«want. ._ .;-.,.-_,.,-, . 7.; I : . U .. K. I'_ I ,_.-‘(;_.,.w, _ .1 40-- .‘~ ;/ > I NEivnnvanrisununrs. - r . .l . 7 7 . . ~ ND' . ,l 9 3. a . , v , CV ‘03 V 0 M RKET5_ RS CAMPBELLb BOARDI ‘6 A _ _ a ., 1 Masonic Hallâ€"Mr Baddlcy Cooper. @lfllll‘ï¬plfllï¬l’llm. @2le @QWE. l '1 0‘ T__ A DAY SCHOOL tor Young Ladies. Will , ‘ K ,L g yFOl' 8318*James NBWlOH. Sr. g Toronto'Aug, 27, 1874, re-opeu after the Summer vacation on V ‘ 'farmti‘orï¬aie-giiphaï¬ gConuer T'Tr'r": ' “7:†‘:"5’ "’1': "â€" o » k - A , * '_ - FlourrSupei-ï¬ue...†. . .....$ 4 60 ((7) J :0 TUlgspA Y, SEPT. lst, 1874, V OF *‘arm 01‘ SH eâ€" 01“ C’ uarri-e . t ~ T T; S 'n Whoutgxtra“ 5 UU® 5 5 . . ‘ .. ' ' ' . . i -- _ I _ _ 7 ,7 Pour Born. Aug. 21, 1814. Markham Township Conn,“ “99,3 ,0, FEL'cguuu-unu. 5 35 ,m 0 (,0 Richmond Hill. Aug. 1211804. 1' ‘ ‘ z p '7' ‘ ' ' ORTHERN RAILWA‘ Y or CANADA To me Editoroj the York Herald. “3,â€,“mw: (Sam‘ial') 8‘ Hume“ ha" Union' §x"‘“:- g - ’ ‘~ v ' ‘ ‘ i - . . v1 e. uierior‘ x ra...., . ~ " - ~ . M" to a ANat???â€l‘ï¬ï¬..l‘ft.w‘i...... - G ' N m 813. . \ 12 34 13 design I send you a short account of the '“â€"‘_ ~â€" Illorumeal . .......... . .. 2 355330 loam Blazasjnhllgnge .l. IP 0F p 0mg or . A.ll..>'. _p‘m,.. .7 p.m , J _ v n V I $rnu. . . . . . . . .............. ' ’ m ‘ l‘. n . ., Goinï¬ South 9 '6 A M 0 C5 1) m - 9 46 p m liibeinlijiA’nil-Zal Aconv'eli'uou ‘02:)“: Tom]: f M‘ S “ï¬nallyâ€! 3 Bhardin! Md Dmpoi‘mfl wheatâ€"Spring ' . 3‘13"“... 11 g Apply .0 % “Mull i illiliuwtmti ' ~ - "~- - - - us nrisz u ssocm ionsm n one an ill‘ young n 1" 37 rempmm on Tuesday “,9 so“ (,3 an oi, I; ‘ “Hm-JAM TRENCH, V ‘ l . .. ""â€"~#Mâ€"â€~y ***"'* W W " .Quebec. held dining llle past lhl‘Ce (his in lst Prox‘mrh Bar,“ Treadwwm- ~ - 0193,? g ,1] Richmond “in Aug ,1, \ 838.“ Such as aéehconstariltly ï¬lled in e Ery df'umilyi) atb frorlrlr {Fifty to one Handml- per cm; % 61“ 6“ I this town. Port Hope is one 0; the most Pause-.uu..'......:". ' . “I I. 0 70 (I) 0 72 ' ' ' eapert an 6 same 00 S can e Drug t or at. the Retail Stores. 11 8 ll o Tbeu'uitiiful towns in our countiy, its people "TMTM u_ iâ€"-‘ Oats . t 0 49 a 0 00 â€"-0-0â€" V J i / r w . ~ - . n . ’ V ' » have laroe hearts its manv churches are '1 be Carrvdle Union Sabbath School Will HM†.. ...... .... ..... ... 17 00 WI) 92 00 S E A R S , . R m, M, H“), Au" ~28 I874 generaâ€; ï¬ned’lwgm dew“; womhipppp 1% hold their anniversary on Thursdaytbe17th Eggnég'i);ï¬;t;;n-" -.' I? g 1,7; Thornhill ‘ ‘l(. 0‘ .. ' -- - a “ ‘ ‘ - . . ....... . V ‘ ‘ .. ° . ’ luau, who, We myselp’ had 01,, f,.,e,,,.s,me Pmmmo: 1" the P- M Church there- 3,,,,.,,,,,,, harm,“ 2 0,, r,» 225 __ .~ , SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT ion THEM. fliwu *â€" '7’" '7 "W" T ' '7 ' ' "7 A ’ uttou by :he Caren!“ . 0 00 ((D U ()0 " ‘ ' . . - - n ‘ d (ï¬lial/{who had never seen it befo» ’ ~’ i‘ V I" ' V - i A. ‘SI‘ N 01" ‘m _ ' l(in loultry â€"(:eeao_.,, _,.,.,.. 0 60 fl 0 85 R N , _ ~ G ‘7 met wnfh an equally hearty welcome, not The Sabbath School: ponnacled with the Turkeys...†0 :75 (a) I (K; G _.__, , , only in public but at the christian 1 , \Vesloy up and Presbvterian Churches here, Chickens. per [inn- 0 .W ([1) 0 5( The Co‘n‘sel‘vatiwe demonstration in the ,1. 6 180,16 0!; wer: d 1 Zlilomzslo i win hold mm. mm,“ femâ€, rm Thursdav K P0 L M Ducks. . per pair.. gr)» The Ann“, Pic-",0 in ‘3‘, ofï¬hehflï¬imm , fl SOLD FOR . , I, , . . ‘ . “ ) ‘ 4 .-“es “3’ 35ft- ‘ 19 e 0‘ next. the 3rd proximo, in Mr Warren’s r" ,?S' """ ' ' Catholic Church Mission wil to e on ' ' t [:14 1N°flh ‘3 “Ileady Pliny“; ï¬fth fru‘t‘ gates to this cc‘fivcntion, met, according to tri'ove,weatlierand othersthings permitting. Bacon L“"-,;r1"-n-g"" I: 33g '333 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1874, 1 D E A. C H {In fligccrnigc’ moi? Summtjkeab‘y “Frillonï¬emegi’ illfllhe Bi‘PIlSl th'd‘y at lwo m†i “mussâ€"Still-d-u-u- ------u g g g .u' And not to be paid for until you see titre Goods and are perfectly satisï¬ed wiih tmar 'e he - nee ion ‘0‘ 'ie sen “rents 00 i.‘ I he a ern’oon sessron was spent mote .............. t em. ’ . f u ,d 'y d ,v ï¬, d 4,“, in exercises of devotion, hearing reports,-â€" CONCERT. â€"- Mr Baddelov Cooper. am Drasved tlogiI.............. 8' no 52 8 5†THORNEILL, ‘ , _ .0 w P e: an g‘) 6:3 “fl-an a 1 ' principally \vgrbal,_app0intment of comâ€" uounces he will give one of his well~known Lard-- - among-nun" u b “0 fl 7 00 M. 1-1.“; “,0â€; (mch ling character ‘to public opinion. The mittees and election of ofï¬cers {or the en- lilll'mer$llls concerts, in thg Illusimiic Hall. in B“““"'Il‘ho‘fv-- noun-u- __ ‘ T H E P N - 1tl' fl tth‘ ,Nor ' ' ï¬lling yerr. Mr Muir of London, a young His v1. MP. lO'mm‘row (. alnv av) evening, 1 ‘ ' ' - - , ', -~ , - .' c - “an 313’. m ,6 ’ The?†Advocate,“ lszentlemdn of reï¬nement, education, and assisted by (Imminent talent from Toronto. Bfisd Xflpï¬gg'uu NU“ ‘ g 3 Is Immenszy Popula†always gluing E’ln’e satwflwtlon' [Brambndgef’ ï¬le Irma?“ “eWSPal‘CI what is still better, earnest piety, was apâ€" Doors open at 7:15, admission 25 cents. Sn“. ' __I:l:_â€'.'_'_'.'_""_ ".21: l 5,, {a 2 0,, â€"â€" ‘lhero,'und hithertoa consistent supporter pointed to the Presidential chair. Mr Muir See adv’t- \Vool .. , . .., 0 35@ u an “a, been engaged, mm "mm .musomem. I!" Send for List of Goods which are furnished Free of charge. “St: I ‘ 650 1», ‘ ._ performed the onerousdulies of his ofï¬ce Of me ‘ .YL Government’ has come with dignity and christian ui-buuity, and ‘cwiplémY. over, to the Opposition. 1t thereby gave general satisfaction 10 the Con in SF“ The more the t: veulicn. In addition to the ordinary busi- ki‘iq ' n, I, mhsuttered by ness of the Convention, the delegates arâ€" cssm cameron and Boulton, 0n the ianged 10 hold ,Yai'ious other meetings. V‘Tl‘u, are pondered over the more alar. Thus,on the three eveniugs while there,open 'ti ° . - D air services were held on the wharf and on mg the Sheltgommgs of web Tilers as one of the streets of the town. One young “ Mowat, McKcllar and 00., become. man was appointed lo fake the lead, land, “ distric‘ . _ assisted by others, Singing, prayer, and rlel Fn'jhis '07 the People are becom addresses were given, urging Sinners to deâ€" “ mg alive to the fact that their interests (ride for Jesus. This continued for forty H ha “e been 'irrnored in t n _ minutes 01' an hour, before gomg to the hall v n . he [HST “IT or church where the public gatherings took “outvyany prospect of being bettcrcd in place, “ thé'TulUI‘e, SO long as the present men ' 0n the evening of Wednesday a meeting “ remain at the bead ofafl‘airs; and that “they have been made the tools of un- “scrupulous men whose sole Wish has “ been to attain certain selï¬sh ends and “ evade'tbe promises made at the bust- “ ings to beneï¬t the country. w itb , . . , This subject occupied the attention of Mr Andrew Newton. Elvin Mills. has left with us a very lm-Ne hcn's 95:2: it mou- ancs 82 inches by 75 inches. and weighs 5‘I nlanf‘S. The ban is‘onlv l year old. of the Cochin China breed. and is a wonderful chicken. \Ve bone for the interest of all concerned she will continue doing well. Tunrumnos EvrunrsiNMsNT.â€"â€"The 7.0. G. T. will give a Temperance entertainment on Thursday evening next. in the Temperr ance Hall, consisting of pipes. reading. reci. Begs to announce that he will give one of his talions etc. Admission 15 Cents. Children. under 12 year! 10 cents. Proceeds for liquidating the debt on the new organ. For further particulars see “ bills." GRAND PICINIC.~â€"The annual nicvnic in aid of the Roman Catholic Church Mission will he held on Wednesday. September 2nd, at Thornhill. in Mr Seaqer’s grove. An excellent quadrille band has been engaged. and various amusements will be provided for the occasion. Dinner will be served at 12 o’clock noon. Tickets 30 cts; children under 14 years, half price. LAMENrAuLu ()ocunnuxcc.â€" A painful accident happened on Sabbath night last, on Isabella street, Toronto, whereby a young lady Miss Mary E. Dav. daughter of the Rev. E. Day. of Holy Trinity Church, lost her-life. We learn from the evidence given to the Coroner's Jury that the do. ceased was making up the bed for a nick room with her. He took up playfully threatened to shoot her. The weapon being charged, without looking at .it . he ï¬red. and the result was she lost. her life. It adds one more to the numerous in stances of accidents occurring through the ‘ careless use and playing with ï¬rearms. IiACRflRSE.â€"Tbe' Ne‘wm'urket. Fourier of last week seeine'd‘to be quite indignant at the manner in which the Hummispoke of the “ Star-V Club as the chamyimm of' the, north. Judging from the play of the Clubs durin 1, st two seasons. we lh'nk tho! the ‘ i -’ are entitled iodh’e : ship. Bradford has defeated ()rillia three straight games, and the Newmorket Club claim'io have had the best of Collingwood, â€"and the Stars have defeated both the Newmarket and Bradford clubs this season. The “ Stars 7’ are not only willing but able to stand by any thing the Herald has said in reference to the chumpionsbip. For the beneï¬t of any clubs who are still doubtful of it, we insert the following.r Challenge :â€" “ The “Star†lacrosse club do hereby cbal'euge any club north of'l‘oronlo to play was held in the Muelc Hall, where seven or eight hundred assembled to welcome the delegates to the town, Addresses were deâ€" livered by several gentlemen, both lay alld clerical, interSpersed by sacred songs, prin eipally some ofthosc used by Mr bankey during the recent revival in Slfotlaiid; the entire audience Sometimes _J01l‘,1llg, and The mon- others sung by a quui‘lctte choir, Willi anoth- “ eygrautc‘d for improx iug roads in. ei' to play the accompaniments on the organ in p d 4' mi ‘ t t d 1v , in the most beautiful and lmpl'ESSlve manner 5 ea 0‘ ‘ “g 1“ ms e to re [able 10' This meeting of welcome over,the delegates u cal men has been scrambled on party adjourned to the drillsbed abolpt‘i):30 o clock " rite Whose oul ai ' to attend a reception to whic trey were in- favo s, . y month one or vited by the ladies of the town. Ilerc mutiy “ two exceptions) has been to pocket the hundreds listened to heart stiriing niulsic, ' ’-| " ' ’ .‘ I while they also partook of the coo mg iuuds, ride round with test horses and dmmhts 0., ice cream and Omergood thmgs '“ lot. the work get on as it best could, provided f0, “mm, This concluded the ï¬rst "Wuhan Itbcir subordinates.†It says day’s meetings, and, as“ “337 evegy, $11)" , ' ‘ .-- - - , day while there, no song “135811115†‘1 058 rule Same Straw condenfn- whiCh are sacredly designed to exsilt the lung tbcfaitlilcssuess and want of consid- saviour, and cause the heart to lhl'lll Wllll iteration-shown to newly settled districts dell’fliml: f held ï¬ery morninp " V‘ i x . - ra er mec rugs were ‘ _ .5 thy ‘the’ pesmt government m the way Of at lialfipast six o’clock at the rooms of the roads andmilway subsidies, while older Y. M. C. A. of the t0wn. lying}! Welilmgell’ "‘ ' ‘ " 'l cse \v 0 were 1 x h 5 0m ca attended by the families 0 r , .9115 w 0 e p _l 1 support conid be for the time our hostsraschll as the dele- lbopgbt, were supplied far beyond what gates themselves. To the subject of temâ€" rwlts flustly their due. It introduces Del‘ancc. (1'. e.),.tota.l_' alistlneiic:.tlgll‘OdWe‘: , '3;- :_ b a 0,,“ p35,, 6“ known u ve your icomparisous between the present one and “20,35; head}, “13,112, ms mtempeme hams, lgovernment of the late Mr John San- but for that'time, by God’s help. a‘total ab- ~iiieldJIcDonald in which it points out itaI-‘nfer. dip: prominenpenvyairilczfgladher a i I - . 411.. ew i any excep i0 . , that tlicutmost faith was kept With ,mce ,O’mis p'rincipie, admitted as pe‘mg diSt‘iCt'inhlS lime, and the road ‘s'visiféiï¬ â€˜one of the essentials of the christian c arac- ' v . ' VII †ler. vp‘éz‘feusglcly tand thorlouglgy dovcioped. ,he meemion ongtsmgday ..fot.-er:g:]rii,agp; on e aeuuseem.‘ ' ‘ . .' .. a. mus = . i rations of Mr Mil»? “Edgy pail-e- Shdppiiiidiuhoggitr onylhe'“ Original Arms 1' n . ,, . . .. . . v _ . I n S ' 'Vllar’ down 1†of Young Men’s Christian Assocratioub, by that mgmm are fun? commented upon Robert Baldwin, Esq.,;(sou of the late Hon. “‘1 condemmsl- It seems't‘hat this in. Robert Baldwin of'l‘oriénlo'.)belll“"i"5§1lf"ï¬â€˜ markable_0§b‘-Iiét minister, who seems to a brief lilSlOYY 0f We!" ting“ 1“ 1.84.;“t;1:s’ be hastening his own fate and those of like many other _ important 1inst: laugh; his associates by every means in his p0w_ seemed to be niereiy accidenta , ye 1. “w, e or ac‘m 1] ' d d L k M ,_ lesskus undci‘the direction of t e a S .’ I a-Ygrulse amun a e us,‘0' God irom the ï¬rst. It. was admitted_1lmt kmand Vicinity for a whole Sunday With- the wrne, had visimd several Associations, out. any deï¬nite object in View except which he was sorry to say had departed from that of pleasure, supposing perhaps that the original aims, yet much good had be? his delinquencies in that remote region accomplished, and much more still 11111?th would not be found out and exposed. be done if every Y' 1‘? fte:?£:Sti§S:es However, he has been faithfuny tracked hered and make all egilima e . d Subordinate to the one great purpose, in. oat an deser-vedly laShed b5: the north" rescuing youngmeu from immoral practices, ern conservative. press, and it- will very and ungndly lives, by bringing them, 1.3 l‘kely be some tune before he will ven- Andrew brought Peter, to Jesus to obtain ture t0 trespass 0n Sabbath again. That knowledge of salvation there. He very is unless he is fairly crazed by that mad. earnestly exhorted every bl‘Olhel‘ present to mess which the gods were supposed to “Old every “mg 0%“ “lel‘ell’frlflag Ch“?! I octer which won] unquesliona 3 uui ignéieslifgztitgsse Whom they had doomed them ’to be effective workers in the Master’s ,___‘________~___ vineyard. . RECIPROCITY Adiscussiou followed each paper, in from whatever different opinions came, they were littered with christian courtesy, and many valuable suggestions were made, . Then followed a paper on “Opportunities and. how to use them,†by the Rev. Mr hill, of Hamiltun. ()u this subject‘Miss Macpber. son also made impressive and important. suggestions on the necessity and value. 01 prayer, as to the how to use opportunities. Then came an essay on "Bible classes uud It is very probable thatMr George Brown did not; sit down and calculate the swarm of hornetsâ€"Grit. and otherâ€" Wiseâ€"which would buzz angrily about able elephantive auriculais when he un 4'de'rtook the uublcst task of patching up "h'treaty.bct\iveen Uncle Sam and Cousin ,ï¬gann‘uck. “But a Wilful man mauu hue illiis way, and he who gangs to Coupar how to conduct them.†The author’siiame rmaun't’o Coupar gang!†Geordie should ldo not now remember. I have Silnl’ly have iemembered that his talents and giventhe above“ spewle OHhesubJecm tflutter are better atuned to the work of Whid’ occupied ihe ammo" 0f [he young i. . - men during the time of the Conventianâ€" cb?:;dh:n3hSï¬fértitfftuï¬yniegfa£121,231: frequently varied by sacred song and spoon“ meddling with things that speak of conâ€" cord and'construction. The genius of .gyoltaire was suited only to that kind of 4work and, like a sensible man, he did ,iiot meddle With work for which he knew ,{hmwiis- totally unsuited. So that al- â€" «though,ch can blame him for being a bad 3 man welcannot despise him for being a 5“ wieak‘ikone. George’s handywork does ' noteeom to suit any one and neither ‘ad'rieudlnor foe are satisï¬ed. So much ..¢tlllc"‘flou.risli of trumpets which anâ€" ‘_ ,moij_i:ic’_cd"tlie triumph of the Grit Dicâ€" Automflt’e thought that the Jo Triumphe rwasmath‘e’r premature and that. the great .diplo’ri’ ic, miracle would ultimately I"'Eslii’iir “to-very small proportions. Now Edi-bis, extremely problematical whether :mvena slight majority of the press will Wsiip‘poijt' the pet scheme of the Grit Cory- "plfen's‘uudthat George will have his trip 1m washingtou for nothing as far as re units are‘ concerned. and then sent up to the President and by him read out, following the announcement by a request that some one should lead in prayer for the speciï¬c object 01"persou named in the request. Otten, while thus thus possessed by those, many 01 whom now are and others s00u to be, the most active: business men of the country; and how dit' fercnt from the gatherings, about which so much is often said, whose ends are mere selï¬shness, and results, sooner or later, in entire moral prostraliou. Addresses were delivered on Thursday; evening on the ofï¬ces of Christ as Prophet, Priest, King. Mr 'l‘aggart, 0t Plisburgll State Secretary of the Y. M, C. A. 0t Penn» sylvauia, afforded much information by answering various questions about the As. socialions of the United States, as well as gave tone to many of the meetings by his earnestness and devotion while leading many of the exercises. The place of meeting durng Thursday and Friday, the Wesleyan Methodist Church, afforded ample accomo' dation for the large audiences attending and who were so deeply interested in the proceed- ings The farewell meeting on Friday even ing was held in the Music. Hall, which was literally packed. Singing. prayer, ï¬ve minute addresses, and scripture promises, occupied the attention for at least two hours. Then came the hour of parting, when the delegates joined hands across the platform, TAVERN KEEPERS IN TROUBLE The Tavern Keepers of Orillia are undergping martyrdom at the hands 0f the n'ew'Inspector: We think the publiâ€" -,c:,ins will have to succumb, as law and ordcr'must be upheld; if the law is too ’ beoppressive',‘ and the general 'public petition for its amendment. Parliament ovill provide the remedy. \Vc do think abut compelling Innkeepers to clase their premises on‘ Saturday eyening at seven ’o’clock is unreasonably Severe; it may be ï¬vell suited for manufacturing cities and towns, but'in the country or rural secâ€" tions ten o’clock should m the time for closing Inns~â€"-af'tcr that hour, we would Say cOmpcl them to shut down, or tukc‘ the consequences. the vast assembly in one bond of christian love, while all joined in Singing the hymn commeucmg: “ Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds ls like to that above." The next annual meeting will (D.V.) take lace in Montreal, and at present I will only add, that I hope delegates will be there from the Y. Isl. C. A. of Richmond Hill. Tiuly yours, three to ï¬ve minute speeches, during which , prayer, requests for which were every now . engaged, i thought of the power for good , v down and across the aisles, thus encircliugl Juï¬x Hung ,Druggisls and Patent Medicine Dealers." a match game of lacrosse on the Richmond Hill lacrosse grounds. for the Championship of the North. Notiï¬cation of the accept. ance ofthe above to be given to the Secre- tary one week belore the mulchâ€"the chal- lenge to be open until the 15 of September. For further particulars apply to Jouiv COULTER, Sec.†BIRTHS. Nuwnsm’.â€"At Elgin Mills, on the I4thv inst, the wife of Mr G’eogre B. Newbery, of a daughter. MARRIED.†TASCUEBEAUâ€"MCPHII.HPS.â€"Al. St. Charles Manitoba, 0h 'Aug. 10, by his Grace Archbishop Tactic, assisted by Rev. Fathers Allard and Lavoie, Mr Phillip Albert Taschereau, son of Thomas James Taschereau, Esq., Sheriff of Beauce, Quebec, to Margaret daughter G McPhil lips, Esq. PAL S., of St. Charles, Mau- itoba, and formerly of Richmond Hill. DIED. DARLING.â€"Al Langstaff on the 201k inst, John, third son of :he late George Dar ling, blacksmith, 'l‘horuhill,-aged l5 yr’s . Medal gloom. REAK FAST. â€" EPI’S'S COCOA. -â€" Gunnirur. mu) Conrou'rmc.-â€"“By a thorough knowledge ofthe natural law's which and by acareful application of the fine propor- =iies of well-selected cocoa, M1. Epps haspro- vided our breakfast tables with a dolica-telv flavored beverage which may save us many lieavy doctors’ bills."-â€"Ci‘nil Service Gazelle. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is labelled-"JAMI-s Ens 61. Co. Homceopalhic Chemists. London.†.Mnnuncruuir or Cocon.â€"“ We will now give an account of the process adopted by dietetic articles. at their works in the Euslon Rod. l.oudonâ€â€"See article in Gasscll’s iHousc/mltl Guzdr, ‘ October 31. 1872. 739-117 l . t , To Nervous Suï¬â€˜erers. r, Dr. J Bell Simpson’s Specie and 'I‘mu'c Pills , the Grentnglish Ilem'cdyjbr all 'uwws dcbiltyj'ram whateveryause “tiring, have al‘ ready been so lhorqughiy tested in Canada as to require little to be said.in theirafavorâ€" as a lcertaiu cure for those distressing symptoms arising from errorsof youth. 1):. J. Bell Sim- pson was a pupil andfriend of limb“; Dr Wil- lis Mosely, of l.oudon,;Eug|aud the most cele- brated authority in the world on this subject. His partner is now visiting Canada. and is prepared to give advice free to all,aud forward 'circulur..elc., if applied toâ€"uddressilig Dr. J. Boll Simpson &.Co.. Drawer 91 I’. 0. Hamil- ton. Two boxes of Pills WI†also be sent by mail topany part of Canada, securely wrapped from observation, on receipt $1.60. Special treatment if desired. Pills sold retail by all retail Druggisls, and wholesale by all wholesale 1 brother. when a vnunger one was in the: a gun andl ,governtlieoporatlonsofdigestiou and nutrition, 7 Messrs James Epps 6L Co., manufacturers of, will be provided for the occasion. still? giliiitwiniitif “ Dinner will be served at 12 o’clock, noon Mlllllllli Hill, 'llichrnt‘nd 'Hil SATURDAY; AUG 9.9, "14 till Blllllllll tttiii g " TICKETS Children under 14 years, half price. ' Tlioruliill. Aug. H. 1874. «.m_â€".W mm THAN IT Is MFR}: SENTED TO BE. Rev. 1". C. Insult» Lscnun P. . lay-:- "When GRAHAM'S PAIN gimme.» TOR was ï¬rst; introduced here, 1 w doubl- l'iil ofits virtues. but since then it has been used in my own family, and we ï¬nd It pos- leued of t at rare quality in a patent medlclno or being better than it is represented to be. Many are astonished to and obstinate and ‘ on standing cases of Rheumatism cured by 3 law opp icatlons. and the: it possesses similar power over other fox-ma of diseases and in. I have kept heanuhutl on hand for the three yours, and w d not at my home be wit in it." , crutch all rel ectablc drum Ill dell NEOGIC‘DJ Pn'ccglm n d m won-known Humorous Concerts ! Assisted by some of the leading talent of ’ the day. Admission 25c. Reserved Seats,50 Doors open at 7:15, Performance at 8:1 5 GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Augflï¬, 1874. FOR SALE, N enav tonne of payment, S. E. qugrler of Lot 57. lutCou. Vaughan. containing 50 arr:nâ€"-on Yonge Street. lwo miles north oflhe Village of Richmond Hill,â€" About 40 Acres are Cleared And in good condition. a ï¬n. spring stream runs through the lot near the centre. List of Letters 1 EMAINING IN [I ill l’ostbï¬â€˜ice. lsi Aug.. 1374: Beatv. VV'. Lackie, 'l‘. J. Brown, Geordo Nol'mny, Rosa Cooper. Mary Ann Malioiiy. James Cuber. Peter Miller, John J, Crozier, James Reid. ’l'lieodora Uunlou. S. luihrrford, Robert. Davis. J. M. Riley. Thomas Drury, John Sisco. Geo: so Dunning. R. H. ~Slmolo. A. L. Graham. John C. Smith. Mrs Goudvear. Robert Stephens. George Galpin, \V. Sprung, Kenneth chiu. Robert Sinclair. iolljallllll Harrington. Theo. Smart. John Hart &. McPherson 'l‘bampsou. John Keï¬'or. Jacob Webb. Jon Karin . J. R . Wakeï¬eld. Agnes: (2) Latin“. A. M. \Vnglit, William M ’I‘EEFY. r I. LLSJ, A Comfortable Frame Cottage Contaiuiugi rnoins besides Kitchou. Wood- shed. Driving-bonus. Stable, und half an acre of lund.lili x 264 foeIâ€"â€"situuled on the south side of Richmond Hill and within ï¬ve minutes walk of the Village. A LEG. FIVE BUILDING LOTS l Al Elgiu Mills. each 50 x l3'2 foot fronting on ' YUNGE STREET, House & Lot For Sale. ‘ ' “.30. T V9. - A O R ES , SMALL COTTAGE AND Al3()U'l" . 0†(,h°~s°“d1' "'3‘ elm" °f m“ E’“ 1"" 4% acres ofland situate on the Fommm t Bid Con, Whilchurch, all ,,A .V'- l "I 'h'll. l c n l’ .tl , In, underéumï¬vnï¬o“ llills lloai, Ilolll v n 0 use 1011 w l A I. , the house is I’m,†A GOO-JD GARDEN .JAS NEW ION' S“ ' With about ‘20 young Fruit Trees bearing Elgjn Mills, Richmond Hill Apples. l’lumbs. and Cherries, also Currants 8,0 I ' and (ioowbcrrios,&c. The Land is in agood ' m stale of cultivation: end well suited for Garden purposes. Apply to J. PURKISS. NINTHANT. Tliornhill. Aug. 4. l {‘74. Siéï¬ï¬‚ii.. ‘CANADA FIRST’ MB nwni’tnnnuri. As Successor to his Father’s bllSll'lOBS“ begs to call the. attention of tho Aug. 36,1874. Desirable Farm for Sale. Emu rartnrmuoon. in He lat Cou- ceuion of the Township of Vaughan. con- mining 40 Acres of first-class Land Therein on the promises a good house with splendid cellurshvdriving house and“ log barn, also an archer-l of ucolleul fruit trees in full hearing. A never falling stream of water runs within a few rods of the buildings. There is E A N D E also 4 acres of bath on tho property. Resident. in the adjacent; 2% miles from Richmond Hill TOWNSIIII’S AND VICINITY And about 15 from Toronto. Apply. if by To an entirely new alidivuriedgstock'ol' Staple and fancy llry Studs. MICHAELoiconuou, 830 3m , Hats, and Caps, Boots 6‘ Shoes; Carrvillo P.0. Ont Aug. 27, 1814 Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils, Putty, 8w.,'&c. Also a complete assortment. of Farm for Sale- IRS'R'CIJSS laud, part lot 44, on Yongo ' " ; THE RICH MUND, _._..... Anus-rs WANTED in every Town. Village, and Countyt'or the Sale of our Goods, old or young of either sex can take orders and make good wages. free on application to Montreal, August 4, 1874. u “ (inï¬nite rouge. Outï¬t wuh Samples sent CLERMON'I‘ DANIELS & 00., 235 Notre Dame Street, MONTREAL, P. Q. 836â€"2in. «Richmond llill. WM. ATKINSON EGS tc relurn his sincere thanks In his numerous clstomrrs to. their liberal support since- he continuimod business in this place, and would announce that he like REMOVED TO HIS NEW STORE, Immediately North of His Old. Stand... “ti ii W...“ W. A. has on hand. an IMMENSE STOC K 0F GOODSl-i SUITABLE FOR THE SEASOE‘R, Aud- will be happy in moot with Richmond Hill. April “5,1374. , ’ YON(;!ZS'I‘IIBE'1\. 9:3 ' .j’";' 4~ ‘ l" ~E _ r» g. y T -‘ 1-7} f mcaiioun} HTML. “d0!†Fruit $578,. Fruit: .1 hrs, FRUIT} JARS r: E H AVE. NOW ON HAND A... large assortment uftlle above IIIIG; of- gooda which we are trolling at groutiyc Beduted. 'llllCBS. u; Ell'lll. mâ€"n ‘ Also it HKMBEEB,& BBAEZLK. . Slreel, (West side) adjoining the flat: rish- lug Village of Richmond‘ Hill, 14 miles from the city of Torontoâ€" Containing Seventy Acres Or more. house. barn. well. and a never-failing brook, good orchard.&c , die. Very desirable no on . A lily ‘0 ' P I p .JOHN McQUARRlE Monlb PLQA. 8404f F A M I LY GROCERIES, Which he has purchased for CASH, and is p. epnrcd to sell UNDERKI'ORUN'I 0) PRICES at the promises. situ~ utcd on the corner of Ycuge and Colbmue streets. in the Village of '1' H QRN'H I I.- In: And of which he ask: an Examination. Tlioruhill...lnly l5, 13744 Augï¬l), 18711.. llllllllllil illilll Bill, LINEN: imu Corr-0N. AT‘TIIE. R ARUHI‘BA-lil) GA‘LBANOUGB‘takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to hit! unmi-rous friends, and customers folxtlieir-liibavul‘ Pump-go during in item: of‘ 's'}; 1: n wH A19. rim 5mg mm. IIA’VING been} culli'vated‘ from a single head,uud repeated year after year, has passed throuin enough seasons to thoroughlv test its productive cliaraotor.,hardy. nature and su erior qrualitv. he SENECA is wWhile Wheat with red chaff. smooth-headed, and the bowl of the 'Wheals experimented wilh.bo=ing run: my“. .to the best brands ofthe uultivau-d California Wheat. As If proves man. nouns. less li- able to be winter-killed than other variation. has a stiff straw, and yields largo crops on every variety of soil‘, ’ 52 Bushels per Acre having been gathered, it in without doubt the best White Wheat now ou'livated; yielding from ï¬ve to ten bushels per acre more than any other Wheat on the some ground. Ioï¬â€˜er this FALL Wm»sz of superior- qual- ity, pure and free from foul seeds, Price, $3. per 60 lbs. TURKEY WHEAT. u boarded No. 2 . White Wheat, thrifty grower, Fund hardy. Average yield. from 30 w 40 bushels per acre. PRICE, $1.50 per 60 lbs. Scott Wheat at $1.50 per 60 lbs. Also, Deihl, Midgoproof. Scales. and Tread- well Whon‘. for Seed. Prices variablo accord- ing to market. WILLIAMKENNIE, Agricultural Warehouse if? Seed Store, Corner of Adelaide & Jarvis Streets TORONTO. Aug. is. 1874. Circulation, Richmond Hill. 5 DUNDâ€"On S'abbatll~ last, on the 4th g Con. Markham, A POCKET B’)0K con- toining more)". The owner can-hove tho-same by proving properly. Ind applying. to , JOHN CARTON. Aug. 4. 134d. Tunnumt.r., Astray. CAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 25, in the 2111] Can of Vaughan, about the In. Au gust. TWII SHEEP AND BM: LAMB. The owner islequesled to prove properly, pay expoiises and lake the animals away. JAMES DUNTON. Vaughan. Aug. 17. ’74. 939-3t. Astray. mâ€" CA‘ME into the Fpremises of tho. subsribor. Birch Grove I arm, mar Thomuill, a few day! a go, , A LAMB, 'l‘ho owner is re uealod to prove property, pav expenses and to o the animal away. MIIJ. LORKERY. Thoruhill. Aug. 17 ’74. 839~3t, ‘ ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT, ï¬le Iluuiuo Hook Stare. 839 ‘-"°â€5‘ "l‘d'mlicll' for his 9011.: continuancepf g , ,l ' .lheir favors. ’ j ‘ ; ,. . , i ThomhillJuly15,1814. " 334.3,â€, .. V . ,) SANTANA; non. our... rumor SEAS ON}. inst ,llll‘llllll l- his fiaeiids in his new. “realises. vâ€"mrvâ€"Iâ€" . we 'i-LJ‘. I on PHYSIEIANEUHNEB. l supposovihere is not in the whole course of ‘ al’liysician’s experience fl|l_\llllllg_ in human (suffering which calls torth his simpalhy and t pity to such an exlenl. as to Willie-SS the excrii- .. sin ‘mg pains of a poorunortal, cull'eringhoui . ibht’feavtuldlsg-use. ll‘ieiiniutisnh. Hurolol'ore . there. Irv-55 brain. a. ruinidoralde. (ll\PlSilV:Dfl' ppiniou aiunugsnmdical linen. , as to the. true . ach.metedo.f<ili5s_.'qiis¢nso,,.; ,eouie locating “in . the ï¬brous(ori’tiriusciulae'tissues of the system, Mldfllllel's‘ ieyytuggituls wruaoute, nervuus .lis' .w admitted.» to. be u s Manchu} , ripymmuy solenoid gulfwtilaijm on ,blood.‘ The citm'llulioul'o' the. blood is the v jlife cfxlhc body. ,fllldl-ilhï¬' ‘ppage'isfdeath. ylisousowa‘uhlxe.iimlie,body without ï¬rst being - general-emit! thmblood.‘ and no. disease can ., possibly be.inzthc body if the blood is pure Rilmwv-ntmm. can never be thoroughly cured. without vxleruiiimting the poison ciitu'ating -» it] the blood by a constitutional internal rem- deVi irculutjiigin tho . We feel conï¬dent that none \vlll feel“; Ibetter satisï¬ed and- rejoice more than the con- . scieniious physician w|.o has discovered that n_ _ â€"â€"â€"-n. ,aure. cure for this stubborn disease has been . .0 I. HARVEST-f ’l 0. IN A GREATVARIET!» "N." . mousse, .. WINES '81:; times , we luvs ork usunb uni initialisation A. call from all is solicited. FLOUR . AND V Kept coplantlyon hand, PA ROELS DELIVERED. P. G. SAVAGE Richmond Hill, June 10, 1874. A. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL. Boga to announce. to the Inhabitants of Rich- mond HillI and surrounding noighborhood.ihu he has built a new Hearse and commencedl the UNDERTAKIEB BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE For him. Funeral Furnishings, Collins and Price, $1 per Bottle. Caskets in every style. Richmond Hill, July 23, 1874. 8354! .1 ‘fonlid.. 'l'heJ'ollowiuglostimonr from a gen- - tleinan ()fblfllldlllg and high respecteliiliiy.aiid ‘r well known to the Canadian public cannot , fail to satisfy all that the DIAMIJNII. RHEIIMATIll [HIRE 18 A. WONDERFUL. MEDICAL DIS-m. GOVERY, 1 Montreal. let March. 18771, 'Moasr‘sjhviirsldb Bolton :; , ' DEAR Sins..â€"I, with pleasure.» concede. to. Ellie agent’s wish ih’atJ give. Il_l.Y.B,ll,‘,10.ISfll.loll. to . ,Ihc immediate relief I experienced. from. a- few, :dosesqf-tlio Diamond! lili‘e:u.malic..Cure. have . irigibeau’ nruï¬â€˜p‘rer. from the. effects 0‘ Rhou. l vmntism, Itammowv, after taking two bottles of' .xtliisinodicitio. entirely free from pain. You unrest» liberty to use this letter, if you deem itL :adw'snble to do so. I: am. sir, ymnsrespoctfully. i JDHN. “ELDER, iSAACSON. N. P., l I The proprietor-of‘this medicine has walked; Zthc aisles of the hospitals of London, Eng., for» illlfl past twenty: years, making rheumatism a, speciality, and the prescriptiuns from which this remedy is conipounded is all he ever used; “in the treatment of this oisease. In simple cases sometimes one onlwo doses, sufï¬ce. In the most chronic cases it is sure, to give way by the use (if-lwo or three bottles. By this efï¬cient and simple remedy hundreds. of dollars are saved to those who can least af- ford to throw it away. as surely it is byilie pun, lchuso of uselessproscriptious. This medicine is prepared by a careful, ex-. .periencad and conscientious physician. in. iobedience lo the desire of Hun‘bBI‘leSF friends, 1 in the profession, in the trade and among the . people,‘ Every bottle is warranted to contain the full strength of the medicine in its highest state of purity and development. and is su- perior to any medicine ever compounded for- tliis terrible complaint. [1'3" This medicine is for sale at all the. Druggists throughout Canada, If it- happens. that your Druggist has not got it in stock, ask, him to send for it to NORTHROP & LYMAN. AGENTS FOR THE PROVINCE ONT., SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, OR TO DEVINS 85 BOLTON ,, AGENTS FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. Largo Bottles, $2- May 14, 1874. 8 ï¬-t'm No.