Mr Wallace. seumded Mr Efleflvy, mow-d that. the commissioners, of Db- trict No. 1 be naï¬ï¬ed 1n examine the mud petitinm’d for by Ezra Clubine and twecnty- one others, and also that petitioned far John Cuber and twenty one others. and re- port to_t_hg_next meeting of {his Cmncil. Mr Wallace. seconded hv Mr Ellerhy. thatthe Reevehc instruoted to have the Tawnship Ha“. slnhie and shed. insured to the amount of $800. and that he sign the necessurv pahem and the seal of the Cm-pm ration be affide thereto. and that the Tree snrer be authorized to pay the sum “$13.50 therefor. cuuzunll «nu “n; "illage nl‘ Richma'nd Hiannd Hunt the Cler inform ï¬lm Council of Richmond Hill of (he action of this Council in 't'he matter. By-Law No. 302 was then passed appoint ing Dulce Jarret, of the Village of Teflon, pound 'keppar for (he current year. __ ll nn 1 . . ‘. _- ' Mr Ellerhy. semnded byJMr Wallace. 'mnvod ï¬nal the Tvmsm'er ‘m and is hereby instructed to pay 1!†foi'owing amounts for charitable mxrposes : To John Langmtf. for Jane ESpev. $5 per quarter. Thou. Whiny. lam, for Mrs Ostvr, $8 per quarter. commencing ï¬â€˜om ls! January l874. mi that the ï¬rst two quaflers be payable foflhâ€" ' Mr WaHm‘c. swung?! by M; was, “10de that the petitions nTJohn McCaHum. W. C. Renmnn' and W. Pnflersnn for “I! appointment of CoHecfnr. he ieft over If“ the next meeting of this Comm“. The Council then adjourned to maet on Tuesday, the l4th init. at 10 a.m.â€"Ioono~ mist. wiflh Mr Ellerby, seconded by Mr Wallace, moved that this council petition thl Liam.- Governor in Council. asking permission to Fxpend the amount now to be receive}! from the Municipal Loan Fund, as may seem best suited to the interosts of this Township, nnd that the Reeve be authorized to Sign and nflix the seal 0" the Carpal-alien lo the said petitiun. Mr Wallace, seconded by Mr Ellerhy, moved {hfl the Reeve be authorized to 0b- min a lega] opinion as in the proper division of assetsror Ilinbiliï¬os betweml the Corpora- tinn of We Township of Vaughan and the Mr, Eller‘hv. snmnded by Mr. Wallace, moved‘tlml 1'he pm‘hmasler of No. 26 be insfï¬lch‘d 10 she that the alder-cad to Richmond Hill statlon be not obstructed. Mr EHerbv. seconded bvr Mr"'w}i1;}:e, moved that the Treasurer he and I! hereby z'urlmrlzed to pay Michael Lellis the sum of $10. hoing two thilds of his loss for sheep kiHed hv dogs. ank. The following applications for “I. 0598 of Collector, forlhe west half of township were presented: From W, C, Reaman, Jno. McCallun, and Wm. Patterson Mr Wallace, seconded by Mr Ellerby. mnved that n statement he submitted to the Council Mite next. meeting. showing as neur- l‘y ns pnssihle all the expenses connected with the disputed townline in the 2nd Com, between the Townships of Vaughan and xv: BALLoU‘s MAGAZINE won Ann..â€"Publiuh- ed by Thomes 37 Talbot, 36 Bromï¬eld Street, Boston. The April number of this popular journal of literati-1m is- isauod, and’ia fully oqunl to any (but has appeared. There are illustration 0‘ popu‘hr whine“. and yet the prico in only $1.50 per year, or l5 centsa single number, and each subscwiber who sent}: a car’s lub- scriptno-n receives 3 puefly liule hromo of considerable value as an ornament. The April number contains the following lint of Contents: “ April Showers †" The Aplet- 'The following petitions were progen‘ed : From Robt. Wilson nod others, asking the council to appoint Duke J errett pound keep er, at the village of Teston. From 'Thoa- Wilby and eighteen others, asking ad for Mrs Oster, indigent. From Barnan Lyons and ten others, to grant aid as mud to Jane Espey. From John Cober and 22 others, to establish a portion of road on lot 38, 13: Con. Vaughan. From Ezra Clubine and 21 others, asking a. grant of money for the purpose of opening out the 3rd com, between lots 33 and 35 inclusive. yx;" “ Sponges; " “ Rome;†“ Captain Alick’s Legncyf’ “ Missions ;" “ What came of the First oprriI;" “ The Song of Spring†" A Tragxc Incident of ‘ Nor Welt' 0hnling;’ ‘Grnndmotber’s Dream;’ “ Freo- dom;" “ An Unfortunale Match" “ AI- acreontic:" “ Alter Many Dnys;" “ She was a Widow;†“ Bended Twigs Ind Straight Saptingsz" " Mrs Cam_eron_’l Expgrimentf’ The Reeve read I communicntton from the Reeve of York Townehi in reference to the distribution of the unieipnl Loan Fund. Also e communication from the council of the village of Richmond Hill, in reference to the settlement of the mete or liabilities of the Township at. the time of" seggration. *‘ Clanâ€" Tartan: and Plaids;" “ Tho Din- mend Crescent 1‘" " Right or .Wronp." " Miseramle Honesf’ “ Our Young People'a Story Toflex~Lelia Grey; or, Twice an Oh phnnf’ “ How Dick and Gerly became in' dimm" “ 'Yes 1nd Nof’ “ Ruthven’l Pug. zle Page;†“ Curio“ MANEIG;" “ The Housekeeper-g" “Fact: and Fancieq†"The First Day of Aprflâ€"(Bumorouu Pictuemâ€) The minutes of last meetiqu we" nod And conï¬rmed. The above Council met at the Town Hp" on Tue-day, the 1011: ML, at 10 sun. The Reeve in the chair._ Members prenatâ€" Mg‘s‘sn Wallace and Ellerhy. OTTAWA, March 30.-â€"-Rie\ was won in this afternoon as a member of the House of Commons. by Mr Pntrick, Clerk of the House. His name studio. the rolljust before that of Messrs Ha. I and Currier, who were sworn in Ilsa. ' that the Goverment had allowed this to be done spread like wildfire, and intense excitement prevailed. ‘A oompany of1 the Foot Guards were ordered out, who} mounted guard over their armour! while another detachment of them Ind“ arms were kept in the Parilment Bum- ings, were they could not be seen. The galleries tonight are and the greatest curiosity is displayed-I to whether Riel will venture to talre his seat or not. Citizens who have hitherto been strong supporters of the Reform Government, are indignant that Riel should have been worn in with the con- sent of the Premier and the men who. a short time ago, called so loudly for his blood. It is generally believed that Riel is at present, and has been all the after- noon, somewhere in the building: and even at present in one of the gal‘erios in disguise. A bold thief entered the branch of the Royal Canadian Bank in Hamilton, on Mon day and very adroitly stole the sum of $4,000. with which he made his escape un- observed. No clue to hip whereabouts has been obtained. A fresh dispute has arluen between Eng land and Turkey in Labej, the Turkish troops having taken a person prisoner who wu un- der English protection. England uh for his immediate release, but up to the proleni this request has not been complied with. An amicable solution of the diï¬culty in ex- pected shortly. NEW LITERATURE. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. ml in Ottawa- And to main tho cuminu-d puma".- ¢fflu Ion-mom 0.! hi. Prod-cellar. bv unen- doa to Unit mm. and nailing :- chap n It i~ pol-iii. 10 do. FLOUR. BRAN. SHORTS SEASONABLE GOODS Suit-bl. for the trade of Ri:hmond Hill. and willnlwnyl onduvor {oh be up to All. time- wi| DOMINION TEA HOUSE HE Subscriber Ink» this opportunity of to- mruilg hi: sincere flunk- eojli- numorou- {ti-ml. for their Liberal l’uronngo whilo occu‘ pying the atom known on the " To: Clo-t." Richmond Hill. Ind took! “no that be h;- nold out Ml intro“ in than thou Eclnhli-hmem to Mr C. SHEPPARD. and would bot-pod |h0ir wall-p 3nd upper! for hil 'I4'ctll0f. ALEX. M00012. THE TEACHEST STAPLE AND FANCY FAMILY GROCERIES ! And that for CASH he will ull decidedly Cheap to thou who may .nd the Banach. Kin Williun Frederick III, who we. den- co in. Fnden'ck Wifliam I, and hi. wife Sophie, liner of George II of England. The umber of George I III Sophie. daugh' ter of Frednick. Elector of the Pnlatimte, and Elinbeth, daughter of James I of Eng- lnnd. Thu! In the present Imperial fumily‘ of Rani. there in a blending of the blood of the Stunts with tint of the Bohenzollernfl WINES AND LIQUORS. THE PEOPLE'S STOhE II u not ‘0 be anon howl: th: Ibo Du of Edinburgg and is with are hath in some degree fro. the Stunt. Nichokl, cut of Rania. mlm'ed Chalet“, oldut daughter of the Pruuitn King willhm_l'rqderick III, who you 71299-2 CANNED FRUITS , Ground Coffees Ge Spices. P. G. SAVAGE no on PAPER, Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. w- Cnll and examine before purchuh‘g olaewhere. N reference to tho .bovo tho Snburilu he‘- (0 nylhn! he will hop I largo and fresh neck of FAVOR HIM WITH A CALL GOOD SMART BOY tO‘ learn tho . Hiram Businm. We In" t lute and varied mortmont sxoum as THAT m: HAS ON Eu than on hand a "plea stock of A Large and well ulcctod flock of Richmond Hill. Jan. 14.. 1874. w. H. mans. moi-ad mu, m. 14,316 5m 111mg," Cod Fish and Labrddhr Herring. GOODS Dzrn'mm. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. In“ Hill. Feb. 19. l874. anocmnxns, FISH! RICHMOND HILL. CHANGE PARO’ELS DELIVERED.- Gmmiw, {'11 RICHMOND HILL‘ YONGE STE IET. ’. G-. SAVAGE v » Cannot be equalled FURNITURE Alwalargeatodcqf and Jellies. WANTEDl and Patty 0F HANDS All) Appiy to kc. J am: Glass @gximltnml ï¬lmptemmm. SEEDS! $5 TO $20 A]; 182‘Adelaide Street East. UR Chwmn. “ The Little Florists,†u bnmuif'u‘ Parlor l’icture. l7x22 inches, is sum neu w .m. who favor us wilh orders to the amoum of ï¬ve dollnrl. WU .LU '40-‘41 Agents wanted ! All classes of working people. of eilher sex. mung or old. make more money at work for us in their spurt moments, or all the limo. than at anything claw Particulars free. Address » G. S'S‘INSON a (30., Portland, Maine AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTs! GARDEN AND FLOWER FIE Seeda Sent by Mail to all parts of the Domin- ion. Sand for (Iumogue. which we mtil gratis oull whu wish . MASH BRBTHBRS 8. BOWMAN, SEEDSME}?! 7 CARRIAGE BUILDER, Fitted u in ï¬rst-class style. and (but ho in “0w pupth lo take all kinds of pictures in the latent styles of the nrt. THOS. B. CUUPLAND, PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, Oj- Remember the place nearly oppon’lc Sandersom’ Drug store. THOMAS B. COUPLAND, PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED. Richmond Hill Feb. 26, ’74 Photographâ€; 1) any num‘nerâ€"nolexcoedingthreelmndrad dollars by any one depositor,) will b‘e re‘ceivod atthe Richmond Hill Post Oï¬iceJol‘ which Gm‘r’ernmemwilhllow Interest. 79-“ MONTREAL TELEGRAPH coMPANY. RICHMOND HILL nEPOSITS 810 Oï¬icellou rs: fro'm‘ 61:30 A.I‘L.t09:30 Lu.- May 4,1869 563-†NE W GALLERY! N returning his sincere thank: u his friends . and prawns for DISK favor: would respon- fully intimate that he has now Kathie VANADIAN ILLUSTRATEE NEWS. ‘ ‘A weekly journal of Curr: Al Events. Lile'nmre. Science and Arts. \gricuhure and Mechanics, Fashion and AILJsement. Sod at 10¢ a number at the HIRE-Lb Book Sto‘re' “,“Vln'. 'l‘narv is Govo‘rnm‘ont Atomror he sale of ESEED STORE! GRICULTURAL WARE HOUSE ENLARGE!) I P. 0. SAVINGS BANK; HARVESTING TOOLS . RICHMOND HILL, ‘ Begs to announce to the. Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighoorhoor’ that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the F’olparticularsapplyto Fine Nev» Hearse {01 hire, Fur. Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1873. CHARGES MODERATE. g. «a. @epnrtmmt. The largest selection of TORONTO MARRIAGE LICENSES. ALSO AGBN'I' rot ï¬n.- £110tngmphy. In the Dominion. UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, All Work to be AND AND M. TEEFY.Fo‘afm&fler WM. RENNIE, OSHAWA, Ont. Tonono. 0n. ER DAY. Snore. ONTARIO HOUSE N R I'Z'T‘U R ‘Jl NG THANKS F0 K A ub‘T FAVORS. Wand intimate lo his friends and [he Public that lmhus now on hand a ï¬ne assmtmem nf Boots, Ovarshoes, and Rubbers, Whidl ho will sell as clmup “any retail home in 'l'oronlu. Just look at prices and compare with other lmuaes. BEAUTIFUL SUEMIS AND TEAS SCHOOL REQUISITES AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE CURRANTS & RAISINS Choice Tobaccos, Codï¬sh, White Fish, Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, 30 cts. per gal., The best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Oatmeal,Corn- meal, Buckwheat Flour, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. ‘ Remember the place, Corner of Yongc and Centre St. opposite Sanderson d: Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. HlGHEï¬T MARKET PRICE PAID GOODS DELIVERED. A Call from all Solicited WhICh r Slrength and flavor will be found equal to any house in the undo. Funeral Furnishings, Cofï¬ns and Caskets in every style. u ‘ OR TH E BLOOD IS THE LIFE.â€â€" Seo Deuleronomy, chap. xii, vane 23 CLARKï¬â€™S World Famed Blood Mixture. Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture." For cleansing and clearing the blood from ulljmpurites, cannot be too higth recomman‘ dvd . For Scrofula. Scurvy, Skin Diana. and Sores of all kind: it is a never-[oiling and per- manent cure. ‘ It cures old amen. Cures Ulcerated Sore: 0n the Neck. Cures Ulcbruted Sore Leg- Cures Blackheads. or Pimp!» on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerons Ulce‘fa. Cures Blood and Skin Diiollbi. Cures Glandular Swellinze. Clears the Blood from all impva miller, From whatever cuties aliHill’. As this mixture is pleasant to (lie taste. and ,wananted free from anything injurious to the ‘most delicate constitution ole‘it'her lei, the Proprietor eclicm sufferers to give it atrial to lost its value. Thousands of teï¬li‘r'nouiala from a" Mrâ€. Sold in Bottles 2s 3d each. and in Gas“. containing six times the quantity. 118 eachâ€" au‘ï¬i‘cient to effect a permanent cure in me- grenl majority of long standing "ax-88.8Y LL (:HE'VIIS’I‘S and PATENT MEDIC N E VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor. F. .l Cl.£RKE,Chemist,g APUTHECARI‘ES' HALL. LINCULN. ENGLAND. ') Moï¬lfaal.â€"Evnns.Molcer and C... Wholesale I “ Dru’gg'ists. Lymans, Chi. and Co. 'l‘vrol'uo â€"Elliouand Co . Wholesale Drug- , " gists. Simpler and Ownn. HamillmLâ€"Winner and Co. Halifax -Avery. Brown and Co Mme" Sfoga Boots, loom $2.50, to $3.25 “ Imp “ 3.40, to 3.75 “ Shoe Packs “ 2.50 to 2.75 “ Felt Overslwes ‘f 1.40, to 1.65 Women: Pebble “ 1.50, to 2.25 “ French Calf 130919, 2.00, to 2.40 “ Felt ()ucrshocs,j’rorh 1.25. to 1.60 Burgoyne, Burbidges and (30.. Colmnï¬â€˜ éfrbet London. Newbery and Sons.37 Nowgate StreeI.Londdb Barely! mid Sons, 95 Farlingdon Street. Lori! Sungfelgnd Sous. Oxford Sfieét London. AIM an the Lo‘udon Wholesale Houses Jan. 20m , 1874. ISQELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- Mr John Brown, IOLD PENS, PEN§0LDEgs,_4ND‘ bio for pmseml in! Eliciaâ€"lit“; Boo! Bgncii Eases'nl the Hum) Book Shin 1n the Grocery large Walnut: All Isma- or FARM PRODUCE TAKEN’ AGENTS IN CANADA. Rubbers, FULL SUPPLIES EXPORT AGENTS‘: Fine new Fruit. All) THE I County Engineer. Draftsman &c.i Surveys. Plans, Deecriplions, Reports, Plans of bridgas. Speciï¬uulions. Forms of contract. Security Bonds, lu: . execalod with nealness and despuleh. No. 4 Trust and Loan Buildings, Comer of Adelaide and Toronto streets. TORON TO. U chm, Conve'yancers, &.c., aw... Oriana-No. 56, Church Street. Toronto, nu! door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. Bung NIONVILLE. Basses run in connection with each train. Commodiouu Sampi‘o ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" rally be found at home from 2 to 3 a'clock. p m. John Elliott Lungstaï¬' is Iuth- oriud to collect accounts. RIBEMIINB HILL MIhLS! FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED] S.JAMES,- PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYER, Countv Engineer. Draftsman 5m. GEORGE dc DAVID BIRRELL Parties fnvoring‘ us with grists may rely ona good return and well manu‘actured. Ranging in price from 30 cents pint lb. upward; R Horses in‘d Volï¬ï¬lesvfb‘f hire. Cï¬arg'ea mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson Ga 861'". JOHN BROWN. Pyopriawr. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14'. '72. 751-3m ‘ ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. D King Street. East; Toronto. R. A, ï¬nhnimuï¬ c. r.- can. Tnou‘n‘t qus, Q.C. W . A Fos'rlm. CHAm‘Ju Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDOE Toronto. Doc. 4, 1812. 750;“ Fainting; Tï¬E sï¬Bs'CRI‘BEK 31309 “M NOT’L f}' the public that he has rd’wi‘hmenced Toronto July 28. 1873 â€"â€" x THOS. HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24. l873. 7! If: an its branches. ï¬nd from his experience, careful attenlion, and moderate charges. he hé'p'es to receive a share of the public patron. age- All orders by mail promptly attended to. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID 1'08 “HIST. '18 L E S 0 CI E TY DEPOSITORY ‘ Rmmnond Hill branch) at the HERALD P vol Store; February 40:. 1873. ‘2 Good Agents requil‘ed to canvaés Markâ€" ham and Van han with 9 new and what will he a very popu ar hook None but live busi- nnsu me‘ï¬â€˜ engaged. Exclusive territory. Apé piy at (ha Herald Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill Flour Mina. Oct 15. 1873 E6 to infurmjlflerchanu Bukors & Farmers ! that they have always on hand a large stock of HARRISON. ass-ma a; moss, zAggfs'gERs,_&c., ï¬ds. 9's AND 38 BLAKE &. KINGSFORD, ABRIS'ILERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- TATIONE'RY OF ALL KINDS AT unuary 8; 1873 HOUSE PAINTING x ICHMOND HILL ,LIVERY STABLE S . A. WRIGHT. the Hunt“: Book Store. Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. LT! AMES. TOYS, .m, FOR SALE AT the HERALD Book Store. GENTS WANTED; A LARGE STOCK OF fy the public that he has rd’wi‘hmenced business at. v. JAMES LAN GS‘I‘AFF, the HERALD B'ook Store. wmumw, Also a ï¬ne assortment of ;Union House. TEAS, JOHN LUMLEY, Church St" Markham Village. R. E. Kmasroan. NLA. 759- l v 7t4-tf 755-6m 797 [1 mumn, at $6 per IOO feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. Pails.Ci=der Mills. Washing Machinesï¬hinglu Waggon] Fellowsmnd anberSawedto order Farparficnfars address 1â€" tmct'nq of the AngloAmoriCnn Hotna by ï¬re. the subscriber! has taken and ï¬tted up those large and commodioua premises belong- ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Mean. Speighl & Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation aHorded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in comtscliou with tho hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. D. T. WOOTEN. Sept. 4, 1872. 7374f A he’ u'ï¬l'ul choice lot to be cleared out at greatly reducled prices at the Central Store Wm. ATKINSON. One 303' of C; arke’é IE 41 Pills IS warranted to cure all distharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex acquired or constitutional, Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 43 6d ench,by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Burgoyne, Barb‘idgos and Co . Colman Street Lb‘nddii. . ‘ Newberv and Sons. 37 Newgnto St.. London. Barclay and Son. 95 Farringdon St . London Sanger and Sons. Oxford St.. Lbndon. And all the London Wholesale Houses. Sole proprietor, FIJ; CLARKE. APOTHECARIES’ HALL. LINGOLN. ENGLAND. MontreaI.â€"Evans Mercer and Co., Who‘esaié †Druggists, Lyma'hs Clare and Co. Toronto.-â€"Ellio(t and (70., Wholesale Drug “ giats. Shapte: and Owen. Hamilton .â€"Win6rhand Co. H Hulifux.â€"Avuy. Bfown ï¬nd Ca‘. REMN ANTS OF DRESS GOODS. Barn. Stables, Driving House. Piggery. .&c. Constantsupply of good water for house, as well u a ï¬ne Spring Creek running across the land. the whole being almost enclosed by a New Board Fennel Terms Liberal and pose ession will be given immediately. Further particulars cm be had by applying to BOG US MEDICINES. .HOLLO WAY’S PILLS AND ‘ OINTMENT. I HAVE for a é‘onsideruble time nes't éonsidered it to be mv duty to adVertise the public of the British Nouh American Provinces against buy- ing from unprincipled dealers medicines em- unating from New York. and sold as my “ Hoilowny’s Pills and Ointment.†in nihiéh much ingenuity he! been displ‘ayed in passing them oï¬â€˜ as o! my make. it is very difï¬cult indeed to attempt to enumerate the r’ném'y de'v vicea' to Which the parties haye he'd resource. They say, amongst other min 8. that a new label has been adopted by I am. and with bare-faced efl'rontorv caution the public ngï¬ina‘t being deceived spuériou'e imitations ‘ I t ‘1' .- A'poor mu by fho flame of Hollow’my is em loyed by the solcalled Chemical Campdny Tn ew York. who lands his name for g†small weekly sum. The medicines sdd by, {big Company are pa‘lr‘nod ofl' upon the p’pbli’c as my " Hollow‘oy’e Pills‘and Ofl'u'ment.†so that were they to injure hdlf tho c’ommunity no discredit would {all niyon tlw fabricators oflhess comgounds. hm Wonlé cohsiderably damage the ropï¬'tati‘él‘l of ypy make. . ... n 88 Acres Cba red.16 of which are seeded down in Wheat; remainder in good Standing Tin. bar. As it. is nbt at ellvnecossary for this CREW t6 incur any expense in the sale of their prodnéF tions._or to a Very limited exe nt (trading as they do upon my name). they are in’ a position to offer them at a very low price in Canada; where they are purchased by e few Wholesale Houses that I can name, and will name here- afier, ifthw continue to v'Pnd the same 'N CONSEQUENCE OF THE HES- ‘N HTHIN Three miles of the Village of Thornhill, and‘ ï¬vo minutes walk of N orthorn Railway Slauon. being on £114! Hnlf - qu0t 6. Thin! Cam, in the Township of Vaughan; Thornhill. Nov. 3,1869. And are located at the North-west corner of lot No. 35, 4th concession of Markham. in a section whore mechanics and laborers can get study work and high wages Applv (if by Enchprepuid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria VALUABLB Richmond Hill. J ans 5. l8 wi’i‘ï¬e follewing are the names and addresses of some of lhe Houses who get my medicines from here direct :â€"-“ Messrs Avery. Brown & Co., Halifax, N.S. Messrs Forsylh & C0,, Halifex. NS. Messrs T. B. Barker & sans; St. John, NB M‘ T. Des Brisay, Che‘rIO’tte Town. P.E.I. Measrs Langley & 00.. Victoria. B.C. Messrs Moore 6L (30;. Victoria, B.C. U Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house, wi lh a bum stables. and other outbuildings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the promise- "- I". CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m lettcr'. prepaid) to Square , or to THE. Pot and Box of my preparation bears the Rritish Government Stamp. wilh tlve words, " Hullawayls Pills and Ointment. London.†(Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. airfard Slrncl. “7. 0., Londonéflzly l , I 3. 785 About My Pills am? \Ymt'ment are sold at the lowos wholesale “at prices. in quantities of not less than £20 \i‘m‘thâ€"viL. 85 Ed†225., 34s.,p9i' dozen bbxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittmmes must be sent in advance. Those medicines are not sold in tho United States. HENRY LEMON. Thornhill, Doc. 31. 1873. 806 t! Patent Eave-trough ND WATEHSPOUTS FOR THE DO VICTORIA March 27. NEW.FRAME DWELLING HOUSE the ,NhyUCAS STREET, RIQHMOND NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. 96 ACRES 0F CHOICE LAND WELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE cheap at the HERALD Book Store. AGENTS IN CANADA.~ House and Lot for Sale, sale a number village of ï¬mmrtg in» 52th:, Village BARGAINS I EXPORT AGENTS. JOHN LAyGSTAEF, SUBSCRIBER The One-1 l 879‘ 'fflh FARM Lots Steam Millserhornhill. Iota contain ZER OFFERS of Village 1015. E SQUARE ! HINGSTON for Sale Dinglu P. 0. 714-1! 510â€".“ '75. situated Acre; FOR THOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, J Undertaker. 6m. RESIhENCEâ€"Nenrlv opposite the Post 0500" Richmond Hill. A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.89. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the HIRALD Boon Sronu. Richmond Hill. FATTENS HORSES, COWS,- CALVEs, Sheen and PDDS. It Fatte‘ns‘ in One-fourth flu usual tame, and saves Food. Price 25 cents and‘ 5H '00 per box. A dollar“ box contains two hundred feéds. FAMILY BIBLES, Sold bv Druggists a‘nd Storekeeper: “95‘ cents per-box: A , . . ,, _ HUGH MILLER 55 (10.. Agricultural Chemists. Toronto: 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees; THE CHINESE GARDER I’CVVDER Desuoys all kinds of insects, Grubs and Cnti érpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. LUNG LIFE PILLS ! TICKS ON SHEER; Usr mum's TICK DESTROYER. It destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of. the web], and improves the condition of ([16 animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep of 35 lambs. ._ HUGH MILLER C0,, AGRICULTURAL CHEMiS'i'l. 167. King Street East, Toront'l". For Sale by Druggist nnd' Storekeépers. R. E. LAW, Agent. Richmond Hill; Fellows’ Compound Si RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHI‘TES.. As alllil‘e-endowed hodieï¬; Wlielherlhov bo' Beast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo-’ phites. and subjects ofjhe Vegetable Kingdom‘ are governor! by rimlfnï¬c, which binds all the springs of eXistence. ï¬nd as nothing can In"? them from destruction when this principle‘ leaves them, \he discovery of means whereby vilalitv may be sustained in the living bodyin‘ indeed a boon to the world. Modern chemistry has ventilated tho qulld' fion and discovered the ingredients constitu- ting the brain. muscles and nervosmnd ï¬nd! that by introducing these ingredients in prop-r proportions the brain and nervous system If.‘ “roughened. " This. then. is substantially the’ basil 0“ which FELLOW’S Hyporuqum'rls is built.“- ;direct action is upon the Blood. the Briin n“ i Nervous Svstem. and lhe Muscles. Strength ‘ enng the nerves. it causes the rapid' distribu- tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Org-jar | of the Body. _ _.. ... .4. .ur '- April 9. 187.). UI luv uâ€... Rouï¬ng‘h‘ifï¬e S'luggi'sh Heart and Liver. strengthening the action of the Stomach and S{owels and (unablng the Lungs ta be ï¬ll“in- fluted wnh Oxygen. A‘lv . ,, 7%.. lltllOU Wnu Vl‘vauul It is adapted for ALL cases of Wenknosa and†Emacintimj,whother arising from sodont'arf er. at‘ropical(:ï¬mate.lfrom fever or debility m4_4 ._ n..-..-- < um. (I u Ur.“ from anv cause,and'i's eï¬icncions in Panto} may CONSUMPTION. many cbnï¬rmod CIIOI' having been cured and all beneï¬ued. whore it. use has bean continued our a fortnight. A n, 7, ‘A ubv Ilac .my" in Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Astth it gives relief when overv other remedy faill. For Nervous Debillty it standsAunrivnllod, and may be used willi conï¬deIme in all cases, As this is entirely distinct and dlï¬'erent'frour everv other preparation of vaophosphit‘u,-b¢. careful to ask for FELLOWS’ SYRUP, and uh noolher; SOLD BYVVAJjOIH‘ECARIER A... rn Sheep and Pups. mm 31155211 mun. atamt Emaiciueï¬, CATERPILLARS E’riEe; sis’o: Six for $760. FOR JAMES l. FF! LOWS,C|Ion£~t St Joan. I'll B. E. LAW. Druggiat, Richmond Hill.