Lath, MAGER & QUANTZ! Doors, Richmond Hill. lumber Tnngued, Emuved. AKD Surface Plauedjn Short Nï¬tlce 03" Ordez s Solicited. PRUNELLA BOOTS Single «Sc Double Harness Which he will “Hunt†to be M Harness! Harness†HamessH GOOD AND CHEAP! A SUPERIOR iSTOCK 1 Richmond , Hill . Feb. 18. the Fifth Con. of Markham. 9 ACRES. on the can hllf of No. 16, in I'iE'VIibVU'SES.'A' MIME BA 1mm“! out Buildings, all in goo Iordor; Rho am "call- em Posiouim'ngon of Farm, m of April. of Summit]. lsl i‘ovember noxt. WATER PRIVELBEE & SAWMILL A ï¬fsbclass opnning for factory. Situated on a gravel had. only 1 mile from Nipissing Railway Station, at Unionuille. BOOTS 8L SHOES ‘rand Clearing SW9“! W.H.MYERS Will so" his Men’s Slog: Book, $9 25. hit Wumeu's l’abbm Booxs, $1. 25. and- all otho'r goods equally as low. in he: I am determined to sell cheaper than any other hams 'm PI. village. RICHMOND HILL ' IASH AND noun rum The largnst, 111:: latest, and tha most compro- henuiva fur the monm‘ yd puhhshed. To every intelligant vo‘er who wishes to un- dnm'and [he -‘ sinnlion," with regard Io mil- ang‘n and (Miler important (armorial ink-rein. "his map ie mdaspensihle. Anem- whv iako hold on it in earnest and immediately. wifi flap 3 good harvesl, and should send lor lermu, nmd flute where they saw [his ndvarlismont. JA MES CHURCHILL. Touon‘o. JUSI‘ OUT.a new mt beautifully colond MAP OF THE DOMINION. n v VVVVV wv~-.v.. -_ ...W , 1 twatiuuof the Anglo American Hausa £2,“ ‘ ï¬re. the sniimriber has {aha Ind ï¬tted upthose large and commod‘wuc premises belong, inn to Cam. ’l'. A.Mi|ue. .cppmlo Maura. Speight &, Son’s Novelty Works. flnrkham. ExceIlem ncronunodmm: W {or the 4raveliiug public and command“ 1m. Livery stables in commotion with (he howl. Mind {Ale and Porter. 1). 1‘. WW“. ‘Sem. 4. 1872. 737-“ 8 still makingm order an?! will endeavor ('0 keep on hand ‘hore are on the - pfmnfyg‘sn'l‘wo DWELL- 1 MM E NSE' BAR GAINS For AI can be got elsewhoro. Richmond Hill. Feb. ll, '73. Feb. [9, i884 J. BROWN HAS NOW ON HAND 600 Bushels Choice Seed Oats; A L50. Cluvcr. Timothy and Flu: Seodmll kinda of Feld and Garden Suds. Sc- tectat and lmpurled by the But " Agricultural Men in the Province. Richmond Hill. March 4374. J. uaows‘ 815-2m trauma tin-ch 17V, 1874. Richmond Hill, Fob. H, 1874. Beneral Blacksmith &Machinisi N CONSEQUENEE ovum; DES- Jobbing done in all it: Branches. Horscshoe'ing TMEghly, Careï¬dly, and neatly done. 03'? A share of pang-Ego is solicited. 4:3 Richmnnd Hill, March 95, 1874, 81591! 36‘ 01 her Shops sell than at 70 qt D To Weekly PIP'". race-10d It tho Hunt.» Richmond Hiâ€! Sept. 4. 1872. WILLIAM THOMPSON Han leased the MUNSHAW BLACK- SMITH SHOP. To make room for the SHE-“‘5 Stock UBSGRIPTIONB FOR THE TORON AGEN TS WANTEE' NIPISSING 1 RICHMOND HILL. W. H. Myers Blinds, Mouldings, Farm For Sale. Terms Easy. Apply to Mnnufac turou of MYERS ’ ($0., 511m} HO MARKHAK, GEO. EAKlN. 01" per DQuwo: c663. 'l'oronlo. 819-3: 1874. ‘air‘ Shingles, 813 t! Smiles, 817â€"9m. THE TEA CHEST ' HE Subscriber takns this opportunity-pf ru- lurning his aim-ere thanks to his numerou- Oriolldu for their Liberll l'alronnge while occu- pying III. atom known as the " Ton Chant." Richmond Hill. and Would nuns that he hlu told out his Into-est in tho-hove Ennblinhmont to Mr 0. SHEPPARD. Ind would taupe-k their patron-go and lupporl for his mucus". DOMINION TEA HOUSE ' HE Subscriber takns this opportunity turning his aim-ere thanks to his nun Oriolldu for their Liberll l'alronnge while pying III. atom known as the " Ton C Richmond Hill. and Would nuns that h FAMILY G' Suit-hie for the will Always and SEASONABLE And hope: to roeeivo the cominuod patronage of the Cuammern cl hi- Predocunor. by atten- tion to their num- and mailing a: chap up it is pouibie to do. WAS 7E mu: MA. CHINE. prico, SSH‘U Gun- runtoud to give perfect Intiufnction, or money r- {nuxlod-â€"â€" $19 00 per day guaranteed 0 liv o Assam. Sample Machine forwnrdod on re- enip: of $500. Registered Lenten mly b: nut at my rink. , H. CAMPBELL, P. 0 Box 107, FLOUR. BRAN. SHORTS EUREKA“! Great} Bargains ‘c. ’Qc. 0:2. {mum-n ’ll‘out, Cod Fish and Labrador Herring. [MINES]! STflEK 2.000 AGENTS WANTED Spring and. ummer NOVEETIES I. CRBSBY’ '1 reference to beg: to may that gm 6011115, ï¬rnmics. GROCERIES ! Containing description of dinner): and rule! for their treumcut. will be I Am ' by mnil. free of nll churgo,(o anyone sending their addrou to 714 Broadway. New gggk. “FAMILY PHYSICIAN†Which will be cold chap" than ever. buond Hill. Fob. I9, 1674. [TH Alma“ cupiud to "’1 CAMPBELL’S IMPROVED PATENT STEAM CALL AND EXAMIN E. 8184 - FIRE-PROOF STORE, 815'2m GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. CHANGE DAILY ARRIVING M! Qixnrrrirs, m: RICHMOND HILL. . S. S. RITCH’S the trade endeavor 4110 an Immense S tack of lo thn .bove the Subset“ 1M he will keep a llrge I fresh mock of GROCERIES RICHMONDl HILL Grocer and Dry Goodl Morchut, 5 o f [0 with foré OF HANDS 0F ALEX Brockuillc; Ont. L CROSBY. :hmond Hill up lo the GOODS M00 Dll‘ Subucrihr lurge and . and timet- CARRIAGE BUILDER,- $5 TO $20 A333“ (LOU 1U (1944A) Agents wanted! All ciasau of workng people. of either vex. young or old. ma Xe more munoy at work for “I in their spare moments, or all the lime. than at Inything alsa Particulars free. Address G. S'HNSON & (30., I’onlmi'd, Mains @gritultuml Qimpicumrtï¬. 132 Adelaide Street East. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! FIELD AND :GARDEN S E E D S 2 U " bnamiful Parlar l’icturn, 17121;! inchéu, is um free to a!‘. who favor us with orders to flu amoum offlve donnrs. GABUEN AND FLOWER 30nd for Camogue. which we mail grxtil o a" who wish. WASH BRQTHERS 8:. BBWMAN, - SEEDSMEN, , ‘ Sent by Mail to ullparts of the Domin- ion. - nus; c‘ln-q=g‘r¢‘:_“ Th9 Littler maxing,†TH OS. B. COUPLAND, Fitted I in ï¬rst-class style, qnd that he is now prop-t5 to tnko all kinds uf pmmru in the luau nylon of the an. [ICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, Remember the place nearly appetite gandcngm’ Drug store. TROMAS B. COUPLAND, Richmond Hi.“ Fe‘b' 25: '74 Photogruybur. PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED. RICHMOND HILL ‘ EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (C any number-notexceedingtnreehnaired dollars by any one depcsllor.) will bereceived atthe Richmond Hill l’nnt Oï¬iceJor which Governmenlwillallow Interest. ['0 xpnrticularmpplyto 7794f 819 NE W GALLER Y! MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. N returning his sificere thanks to his friends , and psn-ons for past favor: would respect- fully intimate that he has now gothis Oï¬icehoun: from 6:30 A.I.to9:30 LII. May 4,1869 563-†GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE M. TEEFY,Poatmutor. ','.\ln. Tun-Y in Government Agontfor he sale of ‘ .“-. ___ ,7, , L' A weekly journal of Cumnt Events. Literature. Science and AIM \gricultnro and Mechanics, Fashion and Aluaemont. Sod at 100 a number at the Hun.» Mmm' . RICHMOND HILL, I I Begs to announce to the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighoofhoot’ that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the SEED STORE! EAR VESTING TOOLS ENLARGED I Fin»? Ne“ Hearse f0: hire, Funeral Furnishings, Cofï¬ns and? CaSEefs' in: every stylé’. Richmond Hill, Nov. 13:, 1873‘ ' A; Wu "1;! . 0. SAVINGS BANK. 3. 69. flepam CHARGES MODERATE. ,NADiAN ILLUSTRATEE TORONTO The largest selection MARRIAGE LICENSES. £11313 mphy. UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, Seeda [n the Dominion ALSO AGENT FOR THE All work to he AND AND WM. RENNIE, béiiAWA,bmfl Tonon‘ï¬o. O'N'r. mm. NE WS. Slum . SCHOOL REQUISITES FULL SUPPLIES AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE ONTARIO HOUSE Mr John Brown, N R l-I'I‘U R ‘1' 5 .\'G THANKS F0 R. i.‘;b"l‘ FAVU] S, w :‘ immune to his friends and the l'u'olic 11.“ helm: now on lund a flue assunmem ul' Boots, OverShoes', and Embers, Which he will Se'llga cheap as any retail house in Toronto. Just look at prices and compare with olher homes†BEAUTIFUL SUEABS AND TEAS Wfl‘i’ch- flrongth and flavor win be fountf equal to any house in the trade. CU RRANTS & RAISINS Choice Tobhécéé; Codï¬sh, White Fibh, Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, 30 cts. per gal., The best, Famin Flour, Graham Flour, Or‘aéked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Oatmealflom- meal, Buckwheat Flour, Potatoes, Pgas, Oats, Brad‘aï¬d Shorty; HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID GOODS DELIVERED.‘ A Call from all igpecgfully Solicited‘ F 'Remember the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre St.,,oppositc’ Sanderson (E Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN.‘ H OR TH [C BLOOD IS THE LlFE.â€â€"â€"‘ See Deuteronomy, ghap. xii, 70in ‘13 ' CITIEEEG m" " World Famed Blood Mixture. Trade Mark “ Blood Mixtures.†For cleansing end clearing the blood from all impurites, cannot be too highly recommen- ded . ri‘or Scroi‘ula. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it in a never-failing and per- manent cure. ll cures old 86mg. _ Cures Ulceratdd Sores on the N eck. C urea Ulceraied Sore Lego. Cures Blackheads. or Pimplel on the Paco. C uses Scurvy Sores. Cures Cuiiczrnua Ulcers; Cums Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellinge. Clears the Blood from all impure mnllor, From whma’ver Cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the flute. and ‘ wannmed has from .mylhing injurioaa to the must delicate constitution! of either sex, the Propl‘ieior aclicils suiï¬brers to {Jive it a trial to test ils value. , Tliousunda of testimonials from :12 parts. I Suidin Benlaa 9:! 3d each. and in Cases. epniaining six times liia quantity. 115 each- ‘ suï¬icienalo eï¬'eci a permanent cure in the great i‘miiioriiy of long standing “aseaJiY ALL (:zaum‘s'i‘s and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sale Praprietor. I". J CL'ARKEimlemifl: LIEUTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Mens' Sloga Boats, foam $2.50, to $3 “ Kip †340, to I “ Shoe Packs “ 2.50 to 2 “ Felt Overshoes “ 1.40, to 1 Womens Pebble “ 1.50, to '2. 2 1 w “ French C'dljfBools, 2.01), t9 †Felt Overs/was, ï¬'om 1.25, to “ Rubbers, / “ 50, to Burgoyne. Burbidges Ind 00.. Colman street London. Newbery and 80133.37 Newgate Street.London Burclyy and Sons. 95 Fugringdon Street. Lon- do'n. Sang?! 8_ Jan. 20th , 1874. MontrenI.-â€"Evum.Mo|cer and Co.. Wholesale " Druggists. Lymana, Clare and Co. Toronto â€"Elliouand Co . Wholesale Drug. , H gista. Shupter and Owon. Hamiltonâ€"Winner and Co. ' Halifaxâ€"Avery. Brown and Co. ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- Me for p‘neuema at mé HERALD Boon" OLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND ' pencil new at tho Hump Book Stun gel and Sons. Oxford Street London. And all the London Wholesale HOIIIOI In theâ€"Erma We w e havo FARM PRODUCE TAKEN AGENTS IN CANADA. EXPORT AGENTS. Fine 71 qw Fruit’. AH kinds of AND THE mmm‘a g DR. JAMES LAmGSTAFF, I I'CHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" rallv be found at home from 2 m 3 ) cilors, Conveyancers, Am, &c.. Ottomanâ€"No. 56, Church Street. Toronto. nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE. 1 I County Engineer. D-raflsman &c. Surveys. Hans, Devcriplions, Reports, Plum of bridges. Speciï¬cations. Forms of contract. Security Bonds, &c , executed with nealneu and dospalch. {ally bé found at 'home from 2 15% 3 o'clock. P M. John Eliimt Lungstaï¬â€˜ in auth- orized m collect acrouuu. ZUnion, House. NIONVILLE. Bass†run in connection with each train. Commodious sample room. 7 No. 4 Trust and Loan Buildings, Comer of Adglaide and Toronto gtreefs. TORONTO. RIEEMIINB BILL M-IILS! 8. JAMES,’ RO VINCIAL LAND SURVEYER, Counlv Engineer. D-raflsman &c. GEORGE (é DAVID BIRRELL FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! Parties favor“) g us with grist: may rely on : good return and we†munu’auured. Rnï¬ï¬inz in price from 30 cents per lb. lipWï¬i'd. Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges filo- dorue. Opposite Sanderson JLSona. V ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. February 41h. 1873. Tommo July 28. 1873 ARVHI’STERS, 650., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East. Torontu. R. A, IEAKRI“DN,Q c. F. Dam-1.1. Tnouu M033, c..c. W . A Fosnn. CHARLII Moss. W‘ G. szonmbn‘. Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. 7504'? _ THOS. HUNTER; Pioprietor. October 24. 1873. 7 HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS T0 NOTI- ffv' the public that he has rouommanced HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT. In all its branches. and from his expel-lance, careful ultemion, llld moderate charges. he hopes must-Alva a share of the public putrunv up" All orders by mail promptly ultemled 10. JOHN L ’P._LEY, Church St†Mnrkhcm Village. nnuary 8, 1873. 755-6m Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct 15. 1873 9 Good Agents required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and what will be a very popuinr book None but ‘ive busi- ness men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy It the Hemld Ofï¬ce. BLAKE 61. KINGSFGRD. ARRIS'ILERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- I B LE S 0 CI E TY DEPOSITORY (Richmond Hill bunch) n (In Bnnum .Luuuv \IIIZLL UuLUUAlVLUL V I EWELRY I JEWELRY! FOR 8 “k (£ Hull brunch) at the Hum.» ‘ J “up u 'h. Hun.†Book 8mm, EG lo inform Merchants Ba'léors & Farmers > Mat Lhï¬ay have alwd'ys on hand a large stuck of JdHN BROWN. Pruï¬ï¬Ã©tor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. ’72. 751-33: HARRISON. OSLER 85 T1088, ‘TATIO‘NERY OF' ALL KINDS AT Iâ€"IOUSE PAINTING 1 ICHMOND HILL L I V E R Y thb HERALD Book Store. Famiin Groceries. J.’ Crosby; Fire Proof Stbre, RICHMOND HILL. J. GENTS WANTED. .AMES. TOYS, &C., FOR SALE AT the HERALD Book Store. A LARGE STOCK 0F fy the public that he has rouommanced husinass at the HERALD Book Store. ggzimumw; Also a ï¬ne nssortment o: TEAS,» Painting‘ R. E. Kmosronn, M.A 75§-lv 764-“ '7'97 ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO ulmon. at $6 per l00 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pa'rhï¬ï¬dqyï¬ills. Washing Mgchillos.SlIi11gles Waggon Felloes.nnd LumberSaWodw order Forpnrtiéulngs address JOHN L'ANG'STA’FF, ‘ ». Steam Mills,ThornhiIl. _REM_1§ANTS 93 DRESS GOODS. Barn. Stables, Driving House. Piggorv. 61¢. Cé‘nstnntnï¬yply of good wtaio; for house. as Well as a ï¬ne Spring Cloak rimming gcn‘osa the land. thew-hold bpiug almost enclosed by a New Board Fence 'l'enrs Liberal and pass ession vxill be given immediately; Further pu'ticulnrs can be had by applying to 88 Acres Cléaréd. 16 of vihich yrs Beaded d6Wn in When; rexnninder in good Staxiding‘ 'l‘inn her. [THIN Three miles of the Villagg of Tliéoruhill‘, and ï¬ve minutes Walk of Norlliérn Railway SI. «non. baing on Emit Huf quol 6. TM (1 00"., in tha A be†utif’ulv choice lot to be cleared out at gréntly‘ reduced prices at the Central Store VARIABLE FARM PER SALE ! 96 ACRES 0F 0110103 LAND 0:13.302: of markcs 1»: 41 P1113 IS war'r'anted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex acquired or constitutional, Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes. 48 6d all Chemists and Patent Madicine Vendors. Sole proprietoi, F. J. CLARKE. APOTHECARIES' HALL. LINCOLN, ENGLAND. ' Burgoyne. Burbidgoa and Co . Colman Street London. Newborv and Sons. 37 Newgate SL. London. 'Barclny (um Son. 95 Farringdon St... London Sanger and Sons. Oxfmd St._, London. And all the London Wholesale Houses, And an located [at gila North-west corner of lot N6. 3:3. m1 conm-ssion of Mgrlahqm. in a «potion whys mechanics and laboqera can get qtdndy Work and high wages Applv (if by let‘lcrhprepagid)‘ to Henry Jennings, Victoria Stjulremr to , , . WM. G. HINGS'I‘ON. . I. - ‘ Dingla P. O Mun-ch 97.189. 7144:, aclvï¬wilh Good Dwel'ling House and Outâ€" buildings,jusl mnside the Iiiclnnoud H." Cor- poration. And A mm or 69 m A mi? mans of land stables. easy. 'MOIIt;€al.â€"Eva'ns Meréer and (70.. Wï¬dlésale “ Dvruzgistsg Lymans Clare and (Jo, Toronto.â€".Elliot€ and Cu, Wholesale Drug Abozji one-ï¬fth of mi Acre, Boiug part of Uxbridg‘ "_ gicts. Shaptea and ()Wen‘. Hamilton .â€"~Winer and Co. I Halifax.â€"Avory. Brown and Co. {IOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND I In“ for a considerablegiime but considered it to be mv duty to adVA-rtiae the public of the British Noxlh American Provincoeagainst buy- ing from unprincipled dealers medicines em- anating from New York. and sold as my “ Holloway’s Pills and Ointment.†in which much ingenuitv ha.» been diaplayedlin passing xhom of as of my make._. Ityis very difï¬cult indeed to atlompt to ennmerut‘a ‘he .muny de- vicou to which the parties have had resource. They say, amqng‘slrulher thingi. that a new label has: be'rh idopted If" them. and with “bare-faked efl'ronterv caution [HG ï¬'ilhlié against ‘being deceived bx npurjnns imital' . V 1 ,A-poor man by ,Il'ie ii’nme of Holloway is employed by the so-called Chemical Company in New York. who lends for n small Weekly _sum. V Thqlmgï¬lginsp'sold by this Company are pnlmed 01? upon the publlcflna my " Holloway's Pills and antgpant.†so that were they to injum half the community no discrauil would fall upon the fabricators ofthesa compoundp. but wguldkgonaldenbly' damage the reputation of my make. ' Thornhill. Nov. 3, {869. As it is not at all necessary for this CREW to incur any expense in the snla of their produc- lions, or to a verv limited 0:6 nt (trading as ‘hey do upon mv name). they urn in a poeition to offer them at a very low pribo in Canada, where they are purchased by a few Wholesale House: that I can name, and will name here- uilpr, thhsy continue to venri the sum. HENRY LEMON. Thornhill, Dec. 3]. 1873. 806 if I, I Wm. ATKINSON. Richmond Hm. June 5. vb *: ’l‘lie foliéwing are the names and addreSSes of some of the Houses who get my medicines from here direct :- Messrs Aver: . Brawn 61 Co., Halifax. N.S. Means Forsyth 6': Co., Halifax. NS. Messrs T. B Barker dz, Sons, St. John, N.B M- '1‘. Des Brisny, Charlotta Town. P.E.I. Messrs Langiey & Co . Victoria. B.C. Mossrs‘Moore & 00.. Victoria, B.C. VlCTO BIA SQUARE I ï¬rEach Pot and Box of my prepnntion hears tho Rritish Government Stump. with He words, “ Hollowny’s Pills and Ointment. London.†My Pills and Ointment are sold at the lowes wholesuie not prices. in quantities of not less than £20 wombâ€"vim. 83 “6.. 92s., 34s.,per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remiltances must be sent in advance. These medicines arc not sold in ‘tho United Stamp. (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. Oxford Street. W. 0., I.ondan,|July l, l 3. 785 NEW FRAME DWELLING HOUSE I‘HE Richmond Hill [he Richmond Hill TOWnship’ of Vaughan ;‘ TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. N Yongo Street, Richmond Hill. like ten House and Lot for LUCAS Hill. coma llle a number “Luge of Patent Eave-tréï¬gh mm}; for 5w, Village ï¬ll. containing an l, one frame dwell land other ombuilx Apply. on the pre AGENTS IN CANADA; EXPORT AGENTS. BOGUS MEDICINES. SUBSCRIB BARGAINS I of lot: 3 nud 4‘ The lots contain APP U OINT'ME‘N T. wing one acre and a quarter a dwelling house, with n burn unbuilmngsthereon. Terms, the premineu '0 Jan Lots STREET Dec‘ to JACOB 8,1574. . CRAWFORD. 24. ’72. 753-: Village lat for Sale Con RICHMOND MORDEN 807-: ?ERS lots, - Sale FOR SA ’UE 'l'owuship situated FOR , _ A FRESH SUPPLY, _‘ r , A! 31.6%. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at an" llléRALD Boox STORE- ‘ Richmond ml]. U Undelflaker. 6m. RESIDENCEâ€"Neath opposite the Pool 05k; Richmond Hill. FAMILY BIBLE S, LON G LIFE PILLS r’ It Fatfens in Onejfom‘t/z the. usual mme, and sums Food.‘ Price 95 cents and $1 0“ per box. A doll-r box contains two hundred fonds. ATTENS HORSES,‘COWS'CALVEB,‘ Sheep and PIDS. Sn‘d by Druggisls and Storekeepers at†cents per box. .» _ HUGH MILLER & CO.“ 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Tran. Deslrovs all kinds of InsecIs, Grubs and Cate erpillars on Currant and Guoseberrv Bushel. A5 ntllit‘e-endowod bodies. whetherthov h. Beast. Birds. Reptilas. Insects or even Zoo-a ' phites. and autsjwzls of the Vegetable Kingdom} are governed by rilulfm‘ce, which binds all the. ' prings of existence. and as nothing can-31m them from dear nation when this » principk’ 1 leaves them, the discovery of means whorob 1 ivitality may be sustained in the living bodyid i inde a boon to the world., .. . ._ t Modern hh‘emislrv has ventilated the qua-a Etion and discovered the ingrvdienls conqlitI-J ting the brain. muscles and narvos, and ï¬ndl. that bv introducing these ingredients in propgi‘ ‘propoi'limls the brain and nervous system it. istrsngthenad. 3M ‘ It destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of, the wacl, and improves the condition of tho) animal A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 3.5 lamhs‘ HUGH MILLER &. 00., AGRICULTURAL Gunman. 167‘ King Street East, Ton-OHIO. For Sale by Druggisï¬ts and Storekeepera, R. E. LAW. Agent.'Richmond Hill: . Fellows’ Compound SE RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES.‘ SIl'ï¬llIgIJIï¬lfl'u: _ fl : > .m‘ A». ‘ This. them is substaï¬ï¬ally/ the basil OI. which Funow’s llyrnrnosrm’ms is builtth direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain uni, NervousSvstem. and the Muscles. Strength. ening the nerves. it causes the rapid distrihl-S tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organ- of the Body. v . .v - . April 9. 18%. Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Linn} m-englhenhlg the action of the Stomach uni Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyiliz flawd wnh Oxygen. r V I i it is adapted foi- ALLcases of Weaknolaln‘ Emaciutimnwhelhar arising from sodontgtj life. a tropical nlimale‘ from fever or dabili‘ty from any cause, and is efï¬cacious in Pun-o- NARY CONSUMPTION. many conï¬rmed cum having been cured and all beneï¬tled, when "0' us? hgs beqll goptlnued ov-al' a fort‘nlghl: As this is emirely distinct and dnï¬â€˜eront froi every other preparunon of Hypophosphit.l,b§i careful toask for FLLLOWS' Snwr. Ind an no other. THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER In qunchitis it is a speciï¬c. and Alth-l' it givcs mlief where even other remedy flill. P‘or Nervous Delu’lit} it stands unrivalled; and may be “end with conï¬dence in all on“ , TICKS ON SHEEP. . USI' mum's TICK DES'I‘ROYI’JR; THOMAS SEDMAN, AERIAGE AND WAGON MAKER,“ SOLD BY APOTHECARIEP Sheep and Pips. Elva gum-'2†31%Tzzitlx.r CATERPILLARS‘ gaunt Wmtivim, MAYOR’S Price. $l-50: Six for $7-50 Agricuhu ml' Ché mists. ’Forotit‘o. fox: SALE BY JAMESLFFJ. mwscmwi 8" “in. p .1 R. E. LAW. Drngg‘a't. , V Richmond Hill