Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 4 Sep 1874, p. 3

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The fact is, the Judge committed a dere iiction of duty in appointing a day subset quent to the In August for revising the us: uessment. He has been guilty of a deliber me prostitution of his official influence or ignnmnt of the law, in either case. he is . unfillmlgerum be trusth yith the admini‘ atration Orjustice. " Ajtgmgnd for his immediate retirement or dismissal from the posnion he has dist graced, should be forwuided to the proper uuthurities. To the Edilor of the York Herald. ,Sm,â€"- r In your paper of Aug. 7th, you maintain "that yourSelt and 1 do agree, upon the pro‘ prietory of dispensing with the services of those agents who now stand between the manufacturer and agriculturist; and yet, you appear to believe we cannot at present do withoutthem. No doubt, you imagine that the agent ts of some advantage to the agriculturist on introducing new or improved implements; and for this reason consider that he will be the recipient of many a kind blessing from the poor deluded farmer. But ifyou will look for one moment. at the swindtiug operation practised. and the pa- tent humhtus {minted ofl“ upon the farmerH by some of those artful gentlemen, and compute the amount pain as agents due: on agricultural implements used in the County, of York alone, you will, perhaps, receive a just idea of the immense toss which the far- 1 lners of Canada sustain by supporting agents. You state that the work the agent has been doing is a valuable one. in that, I partially agree with you. as far as the manufacturer is concarued : t'or certainly the manufacturer is benefited by the agent clearing his shops ot'secourl class machinery. or, as “ Another Agriculturist ” remarked, palmiug off upon the farmer a machine which he knew would be superseded by a. superior article, before it was required for use. But what. is the advantage which the Manufacturer receives from those agents introducing a new ma chine, (it' really a good article,) compared with that which he. would possess, if we, as farmers, were united, and gave him an 00- portumty of placing the machine in the hands of a club. or grunge, for the purpose 0" testing its merits. By the latter plan, every farmer in Canada who belonged to a club or grange, might, within one week, know that suoha machine was manufactured while. by the former system this information would be given at an immense cost, which the farmer would be called upon to pay. But how, if the article is of an inferior quality, and requires a mathematical proof, based upon the over-estimated value of the work which the machine will pertnrm. then, certainly, the order is reversed : for, where- as the club orgrauge would peremptorily excluded it from the public, the agent, by calling all his persuasive powers play, may manage to make the affair pay running expenses. even though the farmer is the loser. Were your statement that a person might act as his own agent. duly acknow- ledged, part of the difficulty would be over. come; but, while two neighbors may act as agents for each other, the manufacturer re- fines to grant us that privilege. 0n taking a quiet walk one evening last week my attention was attracted hya rather unusual performance going on in one of the most conspicuous parts ofour village. Being .nt :1 loss to find out what the crowd had congregated for, I crossed the street, when, to my surprise and astonishment,I beheld Fred Crawford, commonly called the "rain- Her." shuffling it off on the light. fantastic, ~19 the whistling music of a juvenile band, -some members. of which, to judge fl om appearances. seemed in danger of bursting at bloodvessel from the praiseworthy manner in which they exerted themselves to cater to the perlormer’s wishes. The “ rambler" went through the various and lively figure- iather gracefully (if you like,) until such time as one of the bystanders called out ‘- swing your partner.” The moon shining thrightly at the time, Fred caught a glimpse ,ot' his shadow. and no doubt imagined it was his partner, made a reach for the grand swing, which swing proved rather unfortu- ,nate to the “ rambler," as instead of enjoy- Ing the much coveted swing he tell all fours .i n the ditch, to the great amusement of what I should call a rather intelligent and highly interested and appreciative audience, some of whom roared out " bully 1” "good boy Fred 1" “try it again old man I” and other words of encouragement which I thought rather timely and appropriate owing .to the excited state of the disappointed and :‘somewhat crestfallen champion of the even éing. By the aid of some of the youthful rliand, the “ rambler " once more gained his .tquilibrlum and his language at this event- Jul crisis of the entertainment, was anything glut edifying or instructive to the audience-â€" particularly his juvenile band, to whom he *Vtias so much indebted. I asked myself the ,‘question, can this be Fred Crawford our corporation official whose name appears so often in the columns of the York HERALD telling its readers how many drunks were on ‘thefiilllast week, with many other things that Would show better taste by being left unsaid? Mr Editor if this be a specimen, ufâ€"the example of temperance and morality l to be set hy'oht‘ Chief Constable luspectori of Nuisances; etc., to the rising generation, : _I thinkthe sooner some one ofourcorpomv 1 tion, high in authority use their perogative, , and call this Veteran "rambler? to attent’ion,t: the better. Mr Editor, thanking you for- the privilege of occupying so much of your valuable space, I beg leave to subscribe my' self a ' 1; t z . ' ' ' ' DEAR Sm,â€"In your issue of the 7th ulta you say that Judge Boyd dismissed the -ap' peaks from the Court of Revision, as the Appellant had not fulfiiled the requirements of the statutes in such case made and fro vided. The Oil-wine Rumbler in his correspond ence «if inst. week.wmils a iinle infnmmzinn, bu! let him sign his name to his Rmnbles, and he will hear from me again, and with. out that I won’t hold any cnrrespendence with any person who is afraid to put his name to his scriblinu. Hoping, Mr Editor‘llhm, you will excuse me from continuing my correspondence, and thunkng you for. the space kindly ngen 10 my coxumuuicalious in your columns. Yours, &c., a space'i HERALD this week. The urn 'lle Rumbler in his 01 Mn E1n'mn,-â€"â€"Will you be kind enough to give the "Rambler ” of Richmond Hill To the Editor of the York Herald. (To the Eflitor of the York Herald.) DEAR Sm,â€" QUIET Onsmvm. P. S. Since writingathe above, I have been informed, (ha: alittle domestic loneliv fleas was the cause-of the “ rambler’s ” re' pent escapndel ' Acmcmnvmsr. Rwauoxn Hun, Aug. 18th, ’74 Y-IUTS. D. C. O‘BRIEN. Appellam in the above cases rel'erxed loo. Richmond Hill, Sept. 2, '74. “HOW CAN WE DO WITHOUT " AGENTS?" wimmmnfiwm. C RA \V FU RD'S RA M BLES. RAMBu: No. 9. FRED. CRAWFORD, The Rambler. IMMENSE' STlllIK “WEBSTER” Spring and ummer Great Bargains NOVELTIES I. CROSBY’S GROCERIES! that the Webster Sewing Machine has been before the public only about eigltoeu mouths and the unprecedented number of over ten thousand have been so‘d In so short a time is snfiicient to convinco the most incredulonn of the superio_rit);uf the Wres'n-nt over all others. ’FAKING into consideration the fact hurried ofi‘nearly alllhe lending prints for the fall of IS? 3. It is consttumrd in the mosl simple. solid and subslamial manner; con- sequently less liable to get out of rr-pair. it is 9;) simple to hafl'dlo that Ms operator can adjust. the Mitch or n-gulute the tension while |ho machine is in motion. The Wnssnm w.ll do all kinds of work.hoavy or lightncoaree or fine. it has a straight needle. makes the lock stitch, perform perk cl sewing on every description o‘f material, with oouon. linen. o: silk thread.‘ It hams, fella. cords. braids and galhera A Complete Set of the most ap- proved attachments with each Machine. We would hoglo call the mention of those wanting first-class machines to bo euro and see HURRAH! before purchasing any other. Price. $35. By calling on, or addressing the undersigned he would gladly give them the privelege of ex- amining the machines THE ‘WEBSTER’ JOHN H. STONEHOUSE, Truvolllng agent for Vaughan 6:. Whilchurch. llaounmsu P,O. H. Reason. general agent for the followlny Townships : Vaughan. York. Scarboro'. Mark- ham, Whitchurch, Pickering. Uxbridge. and Scott. Apprentice Wanted Immediately, to learn the Harness Business. Apply to ESLEY-AN HYMNS, ALL SIZES, at the HERALD Book Store. Which willbe sold cheaper than ever. CALL AND EXAMINE"; -‘ @131; (finch; (firearm. May 26. 1874 Richmond Hill. June 9, 1874 FI RE-PROOF STORE, C H 0 0 L REQUISITES OF ALL ‘AMES. TOYS, 650., FOR SALE AT the HERALD Book Stoxei _ ; kinda at the Hrziuu) Book Store. DAILY ARRIV ING AT THE IMPROVED Also an Immense Stack Qf RICHMOND} HIM. Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, FOR AN l. CROSBY. Wu. HARRISON. Hummus P.0. 827-ly 8294f I F R U I '1' 3A 338, I Cheaper than Ever. rI‘UE Subscriber lakes this opportunity of ro- lurnilg his slnrera thanks !0 his numerous friends for their Liberal l’ptronnge while occu- pying lhe store known as (he " 'l‘ea Chest. " Richmond Hill. and would state that Im has sold out his inla as! in'xheabovo Establishment to Mr 0'. SHEPPARD. and would benpenk their patronage: and supporl for his successor. FAMILY GROCERIES ! THE TEA CHEST Suitable for lhe trade of Riclgn "J Hill. and vicinity and wilhlwnys endeafflno be up to the limosiwithj' DOMINION TEA HOUSE And hopn w receive the continued patronage M'lha (lugomerx of his l’l‘edOCl‘BhOI‘. by amen- lion In their wants "ndaolling as cheap as it is possib‘e la (la. BRA N, SHORTS EYER’S SUPERIOR FLOUR $2000,T0 LOAN on first-class Mortgage Securityâ€"in sums from $500 up- wards. Applyto Goods Delivgre‘d ‘Promptly Richmond Hill. ' July Math, 1874. SEASONABLE GOODS Always on hand and can be gnl at no other store in the village. $5. TO 3520 40 Cents to 1$ per 1b Address J. LATHAM & CO , From $4 to $5 per day.cnn be pursued in your own neighborhood, and Is btncllv honorable. Particulars frnc, or sun-plea w'orth sevaral dol- Ims that. w.l| enable you to go a) Work atoms. will be sent on rocelpl of fifty cellls. All classes of working people. of eithe' sex. young or old. Ina-ea more money at work for us in their apart moments, or all the time. than at anything elm Particular frna. Address G, S'I'INSON & (20., Portland. Maine. Gordwood in any Quantity. M. TEEFY. N . LYN I‘Z'I‘T. (As Executor: of the Estate of the late Martin Brennan.) WESLEY HY MNS Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. Always on hand. GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND Deneil cases at the HERALD Book Slnra and __ THE BEST FAMILY 0 To Weekh‘ Papers. rece-ved at the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hil’ Can be obtained at the Hnuu) Book Saoro at the following reduced prices :â€" l5cts. 20am. 30am, 38cm. 40cm, 60cm, 751315 and 90 cls. ONTARIO HOUSE GREAT EARGAINS 1 FASHIONS ! :FASHIONS ! ! And knowing jug: what the people want is prepared to meet thtir demands. Her long experience In the Millinery Business and the satisfaction already given she still claim: a share of their patronage. Always on hand a LARGE STOCK Ergo nasal-Imam. at" BERLIN W OOLS, FLEEGY WOOLB AND TINWAHE, A great variety-cheap H A RV E S T T O O L AGREAT VARIETY. BOOTS 65 SHOES W A NTED. Richmond Hill. June 1,1874. 'nr-l N reference to the above the Subscribe begs to any [hut he will keep a large and fresh stock of . I3'GrROCERIES,‘BI as? CHANGE OF HANDS. $0 Great Bargains for 30 days; FIN GERING YARNS. Richmond Hill, April 9, ’74. 8204f. [‘34-6 GOOD GREEN TEA UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT In order to make room for 1‘ all Staci. Business that will Pay Having purchased this Spring 3 very GOODS DELIVERED 7' CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. hmond Hill. Feb. 19. 1874. Cheaper than an\' Hausa in Town. the HERALD Book Store, pencil cured at the 1112mm) Boo'k §lore MONEY TO LEND MRS MYERS The ban that can be got. RICHMOND HILL. firnmm, 8w. &c, &c. &c. £92 W uhil glou St. RosemMu When Ordered. arriving. daily FROM A LEX. MOO DIE. A gouty wanted ! PER. DAY. ‘ will give 6!"!ng- men and women .1. BROWN. FLU” ’66 ~Dogble Harneés of? Order) 8 Solicited. Surface Plaiiedjn Short wuce GOOD AND CHEAP! and neatly 'dofié. (fj- A share of: patronage is solicited. .50 Richmond Hill. March 25. 1874. 818-“ I 0:}- Remember the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. ‘_ lumber Igni‘gued, "Grunved, Harness! Harness! !r Harness” A SUPERIOR "STOCK 1 Richmond Hill Feb. 26, ’74 Photographer. General Blacksmith Machinist IIm-seshoeimg Thorqugbly, Carqfully, Takes this opportunity of returning his sin- cere thanks to his numerous friends for their liberal snppmt since commencing business on Riehmond Hill, 1 have leased the above premises for a term of years where I will en- deavor, by strict attention to business. [0 meet the wants of my friends and customers with a choice selection of PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, PAID F03 WHEN ORDERED. CHARGESYODERAM. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Which willbe sold as cheap as any other house. A fresh supply of Groceries, consist- ing of choice BARNABD’S UHT STAND SIEN 01' THLI‘LAE STAFF. ALEX. MOODIE Doors, HARDWARE, A general assortment on hand, consisting of é‘ Rye whis/céys. . Severn’s Ale in Bottles. Flour and Feed constant];’ on hand. All kinds of produce taken and flu: highest price paid. Good: Delivered. Ptompuy whenjOrdeI-eg ALEX. MOQDLE. Lath, GARDEN & FIELD TOOLS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, &c. Brandies, Wines, Malt Teas from 50cts to $1 Pure and free flow udulterauon. All kind: of IST PRIZ E MAGER & QUANTZ! WINE & LIQUORS GOOD & CHEAP, r Jobbing done in all its Branches. Harness Establishment. 'S;slill makiuéém order aniil willzendenvor lo " ‘keep on hand Richmond ENE. Feb. 18. 1874. As can be got ulsuwhero. Richmond “in. Feb. ll, ’73. Ha leased the MUNSHAW BLACK- SMITH SHOP, RICHMOND HILL ME AND MEIR PAETDR WILLIAM THOMPSON Richmond Hill, June 47. ’74; Richmon (1 Hill, April 141. 1234.221-3m ENLARGED' 2‘ RlcfifibND" *i-IILL. Single and Double, HARNESS! R\CHMOND HILL. :wm. HARRISON. Which he will Warrant lo he al' Myers Richmond Hill. ghntegmahg} THOMAS B. COUPLAN D, Blinds, Mouldings, Manufacturers of All work to ba AT THE (in, (5-0., 0F AND Shingles, Sashes, 8244f md a U Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwvlling house. will! a burn stables. and other outbuildings thereon. Terms, Quay. Apply. on the premiseu '0 HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS; FOR sale a number of Village lots. sifiuued n Ihe village of And are located at line North-west corner of lot No. 35, 4th concession oflMarkham. in a seciimi wheha mechanics and laborers can gel sleadywork and high wages Applv (if by letterqn‘epaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Squaw...» to ' ~ WM. G. UlNGS'l'ON. A FARM UP 69 AN]! ARM-P MRBS Being part of lots 3 and 4. lat Con. Township of Uxbridge. For sale, good farm, being lot No 30,in the 2n» Con. of Vaughan, fconmmxxc 50 Acids of FM‘st-class Land, ON Yonge Street, Richmond Bill. also ton notes with Good! Dwelling House and Out- buildingas, just omside the Richmond Hill Cor- poration. And About ()fiefiflk of, an Acre, There is a good House. Barn. and u very Bu- porior Orrth of Young Fruit 1' lees; a good Well of Wnto. on the nremises, 3 miles from Richmond Hill and about 24 miles from To- romo. l’rice $2.500 Applv' to JAS. LANGS'I‘AFF. MD. Richmond Hill, April 23. ’74. 8224!. rally be found at 'home from 2 lo 3 o'clock. r M. John Elliott Langslafi' ionth- orized to collect accounts. U cilors, Convoyancers, &c., &c.. Orrcns.â€"No. 56, Church Street. Toronto. nexl door north of British American lnlumce Buildings. J. N. BLAKE. I County Engineer, Draftsman die. 7' Surveys. Plans. Deccriptions. Reports, Plum of bridges. Specifications, Forms of contract. Security Bonds, &c.. executed with nouns: and deupatch. No 4 Trust and Loan Buildin b, Corner of Adelaide and Toronto atreets, T RONTO. FARM FOR SALE: MLUH nuuflu. NIONVILLE. Emues run in connectio with each train. Commodions sample room. J. tructinn of the Anglo American House by‘ fire. the subscriber has taken and fitted up tholo large and commodious promises belong- ing to Capt. '1‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight &. Son’s Noveliy Works. Markham. Exeellem accommodation ufl‘orded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connection with the hotel. Bottled Ala and Porter. ‘ ‘ 21‘; miles from Richmond Hill And nbom 15 from Toronto. Apply. if by letter, prepaid, to MICHAEL O’CONNOR, Currvillo LO. Ont Aug. 27, 1:74. 830-3m 3. JAMES, ROVINCIAL LAND SU RVEYER: Counlv Engineer. Draftsman 6m. Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. There is on the premises a good house wizh splendid ceilurs driving house and log barn, nl~o an orchard of excellent fruit trees in full bearing. A never failing stream of wnler rum within a few rods of thin buildings. 'l'hare is also 4 acres oi bu rh on the property. The people will have themflmy say it is an good a boot as RING pan of Jo! No. 39. in the lat Con- Cebsivn of the Township of Vaughan, cou- mining 40 Acres of First-class erd 6501: LADIES’ BOOTS W. H. MYERS Will not. can not he undemold. I have the largest assortment of Good Boots and Shoes That there is on Richmond Hill. COMPETITION DISTAANEED! VICTORIA SQUARE I Richmond Hill, Jun. 8,1874. March 97. ISSQ. N. BLAKE. R. E. Kmosronn. M.A Toronto July 28. 1873 7c4-lf N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- February 4th . 1873. October 24. 1673. Aug. 27, 1:74. Richmond Hill, Dec. 24. ’7‘2’. 753-3m Sept. 4. 1872- Richmond Hi”, June 4, 1374. House and Lot for Sale, NHLUCAS ‘STREET, RICHMOND I DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, 'ICHMQNQ HILL,_ WILL GENEâ€" BLAKE a KINGSFORD. mmsrfimas, ATTORNEYS, som- TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. Still thoy come, another qa'se of them OTHERS SELL FOR 80 01:3 Desirable Farm for Sale. Village Lots for Sale. Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proqf Store, RICHMOND HILL. \TA NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. groperty for Sale, A LARGE STOCK OF @limllamnfi, Also a fine nssortment of HUNTER. Proprielolg Union House The lots contain TEAS, Apply to I". C RAWFORD. JACOB MORDEN. D. WOOTEN. ‘ 7374f Di nglg 759- l v 8' '7-lf 828 M T" 797 It Fattens in Oneâ€"fourth the usual tzme, and saves Food. Price 25 cents and SI 0" per box. A dollar box contains two hunde feeds. Desxrovs all kinds of lllsecéfdrnrbs Egdfléal- erpiilurs on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. Sold by Druggists and Storekeepers at95 cams per box. , . HUGH MILLER & CO.. Agricultural Chemists. Toronto TICKS ON SHEEP. USE MILLR’S TICK DESTROYER. It destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of the wool, and improves tho condition of the animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER g; 00., ND WATEKSPOUTS FOR THE D0 MINION. at $6 per I90 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dreésed: Sap Buckets. Pails.CiderMills.Washing Machines.8hinglea Waggofi Felloesmnd LumberSuwedto order Forparticulars address A FRESH SUPPLY, A! $1.89. $5, $5.50, $8.50 and' $9. at the HERALD BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill U Underlaker. 02c, RESIDENCEâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Office Richmond Hill. FATTENS HORSES, cows, CALVES, Sheen and 1’] ns. 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees. _THE CHINESE GARDER'I‘OWDER AGRICULTURAL Cunmlé'E-a. 167. King Street East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers. R. E. LA W. Agent, Richmond Hill. LONG LI FE PILLS 1‘ FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! RIEHMflNl] HILL MILLS! GEORGE cf?) DAVID BIRRELL Parties favoring u with grists may rely on a good return and well manufaelured. ARRISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AND 33 King Street East, Toronto. R. A. HARI{IN()N,Q.C. F. OSLER. THOMAS Moss, (1.0 W . A Fosnzn. CHARLES Moss. W. G. Fucounnmeu Toronto, Dec. 4, 1872. 750-“ 15‘ Horses and Vehicles. for hire. Charges mo- derata. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. ’72. 751-3m April 9, 187-;- Tlxornhill.Nov. 3, {8139? HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR \‘VHEA’I'. Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct 15. 1873 HARRISON. OSLER 8t MOSS, EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SA'JE Echeapfin the Hymn-.2 Book Syog‘g,‘ THOMAS SEDMAN', I AEREAVG‘E Am) WAGON MAKER, EG to inform Merchants Bakers ‘51, Farmers ‘ that they have always on hand a large stock of ICHMOND HILL LIVERY Sheep and 1’] pa. Wm 31mm! Watch. MILY BIBLES, Patent Eaveâ€"trdug-h CATERPILLARS JOHN LAfiGSTAFF, FOR SALE BY R E. LAW. Drugght, Richmond Hill Steam Mills'fl‘hornhill. 510-.“ 7Tb: ol' the-firms alluded to: and I particularly recommend those who desire to get, my medicines to apply to son. ofthe Houses named :â€" Messrs Avery. Brown & (30., Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsyth 6': Co,, Halifmflfi. Messrs'l‘. B; Barker 6L Sdns, St. John, NB 1 M." 'i‘. Des‘Brisny, Charlotte Town. P131. Messrs Langley & Co. , Victoria. B.C. Messrs Moore do Co.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pallen, Chatham. N. B. Messrs Munro & Co., Montreal. Messrs J. Winer & Co . Hamilton. C; W. Mr H. J. Rose. Toronto. llI‘r A: _Chipman §nlilh. St Jolan. N. B. My Pills and Ointment are sold at the Iowa wholesale not prices. in quantities of not lol- than £20 wonhâ€"viz.. 83 lidu 22s., 34s.,pcr dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittances must be sent in advanco. Chemista and othervel)dâ€"t;r;-ol.-H;lle;v;y I genuine Pills and Ointment may have their names inserted in the local papers if the] '53 please apply hereâ€" 533. Oxford Street. IV. 0.. London, March 3151,1874 - Many respectable firms in the British Prov- inces. who obtain my medicines direct from hen» have very ploperly suggested that I should, for the benefit of themselves and the publicfinsert their names in the miners. lhut It may be known that my medicine: can I). ha}! genuine from them. ' ‘ ’ Mr John Bond, Gndrich, Ont. Messrs Eiliot & 00., Toronto Mr J Chalouer. St. John, N. B. Messrs Hamlinng Brothers. SLJohn, N’. 3. Mr R. S. Pliddv.Wiudsor, OM. ' Mrs Orpeu. Murden. N. S. Mr Gem‘qe C. Hum. Jun., Fledoricton. N. 8. Mr W. H. Thompson, Harbor Grace, 5.1115. Mr J. M. Wiley. Fredericklon, N. B. Messrs W. & D. Yuilo, Montreal. It has become necessary to make this an- nouncemem, because the New York Chemicn! Compan_v(who pay nobody). finding at In! that their name has been so exposed, have as- sumed the title of " Holloan and Co.: ” but, even now. no one will buv their medicines di- rect from the-11,30 that they have made at- rangementa to supply exclusively the firm of Messrs Henrv and Co., of New York. will! lheirso caJéd uonuw‘ay-a Pm: and 0mâ€" men'.” It is presumed that, from the large connec- fion Messls Henry and Co. have in the British Provinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous van- dors and others unleas they exercise (roll caulion to plevem |hoir being misled, by ‘find- ing these medicines beating a slump with th. name of " H oHoway and 00., New York." pri'ned thereon. ' As alliif‘e-endowed bodies. whothorthay b. Beast, Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo- phites. and snkjecls of the Vegetable Kingdo. are governed by rilalforca, which binds I" Ill. springs of existence. and as nothing can my. them from destruction when this principlo leaves them, the discovery of means whonhy' viiality may be sustained-in the living bbdyh indeed a boon to the world. A PUBLIC CAUTlén‘. Each Pot and Box of my preparation ball-I the R‘ritish Government Stump. with the wordy. "Hollowny’a Pills and Ointment. London." engraved thereon, FelIOWS’ Compound S! RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES. mmvn’S'rS and “PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor. F. J CLARKEQhemiu, APUTHECARIES' HALL. LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale m Medicine Houses, Wholesale Agents for Province; of Dumb“ and Quebec :â€" EVANS, MERCER & 00., Montreal Hofloway’s Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in the United Stat“, nhhoughthey may be obtained in the B. N. American Provinces. Modern chemistry has ventilated the qulfi tion and discovaredr- the ingredients commi- ting the‘brnin. muscles and nerves. and'llfl that by imrqduchxg these ingredith in prop» proportions the brain and nervous system In sll'g]lg‘lllbx)ed. ‘7 . V ‘. ‘ ‘ Suld in Bottles 1 dollar each" and in Cues. containing 6 times the quantity. 4 donuts each-'- sufficient to effect a permanent cure in tho great majority of lgngfistnltgingfiagehfllf ALL 1|“ l.‘\nlnvl\l~ This. then.- is- substantially the basis ' which FELLOW’S_HYPOPHOSPHITES in built.‘ direct action is upon the ,Blood. the Brain I“ Nervous S} stem. and the Muscles. Stunni- eniug the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitafized Blood in the Muscular Organ- of the Body. his adapted fér ALL cases of Weakness “I Emaciution, whether arising flom sodonlm life. a trupicnlclimale. from fever or debit“, from anv cause,nlid is efficacious in Pun-oi NARY CONSUMPTION. many confirmed cauc- huving been cured and all benefiued. where the use has bee_n continued ovar n fortznigllt. For Scrol‘ula. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it in a never-failing and pot- manent cure. 1! cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulceraled Sore Legs Cures Blackheads. or Pimplee on the Face. Care: Scurvy Sores. _ (lures Cancel-nus Ulcers. (Sm-es Blood and Skin Diseases. (lures Glandular Swellings. Ileare the Blood from all impure mama. From whatever cause arising. V As thin mixture is pleasant to the taste. lné wnnanled free from anything injurious to the must dellcale constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trill lo test its value. Thousands of eetflmonlah ham 111 pm. “Iii-(311576; 'the Sluggish Heart and Liv“. strengthening the action of the Stomach all Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be fiuliyilc' flafegi wugh 0x_ygen. Sold in England by all Wholesale PIMI‘ Medicine Houses. V Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontuh and Quebec; EVANS ER Zn 3: Go- Menu-eat. In Bronchitis it is a sperific. and i; All' it gives relief when: ovary other remedy flih. For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may be usud with confidence in all Luci. As this is emirer distinct and difl'eront fro- every other preparation of Hypophosphitoa,h careful tank for P‘unows’ Suwv, mm an no other. SOLD BY APO’I‘HECARIBI' Price. SD50: Six for$7'50. BLOOD MIXTURE For cleansing rnd clearing the blood from all impurilea, cannot be too highly recommen- dvd . IS warranted to cure all discharges from IL. Urinary Organs, in ailher sex acquired 0? constitutional, Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, $1.50 all Chemisu tad Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole proprietor, I“. J. CLARKE. APOTHECA R1 FS’ HA LL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Trade Mark “Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIERd‘aRESTOBEB One Box of Clarke’s B 41 “FOR THE BLOOD lS'l‘HE LIFE," gaunt fittmlivimfi, C L A R K E ’ S WflRLD PAMED JAMES LFFIâ€" LOWS,ChoILd SnJonn. NJ 'l‘ H OM AS HOLLOWAY. ZR an 00- Menu-eat.

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