RICHMOND HILL Ill AN]! noon TAMI!!! Surfacel’lanedjn Short Notice WOrda 3 Soliciled. . :4 If RichmondiEill. Feb. 18. 1874. 813 If GOOD AND CHEAP! Richmond Hill. “ lumber Tungued, Grooved. Single 8: Double Harness Fifth (Jon. of Markham. mmm on “no promises TWO DWELLâ€" ING HOUSES. A LARGE B:‘\RN,axId om Buildings, all in good ordor; also nu excellâ€" enl n v 5- You-onion given of Farm, In of April. of Sawmill. Ill November mxt. MAG-ER & QUANTZ! PRU NE LLA BOOTS 1 mile from Nipissing Railway Station, at Unionuille. A SUPERIOR LSTOCK! Flll mm PBIYBLBGB 8. Wm W. H.MY.ERS BOOTS & SHOES AMI-clan owning for factory. Situated on a gravel ioad. only Grand Clearing Sale! Willa-u his Men‘s Slogn new; $2 25, hi- WOIMfl'l l’ebb'e Bvoxs, SI. 25. and all olhor goodnflequfllv an low. in fact I am determined In M II vi lingo. 'l'llolnrgost,1lm latest, and H10 mast compro- hnns‘ive fur {he money yr! publnnhgd: JUST 0UT.n new and baaulifully colored To every intelligent vomr who wishes to un- dual-“d the " silualion.†with regard to rail. wnyn Ind mher émpnrlnnt territorial inn-rosin. mi: map is mdanpenuibla. Agents who take hdd of it in earnest and immediately, will reap In good harvang mould send lnr Iorms. and am. where they saw lhil ndverlisment. JAMES CHURCHILL. Tonoxro. Toronto, Mnrch l7, 187$ SITâ€"Qm, aEV viii Gm"! Dwean Hoqu and Out- buildings. just “Inside the Richmond Hm Cor- poration. And - A FARM i]? 69 AND A HALF AflRES Being part of loll 3 nud 4, Int .0011. Township of Uxbrldge. Apply M IMMENSE BARGAINS MESS! HKIHB’SS? Harness ‘Fob, 1%!le AI cun he got elsewlmro. Richmond Hill. Foh. ll, ’73. J. BROWN HAS NOW ON HAND 8w Sahel: Choice Seed Oats; ALSO. Clover. Timnthy and Flax Seed, all kind: If bid and Garden Suds. so. hated and Imported by the Belt Agricultural Men in the Province. Richmond Hill. March 4,’74. J. BROWN. 315-2“) Richmond Hill. Fob. ll . 1874. For 65 cts. per Pair, at; General Blacksmith Machinist Horauhoeing Thomughly, Carefully, ' and neatly done. A share of.patronage is solicited. .50 Richmond Hill. March 95. 1874. 813..“- SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON To Weekly Papers. race-v06 st tho Hunt.» Book Store. Rkhmnnd Hillg ‘1? OF TEE DOMINION, #:01 her Shops sell them (#170 ct JACOB MORDEN. Richmond Hill, Jan. 8, 1874. 3074! iii" muking to order an-d will endeavor to keep on huld W. H. Myers TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. IN Yong. Street. Richmond Hill. alto (on WILLIAM THOMPSON To mike room for the Spring Stock. ACRE. on the cast hglf of No. 16, in the Jobbing done in all its Branches. AGENTS WANTED. Which he will Wurrant to be In ‘. H. MYERS’ RICHMOND HILL. Jaipur Huh: “father house it the least] the MUNSHAW BLACK. SMITH SHOP. Terms Easy. Apply to GEO. RAKIN, Drawer 2560. 'l‘ornnto. JR?“ dl9-3t Farm For Sale. Blinds, Mouldings, Manufacturers of d:c., 61., AND 0F Shingles, Sashes, 812 DOMINION TEA HOUSE ' HE Submriber him: (his oppo rtunily’pi‘ ru- turning his linvore thanks '.o his numerous friends for their Liberal l’alroungo while ocuu- Dying the atom known as the " 'l‘ea Chest," THE TEA CHEST Richmond Hill. and would state that he hm sold out his Interest in the show Establishment to Mr C. SHEPPARD. and would hospoak their pulronngo and support for his succesmr. FAMILY GROCERIES ! ‘ ' 1TH l nmnll nnpilnl to Fe | CAMPBELL’F IMPROVED PATEN'I‘ S I‘l'.A,\» WAS lNh M .CHIN", pl'ict'. $5" 0 Gun rnmo ll lo uiva porfocl natisfnclion, or mum“ rnfuu ed $12 =)-' par day gnumnloed a ti» o Agen ~' ramp e Machine fun-warde on n - c:.-ipt_nf $500 Rugislered Letters may be soul at. my risk. Suitable for the trade of Richmond Hill. and will :lwaya endeavor to be up to the times with Great Bargains SEASONABLE GOODS IMMENSE STE} And hopes m receive the continued patronage of the Customers of bin l’redecrssnr. by nuan- tion to their mm: and selling as cheap an it is pouible to do. H U’ R R A H .’ FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS Spring and Summer NOVELTIES Inc, 850, 65c. “zimon 'Irout, Cod Fish and Labrador Herring. 2,000 AGéN‘Ts WANTED N reference to the uhOVO the Suboerihe begs 10 any that he. wil| keep a large and fresh Mock of gm (Fromm, aï¬mmicsw‘. GROCERIES! “FAMILY PHYSICIAN†V Containing descriptions of diseases and ruhs for their treatment. will he s .m by mail. free ol‘ull chargo,to nnyoue sandinglheir address to Which will be sold cheaper than aver. CALL AND EXAM1NE. . CROSBY’S 818-4 comm DELIVERED. v. c‘hARLl-zs 1c. SHEPPARD. hlnond mu. Feb. 19. 1874. FIRE-PROOF STORE, R. S. S. F_ITCH’S 815v2m CHANGE OF HANDS. DAILY ARBIVING A'l.‘ (ï¬rearm, &r. RICHMOND HILL. Alsoan Immense Stock qf 714 Broadway, New York. RICHMOND! HILL Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, H. CAMPBELL, l’. 0. Box 107, FOR A N OF ALEX. M00 D] E. I. CROSBY. Broclrv‘i ' e. Ont. CARRIAGE BUILDER, 132 Adelaide Street East. garimumnl ginnflcmmtï¬. All classes of working peopTo. of either sex. young .or old. make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the drum than at anything «In. Pnrviculars from. Address G. S'I'INSON «XL (10., Portland, Muino AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTs! FIELD AND EGARDEN S E E D S 2 $5 TO $20 Seedg Sent by Mail to ullparts of (he Domin- :. ‘ A, †ion. ’ UR Chroan f‘ The Little Florists,†3 hnauxifui Parlar Picture. ITX‘ZL’ inch“, is soul free to all who favomns with OTdCI’h m the amoum of ï¬ve dol'ars. GARDEN ANU FLOWER Sand for Catalogue. which we mail grdiu 0 all who wiuh . GHASB mamas a BOWMAN; SEEDSM EN, TH OS. B. COUPLAND, Fitted up in ï¬rst-clues styie. and that ho is now prepared to take all kznds of pnetnru in the Int“: :1)!“ of the an. PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, Remember the place nearly 0 wife Sanderaom’ Drug store. pp PAH) F01! WHEN ORDERED. Richmond Hill Feb. 26, '74 letugraphcr. U any n I'mher-aotexceodingtnroehlindrad dollars hyn y one depositor.) will be received ntthe Richmond Hill Pant Oï¬iceJor which Governmentwillallow Interest. Fo [particularnpplyto NE W GALLER Y! MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. 7794f 819 RICHMOND T POST HILL ., v OFFICE. nEPOSITS 0F ONEUDOLLAR, (on N rntnrninghis sincere thanks to his friends . and patrons fur past favor.» would respect- fully imimnle tha' he has now golhie Ofï¬cehours: from 6:30A.n.to9:30 Lu. May 4,1869 5634f ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEE NEWS. ’ A weekly journal of Cunt-It Events. K’ A weekly journal of Cunt-It Events. Lilovature. Science and Ant. \glicullure and Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sod at We a number It. the Hunt» Book 810n- ‘,*\{n. Tun is Goummont Agonlfor he sale of GRICULTURAL WARE HOUSE ENLARGED ! SEED STORE! . RICHMOND HIIJL, Begs to announce to the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhooc’ that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the HARVESTING TOOLS Fine Ne“ Hearse to: hire, Funeral Furnishings, Cofï¬ns and (fabkets in cgelfy style. Riéhmond Hill, Nov. v A N - A. . O. SAVINGS BANK. CHARGES MODERATE. g. 09. flnmrtmmt. The largest selection of TORONTO MARINA GE LICENSES. ghutngmpï¬g. THOMAS B. COUPLAND, UNDERTAKING 'BUSiNESS, In the Dominion. ALSO AGENT FOR THE All work to be AND AND M. TEEFY.Postmulor. WM. RENNIE, Tonomo. ONT. OR PER. DAY. Agents wnmod! osu AWA, Ont. Boots, Overshoes, and Rubberg, W hich he will éelljs ch‘dnp as guy re mil house in Toronto Just luck a. prich and compare with ollwr Imnves. BEAUTIFUL SUEARS AND TEAS AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE ONTARIO HOUS Mr John Brown, ' lrieuds and Smro. DR. JAEMES LANGSTAFF, SCHOOL REQUISITES Rfcï¬nom) HILL, WILL GENE- rallv he found at home from ‘1 In R M GURRA NTS & RAISINS Choice Tobaccos, Codï¬sh, White Fish,- Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, 30 cts. per gal, The best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked W heat, Bacon, Ilams, Oatn1enl,Corn- meal, Buckwheat Fldur, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and leorts. Which r Strength and flavor will‘ be found aqua! to any house in the trade. up Tm: H1 G u E s T M A R KET PRICE PAID GOODS DELIVERED. A 6311 ï¬-m all isrâ€"esï¬eaflmy Solicilerl I’Rcammber the? p1}: Corner of Yonge aml Crii‘tr’e Stupp'p‘osite Sanderso'nd' Sons, Rip’lnmond HilL. V J. BROWN. e s p011 Tm: mod!) 12% THE mm.“â€" LV h . I ,n. .m '- c L A R KE ’ s . World Famed BlomI’Mixtii‘rc. Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.†For cleansing :nd clearing the blood frorï¬â€˜ all impuritea, cannot be too highly recommen- ded . For Scrofnln. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and‘ Sums of all kinds it is a never-failing and per-r muuent cure. «L ' ll cures old Sores. ' Cures Ulceraled Sores on the Nook. Cures Ulceratod Sore Logs Cures Blackheads, or l’imples on the Facr. Cures Scurvy Sores. » (‘ures Cancerous U|cors. (.‘ures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swollings. Cloarslhe Blood from all impure mutter, From wlmkevar cause arising. As this mixmre is pleasant to the taste. and warmnled free from anything injurionn to the most delicate conszimtion ofeuher sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial (0 (050. its value. Thousands of teslimnuinls from all parts. Sold in Bottles ‘25 3d each. and in (fuses. comaiuing six tlmes tho quantity. [ls eachâ€"â€" suï¬icieut to eï¬'ecl a pox-mane“! curs in the great mnjo 'ly oflnng standing "aseleY ALL ._.‘_. ...n..... ..nn.nvx.n Mens' Sioga Boots, foam $2.50, to $3 25 H Kip _« 3 40, to 3.75 “ Shoe Puck's†“ 2.50 to 2.75 “ Felt Over-shoes “ 1.40, to 1 65 Womens Pebble " “ 1.50, to 2.25 “ French Calf Boots, 2.00, to 2.40 “ Felt ()vershoes,_from1.25, to 1.60 “ Rubbers, “ 50, to 55 ZSH’RW’S'I‘S‘ and "PATENi‘ MEDICIN E VENDORS throughout the world. So'erk’fgnrielquEf J _(‘I!.-\_I{KEJ(_3lâ€"I.emist, AR3THECARHCS' HALL. LiNLULN. ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. jail. 20gb, 1374. Burgpvnq. Burbidges and C0,. Colman street d6“. . Sanger and Sons, Oxford Street London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. Montreal.â€"Evans.MeIcer and Co.. Whoieeale “ Druggists. Lymans, Clare and Co. Toronto â€"Elliottand Co. Wholesale Drug. “ gists. Shapier and Owen. Hamiltonâ€"Winner and Co. Halifaxâ€"Avery, Brown and Co. wLondon. Newbery and 80119.3? Newgate Street.LoDdon Barclpy and Sons. 95 Farringdon Street. Lon- IbCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITE: ble [or plusenll nl the HERALD 110qu OLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND ' pencil uses at thonuLn Book Stow FARM PRODUCE TAKEN See Deuxeronomy, chap. xii, verse '13 In tho Grocery line we? s have Id the Public that ' hand a ï¬ne assunm r AGENTS IN CANADA. FULL SUPPLIES Fine All kinds of Fruit. 1 County Engineer, Draftsman 7 Surveys‘ Plans, Devcriptions. Reports, Plans of bridges. Spéciï¬jzations. Forms of cnmmcl, Security Bands, 6w . eXecmed with neatnusa uhd dospaxch. J, N. BLAKE, BLAKE gig KING’SFORD, I ARRrsTERs. ATTORNEYS, S'OLI- S cixors, ConVeyancers, &c., &c., nrécr;s.â€"¢No. 56, Church Street. Toronto. nex! door north of British American Insurance Buildix‘igs. . a No. 4 Trus! and Loan Buildings, Co‘r'ner of Adelaide and Toronto streets, TORONTO“ UNIONVILLE. ï¬gs. w run in connectibn with each train. Commbdious sample room. BIBHMBNIIELL mus: GEORGE (9; DAVID .BIRRELL ll rally he found at ’home. from o'clock. I’ >Rl. Jollu Elliott Laugslaï¬~ driï¬â€˜d' lu é’olle‘s‘ct a’ mum. Li, FIRST-CLASS FBOUR & FEED! 8. JAMES, f ROVINCIAL LAND SUMMER: Counlv Exminoer. Draftsman Kin, Parlics Favoï¬ng us with grisls may rely on 3 good remrn and well inm11u“acuu-ed. Ranging in price from 30 cents par lb. upward EG 10 ilyforxn"'l\1erc|\nl)ls Bakers «V1. Farmers :h‘a: kfz‘ey have alwnvs on hand a large muck of Hereeg gm'd Vehiéies arm: hifé. vhaiélss rife- deralé. Opposite Sanderson SI, Sons. JOH N B ROWN, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. ’72. 75l-3m ‘ ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the “mum: Bonk Sun-n. .1.) King Slraat' East; Toronto. [1. A. Hannisomq c. F. Osman. ‘ THOMAS Moss, (1.0. W. A Fosfï¬n‘.’ 4‘: CHARLES Moss. W. G. FIZLconikmaI-z Toronto, D'ec. 4, 1872. 750-1! r HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS Tr; NOT}- fy the public that he has re JOHlmODCEd Toronto Juh‘ 28. 1873 THOSAHUN'I‘ER. Proprietor. October 24. [673. 7 ln all its branches. and from his experienre, careful attention, and moderate charges. he hopes (n recaive a share of the public patron- age" All orders by mail promptly attended to. JOHN LUMLEY, Church St" Markham Village. almarv P. 1873. 755-6m February 4th. 1873. HIGHEST MARKET l'RlCE PAYD FOR WHEAT. IBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY ‘Ru'mnond Hill branch)†at the HszD 1‘ 10k Store. Richmond Hi†Flour MIHB, Oct 15. 1873 2 Good AEOIHS required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and whar will be a very popular book None but ï¬ve busi‘ nesa men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Ofï¬ce. HARRISON. OSLER 8a moss“, gAiguIsnj‘E‘Hs, NOS. 36 AND 38 TATI'ONE‘RY OF ALL KINDS AT ’ Aha Emu“) Book Slam. HOUSE PAINTING 1 ICHM’OND“ H‘I’ILL L 1 t? E‘R'Y Family Groceries; I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RtCHMOND HILL. .1 AMES. TOYS, &o., FUR. SALE AT GENTS WANTED. A LARGE STOCK OF fy the public that he has re JOHImBDCEd business at the HmiALu Book Store the HERALb Book Store. ï¬tiï¬mmuwuï¬, Also a ï¬ue assortment of {Union House. TEAS, Painting. R. E. Kmasronn. M.A. yin 59.11! 7t4-lf ‘2 lo 3 is nuthv 797 11 MINION, at $6 per 1001061. Also Floor inghnd other Lumber Dressed :1 Skip Buckets, Pails.CiderMms.Washing- Mnéhilyésï¬hingles Waggon Fences. anJ'Ll'I mberSaViedto order Forparticulars address ‘ ‘ JOHN LANGSW‘AFF‘, \ Sham Mills,ThornhiH. I tru'clinn of the Anglo American House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. 'l‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speigh! & Son’s Novelly Works. ’Markham. Excellent acrommodatmn afl'm‘ded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connection with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. ~ A her‘zlif'ul choice lot to be cleared out at greatly reduced prices at the Central Store Or_1e Box of 01 arkc’s 41 Pins IS warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex acquired or constitutional, Gravel and Pain: in Ihe Back. Sold in Boxes, 45 6d all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. ‘ A Burgoyne. Burbidges and Co . Colman Street London. Ne‘vherv and Sons. 37 Nowgate St.. London Barc‘av u-w Sun. 95 Farrinudon St , London Sanger and Sons. Oxfmd Stu Londun. And all lha London Wholesale Houses. APOTHECARIES' HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Montreal.â€"F.vans Marker and (70.. Wholesale “ Druggisls. LVIIIans Clare and ('o. Torontoâ€"Elliott and (70., Wholesale Drug “ gicls. Simple: and Owen. Hamilton .«Winer and (‘0. llalifax.â€"Avers. Brown and Ca. Burn. Stables, Driving House. Plggerv. 6m. Callstantsupply of guod wuiar for house'. a.- well as a ï¬ne Spring Cloak running across the land. thewhole being almost enclosed by a New Board Fence 'l'eru's Liberal and pass ession will b0 given immedinlely. Further particulars can be had by applying in RE‘MNANTS OF DRESS GOODS. 3‘ 0 6' US ME DICINEs, [10131.0 WAY’S FILES Am) OINTMENT. '1 ï¬rm for a consitiérahle tim‘e ï¬ast cdnsidered 'it ‘to ba mv duty to adw rtisn the puhiic of Ilt'e British Nmth Amt‘rican I‘rnviuces'against buy- ing from unpriucip'ed dealers mediéinas em- anating from New York. and snld as my " Holloway’s Pills: and Ointment.†in which much ingenuitv hak btwnvdispiayed in passing them of? as of nu maka.“ It is veryY difï¬cult indead to attempt to anumPrate the many de- ï¬cestlo which the parties have had resource, They sayY amongst uthnr things. that a new iabel hag baPn adopted by them. and with barekfaced eï¬'ronterv caution the public against being deceived by. sput‘iflus imitations. t U Hill. containing one acre and a quarler of land, one frame dwelling house. will: a barn stables. and other ombujlniugs thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise8 'n 88 Acresï¬Clenred. Hi of which are seeded dow1 in Wham; remainder in good Standing 'l'in. ber. And are located at the North-west coraeu lot No. 35. 41h concession of Markham. in section where mechanics and laborers can gr steady work and high wagus Applv (‘il' bf lellcr.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Vicl01i~ Squnro,or lb THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR n sale a number of Villuge lots. simuer 11' Ute village of VARIABLE FARM I'GR SALE 96 ACRES 0F 0110101: M'ND A poor man by the name (If Holloway is employed by the so-cal ed Chemical Company ‘ in New York. who lends his name for a small“ weekly sum. i'l‘lm medially†snld .‘hy this Comp-my are palmed of? up'nn the fiuhlic as my " Hollnway’s l’ills and Ointment.†so that Were they to inj'nrq half Ihe communlly no discresdil would fall upon the fabricators ol'thess compounds. blitz would considerably damage tho'ronutalion of my make“ r Ag i1 ignm at all necessary for this (Imzw to lnén’r any eXpensejn the sale of their produc- tions; m- to a verv glmi'ed exo nt (trading as they do upon mv mime). [hi-y are in 1 po<iti0n to offer them at a vm'y low pricejn Canada, ‘ Where they are purchased bv a few Wholssale Houses that I can name, and. will name here- afier, iflhev continue to v'vud lha r:an About Unejij/lz, of an Acn- [THIN Three miles! of the Village of 'I‘lmrnhill, and ï¬ve minutes walk w No‘rdl’oru Railway Sn‘uon. baing on Flu-1t Hat] of Lot 6. TM. (1 Can , in tho ToWnship of Vaughan; [â€"N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- Sept. 4. 1872. â€" 7T|VHB following are the names and ‘addré’sSes of some of ï¬le Houses whn get my medicines from here direct 2â€"- Messrs AVMY. Brnvm 51 do}. Un’ifax. NS. Messrs Forsvth 62 Co., Halifax. NS. Messrs 'l‘. B Barker 62 Sons, St. J()hl‘l,‘N.B M" "1'. Des Brimy, Charlotte Town. REJ. Messrs Langley dz, Co . Viv-lorih. B.C. Messrs Moore & (10.. Victoria, RC. 7 Thornliill. Ndv. 3, {369; Richmond Hill. June 5. lb (Signer‘) TH OM AS HOLLOWAY . 533. Orfard Street. W. 0., l.ondan,{July l, l 3. 785 My Pills and Ointment are sold at the Iowns wholesale net prices. in Quantitins of not less than £20 wmth~viz.. 83 Iid†29.5., 34s,,per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of OintmentJor which remittances must be sent. in adhncé. These modicmes are not sold in the Uniied States. Zach Pot and Box of mv preparation bear the Rritish Gnvernmant Stamp, with tl e words “ HOHOWaY’s Pills and Ointment. London." Thornhhl, Dec. 31. 1873 VICTORIA SQUARE z March 97,1879. K ,Pategt E'aveâ€"tmugh ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE D0 NEW FR.\ HF. DWELLING HOUSE Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m ,N_LUCASV STREET, RICHMOND 'EWELRY Y JEWELRY! FOR SALE cheap M the HER-A143 Book- Store. House and Lot for Sale, NIPISSINGâ€" HOTEL, Sole proprietor, FIJI; CLARKE. ï¬tnpm‘ty fur $1111), Village Lots for Sale. AGENTS IN CANADA. EXPORT AGENTS. BARGAINS I The lots contain MARKHAM. WM. G. HINGS'I‘ON. Wm. ATKINSON. HENRY LEMON. F. CRAWFORD. D. T. WOOTEN. 737-†Diugla [3 510-.lf 806 if 7l4-If Sold hv Pruggis] cents per box. TICKS ON SHEEP. ‘ us: Mum’s 'l‘ICK DIES'I'KOYER. It deï¬h‘hvs the Ticks. promotes the growth of Ihn wool.and improves the cnndivi-yn of the animal ,A 351-,unthox will clean 205118in or ' lambs ' 1 : If F attens V in! Ohejfourf/L the usual lzm’c, and saws Food. Price ‘25 cents and $1 00 ponbox. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds. DoSIrm‘s all kinds of erpillars on(?urr;1nl Emu WILLICR 00.. . ‘ Admcmxrunu. CHEMISTS. “:7 King Strum Emu, 'l‘oromo. For Sale by Druggislsand Storakeepers. R. E. LAW, Agent. Richmond Hi". As alllil‘e-ondowod luodieï¬. 'wli'elhm'lhoy b0 Beast, Birds, Rnptiles. Insems or ever} 200-†pl\ites.'n11(lsnlencls of the Vegetable Kingdom ,u-e gm-nrflcll by vim! fm'cc, which binds all the springs of exrsmfice.‘and as nothing can save them. l‘om 'desl'nclinn ’when this ' principle Mama‘s lller‘n. lllé (liscov‘erv of means wherth vitamx ma’v he susminvd in thn living bodvii linde 'a‘lmnu to the wor‘d. ' Mmlnrn unfamier has vol-tildde the ques- lion and discnvererl [ha ingr (lienls coir-litu- [ting thv brain. InuSl‘lPS and nerves. and ï¬nd! ‘ llxat lw imrnrlncing than: ingredinnls in prnpor inwmorlinns the brain and nervous system or. U Undertaker. Aw. RnsnmNcnâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Tron. FAMILY BIBLES, ,MAYOR’S. LONG LIFE PILLS ! _ _ A FRESH SUPPLV . At $1.57. $5. $5.50, $9.50 and $9, at "In HERALD Boon Sromc. Richmond Hill. FATTENS HORSES, CO'WS,*CALVES, Sheen and VIDF. ! Fellows’ Compound. SX RUP OF. HYPOPHOSPHITES. proporlinns ll sire n at hade This. then. i< subStauiinlly the basis on which Fr.l,1,_ow’s~ HYPOPHHSPHI'I'ES is built ill div-em ar-(iuu is unnn the Blond,tl1e Brain £nd Nervous 9‘ 510m. and Ihu Muscles. .“truugvhâ€" mungth Howe“. it causes the rapid dustrihu. tion of" Vitulized Blood in Hm Muscular Organ! of NW R-vdv, Rnuqing 1h» gIngqish Heart and Livar. enenmhnniug the aminu nt'llle “annual! and 'zowels and enabling: [ha Lungs to be ï¬ullyin' Hated wnh ()xAnga 1. "any .. .... l1 ‘5 adapted I‘nr‘ALLCasas of Weakness and Emaciatiou, wholhm‘ arising flom sodemarv life, a tropiral rlimme. From (ï¬ver or nehi‘ily f'rmn anv cmwn,nnd is efï¬cacinnsin Pablo- NARY Ctmsumrrlnfl, many vnuï¬rmed was» having been nurnd and all hanoï¬ï¬‚ed, whore Its use "as Imp-n (-mninnnd nVnr a fin-might. In Rl‘nm'hilis it 'w a spa-rifle. and In Asthma n giih‘ï¬l'fllif‘r whore “vet'- ntller I'elnedv fails. For Nervous Hehility it stands unrivalled. and may lw used with conï¬deuceiinall runes. As 'hi~ is entireh’ distinm and dl’ï¬â€˜erel‘li‘fmmw very mhm- preparation of vaolvhosphites,hl can-I'm! to ask for FELLows' SYRUP. and talm “1- other. " TUE CHM " (HP-DEE? ‘UW'DICR April 9. 187.). THOMAS SEDMAN,, Amman AND WAGON MAKER, SOLD BY A PO'I‘HEC'ARIE!‘ Price. $160: Six for $760. mm gamma 31mm. Sheep and l’lps. $33 4 e CATERPILLARS ’utmt garcglitium, ‘lIUCH MILLER & (70.. Agrionlm m! Chemiï¬ls, Toronto. JAMES LE" FOR SALE BY R. E. LAW~. mm at, ‘ Richmond Hi". Insvvlu, (‘xrnhs and Cnt~ and Gmoxvhmtn‘ Bushes. and Slurolceepers 3195 0 "nwe r‘... wk. SLJo'hn. N a.