (grow, Sir). Are people who attend hops nnmmliy fond of (do? > Witty and Humorousw jto overwhelm you, with athousand channels ,.whioh the duties of life always present. Before you dream of it, those waters will fertilize the pie. ‘sent and 've birth to fresh flowors, that will ilecome pure and holy in the sunshine which penetrates to the path of duty in spite of every ob- stacle. Grief, after all, is but a' sel- fish feeling, and most selfish is the man who yields himself to the indulâ€" gence of any passion which brings no joy to his fellow-men. He said it was too ooldto get up, and she said it wasn’t her‘ place to kindle fires, and she wouldn’t, and they both lay abed for thirty odd hours in Port;- land , Me. She, pretty hungry by that time, thought hem of it The Colorado pm are bragging gver the wonderfu restmntim eflects of their climate upon one .Ohio lady who could nbt sweep hermom at home, but shortly offer" her srriml in (Manda, m ablg fie chase he? kuxband lulf 3 mm was; New. What a glorious thing it is for the human heart! Those who work hard seldom yield to fancied or real sorrow. When grief sits down,folda itehands, and mournfullyfeede on its own tears, weaving the dim shadows that a little exertion might sweep away into a fix- neral poll, the strong spirit is .vehorn ofite might, and sorrow becomes our master. When trouble: flow upon you dark and heavy, toil not with the waves, and wrestle not with the ter- rent; rather seek by occupation to divert the dark waters that threaten Eof carrying. Three could sit comfort- gably in it, but there was room 101' a down, and accordingly 9. dozenvA.D.C.‘s ‘and chamberlaine, in their handsome shan dresses and gold brocade, stepped in. Meanwhile some one in‘the royal confidence had secretly opened the valves} the boat was shoved ofl‘ toward themiddle of the tank, and, as the air escaped, gradually gunk lower and lower, and finafly;disappeered with its gorge- ons and unsuspecting freight in' the water. For a. moment there was noth- ing visible on the surface of the tank but lambewool hate and linen skullcaps ,' for a moment, too, there was silence. Then a dozen shove; heads were seen wagging their tuft; and side locks, and a dozen mouths and noses have heard pumng, blowing and snorting as their owners struggled slowly to the side. The Shah laughed long and loudly, any! was so much pleased with the success ofhis strata] , that when big victims emerged, a. dri pin and led, from their bath, hr; delggned todgfiiim, we‘wm newsofthe fish?” - “Persians can take a. joka, and. though the martian no doubts wished the boat and its donors 3. s y descent to a warmer climate, I are say they all eujayod their aovereign’s Ianghfm." ylisjzmegt. _ ‘It‘ to Afl‘Krd‘ ili'iiiifilz Wifim’ffiifixf’émémfiéfi ’orfiz’da’“ ; he announced that he should like to see how tangy persons his 112911: was capgzble , ,0 H _. fie _. _-.v-..., -uu kuvx Vogue, and of course ebtaixied, permission to piesent it to him. It was at one: trans,- ‘ ported to the palace, and when inflated, ; by friend had the honor of pacidling Iroyalty about on one of the tanks. The amusement pleased his 'Majescy‘, end he took to paddling himself; the cortiem followed suit, and-eventually the; king caused a, throne to be near the ~hnk,_ in order} that he might at, ease watch their in this netheoom- ylishmeatht.,.Mergbhbll umâ€"â€"""' - :A- - " His Injesty, the Shah, having mken a fancy to a portable Indizwub- bar heat that one of our oflioers had got out of England with the view of explor- ing some of the rivers, ifs oyner begged, The innate km of Practical joking, found in every clime, be it in the but~ rack of a garrison town or in’the digni- fied atmosphere of Eastern: palace life, is amusineg illustrated by Mr. Moun‘ my, in his book, “A. Journey through the Caucasus and the Imus-im- 01' Perâ€" m.” Ho says :-~ tic, and the su less than M pposed 0mm _ Vupin an hour, bmnded, indeed, but harm the worm fur his accident. in such cases, did not share the convic- tion of the bystanders, and having used the most energetic ’meanx for three hours, ended by, applying a hot iron to the patient, who instantly moved slight- ly. The former mmrea were reverted woos. Dr; Joux‘ ghe police, (a (139m apglication ismado press. It consists in trying a string firmly round the finger of the supposed corpse; if the blood circulates in tho leastâ€"in which event death has not taken placpâ€"thé whole finger will swell and burn a bluish red. It is conceiv- ‘nble that such a £6239; would be wry useful in cases of drowning and as- phyxia. I t may 'be legitimate to cite a one which occurred not long ago 5t Brussels. A drunken man fell into a canal, and remained so long immersod that very little hope was entertained of his recovery. 110133 to all appear Some time ago the Academy If 8013 ‘encea in Paris offered a prize of four thousand dollar for some simple and positive sign of death, which any non~ professional person could understand and apply. Such a, test, suggested in Varâ€" chow’s Archim, is considered’ very satisfaotgry by_ the: British medical ITHE YORK HERALD "I'erms:~0m Dollar per Annmn in A"mmt: >UBLISHED AT THE OFFICE Issued Weekly on Friday Morning. YO’NGE Sun, Rxcrmoxb BILL. JL Persian Joke- ALEX. Soon, Pnormmoiz‘ Occupation Sign of Deatah. WHOLE NO. 807

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