Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Feb 1874, p. 3

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-...-.. .. .uu “mug-wu- uutul. ‘V The Connoiltheu adl‘ournsd to meet on Sat- girday. “‘ '1“). York County Council res-assembled on rday morning It nine o'clock, the Warden In the chlir 'i‘r ThaibglngYQ-gébfifirggrhben otha uri- nps‘High Séhool Boards in the County, was ‘ii‘oad a first Iimo. ‘- ‘l‘lm W-"lm. nun Aâ€"J---‘--' ‘4 7" "' The Warden then extended to all members Qf'tho Council a): inyihu'on to supper that ev- féniqg agihe American Hotel. ‘bglxtlfe'gihqvut nhmod. and mse'rting Inn‘s? Ig“0,1,:olnl_'t._niuea 'cax'not recommepd guy sum {q'r we I g ‘p‘grpole.’! ‘ - he ppm As amended my: gluon adopted. The by-luv appoiniing nub-measures of (sqflo‘ol mon‘gys was re_nd afirgt and second time fund the Col-190;! wafnt'inio Committee of the 'Wholo thereon. Aftera short discussxon the bommitlee row. roported progress. and ukud 361‘“ 1‘6 sit again on Saturday. 1* vim; 1.211-... .‘.; _k_ . Vfiyrcznsgivltâ€"Sfemg‘ao;;t‘fil 19 two .. ‘ . _ , ‘ ’ a - menhwon wighdpyvy, " ‘1‘ ’m‘g’ud Mr Walfia “I? Elegallded by M,- 9% quu‘Y-Xr'wflr‘eh" M0 be ,Ime‘nqad by stgkjfig PAH-11¢ amount named. and inuunnn u nu". 7\ communicnli »n was read from the Clerk oflhe County of Peal. enclosing copy of a reâ€" ‘Iollnion respecting an appmpiltion on the first beam)! line between York and Peel for a L44", r , The Committee recommend that ezrant of .300 be made to each High School Board in the County. in lid of the qupport ofseid schools end that the name be paid to the 'frenaurer of nail High School Board. The Committee, in coxmlnsion,recommend- ed that the "pew-m or the School Examiners Amauuting to 84 5”, be plid. Some diecussion cook place on the second clause. and the opinion was generally exln‘e‘i' ed that Mr Fotheripghnm, Lhe Inspector. had only done hie but to any out llwfilew‘as laid down by the Council of Education. but it wee nevertheless considered that the inspector night not have been quite no arbiLrery in enforcing the law in sections where school accommodation was poor. The .clwse nu findlv adopted ea in ihe rep» rt. Mr Wallie.(Elobicoke) moved. seconded by Merritt. that 9. Clause recommending a pay- ment of $30 to such of the Inspect?“ for pas; “20, &c., be amended by stinking put 6 sum of $30. and inserting in tiny mail-bin" thejsmn if 3 l5 . MI‘FIOUW. . AdqleIy Mr :Lulgdy. mowed in amendment to the ' endlment. that the whys city-e fishnet: o . ' ' bridgé for said place; ’ 7 J The petition of James Lawrence and others in relation 10 the com-:0 pnrluv d by tho inspect- or uf Public Schools of the Northren District of the Countv, in catriing into cfiect certain aprovisions at tho School Law,was taken into consideration, and after hanring the statements oi Mr J. G. Smkos and tho explanations ot‘ the duspector, the Committee regretted that any unfriendly feelings should have risen out of 2201:! on the part oftho lnspoctor to carry into effect what be conceived to be the requirement of the law. p The minute. oftho previous day’s proceed- Viugl were read and confirmed Mr Wickson then gave notice that ho will to-Iuorrow move that a :pecial commi'tee, to consist oflho Warden, \lessrs Jackson, [’at- arson, Lane. 1. I). Phillips, Wallis. and the mover. be uppcinted to meet '1 committee of tho York Pioneers. to consider the propriety and desirability of establishing a County Poor House. and to report to this Council at its next meeting in June. Mr Wickson presented the report of the Standing Commizleo nn Eaucaliun. upon which the Council went into a Committee of tho Wholeâ€"Mr Phillips in the chair. "u n uv w-uu . ,,,_...r- .. . The Committee reported that they were pleased with the comprehensive and exhaustive report presented by the Public School Inspect one. and the marked progress indicated in the. schools of the County. "It ‘H VV 7 ..â€" ...â€" vv unuvu I: lvvlll- unulcu. Mr Phillips. seconded by Mr Lane. moved that I select Committee, consisting ot the Warden, Maser: 'l'yrroll. Wallis. Jones and the mover. be appointed to draft a petition to the Legislature of Ontario praying for a- mendments to tho School'Act, also the pro-3 posed School Bill. Carried. 'l‘ho Council adj urnod till the afternoon. Tho Council reassembled at two o’clock. the Warden in the chair. A communication from the Rev. Saltorn Givens, lst Vice President of the York Pio nears, with retrence to the provision of refuge for the destitute pour in the County of Yorkâ€"â€" several painful cases of dostituiion or old and holpless poisons residing in the County hav- ing pressed themselves on his attention. He suggested that a committee be oppointoil by the Council to confer with naimilurcominittee of the York Pioneers on this matter. “are. qu Jones moved, seconded by Mr Phillips. that the Clerk be authorizrd to cause the phoâ€" tograph» in the Wurden's room. of Iha late Mr Joseph Hartman. M.P.l’., lnlo Warden of the County of York. to be enlarged. re-frnmed and plugs lip the Wardou’s room. Carried. Movcd by Mr Reid. that the report of Mr J. T. Nukes with respect to the said "ridges, he Inferred to the Committee on Roads & Biidges for their consideration, with instructions to re- port on tha liability of the County" to bmld the laid bridges. and if their duty is to build the said bridges, also the amount they w:,uld re- Mr Reid moved the Council into Commilieu of the Whole lo cous:d6r the propriety of grant- ing lid to build a bridge across the Maskmouge on (he townline berween Norlh&East Gwillim- bury ; also one across the Black River. on the tuwu line between East Gwfllimbury and Whilchurch. Mr Whaler in the chair. The Committee rose and reported the foliow‘ ing resolution. Which was adopted by the Council :â€" Commnnlcnlio‘nsâ€"lfiom Mr George Eakin. tondoving his resignation as Sub-treasurer o! Sckool moneys. _ The Co_uncil reassembled on F idny mom- iug at ten o'clock, the Warden in the slum: ulllhe member; present. r -_ -.-. u... “nun-um uuu uuu u auvu'a, The Court House had been put in a thorough state of repair; the Commissioners had been unable get at the gravel pit, the owner having Changed hismind. On account othe lnsl’eclul‘ having been appointed under the new Act. the Commissioners were unable to do anything in the matter of weights and measures. The Weston bridge had been repaired at a cost of .432 ; and :he cutting down of the grading at Highland Creek had been let by private con- tract. The Comissioners reported that a new bridge would be required over the lluunher, and rhe bridge over {he Rouge River would last several years if properly re- paired. l’lans for the Number bridges were laid on the table for the inspection 0 {the Coun- cil. Sevaral accounts amounting to $1.375-. 9|. had been ordered to be paid, leaving ac- counts for 554 mill [0 be ordered. 'I‘Iho Council tuour (1:743:17 i) until 10 a. m. The Colilmitteo rése aild‘hvabg‘rtad the report Idoplad. It v3“ then adopted by the Counci‘ The report stated that. the Commissioners had considered the following matters ; â€"- Ropalrs to olrt House : purchase of: gravel pit on the Kingston Road; slundmd weights and mouuras; repairs to Weston l ridge: alter aliou of gradn at Highfnnd Crash; and tho bridges over the Humber und Rouge RIVB’S, and n, > From tho Auhitors, reporting their audit and Ibfgmgt of_ the Treasurer's accounts for U573. Mr Bennett moved. seconded by Mr Wallace; flu! the Reeves of the Iovenl Municipalities be roquolted lo bung in the Colloclors' Roll of the uvoral Municipnlitioa at thus June session of this Council, for the use of the Committee onquunlificuiou. Carried. ‘Mr'Spei ht movod, seconded by Mr Lane, lhll tho 'frouurer be authorized to pay Mr WIIIh the sum of $3,000 for tho lite of the now Ragistry Oflice, on receiving the title.‘ deed: llld certificate: of Milo (mm the County Soliciwr. Carried. Mr Thom presented the report of the Com- miuionera of Can my Properly, upon which thoâ€"Council went imp Commilloa of the whole. Mr Lulie, uconded by Mr Watson. movod “In! “Io Trouuror be nnd is horeby untrucled ‘o pnytho Trouurors of the varioul'Agriuul- tun! Societies m. various sum: as memiond in the by-luv grantintaid to Agricultural So- cioliu. ' The Council ro-usembled on Thursday awning II III! o'clock. the Warden in the chin A communication was rocoivod from the Baud of High School No. l, enclosing their account: for the put your, to be nudilod by the Council. York County Council. (Continued from last week.) In all its branches. and from hit oxpflfonql, careful attention, und 'modento chug“, h; hopes to rec-live a shire of the prl've pumm- age- 4]! orders by mail promptly attended to. eqflN.-Lv_Muavr._ 2 Good Agents raquirsd In cuwm Malt, ham and Vaughan with; ,a new and what will be a very popular book. None but livo busi- ness men engaged. Exclugiye Aorritory. AP,- piy qt the Herald Office. ' Painting, THE SUBSCRIBER BEGnS TO NO'IVI. {V 1h. Dublic that he has rn’enmmnnnid o BARRISTERS, 150., NOS, 36 AND 38 King Sin-bat. East. {Kw-flab. R. A. Huntsman ,c. F. 01;; 3. Taurus Moss, 94;, “I . A asp“. Cagn‘Lps Moss. W.._G. Egycomllupnx Toronto, Doc. 4, 1372! 3750-“ Hm;qu and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- :qalrgw. Opposite Sanderson &So||n. 'JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Richmggd Hi”, Dec. 14. ’72. 75l-3m Cutoutâ€"Conn Strut. Toronto. Branch Officeâ€"Division Court Clerk l office, Rich- mond Hill. . THos. K. Mona". Hone: Tao”! U hny numtmr-nolexceedingtureehéudnd dollars hy any one deposimr.) will borecoived atllle Richmond Hill Pnst UmcoJor which Governmenlwilhllow Interest. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Officehours: from 6:30 A.u.to9:30 P May 4,1869 565 FIELD AND GARDEN @ E E D S 2 RICHMOND HILL ’,," \IR. hasalo of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! 182 Adelaide Street East. @grimltnml g‘ijmplcmmtfi. $2 FOR THE SEASON! T HE “EARL!” Thornhill. Nov, 25. 1873. Church St" Markham Vil'lago. Ja nuzug‘ 8, 1873. 155-Gm M)" Pigs won Aflur passing the usual complimentary vole oflhanks to the Warden and other oflicilla; Mr Belumtt, seconded by Mr Lundy, moved that the Council adjourn Indi'alund :djournod until Monday the 16th day of Jun. nut. :19 mm. Carried. . Diélrict No. I: Messrs W Tyirifl Cruickshank. District No. 4. Messrs Neisnn. Gnham ,nnd James Slater The Council went into Commiuee of the whole. Mr Duncan in the chair. and reported [he by-law an amended. It was then read a third timc and passed.’ HOUSE PAINTING I The Committee the submitted n by-hw providing far the lppoinlmem of member. of High School Bolrds. The appointment! on the by-lanming amended were u foltowu :â€" District N6. ‘2, Messrs Phelps. Widomnn and Simon Miller. District No.73, Messrs Rev. James Dick and N. C. Wallace. HARRISON. OSLER & MOSS, The Council went into Committeo of tho Whole on the socond rape: of thin Standing Con‘miueo on education, Mr Wallis in Iho chair. The report rocommendod the Appoint- ment of sub-treasurers of uchool monoys for certain townships in the county. as follow. :â€" Yorkâ€"John K. Mncdonald. Scarboro'â€"John Crawford' Markhamâ€"John Stephenson. Etobicoke-J. K. Mncdonuld. Kingâ€"Jon. Wood. Vaughanâ€"J. K. Machnnld Whuchurchâ€"J. H. Collins. E. Gwillimbuxyâ€"J. T. Stokes. N. Gwillimburyâ€"W. Williams Georginaâ€" --Anguv. The lastelauae of the report providod for the giving of two good :nd sufficient neuritic. by each sub-treasurer. 7794f 'I‘ no Committee rose and “spotted tho hy-law lmunded as above. The bv-law wu road I hird_ rim: and pausedf Ios. K. MORGAN. HOIACI Tuolll Toronto. April 95. l879 ' 18-“ P. O. SAVINGS BANK. GENTS WANTE§, AR RISTE RS, SOLICITORS IN Chancery, Notaries, 6m. WILL mvaa sows AT MY um: FOR 1874. POST OFFICE. ‘EPOSITS 0F ONE__DOLLAB, (on ICHMOND HILL LIVERY S T A B L E S . Falparliculanapplylo GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE fy 1h. ppblié that ha ha; (Johnna-‘4 business y HE IMPORTED BERKSHIRE HG. HARVESTING TOOLS SEED STORE! 3?. gnammmt. MORGAN a; THORNE, MARRIAGE LICENSES. .The largest selection 0/ M. 'I‘EEFY, Postmaster. TEEFY is Government Ago): Ifov TORONTO ALSO AGENT FOR THE In the Dominion. In prize ll Markham. “ “ Newmnrkot. " " Egliuglou, ‘2nd " Guelph, 3rd " ‘ l’ruvmcml. London, IN 1873 I R. J. STANTON. AND AND WM. RENNIE, Tonon'ro. 051' 'l'homhill. Onl. t0] 563-1! V18. 1873, and payable ton nn‘flths after dn‘e, for $37.50. in favor of John Hurkholder, and gi'nyd byEphrim Whilmore and James Gar- ,wn, Tho l’ubltc are heraby notified not to no- ig'oqigge’for it as payment has been stopped HERALD 1300K STORE] R ,5 LARGE é: NEW STOCK AT THE WESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES at the HERALD Bonk SmmA ‘VQRK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Bonk Smm. \J IJLUH Hull-BU- NIONVILLE. Basses run in commotion with each train. Commodious sample room. » PROVISIONS: PEAS, SHORTS, BRAN, AND EYRE’S FLO UR ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadztltemled, Crockery 8c lGlassware, THE TEA CHEST IN aglifihauking lhainhnhitunts of Rfih- mond Hill and vicinin for [he ilbalal pu ‘f rouge they have given him assurrs themlha nothing will ba warning to secure thafi pall‘on :30 for 1874 [n announcing the arrival of NEW CURRANTSI Seedleu, Layer and Valentia Raisins, Lemon Peel, Teas from 500. upwards, WINES AND LIQUORS A genernlnmck of goods to he found in a gen-n! store. WINTER GOODS DOMINION TEA’ HE Subscriber begs to intimate to (he farm- ing community and Lumbar dealers [hm he is about to erect 3 Steam Saw Mill on Mill Street, nan Hall’s old Foundry. Richmond Hill. ind invi'os all who have logs to cut to have them on during lhe Winter, as the caps- cin of Iha Mill will be ten or twelve thousand {out i 4:), I large number will be requned. Lumber Out To Order, ‘ At as low rates as possible SKIING-LES CUT AS USUAL STEAM SAW MILL! AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. _ ' JOHN BURKHOLDER tdgleyfx). January 5, ’74 807 , ANDREW MAGER. Richmond Hm,Nov. 92.}873. so Store. SCHOOL REQUISITES ' FULL SUPPLIES THUS. HUNTER, Proprietor‘ October 24. 1873. 7 TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT ' the EHALD Book 89625), 'm'man '1 rout, Cod Fish and Labrador Herring. HO would cal: apoa-ial aiueution to his fine stock of WW .&‘1 0 ARR‘TA G-E N Frida ' evening. the 2nd the vil- lugof hornhill. a nnt'e (med Decomber VALENTINES 1 ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for pluseuls at the HERALD Boon llié Hung“) B'ODk Store. at the HERALD Bo 0k ‘Store. RICHMOND HILL, ‘ “1 Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhom‘ that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the GROCERIES Green, Roasted (1'? Ground. GOODS DELIVERED. Fine Nev» Hearse f01 hire, Fm Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1873 rnr'txiw, 6x. ALEX. M 00 DIE RICHMOND HILL. COFFEES, Union House‘ CONSIFTING 0F UNDERTAKENG BUSINE‘ESS LOST. a): on hand. A. MOODIE. 8011 797 ND as 11558 golfing a gallery there ’fined :up in good stvle he will be able to do first clans work. He inleuqs moving on JNO, BROWN’S STORE, THOMAS B. COPELAND PHOTOGRAPHER, RICHMONDHILL. Halifax -â€"Avery. Brown and Co. MontreaI.â€"Evans,Melcer and 03.. Wholesale “ 'Druggists. Lymans, Clare and Co. , Tvronlo â€"â€"Elliottmd Co . Wholesale Drug- ' H gists. Shapter and Owen. Hamiltonâ€"Winner and Co. ddn. Sanger and Sons. Oxford Street London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. Burgovne. Burnidges and Co.. Colman street London. Newbery and Sons}? Newgate Streptbovdon Bax-clay and Sons, 95 Faningdnn Street. Lon- For Scrofula. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it. is a never-failing’nud per- manent cure. ll cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcoraled Sara Legs Cures lilackheads. or Pimples on tho Face Cures Scurvy Sores. (‘ures Cancerous Ulcers. -. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. (,‘ures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure mailer, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and warranled free from anything injurious to the most delicate constiluliun .ofellher sex, the l‘rnpriolor solicits sulfeiers to give it. a trial to test its value. Thousands of tesrimonials frcm all parts. Sold in Bottles 2s 3d each, and in ('ases. conlaining six limes the quantity. 118 eachâ€"- sufficient to efl'ecl a permanent cure in the great lmjorily of long standing 'aseleY AH. (tHEVllS'I‘S and PATENT M EDICIN E VENDORS thmughnut tlm world. ' Sole Proprielor. l". J ()lAliKEflhemist, APUTH ECARII‘IS' HALL, LINCOLN. ‘ ENGLAND. ETWEEN [{irth I~0ud Hi” and the Third Concussion of Markham. on the ‘20“) Doc” 51 Gentleman’s MINK C()I.I.ARE'Y. 'l‘he finder w H be suilalfly rewarded b'; ramm- ing it to UN) uwnur, at the Wesleyan Vl’arsoné age. or to this office. , Funeral Furnishings, Coffins and Caskets in every style. WU .LU (104‘! Agents wanted ! All (flames of working people. of either sex. young or old. mane more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time. than at anything els: Particulars free. Address G. S'I‘INSON 51. Co., Portland, Maine, OLA-R KE’S Warm Famed Blood Mixture. Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture.” For cleansi‘ng. 1nd clearing the blond from all impmifies, cannot be Loo higth recommen- d('d . 6h (OR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.”â€" See Deu‘elonomy, chap. xii, verse ‘23 $5 TO $20 BIUHMUNBJLILL MILLS! GEORGE (2 DAVID BIRRELL G. A. BARN ARD’S! SIGN OF THE FLAGSTAFF RICHlVIOND HILL! Richmond Hill, Dee. 1873, BALTIMORE OYSTERq AT 300. PER‘ CAN, AT PURE BREE SHEEP I‘ll}! ZALE.‘ Consisting of several pairs of (3110106 ewes 07' line same Wicca. RUB'I‘. MARSH, L014 I , (Jun 1. Markham. 1n ‘. A SOUTH DOWN RAMS! f ‘HE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale La few para bred OYSTERSI OYSTERSH OYSTERS! THE FINEST FRESH Richmond Hi“. Dec. 3Isl, 1873. 8064f Begs to inform the public that he intends Richmond Hill Flour Mills, Oct 15, 1873 Markham . Och/271‘. _M0 VING HISBUSINESS THE 29m QECEMB ER INST. ’l‘. COPELAND. AGENTS IN CANADA. EXPORT AGENTS TO ONE DOOR SOUTH OF LOST ! aged. shearhngs, Iamlmfi Also PER DAY‘ 802 A bet utiful choice lot to be cleared out at groutly reduced prices at the Central Storo Wm. ATKINSON. 1 County Engineer. Draftsman &c.v Surveys. Plans, Deecriplions, Reports, Plans of briflges, Specifications. Forms of contract. Secumy Bonds, 61c . execmed with neatncss and d‘espalch. MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGI- NEER. CHEMIST. FARMER AND MERCHANT. should at once send his name and address Wllh $L50 for one year’s subscription to \ ’ A weekly journal of Curnat Events. Lile'nture. Science and Artl‘. \griculture and Muchanics, Fashion and Al...lsement. Sod at 10¢ a number at the HERALD Book Store' J . N. BLAKE. No. {Trust and Loin Buiidings, Comer of Adelaide and Toronto streets. TORONTO \Ku-nmoud Hill branch) at the HERALD P 70k Store. EVERY INVENTOR, BUILDER. MONTREAL. A Copy of first number can be seen at this Office. 766-2 m“); be found at ,homt; from 2 to 3 u‘clock. p M. John Elliolt Langstan is auth- orized to collect sec-cums. , ... A u w mu 1:: L U, ovul- D cilors, Couveymmers, &(‘.‘, 6w" “Frommâ€"No. 56, Church Street». Toronto, nexl dour north of British American Pnsurance Buildings. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c. Coroner for the County of York. Retidenneâ€"Opposim D. ankiu’sStoro,Cor. Yonge and Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill. BARGAINS ! REMNANTS 0F DRESS GOODS. 7116 Canadian Patent Office Record 8. JAMES, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYER, Caunlv Elminaar. Draftsman Aw, Rangihg in price from 30 cents per lb. upward IS a arrhnted (0 cu re a” disdmrges from the Uunmry Ul'gahs in mlher scx acquired or co..=ulution.ul. Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sol. in Boxes, 45 (it! each,by all Chemists and Pau-nl Medxcma V ndurs. _> S :12 proprietar, F. J. CLARKE- APOTHECAI TS’ HALL. LINCOLN, NGLAND. Burgoyne, Burbidges and Co . Colman Street London. v'ewlaerv and Sons. 37 Newgale St. London. iarcmy am Sun. 95 Varringdon St} London anger and Sons. Uxfoud 5L. Londnn. And all the London Wholesale Houses. lontreaLâ€"Evans Mercer and C0,. Wholesale “ [huggism Lymans Clare and Co, :‘uromo.â€"Eliiot: and Co., Wholesale Drug “ gizts. Shaptel and Owen. lamiltonAâ€"VViner and Co. One‘Bc-x of CL arke’s B 41 Pills jANADIAN ILLUSTRATEIS NEWS. HEELâ€"Anus. Brown and Co. Richmond Hill, June 5. 187 Toronto July 28. 1873 March I2. 1873. February 4th. 1873 EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE cheap at lhfl HEHAL; Book Store. EDWARD PLAYTER. M.D , (Medah'st, Toronto University,) BLAKE 61. KINGSFOR’D, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- AMESl TOYS, &Q., FUR. SALE AT [B LE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMQND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" the IIERALD Book Siore. MECHANICS’ M RGAZINE, A. WRIGHT. A LARGE STOCK' OF AGENTS IN CANADA. Qtiaccllmwuufi, EXPORT AGENTS. Also a fine assortment of GEORGE E. DESBA RATS, T0 TH E PUBLISHER, TEAS, AND R. E. KINGSFORD. M.A 759-lv 7t4-tf 764-tf Each Pot and Box of my preparation bears thn Rritish Government Stwmp, with H 0 words, H Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. London.” (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY . 533. 0.rfar(l Sire/5f, IV. C . ' London, Ju’y l, 1873.- 785, My Pills and Ointment are sold at the [owes wholesale net prices. in quantities of not less than £20 worthâ€"viz, 8s lid" 29s.. 34s., per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittqnces mast be sent in advance. Those madicmes are not sold in the United States. The fallowing are the names and addresses of some of Ihe Houses who get my medicines from here direct 1â€"â€" Messrs Avery. Bruwn SI Co . Ha’ifax, N.S. Messrs Form'th & Co., Halifax. N.S. Messrs '1‘. B Barker :3: Sons, St John. NJ} M- '1'. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, P.E.I. Messrs Langley & Co . Victoria. 30. Messrs Moore «in (30.. Vicioria, B.C. I HAVE for febn'siderabie time Dias! considered it to be mv duty to adwrtiae'ihe pubiic nf ihe British NOth American Provinces against buy- ing from unprincipled dealers medicines. efnâ€" analiug from New York. and” sold as my “ Holloway’s Pills and Ointment.” in w‘ich much ingenniu’ hac been displayed in' liaising hem of? as of m\ (make. It is very difficult indeed to atmmpt to enumerate *ha ma’nv de- vices to which the parties have had resouvce, They say, amongst olhnr things. that a new label hm ban ndnplcd by ihem, and with hare-faced efl’mnterv caution the public against being deceived by «'purinus imilalinm. I t my "-Hollnwafs I‘iHs and Ointmentl.” so that were they to injure half the community no discredit would fall upon LhL fabricators ofthess compvvunds. but would considerably damage the roputntion of my make. As it is not at aN'nacessary for this Cal-:w to incur any expense in the sale of' their produc- tions, M to a verv limi‘ed ex ent (trading as they do upon mv name). lhav are in 1 pmition to ofi'er them at a very low price in Canada, where Ihey are purchased hv a few Wholesale Houses that [can name, and win name here ans-r, ifthw continue 10 vvnd the same Aupoor man 'by' Ilw name «if Hol'nway is amplnyed by the «o-cal Pd ('hemivnl Company in New York. who lends hi‘z Name fur a small Wr-ekl': sum. The matiivines sdd by this (Tompwnv are palmod ofiiupon Ihe public as A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1289. $5. $5.50. $9.50 and $9. at the HERALD Boon STORE. Richmond Hill. B 0 G US ME DIC’INES. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS AND OI‘NTMEN'F. RESIDENCEâ€"N08,er opposite the Post Office Richmond Hill. v FAMILY BIBLES, THOMAS. SEDMAN, PARRYAGE AND WAGON MAKER, ’ J Undertaker. &c. LONG: LIFE PILLS ! I]. MINION, at $6 per 100 feet; Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed: Sap Buckets. Vails.CiderMills. Washing Machines.Shingles W'Vaggau Fellues.and LumberSawedto order Fox-particulars address JOHN LANGS'I'AFF, ,. Steam Mills,leruhi|l. m. . ... .. _ J.» . truminn of lhe Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and filled up those large and commodious premises helong- ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight & Son’s Novolly Works. Markham. Excellent ucvommoaatvon afforded for the trayellingpublic and commercial men. Livery stables in connection with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porler. Barn. Stables, Driving {Housm ~[’iggrerv. 810. Constantsupplyof good water for house, as well as a fine Spring Cleok running across the land, the whole being almos! enclosed by a New Board‘ Fence. Tom's Liberal and pass “3.7mm wiy be given .immedinlely. ., Further pu‘liculnrs can be had by applying ta 88 Acres C'eared. 16 of which are seeded down in Wheat; remainder in good Standing Tim. bar. April 9. l87... . . “mun-nu, ru'l uve minutes wa'k nt Northorn Railway -‘ tafion, being on EH41 Half of Lot (5. hard (,‘un , in the Thmnhill. Nav. 3, Sept. 4. 1872. VALUAB LE N CONSEQUENIE OF VV 1']:] ‘And am located a: the North-west camel 01 lot No. 35, 4th cnncession of Markl‘am. in a section where mechanics and Iaburers cnu gel sleadywurk and high wages Applv (if by leucr.prepnid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square.ur l0 About One-fifth of an Acre; HENRY LEMON. O ‘ _ Thornhifl, Dec. 31. )7873. 806 tf :U Hill. containing one acre and a quprler of land, one frame dwelling house, wi 1!: a barn stables. and other outbuilmngs lhereon.- Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise» In HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR ‘ . sale a number of Village luis. silunmn > Paterit EaVeâ€"ftrough I ‘ ND WATEHSPOUTS FOR THE D0 .L‘ . sale a number of Villa;g;5 luis, silunh n the village of VICTORIA SQUARE ! NEW FRAME DWELLING HOUSE Richmond Hill March 5' I Township of Vaughan N Y onge Street . ‘ I .Y: r. CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m LUABLE FARM PER SALE ! 96 ACRES 0F CHOICE LAND T W0 NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. House and Lot for Sale,’ NwljUCAS: STREET; RICHMOND [THIN Three mi‘es of the Village 'I‘hnrnhill, and five minutes wa'k Village Lots for sale. yummy fur 5am FOR SALE BY HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE 1872. The lots contain R. E. LAW. [)ruggiat, Richmond Hill Apply to _ JACOB MORDFN , Jan. 8,1874. 80741 Richmond Hill‘ D. T. WOOTEN. 737-tf H1 THE DEL â€" NG S'I’ON Dingla I 714 510-.“ As this is emireiv distinct and dlfi‘arent from «very other preparation of vaophnsphilol,b( careful toask for FELLOWB’ SYRur,and 11kt no other. Modern chemistry has ventiiated the qual- tiou and discovered the ingredients cnli'elifll‘. ting the brain. muscles and nerves.and finds that hv immducing these ingredients in propor, propohimm the brain and nervous system If. strengthened, _ ‘ H _ l ln Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Asthma it gives relief where OVBI‘V other remedy fail... For Nervous Debillty il stands unrivalled, and may he usnd with confidence in all can“. As alllll‘aâ€"endownd bodies. wllellmrlhev lu least. Hinds. Ileplilcs. Inserts or even Zoo- phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are gorm-nm/ fly rilulfnrw, which binds all the springs ol‘ ex‘steuco. and as nothing can says lliem f-om deaf nmib’n when this principle laaVes them, \he discoverv of means wherolw vitalitv may he snsmlnPd in the living body in lndved a hunt) to the world. I1's adapted for ALL cases of Weakness and Em: cia‘inu, whe1her arising flom sedmlarv life. a tx'npivalclimaie. from fever or debilith from any cause, and is efficacious in Pun!“- NARY C(msumv'rmn. many confirmod can“ having heen cured and all benefitted. where it- use has been continued ovar a fortnight. This. then. is substantially the basin on: which Fumuw’s HYPOPHOSPHITES is built.itm direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and-. Nervous S\ stem, and Ihe Muscles. .‘lmnglll'm eung the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organ. of the Body. Roucing' the Slnggish Heart and ‘Livu. strengthening Illa action of'the Stomach an" "mwels and enabling the Lungs to be fiunyin- flated wnh ()xvgan. Fellows’ Compound I V SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHIT-ES. It destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of Ihe wool, and improves the couditimLof the animal. A 35 cent box wiil 016211120 sheep or .) lambs. THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER. Desu'm‘s all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- prpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bughel. AGRICULTURAL CHEMIS'iI. 167. King Street East, Toronto. For $313 by Druggists and Storekeepers. R E. LAW. Agent. Richmond Hill. Sold by Druggists and Storekeeper: at 95 cents per box. ’ ’ Price 95 cents and $1 00 per box. A 60110 box contains two hunder feeds. It Fattens in One-fourth the usual lzme, and saves Food. 0n Cuirant Bushes and Fruit Trees. I have _r-arefully examined the pianos sold= by Mr. H B Reeslur, galls-d, the Humming. Bird, or Colihri Pinlms, manufactured by Mr; lhusack, and think 1heyaxe wmndflfN'vswect; and pure in tone. and from their "ecuL'a'. con- struction. calculated’mfiflm lhan other pianos. and consequently to slnnd greater amount of wear. H ENRY GUEST COLLINS.-; Testimonial from Professor fi. G, Collins FATTENS HORSES, COWS, CALVES, Shee'n' and l’m's. “'1 ed us in the agency in lhissection for the sale of Messrs. G A. Prince 51 Co’s cele-g' brated Organs and Melodeens, in favor on which we give our most unqualified approvah and recommendation as the leading and mo" reliabie reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) H. G. COLLINS. -- 7WM.FLUMERFELT: SOLD BY. APOTHECARIEB. Chickériu‘g. Stainway .and Durham Pianl; A‘Iso.1h6 qelrbraled ‘ 9 HUMMING BIRD PIA NO’. Which is adapted to parlors where space In ll objnm. The matte of us consnuctiau ll entirely new. and based upon the best known principles of science. Prince'g Organs & Mc'l‘odcohs ._ TICKS ON SHEEP; usr mum’s TICK DESTROYER. 'l‘orohto Feb. 28. 1872 Markham. N't'w. 3‘1, 18‘“. Sheep" and l’lpb. fitment gijnfitmmmtfi, gaunt filmlivim. CATERPILLARS’ Price. $160: Six for $7'50. E7129 aimser %’zztcfz. H. B. REESOR, . B. REESOR BASSUCCEED; JAMES L0WS,ChoI3i-f Sf. Jo'hll. H.155 Ag’ric‘n l (u ml C he mists. Toronto»: HUGH MILLER 85 CO .HUGH MILLER & C0.- Notice DEALER IN 714-”

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