About tltree- narters of a mile up the mack is situate the Union Cemetery, of which Mr Calver is sexton. and a short dis~ ï¬ance from it is the Catholic Cetneterv, ad‘ ï¬nining which is the house of Mrs Hurley. "The two Families being very intimate. Miss Mary Culver had been on a \isil to Mrs Hurley's house on Thursday evening, and 3Mr Daniel Hurley had proffered his services do escort her home, which she accepted As the two were walking along the track that being the nearest wav to Mr Calver‘s house. they heard f'ootf'alls behind them, of which, 'rhowever they took no notice, thinkingr that home boys wene playing there, as is usually {the case at that hour. Mr Hurley then flurned .to see who the boys were, when he saw a flash and heeame conscious that he had been injured in the eye, but not, for some moments (lid he tealize that he had been shot, which was the-W;~1he~ ball- having cut-wed his forehead. just above the eye, ,uifliciently near to affect the sight, tlntl for ythe‘momcnt to leave the impression that the eye itself' had been pierced. immediately afterward. Hurley having fallen, he became conscious of' two other shots being ï¬red, which afterward proved to be those ï¬red at )liss Culver, one of which entered her left‘ ,oheelg,-and passed out just below the ear. -Slte did not fall. however. and Huzle disâ€"' .eharged anothershot, which lodged in her' week, when she fell, mud-the would'be mur- .derer dragged her alongside the track. suy \ipgdn a-voice of the .utmost anger, “ lie there and die, and was on the point. ofï¬t'ing ,at her again when the yoqu lady, with f_.;:reat presence of mind. said feehlv, but for-= Ftnnatelv so that he could hear her, “I rm fitlat'ï¬Calver.†which perfectly staggered {the ltlttttraltd in a voice of' agony he ex- Kclaimed, " My God, I've-made minister 1†He then lifted the girl up, and asking has‘ ‘if she was able to waik. assisted her towards gller father’s house, all the way expressingJ flnsmnneet regret for what he had donen1 5314- éHurley in the meantime had managed 40 reach the house and was just telling the; jnmates o“ the occurence when the girl orâ€" irived, accompanied by :Hazle. who, as soon ,tu‘vt‘he family put. in an appearance, made his escape and has not since been heard of. Some of the family immediateiy drove to ï¬lm resilience of [En t‘fleroé, who promptlyI .respondeditodhe call, and rendered all the gussistance in his power. Soon after Dr. ¢Herod had left his ofï¬ce, a man left a note fthere. of which the following is a copy : â€" “ Dr. Herod,â€"~Some people have? .been ‘vgsihpt. ,Gogo‘cqttageut‘the back of the Ca- {Jhoiicv'Cemetvy next-ï¬le railway track at ronce,â€"for God’s singed“ -Qiheimanmasumtweeomï¬md, and no clue lhas yet been obtained as to who he can be. Dr. Herod reports that he has .extracled Ahe ball from .the >hend of.the young man «Hurley. and unless brain fever superveues ï¬le is likely soon to recover. With regard to Miss Culver he iis .not 50?. :snnguiue. as the ball which entered'her neck ,took a downward and inward course, and though it is believed that it has lodged in «the muscles in the lower part of the neck it (may have ranged either furtherm or further ,down, in which case it may even it she re» pcpyer, prove very troublesome. Should in‘ {ï¬guration uf the parts ensue it is feared the ‘rcase Will prove fatal, as the girl is now in such a low condition that the least turn might alter all the hopes and calculations of ‘Erfflerod. A few days ago. however. her father heard that she had been seen walking onthe track of the W. G. & B. Railway in company with some young men whom he had months ago warned her not to associate with. He be- came exasperated, and repented the threat he had frequently made to the girl herself when at, home, that if he caught her he would kill her and anybody whom he might. ï¬nd with her. For some days he continued in this frenzied state and symptoms of' the insanity which is believed to be an hetditary disease began to show themselves. On Thursday last he heard that she had been wandering about the country since her esâ€" cape from the Magdalen. and that. she was when somewhete in the neighborhood of the Catholic Cemetery, in company with some youths whom he had personally threatened some months ago. He gave no intimation ms to what his intentions were, but armed himself with a seven-chambered revolver, and started up the track in search of her. The sorrow and disgrace Whlt'h the girl had brought upon the inmin so for affected Mr Hazle that to reclaim her from the vi‘ ciuus course she was pursuing. he took ud‘ v-ntage of the trace of insatiin which was apparent in her uetinns, to have her pla'ted in the Guelph jail as a lunatic, the certiï¬- cate having been signed bv Doctors Herod and Worsfalal. and there can be no doubt from the report of these gentlemen that she was somewhat seriously affected. All appli cation was shortly afterwards made to the uroper authorities for her admission to the lmnutic Asylum. but no notice was taken of the appeal, probably on account of the crowded state of the asylum at that. time. Mr Hazle then-upon placed her in the Mag- dulen Asylum in Toronto, where it soon be come evident that she was strifering from disease contracted in some unaccountable wny. and she was removed to the Hospital from which she shortly afterwards made her escape, and for some time it was not known where she was. John Hazle, a shoemaker, who has lived in Guelph and raised a family there, has for some time been very seriously troubled by the wayward and vicious disposition ef his daughter, a girl of about. sixteen, and has made repeated efforts to reclaim her, but to no purpose. She seems to have been suffer ing from what would certainly appear to be a premature attack of nymphonmnia, and was certainly minted with insanity, us the following facts will establish. Un Thursday last, a rumor reached To lento that a determind attempt at double murder had been made in the ordinarly quiet town of Guelph. The facts, as gleaned from the Globe and other sources appear to be these :â€" .Up 40 the pigment, nothing has been wheard of'Hazle. and it is believed he is hidl ‘ing in the bush about four miles from .Guel h, In the neighborhood of Shirley’s Bloch, with the hope of meeting: his «laugh- ,terkwhois also suppos2d to be prowlin! .abgut theseme neighborhood. It‘he should mspmtto meet her there can belittle doubt that, hepyill kill her, and afterwards himself, as his position now has become such that he would be prepared for any desperate deed. ,regardless of the consequences. which could mohbe worse than what he must now expect should he be captured. Meanwhile an act. i:ive search is being made for him. and the {:oliee in the surrounding towns and villages ' site been notiï¬ed. Great, sympathy is expressed for the two "injured persons and their families, as well as the family of the would be-murderer. Pity is also felt for Hazle himself. as he has a wife 31nd four children in Guelph. l v TWO PERSONS SHOT DY MISTAKE. Sing}; thlegbove was in type, a telegram was'ryecvei‘vpgfrom Oshawa that Hazle was ,nrrested at an hotel in that. place shortly aï¬ Â«er his arr‘iyal. He admits that he commits .4-d the agt yith which he is charged, but feels keenly that he shot two innocent parties. He is now conï¬ned in the cells, awaiting the a'u'ival of uh oflingr from Guelph. Tragic Affair at Guelph. IMMBNSH STIHIK Spring and Summer “ \VEBSTER†NOVELTIE S I. CROSBY’S lhal Ihe “lobster Sowing: Mullins In- been before lhe public onlv about Gigi-teen lllOlIlhB and the unprecedunlcd number of uvar ten thong-Ind .lmva been sold an so short a lime is sufl’nejbm vto nonvinco (he most increduluns of the superio‘riQLOf tlntwmmn over all others. TAKING inbowasidewtiou the fact GROCERIES! Great. Bargains I: carriedofl-nafly all the lending prizaxs (or the full of |8?.3. It is constructed in the most simple. 40M and substantial manner; cou- sequenlly loss liable to get out of repair. it is ab simple to hnï¬dle that lb}: operator can adjust the rtilch or regulate ï¬lo tension while the machine is in mmiou. 'l‘ho Wusrnn w>l| do aHkinda of work.heavy or light.conrro or ï¬ns. it has a slrnigln needle. make- tlw lock MiICh. perform yerl'rc! sewing on every dencriplion ol‘ Innwrinl, with collon. linen. or silk ‘hread. It henna, fells. colds. braids s“ when. THE ‘W EBSTER’ A Completg Se; 01: the_ 751.03}. ap- proved t'lttachmt: with each Machine: We wou‘d be: to call the nitomion of thus. wonting ï¬rst-clues machines to be sum and see before purchasing any other. l’riee. $35. By calling on, or addressing (he undersigned he would gladly give them the privelege of ex. uminiug the mrvhinrs. JOHN H. S'I‘ONEHOUSE, Travelling agent. for Vaughan 6b Whilchurch. H Amman! P,O. H. Reason. general agent for the following Townships : Vaughan. York. Scnvhoro'. Mark- ham. Whimhuroh, l‘ickoting. Uxbridge. and Scott. Immediately, to learn th e Harness Business. Apply to WI. HARRISON. HURRAH! ‘ ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES, ‘ at tho HERALD Book Store. Which will be sulcl cheaper than ever. CALL AND EXAMINE. May 26. 1874 Richnond Hill. Juno 9, 1874. gr}; (gnaw, ï¬rnrtriw. FIRE-PROOF. STORE, 0 H9 0 L REQUISITES OF ALL kind: at the HERALD Book Store. AMES. TOYS, &C., rm; SALE AT the Hggtéyp {590k Storei “‘ " ' DAILY ARRIVING AT THE IMPROVED Apprentice Wanted at. tho HERALD Book 'Stona; Also an Immenee Stack Qf Grout and Dry Goods Merchant, RIC H MON DI HILL FOR L CROSBY. Hnauuu N l’.O. 827-] y 8294f Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. I Always on hand. THE TEA CHEST rl‘HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of ro- lnrnilg his vincere thanks to his numerous friend: for their Liberal Patronage while occu- pying the “one known as the " Ton Chest. " Richmond Hill. Ind Would state that he ha: sold out. his lIHOVOflt in the about Establishment to Mr 0. SHEPPARD. and would bespeak their panel-ago Ind support for his .‘uccessur. DOMINION TEA HOUSE FAMILY GROCERIES ! Suitable forthe trade of Richmond Hill. and vicinity and wfllnlways endeavor to ham» to the jinxles with .1 ,. » SEASQNABLE GOODS And hopsa In receive the continued patronage ul'tha (Invlomerl LI his l’l'Gdecasun, hv alien- tion 1n their mum: and selling as cheap as it is possible to do. ‘ Always on land and can be got at 11'6 can“ store in the Village. Richmond Hill. July lath, 1874. BRA N, SHORTS Slum. CHURCH PSALTER HYMN BOOK. EYER’S SUPERIOR FLOUR 40 Cents to 133 per 1b. Q1131) 1U dDé/L’ Agents wanted ! All clung of working people. of either sex. voung or old. ma ‘3 more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the lime. than at nuy‘hinz alas Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & 00., l’orLlaud, Maine. Cordwood in any Quantity. Goods Delivgrqd ~Promptly $5 TO $20 Used in Rho English Churle at Richmond Hi! lad ThornlIiH Full supplv, OTICE is hereby given lo all parties hav- ‘ in; claims against the estate of the late JOHN W. RUPERT. law of the village of I'ulealon,'l‘owuship of Vaughan. deceased. lo and in statement; of the sauna, within one month from this date. to the undPrsisv-“ed, and all parties owing the estate an; a a required to nuke n seltlemcm asxspm; as possible. F R U I '1' JA RS, Cheaper than Ever. Mortgugs Sudrityâ€"iu sums fromv$500 up- wards. Apply to M. TEEFY. N . LYN E'I‘T, (Al Exocutors of the Estate of the late Martin Bnnnun.) Richmond Hill, June 1, 1874. 12-828 TINWAHE, A great variety-cheap WITH OR WITHOUT MUSIC, ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEE NE WS. ' A weakly ioumnl of Current Events. L" A weakly journal of Current Events. Lilomture. Science and Arts. \gn‘cullure and Mechanics, Fashion and Aluasement. Sod at 101: a number at the HERALD “NW Suite. MONEY TO LEND $2000,T0 _LOAN_on ï¬7:zx_t-clasa I B L E S Q GI E TY DEPQSITORY “Mahmoud Hill brunch) at the HERALD 8 30k Snow, ONTARIO HOUSE GREAT Eâ€"ARGAINS z THE BEST FAMILY HA RVES T T O O L AGREA'I‘ VARIETY. COLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND J pencil paws at thg Ilmuyp pools Slog'e BOOTS a: SHOES APEX BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT the Hum“; Book Store. N reference to the «have the Subscribe hegno any that he will keep a large and fresh stock of E'GROCERIES,‘GI Patton“ , M a Great Bargainsfor 30 days: GOOD GREEN TEA ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA In order to make room for 1‘ all stock. GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. hmond Hill. Feb. 19. 1874. Che-pot lhlll any House in Town. bio for presents at the HERALD Boox CHANGE OF HANDS. ‘1' THE Estate Notice. The bus that can he go I. RICHMOND HILL. HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL ï¬rmï¬â€˜w, When Ordered. amvm 0“. daily FROM AND 1874. MARS; MEET. ALEX. MOODIE. PER DAY. J. BROWN. 825-“ Adminisl 'iurin 8274 FLCUR "Fitted up in ï¬rst-class style. and that hp, is “0% ‘prepnred to take all kinds “C plcmres' in‘lhe ‘ latest 1213158 of the art. GOOD AND CHEAP! Remember the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. THOMAS B. COUPLAND, Surface Planed.inSh0rt thcc [113' Orde? s Solicited. :oi‘ Single 8: Double Harness Which he will Warrant to be as PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, (If? A share of patronage is solicited. $0 Richmond Hill. March 25. 1874. BlSâ€"tf PAID NR WHEN ORDERED. Ilorseshoeing 7horoughly, Carefully, and neatly done. Harness! HarnessH Harness†TH OS. B. CUUPLANDa.» Richmond Hill Feb. 26, ’74 lumber Tongued, A SUPERIOR STOCK! General Blacksmith Machinist BAHNAHD’S SH] STAND SIEN DP THEâ€"HA6 STAFF. ALEX; MOO DIE Talus this opportunity of returning his sin- coro thanks in his uumni'ous friends for their liberal suppou since commencing businasi on Rielimond Hill. I have leased the above premises for a term of years where I will en- deavor, by slricl atienlion to business, (0 meet the wants of my friends and customers with a choice selection of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Latk, Which wille sold as dump as any other house. A fresh supply of Grocerieu, consist- ‘mg of choice H'ï¬RDW.&RE, A general assortment on hand, consisting of Brandies, W'z'm’s, Malt é‘ Rye whis/ccys. Severn’s Ale in Bottles. Doors, Teas from 500138 to $1 Pure and free {40m adulteration. All kind) of Flour and Feed constantly on hand. All kinds of produce taken and the highest price paid. Goods Delivered Promptly when ordered lST PRIZ E MAGER & QUANTZ! GARDEN & FIELD TOOLS, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, &c. WINE 85 LIQUORS GOOD & CHEAP, Harness Establishment. NE W GA LLER Y! N returning his sincere thanks to his friends . and patrons for [mat favors would respect- fully intimate that ho has now golhis 8.1m†making to order an}! willgendeavor to keep on hand ‘ As can be got ulsoï¬lhere. Richmond Hill. Feb. 11, ’73. Ilaa leased the MUNSHAW BLACK- SMITH SHOPI Richmond Hill, Feb. 18. 1874. RICHMOND HILL IASH AND 11mm I'AflTflR WILLIAM THOMPSON ALEX. MOODIE. Richmond Hill, June 17. ’7‘}: «Si Richmon d Hill, April lb, l|§2"4.§21-3m Jobbing done in all its Branches. ENLARGED 2 RICHMOND HILL. CHARGES MODERATE. Single and Double, HARNESS! RiCHMOND HILL. “.WM. HARRISON. W. H. Myers Richmond Hill. guntugmphy. Blinds, Mouldings, Manufacturers of All work to be AT THE &c., 4%, AND letug ruphor. EIDUVBd, Shingles, Sashes, 321-†MAJ D To Weekly Papers. rec-indie: my Bumpy . $99k Stale, Riullmogd Hip-m. \There is a good House. Burn. and a very su- parior On-hurd of Young Fruit 'I‘ was; ugood Well of Wale on tha premises, 3 mi!" from Richmond Hill and about 2'! miles from To- ronto. l'rice $2.500 Applv to JAS. LANGSTAFF. 31.0. And are located at the North-west corner of lot No. 35, 4th conceSsion of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers cuu gel steady work nud high wages Applvï¬f by |8Llcr.pre|mid) to Henry Jenningu, Victoria Square .ur lo WM . G. HINGB'I'ON. 50 Aues of First-class Land, 1L ; mlly he Found at 'llomo from 2 to 3 o'clock. r m. John Elliott Langslaï¬' is anth- orized to collect accounts. NlONVlLl.E. Bussos run in connectio with each twin, Commodioua sample room. For sale, good farm, being 101 No 30,inthe Qnt Con. of Vaughan, Icon“):st J . N. BLAKE. I 1 County Engineor, Draftsman 6w. Surveys. Plans, Dewriptions, Reports, Plans of bridges. Speciï¬cations. Fotma of contract. Securlly Bonds, &c.. executed with nemuusa and dospnlch. No 4 Trust and Loan Buildings, Corner of Adelaide and Toronto Ilveeu. TORONTO. ‘HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village Inn. situnled FARM FOR SALE. U cixors, Convéyancers, &c., &c..' nl-‘l-‘CBE.â€"N0. 56. Church Street. Toronto. nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. U Hill. containing one mire and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling hon-o. with a burn stables, and other outbuilnings thereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on the prelnism In .I. salea number 1 n the vinage of About One-ï¬fth of an Acre, 1 truclinn of the Anglo American Houso by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those large and commodiouu premiaea belong- ing to Capt. 'l‘. A. Milne. bppoaito Messrs. Spoighl &. Sun’s Novelty Wdi'ks. Markham. Excellent acaommodallon all‘tlrdad for the travelling public and commercial niéb. Livery stables in counacliou with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. D. WOOTBN. Sept. 4. 1872. 7374f Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. In all its Branches. and frbh) his experience, careful anemion, Ind moderate charges. he hopes to recewo a share of the public patron. age' All orders by mail prompfly quenggd to. JOHN LUMIJIY‘ Church St" Markham Villygo. s. JAMES, ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYER, Couuh‘ Enzineor. Draftsman 6w. A FARM 0F 69 AND A HALF ACRES Being purl of 1013 3 and 4. Isl Con. Township of Uxbridge. The people will haVe lhem.lhey say it is as good a boot an notes wilh Good Dwelling Home and Out- buildings, jusl muside the Richmond Hill Cor- pul‘uliun. And W. H. MYERS 65ct LADIES‘ BOOTS Good Boots and Shoes That there is on Richmond Hill. Will not. can not be undeluold. l [lure the largesl assortment of EUMPHITIUN DISTANCE“ ! VICTORIA SQUARE 1 March 97. 1872. Richmond Hill, April 23. '74 Toronto July 28. 1873 THOS. HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24. 1573. 7‘ N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" Fullruury 4th. 1873. JACOB MORDEN. Richmond Hi“, Jan. 8, 1674. 87-“ HOUSE PAINTING 2 Richmond Hiâ€, June 4. 1874. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’79. 753-3m DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, IICHMQND HILL,‘ WILL GENEâ€" BLAKE &. KINGSFORD, ARRIS'ILERS, ATTQBNEYS, SOLI- UBSQRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON Still they come,- auolher case of them ‘NflLUCAS STREET, RICHMOND ‘N Yonge Street. Richmond Bill. also (on OTHERS SELL FOR 80 Ct: TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. mm: 8.15? . House and Lot for Sale, Family Groceries. 1. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. ‘T‘ Paintfgng. SUBSCRIBER 3308‘ To NOT'I. fy the public that he hit r'e'wmmentwd business at Village Lots for Sale. NIPISSING HOTEL, A LARGE STOCK OF yaw-01mm for Salt, gjt-isvtllnmnï¬, Also a ï¬ne monument of Union House. The lots conlnm TEAS. Apply to MARKHAM. R. E. leasronb. M.A l". CRAWFORD. Dingla P. ( 714-! l‘ '755-0111 759- l v 7e4-u‘ Hf. 828 797. THOMAS SEDMAN, ARRIAGF‘. AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. &c. RESIDENCEâ€"Neaer opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. Price 25 cents and $1 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds. It Fattens in One-fourth the usual tame, and saves Food. Desum‘s all kinds of Insectnfdrtilm Vt-mâ€"dDC-al- erpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes Sold bv Druggisls and Storekeepersa195 cents per'box. HUGH MILLER & 00.. Agricultural Chemists. Toronto ATTENS HORSES, cows, CALVES, Sheep and Plus. TICKS ON SHEEP. USE‘ MILLR’S TICK DESTROYER. lt destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of the wool, and lmptoves the condilion of the animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER (21. 00., ND WATEKSPOUTS FOR THE D0 Mlmon, at $6 per IOU fleet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dresmd: Sap Buckets. Pails.CiderMills.Washing Machines,Shinglex Waggon Folloas.nnd LumberSnwedtoordor Forpnrticulursuddress JOHN LANGSTA FF, Syggm Millsfl‘hornhilh 0n Currant Bushes and F mic Trees. 7 THE CHINESE GARDER l‘OVVDER MAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLS ! A FRESH SUPPLY, At $.82. $5, $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the HERALD Boox S'romc. Richmond Hill. “AGRICULTURAL Cmiméh. 167. King Street East, Toronto. Fur Sale by Druggists and Storekeeper», R. E. LAW,AgeM. Richmond Hill. RIUHMONB HILL MILLS! FIRST-GLASS FLOUR & FEED! p ICHMo‘ND‘ HILL 1. I v E R Y Parties favoring us Mm z‘rista [may is‘y on a goud return and well manufactured. GEORGE d’c DAVID BIRRELL Horses and Vehicles Fo'r hire. (‘harg'bs mo- deralb. Opposite Sanderson: &S'0lls. I ( JOHN BROWN; Pro'priaior. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. 572'. 75l-3m D King Street, East; Torpnlo. R. A. HARRNQN,Q,C. I“. OSLVIR. THOMAS Moss,q.c W . A FOSTER. CHAugAns Moss, W. G. Fawaunuumu Tomato. Dec. 4. 1872. 7504f HARRISON‘ OSLER 8; MOSS. BARRISTERS, ML, NOS. 36 AM) 38 King Street East. Torunlo. April 9. 187... Thoruhi". Nov. 3, 1869. HIGHEST MARKEI‘ PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT. Richmond Hill Flour Mllla. Oct 15. 1873 EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SA'AE uhwï¬m the Hunk. Book 510mg AMILY BIBLES, EG to inform Merchants Bakers 6:. Farmers ‘ that they have alwavsi on hand a large muck of Sheep and l’lps. Eh»: gum“ Swatch. Patent Eaveâ€"trough GATE FOR SALE BY ERPILLARS R. E. LAW. Druggiat, Richmond Hill 510-.“ The l'ollowingis a lit! of the ï¬rms alluded lo:and I particularlv recommend those who ‘desire to get my medicines to apply to sum. ofrhe Houses named ;-- Messrs Avery. llroWu 51 Co., Halifax. N.S, Messrs Forsyth 61 Co., Halifax. N S. Messrs 'l‘r Br- Barker-dz, Sonorfl‘twlokn, 'N.’~;'~m* ' '- M“ 'i‘. he; Brisay, Charlotte 'l‘own. P.E.l. Messrs Langley & Co , Victoria. B.C. Messrs Moore 51, (30.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Fallen, Chalham. N. B. Messrs Munro & (30.. Montreal. Met-er .l. Witter & Cu . Hamilton. C. W. M" H. J. Rose. 'l‘ornnlo. Mr A Chlpman Smith. St John. N. 13. Mr John Bond, G-‘drich, Ont. Messrs Eiliol «KL C0., Toronto Mr J Chaletqu St. John. N. B. Messrs llanninglon Brothers. St. John, N. B. Mr R. S. l’riddv. Windsor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Mnrden. N- S. , Mr Genrga C. Hunt, Jnn., Fredericton. N. 3. Mr W. H. Thompson, Harbor Graca, NJ‘JJ. Mr J. M. Wiley. Fredericklon, N. H. Messrs W. $1 1). \ ulle. Montreal. My Pills and Ointment are sold at the low“ wholesale no! pricm. in quantitivs of not leâ€" tllau £20 wmthâ€"viz'. 8s “11.. 29s., 34s.,p0l‘ dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittances mast be sent in ndvunco. Chemists and olher Vendors of Hollowuy'l genuine Pills and Ointment may have their nnmes inserted in the local papers if they will please apply hereâ€"- 533. Oxford Slrml. IV. 0., London, March 315i, 1874 u Suld in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in Cases. conlniuing 6 times the quantity. 4 dollars eachâ€" sulï¬cient to effect a permanent cure in the great n‘ur‘jorily of long standing --ases.llY ALL (2“ EVIIS‘I‘S and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the? world. Sole Proprietor. l“. J CLARKECIIemisl, APUTHECARIES’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Paton! Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provlncol of Omani- and Quebec :â€" EVANS, MERCER 8s 00., Montreal A PUBLIC CAUTION. Many [aspectsMe ï¬rms in the Briliah Prov- lnces. who oblmn my medicines direct from here. have very properly suggested that l should,for the bellaï¬l of themselves and ")6 public, insert their names in the "alters. that itmny be known that my medicines can be had genuine from them. It is presumed that, from the large connec- (ion Messrs Henry and Co. have in the Brilirh l’lovinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous ven- dom and others unless they exercise grout caulinn to pievent their being misled, by ï¬nd- ing these medicines bearing a stamp with the name of " Holloway and Co., New York," printed thereon. It has become necessary to make this all- nouncemom, because the New Yolk Chemical Company (who puv nobody). ï¬nding at last that the†name has been so exposed, have at- sumed the lille of" Holloway and Co.; †bnl, even now. no one will buv their medicines di- rect frum them,co that [hey have made ur- rnngemenmto supply oxclusively the ï¬rm of Messrs Henrv and (‘o., of New York. with: their so‘cailéd " Holloway": Pulls and Oint- megn'.†Holloway’s Pills and Ointment are noilhol manufactured nor sold in the United States, although they may be obtained in the B. N. American Provinces. Each Pot and Box of my preparation hours the Rrilish Government Stamp. wilh the words, †Hulloway’s Pills and Ointment, London." engruvad Ihereon. Fellows’ Comï¬ound ‘ SE RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES: Thousand: of testimonials from all parts. As alllit‘e-endowad bodies; v‘vlibiherlilo'iv H Beast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects oi- 'even 26.8 pliites. and subjects of, the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by rilulfurcc; which blinds all thd springs of existence. and as nothing can Inf.“ them from destination when this principli leaves them, the discovery of means wllorobf vitality may be sustained in the living body II indoed a boon to the wd‘rl'd'. For Scrofula. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and per- manent cure. 1! cures old Sores. Cures Ulceraled Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcemied Sore Legs Cures Blackheads. or Pimples on (he Facc. Cures Scurvy Sores. (.‘ures Canoerous Ulcers. (.‘ures Blood and Skin Diseases. (,‘ures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure mutter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and warranted free from anything injurious {o my most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits suli'erers to give it a trial to test its value. Modern chemistry has ventilated th'u iii“; tionand discovered the ingrediéms bbhmtn- ting the brain. muscles and nerv'eir. hiid II“ that by introducing those illg‘rediéiiii in proâ€? proportions the brain and nervous sylln'l 3'5 strengthened. ‘l i '1~ 1, ii 1. uuuugununru- ‘ . H ‘ , _ This. then. in guibstnntinlly lh'a iiib which FELLDW’s HverI-‘msfh'wh ID. I t, direct uclioii ii: upoh the Bloc . thE Bra ' Nervous System. and the Musclea., Shh. suing the nerves. it causes the rqpifl ‘ inirih‘ tion of Vitaliged Blood in thb Mhsculur Org‘cfl oftheBody. ‘ .‘ ,, . Roij'si‘ng» the»Slugg-is_h Evy-{Lind nuluu mu. v.._.;.‘\,...l p ‘ It is allaptea for ALL Cases of Wé'afdi'ui ‘3‘ Emaci‘nlion,whe1her arising flom sod'o Hfo. llrupicalclimmé.rroih fever of do 'mi from 331v cause, and is eï¬icacious in Pb‘ NARY CONSUMPTION. man-y conï¬rmol ‘0 I“ having heen cured 'ahd all beneï¬tléd. Who}. Ii use has been continued nvar a fortnighg - is emirer disti'n'ct and dxfl‘e'r’ah! In†every other preparation! of Hypuphosphi't'o‘lgu careful tousk for [“is'JzIzOWBi Sikblâ€,ild “I. noothor.’ V ‘ I U 7 SOLD BY A POTHE‘OVA‘RIEI Price. $l-50: Six {bi-$750. JAMES 1. Fry LOWS,(J_hQ-_p Trade Mark “Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOODPURIFIER & RESTORER For cleansing rud clearing the blood from all impurltes. cannot but too highly recommenc dud . slrengtheï¬ing ’th'e 2:56in of lhé Stomach I" ‘iowels and enabiing the Lungs to bb ï¬ullyh. timed wnh Oggygen‘g > I A “m In Brdn'chnis it is a speciï¬c. and in Mth it gchs fblief when-aoverv otlmr rbm‘edy hi3: For Nervous Debillty it ata'u'ds unrihllola and may be used with conï¬dante in all “‘qu IS warranted (o cum a“ disthnrges from $01“ Urinary Organs. in nither sex arquiutjhog , constituï¬oual. Gravel and Paint: in the Back-n r Sold in Boxus. $l.5(l each.by all Chemists Patent Medicine Vendors. A ' , “Yd BLOOD MIXTURE Sula proprielm, I“. J. CLARKE. Al’O'l‘HECAIUFS’ HALL; LINCOLI. ENGLAND. »"~;'l‘={‘q Sold in England by all W'holesalo PM Medivino Houses. “ ;r n ,5. > Whn'nsa‘eAgems for Provinces of Onhri. and Quebec ~ ' H - One ï¬ox of Clarke’s B 41 Pm. “FOR THE BLOOD lS'I‘HE LIFE,†LVAHL’ LE Lnégc‘a- Montnat. 32mm aï¬ttflivim, C L A R K E '3 WORLD FAME!) TH OMAS HOLLOWAY. alumni. 1L.