com-in ‘ v mide I- of this Gnu We are at all ‘tiimes a. "Kim‘s ‘0 93"0 m our remlcrs Full particulan "f mall?“ in which the public :Il‘elllh'l‘ï¬ï¬‚tcd. and more especially anything cmmectod with the mumcipql affairs ml' the County nf'ka, At. eloctiun linmsï¬ve ('nde-avnur tn pray cure all 1lw inm'nmlirm “'0 can in r uurd ‘ to the polling of \‘nws in the dim-rem electoral divisinns n“ 'tlu- 'I‘ownsllips nf' Markham and Vnuu‘lmn. in order 'liaf the rendvrs of flu: [Ir/HM mnï¬" he enablvd to compare notes. and Ilmrn'lgl‘lv mulv- stand what lme taken l on atvllt'l‘ " ing place Fnr particulan 0“ -‘ P"â€' tinn in lee Tuwmleipnf'M ‘ “l†“1"?- will bl‘ found innur -“"H‘:aln, whivh are indule n. " fnluflnns m dnv. \u- }msm all ‘_"" George Eukin. who with ‘ "magnum fronted tlmI/em/II Th9 Missionary mes-ting held in Trinï¬y Church.’1hurnhi1_l, last Tuesday evening, proved 9 success. The Anrual Fchno! meeling takes Mam in 1his xilluue and thrnughuul Ontario on W'ednesr’xy nexl. at nine u’cluck. Sine“ {he nan was in mm. the R eve elect nf'Vnuuhanâ€"W. C, Pattersnnl‘lsq. â€"-â€"has politclv Furnished us with the in- formatinu which his suhnrdinnm rM'nsPd -â€"â€"-ibe diï¬'erencc betwoen musternnd man. The i‘eturns we give were reur'ivvd {mm the newiy-eircted Reeve of tho Township. tinn'in the TuwmhipnfM ‘ “"9 Pl“?- will be found innur -“"i"'3alu, whivh Ire ill!‘lt‘~blrd tn " fnluflnns to dav. we imam all ‘_"" George Eakin. who with ‘ "magnum treated thellerulr/ r' m'L'rtenus attentinn: nur readers W1“. ï¬nd the statenwut of the pulls in M :tt'iiham interesting. We regret to sav that we Cannot pay a simi- iar cnmnlinwnt tn the Clerk of the, 'l‘nwn ship of Vaughan. Ever since we felt It to be. nur duty to the ratepayers of' tl at Township to point, out nhjev-tirms tn ti-e mm nm‘ In “hich the public businvss of Vaughan has been 1na-tagéd,»tlw=e few years h-wk. we have. haw h-vd uhsnml- s placed in our way to prevent. us giVinu publicitv to the pt'vvewiingsnt' the anw ship Council. Ami when we sent our messenger tn .‘ir Lawrenceâ€"the (‘lerk -â€"-ci\'illv asking him to give us the par ticnlars ut' the- \‘ntes: pnlh-ti at each pulling- divisir‘nâ€"f’nr which We were prepared m pay l'illl his III-‘nal feeâ€"he, reï¬ned to give the required int‘m'matimi. This is not the ï¬rst time t’ur this imp-rant snnh to (lisplm‘ his Rnnhlu-n _ hvcause we think it our duty to keep our readers in the, anmhip nf' Vaughan pvsn-d on the ex- travaganoe and had ma:~w.:enwnt which is Quint.“ on. “'0 ask nn favurs of' the» Clerk t-f'Vnugh-m; we asked f'nr inf'nr» matmn which our renders in Vaughan are entitled to~ and which we were pro- parwi and willing tn nav l'ur- not being a ratepaer of" the annship. We enn- aider it is the Clark'e «iutv to be civil .nd (Hillt'iL‘flIH to all. and when asked For intormatinn he ~hnuld not refuse to give it, when it ia f'm the i'ltmpï¬' nf' tfl use upon whnm he. is t‘lI'pUlltlllltj For his aian sa- lary and picking,“ “'e outwith-r that the ratepawrs nf' tht- 'l‘nwnshih are the sut' fe'erk bv preventing the Local l‘russ From publishing- :vll matters of' public intermt concerning tl‘v T'tuH'VISlIiD anti tlwv have their well paid Clerk to than†f’m- not giving publicity to the state of the. poll. at each pullingdivision of the Township. A DISC There are two other gentlemen that We should like in have men lvl't quietl) at home this year ; they are \l r Webster. the junior deputy [how at Vaughan, and Mr Lune, flue junior (it-put) Reeve of Markham. Bull] these juninr depu tie! i'nted against our High Schnu s. Mr Lune particular-h (it-solves spoéinl at tention â€" lu-ing :t mrmlmr uf‘ the High Sch'rnl Buutd ol' 'rl'llï¬iv't'>-â€"-h(‘ Irimmml and wriggled, :md \utu’ï¬m «minglinsl, as he. found it must in'nr'nising in line lu- ture fur the t ltjt-ct (If his ambitionâ€"the Warden’s chair. From illt‘llCt' h ’ expects tn vault intn llngh l’. (.‘msln’s sent in East York! .lnhn is null) tiuus; Ie is also vain; and will trim his Suils to suit ; the bretze. from \vlticlaew-r quarter it. may l‘Ollleâ€"prl)\‘ldl'tl lie Gun only succeed , in making it serve his purpose He will ‘ again put in an appearance at the first meeting: of the County t‘mmcil, :tsjunior Deputy lie-eve uf' tl-e 'l‘ownshipnt‘ .\l: H;- ham. and we expect to ï¬nd him cnquetting for the wrn'rlenship. The idea at a man being placed at the head of' the Council i of the (hintth of ank, who is not (Ilcr-t- ‘ti for the ï¬rst or Sl’clllld sent in his own ‘ nicipnlitv. is something we cnmmt re- l‘» _ '" ourselves '0 believe will he per- m‘l‘l‘k ' v the intelligent representatives “"0"! 'I - -.|.:- n... "'y' Auwllllllp. tu v :tug'ltan. l Mr William Rakin. the l tte Reeve ol' the 'l'oWnsltip of Markham most deservedly cit-cred to st p They have recently. in Wes Toronto passed through an election which result has bet‘ll , ed in the return oi the -' llethrm " eun- itt liollm. 1didate by a large majority, w. ieh major Illd make room for a tnan trlttel'ttlitti'tu itv we are bold to Say was had by our broader and more liberal virus on the 711.11,. pmc mg. n “chumvlmgcd 0“ ",‘l’J‘ic’ “l. “upt’l'lԠ("lucml‘m- Mr '3‘ all hands tltat a more bare-faced hypo km tank a positton ttt tlte (‘ottutt' Uttnnâ€"lct-itieal carrying- out of [1“. 1;; v as it new “It â€" 'l'c “if-r" 3"“0Ԡq‘lt‘S‘lt‘" that stands by the so called pure "ltet'ortn- should ever keep him trotn having it in I t-rs,†Was but a delusion and a snare. 'l'o h‘ts power todo tnisettiwt'. Nu «truth: "it" set- the hundreds of vehicles ol all kinds huh!“ ltltnL'lht‘tl Ill? “’"5‘ Cltb'l'l'lfl‘ an » (ltscripttons parading from the early a. l his wav to popular t’avor, when he joint-d poorl Porter in his'c us-tde Schools‘; but he m .-.'e the intelligent i'artttt rs: ot' the York will never Consent toetose those itt stitutions beenuse they have to but. t’orty or tit‘ty emits a yt- their maintenance. There are two other gentlemen tltat We should like to have Seen in“ at home this year ; they the junior deputy [he and Mr Laue, the junit of Markham. quietl) are \l r Webster. vc ol Vaughan, tr (it-put) lleevt- Both thesejunior depu tic! Voted against our High Schoos.‘ Mr Lune particular-h deserves special at~ tention â€" ht-ing a llJt‘lllltP)‘ ot‘ the School Board ol' 'l‘rnstt-t-sâ€"lte Iritntnntl Ind wrigghd, and \Illt‘llï¬li' «minglinsl, us he found it most pror'nisin;_r iii the tu- ture for the t ltjt-ct tn" his ambitionâ€"the Warden’s chair. Front thetmt- h ’ expects to vault iuto llugh l). (.‘tosht’s scat itt East York! John is antlt tit-Ins; Ie is also vain; and will tt'itn his Sails to suit the bretze. from whichew-r quarter it. my comeâ€"provided lie c:tn onty succeed .n makingr it serve his purpose He will tgain put in an appearance at the first fleeting: of' the County t‘ouncil7 asjunior Deputy lit-eve of the 'I‘ownshipnt‘ .\I: H;- tam. and we expect to ï¬nd hitn coquetting hr the wardenship. The idea ot‘ a ntan )eing placed at the head of the Council if the Conntv of' York, who is ttot eler-t- d for the ï¬rst or Secmtd se nicipalitv. is something we cannot re- »_ '~ ourselves to believe will tent 'ted t- tltis Cob mscomrLEOUs TOWNSHIP ' ' em. '8 ML. - ‘ ‘ . be per- v the tntclitgent representatives uty. ' contri- llig'lt' at itt his 0th t , horses" back or at the hack ot the driver, ‘are Capable, when it suits their purposc‘ ' their feet. But then, we suppose, they are so pure that to them “all things are : pure," it tn .tters not how corrupt, it may lbe to others. In this election. a! in the election for Centre Toronto. might have tb'een st-en driving round, hacking, the biggest toad in the puddle buying: the ‘ mots. Was the Reform member for North tt‘itttt-oe. it Is estimated that this elec- tion cttst $2,000 ; a part, from the Zimr nn-rtnan bat.k,p.~tper that. was dishonestly used to bribe the poor voters. The Markham [intuit/mist stretches a point. when it says the Nail blames the l Bank ol Montreal as one cause of Rick- t‘ord losing his eveetiou. It ma},7 be so. i However, Mess eat- ï¬nd no fault with the ‘ Bank of Commerce as more than a usual atnount of paper ofthis bank was seen floating around. Mackenzie and Mc- Mullen beingin town during.r the elect- ioni have n'tdouht made their influence t'elt. but, then it may be said in justiï¬- te-ttion of all this, “ that to the pure all things are pure." in the paragraph taken from the Globe it says: " There is now nothing to pre vent the nomination and polling days living: held on the same day.†if there is nothing to prevent. it, why did the present " llel'ot‘tn ' Government not; show a desire to . act . up. to their pro tessinns by having the coming elections all on one day ; it did not suit their purl posvs; they are tender oliprot’etsingt than t l t _ ‘ .:- nxinns to give to We are .ttnall ttmes a. M J _ , practising what they profess. It. is per- i hour of tttot'nitt; until dusk, and to see "‘~’“"â€~‘l “11" High itht‘se vehicles attd horses with the "vote a tttal “thinkv. tor t'or Hows, the Government candidate," t‘ottnty «:t‘ in [mm- fl .tnntg It tters, either across the in dirtet opposition to the law, was cer- ar towards t..inly rich. attd it onlt shows what t'nith‘ tealt he put in the protesdous of" men who of‘ puttitu.r all law and decency undert l l t t t l l i c t t t | Mr “'illinm Hakin. the l Ite Reeve of the Township of Markham has bevn most deservedly alt-crud to at p at honm. Ind make mum for a man mum-mining broadurnnd more liberal \"ix-ws mu Ihc ’ubject nf' superior (-ducution. Mr Ha- kin took a pnsiriun 1n Ihu (‘uunw Uuunâ€" ci|,m| lhe High School question that -L .l,] I ‘ ' The Municipal Elections are now over, and many changes have taken place; union}.r others, the l'owmhips of Vnuuhnn and Markham have repualinted' two of the enemies nl‘nur Counly Hiu'll Schnnls, in the persons of ’l‘hmupson Purtcr’. and ‘Villiam lflukin. Poor l‘orlerl you made [grave mistqu- in cajoiing the bully M King.' to draw up n by-lnw for you, with I View In the destruction of the High Schools of Richmond Hill, )lmkhunl and Newmul'ket, and then endeavor in pass it oflzls Ihc production of 30m- l'erti.†brain 0) Mr Porter [1 cs tried his hand at bun/rum, and has failed in the very ï¬rst efï¬n't. Mr Munsiv’s By-luw has turned out to be illegal. and will be qlashed by the Court ; while Mr l'orter has but" “quasile l" in .I:l\'ullcc. by llm‘ free and indepenicnt electors of thc‘ Townsl ' ‘ of Vaughan. my I“ flu 833mg gggwm} 11.; “DOWN AMONG THE DEAD MENâ€"~1‘HERE LEI‘ THEM LAY.†Blt'lMOND HILL. Jan ml mi~tukln for 9, 1874 In . . . _. : ...c “r ittvctly correct for them. the ht'nncrites lwtter saved to blue†-. 1- . ‘1 t i‘Jl‘ Julm Macaonuid 10.â€" usmg humtm oxctt l “mmefl l'ut it is all right for them to do. "‘qum‘io‘“ "Wisme ‘hmfs’t 1t nothimr for them ".li‘j‘is‘ W“ '3†t“ him Silver Ml'w Rings.“ To have him. m Elm" 1):.9.Dttllllllltm taking ilth minim Iâ€. ._,I pusmnn t0 sp white in twnpr-lpdu *‘ Aids. To turn the bend of the Hr: (mp Lee 1' . r . . l 1?. i It mOd PMCIï¬C Hallway tt) lllllkc lite“? t)l emps tn ' whet Ician (ll ltlllrlu' litisitt Alex llufls ‘ and.» more valuable. All this is i'ightâ€" (‘ I H git-tIt-ctly rightâ€"because the party of pu- ullitp‘lvp rity does it. “ To them all things are Th“ imsi pure.’ They can fteul a man’s private mixing. and letter out of the First Oï¬ice. They cm publish 'he‘ same in the public press for the purpose of milking political capital nut of the transaction, They can even :Il‘ptllni (me of ltUllIbBl' who was coettiz- illlt of the theft to the high position of Minister of Justice and it is all cor- t'eCt for them because of their being mothbets ut‘ the Party of “pure Hu- lot'ni,†“ all things are pure." According to a pil'K‘l' published in the villugenf Markham the Mail and Lemm- Wt'l'e very wrung l'nratlvising th‘e l'riends of the Libt-rul {,‘tmst-rvative Party tn suplwrt. at the mllhi(ip'tl elections, mt n in when: they can put conï¬dence. lint we iresume it is all right in the eyes Hi the editor til the paper who so blames lut hers. littlll-d and p initl ()fï¬l'l'St are. themeelv us the mujur llli'lSlB. {\lAllKHAh The l'ollm hum Muniei Division :â€" item. 11 H Mr Henry Lemon. Thm'nhill. offers a very supmiur l'u.m for salv. h is summed near 'l'hoI-nhill Railway Slmiou. is about 12 miles from lhv city of Toronto, and is in the centxe of the best when! growing section in the Provincc.~â€"Seo Adv. EAST Ynn: â€"A meeting of the Liberal Conservative party in Ens! York is called tor nu anndny next. the 10th inst. nt noon. at Miiliken's Cvrners. h ‘8 important than rém'psentalive men from all sections of the Riding shuuld he presem. The Gmd THIINHPS of Sprixmhil]. Queen Vivlurin, Prince of Wales and Richmond Hill Lodges. held a vexy succesxful Re uninn Iasl night in Ihe Musnnlc Hall. in uux‘tuwn ilmf m uuce. as it were. becomes pure undul' the doctrine that " to the pure :1†things are pure.†'l‘he Hefnrm Party. if' nu cm: lu-lieve their press, are pen-feel virgins in politics. The Schools in our village re opened on Wednesday last. Than the heads of one ol' the depart- Im ms at Ottawa shuuld instruct his dupuly In ml'urm lhc clerks in his Uï¬icv I0 vole fur the Grit (tahuidutt for May-1 Ur nut vote at all. it is also perfectly correct. for the Grits nl 'l'urnntu to farm Reform Club: l'nr Ihe purpose nfcarrying their candl dates at, Municipal Elections, but then H any he said in excuse for all this bums so pure, as are the llel'urmcrs cf the present‘ day, lhaf. tn them to do any thing; wrung is a mailer of impossibility 'l‘hoir ranks being so pure that should any who came within the lines let him be um mus-L currupl 'l'm'y lhat ever trad in shoe leather, he immdiately bvcumvs pure; old things pass away, corrupt. practices under the regime of Reï¬me thaf at UIICC. as it were. becomes pure undul' thr- doctrine thzu " to the pure all “ We are quite aware the Electi‘m law. as it. nuw stands. is imperfect. l1, is ptt‘)‘ bum“ lltul this fact ll);|.\' have some weight With the I'a‘t‘puttsilnr .‘(lxlsms ol' the, taxcu 1 “Tc; but whether that IS the case it must be ll't’uulluctt-d that it, is not the luwE but the lSCnlttlhlttus and Criminal Vitulallul] of lllt‘ lluw. as Well as the must ullntm)‘ | Xr‘lciak‘ ul' l’I‘Wl't's existing- umlvr the law. that nletits I(Yrttllt‘tnnt‘d Nu one (‘tlll (lUlll)[ that lll' 'Gnvwnment we 8 tn :ttlv‘sv udtssulLtinn. evl- \' nwnns nnultl hr taken that the exislt In; law alluws‘ ul‘tu puevent instead of en cun nun; elt‘t'llliul‘HllllSt‘S l! was thi~ open pi-ulll_,.tc_y of the Government of :ln- day. in dial-«gaming: all law and Int)l_‘i|lll\'. than but-e fruit in St) cmrnpt n lu‘s‘hinn in Jul)‘ and Au Jun. 1873. A Ctlltll‘UVU‘ll‘d lCtvcliuns Act now slnlllls as n wmning against a rvsmt to corrupt influences"; 'llltli Illute is Imlhin; now In ptevent the nominatith and pnllin;.r tl.._\s all we tln' Dutnittlull lrmn being hula 0n the same day, nt' very nearly 8 I." The Globe charges that money in- flueucn vh'cted :. gran many of the pre- sent Opposition members. and speaks as foHnWs m-spectiug the present Con‘m‘o vurted Eleution Law : TO THE PUM‘) ALL THINGS ' ARE PURE.†' The Following is a total of the returns of the Vaughan Municipal Elecxions:â€" Tlxe following are Iluu relurns nf'lhv Mark- hnm Municipal Election, as pulled in each Division :â€" MA IIKHAM MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Jm». Duncan was not. in f'u‘ plouiug but was in favor of n He had rot much experience in m. up m‘oughr it time that. 1:- orgamze and unite to pmlecb xi ten-sis. I “my...†n, ma sun’s rays. also nature abhor: a vacuum, and would rmse roots. rye or rape ux‘ov nfalluw. S Brainbridge agreed in the main with the lec'urer and though! the Clubs were much indch-d to him for the able manner in which he introduced the subject“ 1.... n.. . . M Vi UGHAN M UNN‘IPAL ELECTION 4 He would Advise the youth to stick to the taint, lfthe agiiculturist does not rise to affluence the majority of them are comfort :tlile. He is suI-er of’ his food and raiment, is more happy because he has less care than the mmchant or mechanic. The merchant max make a false step which will prove hit '0th rnin. while there is less wok on the ltarm. _ ln cunoluding he was much in favor ut Farmer’s Clubs, where we could the bet in d scum to advantage the different bt‘rlnt‘lll‘ts‘ connected with a;r1t:ultnre illrJilS, Russvll endnised the bare fallow system once in seven _\e ll'S, he thought the land neede l‘t‘St. He was in favor (if deep cultivati-m and instanced the Lnthinns of Scotln'd “ht-re the land is cultivated twn fret dvep, and its the resultcighty liuahellnf “brat are pimuuced tn thv acreâ€. He con ti ndvd that the farmer “as at the‘ head of all trades and pt'utessinns and that the agri- ct‘liuml CthS was the :uling body. A. Boer did not believe in a hurt: fallow, he llltluglll it contrary to the laws (ifnuture tn tum the land up to be scorched by the 7 gun a 0,. -1â€"7 ... .uwuu l umnuues [her were mnra effective than barn manure, but Would noth any manure leave him place that naturally belongs' to it; and t~ gm manure he should kevpstock and to nmlx‘P the hes: manure should latte†mule |' i835 stuck (awry year in fuel it was es‘sen linl In ,uuud farmng to flatten some stock, mr (mf- luml ol' manm-e- from {at catlle Web ‘wmtll six lmuls of nrdinary burn yard min me He mm m favor of good ah;le Tor ull kinds ol'swck as farmer could nut aï¬ord In keep cattle by the side of a straw a ck lmrll any mure. His mrllmd for falling out he was to gin each head from one-half to a husln-l ofrmns per diem, also sume pen m- barley mc-nl wich our feed and llmug’lnit \vuuld be wor,h while irriqu smampd rum! also ‘ ______ , V w . . . I'ulluw. He thought a bare fallow was lhe mly way to kill this‘tles as’ llllnipe would not rheck Ihem. The best lime to subsoil was «In a fallow and It should he done the {all before. He Spoke in favor of artificial _. On Wednesday evening Dec. 24th, Robert The fdllowing is the state of the poll _ Marsh Esq. addressed the Club upon “ Far- 5 o'clock on Monday:â€" ming.†He said that farming was the most BEEWSHIL noble and honorable of occupationé. Adam_ .I. . 1 was a farmer as also his ï¬lms. Faxming W5 lam Earl‘s“ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' 64 e ecu was understood in the early ages of the 'wlilkwfn‘s‘ wane": ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 10 world which we learn from Egyptian paint Pm 6' U'OSb-V ‘ ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ 6 . ingrs. The Jews also were an agricultural H’WPIE- The Emmi“ “"demooa the WW‘ Isaac Cresby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 elvclt Tciples of agriculture ulmust as well as what A“ B. wmso" _ n A _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ 50 “1 c" W W only their implemems were ruder- William Atkinson ............ 60. elvclu [Hm prnclised rotation of crops, saving John “mm.†in â€"'~ A ‘ .1....:i .77 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ â€" 7 ‘nm COUNCILLORS. , .5 "a. approaching 10 a science. The improve ment i.| implements is great encouragement [0 ll]? farmer; mowers and reapera are Ink In: the place of‘scyllies and hooks A far mer should know when to plough and what to plough. whether deep or shallow. Il'the mil rvqun-es to be ploughed deep do it in Ihe full lhen the frost pulverizes and amelion 2-108 [IS condition so that it will become ‘ lam! food. He approved Ufa seven years munse of rotation of crops. one year a bare I'ulluw. He thought a bare fallow Was [he vnlv wav to kill thin'tlpn .si mum“. “mum v.‘.ru, -(-v|IIK maxim-es, draining and irrigating. The Rom- uhs inlruduced agriculture into England and at the present day there are furrows still standing which had been ploughed by the Ancient Romans. The farmer is the must independent ul'all occupations. "J‘he pum- nive plough was n crooked stick with a piece of" iron for a coulter Mm’iprn h‘urmL-r- - THE LANGSTAFF FARMER’S CLUB‘ . ' ' "“" "J rays. also nature abhor: a vacuum, and a cuulter Modern Farming was , l 7. u] wich cu: feed and lhuuumn ',h while trying steamed, food in favor of n bare fullovï¬ uexperic-nce in stock feed- ir time that. farmers should ' ' ‘qsmw fluousuu \. (mung 'N mum†M in M'ur‘of deep .. . -. 009"!an "G’IHHK 1:51.:sz their (Hm in? auum uplng sum] PLEASth gunmen: A very pleasmg cir- cumntnnoetuok place at Carrville on Tuesday evening†the 23rd ult. Mr Ansley, the teacher of that place for the last twelve years. being about removing to School Sec' tion No. 4, Markham, was taken by a sur prise party of some thtrtv or forty of the in habitnnts of that School Sectio‘n. who came. to spend the evening with him and family before lenvingtr the neighborhood. The par I]. accmding to arrangement. met at Mr Demon’s store, Carrville. and marched in a body to the residence of Mr Ansley.‘ Hav in}: arrived at the house, they were met and kindly welcomed by Mr and Mrs Ansley,who, however, appeared as ifthey were at a loss to under-stand the object or intent of so bold and sudden an intrusion. Undisputed nos- session having been obtained. it was not long till the. tables were bountifully spread with the trend things provided by the ladies After all had satisfactorily pot-taken. and the cloth being removed. a chairman was appointed and an address was read bv Mr John McDowell. in which mention Wns made of Mr Ansley’s past twelve years of successful labor in the section. and conclud ed by wishing him and family‘ health. pros perity and happiness in their future home. At the conclusion of the address.. Mr John Snider, one of the school Trustees. stepped forward and in hehllf of the comnany, pre- sented Mr Ansley with a purse containing a vaiunble present. Mr Ansley in a few well chosen remarks responded. Aphropriate speeches Were made bv Messrs Denton, Campbell and Booth The proceedings of the evening were enlivened by vocal and instrumental mulit‘ provided by Mrs Cook and Miss Demon. The party separated at eleven o’clock, well satisï¬ed that. they had been paying a worthy tribute to a worthy friend.-â€"H. D. B. ulnl I, JIXFUIEVIIIU; I . vv . orlll‘y, l (II‘UHIH; N. R. Willoughby. M. A‘ Yorkville, and J. P Hull. Esq. Cnllec'ions taken up during- (Inch service. and subscwiplinns a! the Muse nfeuch [fleeting Io uid the funds (\f It e Weas- h-ysm Mimimmrv Sucit-ty. A choice sPiPC- tiun of musix- will he give-n at each plum-I by .the chuir ol lht- church. A Juvenile Mia sinnary [UPI'IiII‘J wlh he hpld in the {Vesieyasn Church, Richmond Hill, at 3 o‘clock, 0'“ Mend-1y 111v 12H] inst. Cl‘iiaren bring your Coilecling ' Iw‘s. ' S. NO. 3. MHl'khln‘v, under the instriwtim. of M" E- J- Sml’lhw Passed A? very Success- fuâ€? 0" “‘9 19‘h “llnrcenther There Wete ‘ large numb?" “l. llrieiidn' and children pm, sent, uniting whtvm w‘ére‘ “yo “ustpeg, P“. 911‘5- ‘50" 0f “.19 sedii‘nn. After about three h‘mrs 0‘- “Denise's; the gentlemen present addressed the ï¬ssemlily, till speaking: in high terms of maise in t1; efï¬cient state of the Ichtml, and of the evident progress the nuâ€" §pils hud‘n‘iade under their teacher’n judicious fmnnagu‘i'ne'nti After the speaking was over, ‘ ‘the pupils of the school tint-prised their teach er bv presenting him with a token of their regard and respect on his leaving th~m, in the shape Ufa handsome Album and Bible â€"the All’H.m being Well ï¬lled with iheirnic hires, Hume single and mhere in groupes. These were accomplnied with a nicely vritâ€" ten address, expressing their regret at his having to lc ve them. and with the bone of uspeedy recovery of his health, to which he made a suitable reply. The pi'oceedingg terminated withï¬peeches from several more of the gentlemen present. Sennm, ExAlIXATION Ax“ 'pmmmnmx -â€"The Chrmlmuu lilxam".na',i0“ of the plums unendng the Headlbrvd public “hmâ€. in}. 8- NO- 3 Mm'khï¬mw Under the inall‘lwiinn Wnsmnx MISSIONARY ANNIVERSARY,â€" Sermons will be preached on {he Yonge Street N0th Cn-cuit (D. V ) as follows on Sabbath, 'Jnnlllary‘ lO§hlzâ€" Richmond Hill, 10:30 A M, Rev. Wm. Price. and at 6 r. M. by lhe Rev. T. W. Jeffry. Maple. 10:30 A. I, Rev. J. Herbert Starr. and at 6 P. M . l)_\-’ the Rev. Wm Price. Victoria Squurv, 2 P. 14., Rev J. Herbert Starr. Anniversary Meetings will be held at Richmond Hill. on Mmday January 12, at 7. P M.; Viclmiu Square. Tuesday 13th inst“ at 7 P M.. Maple, Wodnosv'ay. the 14th inst, at 7 r. I. The meetings to he adxlmsseu by the Bus. J. 'l Starr, ~\Tlreelsville; 'l‘. W._.le-ï¬â€˜ry, 'l'uronm; ‘ New YBAn’s DAY AT TnoimnttiUâ€" In keeping with the universal custom, the ï¬rst day of the new war was duly observed by the citizens of our neighboring village. and in the evening the W.M. Sab'mlh School celebrated the event. with their anniversary. About 400 persons sat down to a richly pie pared and highly satisfactory tea, served in the lecture room,‘ after which the assembly repaired to the. body of the church, which, at about 7 p. m. was literally crammed. Rev. '1'. Keough presided, and discharged his duties pleasantly. The Secretary read the annual report which represented the School in a flourishing condition; and sing- ing, rtvcitatious and dialogues were the order of the evening. Miss Emma Purliiss presi- ded at the organ, and the “youthful oraâ€" tors" acquitted themselves creditany to both teachers and scholars. Over $100 was realized for the beneï¬t of the School. “ ‘ “ 1873 ‘ . . . . . . . . Toul withdrawals to Dec. 3] T0315: Dec 1871.. . During year 1872. . . . POST 015mm; SAvmes‘ BANK.â€" Monthly Statementâ€"The following is the exhibit of the transactions for the Richmond Hill postmï¬ice Savings Bank up to the 30th December :â€"-â€" Total Deposit to 318K Dec. 1873 $73,127-00 Deposiis‘ï¬nst hull' of 1873 . . . . . . 10,730'00 u last “ H n . .. 6.137400 “ durng month of Dad... 808'00 WITHDRAWALS. CHM in the ï¬eld. Mr Davidson went so far as to vote against himself. It, is only just to Messrs Warren. Crosby and Davidson to say Lhal they unnouncvd to their friends several days bejbre the polling. lhat lhey did not wish to be COnsndeI-Ld as llaaac Cresby . . . . . Asa B. Willson. . . William Atkinson. John Brown . . . . . David Hopkins . .. William Powell. . . John R. Arnold . . Benjamin DnVidSOH mm†(gamma. VILLAGE ELECTION. M. TEEN" .; $17,10945 . 14,220-29 13,042-24 '73 44372-925 ’ostmaster. 60 60. 59 39 37 16 «<1 cm ek‘clm: elected elected ,n roo Eighteenth Day of Febmary, 1874, Al I ! O’cbmk in the ("0175110011. being the time appointed for abjudicatiun on the claims. Dated the 23rd day of December, I873. (S’d) J; W, TAYLOR. to send. by post, prepaid. Io \leSSrs Harrison. (Her 6:, Mass, of the City of Toronlo, (he So~ Iic‘lors for lhe Execu'ors cf the said Marlin Brennan. their Christian and Surnames, ad daesses nnJ description. the full parliculars of Iheir elmmn a statement oftheir accounts. and xhe nature oflhe ï¬ncnrilies (ifany) held by them: or in delnult Lhereof .lhey m" be per- emplgrih exciuded from the beneï¬t ofth rand decree Every Credilor holding any set-ur'ly is' In produ'ce the sums before me. Ihe under- signed Mnsler in Ordinary ol the said 1 curt. ml my Clmmhe rs. in Olgoode Hall. in the City of Toronto, ou the MARTIN BRENNAN. BBEEASED. I (Dam of Chancery, madu in the Suit of Marshall vs 'I‘éefy. the Creditors of Mariin Brennan, late of the Township of Vaughan, in [he Couuzy of York. Farmer, who died in or about the momh ol' NOVember, 1572. are on or before the Seventh day of February, 1874, Haw DHVId Nigh.Jolm Hall, in. ()‘Brh n. Timoth Heuneswv Hugh Qulnlz. George Johnson. Thomas “owe, .lohl Jovco, Redmond Ross. Robert Konnedy, 1. Rumble. lume- Lynn. Bonj. Swniuson, C. Lemmom Waltur Soules, Geo. Massingilla. James Stephenson. Joseph( Mckinnon MISS C. 'l ample. Secr. Inry (2 McMillan. Wilbum (2)1‘mlor. James Mclleory. bumuol (‘2) Willlams, Susan McBumey, William H TEEI‘T. r M. 0N Friday evening. the 2nd inst.,tu the vi!- Inge of 'l hornhill. a 11.110 (land Decombm‘ 18‘ 1873, amipayabo lax. mnmhs amen dale, (0.» 537 5‘). In.‘ favof of Juhn Bm-khulder. am: 149.13.; b) liphrim Whitmov'o 4nd James Gar- .Gu, 'l‘hu I‘ubnc aw heuabx .0; [had no: to no- gotide 1'01 i1 as [mm m “m been stopped J‘H'N HHRKH Lm n )URSUAN’I‘ TO A DEGREE OF 'I‘IIF. Court of Chaneorv. madu in the Suit of Ehancery Notice» to [mailan 1N50L1'E NT ,1 0 T AND J )1! MN DMMN'IN At1wu o'clock in no Nuance“ m nugng stago‘m'nts of Ins nflairs. and to appoiix u. Aslgneo. W. T; MAR! ! N. ‘mne into the pre-misos of the Subscriber. lel 2. 2nd Cm). King. early in the Full. AN AUEU EWE. lho.wuur Is reqwuhled to prove properly. pay expenses. and Lme hon away. ’ rho' lu~olvwl has made I“ 3~ésigumqpl ofhis Hunk lo nu. and the Cr dilnr. rite noti ï¬ed 'n n 9' I 3:1 nq-uf'ï¬t-e, No ‘26 Toronto Street. In Mr (711V I Torontu, 01f Monday, the 19/}; day qf January, mu- THOS. HUNTER. Propriotor. 0629b" 24. 1873. 7‘ W, rfl _- die-Ionic articles. at (heir Ru'd. l;ondonâ€â€"See LIIIUSItllolIl Guzdc October 31. l872. Giu'rizrul. AND Com‘ommaâ€""By a thorough knowledge nfthe u tuml law: which governthe operations ofdigestion and nutrition. and by lCal'GJll‘ application sf the ï¬ne proper- ties of well-selectod cocoa, NJJ Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bi“s.â€â€" Civil Su‘vic‘ Gazelle. Made s'mply with Boiling Water or Milk Each paid is labelledâ€" ‘ JAMES Ens dz ’7. Homaeputhic Chemists. Landau." MAKUMCTURE or Coc04.â€"“ We will now givo an accmznt of the process adopted by .lesst-s J-amss Epps A: Cm. manufacture» of J: :_ n I » ' ' ‘ Ruthâ€"Al, London, Out, on Saturdzy, the 3rd January. inst., Mrs Margaret Wilson Reid, widow of the late Dr. Asa F. Reid, of Richmond Hill. in her 815! year. She was one of the oldest spttlers in this neighbor- hood. having came to this country, from the county of Armagh, Ireland. ï¬fty two years agoâ€"1822. She was buried in the Pi‘eaby tetian burying ground of this village, on Tuesday last, folkmed to the .grave by her numerous descendants and friends, quIM l’ 0. Jluna The annual meeting of the Markham A; u-ullural Society will be held at Webber’s i‘lulel, village of Uniunvjlle. on 'J'uesduy, ihe 13m inat., at 10~o’cluck, a 111., to receive [he annual report, for theelection of ofï¬cers and Directms for the (*unent year, and for general business. A full attendance is reâ€" quested. M‘sumc -â€"Vaughan Lodge, No. 54- oflicers elected and inst-lied for the Masonic ensuing yearâ€"1873â€"4 :«Geo. A. Enony. W. M; Jno. M. Rupert, S. W.; E. J. Davis. J. W.; Rev. Samuel J. Huntex, Chaplain; James Woods, Tram; H. W. Bo1ilho, Sec. A. I". Conger. D, (>f'C.; Jno. Gray, S. 1).; Wm. McDougall, J. D.; H’y. Baldwin, J. G; Jon. Gordon, Tyler. Alex.. Laird, and J. Zelinskie, Stewardl. RICHARD T HOMAS King. January 8, 1573 81:7 List of Letters gxcn‘ujyme “LN ‘THE RICHMOND NIONVILLE. Bgsses run in connection with each train. Commodioua sample I.icholas Shaver! CHURCH DEDICATIONâ€"~le Union Church a! the 'l‘owuline (3rd Con. Whilehurch) will [lv).V ] be open fcr Divine Worship on Sub bath no,qu Services will lie held in the morning at 10:30; in the alternoon at 2:30, and in the evenng at 6:30. A Collection will be taken up at the close of each ser- vice to assist in defrayng the expense of Luildiug. orwnio Januur 3. 51'74, The annqu Convention of the Sabbal School Association ï¬brlhe Wes: Riding York, will be’ held in Riéhmund Hi“ \.11 I' 17111 and 18:11 Feb. next. Mr Mordcn offers for sale his two lots ad- joinlug Mr P. Crosby’s residence. REAKFAST.â€"-â€" EPPS’S COCOA. “I†l'usi‘ (“0,9, In January, In?! STRAYED EWE, uv'ticles. at (heir works in (he Huston .ondonâ€â€"See nrlicio in Gusscll's , . Swim flirting. LAYT ACT 0 F 1 869 ‘11! E ND}! EN] '8 Y '11 ENE ’1'0. Union House. In the: mane-r (,f An It solvent LOST. OTITUARY. .!'\' Ni gh. John ()‘Brh n. Timoth Qlunlz. Gt‘ol'ge “owe, 11th Ross. Robert Rumble. lume- Swniuson, C. Soules, Geo. Stephenson. Joseph (2) 'l ample.‘ Secr. Inry (2) MIRKH H»! R ’74 807 Int..- im Assignoe. L, ~ 806-2 739-ly 81:7 3t 797 Harnv Slables.Driving House. Piggery. 82c. Constantsupply of good water for house, as Well as a ï¬ne Spring Creek running across the land,1hewho‘lobeing almost enclosed by a N (-w Board Fence 'l‘errrs Liberal and post: esa‘on will be given immediately. Further pnmcullrs can be bid by applying to 98 Acres Clea red. 16 of which are seeded down in When: ; remainder in good Standing Tin. her. l’l‘mN 11"†miles of the Villa‘zo of Thornhill. ~ ‘ ï¬ve minutes walk of Norlhorn Railwav “80 being on Emit Half of Lot 6. M11 00"., in tho 1 1 Township of Vaughan; Richmond Hill. Dec 91 1873. VARIABLE FARM l‘flR SALE ! 95 ACRES 0F CHOICE LAND A Grant variety of Chopping Axes, Double Stool, from $1 091on Give me a call and'oxunila my G606: and Prices. In the neighborhood Sun, Noila, Screws..l.or-ku. Files. Butts. Hinges. Pocket and Tab Cullezy. and about every varioly ofCaupenora’ tools, which 1 will sell at THE LOWEST TORONTO PRICES SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE .f . '40 eta-peruqunrl Fine-Dry Golden Brew], Shqlry AI .A wan.,'$l.5o per Kano-.23 .40 “cm pu quul Fina Pgre Terlugona Port Wing ' *" r" ‘ Pinon. Castillu & Co’s fro-(Ell Brandy, $l.5(l per 'nl’on, . “was pol quit Fina. Pure Old JamlieliRulI'Syï¬o per gallon....... . . . . . . . ;'.VO"cts par quart iiennrd’l Old Ton Gil, . . . .8150 per gallon Best Old Ry. (noteurpnssed in gun- lily...â€................... SI per gallon Best Family Mull \not surpassed in quality) .. Jun...“ purgullol Dekuyper'a Holland Gin. .. . $1.50 pet gallo- ‘0 'cu pox qt. D:A,L.. n .u- A n . _ I have the best assert-em Ind [he beat villages in the village and will sail Retail at Wholoulo Prices. HENRY LEMON. Thornhill, Dec. 31. 1873. 8‘00 [s d%('gr¢{.'in,e_.d £0 and! the CHEAPEST woman Just 256k u‘l lim'pricos and cum}:an with other slorou With an excellvut pssortmoutï¬f Pure Fresh Ground Spices, Essences. Lemon. Orange th|. Macuomld‘t Vl’ru‘no (thawing and Smoking 'l'nlmccns in Hug Cut. L I0>S 6; Blackwell’s l’u:klu,§anned Fruizs In Great Variety. With nu Is: Fine ï¬z’ighéfleï¬ned Sugar, 1"} lbs .. .. .....3Ucts nnd35rzts per Ih Fina. Fresh. Young Hyson 'l'en" . 45013 per lb lie-nor {hm any sold on Richmond Hill ‘ur ........ ...... ...... ..50cu per lb Fine. l'uil ï¬womd young hysun [an ï¬slzlsperlb as good nsInHy-aoid in the leage for ......................‘...75cls per IL Strong. ï¬ne Flnvorod Mnyune vouug Hysmx 'l‘eu... . . .. .. . .. . ...8"cls per lb as [30.11 as any told in the vil‘agu fur...........................90ell per 1'» Mandarin Muxture. n {vagrant and CHEAP GROCERIES a"’v v 1 --~ and 1 l1 lbs 101' . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .51 Fine puvi'lï¬ir'rd Loan~ Suglr Flhs for 31 Good‘ Natural Loni. Jana“ 'l'oa. r1 delicious Tea. . . . . . . . . . . . .85els [NW .1. \‘p|v|.dul flavurrd Black Tea from 800:: per lb Valentin Naisius. Inst suasou'l crop 141le for ..........-.........$1 FOR SANTA CLAUSI AMER†cnmsnus and a HAPI‘i'YNEwYmn GEORGE J Tre‘zi'suréfl's Omce, County of York: Toronto. Jan. 2nd, 1874. NEW FRAME DWELLING HOUSE James M. Pallersonh. . .. James McClure. . . . .. . Jolm Curran. . . . . . .... William Henry . . . . .... Robert 00 uway. . . . . .. - James Knvnnugll. - . . . . . Adam Armslronz. . . . . . ‘ Andrew Henderson . . . . . Thomas Poacher. . . . . . . Nicholas J. Armstrong†Salem Eckhardl . . . . . . Joln Yake . . . . . . . . .... Andrew 0. Andrews. . . Geo. l". Munro. . . nu . - Henry Smelsor. . . ...- . W. H. Myori.......... Jamel S. Sloan“ . . . . . . William Brown. . . . . . . . James C. Stoke-.. . . . . . .. EraClnbino_......... . .. $1.50 per pile}. ..........40 ct- por quart Henry Taylor . .. G. P. Smith. . ._ Isaac M. Perkins. .. John E. Buck. . . .. Thos. V. Cruiiér. . . . Mrs Samuel Waist)“. Henry Moulds . . . . . . John Diaper“ . . . . . Rgbert Tier . . . . . . ‘. Joé. Vosakill.. . . .. .. George Heirns . . . . . Abra] Warsxhudsky.7 John Elistou . . . . . . George Gibson . . . . . Jph D'Ary . \iHiam Pointon Michael Lanuhan Willium Hall .. . Daniel Prior . . . Hemy Newsgme ‘ Jubez Scrive‘uér. List} of Licensed Pedlars énd am NAM E. RANK ‘ AT CASH PRICES: l have also on hand tho best assortment of BY ORDER. City 01 Toronto . . . . . ‘A umra . . . . . . . . . . Vaughan . . . . . . . . . . ‘0in of Toronto.. . . . Whilchurcb . . . . . . . Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . Sign qf the Britiah Flag Staï¬', Richmond Hill. )N- * JACOB momma 8081f RichmOnd Hilly-1w.- 9,:187‘. nor-u Toys and idgxin-ticl-i'ouery AUCTIONEERS. RESIDENCE. RUCEH Pedlars. n Tuesdav morning! the 30!!! 1111., on (In. 2nd Con.|Vanghnn, A BLACK WILEOW' BASKET. Roward by Icaviny it and C03." lent: at this ofï¬ce. Ladies’ School re-opened myth. 51h iult. MRS CAMPBELLR YOUNG Hunl'l Old Purl Wino, splendid quality. $2.15 pay gnilon, . .75 at! par ‘lut Finest Hennusy's French Brandy $1.75.. par gallon.................... 75 ch! pu gun Imported Slownrt’n B M!“ Footzh Whitby, taunts. . . .... . . . . . . .500“ hotâ€. 1-, wt“ Storm-I'- Scotch Whi-key. in Pint Flasks. . . . . ... . . . . . .30 on pay In. l-porled I‘ilo Irish Whiskey in Pint Flask-p . . . . ..... .30 eta per 5* Dekuvper’s Scheidmn Schnapp'a. 50c '0 70¢ per bottlo. Finest Bert French Brundies ,60cu to Q1 per bb‘tllo. JNO. K. MQCQONALD, Weasqur County of York. Richmond Hill. Jan. , 1874. i Bloomington . . . . Holland Landing. Markham ... .... City of'Torqmo.. . Yuri: . . . . . I. . . . . . Quennsville. . . . . Malton. . .. . City of Toronto. . Markham . . . . . . . . Noblelou . . . . . . . . Markham . . . . . Slonï¬'wlie. . . . . . . Yorkvine . . . . . . . Aurora Laz~kay.......... Richmond H ill . .‘ (lily of ’l‘oronto‘. ._ Eglington. . . . . . - King. ........... Vaughan. . . .. .. . Richmond Hill, Jun. 8. 1874. Currants. l3lbs (or. . . V . . . . . . . .$l Soft Sheli Almonds, 5H» for†, . ,. .$l Sweat Hickory Nuls_ . . . . . . . . . . . . lUcts par I'm. P in» Frrrh Ground ( ufl'nc. . . . . . .L'5c-m p" H; l’urv Ground Wes! Iudm Com-e. . .30ceu pm lb. ‘21!) Bars Excellent Soap. . . . ‘ 12mg par bur Bast Pennsylvania Goal 031 . 33‘,“ pan gnllnn in gallon Inks 'l‘aylor‘s “mm Bullunnra Oysters 304: year can. P‘inv‘lï¬esh $1than . . . . . . . . )7 0 par can New Crop. ï¬nest Valentin Raibilll. ll lb! for. . . .-...,..,L I . . . . . . . . . . . $1 New (Imp, 1111831856de and drhsse lOibsl'or..... . . . . . - . .........$l New Crop. ï¬nest Smedlors Raisins“ Eilhsll'r........“.." . . . . . . . . . . $l New Lirop Zame Currants. I51!†$1 New (Imp. sieved and dressed Znnle N Yong. Street. Richmond Hill. TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. Auctioneers fbr County leENCl One horse Two Horse . 1 Do Two horse One Home Do One Horse G5 A. BARNARD; DESCRIPTION OF LICENSE. Apply to LOST. Fcby. 8m: " l7lh. “ 24m, “ 25m . March 3rd. “‘ l41h. April; I‘Zth. June 93th. Aug. 14m Sepl’r. l|8th, Dumber 2'2ud-, “ 2le». Nov’r Huh. ' “ 27th. " 291b, Doc’r 61h , Jany. 15m. 1875. “ 2am, “ DAT! WK IL‘N le’lllyr ‘ 0\. 17m, “ Nov, 18H}, “ Dec. 26th, ’1‘ 1Dec. 30m, “ “ ma, July Nth, Aug. 21th ‘Sept. 2nd, ‘ “ 9th, “ l2â€), “ 20m, No-v. 17Ih, N0» 17m. April 2321.; June 3rd, 'Feb. 11m, 1314. Feb. 17th, “ Feb. 2151. “ Feb. 25th, “ Mar. l2th, " “ 15th, “ r “ 24th, “ > “ 28th, “ DATE will! u. en's: EXPIRII. 2:» m; Nth. I. Citron) and g and Fine on":in of p014 of York.