â€". .,, NEW A DYERTISEMENTS. Sale of Growing Wheatâ€"Jas. McMnir. Millions of People in Agony! OBTBERN RAILWAY OF CANADA RiclimontIHillStaiion. Changeoitime “king effect September 29, 1873: Going North 8.10 AM. .12.15 p'm,..5.10 pm going South 9.25 mu. .3.40 p.m.. $.27 p.m "(Elite (“flask await. anuosp HILL. July 3, 1874. RECIPRCCITY. A famous disciple of Sayer and Vattel who published a Cookery Book, had one noted recipe for “ cooking a bare,†which commenced with the very necessary pre- liminary hintâ€"“ ï¬rst catch your bare I†The Grits might study this document to their own advantage, and to the delight of the community, and apply it with sin- gular felicity to present circumstances by ï¬rst getting their Reciprocity bant- ling through the Congress of the Uni- ted States before gazing admirineg upâ€" on its diplomatic beauties, speculating upon its tremendous results, or crowing over the unalloyed blessings which it is about to confer upon the country. We do not wish to quarrel with them upon the thing itself, because it is well enough, ,but it would be only decent to wait until ï¬t became an actual fact. It may pass dhrough the Congress safely, unshorn of its present fair proportions I It may pass through Congress at some future period, all we know is that it has not .even been submitted to the present one, and that the battle has not even com- menced and will not begin until the Con- gress of 1875 sits, if it does then. There is, in reality, a very faint excuse indeed for all this rhodomontade in which the Grit Press are indulging in regard to an event which is so remote and which has to run the gauntlet of so many probabi- lities. There is no doubt that a Reciâ€" procity Treaty between the two countries mould be highly advantageous to both, as their trade relations are most intima- tely connected, and we would wish very much to see a fair and equitable adjush ment of these trade relations, but we know what the Yankees are from time ï¬mmemorial and how hard it is to nail gthem down to a bargain Where the ad- »vantages are not all on one side, and «hat side theirs. We .do not look upon .the negotiations as very promising, and. mazegard the delay with a suspicion which ‘is thoroughlyjustiï¬ed by past ex- ‘ darrtaitsatlruo. CRAWFORD'S RAMBLES. Rsunnu No. 7. Mn Enirou,â€"With your usual kindness, G00“ TEMPE-“8' FESTIVAL-“A "TV will v01] give the “Rambler†a spam; in successful Temperance Festival was held by the York HERMIL I am not anem, Swift, 2 Richmond Lodge I.O.G.T., in Mr Warren's nor yet a Horace Greely, so I hope 1 an, 'Grove, in this Village. ’on Dominion Day. not a Baron Munehassen. The Village Brass Band supplied the music. I have visited the Firm of Patterson & Upwards 9f 300 took tea. and the young Bros, and found the motto there was “ A P80P10§nl979d games 0f LaCFPSSey Croqueb place for everything, and everything in its and vamgmg- 1“ the evening ‘1 COHCGN place ;†so I thought I would take is Item W38 given _by the members 0f the Order in ble into some of the shops. I staggered the M85011"? Hall- Ab001$75 was cleared Thrillers Elisha. The Village Council meets on Monday evening. in the Court Room, at 7:30. gerience. A BAT AND HIS :I’IRICIE. The severe virtues oftGrit-ism are oe- ncasionally illuminated 'by flashes of fact that rather astonishes the indifferent cpeetator, who had begun to think that really they were not so sexy bad after all. Now and again the conservative press playfully raise the curtain, and po- litcly invite the public to take a look he- hiod the scene. From time to time they give us glances of the secret skeleton and kindly explain how the wires are being manipulated. One of the latest revelations is concerning an individual in the new County of IIaliburton who into the paint shop. under the charge (if M.- for the day. B. Huffy. as'sisted by our well known friend I Mr Spalding, I fouud all hard at work, some painting, others mixing, some putting ma- day morning last a ï¬re broke out on the chines together, it put me in mind of when Public School Building steps, in this Vil‘ I was up in Greece, to see Jews running through the Cafes or Bazaars, changing taught by Miss Turnbull, which might have money to the strangers, so it is here. In this paint shop every one has his own work. ble exertions of that ladv and her pupils ; In the whole of this establishment there is no boy hired to do a man’s work. The oils and paints used in this shop come in large to do so. quantities,frcni wholesale houses in Toronto. preparation left in the school by a former I next. went to look at. the moulding shop teacher. under the charge of Mr Conger, a smart intelligent little man, but, although small, _ he has more in his head than a comb would take out. Mou’lders all bus at work. some dancing on sand, some bowing bellows. The children were vcrv ready with their an. others with iron rods in their hands poking swers, and exhibittd that. great attention On account of the increase had been given by the teachers to the subject. of business they have to run off every other The lessons were the “Berean International at an old box. do '. I had heard great talk about the black' smith shop, so I went in there. largest ï¬rms in Lancashire, England, and like the rest of the overseers he has enough to look after between black-miths, strikers and a host of others connected with this department. I rambled into the ï¬nishing shop under the guidance of Mr Savage, sr., who is. from the “ Land 0’ Cakes.†Between steam and water power I was astonished to see all the wheels running and everyone busy. A deaf manis just as good in this shop as a. man that could hear donble.a In fact I can’t compare it to anything but s bee hive, and the old buck bee is as busy a the rest. I went up a stair (and a big one too) to see Mr Bastow. This is another large tin- ishing shop. Like all the rest oftlie bosses Mr Bastow has enough to do. There are a great many hands employed in those shops witli'ï¬nishers and casting cleaning, and a host of others attached to those two shops they have enough to do. I thought I would go and see the Carpen‘ ters shop under the control of Mr John Gray. Like all the rest of the shops, “Make haste, hurry up, that is wanting, this is wanting.†and so on all day, all the month, all the year round. Go ahead is the order of the day in this shop, Mr Gray is also time-keeper in this large establishment and his watch was never yet known to lose a minute. My next visit was to the plough shop, a large and extensive building. The overseer of this shop is Mr John Smyth, an old friend of the “Rambler’s,†so I won’t say much about his shop, but I will say that Mr Smyth sent out over 1100 ploughs last year, he ex- pects to send out meie this year as Patter. son ploughs are wanting everywhere ; I, my self, was up in Colllngwood not long ago and I was met by a man in the street who said he wished he had one of Patterson’s ploughs for the Spring. The planing shop and a host. of other shops I was afraid to enter for fear of the large belts connected with the works. Now, my readers, I will give you a brief account of the outlay ofthis large establish- ment for the year 1873: there was $52,000 for lather alone. and as the business is im creasing $60,000 won’t do this year up to this date. There were 110 hands on the books, paylcverv Saturday night. Spend your money where you like, there are ï¬ve span of horses constantly at work besides a span in the stable, Now, my friends, I have known men to Leave Patterson and try Woodbrï¬dge, Oshawa or the States, but they were glad to come back again with :tircd bones into the bargain. This shop the one in this place, the children of this is under the command of Mr Martin. This age are better posted at our Sabbath Schools gentleman has credentials from some of the than what they were in former years. NEARLY A Cosruousrios.â€"-On Tues‘ lage, just at the entry of the department resulted in a serious manner but for the no‘ the fire was subdued but “not until Miss '1‘. had burnt her hand and foot in her attempt Origin of the fire some chemical A very lllSel'OSllnL’.‘ Review oftlie lessons of the past three months took place in the W. M. Sabbalh School, on Sabbath last. Series †and if every 8011001 onth Continâ€" , o « ent who use this series were as well up as ExAMlNArION.-At the examination for admission into the Richmond Hill County High School, held on Monday and Tuesday last, eleven pupils were up before theexc aminers: nine from the senior department of the public school, under Mr Swilzer, and two from adjoining sections. Enzht from Mr Switzer’s school were able to secure a .large number of marks over the average reâ€" quired from the difï¬cult examination papers. They were as follows :-â€"â€"Jolin Story, Henry Myers, Margaret Knightingale, Ellen Milâ€" ler, Wm. Wright, E. Sisley, W. Teasdall, Jae. Wiley. Faunrns' Planter-ï¬lm Langstaï¬' Farâ€" mres’Clnb Picnic, which was postponed from last Friday on account of the unfavorable state of the weather, was held on Tuesday last, in the Grove of Mr John Langstaff, near the Toll Gate. There was a large at; tendance. The tables were loaded“ with provisions, prepared by farmers’ wives and daughters, who know so well how to pre pare. After the tea was ï¬nished, the Fresh dent, Mr Isaac Mnnshaw, delivered an im teresting address. Short addresses were also given by Mr Harrison. Reeve of Rich: mond Hill, Rev. B. Shanklin, Mr John Sruswnuuniss.â€"Now that the season has again arrived to enjoy this delicious fruit, we have pleasure in noticing that Mr W. F. Milburn’s ï¬ve acre berry patch, will yield a large crop. Immense quantities are ship- ped daily to Toronto, but the peeple here can receive any quantity by leaving orders with Mr Arnold or Mr Milburn, at. low prices Alcohol, recommended by Sydenham, has lately been em loyed by Leviseur, particu larly with chil reii, as†the most rapid and reflective means of alleviating the pain of burns. The affected part is either simply covered loosely with an alcliolic empress or is bathed with alcohol, when the pain instantly disappears, but returns again when the application ceases. It must, therefore, be continued for one to two hours, and then be repeated at longer intervals, Dyes are made from sawdust in this way : â€"â€"The sawdustis heated with caustic soda. and flowers of sulphur. A sulphide of sodi- nm is thus produced, which, re acting on resulting material is adye stuff, said to have a strong affinity for organic fibres; and, by varying the proportion of the materials, ditfcrent tints are produced. Our respected contemporary, the London Herald. pokes fun at poor Mr J. I). Edgar in the following style: “ It is understood that the Government have offered the East Elgin nomination to the perainbulatin: I‘ld' gar, with the additional induccnienttbnt his canvass will cost him nothing. ' Iiut James David won’t bite. He says he has had enough of Parliamentary life, and if Mackâ€" enzie will only give. him a comfortable situ. Mum and a snug.’ salary he will retire from public life. We would really like to sue him try East. Elgiu before he goes. We would have some c0nï¬denee in his profesâ€" sions of contempt for the pomps and vaniâ€" ties of this wicked world. Just give East Elgin a chance, Edgar.†Montreal is grewing enormously, as the natural result of the vigorous business on- terprise of her citizens. Buildings of n substantial and ornamental character are springing up in every direction. A pros- Gibson, President ofthe Markha Farmers“: whhin £1,380.000 of ,ha, of May 1874’ Club, John Lane and others. FIRE Contrastâ€"For some time past so veral of our lenting citizens have endea- vored to reorganize the Fire Company and get it in an efï¬cient state, and on Monday evening last a meeting was held when some thirty yonn men volunteered their services and the fol owing oï¬icers were appointed: W. H. Myers, Cnpt.; F. Wiley, 1st LicuL; B. Bedditt, 2nd Lieut.; II. Wilson. Stew- ard; S. Proctor, 18L Branchman; Ii. Lyon. 2nd Branchman; J. H. Sanderson, branch hose; M. Wilson, branch hose; P. (1.8a- vage, branch hose; J. Wright, suction hose; G. Trench, suction hose; C. Shep- pard, See; W. Trench, tTreas. On Mon- day evening next the Company will meet, by order oftlie Captain, at the engine house for dry practice at 7:30. OUR Salmonsâ€"The usual midsummer examinations of the pupils attending the, schools of this Village, took place during the past week. That oftbe senior dcputh ment of the Public School was held on whole, however, considering that. 1873 was ayear of abnormal prosperity, the people of Great Britain have no great,reason to complain. Dull times may be foreshadow- ed. but by no means severe depression. ‘A settlement of the difï¬culties in the coal min. ing districts will obviate even anything like a. marked general slackening of the ordinary industrial activity ; and already we have an intimation that the Cleveland men have effected a settlement. A Wonderful Steamship. It is not generally known that the British Adniiiality have had under consideration for some time past the scheme of a genth men who believes that he may, beforelong, be able to cross the English Channel in twenty minutes, and the Atlantic in two days Trinity College. Cambridge. In a. pampli, Thursday of last week, before several of the Trustees and other visitors. The High School, under Mr Ctoziar nndMiss Moserir t, on Friday. The middle department of the in {the Village we“. is a church. whoop Public School undct Miss Turnbnll on Tues‘ house, splendid band and a'l‘eleg Young Mr Teefy is the telegraph operator at Patterson. Mr Patterson has neeeieved orders from Winnipeg and other places in the Northâ€"West. 'but must decline them at present so that the may (ï¬ll his orders in the local trade. “was i" “’9 suggeSliW coguome“ 'Of When farmers come to this ï¬rm for im- Peck. This gentleman peeked and peeked, and all to lfenther his own nest,‘ that at last he peeked himself into the stipendiary magistracv of the County of Ilaliburten, a position equal inleï¬â€˜eet to a CountyV Judge. This man :after dis- playing remarkable incapacity for keep- ing a small store, took to politics, He worked hard against the Grits. He de- ' nounced them in the most violent lan- guage and made himself particularly obnoxious to them, but all at once a change remarkable and sudden took place in this man’s behaviuor. One would have thought that a political milleuium was surely about to ensue when the im- mortal Peek actually beg-an to imbibe the politics of the "Great Impractioable.“ But. such was actually the case, the po- htieal rut smelt out the coming change, valid his new friends promised him the - present prize as the price of his renegade- 7ism. Self-interest, of course, is the creed - and paternoster of the political rat. That is the only stock and store of this man, This only recommendation to the high ipost which he holds is that he is willing . to do any dirty work that is required of, .him by his masters, and no questions. masked! ' Essr Your: â€"An adjourned meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association of East York will be held at Marr's Hotel, in the . »Village of Markham, on Monday next, the ’..’.Gth inst. at 1 o’clock. The attendance of ' t I , members of the Association, and Consei-vav? lives desirous of becoming members, is ear-l nestlv requested as the By'Laws ot the As- "-lsqciation will be ï¬nally adopted. Munroâ€"At the R. C. of Richmond tconneil will stand who refuse to ‘t necessary improvements. vma ,be taken up plements an utter takes the team away and you one sent to the boarding house wlhene you are well treated by Mr Snowdon. wlho is well known .to keep a good table and plenty on it. Now, if we had a few more ï¬rms like this in our vicinity, we would, in a short time, be something big. 'I‘ilicrearc, in Tab terson. 60 married men, 50 men and lads, and 322 women and children, making a. to. tal of422. A large family indeed‘l FRED. meroun. The Rambler MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. To the Editor of the York Herald. DEAR. Simâ€"If our Village Council do not give vent to their accumulation of proâ€" gressive ideas I am at raid they may be atâ€" tacked with n softness of the brain and be rendered unï¬t for further service. I am informed they talk of purchasing a. “Park†building a. “Town Hall" and such stuff. I would suggest that they should com- mence work and collect the amount the Village is entitled to from the Municipal Loan Fund and open up streets between Richmond and Mill Streets, and between Richmond and Boyle’s Road. The inhabiâ€" tants of the western part of the Village are put to serious inconvenience and loss by having communication with their neighbors cut oil“. If streets were opened it would enhance the value of property and bring an additiom a1 revenue to the Corporation. There are several Roman Catholic ladies on Richmond Street who cannot go to their . Church without passing through the ï¬elds, wetting and destroying their clothes, mak- ing them uncomfortable during.r service, and perhaps seriously interfering with their me ditations. On the second concession there are quite a number of Methodists who at- tend Church here, and can not have the ad vantage of the plank walk on Richmond St. without coming through the ï¬elds and losâ€" P ing their polish in the operation. These streets should be opened immediately; no {' h vs D,_Lan€:§gfll£;s forth repeated bursts of applause. This de a very fair liberal offer of a road game was, however, decided in favor of the h ofï¬ce. day forenoon, and the junior department in the afternoon oflhe some do . The advan: tages of having the pupils in the departi ments of about the same age, was nicely illustrated in these examinations, and from those who have attended for many years, we are glad to hear that the pupils have never stood so thorough an examination with so much credit as on this occasion. By their apt answers to the searching quell dons put to them. the pupils in all the de- partments, show that. the groundwork of an excellent education is well laid,â€"-and this is the more visible in the junior doparmenls. Altogether, the examinations were search ing and most satisfactory, and are a credit to every teacher connected with the school. Imeuossu ï¬nedâ€"O wing to rush ‘ of business last week we could not present our readers with a more lengthy account of the match between the “ Stars“ of this place. and the “ Fearless "7 Club of Bradford, but we now do so with pleasure. The match .came off on the Richmond Hill Lacrosse grounds on Monday, the Z’Ziid ult. Consid~ erable interest was manifested in the match as was evinced by the large number of specâ€" tators. At three o’clock both clubs marched to the ground headed by the Richmond Hill Brass Band, where, after a slight delay. the ball was faced for the first game at 3:20, and WCentae, Mr J. Coulter, (ever on the alert for the Imam of the “ Stars 1’) secured the ball and immediately (knew it on the “ Fearless " flags, but it was quickly m,- turned to the field again. After some mlly ï¬ne play on the part of bothelubs the rubâ€" ber gradually £onnd its way to the “Fearless†1 flags, whene, after an exciting game the ball was sent through the flags by Geo. A. Laird. Time thirty one minutes. At. the commencement of the second game Mr J. Coulter was again the successful faeer, and the ball was beautifully dropped in the vicinity of the “Fearless †flags, where, after a slight scrimmage, it was once more sent through the flags by Geo. A. Laird. Time two minutes. The third game com- menced in the most spirited manner, showing at once that it would be an obstinater con tested one. As the ball bounded up and down the ï¬eld it, was difficult to decide which had the advantage. This game brought out the ï¬ne playing of the iielders, capital play being shown on both sides. The long throwing of Patterson and the home laying of J. Roddy on the part of the “ Fearless†Club was especially noticeable. The ï¬ne running of R. Wilson and G. Sa- ge on the part of the “Stars†called let which he has just published. this gentle. manpyopounds hieidea,1:which is indeed, a yery simple one, being conveyed in the title which he has adopted for the shape of his proposed steamship, ‘ ‘ polysphenic ’ ’ â€" many-wedged. It is a practical application of the inclined plane principal to steam navil gallon. The ship is to have a bottom com- posed of two or more parallel consecutive inclinesâ€"the slopes beingr from I in 17 to I in 25. Such a form of ship, the author avers, had never been subjected to matlic matical investigation before 1872, when he submitted hisplans to the Admirality, and he adds that it had never before been (It monstrated that " the lift ofa vessel on water depended upon the wellrknown me- chanical advantage belonging to the inclined plane in all mechanical arrangements.†This new form Mr ltamus alleges to be the only one yet discovered that can render rt vessel capable, under an unusual amount of propelling power, of steadily traversing the water with greater velocity. Ile calcu laies that steam vessels constructed on this principle will not require more than three times the amount of power now used to be propelled and maintained at a speed ofsixtv miles an liourl Acting.r under the instruc- tit, ns Oftbc Admirality. Mr W. Froude made 80m ",expci-imcnts on this new form ofstram- ship all; Tot-quay in the summer of 1872, and mid 1m report was laid on the table of the House .of Commons at the end of the last session, though it has not. yet been printed. The report would seem to have been unfav arable ; but. in his pamphlet Mr Itamus con- tests the decision,and especially Mr Fronde’s. allegation that an exorbitant amount of power would be required for the proposed new form of censiructiou. If we might mist Mr Remus, this allegation was not war ranted by the result of tliexexperimems. Mr Rooms with his model, actually obtained a speed at the rate of 53 knots per hour; and he points out that the downward. prer sure of'any vessel is always a force limited toils actual weight, whereas the contrary force acting upwards increases with great rapidityâ€"in fact, as the cube of the vessel’s velocityâ€"and is therefore practically no limited. The world would gladly welcome a steamship capable of performingthe won- ders sketched by Mr ltamus, or even the half‘ of them, and when he produces the article he may depend upon receiving a re- ward commensurate in some degree with the greatness of the beneï¬t which he will have conferred upon his fellow-men. But he may perhaps ï¬nd, as so many have done before him, that theory and practice are not always in accord.â€" Glasgow Mail. BIRTHS. AGAn.â€"At Temperance on Monday, the through his property for $711 which should “ Stars "' by G. Laird again throwing it Lodge NO- 23; G-R-C-v held in the Masonic l they think the amount too much,or are they Hall, St. John the Buptist‘s Day, June 24th, ,afraid of giving the ratepayers a. ï¬nancial the following ofli cers Were installed for the 3,: ensuing Masonic year: Bro Jas. McConnell, 'w. M.; w. Bro. Matthew McNair, 1. P. M.; lro. James Lawrence, S. W.; Bro R. E. HAW, J. W.; Bro. Thou. Newton, Sec’y; Ill-o. Wm. Trench, Treat; Bro. G. Hamâ€"J then, S. D; Bro. S. C. Findley. J. IX; liros. Moodio and Davidson, Stewards; Rm. 1’. G. Savage, 1. 0., Bio. Wm. Pollock, Tyler. J surprise by expending so much money in by the corporation a, once. D0 through the flags amidst loud cheers; thus Winning the match in three straight games. Time one hour. Three cheers being then given for both Clubs they all proceeded to improvements 7 If this is the opinion of Mine Hos“! M" 30h" Vel'e’50 Where 55“- our Council we will have a new Brigade smilt'ial supp?†awaited them' After haVlng next yeah These “we improvement, that satisï¬ed the inner man the Bradford team we require are perhaps too heavy, in propor- tion to their ability, to carry. I believe ev. trealment the? departed for home, highly pleased with the had received during their cry member of the present Council, when Slay heâ€? Many thanks are flue ‘he,RiCh' om of Ofï¬ce, Sim...) a Pomp," ,0 Open ,, mond IIill Band for the beautiful music furâ€" street between Richmond and Mill street "l‘gh‘d by them dull": “‘9 aï¬emoon and and now that they are in power they’re afraid to act. Yours. Gaunvowss. their kindness will not soon be forgotten by the “ Stars.†Messrs Savage and Itoe acted as Umpires and Mr J. Lawrence, as Referee. 22nd inst., the wife of Mr Samuel Agar. of a daughter. BIRRELL.â€"0n the 2nd inst., at the Richi mond Hill Flour Mills, the wife of Mr David Birrell, ofa son. Saw Mill For Sale, I'I‘UA'I‘I‘] 0N LO'll NO. I. 4th CON Whitcliurchâ€"an excellent water privilege Mill in good working order, muly saw, patent head. Well situated on Towuline between Markham and Wliitchurchâ€"5 miles from tho Stouffvillo Station. on the Toronto and Nippis- lug Railway. Terms Liberal. Apva. if by letter, prepaid, to J . GU ltMLEY, (lonniuzv PI). Mark/1am, County of York . Markham, June 17. 1874, 830-41 The inventor is Mr C. M. Ramos, M. A., ofl ï¬nalist Elbows. BREAKFAST. â€" EPI’S’S COCOA. -- ' Gusrurun AND Cemrourisa.â€"“ By a thorough knowledge oftlle natural lavas which governtheoperationsofdigestion and nutrition. and by neorel‘ul application of the ï¬ne proper- ties of well-selected cocoa, M1 Epps has pro- vided our breakfast’tublos with a. delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills.â€â€"Civil Service Gazelle. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet islabellédâ€"-'Jamrs Ens 51. Co. Homwopalhic Chemists. London." MANUFACTURE or Cocos.â€"“ We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps dz. Co.. manufacturers of, dietetic articles. at their works in the Boston Rend. ’Londonâ€â€"â€"See nrlicle in Gasscll's Household Guide October 31. 1879. 739-1v To Nervous Sufferers. Dr. .1 Bell ‘Simpson’o Speciï¬c and Tonic ,he organic matter, dehydrogeuams with Pills, the Great English Remedy/hr all woman: the evolution ofsulphuraled hydrogen. The I debillyfrmn whatever cause arising, have ul- rcud y been so thoroughly tested in Canada as to require little to be said in tlieirgfnvorâ€" as a certain cure for those distressing symptoms srising from errorsof youth. Dr. J. Iloll Sitti- pson was a pupil and friend of tlie;lnte Dr Wit- lis Nlosoly. of London. England the most colc- brated authority in the world on this subject. Ilia partner is new visiting Canada. and is prepared to give advice lrse to all,and forward circular. 810., if applied toaadilressing Dr. J Bell Simpson & 00.. Drawer 91 1’. O. Hamil Lou. Two boxes of I’ills Will also bo sent bv mail lofnny part of Canada. securely wrapped from observation. on receipt $l.GU. Special treatment if desired. Pills sold retail by all retail Druggists. and wholesale by all wholesale Urugg iris and Patent Medicine Dealers. TORONTO M A RKETS. Toronto, July 1. l874. Flourâ€"Snporï¬ne............$ 5 (Ill/(b 500 Spring \Vliont extra . .' 5 3.’i@ 0 ll" Fancy . . . . . . . ....... 5 70 I23 5 75 Extra. . . . . . . ........ 550(517 Otitl Superior'Exlm. . . . . . ll 50 {TD 5 0†Onmleal....... ............ 500 fr?) 515 Cornlnenl. . . . 2 85 f0) 0 00 Bran... . . . . . .n............ 5350433“) pectus has just been issued, stating that a Whem_sp,,~,,g _ _ _u 1 21 m) 1 22 company has been formed to build a new smug; and “an†l 23 m) 1 33 hotel to meet the increasing demand for 'l rmdwell.. . . . . . . . . l 2‘.‘ {it 1 34) accommodation.- necessarily entailed by the llarlsy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 7|! Iii) ll 0“ influx of inhabitants, wealth, and trade. P6880. . . . .. . . .. 0 fr» 0 2'2 It seems but as yesterday, when Montreal 03‘“ - - - - - - - - -- - - 0 33 {'3 9 J4 excited the remark "Whatabeantiful ciiyf" --. 1ft?" rm Qf' x" the phrase is now, “ What a magnificent ï¬fraw ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' '†' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' I" .0 {a “l U A . ,, _ . be. otatocs, per bur . . . . . . . . . . . U ()0 {(3 (180 metropolis l_ And the suburbs are still AFNâ€. In†bum, ‘ I. u . _ m 4 (m m) 6 no pig rapidly invaded bv buldnigs operations, Mumâ€). bv ,1", omens“ ' . ~ _ _ U “I, (,3 ,, m, in a more determined way than ever. [Icahn-_ih.†e l _ _ . _ , _ _._.. 0 till ((3 ll #45 The returns of the British Board of’I‘rade Tm‘ko}s . . . . . . . . . . 0 80 fl; 1 4H for the month of May of this year. show CthlWHS- 1‘9" l’f‘lr “ 5“ [(3 (l 75 lhut the imports,’ compared with those of , Duelâ€! ' 1’9" l'"â€'-- "film? I 0†the same month in the preceeding year, [ork‘rf‘cs' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ‘ ' - ’1'. Q ,g have decreased in. value by neatly six mil Bacon i, m, ,3 0 d†lipns pounds sterling ;. but, when compared “mm_8a,,_ . H. . ' _ ' . . . - ' . u n (,8 {a U ,2 With the value of the imports oany, 1872, Smukod . _ _ . U 0 I, {,3 h 14 there is found an increase of about two liunI Dressed Hogs. . _ . _ _ O n. 8 [,0 [(2, 8 5,, tired and seventy thousand pounds. In the Lard . . . ' . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . r; m, [(3 7 (,0 exports there is not so much disparity. The l Butterâ€"11> . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ll 15 .71) 0 20 value of the exports of last May reaches F Pltqjlré. . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘2‘.) g It; .ggs ace . . . . . ...... . '1 ‘ while it exceeds the value of the exports of Dm’d APP'BS-un . . . ..... ll 17 rd: I) lit May 1872, by more than £507,000. The , gal“ ~ - - - - ' - ' ' -- ' ~ -u ' ' - * ‘ TLâ€? 35’“ most mm ked decrease in imports are noticed 00' ‘ ' " ‘ ' ' "' 0 ddr‘b 3') in the wool and cotton returns. Upon the . TN, ,‘â€" @tttrrtimuwnta saiiLaows __0 i... p]; ï¬PhB a l l PHISIEII@UHNEHEU. ] suppoio there is not in the whole course of a Physician’s experience nnvlhing in human suï¬'eringwhich calls forth his sympathy and pity to such an extent as to witness the. excru- sia ing pains of a poor mortal. suffering from that. fearful disruso, Rheumatism. llerotnfore there has been a considerable divovs‘ty of opinion among medical men. as to the true character of this (2158338: some locating it in the fibrous or muscular tissues of the system, and others viewing it as an acute. nervuus dis- eusofliut it is now generally admitted to be a diseaflo arising from a poison circulating in the blood. The circulation of the blood is the life of the body. and its stoppage is death. N0 disease can be in the body without first being generated in the blood. and no disease can possibly be in the body if the blood is pure Rheumatism can never be thoroughly cured without exterininnting the poison circulating in the blood by a constitutional internal rem- edy. We feel confident that none Wlll feel better satisï¬ed and rejoice more than the con- sciontious physician who has discovered that a sure cure for this stubborn disease has been found. The following testimony from a gen- tleman ol'standlng and high respectability. and well known to the Canadian public cannot fail to satisfy all that tho DIAMIINB HHEIIMATIII [HIRE IS A WONDERFUL MEDICAL DIS- ()OVERY, Montreal. 21:1 March. 187-1. Messrs Devins db. Bolton : . Dun Slus ,â€"l with pleasure concede- so the agent’s with ibat I give my eiidovsarion to the immediate reliefl experienced from a few doses of the Diamond Rheumatic Cure. hav- ing been a sufferer from the effects 0‘ Rheu- matism, I am now, after taking two bottles of this medicine. entirely free from pain. You are at liberty to use this letter, if you deem it advisable to do so. I am. sir, yours respectfully. JOHN HELDER ISAACSON, N. I’. The proprietor of this medicine has walked the aisles oflhe hospitals of London. Eng, for the past twenty years, making rheumatism a speciality. and the prescriptions from which this ren'iedy is compounded is all he ever used in the treatment of this disease. In simple cases sometimes one or two doses suffice. In the most chronic cases it is sure to give way hv the use of two or three bottles. By this efï¬cient and simple remedy hundreds of dollars are saved to those who can least of- ford to throw it away. as surely it is by the pur- chase of useless prescriptions. This medicine is prepared by a careful, ex- perienced and conscientious physician. in obedience to the desire of numberless friends in the profession, in the trade and among the people. Every bottle is warranted to contain the full strength of the medicine in its highest state of purity and development. and is su- perior to any medicine over compounded for lliis terrible complaint. G This medicine is for sale at all the Druggists throughout Canada, If it happens that. your Dmggisl has not got it in stock, ask him to send for it to NORTHROP & LYMAN. AGENTS FOR THE PROVINCE ONT., SCOTT STREET, TORONTOp OR TO DEVINS & BOLTON, AGENTS FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. Price, $1 per Bottle. Large Bottles. $2. L’ May 14, 1874. 825-5111, “ lloncrete 11 use, 1 ., . .0 ran _. -- r ran-2.2.x †Richmond llill. ATKINSON EGS to return his sincere“ thanks to his numerous customers Io: their liberal support sinCe lie commenced business in this plates, and would announce that he has lnumovuo TO Hrs NEW sroau. l llrillingor Jonathan Immediater North Of His Old. Stand. W. A. has on hand an IMMENSE STOC SUITABLE FOR K OF GOODSZ THE SEASON, And will be happy in meet with his fr.ends in his new premises. Richmond Hill, April 16, 1874. Minus mu sun ' SIGN I]? THE FLAG STAIT. ALEX. MOODIE Tallesthia opportunity of returning his mp, cars thanks to his numerous friends for their liberal support since commencing business on Richmond Hill. 1 have leased the above Senor, bv strict attenlion to business. to intact the wants of my friends and customers Wllll a choice selection of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Which will be sold as cheap as any other house. A fresh supply of Groceries, chlslsl- ing of choice Teas from 5001353 to $1 H AB 1) W A R E , A gotezséfussortmenl on hand, consistlng of GARDEN & FIELD TOOLS, CAIII’ENTEIKS' TOOLS, See. WINES & LIQUORS All kinds of Malt Pure and free from adulteration. Branches, 5‘ Rye wins/rays. Severn’s Ale in Bottles. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. All kinds of produce fol-en and the highest price wait-,5. Goods unlimited Promptly when'ï¬rdin-ed ALICX. MOODIE. Sill-if fl arms, Richmond Hill. June 17. ’74 List of Letters )I‘JMAINING IN THE RICHMOND 5L llilll’ostt'lliee.lstJunc.1M4: ins... 3v. H. Brown William Kt-tfer. I tech (‘2) Brecn. John Keull, I“. I . Bak’er, Mrs Catherine Keuugli, Mrs Louise Coleman. Mrs Cathr-Knighi,Wm, inc (z) Lvnin, Margaret (Tar-gun, Michael hlolveiiu, Miss C. M. Campbell. ltoben Mollish. Wln', I Grins, Min- Suoh McConneI, Lapin". Ever. Swath flown“, Mrs M- [1' Eior. David (3) June O'llrien. Miclllel I’billips, Joliu Prim. Mrs Itennie. Wm. Smart. John Singer, Eva Tamraâ€. James. Wright, IIlelfll’lI Williams. Mrs Susan Whitehall. James Wilson. Wm. Windlass. William Municipality of Rithmuml till. NOT-ICE- llllNllIlIlNlNli Tl_l_11_ VIITEIIS IilSlI‘ !7 )UBIJC NOTICE is horohv given to the I Electors nl' Ibo Vil‘age of Richmond Hill, that a cer- l‘iyor, Mr Fisher Bernhard. F‘ennell, .lolm Farmer. like}. Gowor, W. 19* Grimsbaw, Mr Gormun John Granger, Henry Galloway, Wm Harding, \Vm. l'lodson, James Harris. W. and all whom it mar concern, liï¬ed LIST OF VOTERS For the said Village, as appearing on the An' sessnient Roll, for lb'Mâ€"onlitlod te‘ vote at elections for members of the Legislative A... somblvâ€"is now posted in my ofï¬ce, astlerk ofthe Village. for public inspection : and that the said list was first posted in the Clerk’s office on the twenty-fourth (lav of June. 1:471 1 do berehv call upon all electors to examine the said list :‘and. if unv omissions or nther errors are perceived therein. to take immediate proceedings to have the said error Currened according to law . Clerk’s office, Richmond 1111],} M, TEEFY. 24th June. 1874. Clerk. R CLEMENTS PAIENT IMPROVED _, ARTIFICIAL llll Adopted by the Surgeon Genera-1U._S.A..fcr the us. Ann! and Nsvv. Very light. yet strong and durable: perfect in actiop. With 27 years' practical and careful experience, do- votod exclusively to this special branch of ma- chanicul Surgery, followed by the Great. Prize Medal of the World’s Exposition. London, 1851, and now universally! admitted by all Surgeons as the most perfect Artificial Log known. Philadelphia. [’11. J A. HART l. Droggist, Agent, Montreal, 1’. Q . whore models can be soon. Sand for Illustrated Catalogue. June 25. 1874. 1m IMPORTANT SALE inwufwnn. ‘NZILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON the ground. on FRIDAY, JULY 17th, 1874. A quantity of Growing Wheat belonging to Mr JAMES McNAIR. viz: 32 acres from the seed; bit. the prize wheat was taken from for the Provincial Fair. Part on lot 50. on the 1st, and 25 on the 2nd Con. of Vaughan. Sale at 12 Elock. Noon. TERMS : 3 Months credit on furnish. ing approved joint notes. J. GORM LFY. Ancl’r, l Vaughan, July 2nd 1874. 832-3 Manufactory, 1320 Chrslnut Street. v 821 DURHAM BULLJJ? Undoisignotl wishes to inform til/7 public that he has purchased the thorough- bred 1M l'tllt'l‘l‘ll) Durham llnli, ' DUKE OF THORNHILL.’ DUKE 0F 'l‘HouMIIH, will serve Cows: iluiï¬ ' 4 . V - season at the Iln'eli Urove’l‘ann, Thornhill. Tums : For Grade COWS; Thorough-bred , Cows, $6. pro‘lnius for a term of years where 1 will en-l M. J. COIIKER Y. -‘ I’I‘lryli'isltl‘li. Thorulnll, May 11, 1 753. 81545 _._._.. ___ _..- A. L,_ _.L_.__..,, , .__. FASHIONS l E‘ASHIO‘NS l I ~â€":o:â€"â€" AIRS I\'I YERS Having purchased this Spring :1 verv LARGE {XETQ OK. And knowing junt' “bat the proplo want is propnrml to meet lll'll (ltilmlitls. “or long experience in tho blillinnri l’-u: in: ss mm: the smi~fnctton alrv lltl\ given she Hill claimul‘a. allure of their patronage. Always on handy. Inigo ossorln‘rcnl nt' BERLIN XV from, Nurse-3‘4 "VV'COLS AND FINGERII‘IG YARITS. Richmond Hill, April ll, ’74. 590-th- THE‘ lMPROVED “ \VEBSTER †l FIRST PRIZE 'I‘AKIIYG into consideration the fact that the \Vebstor SI‘VvlilLl- Machine has been before the public O'|I\' about (‘lgl-lf'c‘ll months and the unprrccdentcd nmnlwi of ever tell thousand have been sold in 5:.» short a tune "I" sufficient to convinci the must incredulous ut" the superiority of the anricn ovor all others. It carried off ut-arlv all the loading prizes for the full of 1813. It is consttncll (I in the most simple. solid and substantial manner; con-w sequclitly less liable ll) patent of re'pfltl} It is so simple to bundle that the oporulm' can adjust the stltch or 1" guide the tension while the n-incbinc is in Ino‘iom 'l'uo W icnsrluli w ll do all Itind;. of workbeavy or light COIll'rO or ii lt‘. it has :1 Straight Hoodlum. makes the lock stitch, pm lorni lel'lt cl sewn“: on every ('lGSl‘l'lp’Hlll ot In'aierial, with collotu. linon, or silk thread. It twins, l'clls. cordï¬n braids and gathers. A Complete Set of the most ap~ proved a/tqchmeizts will; each Machine. We would 1»ng to call the a'trntiou of those: wollting ï¬rstâ€"class machines to be sure and see THE ‘WEESTER’ before purchasing any silioi; l’rico..$35.- By calling on, or addressing the under-signal he would gladly give them the privcloge crux-- ulnining the machines JOHN H. SIONIGHOUSE, T:avel|ing agent l'ui Vaughan 6;. Whitehuvalh. IlAGElLM1N 1’,O. ll. RoBSON. general agent for the following Townships : Vaughan, York. Scarboro’. Mark- ham. Whitcliurcb, Pickering. Uxbridge. and ' Scott, HAG“:me I’LO'u May 26. 1Q?- 13» EQ‘lâ€"l-y.‘ tannin BliltNtEDl Still they come, another case of them 6501'. LADIES’ BOOTS The people will have tliem.tliey say it less good a boot as OTHERS SELL FOR 80 Ots._ W . H. Ill Y E R S Will not. can not be uiideisoltl. 1 have the largest assortment of . Good Boots and Shoes 'That there is on Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, June 4, 1874-. 898 1 \ ESLEYAN IIYMNS, ALL SIZES, at the HERALD Book Store. MONEY TO LEND To LOAN 9†flTst-clan Q 9 lngllgG Securityâ€"in sums from $500 up- urds. Apply to .M. TEEF Y. N. LYN li'l‘T, (As Executors of the Estate oftho late Martin Brennan.) Richmond Hill. June 1,1874. A“ TIP-828 , Apprentice Wanted Immediately. to learn th e Ilarnoss Business. Applv to WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill, June 9, 1874. 829-“ CHOOL lliQUISITES OF ALL kinds at the IILnALn Book Store.