Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 May 1874, p. 3

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[HEM STIJIIK Spring and Summer NOVELTIES I. CROSBY’S Great Bargains IIURRAH! GROCERIES! Blon. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO NOTI- fy the public that ho hu razor-mench In all its branches. and from his exporlenca, careful attention, Ind modernte ehuges, ho hopes to rec-live a share of the public patron- pge- All ordors by mail promptly Ittended to. Which will be sold cheaper than ever. Qty 63:10:15, (firnccricfi. CALL AND EXAMINE. HOUSE PAINTING I FI RE-PROOF STORE, AXES. TOYS, #0., EUR SALE AT ‘ho Hanan Book 8mm. JOHN LUMLEY, Church St" Mazkham Villap. pm: 8, 1873. 755-611: ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- blo for patents u the HERALD Boo: 3; RICH lVIOND IIILL. . Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborlmm’ that he has built a new Hearse- and commenced the ' DAILY ARRI‘VING AT fy the public that ho hu razor-mench business at Fine Ne“ Hearse {01 hire, Funeral Furulslilngs, Collins and Caskets in éVery style. Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1873. . A. Also an Immense Stack Qf BlCHMONDl HILL Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, UNDERTAKING 'USINESS, Painting. FOR OF I. CROSBY. 1N R I'ZT-U R ‘11 NG TH \NKS F0 R iAb‘T FAVURS. Wand imimam to his friends and the Public llmt hellas now on hand a fine ussmlmenl of BEAUTIFUL SUEABS' AND TEAS ONTARIO HOUSE Boots, Overshoes, and Rubbers, Which he will I as dump as any re lail house in Toronto Just look :1» prices and compare will: mher Imu‘es. T H E TEA C H E S 'l‘ 'I “E SulN-Iiher lalv-s this oppor-lnniu‘ of ro- llll‘llilg his sinrare NIH-"1mm his numerous (rinnds for their Liberal l’mrmmgo while orcu- vying lhe Hnrv known as 1110 " Tea (.‘hesL ” lhclmmnd Hill. and “’nlllll {tale that ha hm mH (ml. his mm est in Ihualiov'c Eslahlishmpnl [0 Mr C. Nlel’l’Alx’I). and “ould lwrlneuk their pnlronage and suppurl fur his rum'rssur. FAMILY GROOERIES ! SEASONABLE GOODS And hopes to receive the continued patronage of tho Customers (,l his b-‘edqceswr, by atten- {ion In (hair wants and séHu’ng‘as cheap as It is possible lo 414:. ‘ CURRANTS & :‘RAISINSE Choice Tobacoos, Codfish, \Vhite Fish, Salmon Trout, ..Co_a1 Oil, "30 cts. _ per gal, The best, Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Oatmeal,06rn- 'meal, Buckwhéat Flour, Potatoes, Péas,. Oats, Bran and Shorts. Suiluble’ for Illa trade ‘of Richmond Hill. and will always endeavor to be up_ to the: lime: with f .' Winch DOMINION TEA HOUSE BIG H EST MAR KET PRICE PAID FLOUR. 55:15:; é‘HoaTs A Call from all is respecgfullg/ Solicifed Remember the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre 82.. opposite Sanderson (P: Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. General Blacksmith &Machinist "1.91:0" ’lx'out, Cod [Q's/z and Labrado'r’ Herring. ' Horseshoeing 77Loroughly, Carqfully, and neatly done. afi- A share of patronage is solicited. a; flichmond Hill, March 25, 1874. 818â€"“ 0:}- CHANGE OF Mens' Stoga Boots, fbom $2.50, to $3.25 “ Kip “ 340. to 3.75 75 6 “ Shoe Packs “ 2.50 to 2 " “ Felt Overshoe: ” 1.40, to 1 5 Womens Pebble “‘ l 1.50, to 2.25 “ French Calf B0013, 2.00, to 2.40 “ Felt Oversizoes, from 1.25. to 1.60 “ Rubbers, I“, _ 50,101 55 N ufav'ent'e In the «bum the Subscribe begs to any lh-at he wiH'keepa largo and fresh Mock of Jan. 201b, l874, Hn laud mo MUNSHAW BLACK- SMITH SHOP. WILLIAM THOMPSON Jobbing done in all its Branches. GOODS DELIVERED CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. hmoud Hi”. Feb. 19,1874. Mr John Brown, RICHMOND HILL. 1- Slrenglh and flavor will be found equal to any house in the trade. GOODS DELIVERED. la flu Grocery “new e hive FARM PRODUCE TAKEN (Fitnrrrirfi, 8w. mcumoxn mu Fine 01 cw Fruit. All kinds of AND '1‘ch A LICX. MOODJ E, HANDS. is sent has to a” wl‘zb favor uni with orders In the amount of five ‘dolk'xrs. Sand for, (Intniogue, which we mail grati- on" "u .xédz. ' BHASE BRQTHERS & BOWMAN, ' SEEDSMEN, Seedg Sent buMail to ullparts 9f the Domin- ion. UR Chroma; " The Little Florists,” a lusamifu’ Parlor Picture, 17322 ipchel, TH OS. B. COUPLAND, GARDEN. “WT” HUWfiB F-lted uh iii firm-Chas styln. and tin! ho is “on prop-rod to {also all kinds 9f 'plemres in the latest sijles ofllhe art. 182 Adelaide Street East; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS FIELD . AND EGARDEN S E E D Sf. PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, ‘61?- Remember the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. , ‘ U any num'xerâ€"nolexceedinglhreehliudred dolkrs by any one depositor.) will be roqeived nulls Richmond Hill PM! ()fliceJor which GovernmeutwillallowInterest. Folpnrticulnrupplyto PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED. Richmond HiHFob. 26, ’74 §g_rimltmjztll grinnsicmrutfi. {EJU 1U {433.4‘} Agents wflnlod' All classes of working panplo, of nilher FOX. young or Md, max-e more money at work for us‘ in their spmc moments. or all the lime. thaxi at unuhing elm Particulars free. Addie” G. S'S'INSON 6}: (I0., Portland, Maine. MONTREAL'TELEGRAPH COMPANY. RICHMOND HILL OMcehours: from 6:30A.M.t09:30 nu. May 4.1869 563-” K’ A weekly journal of Currrnt Events. Li‘o'ltnre. Science and Ann tgriculture and Mechanics, Fashion and Amdumont. Sod .1100 u number at the HIIIALD “.‘Wn. Turv in Government Agontfor he sale of NE WGA'LLER Y'! 810 7794f :15 TO 5320 i returniug'his sincere thanks i0 hrs friend: and -:-.- runs for paid favor: would renpoct- fully ihtimhte that ho has now gothil NANADIAN ILLUSTRATEIS NEWS. P. O. SAVINGS BANK. ENLARGE!) 2 G'RICULTURAL WAREHOUSE ‘EPOSITS OF ONEADOLLAR, (on SEED STORE! AND HA EYES TING T0 OLS CHARGES MODERATE. (9. gnmtmnt; MARRIAGE LICENSES. The largest soleclion of ig’iw'iugrnpi’m. TORONTO THOMAS B. COUPLAND, [n the Dominion. A" work to be .50 AGENT FOR THE M. TEEFY.Po-tmutar. “’M. RENNIE, OSHAWA, 0m. Tonon‘ro; Um. PER DAY le lug rnpher. POST OFFI C E. Will sell his Men’s Slogu Book, 59 25. lris Women’s l’ehble Boots, $1. 25, and all other goods equally as low. in hell am determined to sell cheaper than any other home in the village. Tho largest, the latest, and "(he Enos! “compro- honnive for the money yet publxshe‘d, To every inlelligent'voter who wishes to unâ€" derstand the H situation," with regard 10 mil- ways and dllvor important termorial interests. this map is Indespensiblen Agar": who take hold of it in earnest nhd jm‘mer'linlely. Will reap 3 good harvesl, and should'seud mr lerms. and state where they saw this nd‘verlismeut. Grand Clearing Sale! W.H.MYERS JUST OWL; new and beautifully colored G00 D f AN: EXP: Single & Dduble fiHarness" BOOTS 8: SHOES W. H... M YERS ’ Harness! Harnessggfrl~5-flamé:s!! 83’ 0rdé1 s Soliciled. 1. tructinn of the Anglo‘d'mbricali Hausa by fire. the subscriber has taken and fined up (how large and cummndious premises belong- ing to Capt. '1‘. A. Miinq. opposite Messrs. Speighl & Son’s Néfially Works. Markhama Excellent accommodation afforded for [he travelling public and comhlbréinl mei‘. Livery stablesiu coullacliuu wilh ille‘hol‘pl; Bottled Ale and Porter. ' " Surface Planedjn Short Wile? P R U N E LLA BOOTS A SUPERIOR STOCK! Richmond Hi”. Fab. H. I?” Richmond ' Hill. l'fimher Tnngfid, Grufi'ved. S'IBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON 'ro Weekly Papers. recewed at the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hi“ I OLD PENS,‘ PENHOLDERS, AND I pencil cases an the HERALD Book Stale Lolly, Doors, DR Eâ€"s S‘MAKER RICHMOND HILL And neighborhood that she has moved to tho house formerly ov’cupied by Dr Playter. oppo- site D. Hopkine' Sto e. where she will be pre- pared to attend on her customers. Thanking them for past favors, she still solicils their Ii- benl puronago. )APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT (In HERALD Book ero. IMM ENSE-gJMRGA 1N8 BIA'GER &‘Q‘UA_N_TZ'! Richmond Hill. Feb. 11, 1:1874‘ JAMES CHURCHILL. TORONTO. Toronto, March 17, 1874. ' SIT-Sm. MARKHgéM. 14‘ CONSEQUENbâ€"E OF THE DESâ€" S still making to 'ordér' an] wfllenduvpr to kup on hand I v v Eggiggfimgfiififii Richmond ,l‘lillgfelhnlkrg’Tag N EAT AND 201:1 BAP 3 One door-1mm of A L.SKEELE, Watch- m~ker3 where the pulflic ca:._ rajy 9p finding BEST OF WURKMEN I w I, L L I :EQ’A MELE'S r “ X'ruueilu Gaiwnfllu . . . . . . . 55 “ Fr: Uvexshoca............ 125 All kinds of cztstom work made to order, BY TH," BOOTS- AND; S H O E S Sept. 4. 1872 'THE CHEAP WET fiNll SHflE STflllE For 65 ct-:-. per Pair, at MAP OF THE DQMINION, Mahmud Bili, April 9, 1371 _ Of_nl| was, wfigch ‘w‘m be Béulll Cheap as anyH‘ouseumrlh of, 571mm“. [ nwmmsn HILL . Mn AND nnnn- mm , QM}? Bowed 81:95:- . ' Richmond um. Mdrch' 18,181“. 11174! Other Shops sell them at $0 ’ct To mako room fovrtthe Spring Slock Meno’ fine calfb‘bois. . , .~,.. ; .- kip u " course " . .. . " Gamers .... -. - “ Foil Uvmflmo .. " Shoe Punks . . . . . Womeus' Leather Boots. . . . “ I'ruuefilu Gaiters. . . “ Fr: Uvexshocx . . . . AGENTS WANTED. Begs to unnounco to her friend: of NIPISSING HOTEL, pencil cases. an the HERALD Book Stale Which he Will Warrvn‘lt 10 he a; MRS. W. -S. POLLOCK, W. H. Myers A LARGE swamp Blinds, Mouldings, A-ND‘ ALL Repairing done Manufacturer: of 1709131" fiziqct (fit, (in, em AND 0F D. WOO'I‘EN . 737-lf Shingles, 813 Sashes, 8X2 1) cilorfl, CouVeymwers, Jun, 01c..- “rrm;s.â€"Na. 56. Church Street. 'l'oyonto. nexvl dnor north of British American Insurance Buildings. J'.’N.'Bx.nxr4. II. E. Kmasroan, M.A. l Counly Engineer. Draftsman .ch. Surveys. Plans, I)o~‘r=l‘iplions. Reports, Plans of bl'i(’gm~‘. Specifications. Forms of noun-am. Sacumy Bonds, sSzc . executed with neanm-s and despawh. room. No. 4 Trim! and Loan Buildings. Corner of Adelaide and Toronto streets, TORONTO, rally be found at home from 2 “:33 o‘élock, r m. John billion Langsth is quglfl brizad to collect accounts. ’ There is a gond House. Barn. and a very su» parlor Orr-hard of Young Fruix '1‘ lens; agood Wall of Wale on the uremies: 3 miles from Richmond Hill aml about 2n mllus from To- l’rice $2.500. Apply to roulo. JAS. LANGSTAFF. M D. 3?" BLAKE a; KINGSFORDU. RA-RRIS'EERS, ATTORNEYS, sou. 50/107“ of Pint-class Land, . A no ‘uiful choice lot lobe cluared out at greatly leduced prices at the Central Store For sale, a gond farm, baing lot No 30, in the BARGAINS I REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS. And Ham on the premises. and good we" of water. a good Young Orrhard and a nover- {u in; Creek. 'l'l'l LE GOOD. Ranging in price from 3"} cents peyfllb. upward. 2 Good Agems required to canvass Marks ham and Vaughan with a new and what will be a very popular book None but live bush ness men engagnd. Exclusive territory. Ap‘ piy at the Harald Office. Large DVvelling House. SCHOOL REQUISITES FULL SUPPLIES 01’ land good; Lot No. 28, in the 3rd Con. of Markham. . ‘ . AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. CONTAlNING 50 ACRES TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT ' tho HERALD Book Store. And are located at the North-Wont coraerof hat No‘ 35, 41h concession of Mnrkhanl. infln \ortliun whv-re meclmuit-s and laborers on" gel \lmniywurk and high wage-s 'Apleil’by inlt«»I-.p|mmid) to Henry Jennings, Viclurin biqixare,or lo _, ‘ WM. G. HINGS'I'ON. ‘ Dinglu P. 0 March 97, 1972. 7144f ‘ 'ORK BOXES. ALL SIZES, AT the Hullan Book Store. Toronto Juh‘ 28‘ [873 I THOS. HUNTER, Proprietor. October 24. lb73. 7 ‘I B' L E S 0 CI E TY DEPOSITORY (Richmond Hill bunch) at the Hun“) an}; Snore. TARM FOR SALE. Fahruury 41h, 1873 ‘Vm. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. June 5. lb 1': l salea uumbur ol Viiluge lbls'fsiluuied u the Village of“ ’ About Unejzjth of an Ar-rc, April 8, 1974. U Hull. containing une new and n qnarler of land, one frame dwelling housa. wi lh a burn slahles. and other outhnilrmgs thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on {he premiba- '" erhmond Hill, April 23. '74 A" FARM 01' 59 AND A KAI-P AURBS acne: vlh Guud Dwz-Hng [loueohhnd Out- buildi jusiumsidr he Richmond HugUoP putatmx- And “ l'or pa. ticulnrs applynlp‘ Being part of Iota 3 Ind 4. Isl Con; 'I’dwnship ’1' Uxbridge. 2nd Con. of Vaughan, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, iICHMOND HILL, WILL GENE.“ VICTORIA SQUARE I 8. JAMES, ROVINQIAL LAND SURVEYER, :Union House. NIONVILLE. Passt‘a run in contraction r with each trainu Cummodious sample GENTS WANTED. Richmond H ill. Jan. 8,1874. HE Suh‘c il-or ofi'o tur sale a fawn Richmond Hill. Doc. 24. ’72 HE SUBSCRIBER OFFE IS FOR. House and Lot for Sale, ‘NMLUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Family Groceries; I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. J; TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. N Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. 31m 1911 A LARGE STOCK 0F granny for fink, Village Lots for Sale. guig-‘cvltnmnfi, Also a fine assortment of Fa] m For Sale The lots ‘odnu‘nn CONTAINIAG Apply to There in a WM. MCCAGUE. Mona CENTRE [’0. 820-4m I". (7 H A W FOR D. J ACOI! MOIKDICN 759-” 7c4-1f 753-3": 8“7-lf 97 THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Doslrm‘s all kinds of Insects, Gran and CM- erpillars on Curmm and Gnosoborrv Rushes 1’rice 25 cents and M 0" per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feflds. It Fattens in. Oneffourt/z 1hr) usual tame, and saves Food. SnYd by Druggisu and Storekespers 8(95 cents per box. , HUGH MIL! FR 81 (30.. Agricultural Chmnisls. Toronto lt destroys tlta Ticks, promotes the growth of the wool, and impron the colldiliudl of the animal. A 35 cent box will 'cleun ‘20 sheep or 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER 51. 00., Amucuurunu. CHEMISTS. 167‘ King Street East, Toronto For Sale by nruggists and ‘Smrekeepers. R. E. LA W, AENH. Richmond Hill. 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees. THOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaken fire. \J Undertaker. &c. RESIDENCEâ€"Noam opposite the Poul Oflico Richmond Hill. ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE D0 mmow. 81:36 pm- HHHom. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Messed: Say Bnckms, Pai|5.CiderMills.“’nshing Wachines,Shingles Waggon Fellnas.m)d l.unnl»mSawedtoorde’r Forparticulau “addro‘ss JOHN l./\NGS'1"A FF. §teal|.,Mills 'I‘lmtnhill. RIUHMBND HILL MILLS! GEORGE 0‘2- DAVJD BIRREBL .l 5" A FRESH $UI’I’I.Y. Al $1.89, $5. $5.50, $8.50 and $9. at the HERALD Book Srmm. Richmond Hill. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! LUNG LI FE PILLS ! Parties favor-in 3 us with grisls may rely ona good return and well nmnu’acmred. Horses and Voh'm‘es 4‘m’~ Mn. (‘hm’g’es mo- dbralv. Opposite Sanderson 51 Suns. JOHN KROWN. Proprietor Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ‘72} 751â€"3111 ‘ D King Slreeiv Fist; Toromm R. A. HARRINON,Q c. F. 0mm. THOIAB MOSS, Q.C. W< A Fos'ran. CHARLES Moss. W. G. Fuconnuoau Toronto. Dec. 4. 1872. 750-11 TICKS ON SHEEP. USI “ILLR’S TICK DES'I‘ROYER. Thomhi". NOV. 3,1869 April 9. 187... HIGHEST MARKEI‘ f‘BlCF‘ PAID FOR wth'r. Richmond mu flour Milk, 0m 15. 187 Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. EG to inform Merchants Haksrs &’ Farmers > that they have alwm-g ow hand a large ' much of HARRISGN‘. OSLER‘ ea moss, 2ARRTSTERS, &C‘..JNOS. 36 AND 33 AMILY BIBLES, EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SA'J cheap at the Hun; Book Stun. ICHMOUD HILL LI V E R Y Patent Eave-twugh CATERPI LLA RS We 3mm; Watch. BIAYOli FOR SALE BY E. LAW. Druggist, Richmond Hill 510-.“ (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. Ozfa'rd Strcnl. W. 0., I.ondon,:.luly l, l 3. 785 Each Pot and Box of my preparation hurl the Rritish Government Stamp. with the 'wordl, " Hulloway’s Pills um Ointment. London.” The folldwing are the namos and address“ of some of the Houses who get my medicinal from here direct zâ€"- ' Messrs Avery. Brown &' C0,. Un’ifax. NJ. Messrs Forsyth & (3.0., Halipr N S; ' Messrs ’l‘. B Barker 6; Sons, St. John, 19.3 f. M“ '1‘. Hes Brisny, (Ihm‘lotla 'l‘own, REJ. Meser‘Langloy & Co , Victoria. B.C. - t" Messy'syMpqge fig 90.. Victqrin, 8.0. »My ‘Pil‘lé and xl'inlment ar'fs soid at the iei‘v’o’l wlmlesalo net prices. in quantities of not loll than £20 'woxlhâ€"viz . 8s Ht!" 225., 345., per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittances must be sent in adVanco. These medicmes arc not sold in the United States. - As alllit'e-endowed bodies. whethel‘lho'y b. Beast. Birds, Reptiles. lnsems or evan Zoo- phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by fiilalfm'w, which binds all'thd springs of existence. and as nothing can saw them 1‘: om destruction when this princ‘ipld leaves them, the discovery of means whoroby vitality maybe sustained in the living bodyil indcied i: been to the World; ‘ As it is not at all'necessary for this Cm'zw lo incur any expense in the sale of [hair pi‘c‘iduc- tions. or to a verv iimi'ed eXent (trading to lheydo upon my name). they are in a position to offer them at a vary low price in Canadn. where [hey are purchased by a few W’hqle‘sald Houses that loan name, and will name liais- nfzer, ifthty continue to and the sumo. Modern chemistry has ventilated (hi quué tion and discovered the ingredients constillé ting the brain. muscles and nerves.- Ind find. that by introducing these ingredients in prop" proportions the brain and nervous system art strqngthened. A»poor mall lny the name of'llolIOWay is 9mpln_\ed by tlm sow-a] (‘d (flmmical Company in New York. who lends lzic name fura small weekly sum. The medicines Sold by this Company are palmed ofi' upon lhe public 'u my “ Hollowa}’s Pills and Ointment.” so that. were they to injure half the community no discredit would {all upon the fabricators ofltholq cmnpnunds. but wnuld‘ considerably damage the reputa‘lion of my make- This. then. is substuhvially thé balil OI which FELLOW’S “YI‘OPHOSFHITES is built,itq direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain “I Nerv’ou‘s Svstem. and the Muscles. Strength- euing the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu tion of‘ Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Org-ll af the Body. Rousing'lhe Sluggish Heart and Liv". strengthening the action of the Stomachjmd Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be fiul|yil‘ flayed with Oxygen. It is adapted for ALLcases of Wenknul ll‘ Emacintion, whether arising fiom sedentary" life. a tropical climate. from fever or debility from any cause, and is efficacious in PULIO‘ NARY Consumv'rmn. many confirmod cam having been cured and all benefitted, whore IH use has been continued ovar a fortnight. ‘ As this is entirely distinct and dlfi‘arontftofl Every other preparation of Hypophosphitu, h careful to usk for FELLOWS' SYRUP, and me no other; SOLD BY APOTHECARIEP I HAVE for a considerable time has! cansidora‘ it In be mv duty to advertise the public of the British Noxih American Provinces against buy- ing from unprinciplcd dealers medicines om- anating from New York. and sold as my N linllowny’s Pills and ('Iintmeni.” in which much ingenuity haS‘heen displayed in passing vhom off as of my make. It is very difiicull indeed to ailempi to enumerate the many de- vices to which the parlias have had resburco, They say, amongst other things. that a new label has barn adopted by lhem. and with hare-faced efii'nnterv caution the public against being deCeivetl by spun-inns imitation'». ” t In Bronchitis it is a specific. and ill Asth-l it gives relief where every other remedy flill.’ For Nervous Debilny it_ stands unrivalled; and may he usn‘d with ci‘ihfidence in nll on." Montreal.â€"Evansfilercor and (20.. \Vholonh “ Drllggists. Lynmns, Clare and (lo. Toronto â€"EHiott and Co . \thlesale Drug- " gists. Simpler and Owen. HamiHmLâ€"Winner and Co. I)‘ 0 0 US M E DI C'INE'S. [{OLLOWAFS PILLS AND " OINTMEN'I‘. ' Halifaxâ€"Avery, Brown and Co Uni: nry Organs, in either sex acquired of "W jmial, Gravel and Pains in the Back. soul in Boxes, 45 6d all Chemints and Patent Medicine VendorS._ IS warranted to cum hll discharges from “10‘ co Ida“. " Szmgm and Sons. Oxford Street London.” And all the London Wholesale IIouIeI. One Box of 01 arke’s E 41 Pills ‘ W SAvEBaSQraét'o] ;' ix'J. c mum. APOTHECAIU FS’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. ' Burgovne. Buruidges and Co.. Cmmau drool London. ’. \ewbm‘y and Sonsfi? Newgate Streel.Londo| Harme and Sons, 95 Faningdon Street, :Lon- Burgoynq. Burbidges and Co‘ . Colman Strut ‘London. ‘ I Newbelv and Sons. 37 Newgate St.. London. Barc‘ay am Sun. 95 Farringzdon SL. London Sanger and Sons. Oxfo»d St” London. And all the London Wholesale Haul“. Wontrenl.â€"Evans Mercer and 00.. Whole M “ Druggists. Lymans Clare and Co. Toronto.â€"Elliot'. and 00., Wholesale Drug “ gicts. Shame. and Owen. Hamilton.â€"Winer and Co. I Hnlifu.â€"Avnry. Brown and Co. Far Sm‘ol‘nln. ch'vv. Skin Difiemes. and S )res of all kind: it is a neveT-failiqig wgil por- u'anem cure ' m' It cures old Sores ( urea" Ult-erated Sores on tlxe Neck. "H's Ulcern! \d Sure Legs 'nrlw Islacxlmads. or l’imples on the Fun. 'ums Scurvy Son's. nms Cancel-nus Ulcers ‘um: lllund und Skin lliseasel. ‘uw-s (Hamlular Swellings. (‘lanrs llm Wood fro") all impure manor, From whatevm' cause arbing. As le mixth is pleasant to [he tasté, and mm mnle free from anything injuriout‘z .to tho musx drlm-un (‘onsIIIulinu Member ask, “I! l‘rnpl'ivwr solicits sufi'erers to give in: {fiul D vs! its value v Timnmuds of u-smnminls from all pair'lo. fluid m Boulas 2s 3d ouch, and in Basel. unmaining six times (he Aquuntily. lls‘ agchâ€" sulllmem tn rfl's-cl a permanent cure in the grnnl n ’H'ily oflongstanding-aka.BY 'ALL -Amfia- Fellows’ Compound 11 RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPIIITES. Trade Mark “ Blood Nixiure.’l, For cleansing rlld clearing‘the blood from all impurllcs, cannot be too highly recommen- dl‘d . ‘ ' mu ms 1 s’ and “PATENT MEmme VENDORS throughout the world: 'i Sole Proprietor. F. J ClARKE,Cheinia(, \Ptfl‘liEUAKlES' HALL. LINCQLH. ENGLAND. ‘ C L A R K E ’ S ._ Warm Famed Blood Mixture. u pun 'rm-z nmm) Is Tm: 'IV..H'E."-‘ AGENTS TN CANADA. AGENTS IN CANADA. Price. $51-50: gaunt Ettmmiw, 5H- U0uleronomy, rlmp. xii, verse ‘ EXPORT AGENTS. EXPORT AGENTS. JAMES l .FF 1; l.0WS,Choi-el HmJqu. N..- Six for$7~50.

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