,-...__,, .. _ _ - ,,_ ' - . _ 0,- ’ . .‘ _ l .. . Sir Edwm Lendsecr. dnwelcomc - "â€"â€"‘ . .. a . i - . ‘, > ‘ v . .< . . n- ~,--.. ,- ~' 3.... . will» Allhougu numerous Inculcnts 3.31 tlzc' 0‘“ 30““5 f‘ 19â€d 1 ‘l‘l‘el â€" "9"“ life of Sir Edwin Lundsecr have up- pcurcd both in English and American journuls since his death, there seems no diminution of interest in the details of the {ll'l-JS'lZlC career of this w ndcr‘ful painter of animals. A lengthy article which recently appeared in the Corn- }txill illagazinc gives a fresh insight i. to his early life, and a. clearer†idea. of his ‘stic traits, than can be obtuin- characteri 0&1 by most; of the formal biographies ! biographies whicn hav‘, been written. )1; our ‘ Vs "on only ;."-r.:l;~;: . :1. L. . lCL’u’L‘l’hb. £211 wzzi Luz; f‘. by lumber plainoal ll wise {Either b (3013:". i‘xlnsoizi‘u is : marked “ lil. Anolbf‘zr drmving of a: 1! his tail, was sketched ill} the ego of six. Time developed the fairy gift with which young Edwin was born; at eight ho was slim rs drn. ring-,- uniir'ils, :il- ‘hougb when u more lad he painted in - oil the 130 it; of his baby sister, todâ€" dlimr'about in :i- big b city ll Hie curl l: rtr‘ on Act. he was burned boy when r; ‘ L ' -(’,lli'Cl‘{Jil the .l’v 2d Adulemj,’ as a ident, anl thcr‘eIellmttul Tuscli’s attention by his talents. and gcnlle manners. Fusili would look around for him and my, ‘5 Where is my little (logâ€"boy l †Perhaps the Jtcrct oi lhellttlc " (logâ€" boy’s †reirarkublo.succezs luv partially his \‘cond'crful po rcr uVCi known Anillusirious u' '1 n it Was; that ho lance. “ By peeping into him he 4: LL'. niu’um,†hisenswcr. A. large party of his friends were with him a: his house in St. John’s Wood on one occu- sion' his servant ouened the door; } p I ‘L I . three or iour cogs rushed in, on. a very ï¬erce looking must-iii". The ludicsreâ€" & 1... 10 U L\IA\, C} but lllC ere-a. bounded up ’ trailing; him like :in old friend, With most expansive demonstraâ€" .t-icrs of delight. Sonic- 02):. . ..3rkiug 110w {bud the dog SQClleL cf luau, ho Sf}l(l,""il never saw it before in my life. On another occasion he came in from his meadow, somewhat. dishcvellcd and tired. “ \Vluit have you burn (loâ€" ng asked r. f'iend l" “ Only t u. ching some horses tricks for Astlcy's; and here my whip," he said, showing a piece of sugar in his; hand. He said . hat breaking ixuhorscs meant- more . =ol‘ten breaking theirhearts, and robbing VI hem of "l‘ " eir spirit. Land ren ‘ -)\Ju fl all Lil studio was charming place and much frequeuled by the elite- of London society. . No one was more there mere often than ID’Orsuy, \ ith his goodâ€" lluniored ' 0., really wit, and (lclicalge flattery, “ ind r,â€l:e'\-.'ould call out, ‘n'tr'his’ ‘117‘1‘2‘11100, “ keep the dogs oil‘ :1 c †â€"re!."_-rring to the painted ones , “I want to come, and some of them )1 bite 1 ic-und that follow in the corner is growling furiously.†The same Visitor rune day gravely asked for a pin, and when was given him, with the on- quiry what he wanted it for, he replied, “To take the thorn out of that dog’s SOC W 1 ', foot; do you now what pu‘n he is . . _ . . in s â€, In that; some studio, so dear to ‘ him, Lundsecr wishc: to die. To the very end he didinot give up his work. \Vhen ho w lmcst at EEC worst they '- ‘0 him his easel and c was, and left in the studio, hopi g that work might help him to forget his sull'cring. . milieu his altciidunts come back they found that he. had painted the picture of {rlitlie lamb lying beside 9.. lion. The Font †were Londoner's lust pictures. “ The :‘cnt †is on all..- gory of all creeds and all created ibings coming; together into (be. light of lrutli. "It now owns-d by the Queen. She wrote to her 0 35“ {l q r» ~ "This and “ 'n a “1 friend cud expressed H =hcr admiration for if, and asked to become the posvw llcr interest do (l sympathy b I, (tbs last days of Edwm liznr‘lsw‘r. ' Jone Iv; K3383? A professor oz." Cornell University lately published a number of hints as ‘to “ What to do in Cases of Accident.†One ofithcso was as follows :â€" I:"“I,f you choke, get down on all Toursaud cough.†Jones read this, and dclermincd to remember it-. The othcr‘duy he was eating his dinner Yulum,"and he choked upon a piece of ccf. Instantly he got upon all fours and began to cough. Just then M rs. Jonescamo in, and the impression “made upon her by Jones’ extraordi- nary attitude and. his barking Was that he had suddenly been attacked 'With hydrophobic. (pitcher of water and took it; i'roxnlho ‘iroom. . Then she sent one of the girls «up-stairs for the mattress, which was ChroWn over Jones, while Mrs. Jones lobd’cho family not on him and held ,him down. ’J‘f'he mnddcr he got, the amorc alarmed was Mrs. Jones; and the more he s ore and formed at the birth, the more she insisled upon the aï¬lrodgirl giving an extra turn of the “tolothesvilino arouudhia leg and tying ‘him'to the stove. Then the doctor ,canao : and pulled J ones’ arm from .under the uni-Limos, and bled him, and put fly-blisters on' his feet, and prom- cd to 001116 around in the evening to love his head in Order to cup his scalp, so as to relieve hi. brain. \‘thn the doctor tilled that night. fiencs bad a prize-ï¬ght. w’lb him in the purl r; nd after sending the mo- ‘cdieal man up to the both-room to _"‘wash the blood from his nos-3 and to coolhis eye, Jones went out to hunt .foi- the Cornell professor. There will EV . 8. be» will and cn'ruish in that instiluh b lion of lea -ning when Jones-arrives. He moans war to the knife. 3* In Warren county (Pa) recently a. "horse, ridden at a. smart gallop, caught his foot in a cavity of the road. ’l‘he .foot was weged in ï¬rmly, and the im- etus of the horse was so real. that lOOf was ‘Wrenclred‘comp etely The poor brute was afterWards nhol. So she seized the I l around the other evening II K two Miss SmithS.Lâ€"'â€"Altrr-§ went Eu?) irllPreson-tlr ( â€" to visis {he iconvcrsrng with them t'or‘,Ia,\yllinilo,“Il“.l'i§Is; SllSull‘éX-n cuscd herself- =fub antibiébidflgincnts any, V Parker thoughli‘ihc heard her coming. and slip- pingziiél'ï¬ml lli‘ci flzmrhtï¬suggcslcd that ï¬lm other Miss Smith shoul . nil Shiloh that ballad .gone. (l _ tell â€"â€"But it wasn’t. Susan ; it was old Smith, in his slip :11 031ml and said to his daughter. ~.l.7~ii-l;ei"s ‘ .1 hf: V G. Vt l v Jemi- riri Milli»... ‘u‘ItS' i‘o lzccp on him.’ ' . ‘ l .. ‘ ‘ . . so h new proI l to, )ou, I 1 don‘t )2!“ l. y jaw-9d realvl-xi'u. Til idiot. us {around here. .a. l; of x tuba: to buy 'a clw ‘lU n (2.. LL: n ï¬ll I ,l)! i ‘ .nirt. C1111 my dnug' 6" , l'll slmko the lustin' life out of him if .l catc )! . C here again, mind in I Just as ho conclul "1 pr: rcf-i 5 man is enoueh, to .2 P l was limo . . come ngoiii ? " .pi u will. know v. while Marry June culd liléc'tio‘drop into Parker. fluidly walked .. n Then 1m" ( to stay cc to looked M if rain 1‘ CCâ€: .‘ 1 bolt, 3 i. ‘7 1L. - )th l. n r b, I'llF. ed lo th entry, shot down the front cfcps,__ or: (tiling upon tho .‘i ;,.,Ip,}»)ingf<;3 gull ill'} \liZCé'il \~\-:I “,4 He l c}. 3 iliuu far llféb later. ‘1 1 , 1 ,fl 1, .h‘. or noted o.- 4.51.,- no’. rd leslcd .: family. 1 a l c beggar T; .10 i . ‘m H. century ,mm .{b ,I, . ., . 1 L‘th about too 0 rim! esp; the of "no, certain Au= men formed 11 great o ,. I ' cuinflzy the bell of lb]: lions C n old arcade, dim and ‘1 L ‘r ‘ 001.1 '1 ,L. {it for murderous cc: scarletâ€"sleeved conspirators 1 ct darkness of tho nightf APGL‘ sulmlion, ibwas ï¬nally-deters with ï¬ne sx‘mrds ninldaggri ~ . ' l 'L-ll they were armed, the muyrn‘ and coun~ Before , day shall break, the doomed form shall cillors of the city should boisluin. be in their power. Silently Skirting on tl sion, on; -::f_ lho noblsmw-n poor bov lying upone boncb‘i darkness of‘o c-un'ir. only gar bod ‘ll be has no he: .0, m. .-.i So i-lv l1 )(lbf illu- brazenly.thc I. whose glances pierce the veil of mighty had led Lin hero to. Word ï¬le lown; b. He had listened to "the." and d termiucd to reveal be con -. l> L; 1» kill him. boy, wild with terror, cnlvroulo mercy, and promises 11.. 'ill 1 veal to any man what bdilllls Believing: the promise, \‘ll’ll threats they 1-25 mm Cut into ’0er n u \/sv _'.\/v vil age butcher, end l':usten_s:I',tol7li2irsl it. Linc less n u ;-. There is "re {costing and» ment iicrc, end a group‘of men- ling clerics of during in the oil The b- 1,0 with breathless lms: into room. 'l'ho tears are rolling down his" checks. , Io looks not into the. ï¬le any, only but. hurries .‘lo llie , ulové'und cries, " “ 0 slow i" What I Liv .l‘lic 1n unio‘ - (Won new, to . Zuccrne y the stove is there i the Story of too bright; sly. boy. strong men l alarm, very soon thc'c seized and hostencdio justice. foes 0"“m with I a II fr 0 n‘ouiiscd never fa) tell 21.23:? rcoln,’ I mu‘ci iquiclgly tell to ' \l 0 door ‘ ' ’ l was " :1r,‘.l._' . _ well Vou'lli‘c (.2 "51‘ the “1' ' nun 1,-1Ag. .‘ i....1A.\.- ‘-7 run: cusp: wrong: he ,. 7. .. ..l life;- vv- h luni. that ~ usnt got too 3-: -._.__.__s._ ¢~».__._..__._... Boy of Lucercnc. I in Coir qucr' town and land for llzipsbnrg. .{ch 5onâ€" 9:070:51" Fons plot as slam? as lu escape undiscovered. But, sud- denly ho is seized by} e dcsperulc‘ruen. They declare that they will instantly The sword is raised, but the durkngss the boyihrhes. He sees ’ far off the light in a :c‘ on time. . a... Good town are driven, out .. u (5 , ~m~~~~u~t ‘i'bcy sought for the child whos, pew... Ashe entered he looked I in h r 1' . .9an v1 - , 3 found HS?) orznzoney cnou g1; lie non}: of ‘ id’frâ€" h léllll hct her .Q cdhis but 1 went emptiness of 'taiuty since, unmoâ€" Smith before i l ‘ 'I ;u any noble- there . noscur , c' the in i'h ‘ .l that. which truth :5.“ ‘c their re- l 2 card . mun y '1) 1. n or a rï¬'. rc- tel; rushes . o hour ' ='i‘he ' :evo quickly taken ‘thc rutors are The rim is loyo.1 r" cunning hudgsaverl them, 'bulgthoy- rgeycr found him. Ilflven to this day tin zsers tell the story witliiadmi i tudc in their- tones, but no inn-In his mono. Tl senseless stov lll u. 11g. > Swit- I grati- liners 0 billlglr heard the w. rning is still preserved in I. I I . I _ the old hall Where the 'lmtchcrs‘s’ guild marl-med mm perfoymmg for them was won’t to meet. _ 3 I I . 330 Everything Well.- t is the rcIsull of pi*octiic’u_l,g 03%,?“ U by the going; oul'ol‘ people who udâ€" u Mark-7) ' {J ‘In ancienttimcs, the. mark of the [crosswas n ignorance; for among the Saxons the mark ol'thc cross, on an attestation of 5the good fainh ol‘ the person Signing, was required to be attached to the signature of those who could write, as well as to at d iuibe place 01" the signature ofthosc who could not write. In those times. if man could write, or even read, his knowledge was con‘ sidered proof presumptive that ho was 01y orders. The clericus or clerk tynmlymous with penmm); and n (.su “’35 .. l 4 » . ' .. . nâ€"v . i ' "' r ‘ ‘0 no in. lid .9 not loci on“; lil“;€‘1ll rw-WN un- ., Jam .:0 who could . “0 r‘lmlll wriéo; “1t was,_1~ndced, the ymbol ot‘zu‘ null), {sacred nisoeiulions, us well as t/zlamai‘kfgencrall y adomcd. ï¬ll-once the origin of the expression, “60’ :-."‘T,‘11_~"(€!‘lf the ("P-‘5: uliC‘ o Inlllm by '|(« lll'il. L a. save ï¬llhajmurk,†as 11 mm of ejaculu» lion ï¬plnflchipg ‘tlgc charm-liar ol‘nn Olllll " » ' selves} yorg I tbemsfi‘ws inâ€; ..blie place ; llxcirfflwl-on‘aliucrs. These people are co}L‘apicr.ou-:~ til lectures and ecu- ccrtegjlhc theatre :ï¬rlloperu, our} even at chiliu’eh. [Elie crowding pushiug‘gont’, whim-ids regard to he, rights, cumin-o, or" (We!) 'dlac sole?" of otliel's,""’s&oIi}>i21;: on d 'csscs land (-rucuing misbï¬nd approuehharbarliy.‘ ‘ .m’é’tliuesviilze finest strains of an exquisite piece of ~. 'v't. musi * are lost in tho chatter oi : pair of girls, or the'l-trifd talking of chat iighgrotzh‘erwise la‘nro been mistaken for cycling lady and gentleman. Often the oil ax of a lecture is distroyed 'r. u) I. ,.. ux vertiso their iguor cc and bud brccd~ ing in that. war. Sometimes the pleasure r-t' Wu people, during the nfost toi par; of n perlin-m- once, isdiss by the restlcsm 0133., fruitâ€"call; couple near them, home. And this is onc- ofiho ills for which no euro has yet been found, and must be berm put-lowly by the suffering public. i 1.,- Ca who ï¬ll-got they are not 1) ‘ u. p 1 :‘-w._...4,s. .. 43:) .o. .>_._ e R0: l1.“ ‘ Aav , . mm: c; L Ill-v e. v of science fell secrets of All the disc-event'- short of ..1zevc;zlin_g_g the natural perfume. The miscroscopc compels the mounds oflitb to she‘s-r ï¬ler-Er, organic. under its lens-w. gases (1.2.3: be 2m: lyzcd and Weighed. ; “l LillC odor ol musk or of the rose , but. is it? 4 Could this question be xrooswcred, and the cause of the lr.‘ groncc ol' the row, clc. be defined, like {but of; sol; ‘ urous, sulphuretic, hydrogcnic, or mnoniul odors. an enormous ;:~.tri(lc in hygiene and in chemislry might, lo recorded. emv m . . .2. __ ¢ ._..¢ v..- Where They Differ. It is only when a workman is not really interested in his business that ho anxiously awaits the hou' which ends hisdaily toll, and “stands not upon the order ol‘bisgoing.†‘ George Elliol1uul:c,:a note of this essential difference between men who take pride in thcirtrade and those who are indiil‘crcntt, and. expresses her though to ‘tlirough‘tmo or“ the characters in Adam. Bede: “ll can’t. abide to see men iliroiv :iwz‘. ‘ tools i’ that way the minute the clock begius'to Lll‘llCO, as if they tool: no pleasure iI' their \v‘ork, and was child 0" doin‘ : stroke too much. I hate to sec 3. 1mg: ’5 drop down as if he was she: .. ore the c'lock‘s f;‘-.li‘lf,'st1'Lit.-.lc, ,lzc’d never :1. bit, 0’ pride and deli, -. in ’:a noi‘zz. The very grindâ€" stonc’ll no on turning :1. bit after you loose it." Fr? Llaut maltc‘ does not i ’ c'Vc'ryCrc-Merl :biug rend men :1 lt,‘-Ef$0!‘. on iyzdti-tsl-‘ry 1’ iii â€"‘-â€">â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"q v4. “.3 . «Whyâ€"m_mw-:â€" _ occupation for Guild fen. y’l‘houoctivc habits of the children prove that occupation is a necessity with most of them. ’ hey love to be .gb‘llsï¬iemn about not-hing, still more to be usefully employed. With some children-lit is a strongly (lcchOped necessity; and if not turnedto good count will be productive of positive cril, thus verifying the old adage that "- idleness is the mother of mischief." Children should be encouraged, or if indolent‘lydisinclined to it, should be sclch'cvcry little oflice relative to the toilet, which filmy are capable of performing. “They should keep their own clothes and other possessions in ’{vlrdï¬cvcr they went; in short, they day experience that steadyvvattcntion should learn to be as independent (31' to matters of detail lies 'at'th'c'root-of Gum rs as pos 'i 0t invariably, a proof of- locs, ; _.v/u1etiine§,, neatordcr, ,und fetch for themselves 0‘15 Sysmma 31‘ ble, ï¬tting them alike inc-lid a remedy, which. isrcallyggod‘ l . From 1' w itle U l ; , CRIMINAL Scannerâ€"le martinets . , . , , ’ofthe medical profession insist that a m ' ‘7 ,- . “Whe'n Framers Hardcum, the son in, beneath pm, dignity 0,- a regular w .5. z 915:5, :01 “PM.†ngcllmakel'at Cue“: Fl'mlcey,pl1)'sician to advertise. Ifa member For all the Purges-es of a Family Phi-35v. turned h13"3’°,“thf“l bile" “PW‘tllo of the faculty mould discoveran rib. ' ' - ' w G workshopthlsfather‘l‘K1enl‘Slc‘l“l solute remedy 'for any disease it '21 Hugs†roglmcnt‘v he cel'ml‘lll‘ 5â€" would bar. breach of professional dc- . . . . . , ' r . . . .. :1") cmlavag‘lnt (hams; . Wmâ€? 3â€" C-orum to offer the speciï¬c for role ltuno ,Or ren9‘VD- ,R9J939}“€§ '3‘ ‘1 thmugh the journals of the day. 'pccuhm‘ly ammble dlf‘l’OSItm“ and ’1 Snowing such prejudices one of our â€"â€"â€" Q . l. a“: .4-.-__r Va .« 1 â€" 131.3 l Crecix-oness, Janndiz'c, h} a. f peg-sh, Indigoslï¬on, Dyson l (cry. You] Stmusmh anili ' Breath. Erysl ~las, Heed- ntba. Piles, .-l\en|ua.t.is‘.n, Ernnilnns and Skin Discus- en. Biliousnesa, Liver Com- propcrtionatc inclination to sociabilâ€"Ileading practitioners is now making pm 3.l)|;2‘*53' 'ielter, '15-, » I, - - , r - , . k . ., * ' n“ rs an . l’beuim,‘ HQ: 119 dlSl‘LCd tllOv'mGChm‘lcal dlhkuown to the public Borough the col- «3...... Com. Nmirol |pro~nticoship on account of its monoâ€" ’ tony and comparative seclusion. . nd chose the army because. the latter seemed the only available means of variety and extended as'sociaï¬ion for trudesman’s son. This“ was " runny years ace: glint. long after hisrnl‘isti meut my, Elissa-r3 were Ordered lo ltulï¬jï¬jgrher lbcyiworp quaricred in fh‘efjéourbgrl v~ thoyencm‘iblc Palazzo h“ 13mir§l3 ï¬nd there the Iggy isposuion and easy adaptabil- "io'ff Elie foungfsoldier'gained for ' him‘lhe responsible ofï¬ce of quarter- maslergb tho-detachment. . Nor was . - A v as aplnncr Fill and P 1;- l'yin the Blood, are the most con “omnl 'pnnr-ntivo rot Their effects almndnn 1v s‘jow h mum; of over three thousand news; papers, one of the most comprehen- sive rommlios for disease that has ot‘crasruugmlx " ('.x."?:m'miu- it}: DIR. WA. mama VINT- GAIL BirTEn-s. 0" health 0.11:.» Ll'm n01 millabie and clans. most send wrlifl ms (4 {It they have derived from tht 531cm. :2an heel. physio. iv: Well as (ï¬i’uml. . take '. and being pupal): w “chin harmless. . ,. ul 1 _ i ..I . soda. Drul. Valli ngu' iiiileru me n. purely Vegetable preparation. made 0 iiclly from the nu- tivc herbs found on tho lou'crrzmgres of {lo Sierra. lie 'zulumouulnins ol' Culif’oiu uiu, the medicinal propcrtlcs or" which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked. " ‘s'lmt is the cause of the unpzu'ullclctl success of \'I.\'I-:o.-\u llrr- runs?" "n ‘ answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re- covers his health. They are the grout blood pi illorund u lite-giving principle, perfect llcuomtor tlllll ]u\'igomtor 1\- L _,. although comparatively a new. medicine, has ulrcndyatlraeted [be allowing: m‘ millions: in llrsiil hour icpheres. It inc: been advertised through all the (.rlmhncls accessible to advertising: enter}, ., and the result has been the prescrvolion of them- ands 01" lives, and the'prevcntlcm Iol‘ an untold amount. of physical torture. ,Dr. Walker thinks that. the “ greatest, good of the greatest number†is the true object of medical scicuco,..'ind hence he steps boldly out. of the cou- bmetcd circleofprolessionul exclusive- I C TZ-i 1’. Philip 72V ' DR. J. c..1rim.r¢(;'o., Lowell. Mass†ll‘Of'éSSmnél‘gd I ,ancemcut destined. to ‘u thc'flifgrfiilu ion of- his good fortune in thoEtgrntarGi'ty. ' - ' ' heyca‘rrs o£:F,i‘eiich occupa- Pg‘aclical ‘nml‘a Analytical Chemists. Sold by all l'lruggists and dealers. in Medi- cine. p. .1 1 :thrup 5: Lyman. Newcastle, {Vic-nerd tion M: Of COW'SC; POW ncss, and places hisGreuuflcgtoralivc Agimï¬' , rm _,., ,. 1:01.:li9,,1i1i,ii§3 V II hug .ighlï¬ievurmbm‘acy; ofï¬cers; of all within the reach of :ill. . lttï¬boneï¬cinl “fly 1" 1‘7"" ““ ,,,.,.‘f‘f;‘,,,,f’,.,,,,"",3:2;‘,,,,',;“ T,,;“,,f,§,{;.k,ï¬,?o “W37 l" I grades had the entry of the best ’ \ "’1' W 1 " " " offer-.1» in cases of chro'uio‘fl )‘Epcpsia, ‘ (p :llties ol' Vix‘ .mlh'r'ruusiu healti the houses; "and thus QuarlcrmnsterHer- ’bivnousness, kidnovdk, flabpout, dis- "3:31.? ‘ sick of every disease mun is heir to. rhcy 'clouin became porsonnllv known to. ‘ " " " 5‘. gentle l’m'uotlro as well as ufl‘omc, - .. «I yt"".i- .a'. . eagelipffluo‘u’ mm'lm’gs’luv'lm‘l‘hm' ~ Congestion or Inflammation of ‘ I - 4“ , , . , . - " . - Um D‘J'tieï¬s d} (Jelllï¬ï¬, 3 “0411-113, nervous complaintsrand‘tmfgllsordcrs .5353)", the Ll\'(‘l‘ thl Visceral Organs in Bilious noblewomun With an infant son, who 0_ t ,0 ,.CC,§eï¬-\v‘¢';uuj prpct‘ ‘ l}l~Z(-€‘.Sus ‘ ' ts Endorsed hr the meal. not-cl 1‘: of tux-.11 tliclï¬csï¬ run He . . and in their d: _ it styl ,_, fromlhe little “ ll A. 51:11)†to the “ (minus 901...â€: grands. nr‘e suilcd 1?.- thc i- .loir. l'urlour, or Concert Hall. ll'ved in widowed state in the old pal-Q 151.com glee ofAltomps. When, in the course 3. I of social events, the popular llussar it. became an occasional invite l-czzllor at the pnluzzo, the patriciau widow was him that-her ‘ Try _ ouraycma manner rather embarrass subject. l .0 organs. , I i The properties of Du. WALKEn’s \‘Ixncw 1: Ilrr’rms are A poi-lent,Dmpborenc, Carmiunm'e, .7\'1'.Lrilious, Laxatn'c, )iuretxo, "Suï¬ Live. count(grâ€"Irritant Sudonï¬c,Alteru- HIT-{311d Anti-Bilious. Grateful ’i‘iiousnnus proclaim VD"- .EGAI; llrr'rnus the most w-omlerlul IInâ€" 'T-ignrnnt that; ever sustained til“ sinking system. . , . .,. , ho Person can take tucsc Rulers accordingF to directions. and remain loin; nd‘ all cell lime; 9 .. 3.24.... ilu ~ .. '. '3 - W Mlle girl wn I ï¬sWVl’li-lb was the ‘n'xli‘ ":0 i .l c ' ' ‘ 4 ’. lo ‘9. I (rang, oft] “only†my 81. g; w 3, Pp to feel as 11‘ you wanted to give all your things to your little sister.†h: kw ing to its ohivalrous not long, however. Was‘thc worthy young irooper‘focd to be in , in $250 rm mourn AND EX» I I I. , I, I I I I (301mg {,5 m what. the high-born lady’s PENSES sure to Agents egerIy- I ,. unucll, pun lueId tluu limos me no: floâ€" m l ,“ . - whore. seumg our new nnAIuLn mww th' strovcd bv nuneml polsml or older muttering demeanor 1,)01‘leuded; for wnrrn wmu corn crowns .a guaranh ~ -' menus, and vital organs wasted beyond v ~ ' ~ . ‘ s ' " . LINE. Sel‘s readily at ever" house. 5 {1"le ‘lufl ‘ ho “Clix-1' l'm: uhen he evnmcd a disposmon to call Adam‘s: J I m, “mum,†Iiâ€, VI,†,.(,I,I,I,,,.I . «3;» as the Est-ivy «tint 1‘9 introduction by no. less frequently D gained her Heart, and could have her hand for the asking. lime-indeed, wusn romantic surprise of fortune for [be humble .i'lntchmakcr’s sou, though he was too 'houoi'ablc to accch it un» til satisï¬ed that. it_ resulted from no " more, whim of n. sentimental woman’s _n‘.omc:.t-a-ry fancy. The widow . . , um“. umâ€! we uU’Dsox RIVER won: (.70., 76 King sire-3i. um, Incas trunk: y told him that no bad. _. . Toronto, Ontario. Hamilton, Feb. 23, 187%. I: ll v Elilieus, Remittcut and Inter- Ezliéitclii. Form-s, which are so prem- lcul in the valleys of our grout; rivers tbrouglumt the United States, cslicciully those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, 'l‘en-nesscc, ()umbcrluml. Arkan- sas. lied. Colorado, llruzos, lilo Granule, - 'l’cnrl, Aluliunu'i, Mobile. Suvmuuih, ll: - anokc,J‘¢izucs, mad many others, with their rust. trilmmries. throughout; our Won’t-ire country during: the Summer lllltl w 2-. 1': -’~'{‘.- r: ,-. :..:' u n K! .x'.;( 1.1T} a». I" REE steam Engines. Rollers, steam 918w Rims, Mull'aing, volleys, “nigger-:3, l‘crcw Hump Machine»: mu! Genera! Machinery “£1 I; nan-m v n: no ()1er 1"".‘1! l‘) “X “e are 9/ l ‘- u‘o in a ',f . prices. All'lnatrumewi-s nominal, ï¬re ymis, . . ... . .nzl’llcl' . “'holem munfnclurvd the Sul'ed him mat Hlloi‘was he" w“ ml†~ . . my, it‘lwmlm 1“ 9“'l7"~T‘m'" all; limili‘y‘ Autumn, and rcmzirliubl)’ so durinuscu- trcss, with no relative to dispute her' ,5; WTQEKS, T“ ORRILS Ll: 'SQl’ll/ll. sons of unusuzll hen: nml dryness, are nill in sucu a. mullex,..1ud.tl.at. Le] gaminnm “awry,†ADJ-41,3403 someâ€: I . .I .lle.(..\f10 1†dim-l) d-~<l'-llx JIHWHU CMUNW‘ 1L i‘amrexnexus ol' the stoumeh and liver, and other club feelingr towards him was as deep as ll‘t.‘tlllll(‘1lll,1llll l it. had been sudden,- how-'On'nrl thm lnsniholc' future life‘should'be :1 do voicd Irc‘mymeul of thoi mmeusurnble honor s c hind done him, and they were married. - ~ \ " Sunk-value: mu?“ " (m niuul ‘3350031. In their ‘gzztivc, (martin;r u pouu 'crl'ul l'nllucuco upm these various or- qous, is essraeutlnlly Ileco;~:s:1l‘}'. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal '10 Du. J. \‘.'.\l.1(.-.u's \‘mxcowu.llrr'ruus, as they will speedily remove the dark- ' ‘HE STEAM ENGINES MANUFACTURED BY this ï¬rm are in many respects superior to' any other made in This country being selflubriwting throughout, and are remarkably powerful. and eco- nomical on fuel as well as reasonable in price. The ' efï¬ciency may be judged by the continually increas- ing demand which necessitates constant additions .to our machinery and plant. u 1 i l _..._.-..... -m -_ Thus borinuiufl- au’ 'xris'ocr'i‘ic " r â€" ' nu< 7 ‘ ‘5 . 3-,: . . LP U . J- 15‘ K-ITJN-llv ‘~-0~ colored vim-ill matter with which the i, IQCI‘, L c oitmmo Huidoum you F r,., .., b no .87, W . . .7 'v Dwï¬crvcdhis 0m Unqsghmina com“, um Lonuf mu - - LN bowels :irc lozuncd, up the Is.me Itmlc at v ‘3‘, ,p.‘ , 7 Di"; ‘ I 53. t I I‘ I â€";“"â€'"‘"""w‘f‘ “' f"~;‘ “ stimulating: the sccrollous ol the ll\'CI', lld “‘1 ‘1‘3 mm ellI‘lflqlN‘I‘tQI‘Il‘I?†grown}, E93133 and generally restoring: the heullhy .an' comrauos; accepue‘ gm. 6 u y ' ‘ ' functions ot'thc div-estivc (mums. ibe spaniel; of fl/IcllO-lileulenallli, wlnctr 15;ng ,Ig, I: 4:§}'{(;â€â€˜gg;;j:§,, I ForlIrfï¬' ilinIb lNHIlI)’ lggillillhli,‘ll9m39 us venom comerre upon um as 2 . . >y pm-i yin}: :1 its tll(S\\'lll INI-ZtlAIt wedding gift; and ‘did not ï¬â€˜nully E‘â€" 5 , ,. .’<s. ‘5 "E" {' '=. lll'r'nns. .\'o epidemic can take hold " s 1 v a .nr a.» a . .~ . . ~ ' of a system thus loreâ€"mulled. . .llyspcpsia or Indigestion, llcml- ache, l’;1in.iu the Shoulders, Coughs, ’l‘igmucss of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour withdruwI'trom his regiment until the death of his wife's son by her ï¬rst husband leltItho title of Duke di Gal- lcse to be conferred upon himself by iiillllifl’l‘ lh'llilll'l'liiliï¬ , 4'. la- ) ‘. V vision, %§,5;.A sari. my†Qg‘, The mm, Pdmbge (1v,- , D,-Is,,.,-(,,,,,-m, Iliructntious of the Stonmch, Bud 'l‘nsto “(1%.llppel" {‘8 ildlmflce'of the Roma." ‘ Octnimv 1, 187-1. " f I I I m the Mouth, .llllious Attacks, ’nlplm- “0 1 "y ‘6 L9“. . ,8 "‘llcely _1'e-mâ€l hls â€" m the Counï¬â€˜}.~~' 3. ' "i? tutiou ol'tho llcurt, lllllilllllllllllt')“ ol'tho subnltcalu rank in a foreign army, . ‘ _ I ...... ~_ .- - . . Lungs, Pain in ll]01'0}.§l(lll of the Kid and 33 51†Rahal) “0191017111â€, only. he VH3 CW3 Eï¬TABLL‘Hufl (H100 V31“ 11 3 {‘l The, ‘ ueys, :md ulumdred other pzuul'ul symp- wag thenceforlh to be known†' r I“ . k "I. l1? ! L 111 dihaoii’ 5111’†' toms, are the cilia-wings of Dispepsin. Harmonious andhonor'lblein evel‘ ' "2" lï¬lllljl l a ill 5! :‘éilll"? TO N Dillilli‘llw‘m’ m ONO llllllle‘ll†l'ml'0 ll l’Ctlel'fll-llll'llllmo » , ‘ 3 ' until?! . UL all i 'i. 2. :z-lulï¬.) .‘euél‘v‘i a ' we, . F <5: of its merits than u leuv'Lh advertise- respect, thertnurrmgc was yet fated to . Em r. w s, v. .11 c; , >3. mum 0 hovIe an oarIyIcouclusxon 1n the death “Eggs,†Eggaéiï¬ I55 a: I 43“, SEMI-4%,,“ ScIIOfIï¬II, 01' Kings Ev“, White of too eccentric but excellent-Duchess. ' " """I ' “ ,, . “a 11?}? ' R ._~ ,1 p ‘ Su‘cllings. Ulcers. lirI\'.\'ipcl:L\‘, Sum-lied Nook. She hUl‘I‘lVCd her lllllo sonscurcely M},Egyygurungno ma {355.11 . was (1 LI t?u.yw~>£ -‘- Goitrc, .Serol‘ulous lIlllzmlul:\LloIns,I Indolent mom than 3, veal. and left to hm. Shh To be Drawn Inlhunnmuous, Mm'clll‘létl Alieclious, Old ' . v. ’ I ‘ g: x3 3a QBPE’R ,, , . __ , . I“, .7 : Sores l'h'lmtjonsol‘tlioSkin S<)1'cl')_\'e< our. ccrcly mounan husband, beI whole “A,†sisal“ sum f3. Um MOMI,I.‘I3I MARC, 35%,] WWII III “ILIIIII ItIII iII II“ IIIIICIICIJI,ISIIIIIIIiIIIIIIlyMSI fortune. -For three years the Duke rendered lonely tribute *to her mem cry, and then took a. second wife in the person‘ of a beautiful young Roman girl, a nelcc of the Princess eases, \VALILER'S lel-X-‘All Brr'maus have shown th-ir great. curative powers in the most. Ulréllllllll) :md intractable «uses. For luélmnnmtory and Chronic Rheunmtu-‘na. 'G'our. Bilious, llciuit- n: A»: n ALL Kit} on DUIQ‘ F MACE] XE R Y. 15 .24. d7 al.3- ONE GRAiVI) C'A P101111; PRIZE ‘ ' or ‘ {igloooo ll?! . . . . . 02.." ’1’. Trio“ .18 “114mm , m: )1 , m mu m, ‘ inn: .2 . w-c. :c i’r‘lu'uirnu. r». - r. ,. .2 . ,w . . ' .. - Giusunizmi‘Bandinb Who is also Lady w‘il‘llli‘} 1213- ‘i \ i ‘llï¬ . .. . .,. dill)â€ligliillllnï¬liliiiiiLliillllSlï¬S]finillsb‘llftlllï¬â€˜f Ne‘v’v'bel‘l‘y Of the English {061330. __I7II__‘______ IIIâ€: _ _ ‘ h ‘ I one PNSE $9.000 m but?!“ -" ' thesc lzimei-s lmvu’no equal. Sueh Disease; This union, {00, proved more felici- ‘w‘i ' w i ‘ a FIVE pmmsspggg '5 lurc causedliy Vitiulcd Blood. 7 tons, and, \‘ith several 'scions, re- s; E g; †H FIVE sz .c: woo » rvlllcclimncul Bisoases.â€"Pcrsous enâ€" gulï¬ng undgï¬smvedm (he {HI-05mm (my “5 1:23 . 'l‘EN 'szus- $100.‘ a ' {raged 1n ’auuts and Mmcruls, such as - {zéï¬s “Plumbers, 'l‘ype-scttors, (lold-lmulers, and ' Saab l" “l0 romantic Mylo"), 0‘ -Mincrs, as they advance in life, are subject 0130 Of the richest and most popular Tm, Buggiemuw to purulrsis of tho Bowols. 'l‘o guard mg: ' no; this, take a dose of ".VALuuu‘s Vix- 150A u Bl'r'ruus occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet- tcr, SulLâ€"llhcnm, Blotchcs, Spots, l’imples, l’ustules, Bulls Cnrblmcles, Ring-worms, Scnldâ€"hcnd, Sn : .l‘lycs. l‘h'ysipclus. Itch, Scurl‘s, l)l.\'C()ll)l‘flll()llS of the Skin, llumors and Diseases of the Skin of \\'h:\.t.c\'c': name ' ormntnrc, are literally dug up and carried ' out'ol’ the syStem in a short time by the use of these Hitler's. ' ' Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are cfl‘cctuully destroyed lllltl removed. Nu system of medicine, no vermil'ugcs, no nu. llxolxuinities will free the system from Worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, hiymmg orold, married or single, at. the dawn of we .umuhood. or the t: n of life. these Toni. noblemon of' modern Home; at man -wheso rurc tbr‘liino in life maybe 15 (1,6 only {attributed more to npeciar genial magnetism of natural social char."le ter than to his possession (funny trunscendnnt abilities. But. not all titled patri‘cizms cam Show sol‘uir ll patentsâ€"Isl. 1". Graphic. â€"--‘M0 .â€"â€"--~â€"â€"â€"« . Du. EgiBLE’SflESTlMONIAL, Two Frueltoned 1" Ton Family Sew 1,560 Gold mid 5 \er er Hunting W North from bill) U $300 0 h 1 Gold Chains, Silvcr~\'-'urc, Jewery, £50.. 8'9. Number of Gifts, 10 000 ./ . Tickets limitcd to 50,000 1’ KEYAGENTS WAKTED lo sell Tickets. 10 when) kiluzral Premiums will be 1‘ Single Tickets : Sir: ‘I (~20; '1‘n'eutr‘suï¬ve 52‘0. Circulars contal 'I a in 1 list if {ion of the manner of drawing, and o one really requiring 720 perâ€" sonal instruction. No one, however mas/clued, z‘nexpm‘imzflzl, mrvous, or II_, .,_, . v. 810; Twelve 'l‘icgc-t: feeble. canfail to work it with pleasure I and: enfe‘rc Success. Awarded twenty- ' illf()§'i‘.\1 in reference to the Distribution, will be sent loony A1! lctlcrs must be eddrcsd to I... one ordering them. MAIN OFFICE, 101 W. Fltâ€: St. Mn. JAMES L l’Emes, Manufactuil “N'eï¬ï¬l‘i‘lf’rizes m “ma-rm: and the lug Chemist. ’ , u ID S1ll,â€"FOI‘ several . months past I ' V have used yogrï¬gï¬p 01mg 6%,???) in dustry Exhibition in Jlï¬ch.v'gan. l). SFNE, Box 86, Cincinnati. 0. 1 iploma of Ifouor ot‘fhe Art and In- tde “salmon “INPNEI “513’ November 29. 1873. 29431.1 :- 37; 5“ 5 a. I Bitters display so decided an influence 111a Broncnxm, and other affections of the 3 II .5 ,_., , .ï¬ â€˜ go; i improveman i,- s.,.,,, ,,c,.c,.,,uhl(._ . a» . .-.1 inns; a has ' JUST- ‘HEDEIVED ! Chest, and have no hesitoLionlu spat- - ing that it; ranks foremost amongst the remedies usedin those diseases. _ Cleanse the Vitintcd Blood when ’ ever you find its impurities bursting througl "‘the skin in Pimplcs, Eruptions, or Sores; "cleanse it when you lind it obstructed um‘: HA 1’le [.1 Till}: O.‘ ' - chg nixexcellenigneï¬j'uus Wm?) H 2?“ XS; "- sluggish in the veins; cleanse it. when it: in exerts a. direct influence on the ncrv- I _ I, « . I, foul; your Itpoliugs will tell you when. Keep ‘(1 through it; it- il)\'igOl‘~ .33.: . IthIliIIlilIlpde,pure, and the her.th ol .h(:.syslczl: ' I : I? . . .... ~- “‘1 o 'on‘, - “ms the b0d3’- . ,_ , II .,,;_ .â€" E I . , - ’n.=1n.,ggre_non.mn & cm. _ " r 1- . . q I '. . _ ‘ , - fir“: ‘ : ï¬D'ru mmmu '61-'11. }\’_{:Ls..S:\u Francisco. Cnlil‘orull it mf’m db m0 Pleasulo to Iccom ' .1 BY THE SUBSCR‘BERS' .3 E , ‘ _ ,Iozidiltu‘. ot"\Voahiu;nounull()lmrltou Sm" .\'..Y. , Sonya.- :fikll Drizzjglnts and pram-.3. I , .r: ‘1' . . 5 .~ . . . ,E A,“ r n o - .I‘ A‘ \. .‘ I,.H,~W_“.â€" I “1mm†13199995: and Um ~dlllgéllcel ‘0 Illfilgc’gGO‘l “50 0f Prosperllï¬': and 1“ car“ 1017 :‘lilu‘ih 4‘7 >1 Fil-llwl‘de'd’ Diana-cud 52ml Sirigiat mum»: '. ï¬i‘wusï¬iii-zii: antibacmg'ssgaa. \'£esm>t above all, 15-1110 motile“ Of goodluck. to nicot-vsvilh, fOrtitudc any reverse of when so many __\'crl_iscd arc worse o ‘ ' ‘_ - ’I ‘ a... 4...... - . _ Accuracy also-is of much. unporluncc 'forlifne'tlmt m'uy'befallthcm. Iknow tbnuuscless. ' ,1, i i I ,7} ma Iv s' -‘ : {Tl-11?TCELE'BRATED - ' and 8-“1'm’m‘1‘n‘iblomarkmgfl‘l I†'i- » 0.11110.fame-howeverexalted-in "Wick ' fungi? l yours tony; . i' is u l l it ‘ Ell ? l "mm-a n.‘â€".* “in.†'l v. - -v ‘ . . ': ‘ " " -' ‘ '. -' 1 b i , 1 in more, 1c} 111,,qu elxhiuswtom uould .iotpiove none ,II.ZII,SII,EARLEVJIRIN MIDI . . . Ia h I... . Lion, accuracy .in.spee,ch,.,r.oc the transaction or a“"zirs.u «\- Ali done in business musk bridal-oval, for it- is bcl‘rcr to..MQanplIShjpericctâ€", ll umounlsol" work, -.t.l1.an .to« ly o w» A... El ’aoydn ï¬nial}: hut. :in halfdo ten times aswinuolro" Xetfln business 'alï¬â€™lirs, itfis‘ï¬he‘i which even small platters um, nnl w, um. “.lraino‘u D you. uteri in- bulk? d, that; often decidoimenaforlor‘ Vil‘h virtue, I'capcicity d good Conduct ili'othe'r respects, the person who is habitually. i 113001): ‘Cth' . ,". -*"‘“’*~*‘.W‘ oars. i . ‘ , I_.I° J. _ _ 5y}. discouraged mother folds llefli- 'l‘li'cd‘hands‘ at night, and‘fecls it"sh'é backroftcr all,‘doue‘ii'ot'hing, lul- tlioztgll'ého had not: sprnm 'ldlc‘mo: month tzipcc slicilrosc. ,Is ibunolhing “Elmo you'l- liltlohelplcss children how had some one, to come to with all rate cannot be trusted; rumor]: hasl‘lhcirclnldich grich .‘311djOb'ï¬? ls it to be gone over again,‘an‘d':hc thy-us ca-izscr-Iunooynnce and trouble. -... -._....__. (D o... .b’itz Jones (referring lo his; India pcricncc) â€"‘â€"“ 0, yes, websive cruused --“ Pore servant "of rains. got there, 1 ’ “v Aud l to have, some terrible. aï¬birs - out there â€"â€"'awl †Katyâ€"“‘0, yes.†Fitz- I'JcIn'es ï¬lled rally eaten. up by a. cigengancl the pore fellow limra‘ilydiedzebwonï¬y- Jones still wondered why Kw s 'oï¬j [four "hours afterwards." A‘ï¬tlil‘FibzI when; 3 ) f .4.» a I I nothng ’ lhat. yo,ur:'IIhusbund feels “for.ch leien he is away to his busi- incs's, because your careful ban“ "’ di- {rects eWr‘thing abboiï¬o ? Is it. noth- ing, when his-business is over, um he has the 1.11;: Ied rcfluge oflnome, which Youbnuol in clay done your. boat. to "rigliteï¬â€™a l‘cï¬no'? x 011,?w'eary and fait-bï¬ulngothbr 1’ you little know your 0179:; when you say, f‘l here done min I wâ€"r - Willi???“ Xi’ukWEW; I , ‘ o o. a‘ “. try,"- 9.?) .3‘4 ‘._,' El l .,. _ 3‘31- ~â€"'T-hcre,is a. book-in- whic’h a. Wrelwreeotdï¬ chamhi's- is. ;witten ’ R‘ew seasons welding die-noon, St. ilohn, N. B.,Jauuai:y, 1868. , , 3 .1110 light-runnlngond far-famed} I III'I {stasis-5m £3230. I IA? ‘{ ut.;"§§§’tcréltivé; ~ . l. \IV Ii ,I. ' Viola Flero‘illuooiored "Japano, In Italy n invhalld lady wag appor- ently dying,..iu 313.1011) Joint; gyï¬tg Uuperccived, the poop o of the) Heuse had placed at her feet-two stdpéï¬b‘ot- tles containing hot Water: "Shellï¬sh ' awoke to the agony of he‘rburniug. 'BF having no power to speak-mi. ,mQVw, she could give uo-fsign. .,,,§hIo ascribes her preservation, to this. fearful recto? l?“fl’9“‘f°l’f 17' u rative. ‘Lameness ensued, and holes ' i still rcmainfi'fi' her'i'ibct. A distill--l ' - ' ï¬loyu'ne Wanna; Bygone. n.“ .t 1.x om Gore mam. Ears: more. i " own- outh 5:: Lo. 9., 1, '1 m. guished physician ionco,rectowired,alE 5.3 p, v v -. I II inatienthy rushingio‘akilckeurubblel ,‘ï¬li’ll‘zi'b , . - _. ,, he hac noticed.,:1iémled ' flat-irons. . .H. -m- .. N, - ' . r. ‘.7 M ' These be hastily plied, rcisingmni- ,' “3° ‘â€'â€â€˜â€œâ€œ"iâ€â€l .. l .. . . 11.,2'10919'1111 @4074?†Wk.- ‘13" Grand medlatclyn Misti; wlaic‘ ’ivésisu 3 "j “m†’7’": " i Qf Marit .Cot- :Vtcnm. posed to hare'Isayeï¬l fill «pullont‘fsgllï¬o. 2:; , u A wworligdby ï¬andpr'If‘oo't on Pager.qu ' . I l '_ u I H l i_ I ‘When aireu‘ingirriés‘a’boééess'dobs: . I 1 'MI ,. , 3,, ,,» ,_-g .-; ,w- i 7 5." -1'WARES 3‘ co" ,' “boat/Elie be? ‘Ifcr bewilufer verse? " < ! v ammo... April} 15,48?wa l ’E ‘- 5 ' l v~ Lu .v viii -, l i.1.’f') ;- 0"" , ~r. hut. {succinct-1.1.