CARRIAGE BUILDER, Paintera’ Material in general. lAHGE Nell-Selected STUCK Ellllflï¬lilfls ‘rPlilWISIIlNS Varnish, FLOUR AND FEED WA call from all is Solicited. $5 TO $20 HDU :LU 'Dr‘lu Agent: wantod! All clunol of working pooplp. 0! either In. young or old. make more money It work for us- in their up". momonu, or I" ‘ho |imo, thll ,1} anything cl“. Particulan (roe. Addreu G. STINSON &. Co.. l’orlland, Maiuo. CHURCH l’SALTER HYMN’ £00k Dad in tho English Church n Richmond iii! and ThornhilJ Full upplv, JUST RECEIVED, We have also on hand our usual NOTLCE}! hlgroby given Io all plrtiOI ht;- "g in: gluml againstlho «(no of the lute ouN M. RUPERT, Inn or m. village 'qr " qttovaon,'l‘ownuhip o Ynughln. decayed. ï¬o' bind in Itatamoma ‘9 :he nmo, within an. moguls from this ‘dggotl'o' l'he pndenignod. Ind ill partiou'bwihg‘thp ‘ostilo are required to puke I leaking); soon I! possible. ' ‘“ MARX RUPERT. Adminiuï¬un'z. my; 915: WITHOUT MUSIC, PA RCELS DELIVERED. P. G. SAVAGE Richmond Hill. Jun. 10. 1'74, RICHMOND HILL, - I Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhom’ that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the rwm We; w.- .1819- ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA~ bl. for pro-om- M the HIIALD Boo- Fine New Heir-e for hire, Funeral Furnishings, Cofï¬ns and Caskets in évery style. Richmond Hill, Nov. 13,1873. v A. WRIGHT. RICHMOND HILL. A LARGE STOCK 0F Paints and Oils, Kept aonstanfly on hand, YONGE 8TB BET. e? rs- Estate Notice. HERALD BOOK STORE; RICHMOND HILL. UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, and AND 0" AID Glass é‘ Putty, PER DAY. A. WRIG_H'I', 5327's! Great Bargains IMMENSE .STIIIIK HURRAH! Spring and Summer NOVELTI E S I. CROSBY’S GROCERIES! Containing descriptions of discuss and rules for their troltmcnt. will be um by mail. free of I“ chargo,1o anyone sending their address to 714 Broadway. New York. sis-,4 ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEE NEWS. ’ A weakly journal of Current Events. gm 6am, @tnmim. "FAMILY PHYSICIAN" L’ A weakly journal of Guru“ Events. Liter-lure. Science and Am. \griculluro and Moehlniu, Fashion Ind Anuumom. Sod a "c I “slur at tho Hana RI“ “"0.- Which m'll be 001‘ cheap" than war. CALL AND EXAMINE. FIRE-PROOF: STORE, “13%;; BOOKS or ALL XIND§ AT " _ Elgar Bod 899:9; ' DAILY ARRIVING AT . S. S. FITCH'S .430 on I†Grocer Ind Dry Goods March-m, RICHMOND] HILL FOR OI L CROSBY. DOMINION TEA HOUSE THE TEA CHEST 'I‘HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of ro- “1"!ng his sincere thanks to his numerou- frionds for their Liberal Patronage while occu- pying the store known as the " 'l'ea Chant." Richmond Hill. and Would Hate that he hu lold out his Illlalebl in thaabovu Establishment to Mr C. SHEPPARD. and would her-peak their patronage and support for his bucccsaur. FAMILY GROCERIES ! Suitable for the trndo of Ri:l|moud Hill. and will alwayu endeavor to be up lo the times with SEASONABLE GOODS And hopes to receive the cgntinued patronage of the Cuuomars cl his Predecesaor. by nuan- tiou In their wunts and selling as cheap an I! i- possihle to do. FLOUR, BRAN. SHORTS, PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, TH OS. B. CUUPLAND, ï¬lled up in ï¬rst-class Ftyle. and lhal ho is now prop-red to take all klllds of plum" in the latest Myles of the art. my Rey/leinbar the place uearly oppan'tg Sandersms’ Drug store. THOMAS B. COUPLAND, PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED. U any numlmr-nolexceediugthreehundred dollars by any one depositor.) will be received ntlhe Richmond Hill Post Otï¬anJot which Governmeuhvillsllow Interact. Foxllnrliculnrsapplyto Riahmoud Hill Pub. 96, '74 "fzmmn 'll'out, Cod Fish and Labrador Herring. GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. hmund “ill. Fob. HI, 1874. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. RICHMOND HILL Ofï¬cehours: from 6:30A.l-t09l30 run. May 4,1869 5634f '.'\ln. TERFY is Govornmont Agamfor III ulo of Oj- CHANGE OF HANDS. General Blacksmith Machinist Horseshoeing Thoroughly, Carefully, and neatly done. (1:;- A share of patronage is solicited. .9; RM:an gill! Much 25. 18‘“;e @841 NE W GALLERY! N reference lo {he uhm'e the Subscribe begs to any that he will keep :1 lug. and fresh stock of N vetnming his sincere thanks to hmfriendl . and patrons for past l’nvnra wouid respect- fully intimate that he has now gothis P. 0. SAVINGS BANK, ENLARGE!) I Has leased the MUNSHAW BLACK- SMITH SHOP. WILLIAM THOMPSON CHMOND " POST HILL “ ‘ ~' OFFICE. ‘EPOSITS 0F ONEHDOLLAB, (on Jobbing done in all it: Branches. RICHMOND HILL. CHARGES MODERATE, i3. memmt. MARRIAGE LICENSES. morning m. RICH MON D HILL. gltn'tugwphg. ALSO AGENT FOR THE All Work to be M. TEEFY.Pulma-lor. A LEX. M0001 E. Plullugrnpker, @gximltuml ihuptcumttï¬ Surface Planed.inShort “Mice ï¬'Om'ea a Solicitcd. 1352 Adelaide: Street‘East. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! lumber Tunguad, Richmond Hill, Feb. 18. 17374. FIELD AND EGARDEN s E E :D s z Lath, Single 8c Double Harness Which he will Warrant (0 be as GOOD AND CHEAP ! Doorl, Harness! Harness! ! Harness! ! A SUPERIOR STOCK! JUST OUT.a new and beautifully colored MAGER 6: QUANTZ !_ The largnst, m. latest, and the most compro- honnive {or the money yet pulglished. To every intelligent voter who wishes to un- donqu the " situation," with regard lo rall- wnys .nd other important terri’tbrinl llllel'oflll. tlfls map i Iudespeusiblm ,Agpnls who take hold at it in Mums: and immediately. will ram) I good harvesl, and should semi to; termg, and nuts whore thay saw this ndyollismoxtt. JAME! cuuaéH‘iL‘L, 1101mm, Mens' ï¬no culfhools............... $4 50 " kip ".................. 300 “ cmmze " ............ . . . . . . 52 20 " Gunman†.. 2 00 " Felt Oveluhocs . . . . . . . .un I 40 " Shoo I’acku . . . . . - ......... 550 Womens’Loather Boom........ ... l 25 “ Prnnolla Gaiters........... 65 " Felt 0vershoos......u.... l 25 All kinds of custom work made to orda, NEAT AND CHEAP! BEST OF WORKMEN! WILLIAM GAMBLE’S Ono door south of A.'L. SKEELE, Watch- maker, where the public can roiy on ï¬nding A LARGE STOCK 0F BOOTS IAND ‘ SH 0 ES J. Iruclinn of the Anglo American Hausa by ï¬re. the Iubscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. 'I‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight 4k. Son’s NovelIy‘Works. Mnrkham. Excallnm accommodation nfl‘orded for the travelling public and commorcinl men. Livery ntnbloslu connaction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. THE CHEAP BflllT ANII Sflflfl STllllE In all its branches. and from his experience, careful attention, Ind modernte charges. he hopes to recaive a share of the public patron- Ige' All orders by mail promptly “tended (0. JOHN. LUMLEY, Church St" Markham Village. HE SUBSCRIBE“ BEGS TO NOTI- fy the public that he his ro'Jommenced business at UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON 10 Weekly Papers. rece-vod at the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill 779-1! Of all kinds. which will be sold In Cheap as any H ouse north of Toronto r RICHMONQ. HILLV IASH AND Ml]?! FAGTDR As can be got elsewhere. Richmond Hill. Feb. ll, ’73. Mens' ï¬no c-lfhools. . . .. . . " kip "......... 0' cuarse " ......... " Gunters.... " Felt Oveluhocs. . " Shoo I’acku . . . . . . Womens’ Leather Boom. . . “ Prnnolla Gaiters. . " Felt Overshoos. . . Cheap B001: and Shoes. Richmond Hill. March'18,1884. 817-1! Toronto, March I7, 1879 N CONSEQUENCE 0F T1119 DESâ€" GRICULTURAL WARE HOUSE Sept. 4. 1872. MAP OF THE DOMINION, HOUSE PAINTING ! SEED STORE! HARVESTING TOOLS ,OLD PENS, PENH-OLDERS, AND "neg! 9929; nt ghq £19550 399* Stan m-ny 9,1873 AGENTS WANTED. NIPISSING HOTEL, making to order an}! willjendeavor to keep on hand W. H. Myers The largest selection of TORONTO Richmond Hill. Blind: Mouldin s : 9 a All) ALI. Repairing done lu iha Dominion. Haudhctur'en '0! Don't forget Painting; MARKHAM. (1%., (ya, , AND AND BY THE AXD -. .--.-....o.. - “shoes . . . . . . . .un I Gaiters........... arshoos......u.... l WM. RENNIE, D. WOO'I‘EN. 7374f Tonono. 0111'. Grooved. Shingles, 817:391. 848 755-6m Sanka, 50 A0163 of Fwst-class Land, Then; is a good House. Burn. and u very sn- psrinr Orc-hnrd of Young Fruit '1' was; a good Well of Wile on the premises, 3 miles from Richmond Hill and about 2d mules from To- ronto. Price $2.500. Apply to JAS. LANGS'PAFF. MD. For sale, good farm, being lot No 30, in the 2111 Con. of Vaughan, fcoxnmlxa Large Dwelling: House. And Bum on 1ho premises. and good well of water, a good Young Orchard and a never- ï¬ni'ing Crank. TITLE GOOD. For puniculars applv to FARM FOR SALE. rally be found at 'home from 2 lo 3 o'clock. 1' M. John Elliott Langslatf is auth- orized to collect accounts. February 41h. 1873. 759-†0! Ian good; Lot No. 28, in tho 3rd Con. of Markham. .1) cilors, Conveyancers, $2.0â€, 5mg nl‘FCEs,â€"Nn. 56, Church Street. Toronto. nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE. R. E. KINGSFORD. M.A. E County Engineer. Draftsman 6w. Surveys. Plans, Doccriplions, Reports, Plans of bridges. Speciï¬cations. Forms of conlrncl. Securlty Bonds, 51c . executed with uealuess and despalch. No. 4 Trust and Loan Buildings, Corner of Adelaide and Toronto streets. TORONTO. THE Subscribor offers for salogn farm CONTAINING 50 ACRES room. And are bound at the North-west corner of lot No. 35, 4th concemion of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers enu gel Iloadvaork and high wages Applle‘ by [among-repaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square.or lo 8. JAMES, R0 VINCIAL LAND S U RVEYER, Couulv Engineer. Draftsman 6w. A hs'util'ul choice lot In be elem-ed out at greatly reduced prices at the ComrnI Store Wm. ATKINSON. U Hill. containing one aére and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. will: a burn stables. and other ombuiluings thereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise-, M A FARM 01' 69 AND A HALF AERES Being part of lots 3 and 4. lat Con. Township of Uxbridgo. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Villuze lots. situated J. sales number of Villuge lots. shunted n the village of About Uneflflk of an Acre, acloawilh Good Dwelling House and Out- buildings, just eluside the Richmond Hill Cor- poration. And BARGAINS I REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS. Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. 9 Good Agents required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and what will be a very popular book. None but live busi- nesa men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Ofï¬ce. SCHOOL REQUISITES FULL SUPPLIES AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. April 8, 1874 . TATIONERY OF ALL lKlNDS‘:AT I the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill, April 93. '74. ORK BOXES,’ ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. VICTORIA SQUARE! Toronto July 528. 1873 I B L E S 0 CI E TY DEPOSITORY (Richmond prpnch) u the HERALD a wk Stone 'I‘HOS. HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24. “373. 7 March 97. l872. Richmond Hill. June 5. )8 Richmond Hill, Jan. 8,1874. DB. JAMES LANGSTAFF, DICHMOND HILLL WILL GENE~ BLAKE 62. KINGSFORD, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- Richmoud Hill. Dec. 94. ’73. 753-3m NIONVILLE. Basses run in connection .whh each main. Cummodious sample IN LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND ‘N Yongo Street. Richmond Hiâ€, also ten TWO HOUSES AND LOTS- FOR SALE. GENTS WANTED. House and Lot for Sale, Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. l Village Lots for Sale. Emma; fur 5m, A LARGE STOCK 0F @timummuï¬, Farm For Sale. Also a flue assortment of :Union House. The loll conlam TEAS. Apply to WM. G. HINGSTON. There is a WM. McCAGUE. l". CRAWFORD. JACOB MORDEA . Mon Cums; P.O. 820-4m Dingln P. 0. 714-†822â€"“. 7c4-1f 8074f 797 LONG LIFE PILLS ! A FRESH SUPPLY, Al $1.89. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at [he HERALD BOOK S'romc. Richmond Hill. U Undertaker.) &c. RESIDENCEâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. It F aliens in Odeâ€"fourth the usual Mme, and saves Food. Price 25 cents and 3;! 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds. THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Desxrbvs all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. Sold by Druggists and Slotokeepers (“95 cents per box. HUGH MILLER & C0.. Agricultural Chemists. Toronto 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees. TICKS ON SHEEP. USE MILLR’S TICK DESTROYER. it destroys the Ticks, promotes the growth of lhe wool, and improves the condition of the animal. A 35 cent box will clea1120 sheep or 35 lambs. AGRICULTURAL CHansi's. 167, King Street East, Toronto. For Sa‘ue by Druggists and Storekeepers. R. E. LAW. Agent. Richmond Hill. I1. MINIDN. at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed: Sap Buckets. Pails,CiderMills.“lashing Machinesï¬hingleu WaggonFelloes.m1dLumberSawodtoordor F0 rp articulars address JOHN LAQYGSTAEF,‘ RIGHMBNI} HILL MILLS! GEORGE (fa DAVID BIRREEL FIRST-CLASS FLOUR &j:FEEDl I’m-ties favoring us with gris‘s may rely ona good return and well manu’nclured. D King Street, East; Torumo. R. A. HARRISON,Q c. F. Osman. THOMAS Moss, Q.c W. A Fos'rnn. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. 7504f April 9. 187.5. Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- deratu. Opposite Sandersou&Sons. 0 JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 751-3m Steam Millé,’I‘hornhilL Thornhi".Nov. 3,1869. 510-.“ AMILY BIBLES, THOMAS SEDMANJ ARRIAGE AND WAGON M‘AKER, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR WIEAT, Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct 15. 1873 HARRISON. OSLER & moss, 2ARRISTERS,_&C., 310$. 36 AND 33 EG to informiMerchants Bakers & Farmers i that they have alwava on hand a large stock of Patent EaVeâ€"tro'ugh ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE ï¬cheaï¬at the HERALD Book Store. ICHMOND HILL L I V E R Y Wu: 33mm†«Watsh. CATERPILLARS HUGH MILLER & CO., FOR SALE BY R. E. LAW. Druggiit, Richmond Hill. Remember' the place, Corner of Yong: and Centre St.. opposite Sanderson d7: Sam, Richmond IIill. J. BROWN. Trade Mark “Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIIE‘IER & RESTORE! For cleansing rnd clearing the blood from all impurites, cannot be too highly recommend dud . For Scrolula. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it is a nevatvfailing and pot- manent cure. 1! cures old Sores. ‘ Cures Ulcer-Med Sofas on the Neck. Cures Ulceraled Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads. or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. (.‘ures Blood and Skin Diseases; Cures'Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure mallet. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and ivariaiiled free from anything injurious to thl most delicate constitmion of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufl‘erers to give it a trial to lost its value. Thousands of testimonials from all park. Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in Cassi. containing 6 times the quantity. 4 dollars each- sufl'lcient to eï¬'ect a permanent cure in the great majority oflmlg sianding oasngiY ALL (,‘HE VHS'I'S and PATENT MEDICIN I BLMDMIXTURE A Call from all is respectfully Solidwd VENDORS lhroughout the world‘ Sole Proprietor. F. J. CIAAKKE,Chem‘Lst, APUTHECARIES' HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Paton! Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Onlar’l and Quebec :â€" “FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." EVANS, MERCER 8; ('30., Montreal As alllit'e-endowed bodies. whetherthey be Beast, Birds, Reptiles. Insects or evan Zoo‘ phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by rildlforw, which binds all did springs of existence. and as nothing can 9“. them from destruction when this principld lsaves them , the discovery of means wheroby vitality may be sustained in the living bodyi! indeed a boon to the world. HIGH EST MARKET PRICE PAIO GOODS DELIVERED. Fellows’ Compound SK RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES. Modern chemistry has ventilated the quela tionand discovered the ingredients conntitl‘ ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and ï¬nd! that bv introducing these ingredients in prop" proportions the brain and nervous system If. strengthened. Choice Tobaccos, Codï¬sh, White Fish, Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, 30 cts. per gal, The best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Oatmeal,Com’ meal, Buckwheat Flour, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, ‘ Bran and Shorts. BEAUTIFUL SUGARS AND TEAS This. then. is substantiaily the basis on which FELLOW’S “YI’OPHOSPHITES is builtn‘! direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain n“ Nervous System. and [he Muscles. Strength. emng the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu. tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organ. of the Budy. GURRANTS & RAISINSi v1 .uv uv‘. Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Link slrengtheulng the aclioï¬ of the Stomach Ind Bowels and enabling the Lungs tg be funny“! Hated wnh Oxygen. ._4- _ - "nun. " .~.. It is adapted for ALLcaSBS of Weakness n. Emacintion, whether arising t‘mm sodomer life. a tropical climate. from fever or lobilitf from any cause, and is efï¬cacious in hand!» NARI CONSUMPTION. many conï¬rmed on. having been cured and all boneï¬tted. when i. use has been continued over a fortnight Boots, Overshoes, and Rubbers. which he will sell as cheap as any retail hon†in Toronto. Just look at prices and compare! with olher houaes. W hmhrf‘orflrength and flavor will be found equtfl to any house: in the trade. In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Al“- it gives relief where every other remedy hlh. For Nervous Debillty it stands ulri'nlld, and may be used with conï¬dean ill} all on... m-Asirih'i's is entirely distinct and difl'erem ft..- every other preparalion of Hypophosphitu, h carent £08.31: for FELLOWS’ Simona-d I“. no othor'. N RETURNING THANKS FOI‘ IAST F‘AVOR‘S. wou d‘ in'rfma'to‘ to his friends and Iho l‘ublic that hehas now on hand a ï¬ne assortment of ONTIEBIOJIOUSE One Box of Clarke’s B 41 P111! IS warranted to cure all disthargoa from IL. Urinary Organs, in either sex acquind of constitutional. Gravel and Pains in the Buck. Sold in Boxes, $1.50 all Chemist. “I Patent Medicine Vendorst Jan. 201b, 1874. ‘"W'SAIQ‘ï¬képrmm, FJJ. CLARKE. APOTHECA HI ES’ HALL. LINCOLI. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Paul! Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ouub and Quebec 1 SELLEY’S HARD RUBBER 'I‘R TTSRF‘S Rnlinf, comfort and “" “â€â€œâ€˜ TRUSSES, Rslief, comfort “I Cure for Herina or Rupturo. Fine Steel Sprlng polisl‘ed. Free from all sour, rusty. chaï¬ng. strapping or girlhng III- pleasantness. Cool. cleanly. light, “I. and durable. Unaffected by bathing. Alwn'yiro- liablo. Sold by all dealers. Estub’ta. 18'" Chestnut Stv.l'lu'la., & 717 Broadway. N. 1. Beware of imitation. Canadian trade nupphod by Messrs Kerry. Watson &. Co., Wholullo Druggists. Momma . April w. 1874 21- .1. SOLD BY APOTHECARIE' Price. $51-50; Six far$7'50. JAMES 1. FF} LOWS,Cho-go 4.8 St. Joan. 1L. ï¬lms" Singa Boofs, foam $2.50, to $3.25 " Kip “ 3.40, to 3.75 “ Silos Packs “ 2.50 to 2.75 “ Felt Overshoes “ 1.40, to ~ 1.65 Womens Pebble “ 1.50. to 2.25 “ French C’alfBooI’s, 2.00, to 2.40 “ Felt ()vershocs,jrom 1.25, to 1.60 “ Rubbers, “ 50, to 55 EVANS, MERCER E 00-, Monk-00L intent Eitvaicim, Mr John Brown, FARM PRODUCE TAKEN C L A R K E ’ S WORLD FAME]! in tho Grocery lilieWehavo Fine new Fruit. All kinds of AND THE Jaime-0V