I" ew method of extracting teeth without \ pain, by the use of Ether Spravahich affects the teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding becmnus insansiblc With the external agency, when the tooth can be ex- tracted will no pain and without endanger- ing the life, as in the use uf Uhioroform. Ur. liuuinson will be at the following places propnrml to extract teeth wi li his nmv ap- paratus. All Ofï¬ce operations in Dentis'ujy perionned in a wm‘kmanllke manner : Aurora, 13%, 3rd, 16th and 22d of caI-h month Newmurkc‘ui,“ .. 2d _“ “ Richmond Hill, 9111 and 24th - “ “ Mt; Albert, .....‘.........15th “ “ Thomhiii.. .. “23rd “ “ l‘xluple.......w.‘ .‘.,..2.)‘th “ “ Burwiek . . ‘. . ....... 28:}; “ " K‘lcinbmu. n29“) “ ‘ Nobleto H :K iconsed Auéiioneer for the ‘Counties of York, Peel :m‘l Ontario. Residenceâ€" Lut 7, 6th 0011., ~M.u-kh;1u1: P. U address, Uniuuvii 0. 5a 03 attemiml to on the short- ghortesb notice and on reasonable terms. Orders 1d; at the Herald oflicc for Mr. Unrâ€" tJr’s service will be promptly attended to. Junc 27, 1867' Corner of Young and Contra streets East, have constan‘ï¬y on hand a. good assortment of Drugs, 1mm, Perfumery, Chemicals, (his, 'ioileb Snaps, Medicinea, Varuia‘hcs, FancyArtiulos, Dye Stuï¬'s, Patent Medicines l‘ld an other ï¬nk-1‘s kept by druggistg c:wemliy. Our Stuck of medicines Iva ‘R'LU‘lt- ed genuine, and of'the best qualities. uéhmond Hill, Jan 27), ’71 703 (succxsssoas T0 w. w. (203,) UTCHERS, RICHMOND HILL, HAVE always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lxmb, Vet» , Perk, Sausages, &-2., zmzl s‘ll at the lowest prices for Cash. (-2 mgr-m} Jab arms; will be picniptly attended to : - Fancy Bills, Business Cards, Circularsiaw Forms, Bill Heads, Blank Chocks, Drafts, Blank Orders, ,1! wip‘us, Letter !l<:.u!s,l’zmcy Carils‘, Pauiphlcts, Luge and Small Posters, and evcry otlmr kind 4:25.14in Lev-Frogs Printâ€" .112. ‘ w Having Ina-.10 large auditiu ing material, \z‘em'e better ever 1.0 (11) the 219' 'st and printing of ever; do tiou. Nitrous Aurora. Also, Carnal an Dncd Hams. ‘ The highest maï¬a price given for Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, em. Smoked 2: 11d All 1¢tte§s addressed Lo the edit-3m must be post aid. ‘23 ' zzic‘: ‘2' icenseal Auctioncer i‘m‘ the Com; y of J Y rk. Sales attended to ()1). the short- escnumue and at reasonable rates. 1’. U rt 3 ts: without writtc‘n direction insu “cud till furuid, and charged accordingly. musitury mivcrtiseuwnts from reg: - rmgu‘lar customers, must; 11:: paid for when hm. J. in f 01‘ insertion. RICHMOND Hm. (mo inch, 011.} year Two inches, om ye 'i‘ln'ee inches, one ye Aivortisemonts fur than one your, in: Rail: subsequent, in: (:f the underm crimicn (If ‘ u 011‘.‘ .oxacd des- ARMERS’ BOOA‘ AND SHOE STORE OHN BARRON, manufszciurcr and. dealer in all kin ‘a 9f boots am. shoes, 33 West Mark-3t ngaz‘p; Toronto. Boots and shoes made to mes best material and Worziraanshl cstgremunemting prism: mm, of the p, a, r t‘m; Iow- A2131 dinwa‘ matst or 0‘; Tm: Y: to contai: and most‘impo1'tzmt Farcign and lm- ,ws and Mukcts, and th: cutest care 'J be taken to render it at:m able to t'ixc man of business, and a v I’; _ s. 013 0:, ROYINCIA'B . L A N .D SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer {ml Drauohtsman. t (/1 ' G Only: by [9!th should state he Concesuion, Lot am'chamctér of ‘ Survey, the subscriber having the 0111 Field Notes of'the late D. GIBSON and othcrsurveynrs, \“hich should b3 consultedL in may cases as to original nvnuments, &c., pmviuus to commencing work. ' - 0:?ch as WILLGï¬â€˜DALE; Yrmge Six-cot, in the Township of York. 7": Q .. 1m. 7 x , EVERY? .1" E1125» J an’ ,r 8, 1314'; ,..J.. SEGSWORTH, DEA.qu FINE GOLD AND‘SIIN 7 ve: Watches. Jewelw. &-:.. 113 Ymvm _-_.w, - 7 EN“) (Parana); " I Boptam‘béi 1,1271 0/1ch Book and Job I’rt'nu'nyEslabliahment. Aumn, Richmond Hill, Oct loron‘co, Dec 3. 1367‘ CIIKIâ€"YCKCE S12, RICHMOND HILL ,iL'J (s ‘UBLISHER AND PROPBIETOR 0F TERMS: $1 mm ANXUM IN ADVANCE. .VOL. XV. NO 37‘ A. ROBIESON‘S, L FRANCIS BUTTON, JR., ALEX. SCOTT, V. H. «S; R. PUGSLEY 1L SANDE. 1:30)" & SON, to he April '28, 1870 Oxidé 29th It . .0 ' " THE YoYm HERALD.†'gtcyes, Jewelry, km, 113 Y l‘HOMAS CARR, EBR‘JE'H‘SSA Ei’a‘. >v§d 1a 3:51.3- Jonx CARTER, year year period u... ERUG us to the print- ];reparnd than lost- beautiful on hand STORE, rm: INCH . Si 00 (SIS-ti r 1 Le '. 745‘] y 684 55:}. OFFICE 'â€"-No. 1". Kork Chamber: Seui‘n- y _ ‘ 1’ east Corn-:1- oI ’lorouto and Court tit-rents, Toronto, Ont. t CCOUNTANT, Book-Keeper, Convey: ; ancez‘, and Commission Agent for’tne sale m‘purclmse of lands, farm stock, &c., also for the collection of rents, notes and m:- couuts. Charges Moderate. Lawnsâ€"Richmond srrcet, Richmond Hill. ' 70“ 137 U old iron, rags, &-c., &c., Richmond Hm All orders promptly attended to. The 0111' is about easily deceived :15 the eye, and one by 3 little pruc‘ Lice can change his voice :1! to make itappcm‘ as it'pmcceding'fmm some distant object. To perform in the, gone '::I iinuvof venu-ilpquign, u large room 1s best, but for pi‘udm-mg ccnoes a small one will do. To produce :L mountain echo turn your back to the lintcnm-s; whistle mud several rjlxm'l, quick notes, justus il'you were whistling to a dug; lhcn as quick as poslxiblc alter the lust mm, and :xx willy and l‘ulnlucd pomible t1) bu hoard, whistle Mount 9. U:de {h}: number ol'lmles. but. it must be in they «zunc note 01' pitch; this will cause Llau lille \\'l1l.ȣlo tnyppcurjusb like all who uh:1';-)'cuLdl.s1:mcc. This innit-- mm, if well pox-lbmwd. causes much surprise to [1:050 Humming. The same thing may be done by xlmuling any sculcch, such as “ 11:11» Ion. yuu them 5" “Si-l1) alloy!†Let ‘ ARRIS'I‘ER, Attnrney, Soiicikor-iu-Chan B cel‘y, Uouve;,umccr, k3. OFFICEâ€"N0. 6 Royal Insuranco Buildings, Toronto street. _ _ Toronto, Dec. 2, 1859. 5.9; The same thing may be done by thlling:1I1y2501Hc1H‘0, such as “ 11:11» Ion. yuu [hm-c !" “Ship aimy!†Let your voice be ï¬lm-110d (flUrO {u the IQ»; xhcn quickly, in the sumo pilch or Lune, weak the same words \‘cry‘ H1!)- dued, and fart:le at “whack uf'Lhc mouth. This is very :impiewut uflecL we. your xhcn Lune, dued, 1“. JAIJES, L (LATE Jm-ncs (".3 FOWLER,} [A RCHITEUT, blVIL ENGINELR, AND A‘ Surveyor, 'i‘rustand Luau Buildings, '00?- ucr of Aziez'nix‘ac and Toronto {sh-(nets, T04 route. Milâ€"ti >~m «l»- W’hat is the greatest, fmt in the cat- ing line ever known?» ngmt recorded. uf a, man whd conmw'vced by bouing :1 (hroz', :ai‘wr which he threw up a win- :luw and then sat down am} S\\‘ullu‘.‘-fcd :1, \x'hole’stm'y. ' V’ 'RiNARY SUP. ‘EUH, Graduate of ' 21702301150 University College, corner of Yongu and ( re ï¬ts. 1: st, Richmond Hill, begs to announce to the pubic that he is unw practising with H. Sanderson, of the same place, where they nmg‘ be consuitcd pores-m 2-.in ux-by letter, on all (.iw‘ “.93 of box-sen, 4 n a.in ux-by Icttlemx “.1 diseases of “hm-sen, mttlu, (cu. ~ All onich from a di tended to, and mmii The 561'?! cy in tlib egg market is pxinful. There hub bean ï¬lm-gm falling; off in deposits of late, mcmy‘uf the hens have eLt-imly suspexmcd, while ,‘chel's; we ho‘ahhng on to their res-gyms. ‘ It is Lhougm, h: wcv 21-, that nmrly 5111 will [)3 uhleAto resume) in the spring,,\y'_cn the crops begin 'to mc‘ve ziz‘ui‘tfhc'grnse- hoppers are "‘ ‘ ’ {1 21d. Stand; 2mm 1y above every miller Ram dy arm in i. .~<-. It is invalnnbx‘e. ‘LSO, the Pain Victor is lnfzuliibie for y [1 Diarrhoea, .Uysentcry, Flax, Colic, Uhulem Mor‘ms, Pain and (,‘rmnp in the Stomach and. Bowels, kc. Directions with 03:11 botfle and box. Maimfacmz‘crl ‘2 H. MUSTA 13D, The Pmria-Ewicw my; {has a lady .hei'Ii-xi oue'o‘f the pliblic 32110013 war amazed. the other day by seeing 2: per- f'ect fgl‘erbbng juvenila hands fly up in ‘H'I; ‘ I the air 9rd 5 o 0.11;; ¢esticulato in ' . . ' "\Vhax do you Want ‘2 ed tbapugziml insts‘mtm'. Charm-“ Yer hair's fulliu’ of?†“ Seventyeig? t noxvs'bogs of Im‘irmâ€" .q up. 7’ U?"i,‘A-RD’S Pills are the best, p11}: yqu can get for Dyspepsia, Sick thadschc, Jiiliim sncss, Liver, Kidney Complaint-x, &c. {_ .-\ VIC you Rheumatism,\Voumlg, Bruins, 1 OH Sores, Cuts, Burns, Frost Biton, Piles, Painful Smeillngs, \Vhite Swellings, and every cm mble wound upon man or he " some staid 01d , with s;1viz_ï¬â€˜g$,! bunk pass boo}: ,, mach and ‘ liming “13': small account opened. : "T115 day nftop Chris umaa timers; ;s¢?e3£y_~eighp Wém dmwn, H1056 séi‘enty-eï¬gl‘lb pass bocks sold. for old paper, aghd'i-s'eventyi eight newsboys might have been sash at the theatre on the proceeds.†.F. X7. _~~._,_V_ Sold by ,rugg ' he Dominion \Vorm Candy is We 1 o oxyg’l worms. ’i‘ry it. xa-hs generally. ‘1 r. up. 700 y November 12, 1872‘ January 15, 1873‘ F. \VIIITLOCK, glfliflNEY SWEEP. AND DEALER IN Horses examined as to noundusss, and. 1:,st :ught and sold on conmussmu. .luchnumd H1“, J“ 25, 1572, 507 ADAM n. MEYERS, Jn., (Law of nude. gzm flag/erg) I , . ARR [STE l, ATIURNlflYâ€"ATâ€"LA\V, doucxma 1x CHANCERY, Coxvuyucm, HICC‘ E’ $1 26 .‘w '3' To Imitaté an Echo. . J. 11. SAN DERva {E .KIIK'G‘ 01“ OH) D. C. O’BRIEN, \YM. MAL LO '1, Proprietor, higexmll A , t :‘h, Neural- ):3, Group, Asthma, , ‘ “ Dnn’t forget me 3"mâ€"chet and sad, w a gov-l Soc-flung _ \‘Sch the whispersd wm'Js of Him : . 9 Like the voice of flowers at eve, ‘ 3 best, p11}: yqu 3 \Vheu the fold each liule laaf, #3., disk thadschc, ' Ard to s!eep their life resign 9V Comnlain‘u, &c. Till “10 Sun nwa' as them glad. The pretty young widow. Mrs. 13111» rett, had now been dmnicilcd at the dot-lan as housekeeper for over a {Ru-might. She had. for reasonsof'hei' own, exerted hcl'gclt' to the ulmoss to keep up the (cheerful and :ilaogcthor perfect .m-i-nngemont of everything uudL-r control, oven contrivng to trivnl Hostel- in unwortng new dain- liCn' for this. Sybzu'itc ofn doctor. He could but. acknowledge that. he found his luxuries 1L5 complete as over. 11.0 aiso found an. exceedingly alluring ï¬gure “L the head of his Iablc. Growl- ing to himself that beauty in :1. WO» man-was a useless accessory. he never- theless found that it bred a few tor- menting funnies in his brain. He found himself thinkingof a woman not as mass of ligaun'es and bones, or a valuable commodity, but as a One morning; the dacmr bade them look at the palm pretty face ni' his 1m Licnt, guml asked lhcm if they could discern any fever there. “ You may 10% easy as far as the infevtion is converned,â€ho said. “ If there '- 'u:j any, Mrs. Sherwood did not ' n!<p~ék-%if‘shvwmfls vulrcmï¬o.†woman. ’i‘his embraced Everything. The doctor once in a while fail into a brown study over his ten, and stared with all his might at the pl'e'fly fave opposite him; the: the 1m Ky 12:190. would cover itself with brushes and hide, i'heh' behind the minions hot- “:me urn, or pet-Imp»; wo’uld dimple i}in hewilchingsmilos, and vanish Uni- of his sight coni'uzredly. L “ I want to know,†said Mary Jane, drnmying her dust-pun in :astnhish- lnchl, > and liztcning eagerly to the contilmatory particulars pmu'ed into her cars by the excited maid. ' Tho kitchen-maid began to talk and not to hemeâ€; and one mornng went over 10 lhe hotel with a fine. piece 01 news for Mary Jane. “Surc‘s you live, Mary Jane Ket- chnm, mu- ducinr's goin' to marry the widow Barrett l†‘ Alecn the doctor culled that day Mary Jane looked at; him Open- xï¬uulhed, lmlf disappointed to ï¬nd him w_i,Lh tho t-amo rough brown com and ‘lmckskin' glnvos. The doctor went u'p into the sick-room, and almost thund it :1 sick-room .no longer. The young moiher was bolstered up in hell, with a pretty, brightshuwl about My shou‘dCH, looking with a pair, of sunny blue eyes at“. Hester washing the baby. Near by stood the admir- ‘mg l‘uxsband and father. “ I never saw a face,†repeated Mr. Shcz'wnm. “ that. was and: :111 index to chnmttgr in my Mb. The fzuet is sumo women are like angels in a rivk- 1'0<>m,:u:d mum are iike~nl>om lâ€"thu minor thing. I in lab say it’s :1 pin Mirgs \Vrightisn’ba nuqsc; she’s 1110.55 m the 1)1'n.‘cs.~:i0:x!" and I much SIMIIO 1'00“) “ How good, how kind you are?" cried the pmr Hallo mnthcr. “1.42m! (CH mzxmmu {sow Lie-d sent you to me and baby when we needed you so Bright (mil gentle, pm‘c anal “Nd, Jim: in 111.110 eyes thou art. Far too good and pure for mam- 1 can only \mx‘shlp thee E , ,- - 1 L Keeps: ; t-hco \ylthm my menu, (10:10.02; of my solitude. ~{A'cw Domininn Montth [a Lng Ti“ PRGFESSEGN grll‘he doctor looked on till all the Laces and embroideries were adjusted t0“‘tlwir1)l::ccs>zmd baby had fallen asleep in Hester’s arms. lIcster’s fixc‘e wus'all aglow with love and plea- sure. She sang in a sweet, low voice an old lullaby her dead mother had to him many and many a time Ah I but I am not to: than A; the sun is to the flow They live 9111;; in his light, They livn only in the might Of the hsighttness that ho shoï¬'ors From his gohlcu majesty. 1‘ A'ldeuced pleasant v0ice,†said Mr. ' Sberwmd, 8:5 accompanying the doctor down Lho‘etqirs they still heard the sveet reï¬'ah â€"“a Confï¬undedly niqo ‘ v‘o‘ico has "you'x:'f'1=icnd' Miss†i‘in‘ight. 1:15 am thousand 111605 to ‘th'mw her services away upnn an ex- cellcht rhinoceros like yourself,“doc- ton, VEancy what. a. comfort; she’d be to some ‘poor devil of u valetudinérian "-201; in an; orphan asylum! She's a terxjiplo loss to-the proias‘si'on, 'doc- 330-31“ FGRGET ME [comLL'Dmx] 20d, 110w kind you are 15": Jun)! IEA‘JE RICIIMOND-HLLL, ONTARIO, CANADA. FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1874 inn-ii inmlhe mem. "Klan: him!" ~~he replied, >cornl'ully, to hen-elf; " she’ll only be tooglud 1" it became pretty well known in Rivlngton that, the widow Barrett was to be the duetur’s wife. She neither denied ner conï¬rmed Lheï¬tzitomenl, hut blushed and remained silent. One day there came a. note to Hester from .‘ili-s. llui-ieatgatuting that Mm. Ketch- um.wouhl kindly take care of'the doc- tor’s patients the nextduy, and she would be glad of Hostel-'5 company to tea. It was the doctor’s birthday, and she had made some beautiful pineapple jelly for :1- surprise. “Well, did I ever see the, beat!†ejaculated 1le landlady. “Invitln’ Hester Over to tea ! In her own house, where 5110’s been brought up. and sub that store by that, she was like Mrs. Anderson’s own da’ter! Well, that, goes ahead! Pineapple jell‘VVOf'or a surprise, when there ain’t Hesicr’a beat for prescrng and pastry in the has fuilcn asleep to the ti'uki'lig 01' the great cluck in the hull. How happy Lhcy bud been EILlese daysï¬gopo 53'. Mrs. Anderson and- Norm:an yd She. AL lezlstxho had a right to {bisgconï¬- lance. She dezcl'mined that the old numl of inmvship betwet‘a‘ny’jhem sheuld nob be so suddenly “,‘lSrokcn. Wheh the doctor went :uvzlyjh'c noxt’ morning fiesta-1‘ {allowed hiniiï¬'to the hall. †hull of" Ellington! Well; really. that’s loo much. The good Lord knows wlmL’ll come next. Mary Juno’ll be invitin’ me, as a kind of pleasant surâ€" prise, to sew the 110ka and eyes on m that new (Jr; 53 0’ hem†The landâ€" lady sat dew“ and 5igl10£lf01‘ the de- ]) 'zwity (2f human nature. ‘ “ Butifthe doctor‘s gning to marry her-â€"†interposed Mrs. Sherwood. ‘ “ For the land’s sake,†cried Mm. Ketehum, “ let; him have her! Let him have her, I say I†the repeated, looking: so savagely ever at Mr. Sher wood than he hastened to declare that he hadn’t the lead; intention offal-bid- ding the buns. -"L0t him have her,†repeated Mrs. Ketehum; “ and ifb‘llC won’t lead him a pretty dance, then my name ain’t. Jerusha Ketchum! He’s old enough to know better. Bl“ ‘ene fool makes many, and an old fool‘s worse'n any I’ †Mart-h land ripened into April, and along the hedges pale Primroges lift- ed their tiny heads. A anguid breezil Swept to and fro the long:r branches of the willow tree that waved before Dr. Anderson’s door. How often had lIester watched the drooping switch es put on and off their buds. How sadly she felt for the poor young maiden that once drew the long green awitclies through her hands, and wove with them many a fanciful wreath andlmany a fanciful dream. Alas! how many prosaic years had passed since then, one day'so like the other, that they slipped away unnoticed. And now the young maid was an‘old timidâ€"a poor, plain old maid, with- .out a relative in the world, 4 and scarcely a friend, save these new ones that claimed her. Hot tears sprang into her eyes. How wretched, he“ unspeakahly wretched it was, to ‘be’ all alone in the world! f‘One might better be dead-l†thought poor Beeter. In this melanehely mood she entered Nevertheless Hester went, over to tea. She felt; instinctively that it would look more digniï¬ed. to accept the invitation ;- she did 5'0 with. a heavy heart. ~ Hester turned very pale and felt :1 gr ‘at pang; ot'surrow and agrent pang ot‘reprouch. “I must, go'hon‘le,“ she said: “ [promised hismotherl’d take :are of him.†' Mrs. ‘licrwood laughed. “ The great elephant I†she said. ’“ As ifhc medal to be taken care 01! Besides, If he’s in be married. he won't; want you any more, and I’ll (rarity you all wiih m0. Oli,.l do hope he will mar- ry. for l'vo been breakingmy heart thinkng of parting with 3‘10‘11.†The dvr‘tor did Imi- repig. hut went away m;_ita iug deeply on {be aiming wrought In his prim chi He‘d); When Mary Junubrought the mama to tho Sit'iivl'flom, which aha did on ths first up} ortunity, Mrs. Shorï¬â€˜uod refused at ï¬rst to believe it; then remember- ed that, the doctor 3mg 9. little distant that inm-ning,:m(1 wondered it‘ that artful creature had wound herselfinto his 800d graces. Ia »_ Bum him!†to herself; Theae words of the (100101-32 seemed like an insult to Hester, “Ibseoms to me,†she said, “ that I'm not wantr ed anywhere; but 1’“ go bid them good-by.†ho got upon her feet,’ u'embling. When she went outof‘ the room the doctor took a 'long breath. “ Why. lIe‘Lly can't be oï¬endcd, c n she?†mwï¬id‘m‘tï¬r‘g ‘ . ,r heard hex- speuk that way before.†The doétor hurried out after Hes~ ter; and before they ligd wglked a dozen rads her anger cooled; it was swallowed up in grief. “You must [Ln-give me, Norman,†slm said; “ but I don’t like the woman, gmd I’m sure ymu‘ mother wouldn’t have liked her. l’m sorry I spoke so sharply; but it's not a nice thing, Norman, ta'be told that yourpob wanted anywhere.†Hostel-'5 voice bmke into a. 50!); and the doctor took lmr hand in his as they walked along. “ rFlux {Emil la †lxn Efllll nnnllwlnn‘lv “I‘m sure you’re welcome as. the sun," said Mrs. Barrett; “ But ifyou will go, let mo go: your bonnet and .slmwl.†' “Oh, doctor," laughed that win woman, ‘_‘ it FPOHS the sweelest temper in the world to be 5m 01d maid. One never knows what’s the matter with them.†“The fzzetis,†he said, soothingly, “Mrs. int-rem says that it spoils the sweetest temper in the world to be an old maid.†“And you may as well 813 7,†he uddéd: “for Mrs. Sherwood’s mother mum: in Lhosix o’clock express, and they don’t vain, yqu there any more.’ “'Elmnk youï¬â€™ said Hester, with wre asparin in her voice than one would-have thought; pos>iblo‘ “I'll get them myself; I've not forgotten my,\vuy about the house yet." “Another insult !â€-thought Hester, striving to get her hand from the stmng grip 01' the doctor’s. His 050}; looked a warm welcome to “ester, and. his voice took a very kindly tone wlzcï¬ he told her how glad lac was to see b .1‘ at home again. “ I am delighicd to afford you some amusement,†said Hesttr. But; a choking sensation came into her throat, .and a fuw bitter tears rolled down her cheeks. 7‘ And I wouldn’t be one, if I were you, any longer, Hettv," he added. “You see, Hen Y," said the doc-tar. so interested in his subject that he did noL notice her agitation, " it never came into my head to think of mar- I-iugcs at all till Mrs. Barrett. came there. She’s such a veritable woman, with her furbclows.‘ and foolery, that it set me to thinking: and beside, you were weary. ' natty, ‘you don't know, what a diï¬erence it mademhow I llllb'b'Od you,†he added, tenderly. “ Certainly,†said the widow, bust- ling about. “ The doctor likes his so strong that I alwuya keep a little hot water to weaken mine. He Often laughs at; what; he calls my baby slaps. But. dear me, how bad you look! I don’t kno ' as I over saw ynu looking .50 wretched.†The widow hersc‘xf looked bloom- ing enoughmhcrchcoks matching the red ribbun that bound her bait and growing more crimson when the doc mr's pony .slopping at; the door and his heavy Step was heard in the hall, “ Oh, hush, Norman!†she said. “ Marry M 1's; Barrett; if you love her. I’ll try to like her for your sake. But don’t my any more in may to-night, I beg of you.†' ‘ The doctor stood still. †Marry Mrs. Barrett !†be repeated. “ Why, .NC rman,†said poor Hester, †I’ve just 'told you I’ll try tolike her ï¬n- youl' sake." “Cor-found Mrs. Barre-ti!" roared the doctor. “ If you don‘t ivant me yourself, don‘t try to push me off on it pestilenco of nido-ncddies and fume:- lows.†licz‘old homo, and 2: new pamgrunz ; iioi' hosi‘t to limi {haz- tlie oid momen curiaiem lmd been taken down, and a pair of aurili'y maelin OJl‘BB ï¬uunted in tliespring sunshine. Thisono alter- ation in L‘ne old-iamioned breakf‘ast- room‘ gave it‘ :40 repelling a look to Hester Linn. 5110 was sorry she bud come. But Mm. an'i'e'tt insisted upon unlying Hester'a bonnet strings. "110w badly you do look, to be sure I" ~alio said. “ You're worn out watchin’ Lhem sick folks. A nevei‘i-monthi~~ baby might better be dead than alive. for it’s betwixt and between all the time. But do let me take off your things and get you a cup of ten. You do look 50 bad, 1 dcclurel" ‘ “Than k you," said Hesterâ€"a grim appreciation of the situation putting :1 touch of sarcasm in 3her replyâ€"â€" "you’re very kind. I should liken cup of ten." It was more than 'Hester could bear. “ Why, Helty, he said, “I have loved you all my life. Do you think [ could give your place to‘ another? if you would rather let things be as they am I‘ll try to be content; but you seemed so womanly and 'sweet With yon'der little babq that; my heart yearned for you. Hetty, Hotby, I'd sq much rather we were married I" ’S'noputbm' hauds in his, but words failed her. Perhaps he read in her face as dear an answer; Even in after years she did not tell him the romance of hér life. The doctor was such a practical. hard Working hero that she was afraid he could net understand her. Even when a newfoliuity m something certain of coming. Mr. Beecher remarked in his last Tuesday evening’s Plymouth prayer meeting that he believed that con: stant, moderate, steadfast action is better in any cause: but at times whirlwinds of son timent are valuable. The woman’s temperance movement is a striking instance of the latter. The history of they race does not show its parallel. There is no evil that cries aloud with more voices to Heav- en for suppression than intemperance. While it is peculiarly deleterious in individuals, it is murraiu and blight in families. It has deï¬ed legislation, and moral force has not overcome it; but new, in the Providence of God,’ there has risen this cyclone of influ- ence. It is one of the fruitsof the women‘s rights agitation. He was ï¬rst, middle, and last committed to the elevation of woman to equality with man, and he looked upon thel accomplishment ‘of her liberty as Miss Smiley is not allowed ~to preach in a Presbyterian church in Brooklyn; but it is not certain now but that woman‘s influence will make itselt l'olt there in the onslaught on'whisk. key in a way that will demonstrate her power. The proper use ofa can- die is to light a 'roOm, but shall it not' shine out of the window too?’ Is WOman to stand still in an everlasting waiting. Her ï¬rst sphere is home, undoubtedly; but when she feels that her domestic relations are aï¬'ected. has she no right to move? Has she no right to combine and exert her power? ,Is there any other than the rum evil that so spreads nets fer her husband’s :1 nd sons’ feet? If Dante had lived in the presentdny he would picture a pure proud woman tempted into wedlock with a libidinous, diunâ€" ken knave, who has a right to her society, her table, her couch. She must live ‘in the presence of a total hog. N0 greater suffering can be conceived of. Have such women no right to rebel? May vipers crawl in and out of†homes‘and _nobedy be al- IOWBQ w “W He added that he was not attempt- ing to speak critically’of the 'move- ment, or saying in what channels it may run. He was only contending that no popular movement ever had a. greater or more'righteous cause, and was more deserving: of prayer and countenance. Fanaticisnre are to be believed in,-at least those that are sweet, and not bitter; Their tenden- deney, liOWever, is to be excessive, and exhaust themselves. It is a great pity that the force of this women’s movement cannot be econOmized. It is probable that it will be like a prai- rie ï¬re, that burns away a great amount of stubble and scotches a great many snakes, and then steps. A temperance revival is in danger of being short lived, beeause it has no solid organization to give it perma- nent effect. If this movement could be transferred to the churches it would gain a'perpetnity. ' v The tongue of slander is never tired. In one way or another it man. ages to keep itself in constan t. employ- ment. Sometimes itdrips honey and sometimes gall. Ibis bitter now, and then swuet. It insinuatcs or assails directly, according to the circumstan- ces. It will hide a curse under a smooth word, and administer poison in the phrase of love. Like death, it “lovcs'a shining: mark.†Imd in is never so available and eloquent as when it can blight the hopes of the noble-minded, soil the reputation of the pure, and break down, or destroy the charm:th of the brave and strong. What pleasure man or woman can ï¬nd in such work we have never been 1 able to seo. And yet there is pleasure of‘ some sort in it to the multitudes, or they would not betake themselves tout. Some soul or body must be gratiï¬ed by it. 'But no soul in hiin estate .can take delight in it. It ind i-__ cates lapse, tendency toward chaos, utter depravity. It proves that some» where in the soul there is a weak» Hess, waste, evil nature. Education tion and reï¬nement are no pioof againstit. , They often serve only to polish the slanderous tongue, increase its, tact, and give it suppleness and strategy. Copper vessels, placed in th. streams of the richer mining mining districts of Nevada, accumulate hundreds of dollars’ Worth of quick.‘ silver, mingled with gold dust, upon 1 their surfaces, in a few months. Uw-l ing to its inï¬nite divisibility, quick- silver exists .in‘ such small particles as'to be invisible to the eye and buoyant in water, and those particlesl contain ,still minuter grains of gold;I Mr. Beecher on the Whiskey War “ \Vhals comes after T ’1 " asde a taaoher of a small pupil, >who was learn- the alphabet. He received the bewil- doring reply, “ you do, to see ’Liza." added {0 her lm‘, and 3116 became the: mother ol‘a splendid 1303;, she did nail. make her son the conï¬dant. of her girlish idolatry for his father. The way I mmo to know about it was that, besides being her daughter-im law, I was the little seven-month baby that brought her such happiness when she was an old maid. The Slanderous Tongue. Literal Specie Currency. the ï¬rst time theistory of David and Goliah, and he became so enthusiast-i0 that; he tossed his hat in the air and called gut: “ Bully for tin'efellow with the sling I†‘ J Western women are grumbling ter- ribly becauso the managers of the uél'iuultilt-al'fhirs don’t give at least a year’s notion when they offer prizes for the ï¬ne~t babies. “ How does your husband get along 2" inquired ‘11, friend of sin undertaker's wife. “ N ot-hing to complain of, thank the Lm‘d ; he had twelve funeral; yesâ€" terday." “ Doctor," said a thick-headed youth to Agassiz, “ you once said that ï¬sh is the proper food for men to eat; who hgve brain work to perform. v How much ought I't-o cat to tone me up properly 2" “About two whales,†was the reply. A city carrier of aMisseuri paper‘on publication day seats himself in the nearest saloon, and in the course ofa few minutes delivers each subscriber his paper imperson, thus saving time and shoe-leather. ’ To determine Whether a man is drunk or not get him to say, “The scenery is truly rural.†If he says, “ tx'urul rut-y,†you mayput him down as drunk. ' Boéton is troubled. She pays $142, 000 a year for church music, and one out of every ten of her laboring pop- ulation has nothing to do and nothing to eat. And the trouble seems to be organic. 1 “ Have you much ï¬sh in your bag? †asked .a person of a. ï¬sherman who was returning home. “ Yes, a good eel," was the slippery reply. An exchange thinks it queer that blondo women should be regarded as [rights in Russia. “fell. We don’t know; but; there are some around here we are afx-uid'of. “ My daughter, you must; never listen t0 flutterers.†" But, pa, how can I tell that they are flattcx'ingun‘ less I listen 2†A young doctor in Norwalk spends his leisure hours in practising on the corqoh, and passers-by, thinking that an amputation is going on inside, are deluded as to the number of the man’s patients. A gentleman living near Cleveland, who is the father of seven grown up daughters, has' named his residence, “ The Hume of the Seven Gabblera.†' Itis :1 signiï¬cant fact that Paris issï¬as twenty-three fashion journals and Only seven religious newspapers. Mauvaiso‘l’aris! ' “_ I thought you were born on the 131; of April,†rsaid a husband to his lovely wife, who had mentioned the 1st as her birthday. “Most people wouldnthink so, from the choice '1’ made of a husband,†she replied. Coleridge, when lecturing as a young man, was once violently hissed. He immediately rotorted : “ When,a cold stream of truth is poured on red- hot prejudices, no wonder that they hisaf’ A ‘Milwaukee paper recently an- nounced that; “ the lilac bushes are bud- ding.†" You lilac Satan,†responded a matter-ofâ€"facb reader. The Bong Just. now is, prayer.†The C':icago papers nevm- use :he' term “Hotel,†if. is‘ always “caravan- Two little girls were comparing progress in Catechism study. “I've got to original sin," said one. “How far have you got?†“Me? Oh! l’m away beyond redemption,†said the other. Tho.Houg‘hton Gazette says that in the revival meetings in that place the minister addresses the unconverted after this fashion : “ Como, .come just one step noaret to the Lord; if you won't do 1hat, then stay in your seats and be damned.†We are £01<1_that nothing is made in vaini But how is .it about a pretty girl ? Isn't- sho maid‘n vain? The song ofthe women out in Ohio Just. now is, “Sweet spirits, hear our The manufacturer of kid-necks cer- tainly deserves the title of neck-1‘0. mancer. LAVISH.â€"Abscnt man of business â€"“0, Mr. (forgets his name), will you excuse me for one minute ? Take a, seatâ€"pray take a chairâ€"take 11â€"." Meek clientâ€"“Thank you, I have onéâ€"â€".†Mam of businessâ€"“That’s all rigzht~ take another!†We have lately found a. man who speaks Well of his mother-in-law. She died recently, and left his wife ï¬ve thousand dollars. If mothers-in- law would get into ahabit of- doing suohi‘things, how soon the prejudice against them would cease. It is very easy to say, Take things as they come; but suppose they don’t comeâ€"what then? “ Your future husband is very exact- ing; he has been stipulating for all sorts of things,†said a mother to her daughter, "who was on the point of being married. “ Never mind, mamma‘" said the affectionate girl, who was already dressed for the wedding, “ the†are his last wibhes." THE YORK HERALD Termazâ€"Om Dellar per Amour: in AW DULMR ‘1 at? . ma >UBLI$HED AT THE OFFICE Issued Weekly on Friday Moriaing. Yoxcn Sn, Rxcnuox'b HILL ALEX. Soon, PROPRIETOB‘ nding'joke ever require :2 WHOLE N0. 814. ‘sther if} 0,