Remember the plac'e, Corner of Yonge and Centre St. opposite Sanderson &‘ Sam. fliehï¬wnd Hill.“ J. BROWN. REMO VINGHIS liUSINEb' JNO; BROWN’S STORE, ONTARIO HOUSE ND is he is gPllmg :1 galleu [ht-m ï¬ned up in govd me he vn 1 hr uh a h d: ï¬rrl class work. He inn-“Us .movmg on THOMAS E- COPELAND PHOTOGRAPHER. iii-II MONI) HILL. CHRIST m: THE VERY‘ BEST Seedlm, Layer and Vulcntia Raisins, ,Mon Peel, Teas ï¬om 500. upwards, .8] Y' a ’S FIE-DUES. \ ALL KINDS. Pure and Unadullcmlvd, Cx'bckery &' Glassware, PROVIS K t = X S :. PEAS. SHORTS, BRAN, 'A general slack of gems to he found In a («hand More. nichmond mu} Dec.†1873. WINES AND LIQUORS DOMINION TEA HOUSE THE TEA CHEST .flrcnll from all is respectful-y solicited, lllin thanking 0w iuhnlwimnts of Rid]- mond Hill and virilm) 1': r Illa Mb: 131 Dal- ï¬nqe lhe} have ghen hin. mums tl : n (ha! Iélhin‘ will b» wan-inn Io went: [but pamm- up for 1874 In announcing [In nrrivm oi his CHRISTMAS GOODS I "1.311011 ’Jz'out, Cod Fish and Labrador Herring. Begs lo‘inform the publu: that he intends m. would cal. Ipet'ial atmnuon Lu hi> ï¬ne ' stock of GOOD AND C BEA? THE 92nd! ECEMBIL‘R INST ‘ 'r COPELAND; 1E Thanks to the public for past Patronage? CAN BE HAD AT THE GOODS DELIVERED GROCERIES Green, Roasted 62‘ Ground. Begs to announce to the Fine Nev» Hearse 1m hire, Funeral Furnismugs, (40111.15 Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1873. To INE Iluov SOUTH or enmwunmmrm 12w â€"m.::a»a.«,w-«mum ALEX. M 00 DIE ,RlCH MOND U l LL. 3fï¬ï¬‚‘1‘il‘fr, COFFEES, CURRANT CONS] u) s on hand AND 0F RICHMOND IilLL, 'e 10 the inhabitants of liichmond Hi†and surrounding that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the Fulgl‘HH'. Buruidges and (, o. (‘nlmun streak London. ‘eubï¬rf and 30%,.“ an'ute Slre‘ I‘LODï¬on Fan-lay M‘fl Son>. {)5 Fan|‘n.gtlun bunt. Lun- dun >1:ng and Sons. Oxfmu Mn N ledon. And all the London Wlmroaa-‘e Houlos .Fm Scrofula. Scurvy, Skin Disnses. Ind Sores of all kinds ll is a never~failing and ya- manout cure It cures old Sores. ( ures Ulcerated Sores on Lhe Neck. (‘ures Ulceraled Sure Legs (Turns Mael- heads. or Pimples on the Fun. Cures Scurvy Sores ('ures Cancel-nus Ulcers (‘ures lllund und hkin Diseases. ('ures Glandular Swellings. (Ylears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatevnr cause arising. As Lilla mixturv- is pleasant to the taste. and fl’al'lflllled free from anyihing injurian to tho must delicate conslilulinn ofenher sex, the l‘mpriutnr solicits sufferers to give it I trial to [051 its value. Tlmucnuds of ti-slimnuials from all parts. Sold iii Bottles 26 3d each. and in Cases. containing six tunes llie quantity. Ila pitch-â€" snï¬iciant to effect a pm’mnnenl cure in the great In jorily of long Qland‘ng asosJiY ALL (YHEVIIS'I‘S and PATENT MEDICIN E VlCNlfllRS 'hronglnvut the world. Sole Pmpi'netor. F. .l (‘LAKKE,Clmmisl, APUTHECARIICS' HALL. LIN' ULN, l‘ NGI.AN|). Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture." For cleansing and'clenring the blood from all impurites, cannot be too highly recommen- dud Munlrnal. EvanRJWeslcs-r and (I... Whalesâ€) ‘ Druuglsls Lynmlw, Clara and Co '1‘- roixxo â€"-Elliott and Co. Whumuala Dru'p " gush-n Simpler EludflIWIn. Hamillon.â€"â€"â€"Wiunel and Co. . Halifu.â€"Avery, Brown and Co. CLARKE’S World Famed [Hoot] Mixture; u DON THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.â€â€" EAL]. AM] BXEWB. EVERY DEPARTMENT. fall and Winter Eund‘s! £1133 received th gmaier part of IVs I. CEO '873Fall Goods ‘373 FIRE-PROOF STORE, @111 Math, @wmiw. AGENTS IN . CANADA. See Deuteronomy, chap. xii, verse '3 EXPORT AGENTS. RICHMOND HILL Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, 1N I. CROSBY. = FIGS, ALMGEDS, BRAZI L, $5 TO $20 RIBHMIINB HILL MIILS! WU .LU Wé") Agents wanted E All Masses of working people, of either sex. Young or old. ma 0 more mnan It work for us in Iheir spurt moments. or all the :imé. than at numbing E'SJ. Parliculnra free, Address G. STINSON & (.70., Portland, Maine )ETWEEN Richmond Hill ï¬nd the Third Loncession of Markham, 6n thy- ‘thh Dam, a Gentleman’s MINK C()LLARE'I' The ï¬nder w ll be suitably rewarded by Volum- ing it w tha owner. at the Wesleyan Parso'n- nge. or to lhis oflice. GEORGE d: DAVID BIRREEL Assurea his customers that nothing, at this feslivo newton. will be left undone to supply do- manda atpricea thll will ntirl'y the purchaser-- FIRST-CLASS FLOUR 8; FEED! 15 Parties {Mom 9 us wilh grins may rely ona good lelurn and “all Inunu‘aclumd. WM. ATKINSON CENTRAL STORE Richmond Hill. Du. 3111. I873. 806-“ Which for Qualityand Price cannot pulsed in ihe trade. ' TLAS AND SUGARS and Laskels 1n evEry NEW VALENTIA CHRISTMAS FRUIT ! Richmond Hill Flnur Mills. Oct 15, 1873 HIGHEST MARKET Pï¬lcl- PAID FOR WHIAT‘ Wu. ATKINSON. nachmo'na Hil, Dec 17. ms ‘1 7hero you win ï¬nd a 1x Tï¬‚ï¬ SEW“ STRRE! EU [0 Ini‘urm Merchants Baker- & Fume" > that lhr)‘ have always on hand a bra. stock of Lendslhe market for the Superiority o! [hoartioles naught u. m. notic. of the Public in the vicinity. gm @flvztiï¬tmenty. A. WRIGHT. and English Wall Nutr. Old and New Fruit. LOST ! FILBER 7', CALL ' FOR YOUR SEEDLESS and LAYER RASl NS TH] neighborhomJ PER DAY good Asuurtment style. 50 au- G. A. BARN ARD’S! BALTIMORE OYSTE 1m. RICHMOND HILL! PURE BREE SHEEP I'QR ZALEJW'EA'I‘MERY (w .\L] 31(1an A] (Innsisï¬rg or ageï¬. ahearhngx mm AIM several pairsufchuico vwvs (xfllw snnxe hrerd. RUB'Y‘. MAIL-SH, I‘m-“J'on '. Markham. King, Dec 2. 2573 SOUTI‘I 'DOVVN RVAIVIS! A red and WhileSlror. The owner is reques- ted to prove propert). pav enemies, and take the animal “My ' Ca me into Lha premises of {hp Subscriber. Lot No. 64, run: a: (wrist ('nn. oleug. A beautiful choice let to ho clearsd aut It [rally redncod prices M the Central Store “rm. ATKINSON. OYt'l HRS! (IY K’ A weekly journal of Curw M Events. Literature. Science and Arts‘ \grl'culture and M \chanics, Fashion and AL Jaemont. Sod It We u number at the HIRALD Book Store‘ 1‘ wk Sxoro REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS. ' A (‘apy of ï¬rst number can be seen at this Oï¬â€˜ma. 766â€"2 GAMES. TOYS, 850., FUR SALE AT than "I‘DAYII llnnl. Q‘nl-d Ikould at ence send his name andaddre‘ss W1â€) $.50 for une venr’s suhscn‘iptiuu to Vim : Tyke‘ C'ï¬nadz'an Patent Offi’c'e ‘Récéhl l Connly Engineer. Urél'lsmau Am Survoys. Hans, l)0~1~riplions. Reports. Plans 0f hril’gns, Speciï¬cations, Forms of. cumracl. Security Bonds, dim . execuxed with nealuvss and de-palch r No. 4 Twist and Loan Buildings. C0~nnr of Adelaide and Town“) streets, TURON' ‘0 MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGI- NEER. CHEMISTh FARMER AND MERCHANT, Rflsidemmâ€"Uppnsite l), Hupkin’z! Store, Cor. Yonge and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill Mmkhnm . 0m, ‘21 , I573 J.N. BLAKE citors, Conveyauuers. &a., Jim. Enemaâ€"No. 56. Church Street. "‘010mn, nexl dyer noth of British American Insurance Buildings. SIGN OF THE FLAGSTAFF WANADTAN ILLUSTRATET, NEWS 1L mlly be lbilnd at 'home flom 2 to 3 o'clock. I’ M. John Elliott lmngslaï¬' is auth- orized to collect accounts. Richmond Hill. June 5. ‘8‘ *VEM INVENTOR, BUIIL'DER; EDWARD PLAY’I‘ER, M.D , (Medalist, Toronto University) )HYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c. Coroner for the County of York ) ROVINCHL LAND SURVEYILR Toronto J u I-\‘ EWELRYI JEWELRY! FOR SALE March 12. 4873 STRAY S'I‘EER. 5E SUBSCRIBER off r.~ 10: Ba 0 a few pure bred Ranging in price from 3 cents par lb. upward MoutreaLâ€"Evans Morcer and Co., Wholesan “ Druggists. Lymans Clare and (‘0. Toronto â€"EHiot: and (70., Wholesale Drug " gins. Shame. and Owen. Hamilton, -Winer and Co. Hulifux.â€"-Av«r3. Brown and Co. I B L E SO CI E TY DEPOSITORY Burgoyne. Burbidges and Co , Colman Street London Newberv and Sons. 37 Newgate SL. London. Barclay mm Son. 95 Farringdon St . London Sanger and Sons. Oxford 81., Londnn. And all the London Wholesale Houses. About the 16th November lat-5;“ BLAKE arKINGSFORD, ' QARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, sou. Fahruary 4th . 187 3 Snlovpropriotor, F‘. I. CLARKE. APOTHECA RIL‘S’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND.- IS warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary. Organs, in oilher sex acquired or conalitulioul, Gravel and l’uins in the Buck. Sold in Boxes. 48 (id all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. cheap at zhb Hmuux, Bun‘k Storé. One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills AT 300. PER CAN, AT DR. JAfliEs LANGSTAFF, gICHMQND HILL†WILL GENE- lhe HERALD Book Sim-e MECHANICS’ M RGAZINE‘ Family Groceries. 1. Crosby, Fire Proof Storc, RICHMOND HILL. J1 THE FINEST FRESH A LARGE STOCK OF BARGAINS! AGENTS IN CANADA GEORGE E. DESBARATS, [110le Hill branch) at the HERALD gitiï¬ccllmwmm, EXPORT AGENTS. Also a ï¬ne assortment of 8. JAMES, TH E fIIBLlï¬HER,‘ F'] ERS H OYSTEIfS H TEAS, JAM: S '!'H()MPSI)N AND R. E leasronn. M Mon-m EAL 764-†(SW-3 7.39?! \' 1f k) To Weekly Papers. roce-vod at the HEnAiD Book Store. Richmond Hi1}. Ladies†Back Combs f {Inf/fly nm; and *ashiozmble 52:9ch to se- la/tfmm at ’i‘HE LATEST NOVEL'J‘IES \lfll'h‘ II‘ a“ its branches, and frmn'his r'xperimu-r, careful altenlion, and mndH‘ulH changes. he hopes to rel-awe a sham of the nuhlic‘pmron- agï¬- All orders by mail prmnp'ly unende Io‘ Ofï¬ce-hours: From 6 "‘1a\‘4.lR69 ’I‘H? SUBSCRIBER BEGS T0 NO’I‘I 2 Good Agnnls roquirnd to caminss hum and“Vauglmn with a new and W) he a very popular hook None but liv: Hess men engagnd. Exclusive territory piy at the Herald Oï¬ice. HARRISON. OSLER & MOSS, [)AHIi-ISTERS, M1. NOS. 36 AND 3x King Street hast, Torunlo R. A,H\Rn1-0N,Q c. F. ()erm. THOMAS MDSS,Q.C. W A FOSTER CHARle Moss. W. GA FALCOhBRIlKH '3 Chancery ’Vntm‘ies ,, l‘n‘lcm â€"(70un Szrnet. ()flice-}‘ivision Court ( mond Hill. l‘uos. K Monoâ€. Townto, Apri' 0". ms lilCHMOND' HILL L I VE R Y Horses and Vehicles I‘m- deralo. Opposite Sand 1 any unm *urâ€"nOlexceedjngluroehnmired '10â€an l‘y any nub dopasimr.) will be received mlhe Richmond Hill PM! Uflicefor which ’vaurumenl will'xllow lmprésl. "‘0martimulquapp!) [o \1 'I'ICIIIFY.Puslmaslar * l'nury is Gnverunmnl Agan I'o- * ‘ 1R. ._ y WONTREA L TELEG RAPH CUMT’ANY MORGAN & TIIORNE, ng R RIST E RS. SOLICITORS IN ') Chancery ’Vntm‘ies,&c. l‘I-‘Flcv 'lmnn 1 un Sly-net. Toronto. Branch DE ’6 k ‘ IR. he safe o‘f' UBSC :II'TIONS 170R [‘HE T()RON CHOU}, III‘TQI‘ISITI'TS 0F ALI INCHMOND HILL POST UFFICE J anuurr 8‘ 1873 FIELD AND GA RDEN PIOUSE PAINTING ! ()ETH‘AL WORKS, ()I“ A‘. THE (ilï¬'w‘eul pHeh. at UN Hun n Bunk Toromu. Dec. 4, 1872‘ JOHN BROWN, Proprietor Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 751~3m AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! 132 Adelaide Street East. krnu’s a P 0. SAVINGS BANK. gmmammz gluxptcmmw. GENTS WANTED Thornhill. Nov, 25. 1873, 779v! THE IMPORTED BERKSHIRE PIG, TIE-IE “EARL! $2 FOR THE SEASON! («:smmn HYMNS, ALL SIZE My Pigs Won Isl prim at ORKHBOXES, ALL SIZES. A’J llt‘ fy the public that he I businnss m POSITS OF ONE DOLLAR-(0R ’1: H11: Hutu-III the WILL SERVE sows AT MY FARM FOR 1274‘ HARVESTING TOOLS G RICULTURAL WARE HOUSE SEED STORE! '- my Mill/{IA GE LICF H114! Vehicles For hire. (‘hargas mo Opposite Sanderson 6L Sons The largest selection of {LNG AGEh F0 R 1‘ H E (F). gmartnxmt. RALI) Honk Sxore TORONTO JOHN LUMEMV, Church St†Markham Vilmgy- Painting. HE“ 4“ LI) HOOK STORE § LLALI Bunk HIOI'P In the Dumiuiv n 2nd 3rd n olexceedin gm ror h n ndrod AND IN 1873.: R J. STANTON. H75! AND 3C A.M .toFl:3() P.1u 563-11 Clark 9 ofï¬ce, Ric V \1 R. N m), to canV'nss Mark- new and what wil has ra’wmmanm- '7. HORACE TthA} 13-va 1 Markham, Newmarkex. Egliugton, Gu‘eiph, > . I ‘ l’ruvmcia]. Lohduli, ‘onum‘o. ONT 'J'hornhill. Ont. live bnsi oï¬m 75H.“ BO]. ‘ll 3'} thsc: Il'w [was In inlimam tn.Lh:~ rIrm- rl ngvm‘m mm} and anlwr dFfl’HI‘h‘ Iiml hr- is :Hmux to e‘ «or a N‘H‘am Haw Miil nu W I‘I SII'W'I. Hen" Hull‘s old 15‘ nndgxx Nivhmo-v? Hiâ€. 'md invi‘w a" who have‘ log~ to out In have mom on durng the \Vimm'. as the "(nut win u’ the Mil! will hv- ID" or we‘ve tlmlband the; a rim. :1 large number will be I'equhed STEAM SA‘V MILL! Richmnnd Hill, Nov. 92. SHINGLES CUT ASUSUAL ANDH! W MAGER. Lumber- (‘lut To Order, M] Store LA]? GE SEDC‘ OK CHRIBTMAS 'GUODS l‘lnnh Pat and Ivvx of mr prnpnrnlinn ho' rs 1h!- â€vilish Gum-Human! Slam“. will]! 0 won“. " Hulluway’s l’i‘ls am. ()mmmnt. Landon †(Sig-no) THOM S HOLLOWAY ‘13. Olfm‘ll Strut-r. II“. (7 . Mv l‘i||.~ and )mlmem mu ~mid :It the Inwes Winds-sale net pvicex Ill qumILiIiv-s uf not less lhnn £2“ wulth~viz. 8s d 2%- 34s ,per Hown boxw of l’iHs or pvts m ()ihunvm. for which rvmizt nch mam ln- smut in advance. ’l‘hew medmues are not sold in [he Umwd Stan-s M- 'x", Hes Brisny. Challmlu Town. 1’ M ‘Ssrs Langlm‘ &, l n Viv min. B C. Mesws Muorn 02 Cu Victoria, B.C. If]! All) BOOK STORE BOGUS MEDICINES. IiOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LUNG LI FE PILLS! \/ Undermlwr, div. RhsnmNCMâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Ril-hmund Hill A FRESH SUPPLY. ‘ A; $1M, $5. 5:», $450 and $9. M 1m HERALD Bnnx Srom: 7 ‘ Rluhnmnd Hill. ND \VATEKSPO UTS FOR TI] 1‘} DO n‘nNIoN, at $6 ln-r WU toe]. A Isn Moor mg and when ImmhI-r liq-«med: Sin Huckels. ?’ails,(,i¢im~ Mills. \\ asking “Il(‘hiIIB-°.shilluiw Wag-you P‘nl!oas.aud lmmhvlSawedtourdur Forpa-ticularkaddrvss mm LANGS'I'AW. DAMILY BIBL IF April 9. 387 L traction of the Anglo American House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those large and commvdious premises lmlong- ing to Capt. 'l‘. A‘ Mihm. oplmsitu Messrs. Speigh: &, Son’s Nuvelly Works. Markham. Exce'lenl acl-nmmonal-nn :ufl'm'ded for [I19 travel ingpuhlic and (tuummrvial lnel‘. llivm‘y stables in (mullet-lion wnl] the han. Hotlin Ala and l’orlcr. ‘ THOMAS SEDMAN. . ‘ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER ISf‘I’LLANEOVS mmKs sm'm lullm'. [m-pai Square, or to And are Ion-Med at the North-wast corao‘ of lot No. .‘5, 41h cuncossion of Markham. in a sectiun where mechnnics and laborers cnu gel steady work and high wages Applv {if by Imiur.prupaid) to Hemy Jennings, Victoria l. saleg number 01' Viilugo lots. situulun in the village of About (Inejz'jI/L of cm Acre UV Hill. containing one acr. and a quarter of land, one H'amn dwelling house, wi II: a barn stables,aud mhenoulbuih lugs thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise» m i'hmnlIiIL N Sq». 4. IHTZ. N C-ONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- niv for punt-“lb m the “ERHD “nun VICTORIA SQUARE! March 577.1872, ' NIPISSING HOTEL MARKIIAM. l I“. CHAWFHRII Richmond Hill, Dec. 24. ’73. 753‘: AI as low l'htrfl as possible Patent Eaveâ€"trough EV SUBSCRIBER OFFERS. FOR House and Lot for Saie, "LUCAS, STREET, MCHMUND Village Lots for Sale. yummy for ï¬alc, 1:: (Ion, FOR SALE BY AT THE The lots contaln WM. G. HINGS'ION. Dingla P. O '9. 714-11" Swan. NHL 'I'hm'nhil! INNS). 510-.†I. 1873 1873. LA W. Drngg'sl, Ru-flnmd Hill D. 'I‘. W ()OTP S‘Hiy 753-3111 rkhmn. Vur [I19 I ,ivw‘y Hotlied xioother. SOLQ _BYVA»IA’O:17‘HVE 0A 1:153. l‘mm nnv (-ansv, mm '.~' pfï¬rnrsmnï¬ in I'ULMOV' ~ ARY (’v Nwmv'r'm. Yunny t-nnf'rnhed was†mmâ€! Mm. vurmlynd all hr-nnï¬l‘efl. wNero iti we ms hr-nn ('omimwrl mu 1' a Vortnight, In Bram-hm“ U u synmiï¬n. and in Aslhml . LrI\Yy‘s|'(|1:(‘f\\'i-, :1 u-n-n other rmnedv fail . VorN-‘rvous lhn Am i! stands unrivalled, rm} mu}~ ho nle W9â€! conï¬dmme in all nusen. A5.- Ihi» is nmirc-h‘ distinm nqu dlfru'vmt frnm , \' other preparamnv of vawhosyyhitqu ‘ to ask for FELLOWS’ Synurmnd tlld [hat In )Illx'm‘llE‘ng Ilu-w vngrmiim-ls in proper m-npm"inlw [he brain .1va m-rvousxvslem are Ju-ingmm-d ‘ > Tim 'Hmn.‘ z~ -:n~b-‘nmi:fllv the Mush: on whit‘h Fr 1&an Hvrwm SI’HI’IFZS is builLMI dimv' m-linn is mvvn the Humd. the Brain and Ynvvnw- :"1 Fl! m. and -1m anivs tl'nnylhr enihg (hn mum‘s ‘it 1-mst 1hr rapid dustrihu- tinn ol Vimkized Blood 111 Mm Muscular Organ. of tho Pmdy, v . Homing Hm 'Rlllggish Heart and Liver; Irenguwnhlg llm amim) of the Smmnch and "30“78l‘ and unuhling Ihe Lungs to be ï¬ullyiar fluted With “my†,4 ‘ h vs minpmd f'nr .am‘nasns- of Weakness and !< nmrintinn \vlu-IIIr-r nri>insz ï¬mn sedentarf 21'», n [rt-Diva! l limale. {'rt‘m l'vvm' nr anhilit‘V- l tin" HM I Illa! “1 III hrnpnr'inl ~l|rlil5].lu Thiw 'l whirh Fr dimv' m-l NC!!!“ '1 HI? \‘Vll‘jt'PXF M m r gm‘rrum/ by rim/f spring». H' ex stc‘mm. n 15.01“ I' my] He’s! m-Iix loaves Inem‘. 11m diwo vilnlit‘ mav ht- sustain - v iuduwd n ln'um In lhv wur'd. . \1Udnl'lxl'lvn~!|li517" hm \‘nmiln‘ed the quosr ['34in .lel 'HH'I\V¢‘I'£N“ lhl- iugvrr‘iell.“ con-till]. yin.» HI. hrmn. n Hawk-s and III was. and ï¬nds [hat In )Illx'm‘llE‘ng Ilu-w vngrmiim-ls in proper y)|'(m0"’ir'l|“ [he brain .1va m-rvous ‘slem are F: Dows’ Compound V g1 RUP OF H-YT’OPHOSPHITES. TICKS 0N SHEEP. Us: ILLR’S 'I'ICK IIES'I‘ROYER. Hy «‘eslruw the ’l‘mks, prdnmles the growth of llw wooLnnd improm-s the condition of tho animal A 35 cm)! box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs ' ' Amucnurunu. CHEMISTS. 167. Kng Street East, Toronto For Saleby Urugginsnnd erekeopers R E. LA \V A51me Richmond Hiâ€. Sold by “ruggisl cauls per box. 0n (’m'rzmt Bushes am] Fruit Trees“ THE CHINESE GARDER I'UV‘VDER Dosmns all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- m’pillm's nu ( urrnnl and Gooseberry Bushes†Price ‘25 m-nm and in 0“ per box. A 60"†lmx contains two hundr; d feed‘s‘ It Falfms 2'17,‘ Onaï¬mwh the 2mm! lame, and saws Food. as I haw nrva‘dy (- b\_' Mr. N H I‘ I M Eil'd. 0r (‘nlihri Pivrn Ilium-c? nnx Hunk 13 and [mm m ‘m u. n'( Milwlign, vulwmmpd 'lvan usher :~irvnn-»,:1=‘ grr-au-r unmu: ! u! \ Testimonial frcz": 7' ed Us ['2 lhr‘ sale w! ’39: hum-(l ()rgun which “’1' giv: Hud I‘I‘UUIHIHF‘I' rehabis- rumf h) 'M- Mr. H H Hefgmur'. in! ml 1: Humming Bird. 01' ('nli'nri Pi m :, 11:11:31; {'1 :'r1‘ by Ma- ’llusr-ck nnx Hunk 1310'. me xx'nlnhvrf'lfl'x‘ .wbol and pm‘u H] 'm u. and ham! H'1H‘<U§_‘. uon- :Hm-lign. vuh- :lmvd Is» w v will in 1mm longer Ivan usher :virvnnuv. " « 1H (1 (H13) Insvand a [water mummy-,1! u 9: r _ H ION H Y Tummo Fle #15, :S'P' COLLINS. 7i471y Asall‘ir» undmn-d -n~'l Hil'i' Huplflms PIUMMING'BHZU HANG Chinkmmg VVIIiulI Is mmp'wi ll object 'l'lm nu) entirely m‘w. known [ll‘ TATTENS HORSES, cows, CALVES,' Sheep and l’lps. Prince's é MaH'hnm . Nov ignm (.v @zwémi ï¬mmzwm, Price. $160: Six‘for $760. CATERPILLARS hi1 amt gamisimï¬, r JAMESLFF}: .owsshum ’ E‘ï¬â€˜ï¬‚n. I.“ 0d f'nr .am‘nasras of Weakness and \vlu-tln-r whim! ï¬mn sedentary altlimale. {'rnm t'vvm' nr (whim!- mum, mm '.~' pfï¬rnrsmns in I'ULuo. ump’l'um. “Jilly l'l'llf‘l'llred‘ I'll!!! «*urmlynd all hr-nnï¬l‘efl. where iti A grit'u I (11 ml Che mihts, 'l'oroï¬to. HUGH MILLER din '2. 11:14:50]? ms SUcrEED- 2')! u 9: r HUGH MILLER & CO.. mud hmlins. \\'l‘-elhm'tlmv be Wins. Illum-Ir or (aw-n Znn- 1ny tum Vngmahle Kingdum im/flurr. wlxivh binds all the w.:.m1 as nothing can Have m-Iiuu whvn [II-is principlo riimovnrx' nl “mans whereby sminvd in thn living body in r“ it. ‘V' .. I53; E; t G I"; aiice I’lA‘hlill IN II :4 Lu and Siorokecpers at 95 7 i471y m l!h('1?llr‘ll|‘(Ҥ(‘ll :a uni upon the best pies ofsciunca. (ml '('-,(11H_\lu.<vand a In 1m HI r “Minn for' X (‘n’s vel’w' Ill favor of. Int! npprnva 2 and most .fnl'llll' ‘ {Mums sod Humming 'N‘ by Mao: rf'n'R‘ .woob 1 n §_ â€" . gen-» ‘ w longer ms. MELT. h Collin: (*isnll