York County Council. , The Council met on Thursday afternoon in two o’clock. The Warden in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and ponï¬rmed. Mr Jackson presented a meâ€" morial from the trustee! of the High School, Newmarket. ,It stated that the Municipal Council of Newmarket had signiï¬ed their intention of raising $2,200 to sustain the _ High†School, and as the tax on. the riiiunicinality would be offensive and Would lend to bring the school system into disrepiite, the memorialists prayed the Coun- éil to make a‘ grant out of the funds in order to give relief. The memorial was received. Mr Harrison presented a petition from the High School Trustees of Richmond Hill, praying for a giant of. $200. The Comâ€" mittee on County property brought up their report. It stated that the Rouge Bridge ï¬nd the Bridge over the Humber were in a very detective condition, and recommended that repairs be made at once. The appoint- ment of a Superintendent of the York Roads was advised. A schedule was attached to the report showing pnyiiients made by the Commissioners. The report was received and adopted. Mr Jones then moved that the Committee on County Property be iii- structcd to bring,r iii a Iiy-an for the apâ€" pointment of a. Superintendent of the York loads, and to repeal all existing; By Laws apponiiiug superintendents. The motion was carried. Alter considering repm'ts on contingent expenses the Council adjourned till nine next morning. The Council met on Friday at 9 a. in. The Wai den in the chair. The minutes of Thursday’s meeting were read and adopted. The Special Committee to draft. an address to the Governorâ€"General presented their re- port, which was adopted. A second report of the Committee on Public Properly, with a Ilv.Law, was preâ€" sented. The report was ndopied.. EDUCATION. ' The Standing Committee on education presented their report, declining to I'C‘COIII‘, mend any further grant of public money to the aid of high schools. Mr Jackson moved, seconded by Mr Har- ' ‘tison, That the Council grant asnm of$200 p «teach to ithe high schools. He supported his resolution by painting out that the Conn coil had appointed all the Trustees, and it, would only be a proper act for them to east. tnin the contracts the trustees had entered Ento with the teachers whom they had eu- gaged. The motion was lost. FINANCE. The Standing committee introduced a By-Law, which was passed. ruovrnnrx’r HUME. The Special Committee appointed byihe ‘Council to center with the York Pioneers. with reference to the establishing of a Pro' vident Home, met it delegation from that body, and from their suggeslions relative thereto. il' put. in practice, believe it Would‘ lessen destitutiori, and would urge the neâ€" cessin of action on the part of your Couri- all as being the most. economical way for the ianinor iiiuiiicipalittes to furnish aid to their indigent population. 'I'ltAMWA-Y. A draft of agreement was presented beâ€" tween the County Council and the Toronto Graver Road and Concrete Company, iegu, listing the. conditions of building.r a Tramway lbetween the Don Bridge and the gavel beds in the township of Scarboro’, alon;r the Kingston Road. The consideration was dc,- Iciicd. SMALL-Pox PATIENTS. l A Special Committee reported on some asteps that had been taken to prevent the grossing of convalescent sniaihpox patients [unto the country to the nninilcst danger of. apiendiirg the disease. The report was re' «celled aur’r adorned. HURON AND ONTARIO CANAL. A Special Committee, Mr Bull chairman, girl-scented the following rcport:â€"Your Cont nniltee. on the lst day ofJuue, met with the \Joiiiniiltees from the City of Toronto and Ellie County of Sinieoe and the Directors of III" (‘inintln Company. The President of the Cnnnda 00. stated that one million ol'dullnrs of stock lind been nnkvn, and that one hundred Ilronsand had “been pnitl in to the Treasurer of the Co. and die-posited in the batik. That responsible gentlemen iii the States had taken stock to the amount of upwards or twelve millions. .’l he delegates from Toronto felt. certain lhnl the City would grant. one million and a half .Itiwnrtls the enterprise. The delegates from .‘Siiiieoe County expressed themselves very “VHI'IIIIy in favor of building llre canal, and related that the County was prepared to grant , rcight hundred thousand towards the scheme. ' The Committee was not prepared to slate| m! that mceliii;.r what the County of York would do towards the building of the canal. :ns there had been nothing definite before -the Cnnncil. Tire Committee was ol'opiuiou Bill!" the Dominion Government should move in the matter, hlld make a grant of land to- Words the construction of the canal. . The report was read and adopted by the ¢Council. No other business was done. and the Conn ucil adjourned sine die. 0n the 7th of April last, Prince Leopold, vthe vouugest son of Her Majesty Queen ~Victi'n'ia. was 21 years of age. The Queen [has asked Parliament for a. grant for him. "The Liberals were by no means stingy in in their treatment ol'the other Princes; and ithe Conservatives, it may reasonably be 1:- pet-ted, will not be outdone in whatever may iindicntc attachment to ;tlle Royal Family. E’rince Leopold will have no unworthy por- ttiorr. Mr James Gordon Bennett of the N. Y. Herald and the proprietors of the London Daily Telegraph are to ï¬t out an expedition for the exploration of Africa. The enterâ€" .prise is to be under the control of Mr ILM. Stanley. Certainly the men who have oriâ€"e giiiated this project deserve the applause of mankind. Of Mr Stanley’s ï¬tness for the post assigned him there can be no question. All will wish the highest. success to the uni .dertaking. Whatever discoveries may be made will be in the interests of science and .civilizatron. But what an idea does this at- itempt give of the influence and power at.â€" miinedby journalism. It is now no longer content with recording the occurrences of the known world ; it must remove the veil from regions unknown. At this rate where shall a limit be placed to the functions of . the Press ? Congressman Sloss, of Tuscumbia, Alaâ€" I)amn,shot, and almost killed a person named Long, who had traduced his daughter. A man named Queaut and a clerk of his culled Dickerson. both ot'lhc town of Beauregard, quarrelled and fought a duel, in which the latter was killed. Of course such acts are deplorable. They give the lie to a boasted civilization. It ill becomes the North, how. ever, to cite these instances as characteristic of the South. Has not the North a Sickles, llllilisr lllli “WEBSTEIgé flu; 650mb, atrium“; ‘ Hit/R R ONTARIO FOR Great Bargains “my AN l OF Spring and. Summer ncvrtrirs . DAILY ARRIVING A'I.‘ I. CROSBY’S (htntttitï¬, 8w. HOUSE GREAT SERGAINS i HARVEST- TOO LS AGREAT _VARIETY. Boo'fs 35 SHOES Great Bargains for 30 days; In order to make room for l'all Stock. WGR'OCERIES.‘§£ The be.t that can be gel. FRUI'Eâ€" JARS, Cheaper than Ever. daily arrivinw. Gr L A S S W A R KNHNQOWQ and E HARNESS! GOOD & CHEAi, AT THE Still they come, another case of {limit 6501; LADIES" BOOTS The people will have ih'eth‘ey say it is as good a boot as OTHERS ELL FOR 80 Cts w". in.- ï¬Ynns Will niit. can not be niideisold. I have the largest assortment of Good Boots and Shoes [Thrill lliérg is on Richmond Hill: lisr r3121; El A Harness Establishment. RICHMOND HILL. WM. HARRISON. Richmon d I-lill. April lb, IQ‘4.bIZI.-3m RICHMOND HILL SASH AND IIIIIIII PAIITIIR THE BEST rTiiitr FLOUR MAGER & QUANTZ! Cheaper than our House in Town. lPaas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. 900". Always on hand. Cordwood In any Qua‘htity. Goods l)elivei€d Promptly When Ordered. Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. July ldtli,1874. b25-tf DOMINION TEA. HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. :i THE TEA CHEST 0:}- CHANGE OF HANDS. $0 'l‘HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of re- lurnimg his slur-ere thanks '0 his numerous - friends for their Liberal l'atronuge while occu- pying the store known as the " Tea Chest." Richmond Hill. and would state that he has sold out his nilo'est in ilieabovo Establishment to Mr C. SHEPPARD. and would bespenk their patronage and support for his successor. ALEX. MOODIE. IN reference to the above the Subscribe begs to say that he will keep a large and fresh stock of . FAMILY GROCEHIES 1 Which will be sold cheaper than ever. Also an Immense Stock of GROCERIES! CALL AND EXAMINE. I. CROSBY. Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, FI RE-I’ROOF. STORE, RICHMOND] HILL 0 THE IMPROVED a 3 N is H . m g? 9* é- E-I oil a 2.5: H Sâ€" h :5- rJ‘AKING into consideration the fact that the Webster Sewing Machine has been before the public only about eighteen months and the unprecedented number of over ten thousand have been sold In so short slime is sufï¬cient to convince the most incredulous of Suitable for the trade of Richmond Hill. and vicinity and willalways endeavor to be up to the times with .3 SEASONABLE GOODS And hopes to receive the continued patronage ot'the Customers f-I his I’redccessor. hr atten- tion to their wants 'Ind selling as cheap as It is possible to do. BRA N, SHORTS &c, 85cc. &0. EYER’S SUPERIOR FLOUR Always on hand and can be got at no other store, in the Village. GOOD GR-EEN TEA FROM 40 Cents to 1$ per 113. GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. hinond Hill. Feb. I9, 1874. i y 1 l P E R D A Y. Agents wanted 1 All classes of working people, of either sex. mung or old. Innwe more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time. than at anything els) Particulars free. Address G. S’I'INSON or (30., Portland, Maine. ISCELLANEO US BOOKS SUITA- ble for presents at the HERALD Book I Store. CHURCH PSALTER Iâ€"IYMN BOOK Used in the English Church at Richmond III! and 'I‘hornhill Full supply, the superiority of the Wizusrieu over allnthers. It carried oï¬' nearly all the leading prizes for the fall of HS: 3. It is coustrnclrd in U a must simple. solid and substantial manner; con- sequently less liable to get out of repair. It is so simple to handle that the operator can adjust the stitch or regulate the tension while the machine is in motion. The Wessrrm wll do all kinds of work.heavy or |ight.coar.~‘e or ï¬ne. it has a straight needle. makes the lock stitch. perform ierfect sewing on every des criptiou of material, with cotton. linen.or silk thread. ,It lienis, fells. cords. braids and gather. A Complete Set of the most ap- proved attachments with eqchMachine. I WITH OR WITHOUT MUSIC, AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL Estate ,Notice. OTICE is hereby given Io all parties hav- ing claims against the estate of the late JOHN VI RUPERT. late of the village of Patterson,'|'ownsbip of Vaughan. deceased. to send in statements oftlie same, within one month from this date. to the undersigned, and all parties owing the estate are required to make a settlement as soon as possible. We would beg to call the attention of those wonting ï¬rst-class machines to be 'sure and see THE ‘WEBSTER’ before, purchasing any other. I’ricc. ' $35. By calling on, or addressing the undersigned he would gladly give them the privelege of ex- amining the tin-chines JOHN H. STONEHOUSE, Travelling agent for Vaughan Gr. Whitcliurch. HAGEIunN I’,(). H. Reason. general agent for the following Townships : Vaughan, York. Scarburo’. Mark- MARY RUPERT. Administ' ntriz. 827- ~‘ Patterson, Ma 1(7374. \ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. »' A weekly journal of Current Events. Literature. Science and Arts \griculture and Mochnnics, Fashion and Amusement. Sod at lllc a number at the Hnnnw "we" “we- I" the H ERALD Book Store. ham. Whiwhurch, Pickering. Uxbridge. and Scott, Hmuauns P.O. May 26. 1874 897â€"! y Apprentice Wanted a Mucfariand, a Stokes, and a countless num- ber of less celebrated assassins, tenderly treated, indeed? What an ominous head- ing was that which recently introduced the narrative of a deed of blood in a. paper in New Yorkâ€"“ Yesterday’s Murder I†Until law, as an instrument for the redress of inâ€" jury to person, property, or good name, is in the States something less of a mockery than at present, the horrors of lea: talonis will continue to appall those of the commu- nity who would be law-abiding citizens. Christianity has done a good deal ; birt much domains to be elfecled before the majority ofinen will passively submit to any injury. Immediately, to learn th e Harness Business. Apply to ‘ Wu. HARRISON. Rich 110m! Hill. Julie 9, [87_4. 8'29-tf S C H 0 O L REQUISITES OE kinds aithe HERALD Book Store. ALL ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES, at the .IIERALD Book Store. AMES. TOYS, so, rvou SALE AT the Harman Book Store. MONEY T0 LEND $2000,T0’LOAN on ï¬nk-class Mong-tgs Securityâ€"m sums from $500 up- wards. Applyito M.TEEFY. . N. LYN I‘Z'I‘T, (As Executors of the Estate of the late Martin Brennan.) Richmond Hill. June I, 1874. TIP-828 B wk Store. G PER. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT OLD I’ENS, PENHOLDERS, AND pencil cases til the HERALD Book Store I Manufacturers of Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, (£13., .}~c., Lath, Shingles, Richmond Hill. lumber Inï¬llâ€"Ell. Grooved, Surface Plancdjii Short “Nice 01? Order _s Solicited. Richmond Hill. Feb. 18. 1874. 13 glglintltitral élllnllltttlmlï¬. TORONTO AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE! 132 Adelaide Street; East. The larrg at seleclllm of Acniouu‘uu IMPLEMENTS ! H.413 VES In the Dominion. FIELD A16; EGARDEN S E E D S 3 WM. RENNIE} 779-tf 'I‘ouon'ro. Our. Harness! Harnessll Harnessl! W. TITâ€"Myers 133ml†making to order nnd willlendcavor Io .kcep on hand .A SUPERIOR STOCK l It. Single 8: Double Harness Which he will Warrant to be as. GOOD AND CHEAP l‘ As can be got clsuwhere. Richmond Hill. Feb. II, ’73. @Itntngnmltg. ' ‘THOS: B. CUUPLAND, 1N returning his sincere thanks to his friends and patrons for past favors Would respect- tully intimate that he has now gothis NE W GALLERY! Fitted up in ï¬rstâ€"class style. and that he is now prepared to take all kinds of pictures in the latest styles of the art. PICTURES Fajitas, GOPIE , 0R ENLARGE!) I All work to be PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED. CHARGESTIODERATE. l Remember the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. THOMAS B. COUPLAND, Richmond Hill Feb. 26, ’74 WILLIAM THOMPSON General Blacksmith llMachinlsl Has leased the MUNSHAW BLACK- ‘ SMITH SHOP. RICHMO_N_D HILL. Jobbing done in all its Branches. and neatly done‘ U 8 1 Butt I the HERALD Book Store. the HERALD Book Store. . For sale, Photographer. Horseshoeing i Thom-(Jilly, Carefully, (I? A share of patronage is solicited. 450 “gr I B L E S 0 C I E TY DEPOSITORY Richmond Hill. March 25. 1874. (chhmond Hill brunch) at the HERALD ' ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT TATIONERY on ALL ,_KIND8§:AT Richmond Hill, June 4, 1374. 82S â€" Emitting for 5MB, rivo'}.oas-Hsnivb‘zon F 013 SALE. ON Yongo Street, Richmond Hill. also ten acres with Good! Dwelling House and Out- buildings, just outside the Richmond Hill Cor- poration. And A mm It 69 AND A mar AERES Being part of lots 3 and 4. let Con. Township of Uxbridge. Apply to . JACOB MORDEN. Richmond Hill. Jun. 8,1574. 8074f House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. with a barn stables. and other outbuildings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise- m I". CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. '72. 353-3m Village Lots for Sale. _â€" HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village lots. situated n the village of ‘ VICTORIA SQUARE! The lots contain About ()mfflh of an Acre, - And are located at the North-west corner of lot No. 35, 4th concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages- Apva(if by Ieticr.prepuid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Squars,or io ‘ WM. G. H1NGS'I‘ON. ‘ Dingle P. 0. March 97.1879. 714-tt‘ FARM FOR SALE. good farm, being lot No 30, in the Con. of Vaughan, :cos'rsiuiso 50 Acres of First-class Land, There is a good House. Barn. and it very su- perior Orchard of Young Fruit T toes; in good Well of Wale on the premises, 3 miles from Rithinond Hill and about'Z'o miles from To- ronto. I’rice $2.500. Applr to JAS. LANG-STAFF. ILD. Richmond Hill, April 23. '74. 822-“. 2n< ï¬llsctllamuï¬. i DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF. ICHMOND HILL, WILL.GENE-e rally be found, at home from 2 to‘ 3 o’clock. r M. John Elliott Lungsth is authv orized to collect accounts. ‘ February 4th. l873. 759‘] v BLAKE a KINGSFORD. _» ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- ciiors, Coiiveyuncers, &c.,&.c,, . nrrcr:s.â€"-No. 56. Church Street. Toronto. nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE. R. E. Kmasronn. M.A. .Toronto July 28. I873 7c4-tf 8. JAMES, P County Engineer. Draftsman 6w. Surveys. Plans, Descriptions, Reports, Plans of bridges, Speciï¬cations. Forms of contract. Security Bonds, 5w . executed with nonlinear and despatch. No. 4 Trust and Loan Buildings. Corner of Adelaide and Toronto streets. TORONTO. Union Home. NIONVILLE. Passes run in connecti'o with each train. Commodious sample room. THOS. HUNTER. Proprietor. ’ October 24. M3. 79‘? T A LARGE STOCK OF TEAS. Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. Waggon Felloes.aiid Lumbersawedto otdbi‘. ggmnzthened, Also a ï¬ne assortment of Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. .1. NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKIIAM. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" truction of the Anglo American House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those large and c’ommodioul premises belong- ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speiglit &. Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation nï¬â€™orded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connection with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. - D. WOO'I‘I“._N. Sept. 4. 1872. 7374f Painting. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS‘ To NOTI: fy the public that he has recommeuced business at HOUSE PAINTING 1 In all its branches. and from his eXperIeiice, careful attention, and moderate charges, he hopes to receive a share of the public patron- All orders by mail promptly attended to. JOHN LUMLEY, Church St.. Markham Village. Italy 8. 1873. 755-6in SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON To Weeklv Pi'POI’S. renewed at the Ilium.» ,Boolt Store. Richmond IIan LONG LIFE _PILLS FAMILY BIBLES, At $1.82. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the ROVINGIAL LAND SURVEYER‘,“ Till ' i ..i- lllllllll. Wl'llll “.- * 1s made. in All siiies‘ suitable ‘ for Ladies and Gents, both I m gold and silver. Butthe accompanying, cut r'eprel seuts in proper proportions 11' THE $25 RUSSELL HUNTING - IEVER whorl, In Sterling silver case and gold points, not jewelled, warranted for ï¬ve yearsâ€" together with a I\gold- lated ' Albert chainâ€"whic will be sent to any part of Can- ada. on receipt of $25, 01' C.‘ O. D., per express. W. E: CORNELL, fl I‘v'atch Importer, 5‘3 King Street East. TORONTO. ONT. t l l l r c 'MAY'OR’iS- I‘oii BALI: BY Ii u.Lmv.nn'i‘ggzn, April 9’. 187... Richmond Hill 3 A FRESH sorrm, HERALD Boon S-rosn. , Richmond Hill. [ THOMAS SEDMANJ ARRIAGE AND WAGoN MAKER,- Undortaker. &c. Rnsxonscnâ€"Neariy opposite the Post‘ Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. FATTENS HORSES, cows, CALVI‘I‘S‘, Sheep and I’ips. ‘ It Faltens in Oneâ€"fourth the usual time, and saves Food. Price 25 cents and $1 00 per box. A dollar box contains Mo hundred feeds. CATERPILLARS‘ . 0n Currant Bushes and F rut't Trees. THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Destroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. Sold by Druggists and Storekeepers at95 cents per box. I . , .. HUGH MILLER & CQ... Agricultural Chemists. Toronto. TICKS 8-H SHEEP. USE MILLR’S TICK DESTROYER. It destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of the wool, and improves the condition of the animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep o‘r 3’1 lambs. HUGH MILLER & CO.'._ AGRICULTURAL Gunmen,“ I 167. King Street East, Tdrc'tifo. For Sale by Druggisis and Stor‘eke'epeiis. R. E. LAW. A‘g’é’i'il. Richmond Hill. Datent Eaveâ€"trough AN Elli: glean Watch. ' A "cilllrnilnl__ll3illltu râ€" ' Amelican Provitices'._. gum attainme- uFon THE BLOOD rS'ruE’ Lirnm' CLAEKnï¬ WORLD rAMHl _BLODMIXTUIIE Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.†THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER ounsronmt" For cleansing and clbaring the blood fromI all iinpurites, cannot be tob highly recommen- ded . For Sci-ofnla. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and ' Sores of all kinds it is a nevlirlfailii'ig and per- manent cure. It cures old Sores. h Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs .. Cures Blackheads. or I’imples air the M88; Cures Scurvy Sines: _ I (lures Cnncerous Ulcers; U Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. (lures Glandular Swallings. Clears the Blood from all impure mattei‘. From whatever cause arising. . As this mixture is pleasant to the lasts, and warranted free from anything injurious to thd viiost delicate constitution of either sex. the Proprietor soliéits sufl‘erers‘ ti: giro it a trial to. test. its value. ' I‘housands of testimonials from all parts: Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each. and iii Cases. containing 6 times the quantity. 4 dollars each-" .iulhcient to effect a permanent cure in the' great majority of long standing t-asesJiY ALL‘ (:HEVIIS'I‘S and PATENT MEDICIr‘l E VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor. r. J. Cl.AflKE,;Chetiiist,‘ APOTHECARIES’, HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. ~ Sold in England by all Wholesale I’nteu‘ ' Medicine Houses. ‘Wholesals Agents for Pihviucoil bi oin‘usn’ and Quebec :--‘i EVANS, MERCER 8'; Cb.;1IlIontreaI A PHBLIO CAUTION; Holloway'ls Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor soldlin the United States. although they may be obtained III the B.‘ N. Each Pot and Box of my prepiirdtiou bear- tho Rritish Government Stamp. with the words. “I Hullowny’s Pills and Ointment. London." engraved thereon. , .. . . It has become necessary to make this ail-é uouncemeiil, because the New York Chemicn Compauy(who puyhuobody). ï¬nding at half that their name has been so exposed, have aa- sumed the title of “ Holloway and 00.; †but; ,Bvell now. no one will buv their medicines di- lrect from them,eo that they have made urn rnngenieiits to supply exclusively the ï¬rm of Messrs Henry and 90., of New York. _with their su-calléd “Holloway's Pitts and onto! menu". . , r - .. c v . ,. . _, It is presumed that, from the large connec- tion Messrs Henry and Co. have in the Brilirh Provinces and elsewhere, the public, is very likely to be‘imp‘osed upon bviiusctjupulous veuv (Iqu and: others unless they exprcise great caution to preventtlieir being misled, by ï¬nd: iiig these medicines bearing a stamp with the name of " Holloway and Co.,New York." printed thereon. , . _ Many respectable ï¬rmsï¬in thé British Prov- inces. whopbtiiin’ my medicines direct, from h'ere.'h.liave. very pi;operly.sug§ested that I should, for the beneï¬t of themselves aud’thd, public, insert their names in the moors. that“ it may be knownflthat my medicines can be‘ had genuine from them.’ .The following is a hit of the ï¬rms alluded to: and vaarticularly recommend those who, desire to get my;_medicin’d§ to apply to sonic: of the Houses named ;+‘- Messrs Avery. Brown & Co), Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsrth & Co., Halifax. N S. Messrs T.’ B Ba rker & Sous. St. John, NJ}: ' M“ 'i‘. Des Brisny, Charlotte Town, PILL“ ' ' Messrs Langley & Co . Victoria. B.C. Messrs Moore& (20.. Victoria, 3.0. Dr. John Fallen, Chatham. N. B. Messrs Munro & Co . Montreal. . Messrs .I. Witter & (36., Héti'filtoti. C. W: , Mr H. .l. Rose. Toronto. Mr,le Ch‘ipman Smith. St John. MrJohn: Bond, G»‘dl'icll, Orit. Messrs Elliot 8: Co.. Toronto. '1 Mr J Chaloner. St. John, N. B . Messrs Haiiiiington Brothers. St. John, N Mr R. S. Priddv. Windsor, Out. Mrs Orpeu. Morden, N.._S. , _ , Mr George C. Hunt, Juii..,.Fiederic‘fcri'. N.- If. Mr W. H. Thompson. Harbor Grade, N.F.L. ltlr,J.,M. Wiley. Frederickiori..,N. B. . ‘Messrs & I). I uile. Montreal. My Pills arid Ointment are sold at the Iqweiij wholesale net prices. in quantities of not’ less than £20 wotthâ€"viz.. 8s lid†52-25., 34s.,per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittances mast be sent in advancesl Chemists and other Vendors of Hollowny’s genuine Pills and Ointment may have their names inserted in the local papers if they will please apply here-,4 THOMAS HOLLOWAY. ’N. B.‘ .n‘; 533. Oxford Street. H7. 0.. London, March 315:, 1874 . .a 830 _ Fellows’ Compound . , SYRUP 0F HYPQ‘I’HOSPHITES.‘ .. i'.'... \'.| .I: Alanna-endowed bodies." whetherthev ts Roast, Birds, Reptiles. Insects or oven' ii: pliites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by ritulforcc, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save them from. destruction . when this principle leaves them, the discovery. of means whereby vitality may be sustained in the living body is indeed a boon to the world. I V Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- D WATERSPQUTS FOR THE DO Lion and discovered, the ingredients constitu- MINION. at $5 Per l00 leek. A Also “90" ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and find! ing arid-otherdrumber Dressed ; 'Sap Bufï¬kels. that by introduciriglthese ingredients in proper PallSvC'deTMllls-Wflsmng MACIT'MEvSl'mllleS ' proportions the brain and nervous system are Forp articulars address JOHN LANGs'rArtr, Steam Mills,Tho’rii Thornhill. Nov. 3. I863. ‘ 510-.tf J, RIUHMIINII_II_ILL MILLS! GEORGE ct DAVID BIRRELL EG to informlMerchants Bakers Sr. Farmers ‘ V V that they have alwiiivs on hand a large Emaciatiou,w1iether arising front sqdeiitan_ 1 stock of riserâ€"CLASS FLOUR sinner good return and well manufactured. Hiauss'r ï¬nalisi- tinfoil: FAID res WHEAT. Richmond Hm rich Mills. Oct 15. 1373 RICHMOND“ s T A B‘ L s . Harsés and,Vehicles for hits. _ Charges mo- dérnle. Opposite Sï¬iiderSDii 52. Solis. Richmond Hill. Dec. I4. ’72‘.‘ 75I-3in HARRISON. OSLER g. MOSS, AHHISTERS, so, NOS. 36" Ann 38 King Street East, Toronto. Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872.. 7504f E l elieap’at the Hutu; Book Store. Ii ill. JOHN isnowN. l'froprietor. This}; then. is snbstairtially 'thie basis a which FHLLow’s IIYPOPHQEI’HITEB is builtJIU ‘ direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nerio‘usSysiem. and the Muscles. Strength. _ citing the nervssvit causes the rapid distriblo‘ tion (it Vitalited Blood in the Muscular Oran. ‘ of the Body. , ,1, . . _ Rousing the , Sluggisli Heart and Liven;| strengthening the action of the Stomach and; Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ulIy‘IIJ- fluted wnli Oxygen. V W _ A, It is adapted for ALL cases of Weakness una _ life. a tropical climate, from fever or, nobility;I from any cause, and is efï¬cacious i‘n‘I’uLMo- l mini! CONSUMPTION, many confirmed ' on“: having been cured and all bencï¬ttod. _whoro Itl' Parties favoring lit} with grists may my one use has been continued over a fortnight. In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Asthma it gives relief where every other remodyvfuill.‘ For Nervous Deblllfy it stands unrivalled, ‘ and mar he used with conï¬dence his" one“: As this is entirely distinct and different every other preparation of Ilytpopho‘ii‘phites, In. careful to ask for FLLL6ws’ Summit“ tall. HILL I V E R Y uooihcr. SOLD B r A POTH EQA'RI'E'R‘ Price. $160; Six for $760. JAMES 1.15? I Lou/solicits 4.3 Ni. Jonn. N-B One 130:: ofClSarke’s: 341 Pine IS warranted to cure all disiharges [from the: Urinary Organs, iii either sex acquier or coiistitulior sl. Gravel and Pains in the Back, Sold in Boxes. $1.50 each.by all Chemists and" Patent Medicine Vendors. - 'R_ A. HARMSO-Nyqvé. E. Sole proprietor, I“. J. CLARKE. 1 Tamil. MoSs‘, (1.0 W.A rosimi. ' APO’I‘HECARIFS’ HALL. LINCOLM; CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALcoNBtit‘nau ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Farm" Medicine Houses. VVIIOII'FEIO Agents for I’i‘oviiides' of Ontario. WELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE and Quebec: EVANS. 23053 a 00- manna: