i , lilink Orders, llc : iâ€"ALEX. SCOTT, PUlgLISHER AND Pnornmr'on or “ THE Yocu HERALD." Hill-Mi: t'il PE): ANNL'M lN‘AlH’A‘NL‘lI. 011w]; [Jack and Job PrintinyEstciibldslmmit. Ulil'ii‘l‘w 'Yohjci: Sn, liieniiOND HILL. 2 Til 1:1 l‘li‘BLISIlED , i ‘.... , . '3 . ‘fl - ' lave“ y F- may Morning, l to subueribcrs by the c:i.i'licst ' coirrcyuiices, when so den ed. I 13.1.!) will always be found the .test and most important i.l lmcnl News and hfnrkcts, and care will be taken to render it to the man of business, and a. l"nn'iily Newspaper. . (inc Doller pcr unnuni in ud- , it not pziid within two months. One amid li‘il'ty Unit-s will be charged. .i [Jul/U. i:i.>b\‘li‘lr[k|llu(k llllLll all ulAbiuuoua 2 paid and parties rvdusing papers with- out paying up will be held accountable for 1 sub: veri} ,tion. addressed to the editors must .‘\l)\.llilirl‘l:‘;lNli K.» T‘l‘lS. i‘i‘Il’. INCH Uzic inch, onc your... . .. 554 00 Two inches, one your 3 50 'i‘hree inches, one year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Adverticcmcnts for A shorter J riod than one vcur, inscrtion.. 0 50 :n cubic/incur, i rtion...... . 0 27) 2.! inches to he considered one column. . ldvcrtiwuueri's without written direction maerted till forbid, and charged accordingly. ill trunri‘iory :ulvertisemcnts from regu- n; o re ulur cusdoincrs, must be paid for when in): _, ed in for insertion. l) 4‘. A L I) l’ K J JR PRINTING XS ABLISHM EN T. I; in ‘:.i m ‘n . ‘1. ed Lndors for holy of the underincniioned des- " cription of ' i ii; tailored Jul) ‘ Work will be promptly attended to : ills, Business Cards, Circulars, Law lleuds, Bizink Checks, Drafts, "on, Letter Hemls,l“uncy Large and Rniall Posters, 1nd of hotter-Press l‘rint- :zcy l’» i clung, Bill Cards, l’mnph" and c‘. cry other I: _ :. additions to the print- n c bcttcr prepared than neutest and most beautiful <l<‘«‘criplion. in ;; of or “aï¬umx aim-\ï¬rmm .mhvm-vsu-‘m A U i} TE- Qi’x 1357} HS. i'i:.~.,..'ois nU'rroN, .lu., ' icenscd Auctioneer for the (louiitybl' J York. . Sales attended to Dn'Itho short- cfat notice and". aï¬"?‘5‘ahon:ible roles“. I’. 0. address;l'liittonville. ,. i Markham, July 13}, «1868 497 Jon}: cAnTni', I E icensed Auctioneer for the Counties of , J York, Peel and Ontario. Residenceâ€" »Markhmm . _ . . ' @aï¬uï¬w ~ , b‘le - terms. ‘ . Lciiild ofiicc for Mr. Car- ier’s scr 'ce will be promptly attended to. J [Hill 37, l Sbl "when a; re: ll. 5A NLHL‘HS-(L‘i It SON. Z‘l’ylil‘h'll‘l'l'oRb' 01‘ THE liicniionn Hi LL [Exec STORE, k :iud (chtre' streets East, _, onluuid a good assortment Paint-,1, l‘criumcry, L‘hcinir ‘ ps, Medicines, Var! Jill other kept by drucg 'sts of medicines Wm . .itâ€" “iillls, lli nnonil l 705 ’L’jii‘il‘dg‘ih‘ C‘Allll, ‘ \z:: in Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, "C‘fincu, .zind Liquors, Thornhill. By Letters Patent has been appointed is- ..i of Marrich Licenses, Eb‘iDN’l‘ES'i‘lth‘u . ‘ . . u . ~~ , < A. ll(_)l3llyr«l,)l\’b, L. D. n. i cw method of extracting teeth without 71' \ pain, by the use of Ether .Sprziym'hich ‘ is the teeth only. The tooth and gum i minding becomes iusciisihle with the m ternsd agency, when the. tooth can be ex» tracked with no pain and without endanger- ing the liic, as in the use of Chloroform. .Dr. Robinson will be at the following places t'ic. All oiiice operations in Dentistry ml in n workimiiilike manner : .‘dliilil'lici..... .. 2d “ †lliuhniond llill. Silk and 24th " “ MLAlbcr .. l5tll “ “ I Thornhill .. .. ..23rd " “ Maple. ......26th “ “ i Eurwick...†...‘28l:h “ ‘ £;.iullll.)lll" ..§2‘.ltli “ ' ' n v. . Nitrous Oxide Gas always on hand at Aurora. :huroru, Noblcton. .. r April ' lSTO tiled!" . ll. ll. PUGSLEY, (succnssons To w. w. (10X,) U L‘ i all l-lltbs‘. l»: ligllIilONI) HlLL, HAVE 1) always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, l’ork. Sausages, &c., and sell at the lowest prices for Cash. Also, (.‘orned :ind Spiced licet, {Smoked rind Dried lidiiis. t‘, 1v- \ V to m l he higucst market price given Tor Cattle, ï¬liflep, Lambs. (Sf/C. .31 . I} .1, Richmond Hill, Oct. 1... ,. 745d)? All}, Ellis“ Bill)? AND SllOi’i STORE UliN illllllHN, manufacturer and dealer ' i kinds of boots and shocs. 33 Vest c, 'l'oroii‘ut hoes mud-.2 to measure, of the lllfitttl'lé‘il zind ‘wlirlunuiiship,":it tiir- low- “ groin unci‘riting prn v i. 'I‘oronto, licr Ill H , 13 ll s. GIBSON, . :7)l{4)\‘li;\"i‘l.y\l} l. A N D SURVETOR. i L Uiril l'lnginccr and Dmiightsnmn. ‘ (Trot-rs 1/]; lc/ï¬cr should state the Concession, ,l.o‘ and ( rziclcr of Suri y, the subscriber iniyi‘ .5 old Field 1T0!“ of the late I). (.hns‘ox and othersurveyors, which should be consulted, in many crises as to original‘ mmmmmix, dun, provioim to commencing} work. "l‘ i." 1‘ ll. :1 AIL Ofï¬ce at 'i'ili.i.i.owii.ii_i. 'i'cnue- Street, in the Toniushm of \ork. ‘ 755 , J. KELLER vcr \Vutchcs, Jewelry, &c., 113 Yonge Street, Toronto. ' September 1, 1871. was vom‘n, L‘s" FINE GOLD AND SIL- b 084 i if: you: ii'iiiiijto" Pn'i‘Eiviif MEDIG N “ -PROCLAMA'x7ioN. ' US'l'AlllJ’S Calm‘rh Specific ('ii:':." \a and Chronic cases of 'L‘utairrh, hcurzilv lis, Group, Asthma, M gin, H ezitluche, ( lolds, (,‘m Bronchitiu. do. it is also; good Soothing, Syrup. . V BE crn get for li)yspep“~.iu, Nick Headache, llilliousncss, Liver, Kidney Complaints. (1'0. AVE you llheuinaï¬isni, \Vonnds, Bruises, ll Old Sores, (hits, Burns, Frost Bites, Piles, Painful Swelllngs, “'hitc Sivclliugs, and every couccivxiblc wound upon man or boast ? 'i‘lllil K N'G 0i“ Hill." Stand.» permanently ulmvc every other idem dy now in use. it is invaluable. klï¬u, the Pain Victoris 'liilrl' for I Diarrhoea, Dyeentcry, l’lox’, olie, (llioleru Mothus, Pain and (‘runip in the Stomach and Bowels, lite. ol f} Directions with each bottle and box. ll. MUST}; n, Proprietor, lligm:â€')ll r \luniifuctiirod by i Sold by Druggists generally. The Dominion \Vorin (fund): lh the incdii o cxpcl worms. Try it. 70571 .1. ii. isAioiansoS". 7‘7 lil'l‘lilRlNA'llY S1} RC ‘10}; , Graduate of ’ Toronto University College, corner of Yonge and Centre Stu. East, llichinond li'ill, begs to announce to the public that he is now practising with ll. Sanderson, oi the 7 place, where they may be consulted p: ally or by letter, on :ill diseases, t'f hm cuttle, &c. All orders from Ii distunCc promptly . tended to, and incdiciuc .xcut: to any part of the Province. Horses examined :is to SOIlllllliChs, bought and sold on commission. Richmond Hill, Jan. 25, 18"). and also 8. .l'."\..‘\llCS, . (LATE JAMES & rowan llUill’l‘E ."l‘, CIVIL ENGINEng Ahl) Surveyor, Trust and Loan Buildings, col'~ her of Adelaide and 'J‘ormit‘o sarcets, Toe ronto, Tillâ€"tf‘ ADA M ll. )ll‘jYEllil, .l 2%.. (Late of Dziygrm d' .lleycrs,) BAR I'll STE l, A'l'TOll NE Y _-‘\'l‘7lr.’x ll", :w'omcrrou in UHANCERY, C(iNVui‘Aku-iiil, &'c., &c. E; 750. 12 York (‘hu.iiibers, Soutlp ' Streets, '. V ‘ of Toronto and (Tonrt Tor‘dï¬to‘, Ont. .ianuitry l5, 1873. ‘ ,. \VM. MALLOY -, ' ] lï¬llRléfl‘Ell, Attorney, Solicitorâ€"in-Chnn 3 'ccr fConvcyanccr, &:c. '- OFFIC No. 6 Royal lnsnranee 'l‘oijonto s't-rcet. Toronto, Dec. 2, 1859. Buildings, sale'ér‘purchesc of lands, farm stock, Sec†Eils'o'for the deflection of rents, notes and tic.- counts. Charges Moderate. (IFi-‘icum-Richmond srrcct, Richmond ilill. TOELly F. \VHITLOCK, "illlthEY SlVEEP, AND iliAld‘lll. J old iron, rugs, (to, &c., Richmond Hill. All orders promptly attended to. November 12, 1832. Power of Memory. A little negro girl living); in :i dint- uiit city, him A truly powerful n‘icinory. it is said that :; gentleman who i. d rend cloud in her presence accident ally heard her repeat word for word what he had read from the paper, though twenty-four hours had interâ€" vened. After this he tented her mom ory frequently and has found it cupziâ€" ble of repeating thirty or forty liner: from :i bool fter hearing itruid over once. llcr intellect in other respch does not: seem atoll above, il'crpnil to, n u ‘7 u u the average. Such instances of momâ€"i ory are not very unusual. Mury Suinmcrvillc tells of an idiot in .i‘ldin- burg who never failed to repeat tlic‘ sermon, word for word, after attend,â€" ing the kirk ouch Sundziy, nuyinp; : "’ Here the minisler coughed ;" “Here he drank some water,†(vc. She also tells of another whom she met in the Highlands, who knew the Bible so perfectly that it‘ he will asked Where such :1. vcrsc was to be found, he could tell without hesitation, and repeat the i m), . chapter. We remember, also,io have 'read a year or two ago an account of a men in New York 'who could l‘CilLl one side of a. i’iewspzipcr, and then re- pcat i1, word lbr word. ï¬(l\’(>l'li.~‘01iioiils , and all. ‘wâ€"vv Length of Days. At llumburg, in Germany, the long est day has seventeen hourn, and the shortest seven. At Slockholm, the longest has eighteen and u‘hulf hours, mid the shortcut ï¬ve and a hull. At St. l’clcrsburg, the longest has ninc.‘ teen, and the shortest ï¬ve hours. All Finland, the longest has twcntv one. and u'hulf hours. At \Vondorbiiu, in Norway, the day lusts from the ï¬llet of May to the 2nd ol‘July, the sun not getting: below the horizon tor the whole time, but skimming along very close. to if in the north. Al .‘Sl’iiisbcr- gen, the longest duy lush lhrec months and u half. 44!.» .\ .swarm of industriouzl grumhoppcm devoured n thirteen ucrc field of \i’liccii growing finely, in lliuinboldt county, lowu, in two ilziys, cutinzi; the- green blule bare to the ground. s The Shah of Persia received 8,000 begging letters during his slay in I; \‘m: borne in remisllcssly on my mind. liilil~~ll()l' trust myself London, which he ordered packed in :1 large chest for- furilicr ili:<:p(%(‘ii0l'i and consido ‘ut-ion. A gentleman having)r his hair cut by 'uto ‘ ‘AllD‘S l’ills are the best. pills: you ' i l l l l l l r l i l i l i i ï¬ll‘.‘ | n cv cry ircsh .345. in his igrcui, incli'uble groodncm. lillilt‘t‘il‘i)“. ,- < ~;:xv<:..'v - 17mm†xm Ill ‘ll. 1) I \ “T \ rl‘i ll. \i‘i. l-L] w when wulhii iii Throu tine crowdml. nr 1yy .v Th'iii " ie pearl of wondrous: \Ylllot.il1>. ( ' ,- beside our pathway luv. “1' would punsc when now we lll'nli n. ‘i'c would Hill 1 look around, . should trmnpic None l':l}'«' pmci in thc ground. if we kin-w what forms were fainting For il‘ - shade tl 'c'c uhoiild ilinm if. we knew whet in»; vcre p: ‘chinp For the writer \\‘<: Should in 11g. “'0 should l "rte with lower funtScps'. \‘i'c would vorla \ ith willingliunih 1 Hearing cum; of cooling \vutcr, lit-mains! iovmoi ~l1'i'lllifj pillow, ncn friends around in ~cd to my goodâ€"by. if we lilill‘d"\‘f (‘loscly prc . Which mining,. the. lips thiit k 113 First should ’nczith the or. lost li-u We would cl:in our 45' around tli-- ' l'iookmgonuthenithrolour toad-syn; . 1;. 'llendér words of love et-xrnul,‘ \Vc would whisper in tlicir euro. 1 . . ll we knew Wlll‘d» liven were darkened liy HOHH“ thoughtless word of ours, 3" sll of regret. \vhile our r es: were overflowing. “74ml l yo my" [0121“, {Ix/1.23,. . 'filn: ‘. and do We l'thl‘ cur: L to suck to k‘hoiv; ; \‘i'chtlicr bitter herbs or re- lnonr neighbors gardens 5, ‘(lod l'oi ’eus, lest hen ftcr, (iiir h a bro 2' him say. "(‘arcl child, l ’ 'cr kn w you, hmm ‘ wan-c lice awuvf 4. y- ii‘.'.‘ ‘1 r' i-w , pi. A v," [L'UA 1 When Kate cntcrcd, charmingr in rho rare simplicity of her dress, I was able to tell her the reason of the Col- onel’s early visit without exciting any suspicion on her part, and to encuszc iny'own further attendance, on the plea that they might have some pri- ‘rite arrangements to make witl'i'rcf- crcnce t0 the rcudingol' the will on the morrow. l ikl'llJJJ On reaching my own room, l_ flung myself in :1- paroxysm of feeling on the bed, st *rdning my clasped hands new :3 my brow, and tlicwutcrs Offlli- gulch nd incnizil conflict went over my soul. l scoured to live over again D. Q OuBJUEN {Win one conccntrzitcd <cm::ili<n‘i the ct.» ‘,,,_-: ,‘ ,- ~. '- ~. , * cadences of my '\ ole life 2:: con- , mgr, um.l0(’,,‘1~,,n,-,-,,m,Agent for. by“, flfc’cfcd with Colonel Vaughan. 1 saw him medic appeared to me fil‘Hl»â€"ll0- nignunt, dazzling in :-<plcui.lor und power of goodness to inc, 3 inner- :ible, discarded child; and since then with “'lillt l'ruii‘iic zcul had i clung; to vchilion of the Mycolâ€" ncss and inability of ilitl (‘lli‘ll‘ilf‘lt‘l' nnd il'c ! “n In llilhcrlo l litlll rut him-sly l‘clllrtid to (l M“. hold purlcywith myself oi crning the presumptuous love lint. l bore him, or rather bud H'lmoled myselfM suffer. lint no but he bud told inc liclovcd inc~~luid loved inc loiW~~l lind nu lle‘llrt‘. for giving: in); emu f’rcc vcul for :: lime. i did r-i) in it::ll‘>, in iiiolish proscurc of my fever- ish lips upon lhehund solulcly ‘usp~ cd in his, in vogue drcuius :Ulll pus- >l0liill0 yenrnings after what l Still felt was impossible. For through all run the ovcrniustcring conviction that i could not accept his. love. i could not blight hutch: life. i could not belruy my bcncluctrcss. .‘iloi'c than lhnt,l \\':‘;.\1Hil. worthyoi'hiin', though rt V. k {fillinllttlYt‘ iii. ._ :il'n a thought i wur. Quiet, lil'll)1‘(3l0]’illill;_{’; uncndmvcd. i Wilri no lit mute for his distinction and prevcniincncc. No, much more akin to him were the ru- diunt bcuuly, milivc gills. and splen- did :iccoin])lislimcnis of his ill’lllltllib wzird. Besidcsvz, wlizu would be the inlolcrublc anguish of her humilins tion to iind hers-ell" rejected for incâ€"â€" thc conlidunl of her pussion 9 ii could be, it must not be And yet, if he loved inc, us he and hedid, would he not in his. turn sufâ€" f'cr? For n bricfwhilc, till this inâ€" luluulion were lbrc‘oltcu. and he could open his eyes to the blcssellncss minding: his :zcceplnncc. For was she noi good, sweet, pretty, lovingr a him as purely 11:2 l, loved him, though ‘incupuble ol’giving him up, in; i would and could leech inyselfto do How long my painful conflict lasted i know not, but i win; :ll'l\ll:§(,‘il by liiilc’s coming to lhc door. . “ Let me in,†shccricd, inipuiicnily, for the door was. loukcd. "Colonel \Vuuglnin is going, lliirsynrcl. and he hits asked for you." " Tell him i cannot rcc him, " i re plied, simulyingr my voice to ilw mind 1; i J “ if 1 my that,†she returned, drylv, " he. will illhis‘l. upon coming; up to prcwribc t'=~r you ; you know quackâ€" ery is one of his hobbies! lhl'lilll loll him you nu... gone, out.†:ind rho 1111‘“- ed :ii ’ l hull'cprung from the bed to cull to her, but sunk buck again. The mes- sugc would appear unworthy nnd unri gracious, if it did? But might it not be better At least one (.zonviclion t #00 i must no to cxclizuigc word or glance till after the (lcCisivc events of the morrow. In some sen 1 should be obliged to '( tn) ,1, talkative barber) was asked how he i be guided by iheni ~nol us regarded would like itdonc. silence.†. If powiblem 3,, my ultimziic decision, but in my incunu of conveying it to him. : n . ,. . . . :i ichoiy or her beautiful face! i That morrowâ€"how wow I to bear iihc suspense till then [know Kale} would Seen return, '1 gathcn‘cd,>ioo, ' from the tone of her voice. . ii. she; ,wzis mixed and, dissatisï¬ed. and, rip-j, iichG‘d :is l. was, I had in ' secret to lgum’d from her. l arose, washed my, 'hot hands and face, ruined u speechâ€" chss prayer to'ffleavcn for strength 'und help, unfastened my door. :uid lziid niysolfquictly down again. , As i expected, Kate soon crime buck ,z’md entered the room. She ozivo inc Eu quick, searching look. . “ Are you very unwell, Margaret '2" ‘ she asked, and then, without whiting,r for my reply, went to the window :ind grazed out. long and silently. _ g it could hear lhe‘smindiof hers . ilifltli'i‘i, und knew she was watching ;ill1"il()t1t of‘sight’. Oh, the pathos there ‘ wus in the yearning, passionate incl- “ lluvc youwâ€"hzis he," 1 begun hesiâ€" tltillg“ -â€"“ finished the arrangements 'or to-morrow ?" “ 'ii’c haveliu’rdly mentioned them . ,i ‘i yet," she I'Cl'dlgtlâ€"J‘ul.‘ concluded he mud dmcusscd them with you. llul tlacrc is not mich to arrange. ll'he will is to be read at noon; liiiii::ell’, his sisi’cr, my father‘s lawyer, and one or two personal friends are. to he present besides myself, the victim, and you, my chaperon. I"dou’t know ii any ceremonies need attend the ,1‘ilc»â€":lt least beyond providing: :1 hot» itlc of sherry and a. biscuit." _, “ A.iid,you foreborc, to spcculhtc or to question him on the eve of ihe Limouemmt L?†, g “Gui. 50720 i’†cherished. “ l-lc Would ilcll mo liOtliiligâ€"ill’ld I did not ixnirl; idiscomï¬ture; gAli†,‘Margurct l†she .weut on, coming nezi‘rimc, und loun- ‘ ing with affectionate familiarity over my pillow, “ hc W‘uscruclly silent and impenetrable thisinoriiing. Do you think {iiiyqnan could have such . liliiflt‘Cl’Y‘i’iVél’ills feelian if he felt ul. all 27’†= “ Surely,†1. said, turning away unâ€" easily under her sorrowful gaze, “ the some ino’tives' Whielfflmve influenced him before would sustain him to the end.†, , “Is it a" sin, ii'i’Sli‘uifiic,†she asked, “ to love this main so well-«so well that I could fein tell him that i, love him, and hes‘eéch‘hiin, if he loves me not, to try hard to do so ‘3 If he will have nothing to say; etc 1110. 1 shall i)! jaa’rï¬ovinghn {ill r par... MIC: under “Che turf. i won‘t be such u fool us to add in that :50,tli{ll;l don‘t me how soon the interment takes place." u' in. m m. ‘leili l | Win: silent, and she Wen". on up “-' llezivcn blch you, Murgzu'o , for letting me talk like this without scori‘iiug me! lf I couldn’t tulk to you, my wild, unchustcncd beam, as he would term it, would be ready to burst. l often ziuk myself angrily why i love him so much, vhen he; has 5' :{u'ccly ever spoken :i kind word ‘ to me; but. ,I think of’lhc kind words, , the good oiliccs he has bcstowcd upon others, and, though 1, :idniii'c hisI handsome fucc, his gifts of mind nudl nuiuuer, i love still better the pull once, the selfâ€"deniu, the noble con- duily life no example and u rcprooi‘. Ah, Murâ€" gurcl, he l’ili§_;‘lll, niukc :i good woman of inc 5" She turned upon me her luininoin; cyca wet with tcursimbcziuliful ll her grief us no other woman over won. it seemed to inc. As I guxcd her with searching, Htrickcn ‘lnucc. my ci’iiirugc strengthened. 'iiztcncy which makes oi‘liis :ii 4 74 “i can bear it bellcr lhnn she," ,i. Lid} “and hr~~~hc must lovo her in re end i“ l linll'drczidcd, hull." hoped, that he might make some attempt to see me again that day, but the hours were on to night, and 1 received no communi- cution from him. Kate and l scpzuu iatcd curly. .l‘luch pusst :i rcullc‘su, feverish night, and rose early and un- il'cfrcshml on the allâ€"important mow row. llurdly was breakfast over w llClli Miss Vaughan was announced. in appcu’ancc and manner, she writ; totally unlike hcrbrothcr, seeming to, the ordinary observer nothing but :i formal. emotionless spinslcr. But l, who knew he’ as his willing sup- porter in all his past goodness to me, judged of her dilicrcntly, and rose to welcome her with all the g 'ziteful cor- diulily i felt. Kate, on the other hund, wus' careless and .‘ifll'CilSth, being, :is l could see, ill-plmscd at my curly :i visit. “Shall 1 ring for brezikllisli?†tellLl asked, with :ifi‘cclcd eagerness. “ Clioâ€"l colutc and tonal can be prepared in :l low minutes i’ “ l brearilhslcd two hours rum," rc~ plied Miss Vaughan, “as you must have guessed, Kate, being acquainted with my habits; but I thought it well to come over and see if all was in readiness for this li'i(.'l‘liiiig"r= Hol'iourl business." “ ‘l‘huuk you," slihl liuio, dryly; but she said no l'ii(l’c. She felt the coming business to be too serious to give vent to her usual wan-in th. Presently Miss Vaughan remarked, - stunning her young: hosch criliii cully‘ l V “1 am very glad, Kulc, to see you ‘Iior once so simply and suiinblv drcs‘ Sod.†“l ziin not dressed,†said Kate, haughtily, with her cheeks already album: at the implied censors ‘ip. She wore a wh ite morning»wrapper, l i f’muid, with her loo,~:cuci and her in ugniï¬cent hair was bound ound about her head; and I know u 1 t it had been her intention to be present at the reading of the will in in the some cmtun‘ llowever, she .. (- lulu now thonng propc' to leave the room, under the pretext that Miss V'uughun litill reminded her of the duties of the toilet. i followed her us soon as i could, huvii-ig previously conducted Mics \' ighun to the dining-room, that who might see with her own eyes that all ill ' ii us duly prepared for the approachâ€" ing; cercimniy. I found Kutc under the hands other i hair flowing around her, :Ind 21 brilliunl-hucd robe ‘ou lhc bed. “ I will be your lirewomuu ioâ€"duy ii'you will let me,†l said, anxious to dismiss the girl; and when relic was goiicl did iny best but in vain, to induce lintc to resume hcr simple dress, and to suffer me to confine hcr luxuriant tresrcs iii modest order. “ ï¬lo,†:~,h i isuid, passionately, “why should i belie niyeclt'ou this day, the turning-point of my dcsiioy ‘r’ Lct me be my honest. sell; filer; ‘ 'ct: let me not irucliio to nor." .“llul he," lurgoi‘. filintlyv m '1. know he does not like this flouting Clit’L‘(.’/i//"nâ€. .‘ilid lili‘ci' prone! uced i ors.†She panned. l ilcr clicckri grew cur- inineâ€"tinled and than pnlc; her breast heaved with repressed emotion: who can "hi. my hand and liir-‘iSC‘ti il. culiâ€" o with me whut you like, durâ€" hngr,†she niurmurml. An hour after this we. were ull neutâ€" cd in the stately dining-romn of the mansion, merit of us drawn around the innssivc imiho .iny dining» nblc, which had grouucd llil(l( r the weight of‘m many fbnsls in the lifetime of the mun whose will we were now runiptuous liEJ‘CIi’llllCil lo hour. I J. / Hid- liko one in :i dr ruin, ustziined only by the :icwrish ole ration ol'l'ecl- ing which may be snppused to cnziblc the martyrto well; firmly toward the appointed stake. ’liute looked pnlc .‘llltl calm, and superbly bountiful in her' iniplc dross; she, too, had all her cum; 9-: strained on the ruck of patience. Miss Vaughan \’~':liiitlil1(i her clorscly, and so did thei‘wo gentlemen who ind ,‘UlllC in along: with liCl';'§l1ll.i'(,lilill. The former had known her hither in- timately, and licrself‘f’rmn her cradle, and both were full of comment and coi’ijccturc on what they were nbout to hear. Colonel ‘\ sun had .«(turccly upoâ€" lien certainly he had not .upoken to me, but had mt down :it once at the 'til . bottom of the table, (and waited withâ€" out one overt sign of impatience while the lawyer tossed and preiliccd :ind untied :ind unsealed with luboricuiu cxucincsu iiie ‘Hllzlll pectic before him. At length the inure was opened and :«inoolhcd, niid the voice cl "ll'CLl with cluboriilo scrupuiosity. mad he ('Dlit incuCed to rcud. 1 cannot rccu'l ilic iechnitil phrzi- ecology of the document, or give in word» {id lucid and :wizccinct the pro- visioim oi'thc will. The substance of « I it, however, wus Lhul 3dr. Cnrrington. bequeathed to his. only :iiid beloved: child liulc the entirely of all he jino:‘~ SGN.~3(ltlâ€'*{lll one nolc condition, (but, on re'cl 7 protracted two yours beyond the ordi- nary period, for re: sons that satislicd his own jiuigincntmsho being; utili- bnniarricu‘, and her guardian, Colonel \ unghnn, l.»eing still uninurricd, their two .~':ould pledge thcini-sclvcie within six months offhc re: dilly“ oi“ the will to become mun :ind wife. ln ihiscnsc It was his wish and prayer to his be- loved child that she would. in prov pcct of the murrizigo nl'oi'c:=:ii(l, make 2'. legal tllenicnt upon her future ‘1') i u liusbund of the precise hull' of her' property, and minute instructions were laid down to that cilecl. Should lintc refuse to :1 code to this arrangement, she was, through such refusal, to forfeit the whole of the property, with the exception of three hundred pounds 9. y or “for decent inuinlcnuucc, ’ and the residue w: u to be made over to Colonel llvcrurd Vougghiui, for his ~<ol - iise :nid odvnut» age. if, on the other hand, Col. Vaughan rci'uscd to ratify the proposed nlli- (NICO, Kulc was: to forfeit cvcry shil- ling of her weulth, which was then to be devoted to the buildingqu endowâ€" ment ol :1lunutic‘isylum in his. the tcslulor’s uulivc town. The will concluded with n state- ment. that Air. larrington loved his daughter dearly, and. vishing to se- .curc her future happiness, liud plun- ncd tlic nbovc arrangement. in order lo ci sure her marriage with the mun whom, he most trusted and esteemed in the world. zuid that he had post- poned linte‘u iiiariorily in order to give her :ind her guurdiuu lil{O\Vi:-C :implc opportunity for committing~ lheir own unfettered inclinutionis, conâ€" cluding that, if both. were free at the date specified, there could be no tyr- anny in thus disposing: of their free' (him. [To nu (‘UN’l'lSlWiHJ r r so. u r it. it: said thth many incinbcrs of the Massachusetts State Uoiiutubuhwy, nbolâ€" ishcd last week, have. made fortunes in . i a few yours at three doll-run :i. (luv. Seine of them have bought twenty thousand dollar houses. The force con- tained some conscientious men, but the maingbody was corrupt. :il lc:i.~r‘.,= ling: her niujorityâ€"vabich he litldi .THE YORK EnuALn i‘1)l'lBLlSH‘3D AT THE OFFICE Yoruu or. ,liiciiMosz HILL. issued Weekly on L‘Jiduy lv’lorni-ng. Urn: l)m’lui ‘pcr Ammm in Adm-1W "i l? 1' 7i. .i‘ : ALEX. Scorr, .l’RHl‘RiETOR. ‘ffiwzf; 7‘" ï¬ï¬f’éif“ o’f‘i‘f“: 1‘ ; ,, W'HOLE NO. 828. gm. .e, . , , “F m“. ‘3', m: WWW-'1'? WWQMW » at...†f Beauty. ‘ A Gersican ‘5 1 Without (expi'c., on, ilic most per- vf'cct features are not beautiful. it ‘may be flflld that the eye?! sway the destiny of the fut-c, for if their pression be not beautiful, the most exquisilcly-modellod other features, the most classical mould of" the head, and the purest Grecian ovul ofgcncrâ€" al fnciul i’)i1lliiie,:ii‘c but :is doves clus; tel-lug; in the fascination of hideous snakes. On the other hand, :1 beuuti- ful eye ' raises the ploinest face to a. higher *auk of beauty than more symâ€" metry can ever attain. The greatest ‘ and most loved women of himory were often indebted solely to the liczzuiif’ul exprcusion of their eyes for 'fhcir nameless power of fascinating all who beheld them. And to make the eyes. thus beautiful, it only noâ€" iccssary to throw into them that light of the soul which emanates from the gentler emotions :iud purest thoughts. , All violent passions abuse the eye, all unworthy thruuglitrz liii‘d‘ its clcurncss. -I>‘OV4--r “Gum-ailing Feline Str ategy. ‘; A. New Hninprshirc pupcr relates the ibllov.‘in;: story, asserting that it comes to if “through :1 reliable :{ourc in :irtorcin ,l'lxctcr, ii short itiinc ago, :1. litignlloflll bud been left 'cpcncd, and upon going to it u. coinâ€" pziny of rats were found in the botâ€" tom. having been attracted thither by i contents, and beingr unable to gg'ct out. The store wit. wus brought in and placed in position to see them, but after taking u good look jumped down and run out of the door, shortly rcuppcering with another cut. The two new looked oycr the situation and retired, soon coming buck with the third rut. Thcynow seemed sul- islicd with their force and made all :iiluck, jumping into the hogshead.â€"â€" The en is had, however, misculculnted the force of the enemy, and two were killed, the other being,r inkcn on! in ::c:’i<<’>n to HIVG its life. in ; “4.â€. Is it Worth Trying ‘2 A tcinpi‘erunec advocate in New York llztlllf’ll ’l‘hoinuson argues the question from :i diflbrcnt :etundpoint than that generally token. llc says : A prohibiâ€" tory luw the. people will not obey, and were it adopted it would be evaded every hour of the duy. .hdultcrution .‘llill drunkenness Slliriulil he the subject ofthc hiw’s penalty. A cut may be limiter. until it is afraid to steal any more cream. The drunkui‘d nhouldbc ltorrilicd info ill} obedience of the luws governing temperance in this way. Disfrnucliizc the intenn'icruto man from his rights :is 21 citizen on first complaint. On the second complaint let him be condemned to sweep the sti‘ccliu, and on the [bird conii‘mi him to wear :in iron collar, but will be syiuholicnl of his il’ut rich mcn :iiid the poor :Llltl degraded together, :iud iiinkcof them a Vltï¬lf. brucc of Hechngci-u. The necessity of cuutioningthc ludics not to pcrs‘undc , . lnrir gcn tlcinun friends to hike wincou :‘(i-w ‘i'cur’u lbiy will then be no longer oscmnlizd, for, of cours‘c, they would not like to me their “ dmr Augustus†in churvrc ol' :1. policcmun shovelian :n‘iow nevi. morninii'. , . WW-..“ lewd... Giving a. Hint. . illiodo Inland girls are not: minting ,in the url' of gently insinuating that, 'lil'c llurkis, " llicyli-c willinhl‘ it was; only recently that u lmly mlkinf,r one ,cvi-z‘iii.,;,. undcr the classic shrich of llrowu University, UVCl'llt‘fllTl the folâ€" lowing; conversation bolu/ccn :i young lznly and gentlciuun just in front of her: l " ‘hurlcy, did you over lezir it said / i that i ' :i prrsoii found :i fourâ€"leude clover and put it in their shoe, the first gcnllcniui‘i or lady the person walked with Would be their husband or wife?†" Noâ€"hcver heard of it before.†v" \‘r'cll, I found one and put it in my shoe this morning, and you are the first one 1 have walked with. l} woi'idoi' if it is true 1" . There could be but one unuwer to this, but the unintentionul eavesdrop- pcr docs not mention it, leaving the public in cruel doubt as to whether the ruse wnsi successful ‘cr not. ,, . 4 -. .9 .. -.,.,,-, .. : Punctuallty at Beath. Mr. Higgins was a very punctual mun in rill his transactions through life. lie amuseod a. large properly by until-lug; ind ustry and punctuality, and {it the advanced age of ninety yours was resting quietly upon his bed, and calmly waitii’ig to be called uui'uy. llc had deliberately made almost every arrangement for his dc- ,ceuno and burial. llis pulse grew fainter and the light» of life seemed just flickering: in its socket, when one of his 'ons observed,â€" “ iiiuthcr, you will probably live but ;:i duy or two, is it not well for you lo l mime your bczircrs ‘3†“' To be sure, my son," suid the dying‘ mun, "' it is well thought of, and .I will do it 7201/2†lie guvc :i list of: "x, the usual num~ her, and sank buck exhausted upon 1 his pillow. .‘i y'lcuni of thought pusucd over his thhcred flicc like {i * ray of" light, end no ‘llllletl once more. “ My son, read me that list is the name oer. \Viggins therc‘, ’ "’ it is, my father." “ Then strike it oil,†said he, cui- [plizitic-nlly, “ for he was never punc- I trialâ€"was iieve ‘ anywhere in season wand he might hindertlie procession :1 whole hour 3" l l l i l , l i l . from the fine inipi~ The Paris papers report :i leeri‘ul scene as liuvingg' recently taken place at Beetle. in ihc oflicc of" the loo-:11 magi. rule. it uppeurs: that two bro- thers (lcrli llfli-l summoned one li‘run COis (hinipomi, on account ‘of fill alleged lrespuw, and the case was duly llbtli'd. ‘ii’hcu ihc ningistruic bud retired, an “i lcrczition arose be tween the pin-lies; .lcm: Antoine Corli drew an dagger and stabbed Francois Cumponu, while the other Corti fired a revolver at Camponn’s brother, who was rounded in the chest. A relation of the Cuinponii.,, who interfered, was. stabbed, and u byrtundcr was rounded by a ball from Ci)1‘li’.~i revolver. The two Cor. [is were allowed to reiirc without any :illcinpt being mode to detain them. The food between the two parties is believed to have arisen out ' of events which occurred , many months ago. in August, l872, fl bailiff miiiied' Monlccclli was found; murdered on the hiin road, and pub lic rumor accused the Curtis of' havâ€" ing hired the ascents-in. Oor‘ii, the father, died while the inv '~stiguti011 was proceeding, but his son, Jean Antoine, and his daughter were tried for being accessory to the crime, but. were acquitted. 'l‘wo other men were convicted of having; been concerned in the murder, uni Wcl‘O sentenced to twenty ycxu'u' imprisonment. This judgment was annulled, end they were tried a cccond time, but both were condemned to the rsziiiicpenzilty. Among the witnesses against them were li‘runcois (friinponu, and a rein;- tivc, who thus, it is believed, attracted the uniniosuly of the Corti family. ' 4, â€"<» â€"o. oao 4v»~»â€"~â€"-- â€" A Speculation. A flourishing; joint stock company, which for the simplici y ol'iir, swindlmg has rarely been exceeded, was some time ago wound up in London. The company consiiitcdcf two enterprising gentlemen who derived their dividends upon one mcm~ ber of the firui on :i‘COl‘al’lb of infer-mu tion lurniuhcd by the other. it appears that the l‘iictropolitun Board of “701-163, grievously troubled with the bud con duct of. contractors in allowing their men to shunt street, unidinto the near- est sewer, hull p ed a regulation giy/ inf; two pounds and ten shillings to any informer furnishing such evidence no should lead to the prosecution and con- yiction of persons guilty of the offence. On conviction the line hue usually been ton shillings. (In this Simple. basis the two petty ï¬nanciers; crested their struc turc. ' One of them simply cmniniticd the offence, and tllC other gave the in- fo‘inrition. The olicudcrwus lined on Shillings, while the iniin'nicr received two pounds and ten shillings. The line paid, the two stakeholders; ilcolui‘cd :1 dividend of two pounds, of which (‘flC‘li conspirzitor lind :1 pound to himself. repeating the operution in difi'e nt div? tricts of the city the two men for some weeks} curried :i suiilcicnt livolihood ; but unlmppily the plan was detected, and, as u. remedy against. fraud, the Board of \Vorks reduced the informer": fee to ten shillings. which left no main- gin for profit. rim! u I if, ___._ ‘4'. - . . . v, crcuuistaeces alter basses. n u ,l)c;icc»n Wâ€"wâ€" wuu boss curpcn ter, and a Baptist in “ good :md reg- ‘lzir slundiu’ †in Rome, ()ucidu Cc. N. Y., more than forty ye ago. One day, while he wzisiworkiug with on:- :4.» his men on the third slugging of’in new Baptist church which he hud con tructh to build, he hcurd one of the hands utter on oath, and he at 0110c. begun ti sermon on the :â€";ir. of swear- ing. Just as ho had :irrivcd at the most iliipl'CSrilVO part, of the discourse. the platform on which they were standing guvc Why. The deacon threw up his arms mid, gazing heavenâ€" wnrd, exclaimed, “Lord have mercy!" The staging settled straight down- ward, struck the second platform, and that, too, trembled £1. moment and then gave way. Again the deacon looked ckyward and repeated, “Lord have mercy 5†Then, as the cent- 'a blood weight of the two platforms, .including the deacon and his four men, reached the lust staging, and that tattered an instant and want down, the deacon, thinking his doom was at hand, fairly shouted, “Lord liarc mercy!†But when the entire mass struck lhc solid ground with a ï¬nal crush and nobody was nurt, thc deacon glanced at the wreck and ungrilyjcrkcd out, " Damn the stagcl" Mo viiâ€"Never trust to u deathâ€"bed repentance. ltwon’t stand prosperity. . ._ 7*...“4.†Japanese Ladies. To please her lord, {1. .l'upuncsc wifc must be accomplished in music, cur broidery, singing, und, above all, in skilfully improvising vcrscs for his dclcctation. Duty, a bundle of keys‘i weekly accounts, and good llOUSC- Wifery, are all very well. They are expected ~â€"thc .l :iprUOSC gentleman rc- quircs all that; but he wishcsm-nay, insists upon the niu’riuge-yokc being entwined with roses and padded with the softest silk. It must not chafe; if it doeu, oli' he goes to his club, or, what is nenrly bad, his ten house. The law allows him to do so, and 3.5 he not lord of the hind? ,. ()1 A table table. intol‘esl»â€"ll‘he dinner auxin. m'ï¬ â€˜.