31’ ’iitrli. ... . IA G ’ RICHMOND HILL. e totthe inhabifén'ts of Richmond Hill and surrounding neigh'oorhoorJ that he hos built it newAHearse and commenced the , innit atlrtlirittm. . . â€"â€"-â€"--. . my 1:. “E‘OR TUE moot) is THE LIFE." 0 LA R K E ’S‘ WflllLIl PAMBII ï¬rth lB‘U IL D ER ii 3 till Ono doo'no’iith or A L. SKEELE, “’atch- maker, where’the public col. rely .on ï¬nding A LARGE STOCK 0.2“- cu glut-'5le TWO IlOUSL/‘S LAND LOTSJ FOR SALE. CAR Bogs to announc ON roii‘g. Street, Bichniiind Bill. also in. v.- .4 . acres LVllll Good [)thng House and 0nt« ‘ ' ' ' . ' ' ' ’5; “f ' ‘ "" ‘ . . 0 E buildj..igs.just outside the Richmond Hill Cor- ‘ .1: I i U R T A I N E S S on" kind-.v’vhich willhwdldu l . ' P°"‘“°“v “d Iii-“Q I _ ’ Cheap as any House north of Toronto A 69 A i .n Eli-ggeyéglï¬apï¬ _ . I ' I 1 ix ll ‘- ... -, A l " A *â€" “HW. $4 50 Being purl of lots 3 and 4. Isl Con. Township I 53115} (i 1 ‘ Trade Mark “ Blond Mixture", .1 NW" ï¬n†C“â€"°°"4"-' - Tull. GREAT BLOODPUBIFIEE&BESTORBB ' if 1 .. - .. 3- w or Uxbrid ‘o. l 2} " :dirse "V . H l p - ‘Q'ESH . I ' APP], m . I . i'or cluhnslng ;nd (elem-mg the blood from °‘ Gutters . . . . . .’. . . . . ‘ p ' JACOB MORDEN. g I THE $25 if†) Z‘ildilnpu‘rilos, cannot-be tuo highly recognition-- 2 :‘ 5:3: $221130" l . l . I Richmond Hm'J‘n' 8'1874' Sill-d ll . infill lilï¬loil , Scrol'nla. hcnrvifl Slain Di'seosei. end IM.....'..‘..- __ _____ ~ " H, _)fl\_ : >ilv . -- r . w'm°“" Luther B°.°"' ' ' ' " . , ’ - v Hln sizerlinp: sili'i‘r czis‘e’and _. fill“ 6“ mafia.“ i H I. a "over {mlm'lmd m " Prunells Gaiters . . . . . . . . . . . b5 H‘ouseiand Lot for 52313: gold points. full jéWelled,' ~ :m‘i' Saves " r'l‘r9'°'5h°.'"' .. .t""" l '5 ~ ’ " r » i . .. . : . 't‘" Warrantld li‘r five Seéirs‘ €53 » llu-erated Simon on the Veck - - ‘ » ‘ ml"; d ‘ - » -' N LUCAS’ STREET inc . g z x : ; together with i. gold-plated » ;; 211;: H; t , s , I V * ' All kmd' of “atom “07h ’ ‘ to order’ 0 Hill. containing one wire and n. q ~ : Albert chainâ€"which will A" ‘ ‘ "l ‘ ‘ermd we ‘6â€8 lin- howls or Pimples on of ltnd, one frame dwelling house. w“ 'llt‘ sent to’any’pm‘t tif"Can~ tho Flog; " I ' 3'11".- ‘ l stables and otherouthuiluingsthereon Term: 2 ada on receipt of may or 0â€â€ scurvy sorï¬' V’ -' . 35 , . . .. I . I i‘ V 1 car .5 w l 16.. T l" I .9113)“ Apply. 0“ ll“! ["0"le "‘ ‘19- 0- D., per express « gillfuelii‘ild! .«k‘i‘nrllieeases. Aim AM. I F' CRAWFORD' \ nr Glandular Swellings. lm. the [hand lt‘otn all impure mutter, ‘llil n-lizileVl-r cause arising. l. .. mlxtlir is neural“ to the taste. and" m: ml (run lltltll anything ihjuiious to the constitution ut’enher sex, the .l-‘t‘lr solicits sutl‘erers to give it o triolto l" vnluo ' tunandscf testimonials from 9.11 pm. V '.i in llottlee 1 dollar ouch. and in (3qu mining 6 times the quantity. 4 dollars ese'hé ,3 1mm to effect a permanent cure in the v : rm jot-it}~ of long standing ‘nseleY ALL-.1 - lS‘l'S and PATENT MEDICINI. Richmond Hill, Dec. 24. '72. 753-3m Watch Importer, 83 King Street liais‘.l TURONTO. ON ' . = Repairing I H NEAT AND- .,.-CllEA1? ! ‘ _ _' _Don ‘1 . W i L L 13AM..- GAMBLE’S' amp Booted“ Sign; nichihhiia'mn. much talent. Village Lots for Sale. â€". ' HE SUBSCRIBER. OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village lots, situated n the villuge of VICTORIA SQUARE ! The lots conlsln ~About‘"(hull-fifth of It‘ll .lrrr, ' 'it‘llf'“ [ii in.“ A. ,,. ,, i v’ ‘ . v ‘ " vi 3* f ,v, . V ‘ . ;\"li.Nl)l)RS throughout the world. ~ ' - :ICIIMONDV .HILL ' . And are located at tne‘hor'iv-lv . A» of] km Proprietor. 1“. J (7|.AKKE,Chemist;" .l ‘ -. r - I . . lot No. 35. 4th Concession (ll 5 l' in nl 2'; ;'l‘ilh](3ARll-lS’ HALL. LINCOLN, vectinn where mechanics Paul i: note "‘0 gm . ENGLAND. . - ~- . “1°3d."W°"‘ and hlzll NW A » ' ll byl la in England bv all Wholesale Paton: Isttcrcprepziid) to Henry Jeill- .31. ‘rli‘turia' ' Squaremr to > Medicine Houses. _ l'ho'esale Agents for. Provinces of 0m) 1.1 Quebec :â€" EVANS, MERCER dz 00., Montrod. MAGEfR &‘QUANTZ! MON . ' ‘ I ' ' Dinglh l’. 0. 714-1f WM. G. llllit . .. .M’sn‘ufacturpg‘vofï¬ March 97, 1979. mFine Ne“ Henrse for hire; Funeral Fur 718731 nishings, Cofï¬ns and Caskets in every styleu ._S“tï¬fâ€: AMT-i . Doors; ' --s-...:-. . Z‘."".r.' . .t'Z-iBlimls, Mottltï¬itgs; Lark. g" ‘ " Richmond Hill,‘Nov.r13 BOGUS MEDICINES. ' OLLO WAY’S PILLS AN) OINTMENT. ’. Form For Sale- Sliiziglcii. r“. 9:51 Show, ~' 61mins. ' " L_____. ONT ARIO HOUSE Mr Jpwn9 (frc'if 151.0, ,5 l. a... lli'c’l’imona; 1.127 l . m‘llElSub cril or ofl“ \ for sole" s m- m (EQislT‘AlNlNG so ACRES Oi" isn good; Lot No. 28, in the 72rd Con. of. ’5 I » / (Morrow, 8m â€"â€"__.___..... r..â€" ._.,.l - ' ‘ 1. * .7 ._ In; i ; 7 fâ€" V I - . v I "A ‘r‘ "' fl . v “larkh‘m' ' '* . run for a considerable time out oons'doroi V ' - N R ETU R N, NIG THANKS to R i “k, Thjr'a'}! I M A Y 01%, S - to be mv duty to adVr-rtise the public (It! tho " . H . iAST FAVORS. mud intimate to his; RICHMOND HILL. ‘ 5 I ' .l'itishNO-llh Americanl’roviuceuznin-lbuy-’ friends and the Public that belies now on? hand a ï¬ne assortment of ’ Boots, Overshoesd and Rubbers, : ‘> Large vaellins.r Blouse. I Anti Bullion the premises. and good well of i I i water, a good Young Orchard and u never- xg from unprincipled dealers medicines oll- ; writing from New York. and sold as lay/g- tlollowoy’s Pills and Ointment." in which ." much ingenuity hue7 been displayed in psMuf t. AND nihiliiontilncr FOR SALE BY; ;‘ flLLS- Surface~1llinie l3 .1.“ he. will]59:1,:rsfhl‘niï¬â€˜asatitl retail house . l . . L -. ._ j .. x. in . m l“! cmek- TITLE GOUD- R 7E LAW, llriigg'll‘f em 011' as of mi make. It is very diï¬eu in oronto up: on at ‘c ‘ 4 . ‘ ‘ 1' ‘ " « . ' v - _ ’ ' i 4| ’ . "ml Other how†l) ices and otnllsie V E T E A C Y ‘ tie-Organ Sollcued. . lot pa-uculnrs applktgh HecAGUE. April 9. . _ I I vI21::13;othLtgan‘pltetp’Spggi1:3; llhned Mfg“; Stag“ Book, 100',†$250. to 33.25 m i ll ' Richmwd Hip†Fab. 13' 137‘, a 13 . - , Mole Cures P O. . _ ‘_ "t‘hep any, amongst; othzr lt’hin s. that 5 i. K- ~ i 3'40. 1" 3 7' v w i i , , v. ' ‘ l A r'l 8', 187;. 820.4,†lube an art: a opte y t em on wt u 5;}; packs .i 2 50 1:: 2 7:: 33> CHANGE OF u‘\‘:\DS' a :‘"‘W"‘m‘m - V p 'I - FAMILY BIBLES, hare-faced eï¬'ronterr caution the public splat. . FOR .. r.a,..n.«.,,.;..... .. m h l (I: ~ l i- l i T o “ -~ ' "" "' ‘ ' v ""mgdwmd by ’pmwsammgm" " ,y ‘ f3 v »"- ‘;i Q ': ‘~ ' - . 3 l4. Silllt-r’llilel' to 1-: tliih opportunity of ro- x,- . ' -. ’ ‘ ‘ , v; ‘ A FRESH SUPPL" l A poor _man by the name of Hollow-y I." “f1m0’v3V‘Pdfl’lfl v ’ ‘ I t“ ‘2 ~5 ; lllt'ii'. lg lies >ini’eio thank.» to his numerous F ‘ SALE' At $1 59 $5 $550 3...; 5n" and $9 at ,1â€. employed by the 50-031 ed Chemical Comp-l ‘ fiffllt'lé {aU:".15(‘l’LirS. .: it‘ll. til 4‘0 lrielltls it; llllhll' Inbcl‘ul l’ntlonnge while occu- A v ‘ - ' ' ' 'H ‘ ' S ‘ 7" in N8“, York, who‘lmulg his name for a "n. I'eli‘ (lurslzoeujmm 1.1;). to 1 till p}ll|g lilb start) linown‘ 211‘! the ‘- ’t‘ea Chest." . _. fl ' _ V _ mu“) "9'? 'On" _ wngkrv sum". The medicines sold-by thbi “:1. Rubbers, 4 I . ' .. 50‘ to 55 Richmond illll. and W:Ilild .‘tnte that he has fol'stllo, {God farm, being lot he 30.â€) the Richmond Hill. «Tomp'tuy are palmed 0t? upon the public a" -;_' ’soldnnt-liis line or! in tllcahow l'lstnblishment T O R 0 N T 0 2n Con_ of Vallghan , v ‘ inv " Holloway’e Pills and Ointment." so thfl, In the Grocery linewohavo to‘i'llr C. SHEPPARD. and would bet-petal . n ~ , were they to injure half the community n6" their patronage and support for his auiit-cssnr. CONTAINING l discredit would {all upon the fabricators ofthon‘? ’4‘» «,3 v??? ' ALEX. M00913, fXGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE .â€" snniiiiinriii. thorns Wliiftffhrtor “reogth and flavor will be found: ~‘."equol t'djd‘iylliib‘tï¬feiip the tit-do. N reference to the above the Subscribe; begs to say that he will keep a lsrgo out! ' - fresh stock of " AND SF} T"‘€)‘RE l lier Bargain .é 50 Acres of First-class Land, There is a good House. Barn. and A ve ry su- perior Orchard of Young Frllli 1' cos; a good Well of V‘Vate on the premium. 3 ,lnile’s from Richmond Hill and ubout’Z ritlles lrom'To. 23. ’74. 8 ‘Zull. compnunds. but would considerably denim Iho reputation of my make- . r _ As it is not at all necessary for this Cnlw b li=CIlr any expense in the sale of their prod-co lions. or to n verv :imi ed exant (trading I. thev do upon mv name). they are in a omisl . - . -4; 7 - 1.’ “V I4 l ronto. Price $2.50" Apply to to dfl'nr them at u very low price in_.. ion-til. v ' Ԡ. V ‘ - . ' . . A '. h th 5' ro u'cl axed h. f w Whole-uh » I RAJ-SINS Suitable l'orthe trade or Richmond Hill. and “‘5' ‘3“ I "F‘ ' M " hail-2s tlimal ciinlminio. an‘dnwill name hm- 132 Adelaide S'éiéét East. will always endeavor to be up -to the times with SEASONABLE GOODS And hogan to receive the continued patronage of the Customers of his l’l'edocossor. by atten- _Fi"ne new Fruity] Qh‘oics-‘Tobaccos, ._ Codï¬sh, aWhite’ illish, v ‘fi'Sal'iiibn Trout, Cool Oil, opts. {per-gal. The best Family Flour, Griliham Flounbrnckéd Whoutg‘l; The largest selection of a 1.5;» AGRICULTURAL ,IMPLEMEHTS l AND HARVESTING TOOLS then], Buckwlieateffl‘klur, *‘Wotatoes, Peas, Oats, I Bran and Shorts. " ' _ ' ‘All kinds o'l' .. _ i ‘ ‘ :' FARM PRODUCE TAKEN » _ v ~ in l o n * IE:ST l FLo‘UR. FREE. SHORTS, & & . 85 . c, c c In the Dominion. FIELD Allâ€"b «iGARDEN .5 E s z. - \vvsii’uih'nm, Tonosro. On. "'zmlon '1rout, Cod Fish» and Labrador Herring. I‘ huh :rl'ilcui U I _ , ‘1 A ll Kym PRICE I'Alll GOUDS DELIVERED. CHARLES 1t. SHEPPARD, nth-ltd Hill. Feb 19, 187i . "Crown-s : GOODS. izwiigirnlmn. 7794! Harness! Harnessll Harness " grinning. 0F A Call from all is respectfully Selle-trad Remember the place, (Writer of" l'onge, and Centre 325.. opposite Sanderson (1" Sons. .1. BRUWN. t l ll‘i'clziiimzo‘ Hill. ll M““'“""““""““""‘â€â€W‘ " " llit‘hm'lurl w: .i â€"Is. :"l'R-J ,. , ï¬xwwmmizmmm TglclilMONl) Ulllli, WILL GENE» ‘ rally he found at home from 5! to 3 r )1. John Elliott Langstol‘i‘ in unth- in’ized to collect accounts. February 4th. 1873. ‘. li. 759v tr BLAKE 8!. KINGSFQHTG. ARH'ISTNRS, ATTORNEYS, SOLL citoro, Conveyancors, 550., die... “Frommâ€"No.- 56. Church Street. ’l'oronto. nexl door north of British Amnricun insurance Buildings. 1. N. BLAKE. R. E. K1NGBFORD. MA s. JAMES, THOMAS SEï¬IMAN, . lifter, ifihu' continue to vr'ud lheï¬ï¬‚m. - n ’ « The following are the namesnnd nddruï¬. («Amman AND WAGON MAKER, 0mm. of the Houses who get my main-a“ front here direct 2â€"â€" Ulldertalier. ï¬lo, thsimzhohâ€"Ne‘urlv oppositesthe Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. . TENS HORSES, conï¬s, CALVES if) AT Slwop and l’Ips u f hilsz in mm?» iii/Mfr flu It It _. mead fZELIH’.[tilt/"Ntï¬l‘l'rl F’mn’. 1’ 4:0 25 chitin and- :33 ll." p; - non]. A dolls box CUHUUHE two llnnliz- t’. frolic“ I R? l} i i' . er A, (‘A 'l‘l . 027, (t'ilrl‘uzzt [lilxltws (Iii/l I‘i'i'iiif Tram. Messrs Avr-ryfl. Brown & Cm, ii'iiliriix. tu. Messrs Form‘th 61 (30., Halifnxï¬NS. ‘ Messrs '1‘. B Barker & Sons, St. John, N.’ .: gale-0n. “mm, Ovnmenlr,Coï¬1-" $%iéh‘:ird;vmm ""d "‘“1'3'†cl‘F‘P 0- H is V R. {FATHER} LAN GSTAFF, M' 'i‘. Des Brisay, Charlotte 'l‘ownI I’ll. VInsl-xrs Langley dz, Co , Victoria. B.C. Motter Moore A; (70.. Victoria, BC. My Pills: and Ointment are sold at the 10"“ wlrulemile net plices, in Quantities of not 10. tlinlr £2“ worthâ€"v17... 85 l'd.. 223.; -34s“..pol ‘dozen boxes of l‘ills or pots of Ointment. fir vvhich remittances must be soul in advnnï¬ Tbesn medicines are not sold in the Uni ' Status. l‘lachul’ot and Box of my preparation beers 11w llritisll Gnvnrnme‘nt Stomp. with-livelier“, ' Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. London." (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. .7“. ' 3‘l3. Oxford Slrul, W'. (L, I.0ndon.§Ju/y l, l 3. Follow 8’ Compound , . i 1 7 ) x - ~. Jun. Qinh. 1874; 1’ I Willing 13 («.(fUipl ANI) â€"â€" “sf . p BOVINCIAL LAND 3 i; i ‘ ‘ I v . :.~,.::11\UI) 011 111P01 HOSPHITEB. er ’ ' ' L ' ' I ’ ’ i H. « Countv Engineer. Drat'ilen. l ' ‘3 " l’- “Ell, '1‘“ “l‘ ‘i . . . . ' _. ; r I r , V vN . - ha, hoe, hanks 0 h,.f,.i Id, ; -,, V ' . H . . . a ‘ if lltsPCl-; (il‘lllh rinl ("ha 5-fltillllrlï¬â€˜911d0\\‘(‘d bodies. wlietllerthoyh ’ ’ l - iii-“umâ€! I s I e l t s 6' 9m tnsiun to order and wrlllendenvor to Surve)s. Plans, Deumlptlons. hr, «i i , .,. . V ‘ ' N - r and patrons for past favorh would respect- I S 3 keep on hahd l r - of Image: Speciï¬cations Fo’ms ( 4 h H l "in nun Guns. hum llimi. v. .umi lords. liltilllll9:.tlllflglt‘l3 pruevlgn jeo- . , ill†i' t i] 'l I i t]' ,fl" ,V ’. ‘;' V )l ‘. E a. ‘ .N‘ . 1H,â€. ‘M, i, in... :unsii:_]ecis:tl lie egeale m on BA H N AR [1 l S p D r u y in mm s in in ms low go ns . Esguéégaglzgds, 6.0, executed t 4.. ,- NH “Huh†ltngt 1 and bio (l l pi. .i hrflmwml I’yrimlfmu’ which binds “Iâ€. I ‘ l ' . . w i ' } , r 5;. ‘1‘, .~. linuâ€" o! ex stance. and us nothing can nvo _ . NE W G A L L E R Y. A SUPERIOR ETOCK . N0 4 Tmstaud Lou“ Bulldmgsv M "P, .f llUl ll_ Mll.l LR . l I I f “m (M mm when mi! "mm. P tted up in ï¬rst-clue style. and thst be is new prop-rod to take all kinda of pictures in the latest styles of the art. PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, . i w', l ,' . ' 0B And will.on:Mondnv, lheï¬lith inst; submit z for the inspection nulls custo'neru, 00 Single do~ Double Harness ' ,- « n. - -» Which he will within: lo‘be ii. gf’ile. moorle Ila-gs tn annotln min the public that he has NOVELTIES As can be got elsewhere. Richmond Hill. Feb. 11, ’73. All Work to be . , DAILY ARRIVING AT . ' A S E L E C T is _T O C K PAID FOR wnrzn ORDERED. AGEN Ts :WAH'IJED. JUST OUT.a new and beautifully colored GOOD AND CHEAP! Adelaide and Toronto streets, 'I‘URON it) Toronto July 28. 1873 7min :Union House. NIONVILI.E. Basses run 11‘ connu-ti n ‘ withesch train. Commodlous s=mpl~ room. I THOS. l‘lUN'l‘Elt. October 24. 18.73. l'rnprielnr. 1'1": BARGAlfiâ€: .‘ [\glltitlllu‘l'ul (lltctlliSIs. ill-‘rl‘lllll TlCKS‘ ON SHEEP. ‘2‘ H l lt’s‘ ’I‘ICK IIES'l‘ltUYl-flt i ll I‘oslrm» the 'l‘lcks. prmniutonitho pinixlll wool and lllllllOVtS tliol'cuildlhnn of 11: Ht'l'llfl‘ .\ 3:") cent 1an will clean zll allPi‘p o 7‘3) ::lml-s. 11.4 llii- on r»: n. n lfl J “gig in l., Aoiiicnbruiur. (‘iiucmsrm Iii? King Strool Easy/reroute Fnr Sale by llrllzrgists and Storekeepers. R. E. LAW, Agent. Richmond Hill. '- lt-om. the iliscovarv of means whereby A mnr he sustained in 'the living bodyh . , ~rl a boon to the wnr‘d. \intluril ohmnislri has ventilated the q...- in... Ami insvnvareil the ingr dienu constitu- lllt: brain. lIll'lFf'lf‘S and nerves. and In“ :lmr in. i?\ll€\(ill(‘,lll! these ingredients in prep" ‘i‘rlrl'vtll'il'tllli the brain and nervous systemrln rllwlglhened. This. then. is substantially the buii on lltlr ' which FELLOW’N Hvrornosrnrrn is built.» diraiei notion is upon the Blood. the Brain I“ Nervous Sistem. and the Muscles. f‘tron‘lth- suing the nerves. it causes the rapid diotribh 1 u l 'â€"" ' > - i tion of Vltsllzed Blood in the Huscullr Org.†I C R O S B 'Y ’ S F‘ CHARGES MODERATE MAP OF THE DOMINION' EMNANTS or our nos. w a J ol'the Body. -' D . G I ~ - » G . l . _ Tliolsrgest,tlie latest,and thepmost compre- R - . * - - Rousing the Slugginh Heart and Liver. ' “ 13/ (10! 8, . .,‘l~ T001168†33- Remember the place nearly appeals hum-tutor the. money yet published. Ami-“mm choice to. in i V i v a, Patcnfuma'v'eâ€"tygugh' strengthening the action of the Stomach nl ’ i 7 : Sandersom’ Drug store. To every intelligentvotor who "ISM" ‘0 “5“ greatly teduCcd which at um :;i i-n . ‘ ,f, . 'lowels and onuhlillg the Lungs to be ï¬lllyil- ' - » u . -,.- v THOMAS B_ COUPLAND dorotnnd the " situation," with regard to ml» ~ - Wm‘ I“. I x ND W ATEHS‘PUUTS THE D0 flared with Oxygen. . . l I ,. ’ and “or: n- h d H-i. F b 2(- ,74 Pk ‘ A, h ways end other important territorial interests. . ' t ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ mums. at mgr ‘l kilns-t. Allen Floor- It Is adapted for “menses of Weuknouol. : W. l . ._ » _ . v a , = -I, Hi . , .- J 3 '° '“°“ ' ‘ ° ' ’l 0 “gm? 9"“ this map is ltidespeustble. Agents who who t Richmond Hill. 3mm 5~ ll ' ing and nilim l.nmlw Sal: Buckets. Emaciation, whether arising from sedenter :m'd’ mu b. "1“ cheap" ‘haï¬ we" ' " ' " i ' ’ -" l a "’ " 4 ho“ 0“! in 01mm“ and lmnm‘llmelyv W'†"’39) -»aAiâ€"f4v~~ A? ‘ “nils.{.«irlcri\1ills. Washing \l'n‘éhioes'Shintlles l life. a tropical climle. from fever or nobility i ‘4' (‘1,- ~ I good harvest, alldï¬llllllldï¬f‘fld 1?! [Elm-“i 8114 l Waggon ll‘ellnnrmn'd lininlloiSuwedto order Train 21th cause, and is etï¬cscious in Pablo- I hire they saw thin->4; moment. , JAMES (llgillllCHliill, 'i‘onoti'ro. mainly ‘ he. “' g. @. Qtpltrtmmt. r517 {*ES‘lK F r LALARh tcto F - Forpurticulmwaddress .-J()H.}l IAA‘N'(;‘l‘S-1:‘:‘«Fy: IARY CONSUIPTION. msm‘ conï¬rmed colt. having been cured and all beneï¬ltod. where 1. .... I 'i . '- i. is ~. ' ~Ji . - ‘ '- a. v ' l ' _ . . v - - ; ‘ s h , it' l .d over a fortni ht. ll ' l I Sh k " ‘lIAT E PRICES- . .._._...__ Tfl’Ol’llOi MNCh H, 1874' “7‘5"†'~ ' ’ " " T E A b ’ “10mm†Nov} 3’ ï¬ggg'nf‘Mj'ub ryfiï¬il'xlll‘iusl’iigrmi‘riliitigl herpeciï¬c. and is lath-o _V t MIMI!“ 1 6| of“ y -, q v .- . . in... :lii .. ; . ~~ ,‘ . _ 3-. ‘ 3,‘,:i » .=.L__“3_'v;. , ,L; __ '* ‘R‘nwmgzm pricezfrom 30 am†pm“). upward‘ _ ~ r . .. . irg‘ivesrelief wBeLeIcverv othoiéremedly ‘ '--' 1‘ P r 0 s A V1 N G s B A N K i ' ‘ ’ “ ‘ ’ ‘ ' ' ' ’4 iii°ilillâ€l.2°iii.d ii'iit’co'fiï¬iiailc.‘ £313.? - r .' . .,. .. ' ‘ ' --r_‘- -r -.. , 1 . . .V ‘_' F I, us. It _' ‘ i o ' ‘ . . -' » "‘ h. v - . I, “a .1' .I ..z ‘ 3 NIPIQSIbEG IEOTEIâ€"‘ly Also a flue Iseortmentpf I u n I L s t _ As this is entirely distinct and dlfl'oront fro- GROCERIEM -~ , , . . _ 7. 'i ', L , ' . _ __ v.7 ' 7 1 I __ _ ~~’-'l ‘“ “a ' 'n ass or snow ’ .I .1: men s share of public out DU. t. HILL 0 F FI C E I N > CONSEQUENCLJ \ OF T] E DES“ Idimlly 1 006118“ GEORGE & 'Dï¬vlv MB 'RVRVEBL Sixth". DOLLAR, (0R? PARCELS PEQIVERED EPOSITS 0F 0 ‘ . A'IEX MOO-DIE. . i: i .. Richmond Hill. April 16. ’74. E tructmn of tho Anglo Amertchn Hoiii‘snb)’ CALL AND EXAMINE. V idolluro bysny one deponitot’.) will be received l those large and commodious premises belong- 1'13 :4! I ntthe Richmond Hill Past UtiiceJor which ing to Capt. ’l‘. A.» Milne. opposite Messrs, 5 GoverninontwillallowInterest. Spalghi dz. Son’s Novelty Works, Msrkham. l Fox'mmculnmppu I? travelling public and commercial men. Livery I, l . M~ TELFYo Posmn'mr- stables in connection with :the hotel. _ Bottled l l’ I l H ' ' _ . .. ». . ',‘ la. Fur,†is Government Agenlt’or MB and l’érlflr- ‘ D " {V‘OOT ‘V FIRE-PROOF STORE, ETA MILY PHYSICIANâ€. ' A ' ho sale of . I I MARRIAGE LICENSES. 5‘31“- 4v "372° 737'“ RICHMONDE HILL ‘ Containing drsr‘riptions disease» mid rule! ‘ . - .. l ALso AGENT FOR 'ruv; E for their treatment. will be ii lit by mail, t‘roe " ofnll charlieJn Anyoneound‘ingihnir addâ€... 19‘ MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. l 714 Broadway. New York. Otï¬cehouvu: from 6:30 s.u.t09:30 r... 8.8.4; ' . i ' May uses 563-tt‘ I. CROSBY. Grocer and Orr Goods Mornllnnt ‘ f‘ R . S . S . F I TchzH ’lS ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for preeents til the Hunt) Boo! faintingâ€. â€".._ fy the public that llehasJ-suomtnenced ’ , business at s i Item. :G l . t P E R D A Y. $5 Agents wanted ! All classes of working people. of either sex. i young or'old. ms .e more rnonev at work for i no in their epnrsumqrtielits. or all the limo. th-n ‘ at anything olss ",I’aijticulors ‘free. Address G. STINSON dz (36., Portland, Maine I ~_._ _ "‘A’NADIAN ILLUSTRATEI: NEWS. ' A weekly journal of Cum-in Events. Literature. Science and Am. \griculturo and Mochsnics, Fashion and Amusement. Bod _ at We s’numbsr at the Hour.» Rc-l- “wo- Ilorseshocmg ’Ilwroughly, and neatly done. Auras. TOYS, so, run SALE AT. HGUSES 33119,.“ A, the HERALD Book Storo, WILLIAM THOMPSON General Blacksmith Machinist Hes leased the MUNSHAW .BLACKâ€" SMITH SHOP. ' RICHMOED HILL. Jobbing done in all its Branches. Carefully, hopes to receive s-sharo or the public patron. an _ JOHN LUMLEY, H Church St" Markham Village. w on 1’ H73 755â€"6m - . CHURCH PSALTE _ EYMN BOOK »â€" Used in the English Church It Richmond Hi1 , ' - and 'l‘hornhil I Full suppiv, .WTII'H 0R WITHOUT £17810, ‘1' THE Book Store. Richmond Hill .>. any num -erâ€"notexceodingtnreehundretl l ï¬re. the subscriber :i1t33;;13li@§1~-tllltl ï¬tted up. EXcellent aC(:GlllJ110Linlt0ll "tifl’orded for the, ' HE SUBSCRIBER .BEGSTO NOTI-i 1' - {I'M .. _ln ell its branches. and from his experience, careful attention," and modernte charges. he UBSCRIPTI’ONS FOR'ZFHâ€. italâ€"ion 10 Weekly Papers, recent-l" nu tin: Hanson v OLD PENS, Pnnno'iibuns, AND I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND. HILL. J, .L 'A GENTS WANTED. 9 Good Agents required to canvassMalk- ham and Vaughan with a new and wha' will be a very popular book None but live busi- ness men engaged. Exclusive territory, Ap- piy at. theHersld Ofï¬ce. SCHOOL REQUISITES FULL SUPPLIES 'AT THE EG to inform \li~rcli:»ints {inhe‘rn‘ i\ For Pl'ï¬ that .hey hunâ€" alimj's on hand a largo . r. i “i r. . FIRST-CLASS FLOUR "ti FEED-t Parties favmi -9 us with grisls may relv on: good return and well nwnu‘ad'nmd. -'“ l Illomzs'r' MARKICI‘ ruler: historian WHEAT. Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct-"15.11873 ‘RICHMOND Hint! ht VIE RY ST A Horses and Vehicles Vl'M hm; iflhnrgos nip- dernte. OppositeSandarsondzï¬Sons“, n All orders by mail promptly lttended to.â€" _ m A W ‘ A > ii: "i: m‘ 'i-XICS, . ALL ...,tv lion‘s. Stow-- stuns; AT RY or "AL: Kurtis; AT ‘ RALD Book Store, I I B i. E s o (11E TY Dispos‘irom ‘10 n N :-‘ltuv_i{ \’ :“llm‘iiriomi SOLD BY APOTHECARI.’ Price. $1~50i Six for 37-50. JAMES 1. F‘Fl- LOWS,Chon‘-.o hit. Jon. 1L!- __.'_._~_..,..____.._ One Box Of Clarke’s B 41 P111. IS warranth to cure all‘dischsrgos from the Urinary Organs, in either sex seqlirod or é’mwtitulior til. Gravel and Points in the Buck. Sold in Boxes, $1.50 euch.by Ill Chelniltl ii. “Patent Medicuie Vendors. ’ Sole proprietov, I‘. J. OLA “KI. APO'l‘HECAlUFS' HALL. LINCOLN. I -ENGLAND. Sold in England by nll Wholesu'l'o Pub]. M-‘-dl(‘lllP Houses. . “lion‘s-lo Agents for Provinces of Criteria and Qun‘ec: ' 4-8 w...â€" HIERALD 5: T0 RE,‘ Richmond Hill. Dec. il,‘"~"’7‘9. 7 3m; HARRISON. ‘C‘FLER sh “Toss. . _BU.PTIlBIi ,gAiiinsrlins. on. N08. 36AM) 3.»: King SIN-ct host. Toninlo~ I R, A Huntian Q a. F. “sucle 'l‘HoMAs \lnss Q r. W A Fin-Tim. (TH/mm;h Moss. Toronto. Dee. 4, 1872. 7504f i EWilinY l Jnivniiliyl Iiioti sur- BVANS. MERCER & 00â€". Mo um L. ,4 Fl.lF.Y’S HARD RUBBER . â€" hUSSl‘ZS. Rt lief, comfort soc (‘ure for Florin: or Rupture. r‘inv Stet-l hprlng polis'ed. Free from I“ «nor. rustv. chafing. strapping or girtliing one ‘xylé'flsfll'lllFFS. (‘ool._oleanly. light. ssfo Ind . iii-«auto [lllf’fl'rcted l’)\ bathing. Alwnylro- S T “7‘56" F"'C'?NE.""G"I ~i‘nblo. Solo bv all deolerfl. Estub’tl, 1841' hnsllrul SI Hills}, 81» 717 Broadway. N, 1. Beware of lm'tntinn. (,‘anndinh trs'do supp! ed by Mae-Fri»: Kerry. Watson & (30., Whojalh A . HERALD BOOK STORE. " m ' ' A shore of have is solicited. *"ttisr mil H'llb ch at‘th Him LD “rugi'i‘m' WWW“ ' " . l: ‘ "...I "A 3105A!ng HILL. . . gums AT Hill, glint. tau, 313:? G ...ponci| «as. at tho Bimini: Book Store $1.303! ‘Etiirlvln ‘ i [an ) , a A i a) cheap nine Blush; Bwk‘Store. April i3.1m.- 83.33 . . ~_':. ‘ . ï¬st-i agar; “1-3,. _.._.... .2» .- _ ._ l; - _-‘ K . ' ‘_ ' 9"" " i‘ivéfh;~ _ l, ' _ ' u». -.. -. ‘.'. .. .. -