Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Jul 1874, p. 3

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a xpmid into civil war, and that. the inter:- ‘rention of Imperial force would hocome snore of a pressing,' necessity than ever. Arguments like these are not likely to lose :t‘heir force with Scottish and English repre' suntalives. and whether openly expressnd or nut. may be trusted to deft-sat every success: iit‘e-éienmnd for Home Rule. Yet, it is one fvutnreut"lrish.agitation, that in spite of its mtter lmpelr-ssness. it will continue to keep (men ‘he country’s discontent. and to interâ€" fere with its material progress. There can be no question. moreover. that the strength ml the Home Rulers in Parliament is likely to increase instead nf‘to difn'in'is‘h. At pre- sent thev number fiftyhine. and that, though 1100 small a phalanx to do anything of itself, vprments a formidable element-9f strength to ~either (if Ithe great. parties *in search of' a mr ' rity. *So ~convihcefl are the so-called “ lrish Patriots” of the growing impetus .of'the Home Rule movement. that John Mitchell. one of the best known of the men -of‘ ’48, lett the United Stateslntely toseeurze :a vacated seat among the Home Rulers in Ifhe‘House of Commons. John Mitchell is still an'unpardoned outlaw, though he proâ€" rbahly ta‘kes'tbut. little risk of being sent hack Ito serve‘out the ~sentence from which he ramped. A representative ofthe Pretestant :seotion dfthe‘YoungKreland part ,Mitchell’s sspuc'ia‘l vm'ission vmnv‘he 1-9 \imlp lin demolish- ‘im: the argument lhattmem‘hem of his faith have nothrng: to fear from an Trish Parliaâ€" ment. In spite, however, of indications of {strength that. would he considered as pledges of ultimate triumph in any cause less adverse rto all the propossessions of 5 6‘s of (he tpeople of the United Kingdom. it is impossi. ‘ble to see in the Home Rule movement anything but a fresh obstacle to the pacifi- cntion of Ireland, and a permanent: element of both political and social danger.â€"Scot. ‘2'»): American. “‘niiddle party- between the party of central- ization, and the party of separation.” But one is tempted to inquire how long after the setting up of an Irish Parliament on Colâ€" lege Green, the Home Rulers would mainâ€" ttnin a separate identity from the party 01 separation. The general impression is, that if Ireland were polled to morrow, a majority «of the people would be found voting for a repeal of the Union. It is understood on 28” sides, that Great Britain could as little afford to have an independent and presumâ€" ably hostile nation on the other side of St. George’s Channel, as the United States could to have an alien Republic commanding the lower half of the Mississippi. Hence tthe new school of Irish agitators ignore the repeal platform. and take their stand on the spacious argument in favor of Home Rule. But on the other hand, it is‘seen to he ineâ€" 'vitahle thrt an uni‘et-onciled people, like ‘the majority of Irishmen, could not he sudâ€" denly invested with the power of' managing what they call their own affairs, without using their new found privileges to the deâ€" ttriment of the Empire at large. Most nnâ€" 1ions regard the exhibition of seditious ten «imicies as a very good argument in favor nof the curtailment of local liberties. lreâ€" ‘lnnd presents the first, case in which smoulâ€" dering rebellion has been pleaded, and to some extent accepted, as a reason for enlarg- ing their liberties. “While in the present temper of Ireland. it is difficult to believe that Home Rule could be regarded as anything better than a stepping stone to complete separation, it is .equnlly difficult to see how it could be con ceded without deliberately sacrificing the civil rights of the Protestants of Ulster. and «without giving the Roman Catholic heirâ€" archy such an ascendancy in civil afl‘nirs, as could not be regarded with indifference by ahe rest of the United Kingdom, It. can ‘hardly be disputed “ that an ussemlhly elect- ed by» Irish Roman Catholics. with powers of legislation for any Ilish purpose. would gironeed prumically to endow the Roman Cntholic Church, and to establish a vast and costly system at Roman Catholic educa itinn under priestly control.” It is equally obvious that the Protestant. minmity would resist being: taxed for any such purpose. that the irreconcilable hate ofthe two great lrish f'nctinns would not nt present. strip nhnrt at. rioting. hut. would very quickly 4 But the fact is, that in all the disscnsions about. Home Rule in Ireland, it is not the erCllCnl details of lhe question which preâ€" :sent themselves to the minds of those on either side oflhe conn-m'ex‘sy. Mr Suilivan’s way of describing the Home Rulers, is a Details of the two great debates in the British Parliament on the subject of Home- Fule, do not add a great deal to our pre- vious knowledge of the subject. Asa piece of justice to Ireland, the discussion of her affairs was allowed to occupy two entire evenings in the House of Commonsâ€"that is about the entire significance of debates of unusual length, studded with speeches of unusual eloquence. As to the practical de« tails of the Home-Rule plan. we can glean little more than is indicated in the wording of Mr Butt’s resolution. which declares that “ it is expedient and just to restore to the Irish nation the rightand power of managing all exclusively Irish affairs in an Irish Par- liament; that provision should be made at the some time for maintaining the integrity of the empire. and the connection between the countries, by reserving to the lmperinl Parliament lull and exclusive control over all Imperial affairs.” This sounds well enough. but when we come to inquire what, are exclusively lrish afl‘uirs in a country where capital is almost exclusively in Scotâ€" tish or English hands, and onerthird of whose population are not, so fat as Home Rule is concerned, Irish in sympathy at all ; we find in the speeches of Mr Butt and his friends no satisfactory reply. Neither have we the slightest, idea of what, after the semi- independence of Ireland has been established, are to be considered purelv imperial affairs. Did the plan include a Local~ Legislaturel for England. Wales, and Scotland individâ€" ually, as well as for Ireland, there might be some possibility of separating one class of business from another, though even then it would only result in endless disputes about jurisdiction. It is denied that the young Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia. who stole his mother’s ‘diamonde, has been sentenced to banishment, .ilyut it is said ilk; case is still pending before 'E‘lle Empems. ,The Olt'gqmnn Government has announced fits‘a‘dhemnqe ’to its former prohibition of :ihe 'ssle‘of Bibles zin T,urkeyâ€"ir1 answer to ‘4m gppeal of the United StatesGderument flgr a reversal of that decree. Scotland has won the VEIcho Challenge .Shield this year at Wimbledon. It is stated that the anqxe nvt gates pf Con- §tantinople, which resisted we attacks of decay for more than ,eleven hpndred years, 'gyere made of Cypress wood. ' There is quite a scramble among the local firms for Ihe appointment 9. vacancy in the ‘ ustoms of Kingston. Fifteen foreign steamship lines, with an fixggr‘ega‘te tonnage of lupwaltds of 550,000, pox; rlegularly ply hemeen ,the ports of New {fork and Eylfiople. A new Mfg-saving inyention has recently gppeai‘éfl in Paris} the shape of a double garment, which pqyers the entire body. It is ‘m‘ad‘é 9f rubber, and is provided with a. flexible gube which has a moutthiece. By bldwing into the latter, the person in danger énflz‘i‘tgs the garment, which bgoyg him up wk?" he the Water ' ' " Harvesting has commenced in the neighl borhood of Hamilton. Irish Home-Rule IMMENSE STIHIK NWEM‘EES I. CROSBY’S Spring and Summer GROCERIES! TAKING into consideration the fact that the Webster Sewing Machine has been before Illepuhlic only about eighteen mon.hs and theunprecedentcd numiwr et' uyer ten thousand have been sold In so short a time is suflicient to convince the most. incredulous of the superiority (if the WEBSTER over ail others. “WEBSTER ” 11 carried ofi'uem’lv all lhe leading prizes for the fall of 18': 3. It is construcled in the most simple. .‘olid anti subslnmial manner; con- sequently less liable l0 get out of rapair. Great _ Bargains it is 56 simple to hahdle that [He operator can adjust the Mitch or regulate the tension while Hm machine is in mo‘ion. HURRAH! JOHN H. STONEHOUSE, Travelling agem for Vaughan & Whitchurch. “AGERM‘N P,O. H. ROBSON. general» agent for the following 'l‘ewnships : Vaughan. York. Scarboro’. Mark- ham. \Vhilchnrch, Piclwring. Uxbridge, and Scott. 'l‘he WRIST)“: w ll do all kinds of workheavy or light .conrs-e or fine. it has a. straight needle. makes the lock stitch. perform uorfrct sewing on every descrip'ion ol' malarial, with couon. linen, or silk thread. It hems,’ falls. cords. braids and gathers. THE ‘WEBSTER’ A Completg Set of_ the_ 751033 ap- before purchasing any other, Price, $35, By calling on, or addressing the undursigned he would glnd‘ly give them 111.0 mi velege of ex- amining (he mmhinm W's would beg to call wontng first-class and Apprentice Wanted Immediwlolv, (6 learn lh e Harness Business. Apply to Wu. HARRISON. ‘ ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES, at the HERALD Book Store. Which will be sold cheaper than over. CALL AND EXAMINE. Qty 63mm, @rn'ccriw‘. proved ('zttachments with each Machine: May 26. 1374 Richmond Hill. June 9, {874 FI [XE-PROOF STORE, CHOOL REQUISITES OF ALL AMES. TOYS, 330., FOR SALE 3.1m 1115341,!) Book Store.» kinds at the H EiKAl.D Book Store‘ DAILY ARRIVING AT THE IMPROVED Also an Immense Slack of RICHMOND: HILL Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant FOR I. CROSBY. the nHenfion of those machines to b8 sure see HAclmuA N P.0. 827-l y 8294f BEAUTIFUL SUGARS AND TEAS Which he will sml as cheap ac any relail house in Toronto. Just look at prices and compare with olher huucas. Choice Tobaccos, Codfish, \Vhife Fish, Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, 30 cts. por gal., The best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, OatmenI,Corn- meal, Buckwheat Flour, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. N R IQTU R V I NG TH'\1\'KS F0 R l IAS'l‘ FAVORS. mm d intimate to his friends and the Public that helnas now on hand a fine assuxlznenl of Boots, Overshoes, and Rubbers, CURRANTS & RAISINS H 1;G_u EST M A R KET Pmdm mu) A Call from all is respectfully Solicifed Remember" the place, Former of Yonge and Centre 81.. opposite Sanderson (E Sons. 40 Cents to 1$ per 1b. $5 TO $20 Snore. CHURCH PSALTER All classes of working people. of either sex. mung myold. ma ‘6 more muney at work for us in‘lheir spare moments. or all the lime. than at anything HIS) Particulars free. Address G S'I‘INSON & 00., Portland, Maine. HYMN BOOK Used in the English Church at Richmond Hi! ’ and ’l‘horuhil.l Full supplv, DOMINION TEA HOUSE THE TEA CHEST EYER’S SUPERIOR FLOUR Vl‘HE Subscriber takes this opportdnityof‘ ro- turniig his sincere thanks '0 his numerous friends fur their Liberal Patronage while occu- pying (he more known as the " Tea Chest." [{iclunnnd Hill. and Would state that he‘ has sold out his Interest in llwabo‘m Establishment 10 Mr C, SHEPPARD. and would hespeuk their patronage and support for his successor. ’ O’l‘ICE is hereby given“ lo all parties hav- ing claims against the estate of the late JUH N \l RUPERT. lam of the village of l’allerson,'l‘0wnship of Vaughan. deceased. to send in s8alement< nflhe same, within one month from this dflle. lo Ihe undersigned. and all parties owing the estate are required to make a settlement as soon as possible. FAMILY GROCERIES ! chhr llblrangth and flavor will be found equal to any house in the trade. WIT/1 013 WITHOUT MUSIC, (As Executors of the Estate of the late Martin Brennan.) Richmond Hill. June I, 1874. 'nr-828 BRA N", SHORTS TO LOAN on first-4 ' 9 Mortgage Security‘in sum; from $500 wards. A pply to ‘Rncnmond Hill branch) at the HERALD F )ok Store. And hopm m uocoivo the cmninued patronage ol'lha (Iuflunmrs «.l his Viaduct-mun by atten- tion In their wants ' 1nd sailing as cheap as itis possible to do. ANADIAN ILLUSTRATE]? NEWS. r‘ A weekly journal of Current Events. \r‘ A weekly journal of Current Events. Literature. Science and Arts ‘xgricullure and Muchanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sod at 100 a number at the HERALD "MW “ aw GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND pencil cases at the HERALD Bopk Store Suitable for the trade of Rizhmond Hill. and vicinity and “in always mv‘vnvor L0 be up to the times with 3 Always on hand and can be got at no other store; in the Village. SEASONABLE GOODS l)APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Show. films“ Sioga 130013,)‘00174 $2.50, to $3.25 “ lu'p u 3 40, to 3.75 “ Slmc Packs “ 2.50 to 2.75 “ Felt Overs-hoes “ 1.40, to 1.65 W’omcns Pebble “ 1.50, to 2 25 “ French CalfBoois, 2.00, to 2.40 “ Felt Uvershocs,jrom 1.25, to 1.60 “ Rubbers, " 50, to 55 Patterson, Ma N refé‘r‘ende‘ to the «hove the Subscribe begs to say that he will keap a large and fresh stack of GOOD GREEN TEA ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA I B L E S 0 C I E TY DEPOSITORY GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. hmond Hill. Feb.19,lb‘74. Mr John Brown, bio for pruseuls a! the HERALD Boox GOOS ELIVE RE In tho Grocery line wehava FARM PRODUCE TAKEN MONEY TO LEND CHANGE OF HANDS. AT THE Estate Notice. @rnmiw, 8w. HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL. RICH MOND HILL. M. TEEFY. N. LYN E'I‘T. Fine new Fruit. All kinds of AV!) THE FROM AND LOAN on first-class MARY RUPERT. Administ‘ «him 1874. 827- 1‘ ALEX. MUUDIE. Agents wanted ! PER. DAY. @griwltuwl :‘ijmpmuwtfi. Surface PlancdjnShort thco Bf? Orden s Solicited. 132 Adelaide Street East. FIELD AND EGARDEN S E D S 2 Richmond Hm. Feb, 18, 1874. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! lumber Tnngued, 0? Single & Double Harness GOOD AND CHEAP! Harness! Harness! ! Harness! ! THOS. B. CUUPLAND, A SUPERIOR STOCK! F-ued up in first-class style. and that ho is now prepared to take a" kinds of pictures in the ' latest st_\les of the an. PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, Lath, Doors‘ lST PRIZ E PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED. Remember the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. Horseshoeing Thoroughly, Cam/ally, and neatly done. 0:"? A share of patronage is solicited. $0 Richmond Hill. March 25. 1874. SISâ€"1f General Blacksmith &Machinist GOOD & CHEAP, MAGER &- QUANTZ! THOMAS B. COUI’LAND, Richmond Hill Feb.‘26, ’74 Photographer. ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. Harness Establishment. NE W GALLERY! Synill making to order nu}! will|eudenvor lo keep an hqu N returninghis sincere thanks to hIS friends . and patrons for [mat favor» would respect- fully intimate thal ho has now gotllis 779-” As can be got elsewhere. Richmond Hill. Feb. ll, ’73. RICHMOND HILL [ASK AN]! HOUR I'MTUR Has leased the MUNSHAW BLACKP SMITH SHOP. WILLIAM THOMPSON R\CHMOND HILL. W M. HARRISON. Richnmnd Ilill, April lh. 12‘4 till-3m GRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE TATIONERY OF ALL _KINDS AT ENLARGED 2 Jobbing done in all its Branches. SEED STORE! RICHMOND HILL. the H‘zgufn $995 89019. ‘ HARNESS! Single and Double, CHARGES MODERATE. Which he will Warrant lo be as W. H. Myers The largest selection of TORONTO Richmond Hi! I . Sglwtugmpug. Blinds, Mouldings, VESTING’ TOOLS In the Dominion. Manufacturers of All work to be AT THE (fia, 4-0., AND AND AND WM. RENNIIE, TORONTO. ONT. Grooved. Shingles, Sashes, There is a ghod House. Barn. and a very sn- perior Orvhard of Young Fruit '1' xees; a good Well of Wale on the premises, 3 miles from Richmond Hill and aboutfln miles from To- ronto. Price $2.500. Applv to ' JAS. LANGSTAFF. 3m. Richmplid Hill, April 23. '74. 8224f. And are located at the North-west corner of lot No. 35, 4th concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages- Applv (if by Ieuur.propuid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square.or lo WM. G. HINGSTON! Dingin P. 0. March 97.1879. 714-” 5O Ames of first-class Land, HI .1. sale a number of Village lots. situated n the village of FARM FOR SALE. For sale, good farm, being lot No 30,in thq rally be found at VIIome from 2 lo 3 o'clock. P m. John Ellioll Langstafi' is auth- orized to Collect acvounls. . 1) cilors, Couvéyancers, 610., &c.,' “Frommâ€"No. 56, Church Street. Toronto. nexl door north of British Amorican Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE. R. E. KINGSFORD. M.A I County Engineer, Draftsman &c. Surveys. Plans, Descriptions, Reports, Plans of bridges. Specifications. Forms pf contract. Securny Bonds, 5w . executed with ileum-ass and dospalch. About U7?6:fi/Z}l of an Acre, U Hill. containing one acre and a quarlgr of land, one frame dwelling house, wi Ill a bum stables. and other outbuildings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on Khe premisea in No. 4 Tran: and Loan BniMings. Corner of Adelaide and Toronto streets; TORONTO. Union House. NIONVILIJ‘I. Basses run in coul’vetzfio will: each train. Commodious sample robm. S.JAMES, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYER, Countv Engineer. Draftsman &c. 811113ng in price from 38 cents per lb. upWard. EUMPETITIUN DISTANEED !. Being parl of lots 3 and 4. Isl Con. Township of Unbridge. 1 truckinn of the Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and fitted up those large and commndious premises belong- ing to Capt. 'l'. A. Milne, opposite Messrs. Speight & Son's Novelly Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation afi'orded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connaclicn with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porler. In all its branches. and from his experlence. careful attention, and moderate charges, he hopes to recqive a share of the public patron- age' All orders by mail promptly attended to. JOHN LUMLEY, Church St" Markham Village. 65013 LADIES’ BOOTS A FARM 01' 69 AND A HALF ACRES v'PHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS T0 NOTI- The people will have them.lhey say it is as good a boot as W. H. MYERS sales will} Good} Dwe‘ling House and Out- build'mgs, just umsidu lhe Richmond “I” Can pomlion. And UBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON T0 Weakly Papers. race'I'd M the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hi!) " Will not. can not he undemold. l have :ho largest assortment of GoodBoots and Shoes That there is on Richmond Hill: VICTORIA SQUARE I ~ Toronto Jiflv 28. 1873 THOS. HUNTER. Proprie‘or. October 24. 1673. 71 February 41h. 1873. 211‘ Con. of Vaughan, :CQNTAINISG N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- JACOB MORDEN. Richmond Hill. Jan. 5,1674. 8' 7-lf Sept. 4, 1872. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72 Richmond Hill, June 4, 1874. HOUSE PAINTING ! DR. JAMES LANGS'I'AFF, >ICHMQND HILL,_ WILL GENEâ€"- BLARE a KINGSFORD, ARRIS'ILERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- Still they come, another case of them House and Lot for Sa‘le, ‘NhyUCAS STREET, RICHMOND N Yonge Street, Richmond Bill. also ten OTHERS SELL FOR 80 Cts TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. run) 8, “73‘ Village Lots for Sale. E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. {L {y the public that he has reaommenced bushess at NIPISSING- HOTEL, MARKHAM. A LARGE STOCK 0F £13111:th fur 5m, fitimflmxwufi, Alsa a fine nssortment of The lots conlam TEAS, Apply to Painting. I“. CRAWFORD. D. WOOTEN. 7374f 753-3m 755-Gm 759-lv 7t4-tf 828 797 U Undertaker. &c. Rnsnmncnâ€"Noarly opposite the Post Office Richmond Hill. ' ‘ Price 25 cents and SH 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds. A FRESH SUPPLY, At $l.8‘2. $5. $5.50, $8.50 and $9. at (he HERALD Boon STORE. Richmond Hill. It Fattens in One-fourth the usual tzme, and saves F and.- LON G LIFE PILLS! ' ATTENS HORSES, COWS, cums, Sheep and Ple. ’ Sold by Druggists find Storekeeper: at95 dents par box. . HUGH MILLER & 00.. Agricultural Chemists. Toronto. 0n Carram Bushes and Fruit Tr‘ees. THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Deslros‘s all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. TICKS 0N SHEEP. USE MILLR'S TICK DESTROYER. ll destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of lho wool, and improves the condiliou of the animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER ‘31. (30;, ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO MINION, at $6 per “)0 fleet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed ; Sap Buckets, Pails.(,idel'-Mills.Washing Machihesfihin lea Waggon Falloes.und L'nmberSaWedtodf 6r Forparticularsaddreas AGRICULTURAL CHEMlsi's. 167. King Street East, Toronto. For Sale by Draggists and Slorekeepers. R. E. LAW. Agent. Richmond Hill.- BIGEMUNB HILL MILLS! FIRST-CLASS FLOUR 3:; FEED! ARRISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A. Hmmaonm c. F. Osman. THOMAS Moss, Q.C W . A FOSTER. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBIIIDGIL Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. 750-“ GEORGE (9: DAVID BIRRELL Parties favoring us with grists may rely out: good return and well manufactured. l 5. Horses and Vehiclas (61" HHS. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 751-3m April 9. 187a. Thamhill. Nuv. 3,1869. HIGHEST nunmcr PRICE mt: fan WHEAT.- HARRISON. OSLER & MOSS, THOMAS SEDMAK.‘ Ammsz Am) WAGON MAKER, AMILY BIBLEs, Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct 15. 1873 EWELRY! E‘G to infonn‘Merchnnts Bakers & Farmers I that they haVe always on hand a large smck of ICHMOND HILL LIVERY mm £u55211 amt». Sheep and Pips. cheanut the HERALD Book Store. Patent Eave-trough CATERPILLARS JOHN LANGS‘I‘AFF', _ v Stggm Minsfl'lioffihill. FOR SALE BY JEWELRY! FOR SALE R. E. LAW. Druggiu, Richmond Hill 510-.“ ’I'll‘e fo’llolvirnévrils'lxnllrrrt. of the firms alluded to; and I particularly recommend those who desire to get my medicmas to applyvlo some of the Houses named :..= Messrs AVety. Brown & Cm, Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsyth & Co}.- Halifax. NS. Messrs 'l‘.; B, Barker & Sons, St. John, N.Bf M‘ ’1‘. Des Br‘isny, Charlotte Town. P.E.l. Messrs Langley & Co , Victoria. B.C; ‘ Meser Moore &. 00.. Victoria, B.C. Dr,- Jdlm Fallen, Chalham. N. B. Mes'srs Munro &. Co.. Montreal. ,, Messrs J. Winer &, Co . Hamilton. C. W. Mt" H. J. Rose. Toronto.- ‘ , Mr A Chipmah Smith. St John. N. 5'. Mr John Bond, Godrich. Ont. Messf-s Elliot & Co., 'l‘ly‘romo. Mf J. Chalo‘ner; St. John. N. B . Messrs Hann‘lngwn Brdlhers. St. Jo‘litl; K. 8; “Ln 0 n ~yvvw (w. A Many feslwcla He firms in the British Provo inc‘es. who obtain my medicifies direct from here. have Very properly suggested that 1 should, for the benefit of themselves and tha public, insprl their names in the napors. that itmay be known that my medicines can be hag genujine from ther'm Mr R. s. Pxidd%.Wa..dsor, om. ' Mrs Orpen. Morden. N. S, Mr George C. Hunt. Jam, F’xe‘dsricton. N. 3. Mr W. H. Thompsan. Harbor Graca, NJ’JJ. M; J. M. Wiley. Fredericklon, N. B; Mo‘ssrs W. & D. Xuile‘. Montreal. My Pills aiid Jimmem Elie said at the low“ I wholesMe net prices. in quantities of not less than £20 wonhâ€"viz . Bs h'd" 293., 34s.,por dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittallQes mast_ho $6M in_ advance. 533. Oxford Strut. IV‘, 0.. Landon, March 31:!, 1874 o It has become necessary to make this and uouucement, because the New York Chemic-I Company (who pay nobody). finding at In! that their name has been so exposed, have as- sumed the title of“ Hollaan and Co.; " but, even now, no one will buy their medicines di‘ met from them, :0 that they have made ar- rangements to supply oxclneiVely the firm of Messrs Henry and (30., of New York. with their so called " Ho'lloway’s Pills and Ointa menl.” _ . ‘ _ It is presumed that, from the large connec- tion Messrs Henry and Co. the in the Britirh Provinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous ven- dors and others unless they eXercise great caution to prevent their being misled, by find- ing these medicines bearing a stamp with the name of " Holloway and Co., New York." printed thereon. Chemifls 73nd rolM:vaildrgr;of-Hgiiécv-gg genuine Pills and Ointmeflt may have the?!" humus inserted in the leca) p‘ape‘fs if they wi“ please apply here-=4 Holloway’s Pills and Ointme‘ntare neither manufactured nor sold in the United States. although they may be obtained in the B. N. American Provinces. Each Pot and Bax of my preparation but! the Rritish Govornment Stamp. with the word!. ‘- Holloway’s Pills and Ointment, London." engraved thereon. Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in Cases. containfng 6 times the quantity. 4 dollars each-- sufficient to effect a permanent cure ill the great mfijurity of long standing "memBY ALL (lHEVllS'l'S and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the World. Sole Proprietor. I“. J. CLARKEClIemist, APUTHECARII‘IS' HA LL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Pall!“ Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Province: of Ontario and Quebec :â€" EVANS, MERCER 8: 00., Montreal A PUBLIC CAUTION. As dlllit‘é-ehdbwed bodies. Whethouhb‘y to Beast. Birds, Reptiles. lhsecvs Or even Zooé phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdol'n are governed by rilalfm'be, which binds an m springs of existence. and as nothing can and them frOm desu action when‘ ("is prihciplo‘ leaves them, the discovery df mam whor'éij' vitality mav be silsiained in the living body M indged a bém’i to the world. Thounnds of testimonials from 1-11 pin-u. Modern dhe’miStry has ventilated the quota [ion and discovered the ingredients comma" ting the brain. muscies and nerves.» and findl that bv introducipg these ingredie‘ma in prep“ propoilions the brain find nervous system It. strengthened. ' For Scrcfnla. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds i1 is a never-failing and per~ manenl, cure. ll cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcernled Sore Legs ‘ Cures Blackheads. or Pimple on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers, Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. ' I Clears the Bland from all impure malt", From whaleller cause arising. As this mixture is pleashm to the taste. and «renamed free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, 1h. Proprietor sollulla sufferers lo gIVe it a trial 'to test its value. * This” them is substantially the basil 0‘ Which FELLOW’s Hyimmosr‘mns is builtfih direct action is upon the Blood, the Brain n‘ Nervous System. and lhe Musclom Strungll- ening the nerves. it causes the rapid diatribté tion of Viml'med Blood in the Muscular (Hp-I of the Body. Rousing the V Sliiggish How and Lim. strengthening the action of the Slomnch and Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be fiyllyiflc Hated with Oxygen; ‘44, . _ Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontario and Quebec; \ ' BLOOD MIXTURE Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.” THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER &RESTOREH For cleansing rnd clearing the blood from all impuritea, cannm be too Highly recommen- ded . It is adapted for ALL cases of‘Weaknoss and Emaciatiou,whelher arising from sodoman life. a lropiculciimate. from fever or Qobiliiy fr'o‘m airy cause,and is efiicaciOus in Pun-iii may CofisUMP'rInN. many confirmed canon having been cured and all benefitied. where "I use his basin cmltinued ovar a fortnight. In Bronchitis it is a sporific. and i; AslhlI it gives relief where overv other remedy faill. For Nervous Debihty it stands unrivallod, and may be ust with confidence in all canon As this is entirely distinct'nnd different from every other prenaralio‘n of Hypophosphitos,b( careful toask fo’r FLLLOWS’ SYRUP,md uh. no other. “de THE BLOOD ISTHE LIFE." IS warranted to cu re all discharges from tho Urinary Organs, in either sex ucquirod or constitutional, Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes. $l.50 all Chemists ui Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole proprietor, F. J. CLARKE. APO'I‘HECARI FS’ HA LL. LINCOLN. ENGLAN D. One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills SOLD BY APO'I'HECARIE'P Price. $l‘50; Six fol-$7350. Fellows’ Compound V jz RUP 0F HYPOPHO‘SPIHTES. EVANS. EROER a: 00- Montreal: gaunt itttditinm C L A R K E ’3 WURLD FAME]! JAMES 1 . FF [1_‘l_,(J_WS,C;Ion. g-o T‘ H OH AS HOLLOWAY .- vuv n o,\/llul1 Sh Jonn. NIB 890

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