New method of extracting teeth without ‘ pain, by the use of Ether Spray,which affects the teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding becomes insensible with the external agency, when the tooth can be ex- tracted with no pain and without endanger- ing the life, as in the use of Chlorofdrm. Dix. Robinson will be at the following places spared to extract teeth with his new apâ€" rparatus. All oflSce operations in Dentistry performed in a. workmanlike manner : Aurora, lat, 3rd, 16th and 22d of each month Newmarket..... .. 2d “ “ Richmond Hill, 9th and 24th “ ' “ Mt.Albert..........i.........15th "’ “ Thornhill . ... .. 23rd “ ‘ ‘ Maple ........................... 26th ‘ ‘ Burwick..... ...28th “ " Kleinburg ................ , ..29th ‘ " ‘ Nobleton . .. . ...30th “ ‘ ‘ Boots aid shbes made to measure, of the best material and workmanshipntat the low- estiremuneritingkpricgg. will be promptly attended to : Fancy Bills, Business Cards, Circulars,Law ‘gli‘orms, Bill Heads, Blank Checks, Drafts, Blank Orders, Receipts, Letter Heads,Fancy Cards, Pamphlets, Large and Small Posters, and every other kind of Letter-Press Print- Having made large additions to the print- ing material, we are better prepared than over to do the neatest and most beautiful printing of every description. ' eaier in‘ Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, \Vines, and Liquors, ’l‘hornhill. By Royal Letters Patent has been appointed Isâ€" suer of Marriage Licenses. Maple. . . . . . Burwick . . . Kleinburg Nobleton . (SUCCESSORS TO w. w. cox,) ’ UTCHERS, RICHMOND HILL, HAVE £3 always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, amb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, &c., and sell at the lowest prices for Cash. FARMERS’ BOOT AND SHOE STORE Also, Corned. and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. OHN BARRON, manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of boots and shoes, 38 \Vest Mirkgt Squ_a.r_e, Toronï¬o. ’ ROVINCIAL L A N D SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. Orders by letter should state the Concession, Lot and character of Survey, the subscriber having the old Field Notes of the late D. GIBSON and other surveyors, which should be consulted, in many cases as to original monuments, 850., previous to commencing work. than one year, insertion. Each subsequent insert} 011.. 22 inches to be considered one column icenaed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on the short- est notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. adgfesp, Buttonville. Corner of Young and Centre streets East, have constantly on hand a. good assortment of Drugs, Paints, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Vamishes, FancyAJ-ticles, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines md all other articles kept by druggists ,«enerally. Our stock of medicines warrant- ed genuine, and. of the best qualities. Richmond Hill, J an 25, ’72 705 Nitrous Aurora. _ The highest market price given for Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, 41c. ' Ofï¬ce at VVLLLOWDALE, Yonge Street, in the Township of York. Jan‘y 8, 1873. 755 All lettefs addressedto the editors must be post-paid. One inch, one yearm. Two inches, one year . . . . . . . . . . 'l‘hree inches, one year........ Advertisements for a shorter period Advertisements Without written direction inserted till. forbid, ‘and gharged acycrdingly. .u. , u c y All transxtory advertlsements from regu- lar or Irregular customers, must be paid ‘for when handed in for insertion BBB} HE12A14D BOOK & JOB PRINTING Orders for {any of the undermentioned des- cription of &c., &c. Ornamâ€"No. 12 York Chambers, South- east Corner of Toronto and Court Streets, Toronto, Ont. No paper discontinued until all aFrearagcs are paid ; and parties refusing papers with- out paying up will be held accountable for the gilpscription. l’lain & Colored Job Work RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, ' ARRISTER, ATTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAVV, SoLICITOR IN QHANQERY, CONVEYANOER, TERMS: On'e Dollér ‘per annum in ad- vance, if not paid within two months, One Dql'lar and Fifty ants will bf, ckarged. THE YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Local News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the‘ man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. « And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails or other conveyances, when so degxredr. THE YORK HERA LD Every Friday Morning, U ver Watches, Jewelry, 850., 113 Yenge that, Tel-auto A‘urora, Richmond Hill, Oct. 24, ’72 Toronto, Dec‘v3: 1867 Sapmmber l, 1871 Markham, July 24, 1868 January 15, 1873 OFFmEâ€"YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL 'heap Book and Job PrintinyEstabln‘shmma J. SEGSWORTH, lEALER IN FINE GOLD AND SIL- (Late (3f Duggan é‘ Meyers,) ARRISTER, mATTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAVV, .UBLISHER AND PRO'PBIETOR OF TERMS: $ ADAM H. MEYERS, JR., VOL. XVI. NO 2 W. H. & R. PUGSLEY, A. ROBIESON’S, L. D. s FRANCIS BUTTON, JR., ALEX. SCOTT, H. SANDERSON 8: SON, ADVERTISING RATES PETER S. GIBSON, AUCTIONEERS. April 28, 1870 ESTABLISHMENT. THO MAS CARR, Oxide Gas always " Tm: YORK HERALD.†I’BOPRIETORS OF THE DENTHSTRY . DRUGGISTS. BLISIIE LI on hand at PER INCH - r 0.. 745-ly. 756-1y 497 000 050 433 5 0‘2: VI CCOUNTANT, Book-Keeper, Convey- . ancer, and Commission Agent for the sale or purchase of lands, farm stock, &c., also for the collection of rents, notes and ac- counts. Charges Moderate. OFFICEâ€"Richmond srreet, Richmond Hill. 700-1y “ A young man, recently married,†states, that he is willing to sell his suiky. Two at once is more than he can manage. - L Surveyor, Trust and Loan Buildings, cor- ner of Adelaide and Toronto streets, T0- ronto. 7194i \VM. MALLOY, ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor-inflhan cery, Conveyancer, &c. OFFICEâ€"N o. 6 Royal Insurance Buildings, Toronto street. Toronto, Dec. 2, 1859. 594 U old iron, rags, &c.,»&c., Richmond Hill. All orders promptly attended to. Fee simpleâ€"giving a waiter ten cents and expecting to have a good dinner. Temperate translation for the warm weather: " Ne sutor altra crepidam†â€"-â€"D0n’t take more than that last cob- bler. The Freeport Era. says that “ itin- erant cow-bells are wafted on the night air.†Pretty atmosphere they must have there ! The Boston Transcript 5a) 5: It takes considerable stretch of imaginaâ€" tionto convert an old family mansion, erected before the rcvolvtionm-y war, into a “ summer cottage.†Gushing party~“’l‘here’s a view now! Magniï¬cent! Surer you’ll ad- mit that deserves praise 1†Practical Self-made Manâ€"Well, I don't know. It has made an effort: to deserve it. Didn’t make itself!†Never boast of having dined well till the next day. The fool seeketh to pick a fly from a mule’s hind leg. The Wise man let: teLh out the job to the lowest bidder. First Senior.â€"“ When was the war of 1812 ‘2†Second Senior (after me- ditation)â€"â€"“By Jove, I’ve forgotten that again ! 1’11 put it down and ask my tutor.†Summit Station, Cal., was at. last acâ€" counts still surrounded by ï¬ve or six feet of snow on an average, and in pluâ€" ces the drafts can be sounded to a depth of thirty feet without reaching tub" ï¬rma. Authorities differ as to whether the best time to pick out a Wife is during house-cleaning or on washing day. Ordinarily, however, a man can pret- ty much tell what he‘s coming to by the way she makes the suds fly. Casta Diva.â€"â€"â€"Dick (to a friend about to marry)â€"â€"“Pooty, is she ? Well, wot’s ’el' cast ’0 features !†Harryâ€"â€" “She ain’t got no cast in her features â€"â€"tbat’s in her eye. Her features is straight enough.†Allrorders from a distance promptly at- tended to, and medicine sent to any part- of the Province. ‘ A “Visconsin minister has been dis- missed from an orthodox pulpit be- cause he built a ï¬re under a baulky horse. His case is almost as bad as that of the Etu Clare prencher, in the same State, who wasdismissod by the congregation for countinga nineâ€"spot “ ten for game.†VETERINARY SURGEON, Graduate of Toronto University Jollege, corner of Yonge and Centre Sts. East, Richmond Hill, begs to announce to the public that he is now practising with H. Sanderson, of the same place, where they may be consulted person- ally 01' by letter, on all diseases of horses, catple, &c. Horses examined as to soundness, and also bought and sold on commisswn. Riehmond Hill, Jan. 25, 1872“ 507 “ \Vho’s there 6†mid Jenkins, one cold winter night, disturbed in his re- pose by some one knocking at the street (1001‘. “ A friend," was the Pinswer. “ What do you want 2†“ Want to Stay here all night." “ Queer taste, ain’t it? But stay there, by all means,†was the benevolent reply. Sold by Druggists generally. The Dominion Worm Candy is the medicine 0 expel worms. Try it. 700-y Stands permanently above every othei" Rem fly now in use. It is invaluable. I L30, the Pain Victor is Infallible for ; Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flax, Colie, Cholera Morbus, Pain and Cramp in the Stomach and Bowels, 5w. Directions with end] bottle and box. B USTARD’S Pills are the best pills you can get for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Billiousness, Liver, Kidney Com laints, &c. HAVE you Rheumatismï¬Vaun s, Bruises, Old Sores, Cuts, Burns, Frost; Bites, Piles, Painful Swelllngs, \Vhite Swellings, and every conceivable wound upon man or beast ‘3 ‘ USTAR D'S Catarrh Speciï¬c Cures Acute h and Chronic cases of Cami-r11, Neural- gia,}Ieadache,001ds,Coughs, Group, Asthma, Bronchitis, 820., it is alsoa. good Soothing Syrup. November 12, 1872‘ F. WHITLOCK, [HIMNEY SWEEP, AND DEALER IJ Manufactured by mmTEcr’,’ CIVIL ENGINELR, AND PATENT MEHHCLV‘Q Si. I) [{O(JLA1\1 .A’f: {) N Pleasant Paragraphs. s. JAMES, (LATE JAMES & FOWL)CR,) J. H. SANDERSON, THE KING OF OILS D. C. O’BRIEN, Proprietor, 111gel'éoll H. MUSTARD, 747-tf BLANCHE DE LOUVOIS. Man, toiling restless, passionate, Hard struggling ’gainst the tide, Grows weary faint-50 careworn! No strength, no hope, no pride 2 BY SIDNEY BERNAL- The morning passes slowly to the impatient colonel. Manly though he is, he attires himself with care as the sun begins to descend toward the horizon, and presents himself in the apartments of madame. Awaiting her arrival, he paces the long saloon, his heart beating with high he eâ€"-his eyes bright with happiness. ' e hears the sound of an opening window, and a light ï¬gure glides past into the gar- den. He dare not follow, but watches her leaning against the balustrade, looking out over the valley at the setting sun. Charming she looks in her favorite snowy robe, so cool and radiant, with the faint flush of the sunset upon her cheek, her lovely dark eyes raised upward, her golden hair rippling in the evening breeze. The fountain tinkled like a little bell, as it plashed into its marble basin; the air was rendolent with the breath of a thousand flowers; the sprays of rose and jasmine clasped her in their trailing arms as she leaned, absorbed, ever the railing. 0h mighty deep ! 011 Sea. of love 1 How warm hearts bathe in the ! And, yet, how chill,â€"how cold the storms 0f life oft prove to be ! - Long years 1 How brief 2 The raging sea Now wildly beats the shore, The sea. of life, tumultuoust, Mad. surges more and more, The cold, sad sea breaks on the shore ; But now, its icy breath Is eager, bitter, blowing life To the embrace of death 3 And gyim Old Age with frostedeear-‘l _ Sits by the same dark sea, Cold, and alone, while Time and Tide Drift toward Eternity. “The honor you have done me, madame, is so unexpected, that I scarcely know how to thank you!†“I have heard from my servants, Colonel Von Rupert, that you are about to leave us. and I could not suffer you to go Without expressing to you my gratitude for the protection you have afforded us, and the kind- ness you have shown us. If you will walk with me into the garden, my daughter will add her thanks to mine.†A closing door breaks the young man’s reverie : he turns and bows low to the countess. , The calm sea smiles upon the sand, Though years are gone, and now The moonlit waves with rippling song Join with the lover’s vow. And so he follows the lady out on the Stone terrace. Blanche films at the sound of her mother’s voice. Von Rupert howsâ€"their eyes meet. Under his passionate gaze what can she do but blush! How lovely she is in her confusion! She is determined to hate him as her country’s foe; yet how handsome he islâ€"how tender his voice I And around is thrown that oharm of manner that has won him the favor of many a court lady. What wonder, then, that the innocent young Chatelaine of Les Hirondelles, reared in the shade of her native for- est-s, can resist no longer ?â€"â€"that the earth blossoms, for her, into an Eden‘ Thus Childhood’s innocence and glee Imprint the shores of life With careless pictures,â€"â€"footsteps, though, That lead to years of strife. The bright sea kissed the glistening strand, And, sparkling o’er with joy, Saw, by its swift receding tide, A maiden and a. boy. A home that’s fraught with joy and peace, Almost a heaven on earth. To which 1 haste when cares release, And gather round the hearth. Oh, tell me, can I hope for this? Is what I ask in vain? Can you answer that sweet word, “ Yes ? And the afï¬x, “ ] will be thine ‘2" I’ll meet thee, ’ncath the bower divine, When evening shades do gather ; If my answer’s yes, oh ! 'show some sign, And sea! my joy forever. Alone ! alone! yet not alone, I see thee everywhere ; I picture to myself a home, And thou art reigning there‘ Since ï¬rst 1 met thee, ’neath the bower, Thou hast had my heart in keeping, And I often bless that happy hour ' When ï¬rst I found thee weeping, ' I seek to clasp thee in my arms But, alas ! thou’rt gone ; I wake to ï¬nd it all a dream, And I am yet alone. I dream of thee, ofttimes, my love, And thy presence hovers near me ; Above thy brow a golden crown, And shining robes about thea Can I forget the hour, the moméut When ï¬rst I met thee, dear? Can I e’er expect fulï¬lment 0f castles built in air ‘1 A TALE 0)†THE FRENCHAW’AR THE SEA OF LIFE. THE PROPOSAL CHAPTER 111 [<:0NCLUDED.] RICHMOND HiLL, ONTARIO, CANADA‘ FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1874 Within, Madame do Louvois rc- ceives her sonâ€"hex-Vicbor !-~!1erdar- ling! abiding him for risking his life to see his mother's face again. The young man has few moments to stay. “ No, my son, we havea noble guar- dian, and we are not prisoners. A Prussian ofï¬cer protects us bravely, and allows no rudeness to us, nor even our privacy to be interrupted. “Then the mother waxed warm in her praise of Von Rupert, while Blanche remained silent, with crim- soning cheeks, and the young man’s face grew darker and darker as sh proceeded. ' “Has she deceived me, then? Is there no meaning in those tender looks, that deepened color, the start at the sound of my voice, the light that shines in her eyes as she looks at me? Am I but atool in the hands of a waxy girl, that makes use of me to shield some French lover?†Con- sumed with misery, he tries to occupy himself. The hours roll on to mid- night; he cannot sleep. An irresisti- ble impulse draws him to the window. The girl is stealthin dealing out a ladder of rope, which she I lets fall over the parapet, and fastens to the balustrade: then there is a. dead silence. The air is heavy with the dewy perfume of the flowers; the moon rises in the heavens, shedding floods of silver light over the land- scape; no sound is‘heard save the waving of the wind in the trees, and the tinkling sound of the fountain. Then a low Whistle sounds below, and the form of a. young man bounds over the balustrade, and catches the girl in his arms. The watcher cannot catch the words, but he sees the em- brace; he notes the eager questionâ€"â€" quick replies: then both disappear into the house. “' I must leave you in half an hour, dear mother,†he says, “and be through the lines by daybreak. I have had no news from the dear old chateau for months, and I could not rest. And so they have you here a prisoner, have they? and watch you with their minion Uhlans ’1’†“And do you mean to tell me, my mother, that you have received the traitor, and welcomed him to your hearth, and broken bread with him'? And I, this evening, must be outlawed from my father's roof because of his hated presence! and because he is so handsome and so young! But, Blanche, why have you nothing to say? Has the traitor stolen away my little sister's heart, that she can- not speak his name? By my sword! it is too true ! Butlook you, Blanche ! you shall never wed liim-~â€"never ! or you shall never see your brother’s face again! Mother, do you see the mischief you have done? Aye! now the child is pale enough.‘ My poor little Blanche, I was too harsh with you. But it is not trueâ€"~you cannot mean it; .my brave sister could never forget how our beautiful France lies bleeding at their feet l†The girl has stolen back into the garden; she gives a faint, low call: a carrier-pigeon flies from the wood- lands on the other side of the valley, and lights upon her shoulder. She takes from beneath its wing a folded packet, and presses it to her lips. Pale and excited, the youngsoldier leans forward to watch. her. An hour later, V011 Rupert, seated at, his Window, is witness of a strange scene. But Blanche lies in adead faint, nor does she wake till her brother has gone on his dangerous way to rejoin his regiment. She detaches the ribbon, lays it on his hand, and, with a light laugh, runs tip the stone steps and, disappers through a window. ’ I“ A few short weeks, Colonel Von {upert‘q and you will be tar away in your ‘ Fatherland,’ and will have for- gotten our little valley, and the lonely tower of Les Hirondells l†“Will you not give me, then, some- thing to remind me of it? A book, a flower a ribbon from your hair, per- haps?†he says, as he holds her hand at parting. In a few days he is to leave, and he stands with her in the garden one sultry evening alone. Her voice half trembles as she says: Now, day after day ï¬nds them to- gether, singing at the grand piano in the boudoir, making the old chateau gay with their happy laughter. As yet he has never told his love ; butin the blushing cheek that burns beneath his gaze, in the speaking eloquence of the beautiful face upturned to his, in in the soft tremor that thrilis her in his presence, he knows that he is be- loved. In that happy consciousness he rests. > And so the evening glides away. His rich voice floats out over the valley in many a song ; he entertains madame with anecdotes of the capi- tal: one theme alone he studiously avoidsâ€"Julie terrible struggle that desolates the land. And so the evening wears away, and they go into their coffee, and he lingers still, 10th to break the spell of enchantment that, binds him. Then, as he turns to take his leave at; last, madame, glad of his charming society, repeats her invitation, and the young man departs entranced. that she' hangs upon his words-~tlmt she trembles lmder'his glance 2’ ' All this Fiï¬ne sees at a glance. She sees, too, a man’s ï¬gure plunge into the stream and strike out to save the doomed man. He gains the bridle, frees the young Comte’s foot from the stirrup, and makes for the bank with his burden. Now Victor has strug- gled to his feet and is safe. He turns to look at his rescuer, but he is gone. He is struck by a heavy branch, and is thrown back into the current again, and his body is already far down the stream. NOW, perfectly helpless, at the mercy ofthe swollen torent, he is dashed hither and thither; now dis- appearing, now rushing onward. By this time many spectators had col- lected on the bank, and were making efforts to catch hisclothing with long poles and hooks. At last he is brought to the shore, but he has iainted, and lies white and dripping on the grass. Fiï¬ne had heard in the village ofa stranger who had lately arrived, and whom, indeed, she saw one evening, as she passed up the little street. She is a prudent little woman, is Fiï¬ne, so she says nothing; but it seems to herthat he bears a strong resemblance to the young Prussian colonel that she calls “beautiful as an angel.†Fiï¬ne still hopes that all will be well. “Still, the brotherâ€"he is so bitter against the Prussians! But, Is! the war is now over, and ‘what is the use of crying over spilt milk?’ â€. ,And then the philosophical peasant goes on to arrange a little plan, which, to tell the truth, she has had in her head ever since she ï¬rst saw “those two beautiful children" together The stream had risen very high this evening, since the heavy rain yes- terday, and Fiï¬ne can scarcely cross the plank Where it is narrowest. But she does get across safely. She turns to look at the rapid torrent after she has got over, and sees a horseman trying to ford it several hundred yards above. The water is above the sad- dle-girths, and the horse seems jaded and weary. N ow the current is so strong that it has swept him from his footing, and he struggles in vain to regain it. The rider urges him on ; they are borne out Where the water is deepest, and (horror of horrors!) it is the young Comte Victor that is washed dowd the now roaring torrent ! He is borne to the castle, and laid in one of the great chambers. They pour brandy down his throat, and the young Comte sends for his mother, little dreaming to whom he owes his debt of gratitude! The countess cries aloud as she recognizes the fair hair and calm, ï¬xed features of her kind young guardian. Blanche steals into the room to lend her aid to the sufferer. He has fainted they say, and she is all unconscious of the face she is to see, so still and cold. They unfasten his collar ; there, on his breast, is the blue ribbon she gave him on the evening oftheir last fare- well. “ He has been true, then! and some strange chance has parted them l But oh! if he should never wake up to know her loveâ€"if he should never speak to her again Iâ€"if his strong young life should be out off even as happiness seemed to dawn again l†And she watched to see them lay aside the ribbon, not knowing that it was her ownâ€"watch ad the ï¬rst, faint breath between the parted lips, the reâ€" turning color, and then shrank back among the draperies to hide her new- born happiness. The brother strives to make her happymto be her all in' all. Very tender is the love between them; but it is of no avail. She never murmurs â€"never complains. Her watchful eyes forestall her mother’s every want; her willing feet are swift to every charity; but the mother’s eyes ï¬ll with tears as she sees the slow breaking of the heart that her daugh- ter tries in vain to hide. When she can, she steals from the saloon, and and seeks her turret-chamber, where she weeps alone, or gazes down the white, dusty road where she ï¬rst began to watch for the horseman dashing so Wildly down its length. Days passedâ€"weeks, months. The yellow chestnut blossoms have turned to brown, then dropped away, and .now the boughs are full of prickly burrs, hiding the sweet nuts within. Soon the frost will open them, and they will fall,like rain at each breath of the autumn wind. From her cham- ber window in the turret Blanche gazes down the road, watching for him who never comics, The war is overâ€"peace is declared ; he has gone to his home in “the Fatherland,†she will never see him again! Her dark eyes look larger still, because the roundness of her cheek is gone- ils color flown ,- only the delicate fairness remaining still beautiful. Her ï¬gure, too, is even more slight than it was. Her voice is never heard in its gay carolling among the long saloons'and corridors as of old. Into the garden she never goes; she can not bear the memories of that happy time that it awakens. Tall weeds grow among her roses. Poor roses! fading, too like herself, under the blast of an adverse fate. The iountain still plays into its marble basin, but there is a melancholy, now, in its con- stant drip, drip, which it never had in those happy days of yore. And when morning «me, she learn- ed that You Rupert, too. had left the castle, "Without a word, without a line, to explain the cause of his departure. A generous heart has young Victor Es“.- CHAPTER IV. “ The wildest imagination is unable to predict the discoveries of the future. For all we know, families in the next century 'may pump fuel from the river and illuminate their houses with ice and electricity. Iron vessels, properly magnetized, may sail through the air like baloons, and a trip to the Rocky Mountains may be made in an hour. Perhaps within ï¬fty years American grain will be shot into Liverpool and Calcutta thoough iron pipes laid under the sea. By means of condensed air and cold vapor engines, excursion par- ties may travel along the floor of the ocean, sailing past ancient wrecks and mountains of coral. On land the in- telligent farmer may turn the soil of a thousand acres in a day, while his son outs wood with a platinum wire and shells eorn_by electricity. The matter now contained in a New York daily may be produced ten thousand times a minute, on little scraps of pasteboard, by improved photography, and boys may sell the news of the world printed on Visiting cards, which their customers willread through artificial eyes. Five hundred years hence a musician may play a piano in New York connected with instruments in San Francisco, Chicago, Cincinnati, New Orleans and other cities, which will be listened to by half {1. million of people. A speech delivered in New York will be heard instantly in the halls of those cities; and when fashionable audiences in San ranoisco go to hear some renowned singer, she .Will be performing in New York or Philadelphia. In the year 1900 a man may put on his inflated overcoat, with a pair of light steering wings fastened to his arms, and go to Newark and back in an hour. All the great battles will be fought in the air. - Patent thunderbolts will be used instead of cannon. A boy in Hoboken will go to Canada in the family air carriage to see his sweet- heart, and the next day his father will chasten him with a magnetic rebuker because he did not return before midâ€" night. The time is coming when the Herald will scnda reporter to see a. man reduce one of the Rocky Mountains to powder in half a day. Skilful miners will extract gold from quart as easily as cider is squeezed from apples. A compound telescope will be invented on entirely new principles, so that one may see the planets as distinctly as we now see Staten Island. Microscopes will be made so powerful that a particle of dust on a gnat’s back will appear larger than Pike’s Peak. And marvelous progress will be made in psychological and men- tal sciences. Two men will set in baths ï¬lled with chemical liquids. One of them may be in Denver and the other in Montreal. A pipe ï¬lled with the same liquid will connect the two vessels, and the fluid will be so sensitive that each may know the other’s thoughts. In these coming days, our present mode of telegraphing will be classed with the wooden ploughs of Egypt, and people will look back to steamships and loco. motives as we look back to sailboats and stage coaches. A striking illustration of the popular lack of scientiï¬c reasoning is to be found in an editorial which recently ap- peared in the N ew York [Jerald as fol- lows : “ All, mademoiselle, I knew how _it would be all along, and, Monsieur le Colonel, if it had not been for me, she would never have been your wife!" says Fiï¬ne, as she threw the shoe after them on thefr weddingday. The Possibilities of Future Dis- covery. Then they seek that dear mother Whose sympathy has been with them always. and seated by the shifting ï¬relight, are. silently happy by her side. Then, with faltering voice, she owns that ho is master of her heartâ€"that she has loved him long and silently. And when Victorjoins them, he leads her to him as his promised wife. The garden is not melancholy now, though the roses are faded and the trees bare. He folds her wrappings round her tenderly, to shield her from the evening air. Then he looks eagerly into her eyes and pleads. “ Give me the right to shield you always ?â€"â€"give me the right to claim this little hand ?†The bugle sounds loud and clear up the valley, as the two young men re- turn from the hunt, calling to their dogs on this cool, October evening. The sun sets all .the castle windows aflame with gold, and over the para- pet leans the fair face that has watch- ed so often for her lover‘s return. He glances up as he passes, and throws a. bright smile toward her, then throws his rein to Jacques and springs up to her side. d'e Louvois. He cannot refuse his sister's hand to the savior of his life. So he buries the memories of that bitter strife, and give’s a brother’s grasp to the gallant foe that has so nearly given life for life in his con- flict with the waters. And his reward is great for the sacriï¬ce, (if sacriï¬ce it is,) for he dearly loves his sister. and now the rose comes back to her cheek, and light to her eyes, and her very voice overflows in ripples of laughter and sweet song! Not even yet have these words been spoken that plight them to each other; but Victor has the conï¬dence of the young colonel, and they are like brothâ€" ers in‘their newâ€"found friendship. Arthur Orton does not share his repu~ tation alone ; long before his day men of equal boldness have arrogated to themselves rights which rest not on a grain of foundation. Of the many pren tenders who each claimed the throne of France, as being the son of Louis XVI., said to have died in the Temple, but who, according to them, had been taken away while another child was substitut- edin his place, there were the son of a tailor 3 a watchmaker 3 two adventur- ers 3 and the son of a sabot maker. It is astonishing to consider the number and respectability of those who sided with one or the other of the various im- postorsâ€"nohles, bishops, priests, sol~ diers, the staid and sober minded few, the frivolous and unthinking manyâ€"all were carried away by the specious tales and unblushing efl'rontery of those who avcrred that the child prisoner of the infamous Simon-~the patient of Dr. Desaultâ€"the unfortunate Dauphin oi Franceâ€"had escaped the fate to which his brutal jailers had condemned him. The tailor’s son became a suitor for the hand of a princessâ€"Benedictine of Por- tugal. The son of a sabot-maker sent by the hands of a gallant soldier a let- ter to “ Mme. Royale.†The watch maker was the pet of noble ladies and brave men, and lived en Prince in Paris. There was not one of them all but was enabled to trade with marvellous success upon the credulity of all classes of so- ciety. Such is the strange power of unblusing audacity upon the majority of people, that honesty is too often dist- anced by vice in this unthinking world. Apropos of this subject, a Vienna paper announces the death of a malefactor, who for some time preved on the trade of Paris under the false name and title of Prince Gyorgy. Accompanied by an adventuress, whom he gave out to be his wife, he succeeded in running up enormous debts in the ï¬rst houses in the capital. From Paris he went to Pesth, where he immediately commenc- ed similar operations, and succeeded in obtaining goods from one ï¬rm to the value of twelve thousand francs. He was shortly after taken into custody in Vienna; It appears that he was impliâ€" cated in the Commune. His swindling transactions Were to an amount almost unprecedented. California pea pods are far superior to orange peel for throwing the. unwary pedestrian off his equilibrium. Here is What happened to a lady in San Frat» cisco, as described by a paper of that city: “She kicked with both feet as high as a. ballet star, gave the peculiar, shrill, feminine scream, sat down, said ‘ Oh my,’ smoothed down her disorder- ed attire, looked around wildly, rose quickly, shook herself to see if anything was loose, gave a. withering glance at the place Where she had fallen, and, with all the spare blood she had in her face, went on with her shopping.†It is not in its nature to hurt any living creature ,' it is against its being to be savage, cruel, or harsh towards a living thingâ€"man, beast, or insects. It bears no malice ; it has no bitterness in‘ its heart; it carries no venom beneath its tongue; it aims no shafts at good. 11658 or worth ,' its laughter is harmless, its wit sunny, its humor generous. It is a child of light and laughter. Impu- rity, indecency, indelicacy, it holds in aversion. It promotes good will, die- arms evil temper, dispels rancor, exerâ€" cises fear, and puts the mind in sweet relation with the world of fortune and mankind. But rest cannot he commanded, and, in default of it, what is there but amuse ment, that diverts without misleading, dissipates without corrupting, enter- tains without exhausting; that is pleas« ure without nervous waste 3 and delight without delirium; a cup that cheers, but does not innebriate? Its oflice is to recreate by indirection, to ï¬ll leisure with innocent gayety. That is the best amusement that most thoroughly amus es; not that instructs, elevates, purl» ï¬es, but entertains, making, while it does so, the least possible draught on the mind, feelings or will. It has no philosophy ; it has no ethics ,' it has no intention, except to spread a genial happiness over the system. ‘ Rest is perfect reaction from energy ; is a state of complete, happy reception ; it is conscious oblivion ; it is the sense of having no sensitions; it is ecstasy without emotion 3 a dreamy delight ; a fullness without pain. Such a blissful condition is felt rarely and is of brief duration. To the most it is so unknown and so hopeless, that they associate it with heaven, and dream of it only when life is done. They who can rest are the happiest ,- for rest is the perfect 'recm- ator. It is inaction, and it is joyâ€"us complete experience of both. What will be Done with Leisufe? Rest; you say the cry is for rest; rest from occupation, from care, from anxiety, from questioning, from doubt, from the hunger of the mind, from the endless pursuit of what cannot be reached, from turmoil and battle, and ambition, from the greediness of pas- sion, and the gnawing unrest of sin. Yes, the word rest is delicious, the thought of rest is sweet ; the vision of rest is enchanting ; the hope of rest al- leviates and consoles. But what is rest? It is not sleep for sleep is unconscious, in order to enjoy it. It is not idleness, for idleness is ignoble. It is not vacancy, for vacancy is nothing. It is not alter ation of work, for alteration of work is only_ variety of unrest. THE YORK HERALD Tamarâ€"0M Dollar per Anna»: in Advam .UBLISHED AT THE OFFICE Issued Weekly on Friday Morning YONG): Sn, RICHMOND HILL. ALEX. Scorr, Pnormmon Bold Impostures. WHOLE NO. 831.