York County Council. 0 WEDNESDAY, Jan. 25?. 1874 The Council met at ten o’clock. the War- den in the chair The minutes of the previous day’s proceed- ings were read and conï¬rmed. The following petitions were presented :â€" By Mr Fleury from L. Andrews, asking for I pedlar’s liceirse. Also, from Mr l’oiirton to the same oï¬'ect. The Committee appointed to strike the stand. in; Committees for the year brought in their report as followuâ€" Finance and Assessmentâ€"Messrs Wheler. Jones, Marritt. Bull and Phillips. Educationâ€"Messrs 'l‘yrell. Wicksou. Wallis, Stokes and Miller. County Propertyâ€"Messrs Laue. Jackson. Speiglit and Leslie. Equalization and Assessmentâ€"Messrs Wall- is. Duncan. HenryAlilliken and Bonnet. Roads and Bridgesâ€"Messrs Robinson. Wat- oon. McDonald. Patterson and Luirdy. Printingâ€"Messrs Mackliii. Severn, Webster. Rodgers and Jackson. Contingenciesâ€"Messrs Morior, Irwin. C. Wallace. Artli and Harrison. Messrs R. H. Smith. Newmaiket, and WIII. Jackson. Eglington. were appointed Auditor=. Mr Phillips moved. amended by Mr Lane, that the By-law granting $45,000 to the Lake Simcoe Junction Rai way be read a. third time. and that all papers relating to the satire be laid on the table, before the said meeting. The Motion was carried. and the By-law read a third time and passed Mr Leslie introduced a valaw to grant aid to Agricultural Societies. The By-law was read a ï¬rst time. The Council then (at noon) adjourned until Monday at 2 p. In ~â€" The Council ro-asaenrbled on Mondayalter- noon. the warden in the chair. The minutes of previous meeting were read bud conï¬rmed. The following communications were handed by the Warden to the Cloth :â€" From the inspector of High Schools. North Yoork. From,the Trustees of Markham High School. From the Trustees of Newmarket High chool. From G. W, Allair, relating of a traction engine on th e York roads, From the Principal of the Deaf and Dumb lnstituto. , From Dr. Strange. of Aurora, making a claim for damages done In being thrown from his sleigh bv a projecting heap of stones on A copy of petition from the Council of the County of Siiircoe to the Ontario Legislature respecting the grouping of Townships for rail- way purposes. and asking the Council to co- operate in the matter. 'l'lre matter was reser- ved for consideration. Mr Wullis gave notice that he would, to-day move for the appointment ofa sclect Commit- tee to drafts. petition to the Ontario Legisla- ture,praying for such amendment to Act 36 Vic, chap 47. as will authorise municipal cor~ porations to invest any money received from the Provincial surplus for the use of schools. in the same manner as moneys received from the urricipalities fund are authorized to be in- vested for lhhl. purpose Mr Leslie movod. and Mr Reid seconded, that a special committee. consisting of Messrs Wallis (Etobicckr). Lane, Jackson. the War- den arid the mover. be appointed to take into consideration and report on all matters as be- tween this Council and theCoiIircilot‘ the City ufTOl‘UINO affected by section 363. chap 48.01‘ the Municipal institutions Act. The motion was carried. Volunteersâ€"Mr Floury moved and Mr Stokes seconded that the following names he substitu- ted for the names mentioned in the report of the Finance Committee, of Feb I. ’67. so far as relates to the unsxpencetl money for thr- hattalion dri, l shed -. name the wanders, MeSsrs Irwin. ’l‘rrrell, Lundy. Ba 1, Fioury, Wickson and McDonald. The motion was ï¬nally carried oti a division 29 ycas and 11 trays. Tire Coudcil their adjourned, A large cotton mill was burned at Glar- gow on Thursday night last week. and four thousand men were thrown out Of employ- ment. Loss, £150,000. This lMPORTED BERKSHIRE PIG. THE “EARL!†WILL ssnva sows AT MY FARM FOR 1874. $2 FOR T133 SEASON! My Pigs won let prize at Markham, " †“ “ Newmarltet. “ " Egliiigton, u I! “ " 2nd “ Guelph, “ “ 3rd “ I’rovuioial. London, IN 1873 R J. STANTON. Yonge Street. H From Messrs arrison. ()slcr &. Moss. , _ M claiming damages {or injuries inflicted upon Thomhlll- NOV. 23. 181.3. Dr. Armstrong, on Yonge Street. by being thrown from his buggy. From the Clerk at the Peace, together with a copy of the report of Grand Jury at the lee Quarter SessioI s for the County of York. From James Kavaiiagli, a police constable. c‘aimlirg the reward oï¬â€˜ored by the County of Yelk, for thieves. From the County Clerk of Elgin. enclosing resolution respecting Canada Thistles. . From the Rev Mr Ramsay. High School Trustee. of Newmarket. Withdrawing his resig- 'l'hornhill, Otil. till. @gtimltumt ditttplctttmlï¬. TORONTO AGRICULTURAL WARE HOUSE nation. From the several Returning ofï¬cers. euclos- AND ing accounts for printing in refretice to the Siincoe Junction Railwaw By-Iaw. The fohowing petiiitions were presented :~â€" By Mr Bullâ€"Of F. C. Capreol. praying that I committee may be appoinled to confer with a committee from the County of Sirtrcoo llld Corporation of Toronto, on the subject b the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal By Mr Harrisotrâ€"UfJ. It. Arnold, asking the Council to cancel the arrears of rotit due on gate No. 4, Yonge Street. * The Clerk read the report of the Inspector of the North York Schools for the year ending Deceinbesi3l, 1873. It showed there were in the division i5 tub is school boards, 96 teach- SEED STORE! 182 Adelaide Street East. The largest selection of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ers, and ltl.tlt.0 children. The school prop- erty amouutou to $106.130, and the assessed proper y was of the value «$587,092,344. The ‘7 expenditure during the past year for education purposes amounted to nserly 3.36.000. The expendi'u 6 air the salaries tor the year was Imrly $30,000; for building sits s. repairs, the. $15.39 -; for all purposes, $55.879â€"3Itl,5tl0 over the total of 1872. The increase iii the i-stiinated value of_school property was over [3H,(ltl0, and half of that amounthad been exâ€" pended in entirely new buildings. There were 58 male teachers employed at an average sale airy of nearly $330, atrd '17 female at air aver- age of $248. The evils arising from the fre- iuuit change of teachers were stated to liavo incrbesed; 48 changes had taken place since the last report Tie cause ofthis iir mostcrses was inidcquate remuneration. While salaries laud rice-1y doubled in other oalh’ngs, the sti- mudsofteachers had not bet-n so advanced. t was to' be noted, however, with satisfaction. that the average salaries of male teachers in hoitli York had. in 1873 risen orer that of l872y 5" “5,1â€, and of female teachers by “9?â€! $3. Whilst evils resulted from irreguv “my 0‘ attendance, inadequate remuneration “f “mellow! Wm 'lofoc s of the administration onlle law; ll was a matter oi congratulation “lat “'0 “Wag†ï¬llelrdau‘ce at the schools. the accommodation for the children. and lhr; re. mutreiaiton of the teachers had all improved during the yearyu-lt closed. AND HAR VESTING' TOOLS In the Domitiion.‘ .â€".â€"_ FIELD i' AND GARDEN @Emmï¬'! Vi/M. RENNIE, 779-tf TORONTO. Our.‘ granulated. .â€" P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. RICHMOND POST HILL ts; ‘\ 0 F Fl 0 E. DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (on an 5' nu uihe râ€"notexceediir gtlireehundred dollars by any one depositor.) will he received Mr Bull gun Italics that oti the following attlie Richmond Hill PostoflicoJor which day he would introduce a motion to amend the report 0" the Finance Committee. of Feb. 1st, lrli'l, so far as related to drill-sheds. Mr 'l‘yrrell gave Notice that he would move /â€"â€""‘l‘liat the warden be itritructed to communi- cate with the Hon. Mr Movat, itpossible. and macertaiu when the Council may exDect to re. .ceive the amount apportioned t; this County from the Municipal Loan Fund ii. accordance «witth‘ Â¥ic..chnp 47.†~ The oigncil then went into Committee of Abs Whole Ton Mr Leslie’s By-law grunting ,nid to AgrziculturalSwieties. ,MT Lestieuaoved that the sum of $450 be appropriated for this durpose. Mr Macniu m oved. as an amendment, that 3‘00 he the amount appropriated. The amendment ,was carried. The amount was divided as follows :â€"â€" North ,York Agricultural Society. $150: West tweet York Agricultural Society. $125: East \Xerk Agrjculruraiï¬eciety. $125. The try-law iprovides IhLitliis moneysball be rig-distributed ,amougst ind towrisnip societies in .the same 1proportion as the Government grant. The Council then adjourned. q._. The Council reassembled at ten o’clock on Tuesday morning, she Warden In the chair. and all.the members were present. Communicationsâ€"From the Superintendent of the York Roads, with a report and plan of the Humber bridge. Potitions~liy Mr Bull. from Mr W. Har- ~g"ove. formerly lessee of toll-gate No l Yonge .street. for relief from payment of balance due. Reportsâ€"The Chairman of the Standing Cour nittee on pmrting presented report No. i of the Committee. The “eport was received and read and the Council resolved itself into Committeeâ€"Mr Fleury in ‘he chairâ€"to consider the same, The r8901 was adopted. Mr McDmald presented the report of the Commission «ppoiuted for the purpose of ob- Ialnlllg lhfl relxoval of obstructions to the out- lots of the watts. The report was received and read. . Aid 10 Agriculural Societiesâ€"On the me- tIOI that the by-lï¬v rgr anting aid to Agricultu- ral Societies. Keaduecorï¬ time read a third time Mr Leslie moved h amendment that $450 50 inblil-lliu-l-ed It“ lllesuin of $400. and that I Tues. K. MORGAN. l Goveriimeutwillallow Interest. Foiparticulart-applyto M. TEEFY. Postmaster. “ï¬lls. TEEFY is Government Agenit’or he sale of MARRIAGE (LICENSES. ALso AGENT FOR 'riis A;~ 1:: 12¢.- HT, CARRIAGE BUILDER, Begs to announce to the inhab RICHMOND HILL, itants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhood that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the ,UNDERTAKING BUSINES S Fine N en Hearse for hire, Funeral Furnishings, Comps and Caskets in every style. Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1 S73. SCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA-l ble for presents at the HERALD BOOK MI Slore. SCHOOL REQUISITES FULL SUPPLIES . AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. STEAM SAW MILL! HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the farm- ing community and Lumber dealers that he is about to elect a Steam Saw Mill on Mill Street, near Hall’s old Foundry. Richmond Hill. and inviles all who have log.- Io cut to have them Orr during the Winter, as the caps- citvpf the Mill will he tort or twelve thousand feetlg'u day. a large another will be required. Lumber Out To Order, At as low rates as possible SHINGLES CUT AS USUAL ANDREW MAGER. Richmn"d Hill,Nov. 92, 1873. 8011 M. DOMINION TEA. HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. flirntrrirr, THE TA CHEST T ALEX. MOO DIE T 'N again thanking the inhabitants ‘o'f Ri h- mond Hill and vicinity for the liberal pat- ronage the‘i have given him assures them that nothing will be warning to secure that patron- age for 1874 [u announcing the arrival of l WINTER GOODS' He would call special attention to his ï¬ne stock of GROCERIES cousrsriae or NEW CURRANTSl v .A. WRIGHT. PURE 11111111 SHEEP I'lm éAIE. One Box of Clarke’s B .41 Pills â€" l HE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale afewi con pure bred SOUTH DOWN RAMS! Consisting of aged. shearlrngs. lambs. Also several pairs of choice ewes of the same breed. . ROOT. MARSH, Lot41,Con 1. Markham; Markham. Oct. 21. le73. OYSTERSl OYSTERSll OYS’I‘ERSH THE FINEST FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS AT 300. PER CAN, AT G. A. BARN ARD’Sl SIGN OF THE FLAGSTAFF RICIâ€"IMOND HILL! 603 BIGEIMBNBELE nuts: GEORGE c DAVID ‘BIRREISL l EG to inform Merchants Bakers do Farmers tlls't they havi: alwavs on hand a large stock of FIRST-CLASS FLOUR &3:FEED! , Parties favoring u with grists may rely on a good return and well Inanu‘actnred. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR \VHEAT.' Richmond iIru Flour Mills. Oct 15._1873 385 TO $9.0 [£33 .1335 All classes of working people. of either- sex. young 0,. old. ma (6 more money m work for o‘clock. P M. John Elliott Langstaff is auth. us iii their spare moments, or all the time. than °llz°d 1° °°ll9°l 39°01‘11"- at anything elsi Particulars free. Address G. S'l'lNSONï¬L Co., Portland, Maine. LOST ! ETWEENJHchmmu‘I Hill and the Third I Concession of Markham. Oii the thh Dec., a Geiitleiitan’s MlNK COLLARET. The ï¬tider will be suitably rewarded by return- ing it to the owner. at the Wesleyan Parson- age. or to this ofï¬ce. Richmond Hm. Dec.31st,1873. ensâ€"rt Seedless, Lager and Valenti“ Raisins, “ FUR THE BLOOD is THE Luna"f ' Lemon Peel, Teas from 506. upwards, COFFEES, ’ Green, Roasted (fr; Ground. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. WINES AND LIQUORS Ofï¬celiours: from 6:30 A.M.t09:30 PJI. May 4,1869 5634f MORGAN s; THORNE, BA RBI S T E R S , SOLICITORS IN Chancery, Notaries, dbc. OFFICE-:90!“ Street. Toronto. Branch Ofï¬ceâ€"Diviswn Court Clerk 5 oï¬ico, Rich- mond Hill. HdaAcs Tnoanl Toronto. April 25. 1872. 18-“ RICHMOND HILL LIVERY S T A B LE S . Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo. deraw. Opposite Sanderson &.Sons. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 751-3m HARRISON. OSLER a; moss, _» ARRISTERS, 4130., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. vesterday , bo’ R. A. HARMSON,QC. F. OsLER. THOMAS Moss, Q.c. W. A FOSTER. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. 7504f AGENTS WANTED. 2 Good Agents required to canvass Mark- 5150 to granted to ï¬ll several tovVuships in ham and Vaughan with anew and what will lieu offlzï¬ as proposal. Theamendmeut waslost on a division, and ties men engaged. be a very popular book. None but live busi- Excl-asive territory. Ap- the byllsw was read a tlird time and passed. piy at the Herald Ofï¬ce. Reessâ€"A short reuse teok placo, after whichthe question ofa uriform assessment of the coiniy was discussed, but without any practioil result being arrived at, It was moved bv Mr W A Wallace, and se- condedlv Ml‘ JECkSOII. that sis own name be taken ohhe Education Committee and that of Mr W..l. Tliorne substituted.-â€"Carried. Theï¬â€™ii'ncil then adjourned. Thelouircil re-assemble "at ten o’clock on Wednelay morning. Painting. E SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO NOTI- fy the public that he has re’rommenced TH business at HOUSE PAINTING ! hi all its branches. and from his experlencc, careful attention, and moderate charges. he Comunicatlong_]‘mm Gem Eak-m for hopes to receive a share of the public patron- commison to purchase a new site for a Re- “93' gietry Cice. From'rod . O. Jarvis. Shorlfl’, respecting {uranium the oï¬ices in the Court House. JOHN LUMLEY, Church St" Markham Village. lemon 8, 1873. 755-611: All orders by mail promptly attended to. ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadultemlcd, C rockery do Glassware. PROVISIONS :1 PEAS, SHORTS, BRAN, AND ’ S FLO UR A lV'n) s on hand. ‘bmnon ’l-roquod Fish and Labrador Herring. EYE] «I A general stock of goods to ho found in a genbral store. GOODS DELIVERED. A. MOODIE. :Union House. NlONVlLLE. Beesiis run in connection with each train. Commodious sample room. '1‘ H OS. HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24. 1873. , 797 LOST. N Friday evening. the 2nd inst..tn the vil- lage of Thorirhill. a note dated December 18. 1873, and payable teir months after date, for $37.50. in favor of John Bu_rltholder,_and signed by Ephrim Whitmore and James Gar- ton. The Publtc are hereby irotiï¬ed not to no- gotiate for it as payment'has been stopped JOHN BURKHOLDER Edgley P.0. January 5. ’74 807 VALEN TIN ES ! . LARGE & NEW STOCK AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. ‘ ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES, at the HERALD Book Store. TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Store. See Deuteronomy, chap. xii, verse 23 CLARKEl’S ' World Failian timed Mixture. Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.†For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurites. cannot be too highly recommen- ded . For Scrofula. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing arid per- manent cure. a It cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs Cures Blackheads. or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancer-ens Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swollings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution ofeither sex, the Proprietor sclicits snll‘erers to give it a trial to test its value. ' Thousands of testimOuials from all parts. Sold in Bottles 28 3d each. and in Cases. containing six times the quantity. 11s eachâ€" sutï¬cient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing "asesJSY ALL (lH EVllS'l‘S and PATENT . M FZDICIN E VENDORS tlirorghout the world. ‘ Sole Proprietor, l". .l. CLARKE,ClieIhist, APUTHECARIES' HALL. LINCOLN. ‘ ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne. Burnidges and Co.. Colman street London. Newbery and Sons.37 Newgate Street.London Barclay and Sons. 95 Farringdon Street, LUn- do'n. , Sanger and Sons. Oxford‘Street London. And all the London Wholésale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. Montreal.â€"Evans,Mercer and.(.‘o.. Wholesale “ Druggtsts. Lyrnans, Clare and (lo. Toronto â€"â€"Elliottand Co. Wholesale Drugé " gists. Shapter and Owen; Hamiltoir.-Winner and Co. Halifaxâ€"Avery. Brown and Co. THOMAS B; COPELAND PHOTOGRAPHER, RICHMOND HILL, Begs to iuforrp the public that he intends \REMO VINO HIS B USINESS l 10 oils DOOR soirrr-I or J’NO.â€BROWN’S STORE, ND as he is getting a gallery there ï¬tted up in good style he will be able to do ï¬rst class work. He intends moving on THE 22ml DECEMBER INST. 'l‘. COPELAND. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1873. S warranted to cure all distlrarges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex acquired or Anvil... a". so». House and Let for Sale, l N 0 Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. with a barn stables. and other outbujluings thereon. Terms, .easy. Apply. on‘ the premise-I m r. CRAWFORD. Richmond rim. Doc. 24. '72- 753-3m Village Lots for Sale. Vl‘ ' sale a number of Village lots. situated in the Village of VICTORIA SQUARE I ' The lots corrtaln Abmt One-ï¬fth of an" Acre, Arid are located at the North-west corset-of lot No. 35, 41h concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Apply (if by letter.'pi‘epal(l) to Henry Jennings, Vietoria _ Square,or IO » WM. G. HlNGS'l 0N. Dingla P. 0. March 97.18'7'2‘. 714-tf TWO HOUSES AND LOTS For: SALE. ON Yonge Street. Richmond Irrtr. Apply to JACOB MORDEN. Richmond Hill. Jan. 8, 1874. 807-if VARIABLE FARM FOR SALE! 96 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND l'l'HlN Three miles of thc Village of Thnruhill. and ï¬ve minutes walk of Northern Railway t taflo i. being on Eri4t Half of Lot 6. ’l/.,ir.l Cam, in the Township of Vaughan; 88 Acres Clea red, 16 of which are seeded down lijn Wheat ; remainder is good Standing Tim. er. LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND SL’BSCRIBER OFFERS FOR: I I? #35951}? ova .vE/‘v - (‘4‘ {x I‘ . «Artist. “ rrtr . l till. ill 5 made iii all sizes suitable for Ladies and Gents, both 111 gold and Silver. But the accompanying cut repre- sents in proper proportions THE $25 RUSSELL llll ill} lEVEll WATSâ€. In sterling silver case and I gold points, full jewelled, ’ warranted for five yearsâ€" ttrgctlrer with a goldplated - Albert chain~which will be sent to any part of Cain _ “ ada On receipt of $25, or in C. 0. D., per express. W. E. CORNELL, Watch Importer, 83 King Street East, TORONTO. ONT. ir'rl iili NEW FRAME DWELLING HOUSE . stitutioml. Gravel and l’uins in the Back.- Sold in Boxes. ~15 lid eaclr.by all Chemists and 311"“ sublet“: DTlVlllg hflouse- Plgflelyu 510- I’atcht Medicine Vendors. Constantsul‘l’lly 0f 200d Water for house- ‘1“ Solo proprietor, F. J. CLARKE. Well as a ï¬ne Spring Creek running across the APO'l‘HECAltll‘S’ HALL. LINCOLN. '"“"~â€â€˜Â°Wl‘°'° bâ€"‘g.“lm°sl. °"°'°‘s°d by a ,. 3 New Board Fence. lerrrs Liberal and ass LNGLAM). . . . . . P essron Will be given immediately. Further EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne. Burbidges and Co . Colman Street London. ’ Newborv and Sons, 37 Newgate St.. London. Barclay aim Son. 95 Parr-ingdmI St. London Sanger and Sons. UxfO'Id St., London. Aiid all the London Wholesale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. MorrtreaLâ€"I‘Ivairs Mercer and (70., Wholesale “ Druggists. Lyiiiaiis Clare and Co. Torontoâ€"Elliott and Co, Wholesale Drug “ 71:13. Sharpie. and Owen. Haitiiltoii.--V\’iner and Co. Halifaz.â€"Avers. Brown and Co. particulars can be had by applying to . HENRY LEMON. Thornhlll; Dec. 3t. 1873. 806 tf NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHALI. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- tructinn of the Anglo American House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken arid ï¬tted up those large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. '1‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speiglit &. Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent act-Oliiinonatioii afforded for the . travelling public and commercial men. livery stables in connection with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. ~ Sept. 4. 1572. D. T. WOOTEN. 1' T A LI'RGE STOCK OF T ‘ 737-tf EAS, Rangihg‘in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. } Patent Eaveetrough the sale. of M essrs G attract elitist-rumour, H. B. REESOR, DEALER 1N Prince’s Organs a Mcicdcuns Chickeriiig. Stainway and Durham Piano!) Also. the celrbrated HUMMING BIRD PIANO Which is adapted to parlors where space is an object. The mode of its construction is entirely new. and based upon the best known principles of science. Notice. ' R. H. B. REESUR nits SUCCEED ed us in the agency in this section foi" A. l’riirce N: Co’s cele-. which we give our most unqualiï¬ed approval and recori-rrnondrition us lllk' lending and most eliabie reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) 'H. G. COLLINS. W M. FLUM l‘lRFELT; Markham. Nov. 3, 187l- Testimonial from Professo‘r E. G, Cellini - ND WATEHSPOUTS FOR THE DO Minion. at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. l’ails.CiderMills.Washing Maclriuee.Slringles Waggon Felloes.arrd LuniberSawedto order Forp artiCulars address Also a flue assortment 0f I have carefully examined the pianos sold by Mr. H B Reesor. called the Humming Bird, or Colihri Plains; manufactured by Ma- thuseclt, anil think they are wonderfully sweet, and pure in tone. and from their pocul.ai con; struction. calculated to remain in tune longq Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, I RICHMOND HILL. . .L intransitiqu DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" rally be found at home from 2 to 3' February 4th. 1873. 759-‘lv BLAKE a KINGSF’ORD, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, 'SOLI- < citors, Conveyancers, 61.0., &c.. Orrcns,-â€"No. 56, Church Street. Toronto. nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE. 1â€"7 EDWARD PLAYTER, M.D , (Medalist, TOronto University) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C. R. E. KINCSFORD. M.A. Coroner for the County of York. Resideircoâ€"Opposiie l). ankiii’s Storb, Cor. Yonge and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill. March 12. 1873. 764-tf 3; JAMES, ROVINOIAI. LAND SURVEYER, County Engineer, Draftsman 6w. Surveys. Plans, Descriptions. Reports, Plans of bridges. S eciï¬bations. Forms of contract. Security Bun s, &c . bxecuted with ueatness and despaich. No. 4 Trust and Loan Buildings, Corner of Adelaide and Toronto streets. TORONTO. Toronto July 28. 1873 7c4-tf EVERY INVENTOE, BUILDER, MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGI- NEER. CHEMIST. FARMER AND MERCHANT, should at Once send his name and address erth label has be’ 11 adopted by $1.50 for one year’s subscription to The Canadian Patent Ofï¬ce Record AND ~ MECHANICS MAGAZINE, V To THE rtrsLisHEu, GEORGE E. DESBARA'I‘S. ~ MONTREAL. A Copy of ï¬rst number can be seen at this Ofï¬ce. . 765-2 EWELRYI JEWELRY! FOR SALE cheap at the Hrznfn; Book Store. AMES. TOYS, &C., FOR SALE AT ' the HERALD llook Store. IBLESOOIETYD lSiTORY (Richmond Hill branch) tire HERALD“ F iok Store. NANADIAN’ ILLUSTRATEI} NEWS. ’ A weekly journal of Currtnt Events. Literature. Science and Arts. \gi-i‘cultnre and Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sod at 1th a number at the HERALD Book Store- BARGAINS I REMNANTS 0E DRESS'IOOODS. FAMILY BIBLES, At $1.82. $5. $5.50. $8.50and $9. at the , discredit Would fell upon the fabricators of these .M" 'i‘. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, P.E.I. JOHN LANGSTA FF, Steam Mills,Thorrrhill. rl‘liornhill. Nov. 3, 1869. 510-.tf t THOMAS SEDMAN, ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, ' Undertaker. &c. Resinnncnâ€"Naarlv opposite the Post Oï¬ice b0 Richmond Hill, r A FRESH SUPPLY, HERALD BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill. I MAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLS ! ï¬oa BALE a‘v R. E. LAngDruggist, April 9. 187.). Richmond Hill. BOGUS MEDICINES. 0 L L 0 WATTS PILLS AND r... Sal OINTMENT. I luv]! for a considerable time neat considered it to be mv duty to advartise the public of the British North American Provinces against buy- ing from hirprincipled dealers medicines em- anating from New York. and sold as my " Holloway’s Pills and Ointment.†iir which much ingenuity has been displayed in passing ihem off as of m} make. It is very difl'lcult indeed to attempt to enumerate the many de- vices to which the parties have had r source. They say, amongst other things. [lief a new them. and with bare-faced effronterv caution the public against being deceived by spurious imitations. y p t A poor man by the name of Holloway is employed by the soacal=ed Chemical Company in New York. who lend his irame for a small weekly sum. The medicines sold by this Company are palmed 05' upon the public ,as my " Holloway‘s l’ills and Ointment.†so that were they to injure half the cemmunitv no compounds. but would couéiderably damage the reputation of my make. As it is riot at all necessary for this CREW to hem any expense in the sale of their produc- tions. or to a very limited exent (trading as they do upon my name). they are in a position to offer them at a very low price in Canada. where they are purchased by a few Wholesale Houses that 1 can name,arrd will name here- after, ifthry continue to vrnd the same The following are the names and addresses of some of the Houses Who get my medicines from here direct 2- Messrs Avory. Browtt& Co, Halifax. N.S.‘ Messrs Forsyth (it 00., Halifax, NS. Messrs 'l‘. B Barker & Sons, St. John, N.B Messrs Langley do Co . Victoria. BC. " Messrs Moore 6:. 00.. Victoria, [3.0. My Pills and Ointment are sold at the lowes F . It destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth 'of the wool, and improves the condition of_the: animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. hair other pianos. and consequently to stand greater amount of wear. HENRY GUEST COLLINS; Toronto Feb.28. 1872. 714-1y ATTENS HORSES, cows, CALVES; Sheep and l’rps. It F attens in. One-fourth flit usual time, and saves Food. Price 25 cents and $1 Oil per box. A dolls? it contains two hundred feeds. OATERPILLARS‘ ' 0n Currant Bushes and F suit Traci: .â€" THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Destroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat; erpillars on Currant arid Gooseberrt~ Bushes2 Sold bv Druggists and Storolreeper's at†HUGH MILLER do C04, Agricultural Chemists. Torontd.‘ TICKS ON SHEEP. _ V USE HILLR’S TlCK DESTROYER. cents perihox. - HUGH MILLER to cO.;_ AcnicuuruaAL Gasman. V p 167. King Street East; 'I‘arouu‘. e by Druggistsarid Storekeepers. ‘ i. R E. LAW, Agent. Richmond Hill. gaunt Eliminate. Fellows’ Compound Sr EUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES; As alllifa-endowcd bodies. wlietherlhey b8~ Beast. Birds, ltaptilos. Inset-ts or even Zoo- phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom“ are governed, by rim/farce, whichbinds all thesprings of exiétence. and as nothing can savo‘ them from destruction when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vitalitv maybe sustained in the living body id indeed a boon to tl! world. ‘ y ‘ Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered. the ingredients constitu- ting the brain. muscles and 1191'V65.’a11d ï¬nds“ that by introducing these ingredients in propel: proportions the brain and nervous system or. strengthened. _ ‘1‘ ‘ This. then. is substantially the basis oi which FELLOW’S HYPDI’HOSPHI'I‘ES is built.“ direct action is upan the Blood. the Brain an Nervous Srstoni. and the llluscle' b‘trengtbf airing the nerves. it causes the rapid distribl. tion of Vitalized Blood iii the Muscular Organd of the Body. I I. . rRousing the Sluggish Heart and Liver; strengthening the action of the Stomachï¬nd dowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyin- fluted With Oxrge‘r. , ., it is allallmt‘l t'or ALLcases of Weakness and, Emaciation . whether arising from sedenth life. a tropical climate. from. fever or debilin from any cause, and is efï¬cacious in Futile; NARv CONSUMPTION. many confirmed casos‘ . having been cured and all berroï¬tled. where itd use has been continued over a fortnight. ' wholesale net prices. in quantities of not less In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and iii than £20 worthâ€"via. 8s lid.. 22s., 34s., per it gives relief whore every other remedy fails. dozen boxes of Pills or pots ofOintrneiit. for For Nervous Dehilltv it stands, unrivalled; which remittances mast be sent iii advance. These medicines are not sold in the Uirited States. and may be used wilhlconï¬dence in all cases; As this is entirely distinct and. diï¬'orent fro.I every other preparation of Ht'lroyrhospliites,bl Each Pot and Box of my preparation bears careful toask for FLLLows’ SYRUP, and tskd thaRritish Government Stamp. with the words, ‘9 Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. London.†A bs’ntiful choice let to be clealped out at greatly reduced prices at the Central Store " Wm. ATKINSON. ‘ 776; l Richmond Hill. Juno 5. 187 (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. Oxford Street. W. 0.. London, July 1, 1873. 785 no other. SOLD BY APOTHECARIEE’; Price. $1-50; Six for$7'50.' JAMES1.FFl Lowscrimiil 4.9“ flint. m \A