Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 May 1874, p. 3

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If BOOTS AND SHOES BEST OF WORKMEN! W ILLI A M GAMBLE? RICHMOND um. _ A" AND MD}! “Mal Lath, lumbar Tongued, first)de NEAT AND CHEAP ! MAGER 8.: QUANTZ: Donn, Surface l‘lnnchn Short mile: 0n. door mum of A 7L. SKEELE, Witch- lain, where the public cu. ro'y on finding Xonu’fino culrhoou............... 84 5t " kip ".................- 300 "_ CDM'IO " ...... ........... 9 9n 4 (intern... m......... .. 2 00 " Felt Uvelohofl.........n. l 41 “ Shoo I’uch ............... 95K Womom' Luther Boom..." .3"... l 2: " I’nmollu GIilBI’l....-....'.. < 55 " F02: Ovenhou...........,. l 3‘ All. kind: of custom work made to order, :1 1n ‘3' Ordei a Soliciled. W. H. MYERS’ THE CHEAP I III" AND 811M STllllI! Hamass! Harnessll Harness” GOOD AND CHEAP! Single 8: Double Harness Grand Clearing Sale ‘! P R U N E LLA BOOTS BOOTS 81 SHOES Richmond Hill.l"¢b. 18. 1874. A SUPERIOR STOCK With-ll hin Men's Slogn "now. $2 25. hi- Womon'u l'ethe Bums, 5|. ‘25. and all' ulhdr [00d- uqnnllv mu low. in fact I um determined lo 0e" chupor than any other house i.I 3H0 villus. 1'. every intelligent voter who wish” in In- ‘G-uvlud the "situation." with regard to Mil- wuyl and otlur ilnpurlnul terratorinl inn-run. mi: map is nude-pmnihlo. Agentl whn Ink. lull of it in, onrnesl no immediately. will rnp t'pod harvest, Ind uhonld mud tor Iormu. um! um. whore thov nw this udverlismoni. 0! I“ kinda. which will be sold :- V (Reap a: any H can north of Toronto The largest, the latest, and tho moat compro- hogfln fur give money _\'o-l pnlylmllo-d, ' 368? 0UT.n new wd bonptifnlly colored MAP OF THE muINION. 1 traction of {he Anglo American Hon-o by fire. tho subscriber has taken and filled up (has lnr‘e and commodious premim hlong- in: to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Hours. Spoight 51. Son's Novelty Worko. Marklnm. Excellent accommodation 'aflordod for the lnvelling public and commarcinl men. Livery Ilablesin counsctiou with tho hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. Richmond Hi“. March l6, 18M. 817-1! IMMENSE BARGAINS J. BROWN HAS NOW ON BAND 800 Bushela Choice Seed Oats; ALSO. - clover. Timothy and Flu: Sud, QM kind: If Edd and Garcia» Such, . acted and. Impuru’ by Illa But - ‘ Agricultural Men in the Pam Richmond Hill. Much 4374. J. mourn. ans-am AI cuu bu gm eluuwltaro. Rwhlnbnd Hill. Feb. ll, '73. D to Weekly Papers. meow-d at tho HIM 50k Store. Richmond Hill . u, Fox- 65 cts. per Pair; at Richmond Hill, Feb. H. 187“ JAMES CHURCHILL. Tonono. Hinton-«1,.Mcmuh l7, N74» 811-”. sep:. 4. 1872. still muting to and" an}! willpudonor lump on lxuud )AFER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT . in Hunt.» Book Bum. # alter Shop a (1 than at 70 I." To Inlk. room for the Spring Stock UBsCRI‘PTIONs FOR THE TOWN '. H.1MYERS _0LD PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND pencil «on at tho Blur.» Book Stan CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- NIPISSING HOTEL, AGENTS WANTED. Which ln will Wnrrant to be I'- A LARGE STOCK 01" W. H. "Myers Richmond Hill. (heap B001: and Shoot. Blinds, Mouldings, All) Am. Repairing done Mluuf-clurcn of Don't forgzi d-c., 61., IABKKAM. AID 0V D. WOO'I‘EN. Shinglu, Sanka; 819' I. Great Bargains 1mm WEEK HURRAH .' Spring and. (Summer NOVELTIES I. CROSBY’S GROCERIES! gm Gum, (gramme. [TH umnll capital to :01 CA MPBELL’S ; IMPROVED PATENT STEAM “mama M ACHIN I-‘.. price, 35w Gun. “and h gin perfect ntiufactiol . or man. y rdludod: SW 00 per day guaramoofl o |iv e Elan. Which will be cold cheaper than ever. 0M4 AND EXAMINE. 2.000 AGENTS WANTED. _ ‘ RICHMOND H1LL, ‘ Bog: to announce to the inhabitants at Richmond Hill and surrounding that he has built a 11.3w Hearse and commenced the WPROOF STORE, Fine Ne“ Hearse fox hire, Ful Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1873 wES, TOYS, 350., EUR SALE AT " “dun, Book Sum, ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA‘ . bl. for present.- at the Hun.» Boo: DAILY ARRIVING AT 1100 an Immune Stock qf RICHMOND] HILL. Grace! Ind Dry Goods Manhunt, UNDERTAKING BUSINESnS, FOR x. CROSBY. n j J ‘1 "GLV‘ $.11" , ‘ L In tS A ‘l\e b Ca d ( I) J ffi O "S C D 18 In Fu 1 rd 6 [1 Fa " DOMINION TEA HOUSE l‘HE Subscriber lain-s this opporlunily of r»- [Ul'ilihg his pint-era thanks '0 his numerous irinnds for their Lilwrid Patronage while our“- pying lhu more known as the " 'l‘en Cheat." Richmond Hill. and would Hale that ho hm euld out his line-est in the show Eelunhshinml in Mr C. SHEPPARD. and would i-hpeuk their patronage and auppori for his .uVCQPfillr. THE TEA CHEST FAMILY GROCERIES z And hope: u: rush-n the caminued pllrmlun ol'lha Customer» «.1 Inn l’redocrmor. by nugr lion In their wants-11d nulng as chatp an n in possibie 10 do. ‘ ‘ 1 Suitable for Iho lrnde of Richmond Hill. and will Ilways endeavor to be up 10th. time: with SEASONABLE GOODS FLOUR, ERAN, SHORTS ONTARIO HOUSE Mr John Brown, " N R I'ZTU R ‘1! NC '1'“ \NKS F0 H [AST FAVORS. mei d iminmle 10 hi friends and Ihe Public Iiml lemu how 0. hand a fine ussoxlznrnl of Boots, Overshoes, and Rubbers, W high he will sell as (‘lmup asnnv I'elnil house in Toronto Just look at pnces and compare willl other lu-u-es. BEAUTIFUL SUEAES ANS TEAS v ‘3.11 CURRANTS & RAISINEI Which Choice Tobacéos, Codfié‘h, White Fish, Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, 30 cts. per 3:11., The best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon. H mm. Oatmeal,00rn- meal, Buckwheat Flour, Potatoes, Peas. Oats, Bran and Shorts. HlG H EST MA RKET PRICE PAID GOODS DELIVERED. A Call from all is respecgfally Solicited Remember the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre 825.. opposite Sanderson &: Sons, Richmond Hill. J . BROWN. General Blacksmith &Machinisl G37- CHANGE OF HANDS. N "Terence 10 the nlNH'O the Sub-oribe, begska my that ha wiH keap‘a large and fregh monk uf Horseshoeing ’lhoroughly, Uarqfully, and neatly done. w 'A share of patronage is solicited. 4:0 Richmond Hi". Marc}! 25. 1574’; SIS-[f Idens' Sloga Boofs, foam $2.50, “ Kip H 3.40, “ Shoe Pucks " 2.50 “ Felt Overshoes “ 1‘40, H’omens Pebble “ 1.50, “ French Calf 3001.9, 2.00, “ Felt ()vcrslwcs,jrnm 1.25. “ Rubbers, " 50; Jan. 2th , 187-1. Has leased the MUNSHAW BLACK- SMITH SHOP. WILLIAM THOMPSON Jobbing done in all its Branches. GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. hmmzd Hill. Feb. 19, 1°74. RICHMOND HILL. (on Trout, 00d Fish and Labrador Herring. alranglh and flavor will be found equal [0 any house in the trade- 1n the Grocery linewelmvo FARM PRODUCE TAKEN Qirnrrrirs, M. RICHMOND HiLL. Fine 110w Fruit. All kind: of AND THE A LEX. MUUUI fl. so, to $3.25 0, [0 3.75 30 to 2 75 10, lo 1 65 50, to 2 '25 30, lo 2.40 25.10 1.60 50, to 55 182 Adelaide Skeet East. ggriyulmml flupImumtS. IIDU 1U fi’é‘] Aflllll wanted ! All clans of working peuge. of either DEX. young or old. ma kc more "may M Work {0? un in xhoir spar: monmnls, on" the lime, than at. mnlhing els: l’urliculis free. ACIde AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS $5 T0 $20 A; FIELD A‘NDEEGARDEN‘ E E I) s. :1 GARDEN AND HUWEB Sent by Mail to allpart: of the Domin- ion. flUR Chroma. “ The Lula Florists,” Sand for'(7nLalogue,wllicl w. mail grati- onll will a sh . ERAS}: BRBTHERS é. BOWMAN, SEEDSMPE 7 U n hnumil'ul l‘arlor Piclu-e.’ ITXQ'ZViHrL'hOTG, Is mm use to a“ who favorus with order: to the amount of five dulhrs. T H OS. B. COUPLAND, I" Had up in first-class style. and lhll he in now propurcd to lnk. all kinds nf pleura- in the latest styles of [he an. IICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, .j- Ix’emember the place nearly opposite Sandorsom’ Drug store. _ ' THOMAS B. COUI’LAND, U any uum yer-nolaxceedingtnreelnindred dollars byauy one depositor.) will borecoived allhe Richmond Hill Poul ()flicoJot which Governmenlwilhlluw l “wrest. ' [“o Iparticuiarsapplyto PAID FOR wufionnmnn; Richmond Hill Fob. 26, ’74 Photographer. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. RICHMOND HILL Ofiicehours: from 6:30A.u.to9:30 PJI. May 4,1869 ‘ 5634f 7794f .M. 'l‘EEFY.PoItmulor. “.‘Vln. Tunrv in Government Agonlfo; he sale of 810 N returning his sincere thinks to hi: friends . and pamms for past fan“: would respect- fully intimate that he has. now golhia NE W GALLER Y! ‘ ‘ A weakly journal of Currlnt Events. Literature. Science and Am ".g'riéulture and Machanicn, Fashion and Augmeme Sud u 106 n number at. the HIMLD Mkfim' GRICULTURAL VAREHOUSE A. WRIGHT. P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. N ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEI- NEWS. SEED STORE! ENLARGE!) 3 HA 18 I'ESTleTO OLS lEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (0R G. 5'! LVSON 64 CoJ’onland, Maine. CHARGES MODERATE. (’9. flopnrtmnt. The largest aclgcllojn of MARRIAGE LICENSES. TORONTO ghntugmphg. Seeda In (In; Dmi ALSO AGENT FOR THE 5 All work 10.60, neigfl’hom’ AN97 AND ; wsfu. MINNIE, K, 'Iunon'ro. Orr. USU AWA, Ont. ER DAY. POST OFFI C E. Icl.‘ build A FARM or 69 AND A am manna; kuqu pan of low 3 and}; 1:1 Lun. 'l'uw1.5h|p of Uxbridgo. 0=' and good; Lutfiq 28, in the 3rd Con. of U “I”. cmnmuing (me new and a q drier of find, one trnum dwelling Imus», \vilu :\ Iv-rn .i'Jl'hksa‘, and 0mm nullnulvxngs 'nereou, Terms, alas} Apply. on the prawn-cur In THE Sibwribcr 0111-» for safe a ram: CONTAlNIRG 50 ACRES Large vaelling Iâ€"Iouse. And lhuu on the premiues. and good well' nf water. a good Young On-Imrd and a never- filling Creek. TITLE GOOD. 1‘ or paJicanrs apph‘ m mlly be found at -ll()llle from o‘clock. P M. John Ellimt Lullg>tull' prized to collect um‘onuw. P‘olvrnnrydlll. 1873. 1 md are lmmled at (no Norm-wast unrae' of 0! No. 35, uh concession of Mm‘kl am. in a maxi u where mechanics and Iabomm can gar .mmiy whrk .nml High \vagus Apph‘ (if by|mid) to hem; Jennings, Viclulm BLAKE 8b KINGSFORD: BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- cilors, Conveyanuers, $1.0, gm" Crrcrzmâ€"Nn. 56. Church Street, Toronto. nexl Vdnor nunll ul' Urinal: Amvricuu lnaurance Buildings. I. Cmmly Engmuar, Draflsnmn fiw. . .z. , . 'SnNiays. PlansY Dew-Indians, Reports, Plans of hrit’gus. SpecifiI-Miuns. ans M cummm. Security Bonds, 6a: . execuled «Em uealmss and despmuh. J . N . BLA‘ifii. 1'00"]. .‘ , . . A. 51119, a number ul VLl-Igo luls. Situated : um villagu of N0. 4 Trust and Loan "Gildilurs. Co mar 01' Adelaide and Toronto shocks, TORONTO. A M‘ ‘uiful choice lot 10 he cleared mu m grenlly ruJucud prices at the Cmnrai Slow Wm. ATKINSON. Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. [{EMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS moon niomncw. mumde “ilhjuh. 8', mm. 5"7-11' Urmt One-fl/Z/z of cm Acre, In 2.“ its branches. and {10m his exparleuhe. careful ultemion, and modarute charges. he hopes to “scams 9 share of the pnhhc pumm- nga' All orders by mail prumptly attended 10. JOHN LUWIJEY, Church S|.. Markham Village. than" 8,. 1873. 7554an VICTORIA SQUARE! M uré’ll 2’7 . [879. April 8. 18'“. dit‘,\:l nu 2 Gnod Agams required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and Winn will be a very popular book No‘ne but ‘ive busi- ness men engagnd. Exclusive territory. Ap- p’ly at the Herald Ollice‘ TWO HOUSES AND LOTS 1'01: SALE. . N Youge Stu-em. SCHOOL REQUISITES FULL SUPPLIES Toronto Juh‘ :78. IS73 THUS HUNTER, Proprietor. October 24. lt73. 7 I“. (:RAVVF‘ ‘RD. Richumud Hill. Dec. 24}. ’72. 753-31" HERALD BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill. June 5. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, VICHMOND IIILLL Wth GENE-V House and Lot for Sane, ,N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND I B L E S 0 01 E TY DEPOSITORY (Racmnuud Hill branch) at the HERALD F 70k Stem 5H} I‘HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS T0 NOT] HOUSE PAINTING ! 6. JAMES, ROVINQIAL LAND SU RVEYILR, NIONVILIJ‘I. i’ipséfi run in connectiun with each train. Cummudwus snnple h and: Ernmig fur’finlc, GENTS WANTED. Village Lots for Sale. 7ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. Family Groceries. I; Crosby, Fire Proof Store RICHMOND HILL. 1 {y the public that he has rommmeuccn business at A LARGE STOCK OF J Gum: In“ just-1m” gaisiccllzmmnfi, QUUSCRIMCR OFFERS FOR Farm For Sale. ' Also a flue assortment of BARGAIN * ! LUnioq House. no lulu contain : In‘w 11mg Hun-.0 nud'Ont- Uri-L llerir~|mwm1“INCL-r- puration And Apply M TEAS, “'32. G. IHNUS'ION. Dingle: P. (1 ‘2. 7144f There is a Painting. v ‘ Hahhii.. AT THE Richmond Hill. also um R. E. ledspom). MA '{v'SL McCAGUE. Mona Cum m; P 0 8‘20 411) ATKINSON. lb ' ‘7 759-lv 2 lo 3 is auth- 7r4â€"1f 6s ‘WOR, ’l‘Hl“. BLOOD IS THE LIFE.”â€" bee Deuteronomy, clm‘p. xii, vane '43 CLARKE’S Warm Famed Blood Mixture. [ZIOLLO WA Y’S ’PILLSfiAND OlNTMEN'fi I HAVE for a considerable time mu éonaidored 'u (1) ba mv duty to a’dv‘krliso the pfib’lie 9f the British Nonh American i’fovin‘cbéégidiimt buy- ing rrmn unprincip'ed dealers Medicines em- anating from New York. and mid us my N Holloway ’s Pins and ('Iimr'neuz.” in which much ingenuin‘ has- been displayed in passing Ihom nfl‘ as of nu make. It is very diffibuh indvad i0 atlnmpt to aliklinerafe vile; inimy de- vices to which the parties have had resource. They say, amongst mhw things. that a new Inhei hm lm'n adnpled by them. and with hare-faced efl'rumerv caution the public against being deceived by ~purinus imitatium. t For Scmfuln. Fcurvv,Skln Dixon». and S ups of all kinds it us a never-failing and per- mntmnl (Ellie ‘ ‘1 rule: n'rl Sonic. . ( uras- (llt-eralnd Sam-4 oh the Neck. ("urcs Ulrornwd Sore Logs (am-s lflnciaheads. or Pimple. on the Face. (‘ures Scurvy Son-s. ( ures Cahcerons Ulcers. ('m-us Blood and Skin Diseases. Fun-s Glandular Swellings. ('lem‘s the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture- is p§easanl to the taste. and wmmmed (rue from anyxhlng injurious to the must delmnm constiuuinn ofeilher sex, 1hr l‘myrielnr sclicils sutl'utet‘s to give it a trial to last itsvalue. 'l‘lml1~n|)llsnfttvsllm'mials {rcm all parts. Sold in llnliles 2s 3d such. and in Fuel, mainng six tnws the quantity. Ila eachâ€" sulllvwnt to rfi'ect n pun‘nnnet‘tt cure in the gum n. jurin of long afar-(ling "ammllY ALL (112 l-‘. \rllS I S and PATENT MEDICIN E V ICN DURS throughout tlw_world. Solo l’mprielor. l“. J Cl.§l{KE,Chomiat, A PUTlll‘AJARII‘LS’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. M1|lleraI.â€"-EVHIIS,MGICPI‘ and Co.. Wholesale “ Drugglsls. Lymnns, Clare and Co. 'l'l‘l‘OlHO-E|li01lfllld Co. Wlwlaflnln Drug. H gists‘ Shapzer and Owen. HmniHon.-â€"Winner and (‘0. “Mill-w â€"Av9ry. Brown and Co. A poor man by the namevof Hollowiy is amnlnyed by llmso-‘cnl‘ed Chénfical Cbmpnny in New York. who lends his name for I small weekl‘; sum. The medicines sold by this Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture." i‘nl‘ Mes-using rnd clearing (ha Maud from all impmhen. cannot be 100 highly recommen- drd . din. â€" Ranges: and Sons, Oxford Street London. And all lhe Lundun Wholesale Home! (Jomp'wnv am palmed ofl‘ upon the pumic as my " IIoHoWay’r l’iHs and Ointment." 50 that warn they tn injures half “19 communin no discredit would fall upon lh'o fab‘riém'pfs ofthen cnmp'uuds. hm Wnuld considerably din'h'ag'e the ropumlion of mly make: Emgouw. Buruidges and (30.. Col'm-n “reel I mum)". \nwiwry nnd Sana?“ Néwgnta Streak-Landon Buuclay and Eons, 95 Funingdou Sweet. Lon- As it is not at alriueéessér‘v for jhia Cum; to incur any elipcnse in the sale of thei[ produc- Sions. M to a verv limi'ed at n! (tradihgns they do upon my name). lhvjy >ar'n in a po~ition (n nfl‘er Jhgm at a' véry low price in Cnnada. whor‘e lfiu)‘ are pnréh'fiéed byn'faw Wholesale Houses that I can name, and will name herb- afzer, il'lhnr continue 10 vvnd the 21an The fnlimving are the names and addresses or mme or lho Houses who get my medicines from here dirf‘ct 1â€"4- Viesqs Avery. Brown 6: Co.. Ha’ifnx. N.S. Messrs Fursylh & C0,, ilalifux. NS. V1 essrs 'l‘. B Barker Sons, St. John; N.B .\I‘ '3'. Nos Brisny, Charlotte Towh. [’13.]. \‘lessrs Langley & C0 , Victoria. B.C. Messrs Moore .5: (10.. Victoria, BIC. I My Pills and Ointment nié 50M af tile lowos whalesa'e net prices. in quantitios of not less than £20 wmthâ€"viz.. Ssi’d..22n., 349.,per dozen boxm 01' Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittances must he sent in ndvunco. These mean-mes are not sold in the United Slams. Each Pot and Box of mv p’refvfirnfio’n bénrs the Rritish Governan Stamp. with the words, " Holloway’s PMS and Ointment. London." (Signer‘) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 333. Oafurrl Strum. IV. (7., , l.0mlan,!Ju./y l, I 3. 785 As alliife-endownd bodies. iivheiherlhoy 50 "mm. Birds, Reptiles. Insems or own Zoo- .Iiitns. and subjects nf the Vegetable Kingdom We gmm‘ruml lly rilulfu'rw, which binds I” the -'pl‘i|lgs of ex Sh‘m'e. and as nothing CIII rave hem f om (lest nation when lhié principle leaves them, \he discovery of me‘mw whereby vitalitv may he snsmin‘ad in the living body is indeed a buon lo the world. Fellows’ Compound _ Q31 RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. Modern chemistry has ventHnlad the quesâ€" t'mnnnd discovered the ingr-vdienls constiul- ring the brain. muscles and ncrvos. and find! ‘hm 'uy immducing these ingredients in proper pl‘uporlimlfi the brain and nervous system arc stranglhenr‘d. ‘ This. then. is snhslnntinuy the’ basis. on .vhich Frzulmfi’s llvhoééns’i’m’rn is Huill,ill direct action is upnn the Blood. {ha Brain and Nervous Swtem. and the Muscles. Sysngthâ€" «nng the nerves. it causes the rapid das'Alfihu- lion of Vituhzed Blood in the Muscular Organ- nl' Ihe Bndy. ' Rousing the SInggish Hog‘rt and Liver. <1renglheuing the nclinn of the,Stomach and 'kowels and snahliug the Lungs to be fiullyir flalmi wnh ()xygan. It rs aviamed I'or ALLCNSGE of Wekfiiiésa 1nd Emaciatibn, \vlle'lher arising flom sodontnn‘ M's. a tropical climate. from fever or nobility from unv cause, and is efficlciousin l’unlo- NARY CONSUMPTION. many confirmed on“ having been cured and all benefiued. whore lt- use has been continufied over a fortnight. In Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Asthma ix gives relief whme overv other remedy (ails. For Nervous DPbillty it stands unrivalled, and may he “and with confidence in aliens". As this is emirer distinct and different from every other yd'bparauon of Hypophosphilou,h1 careful mask for FuLoWs’ S'RUP.IIId lulu IIU OHIO! nrrnMed {o cum all dimharges from the U nmv UILraus. in either sex acquired or on llul ipl al. Gravel and l‘nins in the Back. Sold in “axes. 45 Ht] each.hy all Chemists and l'au-m Medicine Vendors.‘ Burgoyne. Hurbidgé’s and Co . Colman Street London. Newborv and Sons, 37 Nowgnla St., London. Bare av min Sun. 95 F‘nrringdnn St». London Sanger and Sons. ()x’fold SL. Lendml. And all the Landfill Wholesale Houses. Ohe Moutreal.â€"I‘Ivaus Mel-cm and C0,,Wimlesaie " Druggisls. Lvmans Clare and Co. Toronto.â€"-El‘iott and C0,, Wholesale Drug “ gicls. Slmlflen and Owen. ' Hamilton NWiner and (‘0. HalifaLâ€"A‘vur)‘. Brown and Co. Sula pl'ollrielnl, I“. J. CLARKE. APO’I‘HECA 1U FS’ HA LL. LINCOLN. ENG LA ND. SOLD BY APOTHEOARJE! AGENTS IN CANADA“ zztmt Emcdicim. B 0 G US MEDICINES. EXPORT AGENTS.- Box of C. arke’s B 41 Pins AGENTS IN CANADA. Price. $51-50: Six for $760. EXPORT AGENTS: JAMES I. FF l- L0WS,ChoI ‘4 m. Jul. N ll LONG LIFE PILLS i ‘ A FRESH Emmi",- Al $1.69. $5, $5.50. $9.50 and $9. It lho" HERALD Boox S'rolm. fiwnmobu‘ Hill. U Undertaker. Si (2. Ri‘csilmNcEâ€"Noarlv opposite the You Bfid Richmond Hill. FA'fTENs fioRsEs, cows, CALVKS'; Sheep and Pins. It Fattens in Onefowth thd usual Mme, and saves Food. Price 25 Bank; and SH 00 per box. A idli- boi co‘nlaius two hundred feeds. THE CHINESE éAltbm POWDER Deslroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillurs on Cal-rapt and Gopsehern‘ Bushe‘f Sold by Druggisls and Storekeeper. Ii“ cents per box; , V . , HUGH MILLER &C0.. Agricultural Chemists. 'l‘orontd. 0n Currant Basile: and Fruit Tree" TICKS ON SHEEP. US'l HILLR’S 'i‘ICK IJES'I'ROYER. ll destroys the Ticks. prbmoigs llle growth of the wool, and improvrs the condilinn of tho animal. A 35 cont box will clean 20 a‘heop 0'! 35 lam bs. AGRICULTUqu Camus-n. 167. King Street Eflsl, Toronto; For Sale by “ruggiats and Storekeeperl. . R. E. LAW. Ageui, Riéhmond Hill; A mums, at $6 per )0" feel. Also Floofd ing and other Lumber “asked; Sap Buckets; Pails.CiderMil|x-.Washing \‘lu‘chinesfihin lei Waggon Fallueannd Lulubbi‘SaWedtom‘ 0' fi'orparticulal'Knddr9§s_I ' . V JOHN LANGSTAFF, , Steam Mills,’l‘luornhilL‘ "DAMILY BIBLES; lpfil ‘3. [87»; mmnmn m1} Mum GEORGE (f; DAVID BIRRELL 15' FIRST-CLASS FLOUR a; maxi)! Parties («voting in: wiih grisla may rely on. good return and well umnu‘hclurod. ARRISTERS, (w, Nos.- 36 um 33‘ King Straet East. Torunlo. R. A‘ HARI{I~'0N,Q c. F. Osuu. 'l‘Hoaus Moss, Q.c. W. A PosTun. CHARLns Moss. W. G. FALconlImcl' Horses and Vehicles» for hire. (‘hnrgu IIO-‘ demo. Opposite Sanderson 6L Sons. ‘ ‘ JOHN BROWN, Propriflof; Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’79. 75l-3l iffioMAs SEDMAN: ARRIAGE AND WAGON tiAiiEi‘i; Thornh'ill. Nov.‘ 351669. Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. means-r Mnunzr flue]: PAID FOR WIIAY. HARRISON. OSLER a H088. Patent Eav’eâ€"txbfi‘gh ND \VATENSPOUTS FOR- THE D0 Richmond Hf“ Flour Mills. Oct 15. 1873 EwirEmY! JEWELRY! FOR SAW chap at the Hanan; Book Store, . EG to inform Merchants Bak‘qu & anon > that th'ey have alwavs bu hand I: lug. élock of Sheep and l’lps. :m gizmsm swam ICHMOND HILL L I v E B. Y STABLES. CATERPILLARS ion SALE n HUGH MILLER ,u 00.. Ro E. LAW'. [Hugging ' Richmond Hill} 5H)va 7504f

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