Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Jun 1874, p. 2

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haw,“ m4}; ' ’ 9’ “COUNCIL. 7 r - ClitRRIED. ’ 00! OUT iron THE LEVIATHAN : Apprentice Wantedâ€"Wm. Harrison. 5 ‘ L i' u ‘ ' ’ ' »â€"-- . . l â€"- coxâ€"slursâ€"Al is: John Smith's Mark- ,\ -' Dominion Day at Thornhill. ; The. above Council met at Hunter's hotel, ham on me 9th in“, by the Rev. James I . I - I , Just Receivedâ€"P. G. Savage. . Unionville, on Saturday the 30th ult Mem Dick of Richmond m”, Mr wmian!‘ cox- WARNER & HENDEqsonss ’ ' * Richmoid‘flill ton and Millikan. The Reeve in the chair. .. Great Pacific}, ‘- _ it. -_g . I. . I I hEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "7T. :' ' A Lecture will be delivered at Patterson L be”; present: the Refle’ Mess“ Lane" B“ m h i“ All“ smith' "ORTBERN RAILWAY OF CANADA on on. (Friday) evening: subject :â€"-Proâ€" . . . d . , ,RichmoudHillStstiou. Cliaugosftims hibiu’on, .Mpmlefi ofIlnstImeetint' l‘fiflelnndlg‘mfirmsl . v r ' r r ' -~ , ' I ’ ‘ l . taking efi'ectSo [ember 29 1873; loinmtintmttlius reccive : mm 0 ' - v * , , .. ,. 4 m," Nam, aimlumfw Vanni“, Pm â€"-â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~ ‘Tyrrell. Iltlsq.I.I Reeve of York. acknowledg girl!) @dvrrtmmems. l.‘£useum~ IV-[enageme .I , Icing Bomb 9.25 A.I. 3.40 P-m.. .8.97 pm A Dl'm'lc‘ mating 0' ll“ 14- 0- Aw ‘OOl‘ mfg rigcmp‘ 0: pphngn'rellalwe lillhodappmi ' “hf. ‘. ff , , ._,,-:-_::.;-:::; AM) u w :1 i c Q ' . h u 7'; reIlIace at Velie's Hotel, Richmond Hill, on in 3:31: "Mf ‘3“ almggfiam "gfirkuzf'wmt A, u w t d 5 l, , I ‘ . h - ' i' V . . "flrâ€"‘WW““' edneflday 13“ i ' ‘ r - ' - ' J ’ I. . l l i ' PPl'en 0'3 an ‘3' i ‘1 . . EGS to return his sincere thanks to Iiislnumemnn custom". to, n 8‘ 1'1, 1 - E ChurCh’ "Ohfymg the come” ' d)“ appm‘ ‘ l A , ~ _. I- 59 commenced business in this” place. and would stiuouiidolihdteh: iii?“ "no. i Pr vim" of $100 in we ‘1“ Con” on a). I immediately. to lesrn thr- Hanioss Business. I “III,” WITH Eh» €3er guilt. I . . . . , . -’ BAsan up Elrsarsrslnr.â€"The Ladl , iownlhmér “111$” f3? “Prominent-I "1 fr?“ Al’l’aI ‘° MARRISON I s .I . ' ' ' " - i - - w is . 3: ‘ll . ' d'l' t t ._ n. . ‘ - A]. , I I, v . ltcnloun HILL. June 29. 1874. m A" cmmem‘i “m m 8316’" l 0 lrli'hammiitilde gilnlivlilreglfilriiizim “on a l Richmond Hill, June a, is“ I 325M ~I ,; . . . . - .‘fi‘ s Church at Thornhill, announce this week a l M my . .Imino‘étiiitely.North".ofaéHisind Stand. TEMPERANCII-tl" PROGREEQTV Samuel Lehman and 10 others. asking a] If i ' f , t ’7 - . grant of $75, or a sum sufficient to romove ’ . " “ i ‘ ‘ , ‘ " r; , L W ‘I V ‘7' The late meetin of the Grand Divis. Amman-We regret to learn that on the debris and build anew bridge and filling i ! ' ihcpal‘iitcanti- DiStllIIiz-I‘it g Tuesday last. hir Frederick Gaby, a {other approaches thereto in front of Lots 29, in i " ' i ' ‘ " in this neighborhood, met with a serious 10 Con. , V ‘ accident by fullling 05 his horse when on By Mr Lane, from J. W. Feuwick and ‘ 6 his way to the field to plough. Ho fall on twenty seven otherswusking to he allowedl his head, and is laid to have injured his to commute one lislfof their statute labor-f brain. fur laying down sidewalks iii Uninnville. cwâ€"a-Mâ€"“fâ€"W “r 3,.“ time on Dominion D|y.â€"See Ady'; I’ctittons presented : By Mr Button, from , sf -1 litculelingllluil The whhlo'togbe exhibited unllor rive ion of the Sons of Temperance,»which in point of numbers and influence still continues in a steady career of prosperity -â€"took place in the beautiful village of Grillia. This meeting may be counted a landmark in the history of temperance, on account of the great progress they have licen’ensbled to chronicle. In On- tsrio alone they have reached the large number of 13.000, being an increase in the past six months of 1000. Such s l Mr Lane, ssconded by Mr Millikan moved ‘ i l _ t jihat the Treasurcr is hFl‘Dlly instructed, to » , £31,262, fig“,§;“;ce} ,fif', gyms, pay to .1 s. spasm sio, twang the amount t 'rxis LADIES? Am. in CONNECTION gisrmersl Hub “mph, held in “:9 5m ,6 dishiirscd bv him for conveying to and pay l I With the Wes’lIat'anIM. "huiI-ch, 'I‘liorn. ‘ d i J h L “E i log the hospital foes for Elizabeth Mussel ‘hill. lat-g tnImnoumra, in"Itlta»publlc that they "eggliée res}: 9i 0 H‘ 2 IlIlRlllflk qu ‘ ‘ vole-ltd holding a til-sat" in the air-[vs hall, on, on rtnyte x.mst.,a ococ man. hr m-der oflho Council. M M I] I , D "Iininn If“ *thI'hu “Tm IIfieII (I r ",0 I. I T o T 'r - ~ , : Mr Hutton, seconded ,liy r i item " _. . . ,3, , . .I CI 0 ’ Amusements ofdifi'erent kinds will be pm .I mm”, “mm HIP mm of $60 kggrgmed ,0 , win. sxuisir n _' 'MSUITABLE FOR THE sssso large assortment of fancy and useful “articles. sréditable number of enthusiastic adhsr- - - . . ., , . . . _ . , _ \I V I . I I 7 7,? . I .. I VI d f 11! l . Fl: b1 -- . . v . l.)~ . fron intends-:1» .111. ~ Adam. . 0.x, .V r _ . , . u i ,3 3â€". . , I mutt!“ surrounded ‘5 “my "‘3 'i‘h dhrglullo‘invilid(itlgbZPii‘esent e p“ w “(I l “mid “ image "d 5" “I” “‘0 “l‘l’m‘cl'” Nil??? imam»; I" 'on'v Roll-"imam 95 Monday '3'1' ands»; 101E445! .Jfith'u ~ A“ w' l be “my '0 mm m I m r eii’.ufll'w new Pmmm' ' -: a wi'do'sircle of acquaintances who are . y " p ' ' gillisretqo. in t’IroInlel' Lot lollichmu‘erid , “n”, ,i, Me,“ “a” hmm, I -I _ I» ,1». l . . “that,” "m AW“ ,6 ,6“ k ' . ' W “"3319. ' ' ' tiat . hmuc in. man. 'y mer artssu. .'i . , y ~I : I .I, I ‘ v r - II ' II II Iii, 11:338.??? :iye‘iipaflisy :dglaihbet:m:ieldmi THI SOCIAL Picâ€"inc in connection Wm, 5‘ Rnllrev and N Button be appointed com. A . ---~â€"--- _' â€" r . l mini nsrs to expend fits “me. In“ 3001' Will 're itle tn thlfl‘lflVO‘llh! with vocal and ,Consisuz of Works of Art n- d Relics of AM“! Imtrrtmnr‘sl rausir : vii-.0 'iiily and is a slurs worth) in allenioli of " ‘5 . a ’ . ' A" ‘ 5' ‘n‘. rViv’i‘o' Mr Lorin. lifAROVitl .t‘ ‘:v M? 1lotion. moved St} “wt 9'1” 10" Ice Gream' & DURHAM BULL. (ll-mlwgon Wlt‘lll‘l to inform this i C lm. ltd-r pll‘l‘hat‘t‘d this tlllt‘iougl‘l‘ (' li‘vls' Mill lln lion. Bull. l' (suit. r iâ€"iqrzn’HiLLJ 9 Church of this lace came off or Turns: . . . dilly afternoon in ii]: beiiutiful groulrds be. : navsble on nr'lm- of tlw '-ommlutoneu when . - L . - .. , t , . longing to Win. Powell, Esq. The tritend- ' " wn‘k ’5 O " """fi'l once was very lar e the u cs good iii-d _ , .- . . the ‘ea excellem gri‘he r in]? flame, N" that the l‘ihflhlliltr‘fl of llviio Will» he allow-z I I ' . g ' ‘ a ’ ' (ti v .. h if ba'w- l.| l ] bn l1‘ho (Hm. «loo urwmll‘ullr inv-te the on has not been ascertained et but we Pxpr-ct ' "‘ 9 ‘ mehl" "" “ 1 "" 5 " “ “ a r . . . . . y I ’ I ' for th‘ tin-7mm: of loving down sidowolks OM‘IHIN‘ 0' " e public in this “ '0-‘l‘l’W’~ "’- to be supplied with the figures for next: . . -- q ,m minim tiny mar contribute {orthe 1’s!- weekI , to the villnue, mid that Mr .. G. Barnett Y “I III,“ M ‘héumuufmmhgt the sppoiutcd commissioner to expand the hands ,3 b. awn“, ,0 Church rand.- . M35 infirm rusxiss. Mas. nsin. ' 1 Secretary President. . mighty influence. The Legislature of Ontario, impressed by the number, rc- spectahility, and persistency of their pc- titiéns, were constrained to grant a t‘s- vorphle hearing to their requests and has actually intimated to the Dominion Government its intention of giving the weight of its influence in favor of Tem- perance Reform. Them were 36,132 pe- titioners tothe Parliament of 1873,in On tsrio and Quebec, and petitions from Municipal and Corporate bodies reprc lentinga population of 160,000 were sent in. 'To Ontario and Quebec were added this year the results of petitions from British Columbia, Manitoba, New _,HARN_ESSE ~.. ‘ I Sii’i';i_'_i1锧afiii Double. Unis :zir -Hi~llhllllL will verve Cows this season iii ii,~ liirijh Grove anrzm. Tilt-Imp“). Emmng GOO!) tout-lip, m9'13f.“::;;:::;;::‘i"i‘*“'"‘ i/éi‘x‘ . I. * amount commuted Tsnrsaiscs.â€"The Richmond H 11 lodge? Mr Millikan, seconded hr Mr Lune moved l. 0. G. T., No. 465. will hold thril sauna: thav lhv sum of$20fi91mlitudtn out down festival in Mi Warren’s grove, on chiws‘ tho hill in front of Lot 7-, in the 7th Com, day. the 17th inst, commencing at 10 find that Joseph Graham. Flush Canning o'clock a. in. tea will be served at twelve, Land Jacob Eclrardt hr commissioners to air- after which addresses will he delivered by pend the some. said sum payable on the members ofParliament, ministers an others. i ordar of the commissioners. The Richmond Hill Brass Band will be on Mr Lane. seconded by hlr Button. movsd the grounds during the day and there will , that Messrs Marsh and Millikan, arr- hereby Thorshill, June In, “74. res-s: I ‘ Profiriotsr. ' ’ ' ' Thonihillizllrlay 1:1, 17$“ IE‘ 5 E i J I I O. I I _, I .._._..____..-._._.__.._ _______ ' L ' “Marshal” ,' 57TH” _ ' FASHIONS! FASHIONS”: Brfinswick, Nova Sootia, and Prince be various d i b n ‘ d in rt 9 a ‘ne ill. and i .. . . I I II I I, . , _ games In amusements. a t a appomte a comm (- o .x miI I e r . . 7 I . I __:o._ I .. _I Edward Island presenting a list of pe. evening s grand concert will be held in the l across Lot 5. In the 3rd Com. with instruct- 0 The Menagerie I, M S ~ ' ' ' t' 197 Masonic Hall under the ass ices of the i' v to re ort to this Council at the next 3 s is com iosod of' iv' .7 .\ 'ld ~.' u { . i ‘ R MYER»S tittoners.amoun mg to .4 ,817. names, 7 P HO 5 - (P I I I h '“= i A“ “W” ' " fl ’ / Having purchased this Spring svsry T " 'parts oftlic globe. Among them is lllc a - P rosdssrkls'r. . I “me” = T I P I Z ILABGE STOCK. Performing El phant - Aim knowing just what the people want is " - n i'. ’ d o. hs' dc d. Hrl “I '- I ' E ’ i" S l l 1 fl“ :;;::;?ncholi?):ho l‘iil'l'llN-r\n);i:- iiuu :nd 7" ":ftf- , ’ l monsoon HILL. . /' band, consisting of readings, singing. &c., trricstinnr. , . also a grand farce is to be performed. Go Mr Millikan, seconded hv Mr Lanemoyed and see itl Tickets for each entertainment. 2 that the sum of.$l4 66 he paid to‘Al'ex‘ 25 cents. Children 16 cents. ' McLean, hy the Treasurer. being two thirds of the amount. of damage done to his sheen O T d H I k “I G8 "a, All by a doc: or dogs unknown. as testified on n ties or o as wee o n . . M”, sembly of the Canada Presbyterian Church. i Mr Lane, 3%.."de by Mr Button, moved “d the sym’d 0f ‘l‘e ‘: K."k ’ met “t 0"; that the sum of $l0 he and is hershy grant. lawn. The occasion is interesting on sc-jpd f0Y ‘hp mimosa of purchasing gravel to count at the eflort intended) to be mIpde in , h, 0,, 10”, pm“ in {mm of Lots 9 to 13, Email- ‘ol‘iflec: ‘ “man thaw”? tje if; ; inclusive. said finm to be paid to the order 0 tea. any some say 0 vas ma on y inf' mom"; 3,, . in both favor the proposed union; but there Mr Lane. seconded hv Mr Button, moved is an active minority in each who will stt‘enl “but the nnmp of Mr Milliken he added to uously oppose any such action. The tenâ€" , ,hn mmmime anpnivilnd to confer With the (gooey of rsiigions‘I orgazxztégns‘htopnaedks viplge. of Markham and llgchgmng HIillI, ll; orroing ams gsma ions n e nr “ward m ,h, division 0 l 9 Ion c, . ed feature for the past fewaeurs. iii the re- Ln'm Fm", “comiw to this Township, p ligiqusmv;(r)irlst.i:a Acctetialannippflpfnmoanyngg-l 0.» "mum. mp Council adIioutnodIIt'or on; nomin nimr '. 1,. 't ‘ but in many cases thii prgilaratory stat-’0 l; l 2:21:51.glintihfignhnfldiliigpiflgraitlmir of vital importance. and“ is dangerous to i Mm ,m,‘ Pihhmn, a n,“ M W,” mm" ,, burr: churches through It 1 his. on which to divide thP Municinsl Lain and'those from corporations and munii oi’alitiss representing a population of 4 0,000. The legislature of New Brunswick has also petitioned the Do- minion Government in favor of a practi- cable .,I’rohibitory Li uor Law, in the same manner that the egislature of On- tsrio did. Coming events speak loudly tfirough these facts and their looming t udows are already approaching so near that we can almost read the signs of the naming time.’ When Legislatures and powerful Corporations take the matter in hand the rest is easy; but a danger lurks even in that. It will not be well forms temperance men to relax their odorlisgwhen there is smooth sailing. The battle does not cease there nor anywhere ‘ this side of the grave we fear. There will be powerful opposition always and treacherous undercurrents. The beam share of their pnnéimgn. AlwaIts (-ll hand a large assortment .tt \\ Irg‘cHMcflD HILL, wanton»:ch woos.- 3’ . AND “M' HARRISON- FINGERING YARNS. iiichuwudnfll ArrilW-‘i‘i‘ 521-3!" Richmondllill,Apri19.’;4 tiQi‘r-tf, a I 9) , , _ , . i '9. Harhes’s'EstalSlishment’; nulfncuon alrt-adr gam; the slillal'n'niur. \ r â€"â€"'. I JUST RECEIVED, l - - Aficvâ€"fl THE IMPROVED ., .. » " ' rigs: 66V a minus timer! or... Paints and Oils, onftzh‘erface of the waters may glow, but ““t ' I Fun?“ . - > tghp tide rpns in Ic‘pldbsess and darkness Wssssr. & Hssnsssos'a Great Pacific i “FILE”idlil‘grnnzgflfl mgfl‘figpg Varmxh“: Glass 3 Pu’ly’ ' A ‘ Den in“ 1' “w bionstgr' " Ce ow. ~ t wou e a it if h Museum. Mena'erie. Circus and 'Hll’ "‘d’ n i m i ‘ If) E . I 1" Y i i 7 Ir y Y p y sue i‘ l tants. JN '; . A5 I 1gndid e‘fiortg were not. crowned b ,, rome. united with Springer‘s traiiied animals I : _ I A "II I, I ,k g or'ious triumph." Let them then kit-op mmmfimfiflm‘idfi‘fgui‘m? 21.52::rv’it'sli’lnbaid I the aim steadily in view and let them gfi‘fi'fifi", :ESQ;L:;:,MI::§ i22'15(,3;,0;,:§ him-lcltnm vitiqm, my! this Villnqa cal-ml . . ‘ T “Mbehued in” “ “Mimi 50°“er by 15m lusts). By newspaper .uccinums ltlnll"”’° W’ ’0 ‘lt'nwx for census returns or Paiiiters’ Material in gmmalai anythng “ho” 0f the realltYâ€" And let- combination is most attractive and is well l 1R“ . _ . ltheru~ gird, themselves for the struggle worthv ofs visit from all who take an inâ€" M” M‘”“‘°"~ “1'0de h“ M'I BMW‘- more determinedly than ever, fonhe who terest in those exhibitions, and respecting mm?“ ’l‘“ "1'" a”??? of ‘7 “'4'th- Road iqggirding on his armor must not boa", this exhibition the Detroit Daily Post says: “erg?” “rm-9' WW0" NO- 33 Emmi?"- like him who is putting it off after the " Large audiences greeted the performanc» mq m 310 f” Mmk he mm P” m" TYPE“ and r . l ‘ . ‘fV‘f' ,,, lll‘itaillitllien chill ‘llBl. Subs i . , .1 . ‘ Foitt‘it‘; rtmti‘mr. l‘iilliN tl \lI{_rl I'll i874. ‘olzjrcls of Sp’l' lal liilel‘osl’to lliG thousands who 1 * ‘.__- , Ii SIEIa'lliiiutli {flirt-ton whitll is M HERRPAULSCHRCFF l, _ arriis l 4 FIRST PRIZE iulqaewiuiiag lliwel "5"AK1NG into consideration the fact i that live \‘Vehster Sowing Muirliiito has been before the public not aim xI rights-en mouths and theuupwcildcnwd liumhur of Wei ten We have also on hand our usual "T?" > ~ 7 l ' . , . ‘ , - ‘ . bfittle has been fought. 2:9“inrgnegntiCSEEtgel-t::ggi‘gljégggfig: Mr Loco ncoondod hr Mr Millilrcn. mm’PCl The (humus (lcrmn. Animal Dictator. irom . I "l ' E lllml‘i‘m‘d WV“ “NH W 'l-“lfi” 5'99: “ "lined! .- ,, .n n . . y . . , ~ . that the Work oftltis lllliuicioalitv it! horn the limit] Zooloirir-ni (Emilth (ll liun.i)nl‘;. l tiufiipimil 1., .‘(fnvnme {5k rm:s,;I,cI!m|“u,fig I“ ,Ir-r’f-HE GRANGER AGITATION_ gymnasts and horses one and all, seemed to M "Inflmfima and mammd m Fig" flw mm ; GHIWAW Wk“ “m m MC.“ (,,,,m.,m,,,,,e,,,l, I v I I I . a. .sfmwrmriiyérl il.0 martin lit'fg‘ibllt} isrs. at _. ‘ ' . m-r‘ed (Iffiirnrlt' all lhe‘lcldm’f pram {Or We are glad to notice that the farm- be in the mood to put forth every nerve to . . . . ' _ . - l . . , ., . - “5“”? "'"h ’lw mt‘rh rifthc vtllaws of Ru h- ‘ I leiitcr the lllzu containing those 1- our tiiood». ‘ , ‘ . I I gill? iii.l’°§f22ili‘3°§.§.’Lil“il1’iii“r§i§§f "“md Hi". "'1" “‘9 “WMNM "ml" M & S ltllirSIY “Dusk?” i" l F'WW ‘0 file "with t 't‘t-‘l-s S'l‘A’if‘Ehthi‘JT is SUBSTANer 221$:“3.3;in!“ditiliiiffil‘itii32;!” 300:} i i i ll” mumml‘i‘lm” ’“ m 1h" 900‘1la'l0n “l I, ‘ Indus th'.‘ {tower of iltu human trill ovt-i‘ that i ALLY A FACT based upon evidence scquoiitly‘ less iloblovm gait our nl‘repnir.’ ing community are about to combine and - ~ - I ‘gimte unimdly in order to “cure due :hldtz‘tl.liigvv‘iii:loggrfrilgehiidfdtdlftstigma: the MMHmm M" "F “‘5” Vm‘mev {0" ill“ l of the! billlt’. * in the ;>!>596‘1-“l”” “(We "tlellle I" lllfi‘ “limo til it in lo slim-in to lirlmllo that the oprrstor - - - . ' ' ~ o " " . -n--u'tc't'imiii-Lfl’ni . . ';~ a z. . ;.. .. .. '. W- oonsrderation for their class, SOCItllly’ apprecimedI The gymnmm .ithrewumem 21:12,;86‘ of dividing the Mnnmipnl Loan :‘tl:If;tlw:IIIIIIi~o.IIi;I‘I: AI):.ISII‘I1l;:flirr::lli;l‘uu:::; {IgIllIIfldelIIsl lliu lti.l(.l?' or hymns “.8 leniou . . . ‘ . . “ ‘ “ ' ' " V ‘ J ‘ I II ' the " mac HBO Is [U ml ot', politically and commercially. They ar- selves in a way to amuse men whose spinal I‘d, MUHLMI “canan ,Iv MI Lana as It: a most io-zpt-ctnblo and lrusiwlrtliy lamllltw The w,I3,,,,, w H an a” L M ,,,~“.0,1,I‘,,,,,,,,y “ll mmda' or liuglit your e 0 film. ll hm :1 struigl-t limelilt’. gue that all other classes are in the habit comm“ "n" bend double “Mm” b‘e"k" mole that tho rum of 39 lm WM“; m 'tiflkf‘fi lilo lt.. ‘iit'ii, peilorizt ‘(tl'ltcl sowing ~ii very iicsrvipuoii til material, With cotton. wlioil. or Nllli lli‘aittl. It i't‘lilS ,l'clls. cords, _. . . _ I , . _ ,, . . . I, of entering Into leagues snd combinations and I Lnlle PM gamed ‘he admiraho" (” V'li‘il‘t'hnuo ivrmrnl for nan. of v-ond division Wit - - v all bv his fearless riding and dexterity as ti .. . a u . _ ‘ w, w n '3 E and l‘ illlllllli " pm“ lbe‘ y Gem neceswry to feat of the age, and wherever it in ‘ ‘ ' ' g ,3 ‘ ‘ ‘ _ 5 5; of society and who supports upon his broad shoulders the whole social edifice and pays for everything, gets the small: est share of the spoil after all. That while the toilet of the soil is wasted with the summer's heat and withered by the winter's cold, the drones of society are faring sun;pt;j10uslit7 and are clothed in ' urple an no inen at his expeuos. n t, , a . ~ . . w , _ . . _ . . I, here [nay Poss.lbly be more "11th than Pursuant to adjournmen‘iuhthsilie 7gf3tl: Flight-£33925" K81“ constantly 0” b’md’ , iEllg’li‘h, Frolic-11L and Anterior”: Artists. 5:792“,,‘flifw'flff, ,|:,2..::‘,:::::flgli firm?“ pOCtl‘y “1 ml“ “6' 0f the “89- Every May, the Council met this availing in the "(trough kilowlodgnol'the Minimum: some: .~l nll Hill‘l'.‘ mil-iron: "tiul‘i, 1 film v :y wa as .1 lth- iii-lain: Romany, the deiimiid tor it! llfii'finle so ~l'reqoaot_1iild organ] as to ollligc its ’ __ . . . propriororfto tilicrt-as'ohis capabilitieh ‘fur its "y cam“: ""r “T u drhsmg we. “ud’ mailed in muf'tcmro. its: reputation rapidly extended. ll“ Wm“ WM“? E‘Y" them “39 l’”""'5§" 0f 6‘" and sol-n nrdnrn. lr'lllfiffi ct" iliqlilr)’. leitors of! “’l “"13 1h“ '1“ “mm” thanks. and trot-theater: 5foraiui woro'dailyve- i “In”; “a STD” bjrit)‘VSEJ Wilson. As thorn was not a quorum. lllt' ' ‘ I Court adjourned, to meet. on Monday event 0' \ t (rowed l'ronihn‘lfi sections oft-ho United first»... .‘ Tlavsil'itg hgcul lor Vaughan Whimhnlrcs. some» s ’, . he 8th Jim. at 7.30. ,___~_______ - . (I‘ -' ..-> .. ’I‘ i f‘ l. . L: It li'd in In!» W'ty on n b'lfifld nflts merits alone.â€" “3 i Y . '"‘-;'W;:“HW:: ‘I , ll} ( ‘ ’ i i. I ’ ‘ oust Zed tiv " tv'ltk“ of tho nadir," or sit/aim”. w. thiser worn“ ago!!! 'or the ‘o‘fowinf (II v , 0F ‘ Vaughan : 5‘: :lm'. Mark» Ls”, “t'ljiclztirclr Pain-ring. l’xlrrilig“. and S "Ill. On motion the (‘onncil adjourned to mom on Sikttirdsy. 'the 27th inst ~- Economist. . . . . . ’ » ~- ' ‘ ' ‘ ' . . lilaiosniill Yi'tillbl‘ti _ t . t I I 0,, ,4 I ,y p, y . 1 y , lr- its history, this ilivnlualxlo Medicine orcu- â€" L a. IItllell' Wgrfarct BIDd thin consequently the performed it will make the people marvel m a {first}. R‘:V.R,‘:nm‘ "in Na whim . mm, ,1”. m,“ honommo ,mmm “0,953,: (a, 4 from fl)", q”. of fl”, wmfl a. ;., 'fnrmer 1' Stead”), driven to ill” Wall on and wonder.” The normal filo W‘tlr I f‘ h ' “‘3' "WM." l“ "1W." A 1")" 3'9"" “in”? H ‘ I I i L ‘. .~ ‘ iv l] i" . account of either inability to take udvnu. I“ “III II’III . m . . 15;: am in , Iv,“ hum," “my ,II “,0 “ends my " plot-ed attachmm.x wIHL (ear/i J ammo. ‘ ‘ ~ Wu: ' h _ , v t ». _ . - - . - tsoe of or injiffcrence and u, â€"â€"~â€"â€"~~~â€"â€"Aâ€"â€"-~»» ~ v .l . 5‘ l ., f\,aq““m°"l "gm" “("4" & AND , .i (l git-limits of the innovator. mid alwm. We would lw .~ and the itllfillltlzl oi those { f“ -t’ d E t Th . 6 want \I'l‘wn‘m" i “‘1'“"‘V'v was recmved “Ml “3"7'9' V j sought for in room wlmi‘ncvor troubled will ‘vi'.l:[l.l:;j {first Clara“ limrzllimls to ho sure " 0 “m e e or ‘ ey consider that VILLAGE COUNCIL. mm” ‘I9rt‘1"'t-. R‘iciiuintlsm, rinil'm llll. way came to the no- V "1 and sec ' ' " H the funnel "110 15 the foundation stone --- V'Yv'l“? “PW” P‘nmirmd the :Issnnsmvrt new or Pin-Juana 2"IW’WV and thrnuglitavor-f I“ I s “({qu wrote : ' I" ’ vh'e expl'rusimr and ii~ fll‘nltou l- ligetl ~s.ue l W31, a, below purchasing HHY olliur. l'rich. 9335. Pursuant to adjournment the Court of Revision met in the Court Room at 7 3“ p. m. Mombcrs present: Messrs Harrison and June 6. l874. n" mml'" 'l‘“ "W" "Iii ‘H'W‘rl 31'7" die. In I U n s' l â€". ._ , 4"- “UR GREAT DOUBI E MAMMOTH ' n. ortsâ€"Jt luv" ’i- {‘11 to to: prraltcn' {mt-lull?»- pun, '; “owl,” 1r . 2 Selfi'f.‘ it regnllllu Solt‘Xllt)1i'»t~fl‘Hilllliflll‘nlllllg -. .. .10“ .11.“ P .h 2’ man, howeverI ought to know his own Cm", RoomI The Reeve in ,he PIth ;._vermin,operationsnfdigemmland “mIImmII " I r _ « . - .. 4. . . l m... i... l i.- I the world con. are really trrnlcl‘ol imi- happy Ml x. 2m “3-; .I, , ,‘I if". , ._-. , business best, and if the farmer believes Present Counillor Wilson. The Council “‘I': "Pannier? "tl’sncnm" "if fiufiP""P"" ca” frnm is sohmtfll' min: “a a m A "I. H E l M 0 , "a" ‘e-m" ",mdm'g" r' “,d? "h" M”, .‘5 ‘ “J J. 1 ‘14 l U . . . v t ofa , t _ -i., 0 we so si: s cocoa. . .5 Alma ran mi. . , . ' ‘ “Oil-‘e‘luiw " P" ”' "" "" ‘° w" "3' ""'- - 7 ~ 7 WV A " that he isIdefrauIded out his Just dues gdlo‘r"°do;°ru‘;:'é.v ‘hgué’t'g‘nsuIill;:°::; “fled um, Mean”, Nb,“ M,“ R definite“ I I 5 azders é‘ Gymnasts, hut bocnuue we open a new field in modioull or rights. It 18 ills 1?llS!!'li?35 to see that C p "I? d ’ flavored hovel-Ella which Iiiat‘ save us mal'i â€"'." . r ‘ . . . "c"'“"- “m “if” “i -"‘-“»"-°.“+raim° he"! mmll'l 5' ' .7. '- 8 stop he Pilt to It instantly. Ill 30 Dirt 00!]. 'iouv)‘ GQCtors’ l?ills-""_qiuil Service Gazette. * . MISS Bi’M‘HE I‘leiES-l - Mi plmfimfimymwIf“ kg“ min“ a? difi- i doing he will not only be forwarding his w. m. not... Mm or Milk, . . t-nthsh rql'estrwnnc mil to when We an new haremlare un- ' ' " * -- ‘- ~- '31“ ‘ ' "tennis butlikewis th r‘ June 3 1374 Euclipafiketlfllabelledâ€""hum Errsaftn. mucus DELIVERED. MILLE PAULINE ArMAH. . "Wrist-- W°’°“°"”’°““”""“fi “‘d mi" â€" own in I , e, I oseo truth 1 d, the (a. I Houaopmne ()hemims. London}.- Amvriciiii liquestrioirno. inter tbflGod's pm"; we restore-ills lsbhrisg Sm; “my comm “other 6.... 0“ “mm .nd Jusuce' From web a point 0! new it B Pytzihflziseihli‘leiiflihmfhe:‘bourt Maurine-runs or Coco.t.â€"-“ We will no.» i P G SAVAGE sl‘INORA'I‘l JU'l‘ ‘Uu. Spanish EQ‘MW'MHW man lo Ilia um ofhis injured limbs. and save ‘ ' .evtsi ~ 'fivs au account of the process adopted in ° . ' » is not only rightand reasonable that , Miss KATE l‘AltTlNG'l‘O-N. ' h .HKJSCOTI‘F olrtimcsjts cost in Doctor's hills; , “Lion would be “ken in the manen 730 p. m., present: Messrs Harrison. Atâ€" 'i’laxsrs James Epps d1(30..iiintiufaciiirenzor, ' American. Equestiisnue. wt cur-tr shuttltdfitsi’rt ‘nnd 21mins... into the kinson, Brown. Crosby and Willson. Prn- theistic articles. at'thcir Works in the Euston RiChm‘mLauL June 10‘ 13"” MILLE EW VIA, Fi'oiich (h innastiqiis home of the nfiiicted, sud consequontly are r.» " but under any cirCumstanccs it is of the ' ' . n s . V , _ Th , , .“h - E 'h uI- . d - _ “admin, of former meetin I of the Court Iti- d. _Loudou â€"’:4ce arliclc iii Ca s.ll' *r r v 4‘ ' v o slithered bv millions of grateful souls. ° WW 0 m 3V“ “mil °‘ "3) '“3 1" 30° , utmost importanctladtléat the greatest en. were and and approved. Kym. confide“ WSW/“dd Ilium; 5 ' 5 21 Star Riders, Gymnast: and Acrobats Thousand. M" .Imn dung“ by III. a" _ boo, u couraoemem s 0“ e glVeD to the u able time being went by the members in ‘ cmmfil' 1 72' 739-“ MONEY TO LEND ' ‘Mm of this remedy from weak. sickly. suffering OTHERS SELL FOR 80 ct. suit 3f agriculture. It is we“ hug", [gokjng over the Assessment Roll. Mr At- ' 3 'rea’t (’10 S“ --‘l'm‘itul'o's in among" limllry. nn'd hsifi’mn r" ** *7 r-\ . that whatever misfortune happens to us To 176th M flute-la“ iAuBEB'l‘ AYMER. 'i'WM LENTUN, W B‘ ‘lld women. rad ttiiv unlisted cannot reason- as a nation, if our agricultural interests ’ ' kinson moved. secondm by Mr Crosby, that To N rvo _ i ' a, II I I I I _,_ . ._ cm: this Court of "vision do now adjourn. to 6 us sufib‘ers' at“? AbH. nit- l‘rallalomswc it n wt“). H M ‘ E E R S If?" This in'odioiiis is for sale at all tho '0 ‘ I I ,, meet again on Monday the 22nd June iii~ 1)" J “‘3” Slmlwo'l'“ Spec/i6 «ll-1 'lumv .‘llfrrlgag'e Scour-31yâ€"iiisunin from $500 ui - The {mania-l Grit! uamsot‘lhe Temple of Mirth "9 souud’wetznn sifer and triumphant stant in this Court Room, at 7.30 p. m. 714:, ‘5': 0"”‘3 “mm” "WWW?" “imam!” ': wardl- Auph to and Fun Dnugcists throughout (inundm I II it "Mimi" Will not, can not he undeisold. l have the ly weather e ga e. We do not fear .y, Tm" u "not" "fun a" "‘g' 1"” 31 M. TEEI'Y. TRI<Â¥K H()1%§Eq .l‘v-o your Drugng had not got it iii stock, ask ‘ largest Assortment "f . that any harm whatever 8”". {ram '_"‘ lea _\ well so tho-ouglm lesion iii (:almdu .15 NI LYN, TTI J . t, r. , .lim to sand for i, m _ v June 8’ 1874_ to require little to he said in their favorâ€"as a LI,“ Enema", 0f ,he Flute of the 1,“, Man," MonmzumuI Sh.IU Flv and Edwin Forrest RT H a N. . '1!“ ‘8‘“"‘“" but on the comm,” ' Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met, "mm" 9"” l‘” “m” °i“"“"‘5l“g “""P‘""" Brennan) great deal of good. Where the farmers be" ,esem , the Reeve in ,he ansiiig fro errors of youili_ Dr. J. lion Sim. _ I v . I - -â€"â€"â€"â€"' I I __ ' , ‘ l, are doing each other harm is in keeping tfialilfiirhe figfites (Elf former meetings read panel WaIs a pppil aiIid friiiidlof thp late Dr Wil- R‘Chmoud "'1" June “ ‘57" T, 82“ The best Circus Company in America. AGENTS FOR THE PROVINCE ONT» Th” m". :3“ R’c'm'mm Hl‘l' 5w - . . . - ' ‘ . . ' IS: use), 0 Amino. ‘ii siidt , ' . v ., . I . ttichm . l. .l 2M1. H74. . ‘hemselves Isolated’ and m filling to and approved A 00mmlll‘lcallon f'mm mated “when” n, ,h0 wild 0,, ‘31::(rliigi': WHWWP“ __ I Huflmflm, We make no Extifg):l;‘lll;I:lld acknowledg' soo-rIqI: 31-35315 Tonog'y‘o' 0" ' “' ' 8 ., , . r on T0 communicate with each other. and freely Richard Jordan, dated the 3rd Juue,(t9nd- ,, Pun,” ,3 “I w “5,,ng GamduI “I, , interchanging experiences and throwivm ermg‘ his resignation Ia- imnoundiIng officer, prepared u, gm, Mm, “80 ,0 “In d, e v I I, . . I I I it into the common stock, ’ u TWO head: ,0 which he was appommj by um comp” meal“ mew “applied ,o_ud,,,_m','”gxi“; List of Letters Prof J H RUSSELL 55 Sprayed. " ' on the 6th April last.) was read and ::-'d Bell Simpson & Co. Drawei-Bi l‘, O. rm"... 5.7 EMAINING lN THE RICHMOND ~ AGENTS F05 [15330 Am, “ON/rug“; I _ I "ebbet’tcg thaghgzethol; a Very, 0“ pro' over my “.3 meeting ofth. Council, ion: 1st boxes of Ilr‘illa wnl also be sent ii ‘ '~ liill Post (lice. lstJune. H474: And his .. “uperialn Band or 't‘wggve Musk.‘ Q ‘ 3““ l“ _"‘l" "W l‘r‘ftn-s“ "V II“ '»‘Jl'bcfll_lfr ver a a." (med ,t . arm" ls “Pd Of The Clerk read an account from Mr B. Wu" ‘OII‘I‘UI' P?” 0‘ "‘“l‘day erell “WP-"IF" rillingar Jonathan Jrfl‘wy. W_ H ism wdl discourse swe t music from'tlia Mag- l ' ', - I l - M H” maths; llré‘fl‘li'illz‘[Ruihn'lmd thn‘ {Espectllffa (a)? tIIle 32:9. tgat alpplieitihto Davidson, Overseer of Higgwcysifamouné. :i’z‘l‘l'ImOfix-Ievypgipggrn‘p rinIafiinlstij.tiIglaIlap;cint BrnwnIIwIpiinm imagine“ (2) mfimm Band “mic, .. ‘PriceI $1 £35131?“ Large m . ., . e uteri s t i , n we 0 at i to 35,50 for money psi v rm to . . .. j _ ‘ '4‘ Broom o n osl. . ,_ o . - " ' “ agricultural friends will step iii of 135m. in work am on sidewalks- Mr 23::‘l5:iri:iuziit‘Rushmorw w»- M web. Mrs “ GREAT PACIFIC ” l M... .. m. 9...... $3.83....13. .f: their oldgroove and form farmers’ clubs ,Wilson moved, seconded by Mr Brown, a - ' Mrs Cathr-f:l:£:!.L}v:lIlrIi;IlI Each mommg 0,, “8 Wm “no ,ownIfolmwed, ~ : I gnomes “Id “Ike “I” “mm. IIMIIII I ,- be authorized to pay stud “ ' ’ L' by a JUHN MENTON. -' and grunges and Other associations: and 'hat the Treasurer - - lialtgnu. Michael Molvsna, Miss f‘ M .d 4 .., _ ,Ircap all the benefit of them. "°"”““" "unu'm-c .ciimpbell, Ronni Mailialt. Wm. Long; Lino of Animal Dons, l Estate Notice. May 28th l874 “I ‘ 82'] 3t ___________ I _.._ . Mi- Harrison. sschairman ofthe commitâ€"l leads 00., O... _ p, in”, S fl, Macon“, ,-I , , ,_ , , . , V , . . “Bu-r IN rs: Doiitxiox."-Nn. S Troop of '59 al’l“‘l““‘d ‘0 “‘9” the °°m"3”te° “f n": J“. 30' 18h : ;13;|:T.S;';h m ‘t‘ewmsn. 'nriihnlll‘larv Miles~‘WWdiii t.infillfdiiiiiili'iihhcafi "'3‘ l(“lowId'l'étfliyrlveu in all parties hav- " "Cavalry Richmond Hill stands No 1 TOWTIShlP 0f “lrklm-T' 00mm”. "“"“"l"(l Ihavebceu one of the cstest sufferers m '1 :3. er. David (3; Jane fl’ ‘ m' ‘m' 9"“ , I p ‘ F.“ I p l, in! claim; against the estate at the law Employmem at mm home. or - - - '- A ' m ' h ‘n ittet-s met at Unionâ€" file effects or Asthms.hsv uz Md it in in no“ = . ' i ’ 'H‘ ' ' "" "'8‘! i’ram'wg “'6” "‘ "m " g a" ‘ v» N .t llUt’ER'l‘ ’lsie of the vil'a » of - ‘ v . - _- mme mavens, CU], Demuaon 0,, hm to“ of verbally that! e c mm "uremm to: flu“bi “a”; for the wt m g ,Ier, My 0 .iriwn. Minimal . J H. II I f v Ih d I! d ‘ travelling. The uoiii is con. f ' inspection on Monday last, called at the Ville- ’"d WWW]! “Weed ,“P‘m the,l“’l"{l“‘i ears of that tlmeIhadnotlalu six nights lubed. *‘irll'lr lit-""hm‘tl Pl‘lll'PI. John [Imposinir Spa. “[‘,:).('16, “"0"”? “’wm‘h‘l’ ° “‘- ““‘ “2”” - genial. linnr-rshe. and pays the ‘ n‘ ' . d ha,“ 1 d . mm of that. part. of the Village lYlan lun- l or seven cat-s had such severe pain inmy left side Ectiunl‘, John Plizn,Mrs ' "5 ‘ , to sand in flialpmm‘t‘ "("19 “Mm” ‘Y'mm 0"“ - . :hasi of nnrtliiiignvar below. of. . _- _ ‘ Ir ,3 ' ,, v; a con 11 res on .my a pe was go]: - . ,A “ , emf w "n'utt'n tithes o :ravc. o )0 od. mnmh inml'is nimloi e on first ’lll‘ .«nl ~ . ,| , ldtlikoihrngll WT: 11:6 iliye 533d: ot'utjhgeéolt “if 3’0"“ s‘reet‘ "8 “a”? dm‘ “flakm‘ 1h {kid'th sweliiuglii theitfegionogm‘ylgomsch an ' “'me “Q R 'F' m“ l V | f I t I h , f i d h h, d . g -dd 1 fe'ed- CM“ “mam” "ml “- “‘t it. was the best arranged ' the equipmcni general Gem“ i" 1871â€"bmh mmmme“ ' we"? “53km”- Thl' “"de “Waugh” 9.03m" w' 8 Smart John ‘ ' ' i- i I 1 - ' in.“ itmrtmi sea :sfiidwlifrl‘dnm m . L‘ildvc‘impme “m?” "m 'R.|.".-' Also cleanest and neatcst in,thc Dominion having agreed *0 take the “"3” “8 “'0’” Gfigfifi§°$21§nigflbPfi%wflhm Imml‘f‘? Ewi‘sj“ I IBemzmbel‘ the day and date. - = “a. " ‘ 79 ’ MARY ‘RUPER‘T. AIIIdYLSS clariwa leunolm Banal-5100.. :3» “ii-wen beating me Governm .Genpmpa Bod} to by Mr William Trepfhb (Tenant; ColitI-Il no hfpeotf t‘tbbcuenttng me. I y or! to a #:3ng '33,”), wfgzhh @252:- ‘l‘nks a holiday and visit. lllli-, {1.8 Model Show . Administramz \Mr“ 0""? ‘ 0mm“ SQIIIf‘m - Guard", Tins “fleets gram cre‘ll' “POD the .m'ssmn" “ppmmed by t -9 Ioumyi mun” nasT‘linethrgt 33.5.0 Itook relieved the diflcult ‘ GfillOWMK Wm willilms.‘ Mrs Susan wt the Bg'i‘ Patterson «May-27. 18'“ . 827~tf may 90' ‘87 ’ . ' ' ,ukmpmim J. 3100(ulnenffor his my” “Wm ln June 1872. I88 the “3513 Of Seu'ememâ€" g my broathtnalsad bstorolhui twobottles Wording. Wm. Whilchcll. James . Admission...,..... 500. i . v-“ . ‘30,, to ‘he armour," and also to sngeam the number being 285. , wsgdclpm l5 have lines mod “I MOMMA”... “1mm. wmI . Children under ten years Ofagc ,-~ 25% I II _II .III: : .I, _, III I {In . I, y a II: II :rI =I “who. who took so much interest in the The council then adjourned to meet on '0 fl lHuris. W. Windlass. William - ‘ " ’ ‘ -‘ :1. .v ‘- caoo'bgmvlsmfiglow ALL RIMES: ALL 31, , c uipmenr, and guys than at; aeolian: Hondav evening the 22nd June, inch, in the - m Turn" I. J, E, WARNER, Gena“ S and. “ a” an“, 3‘“ 8‘". “u” mil§306i5wm WI. “5m 0.. ‘ we.“ 01 t fish-g} ., ,.-

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