All kinds qf custom work made to order, I! 1'". BEST OF WORKMEN! NEAT AND CHEAP! MAGER & QUANTZ! Doors, Lath. W I'LLI A M GAMBLE’S BOOTS AND SH OES Ono door south of A L. SKEELEi Watch- nukor, where the public can. rely of! Rudin‘ Richmond Hill. lumhet Tongued’, 'Gmuved. AID Surface Planedjn Short \mlco W. H. MYERS ’ Ej’ 0min a Solicilcd. Harness! Harness! ! HarnessH Single& Double Harness Which ho will Warrant to be as THE CHEAP lflfl'l' AMI SHIIE STllllB P R U N E LLA BOOTS GOOD AND CHEAP! BOOTS & SHOES Grand Clearing Sale! A SUPERIOR STOCK! Will all his Men's Sing:- -\Vomeu'g l’ehhie Bums, $I, gaods equallv as low. in fuel to null cheapor than anyt xil'nge. Richmond Hi“, Feb. 11, Chap m any Home north of Toronto Hom’ï¬uo calfboou............... 84 50 Richmond Hill. Fab. IS. 1874. JUST 0U'l‘.n new and beaulifully colored Tho largest, lhu latest, and Hm most comproo lunsive fur the monev yr! pulpl:shed. 'I‘o every iuwlligent voter who wishes to un- der-mud the " silualion." with regard to rail- way: and other impununl lerr lorial inturesis. this map is Indvslmnsiblo. Agems who take hold 0! M in earnest and iuunediamly. will reap 11 good l‘nwosl, and Hhould sand tor mums. and male when (hay saw this ndverlismonl. JAMES CHURCHILL. Tonos'ro. Ton-onto, March I7, [874. 817-9m. ‘ RICHMOND HILL ' IASH AND noun “MM! traction of the Anglo American House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up than large and commodious premises belong- in: to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speighl 6L Son's Noveliy Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation afl'orded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery “tables in connection with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. ' D. WOOTEN. Sept. 4. 187‘). 737-17 " (intern... ............ .. “ Fell. Uvouhou.........-.. " Shoo l‘acks ......... Woweus’ Luther Boom... . ... “ l‘rnuallu Guitars........... " Fm: 0ven-shou............ nom’ ï¬ne calf boon u ‘u . ' ‘ Cheap Boots and Shoes. Richmond Hill. March 18,1884. 817-“ 'S dill making to order ï¬llâ€"d will endeavor to keep on hand IMMENSE BA RGA INS J. BROWN HAS NOW ON HAND 800 Bushels Choice Seed Oats ; ALSO. Clover. Timothy and Flax Seed, all kind: qf Fcld and Garden Seeds, Sc. locked and Imported by the Ball Agricultural Men in the Province. Richmond Hill, Much 4, ’74. J. BROWN, '815-lu A: can be gm elsewl-ore. Richmond Hill. Ft-I). ll, ’73. UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON 1-0 Weakly Papa u. roco'vod II the Hun.» Book Store. Richmond Hill For 65 cts. per Pair, at; I CONSEQUENCE 0F TH}? DES- APER BOOKS on ALL Km “ M - P the Hun.- Iuk Ema. DB AT Sept. 4. 1872. MAP OF THE DOMINION. 36" Other Shop: tell them at 70 ct or I“ kinda. which will be told u‘ To make room fur. the Spring Slack '.H.MYERS ’OLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND pencil cuu nt the lynx.» Book Ewe" AGEN TS WANTED. NIPISSING HOTEL, A 1.412%â€: STOCK 01' W. H. Myers B limit, Mouldings, ; ' “D All. Repairing done Mllmfnctmors of Don't forget MARKHAM. 0? IS no :- Hoots, $9 '25. his , '25. and all other KI am delorminod 3' other hume in the . 1874‘ Shingles, Sasha, 813 2 00 I 40 125 U.» CARRIAGE-"BUILDER,1 Great Bargains- IIURRAl-l .' IMMRNSB STIIIIK Spring NOVBLTIES I. CROSBY’S GROCERIES ! Qty 660115", @wmiw‘. WASHING MACHlNP. price, 35' 0 Gun. tanned to give perfer satisfaction, or monoy ref-udd.â€"31900 per day guaranteed 9 ï¬ve Agents. Sample Moehiue forwarded on n- eolpt of Q990- Rogiltorod Lotto" may 5. Int u my min B. CAMPBELL, P. O. Box 107, BIS-Zn Brockvillc. Gut. “E8. TOYS kc. BK 3,0038%". Which will be sold cheaper than ever. CALL AND EXAMINE. I RICHMOND HILL. V _ . ' . Bag: to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrou =' ng nenghoorh-«m’ , that he has built a new Hearse and Commenced -- 2,000 AGENTS WANTED. FIRE-PROOF STORE, IISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- Fine Ne“ Hearse fol hire, Funeral Furnishings, Luthns and Caskets in every siyie. Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1873. [TH Ilml“ “vital to 90‘] GAMPBELL'S IMPROVED PATENT STEAM DAILY ARRIVING AT It]. for prolon- at the Huum Boo: Also an 7mmense Stock of Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, RICHMONDI HILL UNDERTAK'ING BUSINESS. FOR l- CROSBY. Summer FUR SALE AT DOMINION TEA HOUSE THE TEA CHES'l‘ ’ HE Subscriber lulu-s this oppouuniu‘ of ru- lurnisg his rim-ere Illnuks '0 his numel’cus :riullds for their Liberal Patronage uhila occu min-g Iho store known as [he “ 'l‘eu Chest." [Lehmand Hiâ€. and Would stale that he lane m!d out his ulna-est iu lluealmvu Establinhnn'ul FAMILY GROCERIES ! Suitable for xhe trade of Rirlnnond Hill. and wjllulways endeavor (0 be up lo [ho times with to Mr C. SHEPPARD. and would lnospeok lheir patronage and support for his rurceusur SEASONABLE GOODS And hopm to wee-in the cnntiuued patrm ago of (he (Insltmern cl his l'nodemsmr. h\ aneu- lion In their wants ' ud soiling .us cunp m It is possib'e N do. ON “I ARIO HUU? E ‘J RIC'PURVING TH\NKS FUD vST FAVURS. w-._. u m - lo ‘0 Ma {tie-Ms and the l'ublic H-m mm now on hand I: line ï¬rsan m M Boots. Overshoes, and Ru"? bers, “Hm [I he wiH x“: w: L‘il‘ap asum‘ retail house in 'l‘ormnu Just look (I: prices and compme with other lu-u as, Mms' Sloga Bools, loom $2.50, to $3.25 H Kip “ 3 40. [o 3.75 “ Shoe Packs “ 2.50 lo 2 75 “ Felt Overshoes “ 1.40. to 1 65 Womens Pebble “ 1.50. to 2 25 “ French Calf 30018, 2.00. to 2.40 “ Fell ()vet'slzues,j1'01nl.25. to 1.60 “ Rubbers, " 50, (0 55 FLOUR. ER'AN. SHORTS, BEAUTIFUL SNARE AN TEAS CU RRANTS & RAISINJ Choice Tobaccos, Codï¬sh, White Fish, Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, 30 ots. per gal., The best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Oatmeal,Corn- meal, Buckwheat Flour, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. i I RICHMOND HILL. "anuon '1 rout, Cod Fish and Labrador Herring. W Inch HIGH EST MARKET PRICE PAID A Call from all is respectfully Solicited Remember the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre 85.. opposite Sanderson (6: Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. Geneiai Blacksmith &Machinisi Horaahocing Thoroughly, Cargfufly, and neatly done. 0:)- A shnre of pang†is solicited. Nob-old Hill. Much, 95. 187‘. 818-1! 0:}- CHANGE OF HANDS. N reference to the above Ihe Subskcribe begs to say that he will keep a J-rge and freah stock of Jan, 201h,1874. Hal leuod tho MUNSHAW “ROXâ€" SMITH snot. WILLIAM THOMPSON Jobbing done in all its Branches. GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. hum ‘ Hill. Feb. [9. 1574. Mr John Brown, blrengfll and flavnr will be found eqmfl to any huuse in the trade. GOODS DELIVERED. In the Grocery line “'9 have FARM PRODUCE TAKEN (Emmim, M. RICH MON 1) H I LL. &c, &c. &o. Fine new Fruit. All kinds of AND THE A LEX. MOOUI E. ggrimltuml ï¬ntplemmta. 132 Adelaide Street East. All class†of waking people. of either sex. young or uld. ma .0 mow. money at work for us in their spun moments. or all the time. than at untluing elm Particulars fro-e. Address G. S'I'INSON 31. (50., Portland, Maine :55 TO $20 A AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! FIELD AND GARDEN S E E I) S 2 GARDEN AND HUWEB Sent by Mail to all parts of the Domin- ion. ()1'1’. ‘:. w:- “ The Little Florists,†' ' ‘ nrlor Picture. l7x‘2‘2 inches, ~ ~e «on - who favor us with ordorato T HOS. B. (TUUPL AUNI), F \ted up in ï¬rst-class style. and Ihav he is new n-parnd to t L29 all kinds I-l‘ pletrv'es in [ho [[1111 :1} law of (In: n11. Mommas FRAMED, COPIEI), PAID FOR WHEN oflDERED. 03- Remember the place nearly bpposile Sandersons’ Drug store. THOM»\S B. C"IIPLANI), Richmond Hill Feb 2'1, ’74 letogruplwr. any unm :o r-nolexceedingtnmeluludred dollars hy any one doponimr.) will be received auhe Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce .for which Goverumemwilhllnw luurasx. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. RICHMOND HILL ' Ollieohours: from 6:30A.M .t09:30 r.» May 4,1369 563-†GHAE’E BRUTHBRS 8. BBWMAN, _ SEEDSMEWN, u“ ‘Jn. 1‘21;th Govqn‘mont Ag.“ arm he tale of MARRIAGE LIOEMQS‘. a Mini»: 3‘ m Kinny-MW umww Inwwwmywa NE W GALLERY! ~e «on - who favor us with orders to n usury-m of ï¬ve dol'flrn. . um. fur (Tatahgue, which w. mail 1 am 810 N v'nturning his sin-rare thanks lo hxs Nean and umrons “hr mm favor would msnecr fully imimate t'm' l-n has now gothis r Awwoc‘oklv journal hf Currcdt'EventS. nu. mum. Soievnrx nnd Arm \gflcuhuro and \hchnuicn, Fashion :9}! Ah agongellt. Sod GRICULTURAL‘ WAREHOUSE P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. ENLA.HGED 3 SEED STORE! 9-u‘ HARVESTING TOOLS F0lparticnlnsapplym CHARGES MODERATE. gt. (9. g‘gwartmwt. The largest arlvclion of TOR0.NTO @thugmplm. Seeds ALFO AGIN'I‘ FOR THE In tho Dominion. A†work ‘0 be M. TEEE‘Y , l'oslmutar AND WM. RENNI E, Touowru. 01W. OR 1’ E R. I) A Y. Agents ‘wamed 3 osnAWA, Ont. Large 1) Welling House. And Burn on line premises. and guod well of waler.a good Young Orchard and a mover fan in; Creek. TITLE GOOD. 1' or pmliculars apply-.1!)- wily be [mud n! 'luome from u‘clock. r m. Jolm Elli“ imngwuï¬' orizad Ln co|ioc1 accounts. U ten N build CONTAmr 50 CRES J. N. BLAKE. 5' Cuunlv Englnuor. Umï¬smnn &c.. Surveys. Plans, Dmreriplinns, Reports, Wane of blidgns. Speciï¬vnlions. Forms of contract. Secumy Bonds, 61c . exec-used will: nealnaaes and dosputch. A rm (I? 6'9 ANDA HALF U cilors, Conveyancers; &c., &c.; “Hoaxâ€"No. 56. Church Street. Toronto. hex! door north of British American Insurance Buildings. Being put of loll ' and 4 lat C of Uxbridgo. I'OO n]- A be†‘uiful choice lot to be cleared out al greatly reduced prices at the Central Store Wm.. ATKINSON. No. 4 Trust and Loin Buildings. Caner r! Adelaide and Toronto slroets. TORONTO. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, gglcmwNn HILL, “7an GENE-7 Ranging in price from 9 cents per lb. upward. BA 12 GAINS 1 [{EMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS. In all its branches. ma 6' m “is vx:1s~rh-m-e‘. careful 9.4911910†and luodm‘uh‘ chnxgw ho hopes tn rat-awe a «haw m t. e nuh‘m Inn-un- agw All orders hy m:.i' p umpï¬x qvlnuded In. JU'L‘I LUWLHV. (‘hurch qu Wallaham Viltï¬gï¬. ‘4! Gnnd Agnu's required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan win: a now and whn’ \vi‘! he a very popular hank ,‘Ione but live hmi- uesu men engagg‘d EY"!n<ivv Ierritm". Ap- piy at the Herald Ofï¬ce. SCHOOL‘ REQUISITES FULL SUPPLIES April 8. “574. HERALD BOOK STORE. February 4m, 1873. TATTONERY OF ALL: KINDS AT f the HERALD Book 'St‘ora‘ I B L E S 0 01 E TY DEPOSITORY (Richmond Hill branch) at (In Hum) 'I‘HOS. HUNTER. l’roprielor. October 24. “73 7 ":1 ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYER, Totonto Julv 28. 1873 GENTS WANTED. ‘ ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the Hx-mnn Book Snore. Richmond Hill. June 5. lb‘ V] are h HOUSE “PAINTING I BLAKE &. KINGSFORD. ARRISTIERS. ATTORNEYS, SOLL TWO HOUSES AND LO'IS FOR SALE“ ;Union House. NIONV‘ILLE. Passes run in connection with each maiul Commodious sample Emmy m We. ‘ > ‘ mmg «he aura and a quarter ..-1. mm I'rmnu [Malling huusa. W3!“ A burn 1'. and when nailiuil- mgsahereon. Terms, Emil}. «n (he premised M I‘- unlul “in. Dec 24. Fumin Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store E SUBSCRIBER REGS TO NO’I‘I {y the public that he has rowmmenced business at u “90 A LARGE STOCK OF gttiï¬ctumwmw, 1‘1. )1“ A SCQUARE! Farm F’o Also a flue uswrhnpm of h H73 RICHMOND HILL ~ my} Lot for Sale, AS STREET, RICHMOND w-jg'll/z'n 1m Arw, ggv 5:9 S for i: ale. TEAS, Lot "=0 28 in the 3rd Con. of [\lmkhalm Apply to Painting. er uff' There is n AT THE JAMES an. 8,1874. uis coumlli (-H'vhg l‘.u~e (4-0 (1.114! m ion And ‘R. E. leasFORu. M.A Richmond H: II, also WM. MCCAGUE. M9)†CENTRE P O 1320 Am {‘ '-\ m h F. (IMAWF‘ HID. JACOB EIO'iDIC’N. 1"“ OFFERS FOR vi V1.3 g0 lots. situate-d ~ and lulu mu- c’uu gel my .4 Ann in by Ili|:‘_{-. V" mm {‘5'th Dingh- l’.( 7l<dlf 0-1 (10H: 0 “I 753-3": ‘3 lo 3 is uutlr SM -n' 7:441" slu 97 MAY0R$ LONG LIFE PILLS ! A FRESH SUPPLY, A! $1.89. $5, $5.50. $9.50 and $9. at (he HERALD BOOK S'romc. Richmond Hill. .r‘WARRYAGE AND WAGON MAKER, 1/ Undorlnkei‘. &c. r I RnsumNcuâ€"Nparlv opposite the Post Ofl‘xco Richmond Hill. " Price 25 cunts and 5;! (HI per box. A doilar box contains two hundred feuds. It Far/ens in Oneâ€"fmn'th ithe usual tame, and saves F 00d. Deslrovs all kinds of lnsecls, Grubs and CM- erpillnrs on Currant and Goosoborn' Bushe- Sad v hruggisli and b‘lomkeeperl “95 m-ms per box. “Uh†MILLFR &CO.- Agricultural Chemists. Toronto ll t‘eslrma the Ticks. promotes [In growth of NH- \\'onl and improves the condi: u of tho animal A 35 cont box will clean 2“ sheep or ;) lmnhs 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Treat. "\ “mum. at $6 m-r INHeet. Mso Floorâ€" ing and "the: Lumber Dressed; Say Buckets. "ails.(,ideh\li|ls.Washing \hmhinemShingk-s Waggon VeIMnhand humberSawodtoorder Von-particularsnddress JOHN LANGSW‘AFF, Steam Miâ€!- 'l‘hornllill. K-GIHCUL'I‘UHAI, CHI‘ZMIS‘i‘S. I57 King Street Easl. Toronto For Sula by Druggims and Swrekeepers. R. “I. LAW, Agent. Richmond Hill. RI’SHMBNB HILL MILLS! L‘AMILY BIBLES, GEORGE (ï¬- DAVID BIRREEL FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! I’m-lies favorihg us with grisls may rely on a good relurn and well nmnu'acuu'ed. April 9. X87». Horses and Vehic‘es for hire. f‘hnrg‘e- mo- derale Opposite Sanderson dLSous. JOH N n Ran. Proprietor Richmond Hm. Dec; 14, ’72. 751â€"3... ABAHRISTERS,~ &C.. NOS. 36 AND 38 King Sheet Enst. Toronto. R. A HARRISON,Q c. F. ()vam. THOMAS Moss, (1.0. W. A Fog-ran. Cumus Moss. W. G. FALconllnu W‘nrnntnv Dec. 41-1872. 750-“ THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Thu: “hill. Nov. 3‘). W39. HIGH MARK-Er PRICI“ PAID FOR \VHEAT. ATTIch HORSES, cows, CALVES, HARRISON. OSLER 8t MOSS, Toronto, Dec. 43-1872. Patent EaVe-tlough ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO E1} 10 ln‘brm Merchants Bakers A' Fuhrer- that they hav.» alwuw on hand a large mock of 3W gummy-mm; ICHMOND‘ HILL L I V E R Y Sheep and lips. vhmond Hii‘. Flour Mina. Oct CATERPILLARS THOMAS SEDMAN: TICKS ON SHEEP. ILLR'S TICK HES'I‘ROYER. FOR SALE BY HUG n E. Lmvmmggsm, Richmond Hill H MILLER &, Cl) 15. M73 SHLJl' I‘rade Mark “ Blood Mixture.†For cleansing .\ nd clearing the blood from tll impnritcs. cannot, be 100 highly recommen- dod 0‘ ‘ UR‘THI‘I BLUOD IS THE LIFE.â€â€" Seo Deuteronomy, clup. xii, "no 93 CLARKE'S World Famed Blood Mixture. I HAVE for a considerable time but considered i to b» mvdflqu to udw-rtise the public of‘ mo Britnsh Noll“ American Provinces against buy- mg I'rom unprincip‘ed dealers medicines em- anating from Nrw York. and sold as my Aupoor man by the name of Holloway is amplnyed h_\' the >o'-c‘nl od Chemical Company in New York. who lends his name for a small weekly sum. The medicines Sold by thil Compuiy nro palmed ofl' “pun the public as my " Hulluwny's l’ills and Ointment.†so that were they to injure half the community no discmdil would {all upon the fabricators ofthess compounds. but would considerably damage‘ the reputation of my Innke- Fo- Scrpfnia, Ecurvv, Skin. Diseaseâ€. nnd Sims of nil kinds it is a. never-faiï¬llgipd por- mnnent cure " ’ h quras uld Seren.‘ : . I (; uresLUJcerujud Spres 6'1) Lh‘BvNeck'. » (‘nrcs Ulcermmf Sore Less (urea Hlumdleads. or I’impies on the Face. Cures Scurvy Spies. ('ures Canceruus Ulccn ('nres “loud and Skin Diseases. (‘lll‘r's (Glandular SWeHinzs. ('lrurs (he lilood‘i’rom all impuro manor. Frnm wliuievsr cause aririug. As lh'a llllxllll‘" is plenum m the taste'. and maunn-ed tree from anything injurious §o_lhe unsydelmum consiivulinn ol'oither sex, the :‘ruprivtur svlicils sufferers to give it a trial to I~'Nl iis veins. Tlmummls of tentimnuials frcm a“ pull. ‘ sum in Bottles 25 3d Mich, and in Cases. 'Ihlflilling six times the quantity. lls enchâ€" <uï¬ivit~nl in effect a pmnmuem cum in the :Iflal m jurity offong standing usesJiY ALL . HE \HS 5 S and PATENT M EIHCIN Er -~ llollbway’s PM; and Ointmenï¬.†in which much ingmmilx‘ ha" been d’sphypd in passing Imam nfl' as of rm make. It is véry diflicult huh-9d m EHPmPI to mmmernte the many de- vices lo wmch the pay-lies have had resource. They say, among-l olhnr things. that a new label has: be! n adopted by llnem. and with bare-faced ofl'ranterv caution the public against being d'ecoived by ‘ urian imilalio ‘ 1 Title fonéwing are the names and nddrossol nfrszyme‘ of Iho Houses who get my medicine! from here direct 1â€"- MMer Avery. Brown .5: Co., Ua'ifax. N5. Messrs Forsylh J; C6., Halifax. NS. ‘ - Messrsr'l‘. B- Barker & SousLSt. Johru'lï¬li As it is not at all necessary for this CREW to incur any expense in the sale of their produc- tions.- or to a vow limited oxe in (trading- as they do upon mv name). they are in 1 pocition' to offer ihmn at a very low price in Canada; whero‘ilwy gmlpgrchased by a few Wholesale Honseslhal l gun name, and will name hero- al'mr, il'lin'y continue In vvnd tho same My Pills and Ointan Bra Sold 71! (“6 Iowa! wholesale not prices, in quantith of an less than £20 worthâ€"viz . 88 “d†2234, 34s,.per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remiu‘ noes mast bn sent in advance. Phase lnednues are not 50M in the Uniwd ' 'v'Hf‘S, Each Po: and Box of m\' propumlion boars (ha Ru'tish Guvm‘ument Slump. with H 0 words, ' Hulloway’s l’iEIs and Ointment. London.†3137-35. >l‘5gsgï¬risny. (Iharlofled‘oylp, V! gtllanglgyrï¬a (31‘) . Victoria. 11.0.1": s Moore 61. C01. Victoria, BJC.’ (Signm‘) THORHS HOLLOWAY. 533. OIleYI Strum. 7V. 0.. I.onr/aanu/y l, l :1 785 As alllii'n-ondowed bodies. wliotherlhoy b. Beast Birds, Reptiles. Inserts or even Zoo- philes. and subjects of tho Vegetable Kingdom m-c govt-rum] (1y rilrrlfm‘ca, which binds all the springs of ex stance. and as nothing can savo’ them f om dest nclvion when this principlo iaaves them, \ho discovery of means whereby vilniil‘ may he sustained in the living bodyill uninori a bum! in the won-id. \imim-n chemistrv has vsntilniod the ques- liun :1H(i>(ii.~‘(‘,OV(-rbd the ingre dienls condim- ting 1h» brain. muscles and nerves. nnd ï¬ndl‘ ihnl hy inn-mlncing these ingredients in proper pronoriinns the brain and nervous system are slrongihmwd. B 0 0 US MEDICINES. ; i 0 L L 0 w {F’s PILLS AND DIST \EEVN'F. Fellows’ Compound QXRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. This. then. i: substnniinfly the hnsia II which mew's llvvnpuosrm'rus in huilt,ill di-am m‘linn is upvn tlm Blond. the Brain and Nervous sttmn. and the Muscles. Flu-anath- suing lhn nerves-1. h callses the rapid distribu- tion 01 Vitalized Biood in xho Muscular Organ. of Hm Body. Ron:qu 1km Sluggish Heart and Livor, en'engtheuing (ho action of the Stomach and. 'iowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyinâ€" fluted wnh ()xvgen. It is arlnpmd lot Aâ€. cases of Wenknessand Emariatinu whether arising from aedontarv life. a tropical (limme. from fever or m-bility from nnv cause, and is efï¬cacious in POLIC- an C(thUMl’TION, ma‘ny conï¬rmo‘d vases having been cured and n" beneï¬ued. whore ltl ms Ina-- hem: cominued over a fortnight: In Bronchitis it is a speviï¬c. and i; Asthma i: gives relief where even other remedy fails. Var Nnrvous Debility it stands unrivalled, and may he “sud with conï¬dence in all emu As Ihise is emiron distinct and dlï¬'ernut frol!‘ every other preparaï¬on of vaophosphitenJc careful lonsk for Funows’ Smur, and take no other, ulqm‘uv. I'mr imminn. . gL-s and 90.. Colman “geek Pd'l‘lll'lCAKHuS' HALL,‘ LINCOLN. LNGLAND. One ‘ch chLarke’s B 41 Pills I ‘ c : wanted to cum 3"“ discharges from‘ “10' U‘ i= ary Organs, in either sex acquired or co « n ion al. Gravel and Pains in the Back. 50k! in Boxes, 45 6d ench.hy all Chemists and Paton: Madicme Vendors. Solo proprietoy, F. J. CLARKE. APOTHECA R] FS’ H‘ALL. LINCOLN. ‘ ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne. Burbidges and Co . Colman Strut London. ‘ Newborv and Sons. 37 Newgnte SL. London.~ Barclay and Son. 95 Farringdon St . London Sanger and Sour. Oxford St†London, And all the London Wholesale Houses. Vlontreal.-â€"Evans Mercer and C0,. Wholesale " Drugzistn. Lymans‘Clnre and Co. Toronto.â€"Elliou and Co., Wholeaale. Drug “ gials. Shame: and Owen. Hanlillon,â€"-Willor and Co. Humanâ€"Avery. Brown Ind, Co. mlrml.â€" Elvalxs.7\1gncer and (‘o . Wholesale' Druggmls Lynnms, Clare and Co. mmo ~Ellinnand Co . Whulnwala Urug‘ " giFls Simpler and (won. ~millon.-â€"W'nnm mm (‘0. Hit‘w â€"Avery. Brown and Co. VIILNliURS lhrouglwll! Um wnrld. Sale I’uoprmwr. F. J (‘I.\I{KE,Cllemis't, wiwry null Sons.?7 Newguta Streel.London 4 my and Nuns. 95 Faniugdnn b'n'cex. Lou- [in]. SOLD BY APO'I‘HECARIE!’ Price.$l-50: Six fol-$750 JAMES LF-‘W l.0WS,Cho(lg5 4-8 Shauna. N B um! Suns. ()x'hrd Street London. ml ah the Londun Wholesale Houses £31m wvdivimf " AGENTS IN CANADA. EXPOR’I‘ AGENTS.- AGENTS IN CANADA.