Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Jul 1874, p. 3

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GHHEBRHS‘H’RHVISIHNS J’uintcrs’ Material in general. lAREE Wellâ€"Selected STUCK FLOUR AND FEED IGâ€" HT! BUILDER, 4. WE CARRIAGE" $5 TO $20 Yarn ishs, ' v I I J â€" n u u -- 3’0 Agent. Inuit"! ! A" than» of working people. of either sex. young or old. mil. more money .1 work for no in Mr Ipnro momontl, or I" the limo, than a! anything also Particulars free. Address G. STINSON 61. Co., Portland, Maine. 0Q=ui call from all is Solicitcd. Bloro. CHURCH PSALTER OTICE is hereby given lo all parties hav- ing claims against {he onus of the late JOHN M. RUPERT. late of the village of Pallauon,’l‘ownship of Vaughan, deceased. to send in smlemenu of the name, within one mnnth from this date. to the undersigned. and all parties owing [he oalale are required to make a settlement as soon as possible. HYMN BOOK “sod in the English Church at Richmond Hi! and 'l‘hornhiLI Full snpph’, WITH OR WITHOUT MUSIC, W. h“. ulso on hand our usual JUST RECEIVED, Richmond Ii“. June 10.- 1874. Putserson, May 27, 1874 ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA RICHMOND HILL, Begs to annotmce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhomJ that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the blo for presents at tho HERALD Boox fine Now Hear-e for hire, Funeral 'Iltniahingu, Coffins and Caskets in every style. lichmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1873. _ r M 7 A. WRIGHT. PA ICCELS DELIVERED. A LARGE STOCK OF RICHMOND IIILL. Kept constnmly on hand, Paints and Oils, AT THE Estate Notice. mm: I; am BET. HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL. UNDERTAKtNG BUSINESS, P. G. SAVAGE and AND AND MAM RUPERT. A dminist "atria: Glass Putty, PER DAY. 827- tf Great Bargains IMMENSEYSTHEK Spring and. 'ummer NWEM‘EE S I. CROSBY’S HURRAII! Containing descriptions of diseases and rules for their treatment. will be sun by mail. free ofall churge,1o anyone sendiuglheir address to “FAMILY PHYSICIAN” GROCERIES !‘ ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEE NEWS, A weekly journal of Current Events. Lilernture. Science and Arts \griculmre and Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sod It 101: I number at the HERALD Wm" “'“M' Which will be sold cheaper than ever. gr; 630115, firnxrriw. CALL AND EXAMINE. )APElAtiBOOKDS 91: ALL KINDS AT FIRE-PROOF: STORE, DAILY ARRIVING AT the I] mum.» Book Store. . S. S. FITCH'S 714 Broadway, New York. 818â€"4 A!» In Immense Stock of Grocor and Dry Goods Merchant, RICHMONDI HILL FOR OF I. CROSBY. BEAUTIFUL SUEARS ANII TEAS ‘ N R BTU R N! NIG TH.\NKS TO K IAST FAVURS. wand inlimnlo to his friends and the Public llml lm ha. now on hand. a fine assox [arm of Boots, Overshoes, and Rubbers, Whh II he will sellfim cheap as any retail houu in 'l‘m'umo. Just 1001; at yl'iccs and comp.” will: other homes. 'I‘HF. Subscriber Hile this opportunity of ro- llll'llng his .«inv-nro thanks ‘0 his numerous frimids for lhuir Liberal Patronage while occu- pying llie More known as the " 'l‘aa Chest.” Richmond ilill, and would Male that he hm sold out. his inleverl in lllofllMM‘G J'Islahlisllment to Mr C. SHEI’I’A RD. and “Ollld henpeak their patronage and suppurl for his aut‘cessor. ONTARIO HOUSE Mr John Brown. Suitable for the trade of Richmond Hill. and will always endeavor to be up to the times with Choice Tobaccos, Codfish, White Fish, Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, 30 cts. or £511., The best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon1 Hams, Oatmeal,Corl- meal, Buckwheat Flour, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. THE TEA CHEST FAMILY GROCERIES ! SEASONABLE GOODS And hopes to receive the continued palt‘flnage oflhc Customers d his I'Iedecusmr. hv Ellen- tion to Ilmir wunts nud soiling as cheap in It is pox-ibis to do. CURRANTS & RAISINS DOMINION TEA HOUSE HIGHEST MA R KET PRICE PAID A Call from all is respectfully Solicitcd RUPTURE ,3 TRUSSES c Fine Steel Sprlng polisl‘ed. Free from all sour. rusty. chafing. strapping or girthing un- pleasmltness. Cool. cleanly. light, safe and durable. Uqaflechd by balhi ng. Alwnpra- Iiablo. Sold by all dealers. Estab’ls, 1847 Chestnut St.. l‘llila., 51. 717 B roadway. N. Y. Beware of imit ation. Canadian trade supplied by Messrs Kerry. Watson & Co., Wholonlo Druggisls. Montrea . April is. 1874 821-31.: FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, Remember‘ the place, Corner (if Yong: and Centre St.. opposite Sanderson d3: Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. “’whr lllblrengzlh nnd flavor will be found equa‘ no any house in Line trade. "rm/1011 ’I-rout, Cod Fish and Labrador Herring. {Rlchmolld Hill branch) at the HERALD “10k Store. N mference to the ubOVB the Subscribe- [1ch lo say that he will keep a large and fresh stock of Mms' Sloga Boots, foam $2.50, to $3.25 “ Imp " 3 40. to 3.75 “ b'lwe Packs “ 2.50 to 2.75 “ Felt Onershoes “ 1.40, to 1.66 W'omens Pebble “ 1.50, to 2.25 “ French Cal/'Bmls, 2.00, to 2.40 “ Felt Orcrshucs,_fro7n1.25, to 1.60 “ Rubbers, “ 50, to 55 0:;- CHANGE OF HANDS. Jan. 20m ,1874. ‘AMES. TOYS, &C., FOR SALE AT the HERALD Book Store. I B L E S 0 C I E TY DEPOSITORY GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES-E. SHEPPAflD. hmond Hill. Fab. 1!), 15?4. GO ODS DELI VERE'D. In tho Grocery linoWehavo FARM PRODUCE TAKEN RICHMOND HILL. Fine new Fruit. John Brown, SELLEY’S HARD RUBBER TRUSSES, Relief, comfort and Cure fqr Hex-inn; or Rupture. All kinds of AND THE ALEX. MOOUIE. 182 Adelaide Street East. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! Single 82‘, 130111316 Harness GOOD AND CHEAP! FIELD AND {GARDEN S E D S 2 garimlmml E‘ijmptcmmw. A SUPERIOR STOCK! THOS. B. COUPLAND, F1ttod up in first-class style. and that he is now prepared to take a" kinds of pictures in the latent atyies of the 1m. 013' 0rde1 8 Solicitcd. Richmond Hill, Fob. 18. 1874. flatness !' Harness! ! Harness ! ! PICTURES. FRAMED,, C’OPIED, 035 Remember the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. Surface Planedjn‘fihm't thcr PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED. Richmond Ilil) Feb. 26, ’74 lumber Tnngued, General Blacksmith Machinist Horseshoeing Thoroughly, Carefully, and neatly done. 0:? A share of patronage is solicited. $1) Richmond Hill. March 25. 1874. SIB-"d Lath, Doom, MAGER & QUANTZI ‘ ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. IST PRIZE NE W GALLER Y! 7794! N returning his sincere thanks to his friends . and patrons for past favors would respbctfi fully intimate that. he has now gothia An can be got olsowlgarb‘: Richmond Hill. Feb. 11, ’73. GOOD & CHEAP, Harness Establishment. Has leased the MUNSHAW BLACKâ€" SMITH SHOP. WILLIAM THOMPSON RICHMOND" IIILL IASH AND DflflR METER ENLAnd-Eb 1 GRICULTURAL WARE HOUSE Jobbing done in all its Branckcs. TATIONERE OF ALL :KINDSAAT ’ 11m HERALD Book Sture, . SEED STORE! RiCHMOND HllaL. ;WM. HARRISON. Richmond nan, April m, 1274.3'ill-3m IIAR VESTING TOOLS RICHMOND HILL. CHARGES MODERATE. Which he will Warrant to be as Single and Double, math to order an} willhudeavor to keep on hand HARNESS! H. Myers The largvs‘t selection of TORONTO Elmtugmpm . Richmond 11m. THOMAS B. COUPLA'ND, Blinds, Mouldings, hi the Dominion. Manufacturers of All work to be (94., 41., AT THE AND AND AXD all WM. IRENNIE, TORdMo. ONT. Photographer. Grooved, Shdnglu, Sashes, .1) cixors, Conveyancers, dun, 5pm; nFFCES.-â€"N0. 56. Church Street. Toronto. nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. I i Coumy Engineer, Draftsman &c. Surveys. Plans, Doecriplions, Reports, Plans of bridges. Spacifiuations. Forms of contract. Security Bonds, dzc . executed wish neatuesa and dospalch. No. 4 Trust and Loin Buildings, Corner (1! Adelaide and 'l‘oi‘onto streets; TORONTO. J. N. BLAKE. NIONVILLE. Bisses run in connectio with each (rain. Comfilodib‘hs sample i‘oom. 1L rally be found at home from 2 lo 3 o‘clock. P M. John Elliott Langstatf is auth- orized to collect accounts. There is a ,izrmil House. Ba’rfl. and 11 Very su- perim‘ Orvhard of Young Fruit '1‘ uses; a good Well of Wale on the premises, 3 miles from Richmond Hill and about 2w miles from] Tdé romo. Price $2.500 App’lv to JAS. LANGSTAB’F. 31.0; Richmond Hill, April 23. ’74. 8224f. For sale, good farm, being lot No 30,in thd 21M Con. of Vaughan, :Coxnmmd 50 Aues of First-class Land, Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. .l traction of the Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and fined up those large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. 'l‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight do Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent accommodath afl'orded for the travellingpublic and commorcinl men. Livery stables in connsctiou with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. 8. JAMES, DROVI‘NQIA‘L SUIEVEYE‘B, And Barn on Ihe premises. and good we" of water, a good Young Orchard and a never- fai iug Creek. TITLE GOOD. In all its branches. and from his experience, careful attention, and moderate charges, he hopes to receive a share of the public patron- age- All orders by mall promptlyauended lo. JOHN LUMLEY, Church SI" Markham Village. There is a Large Dwelling: House. 'FHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO NOTI- or Ian good; Lot No‘ 28, in the 3rd Con. of Markham. - Farm For Sale. THE Sitbw‘riber offer: for sale/a fam’f. CONTAlNlNG 50 ACRES SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON _ 'ro Weekly Papers. race-ved at the Hunt» Book Store. Richmond Hill And are located at the North-west corner of 101 No. 35, 4th cunccssion of Markham. in a lentil”) where mechanics and laborers cut} get Mendy work and high wages Applvfif’ by I-1u:r.pre|mirl) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square,ur to WM. G. IHNGSTON. GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND pencil cases at the HERALD Book Stow .L Sales number of Village lots. situated :1 the village of About One-fifth of an Acre, Z‘ARM FOR SALE. U Hill. cuntaih‘ing one acre and a Quarter of land, one frame dwelling home; with a barn stables. and other outhuilnings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise- in Being part of lots 3 and 4; 131 Col. Township of Uxbridge. Village Lots far sale. 'FHE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR A FARM 01' 69 AND A HALF AERES Toronto July 28. 1873 'I‘HOS. HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24. I873. 7 acres wifh' {606W Dwelling House' and Out- buildings,- just ou1side the Richmond Hill Cor- poration. And N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- April 8. 1874. February 4th. 1873. Yor padiculars upp|_v._t_o_ Sept. 4. 1872. HOUSE PAINTING ! VICTORIA SQUARE! March 27. 1879. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, 'ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" BLAKE &. KINGSEORD. ABRIS'ILERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- JAcon MORDEN. Richmond Hill, Jan. 8,1574. sour Luau 8,1873 I". CRAWFORD. Riclumand Hill. Dec. 934. ’75}. 753-3!!! House and Lot for Sale, ,NgLUCAS STREET,- RICHMOND iN Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. also ten TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. NIPISSING HOTEL” MARfinAm fy the public that. he has ro'sommonced business at A LARGE STOCK OF Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL; nTl 3mm}; fur 5m, fitificcuunwufl, A156 8 fine assortment of U’nion House.- TEAS,- The lots comam Painting; Apply to R. E. Kmasronn. MA. W M. MCCAGU E. Mono CENTRE P-O. 820-4m D. WOO'I‘EN. 7374f Di ngln P. 0. 714-1! 755-6111 759-lv 7t4-lf 797 It Fattens in One-fourth the usual time, and saves F 00d. Price 25 cents and SI 00 per box; A doilar box contains two Imnflrod feeds. Sold by Dragging and Storekeeper: “95 60an pbr boi. , , HUGH MILLER & 00.. u r \J Undertaker. &c. RESIDENCEâ€"Noaer opposite the Post Office Richmond Hill. 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Tram THE CHINESE GARDE'R POWDER Desn'uys all kinds of Insects, Grubs Shd Cat- erpillars 011' Guns!“ and Gooseberry Bushes. ll destroys the Tick. promotes the growth of the wool,and improves the condition of the animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. fiuqn MILLER g 00., I1. MINION, at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pails,CitlerMills,Washing Mach]nes.ShingIes Waggon Felinesmnd LumboI‘Sawedto orde‘r Forp articulars address JOHN LAflGS‘l‘AI‘fF,‘ FATTENS HORSES, COWS, CALVEs, Sheen and Pins. AGRICULTURAL CHEMIS’ES. 167. King Street East, 'l‘dromo. For Sale by Dfflggiatsand Stoi‘ekeepei's. R. E. LAw.Azem, Richmond Hm.- nIuHMuNn HILL MILLS! LONG LIFE PILLS! A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.82. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the Human» Boox Sronu. .; Richmond Hill. ES to informiMarchants Bakers & Farmers that tliey have always, on hand a large stock of FIRST-CLASS FLOUR &;;FEED1 Parties favoring us with grigts may rely on a good return a‘nd well manufactured. GEORGE 4;» DAVID BIRRELL Horus and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Doc. 14. ‘72. 751-3m .1) King Street, East; Torumo. [L A. IIARIus0N,q.c. F. Osum. THOMAS Moss, Q.G W . A FOSTER. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDG E Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. 75041" FAMILY BIBLES, TICKS ON SHEEP. MiLLR’s TICK DES’I‘ROYER. Thb’rhhill.Nov} 3, April 90 1873; HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT; Richmond Hill Flour Mills, Oct 15. 1873 HARRISON. OSLER & moss, QARHISTJERS,-_&c., 1‘108. 3'6 AND 38 THOMAS SEDMAN,I' A1311wa Ayn) WAGON MAKER, EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SAUE cheap}! the 113mm; Book Store. Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND \VATERSPOUTS FOR THE D0 ICHMOND HILL LIVERY Sheep and l’lps. CATERPILLARS Elm 31:55:11 Watch. Agricullu rnl Chemists. 'l‘oro lite FOR SALE BY R. E. LAW. Difigginl, Richmond Hill. Steam Mills.,'I‘|Idrnllill. 510-.“ Mrs Orpen. Mqrdem S,- . Mr George C. Hunt. Jun., Fmdéricton. N. 3. Mr W. Thompson, Harbor Gracé, N.F.L.‘ Mr J. M. Wiley. Frederickton; N. B.- M’essra W. &. D. Yuilo. Mbnti‘en'. My Piils and Ointment aie sold at the Iowa I wholesale net prices. in quantities of not Ion than £20 wankâ€"viz. 8.; 6d.. 2%., 345.4301» dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ojntrflel'if. foi which remittances must be sent in advance. 533. Oxford $17ij81. TV. 0., London, March 3151,1874 . The followingis a lirt‘ of the firms allndoJ to: and I particularly recommend those whd desire to get my mediCinos to apply to some ofiho Houses named ;_* Messrs Avery. Brown & Cm, Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsylh & Co‘H Halifax. N.S. Messrs 'l‘. B. Barker & Sans, St. John, N.B M“ '1‘. Has Brisay, Charlotte 'l‘own. REL]. Mosgrs Langley &. Co , Victoria. KC. Messrs Moore_&. (10.. Victoria, B.C. Dr; John Palleif, Challmm. N. B. Messrs Munro & Co.. Montreal. W Messrs J- Winer & Co . Hamilio'n‘, C. W. Mr H. J. Rose. Toronto. 7 . Mr A Chipman Smith. St John. N. B; Mr John Bond, Gndrich, Ont. Messrfi Elliot & 00., Toronto _ Mr J. Chalolmr, St. John, N. . . Messrs Hannington Brothers. St. John, N. H.- Mr R. S. Priddv. Windsor, Ont. Chemists and other Vendors of Hollow y i gé'h'iiiné Pins and Ointment may have llloif names inserted in Ihe local papers if they will please apply hereâ€" ‘ As alllif’e-ehdowed bodies; Wheiherthdyu Beast. Bhds, Refitiles. lnsehfs or" ei'eil Zon- phitos. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdo- I'Lra governed by rilalfo’rcc, which binds all th‘ springs of existence. and as nothing can u" them from destruction When this principl‘ leaves them, the discovery of means whereby' vitality maybe sustained in the living body“ indeed a boon to the world. ‘ _ Many respectable firms in the British Prov- inces. who obtain my medicines direct from here. have very properly suggested that I should, for the benefit of themselves and lhd public, inserl their names in the nape'rs. thn‘ itmay bokimwn that my medicines can hfl Had gangurirne from them; It is presumed that, fromlhe large cmthecf tion Messrs Henry and Co. have in the BritiIH l’viovinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous ven- dors and others unless they exerciee grout caution to pievent their being misled, by find- ing these nmdicines bearing :3 Stamp with lhq name of "‘ Holloway and Co.,New York." printed thereon. Modern chemistry has ventila(éd thé film lion and discovered the ingredients comma; ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and find! that by introducing these ingredients in prep“ proportions the brain and nervous syslel! If. strengthened. ' ThlS. then. is siibstnminlly “16‘ lmi- C. which FELLOW’S H yrovuosrmjrug isvhujhsm direct action is 'upon the Blood, the Brill .I‘ Nervous‘ System. and the Muscle's. _ Siren”.- ening the nerves. it causos thg rabid libtriblt tion of Vitalized Blood in the Mu‘mlu 0mg Each Pot and Box of my preparation boar- thn Rritish Government Stamp. with the words ‘- Holloway’s PM: and Ointment. London.’ engraved thereon. fiofisingl th‘e Sluggish Hear! Sid Liv'ou strengthening the amion of the Stomach II‘ Bowels and enabling the Lung: 16 be filllyb- Hated wnh Oxygen. _ _.z_ a ,_ mu“, “.1”... ‘ It is Adapted for ALL 6856s Of Wé‘ulifiou II. Emaciation, Whether arising fiom sodoman life. a tropical climate. from fave? bi- nobility from any cause, and is eflicaciohBin I’IllO-f NARY CONSUMPTION. many confirmed on. having been cured and all benefitted. whore I. use has been continued ova! a fortnight. It h us become necessary to make this all-1 hoflncement, because the New York Chemicni Company(who pay nobody). finding at Inf that their name has been so expoSed, have 39‘ sumed the lilie of “ Hollow“ and Co.: " but, even now, no one will buv their medicines dl- real frum thom,co that they have made or» rangemenls to supply exclusiver lilB firm of Messrs Henry and (70., of New York. with their S}0-Caiied “ Holloway’s Pills and Dim-*4 menl." - “ offihg Hod}? ln Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Au“, it gives relief whats oveijv otlmr remedy hlhu For Nervous Dehillty it stands unrivuM and may be used with confidence in allot-.1- As this is emirer distinct and different {tor every other preparation of Hypophosphitu,N careful to ask for FLLnows’ SYRUP, uld an no olhor. Holloway’s Pills and Ointment are n’e'i'lhef mfihfifmlurod nor sold in the United States} although they may be obtained in the B. N; American Provinces. Snld in Bottles 1 dollar each, and in Cases, containing 6 tuneq the quantity. 4 dollars gachâ€" s‘ul’llcienl to (-ll'eét a permanent cure in the great Imjorlty of lung standing nasasJSY Al.l4 ()Ul'lVllS'l‘S and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor. l“. J. Cl. UtKE,Chemiut,> ‘ APUTIIECARHCS' IIALL. LINCOLN.- ENGLAND. Sold in England bv all Wllole‘sa‘le Paw“ Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Onto“ and Quebec :â€" EVANS, MERCER a; deb, Montrod one Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pilll APOTHECARI P‘S’ HA LL. LIN (30ng EN GLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Pat.” Medicine Houses. _ Whn!nsa|e Agents for Provinces of 01min and Que)an IS wéirfa‘nted to cure all discharges fro!- “C Urinary Organs, in either sex acquivod of constitutional, Gravel and l’ains in the Buck. Sold in Boxes, $1.50 all Chemist. 6“ Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole proprielor, F. J. CLARKE. For Scrol‘ula. Scarvi', Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it. is a never-failing and pet'- maneni c‘n‘re; ll cures old Sores: (Lures Ulc‘erated Sofas 6n the Neck. Cures Ulcel‘atod Sore Legs . Cums Blackheads. or l’in‘tpies on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. (‘ures Canoerous Ulcers.- (Tures Blood and Skin‘ Diseases. (‘nres Glandulfir Swallit‘lgs. Clears the Blood from all im‘p‘ute ma‘tte‘r, Front whatever cause arising. As this’ mixture is pleasant to the taste. and warranted frea from anything injurious to tho most delicate coustitutinn’ of_eit|ter sax, tho Proprietor solicits sutl'erors to give it a trial to test its value. fihofis'anda of testimoniais frdfri aii path: For cleansing tnd clearing the blood {roll all impuritas. cannot be too highly recommen- ded . Trdde Mark “Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD Pv‘nmma &RESTORBI BLOOD MIXTURE SOLD BY APO'I‘HEQARILQ l‘rice.$l-50; Shaman-50. ' JAMES 1. FF 1. LOWS,CIM~‘ 4.8 “It. Jon. ll..- “pm: Tm; BLOOD [STHE LIFE." Fellows? Cor‘hpound i RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITBBJ BVANS._ MERCER £5 Co~I M0 at!!!“ PUBLIC CAUTION. ’ CLARKE’S t. WURLB PAMEB gamut gmmlipimm THOMAS HOLLOWAL 830

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