Exit A. F. Milcdonnld Gm'r Pl'RlTY 1N LINCOLN. I 'l. “ He tlwn asked me h0w much I want-‘ ml and I said $25. King paid me the noon 0-. I voted for Capt. Norris.†2. “ The monev was left. with me on con ‘ dilinns. If' I voted for Capt. Norris I was to keep $l0; if I did not vote I was to send '1‘?) ck $5 I did not return the $6.†I ‘3 " Mr BU" left $5 on the table for me :4 ‘Mr McGu-ire gove me $5 in his own store. I voted at. the 'lnsteleetion t'or Cnpt. Norris. 4. “I paid a man named Rancher $20 .‘fnr his son-in-lnw’s vote. 'I gave $5 to a 'Iinlo girl to get her father to vote. I was . unwnss'ing for Capt. Norris. 5 “ My srhu'y is $900 a year. I am (‘m t. Norris"g‘mvimluw. I spent about $75 on the elec'ion. The amount, of Cash ex p- ndod hv Capt. Norris on the electiort was ;11‘\riut $800." 6 “ The election account was headed, missionary expensvs. The whole missionary ,‘9 p'lnses were entered as amounting 'tn" “$870. Missionary band and tun-z, $75; I Nigger Page for an entertainment to l‘hei c lored people. 3L5; ‘Young Mens’ Christian Association for rent at" room $58.50.†1 7. " I am the respondent, I paid ahon‘t. $95 tn J. W. ‘LewisL of Proton notorioty. i] have an account. of all the sums I spent. =l‘vir Her-tin" purposes. I sent to dlfl’exent parties $665. A great deal of money was ‘suent in election purposes and I paid nearly ,:,-.ll of this the day before the election." ‘Ext Cam. Norris. GRIT PURITY I.\' LONDON. “1. "Come along and put down bribery rand corruption. yote for Walker. Tear this up end burn it. We have lots of mom-v." ll. “ I am the l'Pspm.dent in this case 'Nv hommml expend‘lure Wins bemeen $50 :u nd $1001luriugihï¬ election.†12. “ I am I’Uh‘lmaster General. The AT :pondent is my brnlher. I used my in ‘flxwm-e in mv brother's favor.†3. t- I think that. i}. twenty days I spent tbelween $500 and $600. I spent a portion .nf the money in influencing men to vote for 1Major Walker.†Here's $25 for your hhéblinlilwiï¬u knowhow to ï¬x him. Don't. forget the 1.auneâ€".W_a]k_er§ Mgior Walker." J. ,‘- {go} dine i0 do all lthis from jhree pgrsonfs. I ï¬nderstogd they yen; al- ï¬ays gonlgqqged in business 'wixh “pier walker." ' ’ " ‘ ‘ " 8. HI {qt money 'to 'do with it a; gay judgement dictated. I knew that I was ‘doing‘whélt the law forbabe.†X0 bribe voters “4th!†4 8 “15mm $1510 [Tamara He WM? {6} Nacdonnld. l gum the mm“ 10 Humor in chm-inn" 9 ‘- IvreL'C‘ived nmnny. but, can‘t Sb: 11015: much. I an] [1 Med Dr. Beruin lust timbfl 10. '-' I am a n'é-uiur partner in the ï¬rm of McLennm; & McDonald. I expende $1500 for the YBx‘DOIldCut- I took an active purl ‘in thr- eloclion, because 1 was anxious to (10' dual Dr. Bergip." 4;. “ I gave Mrs S. $25. Her husband is a baggagemun. He voted for Major VVMker." 5. “John Haggarty is abrakenman. I gave $36 to his wife to influence him. Hie voted for Major Walker.†6 “Inaid ,to p. policeman for his vote. Ifgrggt big ntllmpd.’ " 9. “‘ I am Major Walker’s partner. Of about $6000 I spent about$1000 of my own. I took an interest in the electio‘ni ‘1 made an entry of the money I paid on I} gli'p of paper 'and tore it up the day 'nfter the election.†' 10. “ I had a. conversation with Major Walker and offered him six votes for $60. He promised me the money and the name in proportion for others.’.’ ' ’ 11. “Election void 09 gecount. ofbribery.†SOUTH (Rbtét‘a'eyv. 1. “John Lorn Macdougull sworn :â€" I am the respondent in this case, I went out to Brundenell on Sabbath morning and treated about 100 people after they came t'rnm church. I' an: a temperance man.†Extt Macdougalffâ€"Zbl‘ontq Sun. 5. “ I got $20 for going away and not voting I went out to the country.†6. “ Thm'e was n debt due me for a Hole I endowed l\\'emy ï¬ve yams ago, I got $25 and voted fur Macdumlld. I had intended 1o vole fur Dr. Bergiu uuh-ss Mr Macdonald :lid IMP.†7. H Mr H. S McDaunld gave me $7010 mn-‘vï¬q with. I canvassed u Wuek before ' u, Inhdm'slood the money was 1hr elrc'h'u: 4. "he Chief Just‘ce donoux-ced the con duct, of Cuunmahnm’s agclns us an euor mous outrage and indictable by law. 5. The Manitaban, of whicher Cunning“ ham was editor and part proprietbr. kicked the dead lion thus: “ The Committee sit' ting with reference to the Marquette elect: ion has decided that Mr Ryan is entitled to the seat. We heartily congratulate Mr Ryan on the resu't and lt'llsl that we shall now have one member. at lt-nst. iu th'e‘ hm minim: House, who “fill t‘uithtull represent Manitoba interests.†Poor Cunningham had already exitted. Gtu'r t‘L‘Rl’l‘Y J.\' CORNWALL. l. “ I guess we’ll tnke those outs thve in e.rly. Macdonald's brother will meet you with the $2.5 l‘trr‘the‘ tmts‘.†4. “ I gave 'l‘inmlhy Ward $20 about a week before the Plecllion. I did not give 1'! lo hum dirvclly, but left :1 in a drawer 0! his shnonmker’s workbench m-cnrding In previuus aï¬rrwment. HP. left the shot» while I placed the money in lhe drawer I gnve him the money to Vote for Mr Muc- dunnld." 2. A grezit n‘mher of witnesses were ex- amined, and the evidence revealed a fright- inl amount of fraud practised in [be ink-rest, of Cunningham. 5 ‘l- I placed a memnrandum of “m nmounls I speul in (m enveiupe, and left it at McGregor Hrmhers. so [hey might, know how much I spent. The amount was over $300.†6. “ I got same mmwy from Mr Robert McGrPgor ior expense-s. I got $50 one or lwo wee-ks before the eleciirvns.†7. “ The vandidum himselfcould not re. member that he had expended personally more Hum $1000.†Exit \Villium hIcGregnr. EHT l‘l'RlTY IN MARQUETTE. 1. Sixty ‘11:“)? ï¬le late Mr Cunningham’s vows weze {rowed Illegalfl 2. Amm’Ig his ngeuls were the Returning ()flicnl and Pull Clelks in St. Francois Xa- vier East and West. 3 “I drove l\\'() barrels of beer out to the Town Hall on lhal duy. George Mncv dana‘d asked me to do this. lie is not in 1116 habit 0‘ treating.†2. “ Mr Mucdunald’s friends gave me an overcoat bemuse it was u chilly drive. I w iH-d f'm- Mr Mmdmmld. 1 have not yei returned the Overcom.†3 “There v7vas $100 placed to my credit by McGregor 8; Brother. I spent about $250, the balance being paid by cheques on McGregor & Brethren"? 4. " I voted at the election for William McGw‘egor. A man named Chnmbem gave me eight dollars for my loss ul‘time‘ [also got a jug of whiskey.†. A . 2:“ My intention was to vote for who- !ever hired my team. I got the money after 1 tecofled my voggf’A l. “ Wiiliam McGregnr is my brother. He keeps a bank. Large sums of money were disbursed by me wilhou', the knowiedge of my brolher. He wns‘elected.†The Witnesses haflng been duly sworn, laid : Purity on the ‘ Reform’ Plan. HOW THEY DID IT. GRIT PUIHI‘Y [N ESSEX. that the Wehalor Sewing Machine has been before the public nulv nboul eigneen Inonlhs and lhounpricedenlcd number of over ten thousand IIIVU been said In so shan a time is nufliciout lo couviuga \he moat incredulous of the superio_ril);uf [he Wlusthk m‘ar allnthels. 11 carried ofl'nearlv all the leading prizns for the full of H5- 3. ll ix cunsmu-hd In [I e most simple. tolitl and substantial manner; can- srqurully less liable 10 get out of repair. it is via simple lo lanfldlo than lh'o operator can udjuu the ditch or 1531th 1% (mission whilo lhv machine is'm mo'tion. ‘ “WEBSTER†A Gunï¬ght? Sgt of_zhe_71_2_osf_ap- up: ‘W EBSETEB’ before purchasing any other. Price. $35, By calling on, or addressfin‘g me uuderajgned he would glnï¬ï¬‚y gi‘yp them we privolege (if ex- um‘l'nin’g‘lho [ya-yam)†._...‘......- .... ., JOHN Hfé‘i‘ï¬immusn, Trlvolllng ngom for-Vaughan 65 Whitchqtpl). “AGEKM \N p,(). H. Ronsoy. general agent for the followjyg Townships; Vaughan. York. Scnrboro’. Mark. ham. Whimhurch, Pickoring. Uxbridge. and Scott. Th. Wmlsnzn Wilda a|l kinds of wkalpnvy or lightcoarro or ï¬ne. it has a straight needle. mlan the luuk stitch, parlorm uorl'e at sewing on every dsxcripï¬on oI malarial, with cotton, linou.or silk llnond. It hems, falls. cords. [maids and galhtrs‘ We would bag to call the unenlio‘n of those wanting ï¬rst-class umchiuus 'gu' be (551m and sea Immediately, to learn the gqunpss Engine», Apply to _ Wu. HARRISON. GANLES. TOYS, &G., F'QR SALE AT 1 o Hmuw Book Store ‘ IMMENSR STBEK NOVELTIE S Spring “ and. Summer I. CROSBY’S GROCERIES! 'J‘AKING into consideration the Iact Great Bargains H‘URRAH.’ Which will be sold chmpcr lhmii‘vcr. May 26. 1874 CALL AND EXAMINE. Richmond Hjll’Jg’x‘x‘g 1874. proved Izttachment: with each Machine: FIRE'PROOF STORE, gym 65mm", (Féwmivï¬. '1lh'o HERALD Booi Sio’r'p‘ I: DAILY ARRIVING AT THE IMPROVED Appre ntioe Wanted RK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT ‘91:} Ilmupu Bpok Stoke. ' Also an Iinmense Slack If RICHMOND H l H. Grocor Ind Dn' Goods Merchant, FOR. ;. CROSBY. H mums P.0. 8537le 8294f And {mowing ï¬nd what tho people want is prepared to mac. lhrir demands. Her long experience In the Millhwry Business and the ,saliufactlon already given she Eli“ claims a allure of xlloifpnlroXIage. Always on hand a. 'U’U .LU (wk/4‘} Agents wanted 1 All classes of working people. of either sex. \‘oung or old. ma -0 more money at work for us in their spare momenta, nr ï¬ll ‘ghe lillle,1lnun n,‘ anything ela: l’nniculags (rep. Addrppl G. S'l‘lNSON J1. Co†,l’ogfland. Mains. Always on hand nnd can be gal at no «the: slow in the Village. 40 Qénfcytgulï¬nper 1b. $5 TO 35% la}'ge assarlmem of. BERLIN W‘ I 001-5. FLBEOY WOOLB AND I ‘m: Subscriber lakes was gpporsuuiu‘ of r"- l luruilz hiu sinners thimm ’31)†"."nwmus (ï¬ends I'urvlheir Lilyerul l’mronnge \I'hllf “09",; pyiug Qhu More known gm lho “ 'l'ea p.53,“- Richmond Hill. and would Hate that he In“ buid out his mlo est in lheabovu Eslalnlislunent to Mr C. SHEI’I’A RD. and would Ilespénk their pulronuge and wpport for his successor. FAMILY GROOERIES ' ! Suilable for the trade of Richmond Hill. and vicinity and will always euz'vnvor m be up to the times with . I And hop“ w wceive the continued patronage ut'lhd (furl’iuneru Ll his Prerieceseor, by anon- tinu In their wants 'rnd m:ng as cheap as it in possnb e lo do. BRA. N, SHORTS EYER’S SUPERIOR FLOUR .V _.-__,__ _.__ wit-u- Can be obtainea at the HIKAI." Book Store at the following roduced 'plficel :-- 15cm. Qflcts. 30cm, 350:9. 400w. (305m, 75cls and 90 cu. ‘~ SHI F4 oys ! FASHIom : z EPARGE STOCK FAMILY .GROQEBIES, DOMINION TEA HOUSE WESLEY. HY M.le TOWNSHIPS AND VICH'ITY THORNEIILL MR EHWAHD' GALLANDUGH, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods; Hats, and Caps, Boots 9' Shoes, HardWa-re, Glass, Paints, Oils, Putty, &u.,'&c. Also :1 romplelu nsaorllnom of [hi3 onpm'lunilv of lemming !: s sincere llmnks In his Iminumus friends and “Manners for Ihvir Libe'nl l‘alrouage during a Ierm of years, and suliciLs for his mm a continuance of [hour hm: SEASONABLE GOODS Richmond Hill. July 151l1,1874. 'F‘ 11E TEA CHEST Cordwood In any Quantity. Goods {gglivEâ€"qd _Prompt1y FARMERS AND OTHERS ‘CANADA FIRST’ M‘i FR. g I '11 QA‘RS, and __ THE BEST FARHLY Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. Always on hand. TINWAHE, A great varietyâ€"cheap ONTARIO HOUSE GREAT EARGAINS ! HA RVE S T T O O L AGREA'I‘ VARIETY. 119935,, 65 $39,115 As Successor In his Father’s business. begs l0 ca-l the nuanliou of lhu Richmond Hill, April 9. ’34. Thnanhill, July IS, 1871, N rnfarence 10 the “have the Subscribe begs to any that he wil' keep a large and fresh mock of Which he hns purchased for CASH. llld is p. o-prm-d to sell UNDER 7 URUN'I U I’lx‘ICE-S at the premises. Asilu- ulevl on Ihe corner of Yonge and Colin»; no sLerls. in the an‘age ol‘ And (H which bu asks an Exumiuuliun. Thumbs“. my 15. 1374. Great Bargavi(1;far 30 GOOD GREEN TEA 'l‘A'l‘IONERY OF ALL ' “1011!;qu B99}; Slow. To an enliroly new and \nried slockol’ ï¬ning pprchased this Spring :1 very In order to make réoin for l'all Stock. Scoops DELIVERED? ‘ CHARLES 52:. SHEPPARD, huwnd Hill. Fob. II}. 1874. Chetpor than any Hausa in Town. GBQCERIES.‘& FIN GERING YARNS. ARUIHBAM) GAILLANOI'GH lakes C HA 1‘ MRS MYERS Residum in the u‘jncnm The be.\ that can be got. {IANGE OF: HANDS; 4:0 RICHMOND HILL. QEmmiw, 8w. Cheaper than Ever. When Ordered. arriving. daily FROM ALEX. MUUDH‘J. PER. DAY. J. BROWN. gums AT 820- If. FUNK 834-3m FEE-If Taken this opporluuiw of returning his sin- ca-ro thanks to his num-rous friends for their liberll supplon since commencing business on Rirhmon'd Hiâ€. 1 have leased tho above premiseg tiarajerm ol'yoars whom I will on- déavor, by strict nttgnlinn to business. to meet the wants of my {stands and customers whh a choice selpcy'op of Stapha and Rapcgv DryGoods WINES & LIQUORS $2000,T0 LOAN on ï¬rst-class Mortgage Securityâ€"in sums from $500 up- wards. A uply to M. TEEEY. N . LYN E'I'T. (As Executor. of the Estate of the late Martin Brennan.) Richmond Hill, June 1, 1874. 1r-82i Whiél} winbe 591d 3,: ohm!) ‘as; any other house, A flesh supply of Gruceries, consist- ing of choice of;- A share of patronage is solicited. 4:0 Richmond Hill. March 25. 1874. 818-11‘ HARDW..3.RE, Iloz'seshoeing/ V7ho7'oughl'y, Carqfully, and neatly done. T9805; from 509t§ to $1 GARDEN .5; FIELD TOOLS“ CARPENTERS TOOLS, 8pc. Brandz'es, Wines, ' Malt Rye wizis/ceys. ’ . Severn-’8 Ale in Bottles. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. All kinds of produce taken and the highest price paid. Goods Delivered Promptly whenï¬Ordered GOOD AND CHEAP! F mad up in ï¬rst-claws style. and lhat ha is now prepared to take all kinds of pictures in the latest «ï¬les of the art. Genera! Blacksmith Machinist BAHN’A 311"“‘3’mn mun SIGN UP THEME STAFF, ALEX. MOODIE Pure and fqu {40m adujterutiou. All kind: of Single & DouernessJ Which he will Warrant lo be as ~- PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, - 9:? Remember the plac; Sandersona’ Drug slore. Surface PlancdjnShort thcv Ej’Ordr/n Solicited. Richmdnd Hiâ€. Fob. IS. 1874. TI~IOS. B. CUUPLAND, PAID FOR WHEN (HIDERED. Richmond “in Feb. ‘26, ’74 Harness! Harness! ! Harness! ! Lath, lumber Tongqed, Grooved, A SUPERIOR STOCK! Doors, lST ,PRIZ E MAGEB .& QUANTZ! GOOD & CHEAP, A "gonerzd nssortmentgn hand, consigting of Harness Establishment. NE W G441; L ER m N returning his sincere thanks to his friends , and pairons for past favors would respect- fully intimate that. ho has now gothis Ilas leased the Syin making to older nn‘d willjendeavor lo keep on hand As can be got elsuwlmre. Richmond Hill. Feb. 11, ’73. Richmond Hill, June {7. ’7; RICHMOND HILL IASH AND HER FACTOR WILLIAM THOMPSON Richmon d Hill, April HI, 12’4.&El-3m Jobbing done in all its Branches. ENLARGED I RICHMOND i CHARGES MODERATE. Single and Double, R)CHMOND HILL. ‘3an HARRISON. HARNESS! MONEY TO LEND W. H. Myers «In, ($0., Richmond Hill. glintugmphg. THOMAS B COUI’LAND, Blinds, Mouldings, 1 me MUNSHAW BLACKâ€" smTu SHOP. Manufactur'ers uf All work lo be AT THE 0 F ALEX. MOODIE. iii-LL. I’lmtug I'll phat-1' Shingles, Sashes, 2L“ U BLâ€. containing one» acre and a quarter ‘ 'mud, one frame. dwelling house. will! II burn stables. and other outbuiluings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise« "- And are locally!“v "' n r°l {“D. 35, mm». 3" .onhowe'“ °° section where mew“ ,ssion 0" Mariam" . fulalady work and ,hanTcS “"4 “more†(Elihu) e cf.hr0]mid t ' A†’3' y I. _) high ,ywvégffnn.â€_,}-,’ (mum: LN. BLAKE. 17 County Engineer, Draftsman d’w. r< bl... .3 . ' ‘ curvyâ€. _ "Hz", Deenrlpllnns, Reports, Plans of bridges. Speciï¬uuï¬ani. Form: of contract. Spcunty Bonds, &c.. executed with mamas nnd'despnlch. 'ï¬mra Mal! House. Burn. and a very su- puriul' Urvhard of Yuunz Fruit ’1‘ we“; a good Well of Wale: on the "remixes, 3 miles from Richmond Hill and nbom'JI miles from To- romo. l'rice $2.5M) Appl" to his LANG-STAFF. MD. Luuu uuuav. UNIONVILLE. Basses run in conneCtin with each train. Conuuodious sample room. rally be found at .home from 2 lo 3 u-clo‘a‘. ,w, m John Elliolt Lungutafl' is authâ€" orized to collect accounts. February 4ih. 1873. 759-â€. Na 4 Trust and Loan Buildings. Corner of Adelaide and Toronto streets. TORONTO. About On Square , at to U cilors, Conveyancers, &u., &c.; “Frommâ€"No. 56. Church Street. Toronto, nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. .L salen number 4 n the village of HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village lots. silualed Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. A FARM UP 69 AND A HALF AGRBS Being part of 10m 3 and 4, Isl Con. Township of Uxbridge. For sale, zood farm, being lot No 30,in the 50 Anus of 1*‘17'st-class Land, l. traction of the Anglo American Hausa by ï¬re. the mbscrihor has taken and thth up those large and conunndious promises baking- ing 1.0 Capt. '1'. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speighc do Son'g Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent acrommodatlon afl'ordpd [or the travelling public and commprcial men. Livery stable in connactiuu with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. sales with Good; Dwelling House and Out- buildings, jusl umside lhe Richmond Hill Cor- poration. And , Aug. 27, 1574. FARM FOR SALE? DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, DjCHMQND HILL,» WILL GENEâ€"7 3. JAMES, ROVINCIAL LAND "SURVEYER, Couutv Engineer. Draftsman d’w. ‘hnd about 15 from Toron‘to. Apply. if by lumen, prepaid, lo MICHA EL O'CONNOR , Cam-vine P,U. 0m r Aug. 27, 1574. 830 3m 2% miles from Richmond Hill There hi on the premises a good house wizh ’npleudid cellars driving house and log barn, nl~‘o an orchard of excellent fruit trees in fuil bearing. A never failing stream of wntrr runs within a few rods ol'lha buildings. There in 11130 4 acres m burl: on the property. W. H. MYERS RING part of lot No. 39. in the lot Cou- ccssiun of the Township 01 Vaughan. con- taining 40 Acres of First-class Land Good Boots and Shoe§ Thope'oplé will have tllem._lï¬â€™ey shy ii. is as gbotf u' b’oof m3 Will not, can not. be undelsold. l have :he' largest assortment of That there is on Richmond Hill. 6501; LAï¬IES‘ BOOTS BUMPETIHUN DISTA’NCEU! VICTORLA- SQUARE! Toronto July ‘28. 1873 'I‘HOS. HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24. I573. 7 March 5‘7. 1872. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- Richmond Hill, Jam. 8,1874. Ridnnond Hill, April 23. '74. 211\ 0011. of Vaughan, :CON'I‘AINDG Sept. 4. 1872. I“. CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m Richmond Hill, June 4. 1374. BLAKE az. KINGSFORD. Amusujms, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- House and Lot for Sale, NMLUCASV STREET, IICHMOND N Yongo Street, Richmond Hill. also ten TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. sml they c‘omé', éï¬olhéf ease of them OTHERS SELL" FOR 80 cts‘ Desirable Farm for Sale. Family Groceries. I. Crouby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. J, NIPISSING HOTEL, Village Lots for Sale. A LARGE STOCK OF ï¬rnpmy fox 5:11», ittimunnwnï¬, Also a flue assortment of Union House TEAS. Apply to MARKHAM. Henry R. E. Kmasronn, MA JACOB MORDEN. , ’fflNGSTON. p. WOOTEN. 73hr 3:] n J 0))»1" Diugln P. O. 714-†822-le 7t4-tf 8"7-Kf 828 It"?! 797 ND WATEMSPOUTS FOR THE DO mm“, at $6 per IUD feet. Also Floor-1 ing and olhenglmmbey Dressed : Sa’h Buckets. Paila.(,iderMills.Washing Machines.Shingles W_n'ggon P‘alluesm‘nd LumberSaWedtb drder lï¬ox'p‘m'tl‘sahiéwarms I JOHN L‘ANGSTAPP,‘ ' ' Steam Mines ,Thb'flflli". Aamcumvuuu. Ckmls‘n. 167. King Street East, Toronto. For Sale by Urnggisls and Slurekeepers. R. 113. LA W. Agent. Richmond Hill. , mugs ON SHEEP. : . USE MILLR’S TICK DES’I‘ROYER. It destroys. the Ticks. promoï¬es ‘tll‘e growth of lhn weal, and illngvl'oyes the condition pf tin animal. A 35 cent box will clean uherp or. 35 lambs. ' , HUGH MILLER; &*C0., D To Weekiy Papers. race-ved at the Hun“) Book Store. Richmond Hil’ , ~- RIUHMB’NB HILL MILLS! THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Desmn‘s all kinds of Insects, Gruhs pnd Cat- erpillars on Currqu and Goosebarry Bushes. Sold by ~Druggfsls and ï¬torokeapers at 95 come per ‘box'. " ' A ' HUGH MILLER &C0.. GEORGE (2; DAVID BIRRELL FIRST-CLASS FLOUR 8:. FEED! Price 95 can" and $1 00 par bdx. A dollar box contains uvo hundred feeds. I’arï¬es favoring us wiih grists may réjy on a good return and well manu'hclured. It Fattens in? One-fourf/z' the usual Mme; and savcstood. Rilï¬huwud 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees; A FRESH SUPPLY, Al $1.82. $5. $5.50.:$8.50 and $9. at lha HERALD 1300): Swan. Richmond Hill. FATTENS HORSES, COWS, CA’LVES, Sheep and Plus. 4' o MAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLS ! Horses and Vehiclesjof him. Charges mo’ deraw. Opposite Sanderson SLSons. ' JOHN BROWN! Prpprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. ‘ 751-3m D7 ' King Streetl‘East; Toronto. R. A. IIA‘nmsou,Q,c. Fl. Osman. THOMAS Mbss, Q.’c W . A Fasten. CHARLES Muss. W. G. FALCOhBBIhGE Thornlnill. Nov. 3,1869. HIGHEST MABKEI‘ PXBISE PAID FOR WHEAT- Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct 15. 1873 April 9. x87... HARRISON. 081313385 moss, ' QARHISTERSU’qu yos. 36‘ AND 3;; Toronto. Doc. 4, 1872. UBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON, EG to inform Merchants Bakers &. Farmsrs ‘ that they have alwnvs on hand a large flock of EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SACE clwup_at the Hun; Bb‘ok Sl'ore. ICHMOND HILL 1, 1 v E R Y STABLES. “ Sheep {Ind l’lps. MILY BIBLES, mm «Emma may. Patent Eaveâ€"trough CATERPILLARS Agricullural'Chemisls. Termite F0 R SALE BY R E. LAW. Druggiu, Richmdnd Hill. 5]0~.lf 7504f Mr H. 1.]! Mr A Chipm ‘Mr John Bond, "Messrs Eiliot «XL Mr J. Chalouer. SI. Men‘srs Hanninglon Mr R. S. [’1 iddv. Wind gmâ€- Orpen. Murden, N. L ‘ Mr Gem-go C. Hum. Jam, Mr W. Thompson. Hnrhor Grace, . Mr J. M. Wiley. Frederick‘on, N. B. Messrs W . 61 D. \ ï¬ilo, Montreal. A: allllfo-eudowed bodies. whalhorthoibo" Beast. BirdsLRepï¬les. Insects or evan Z â€"‘ phites. and sulnjo’cts of the Vegetable Kin 30"“ are govaruml‘lly rilntfm-cc, which binds I High "wings of pxiazeuco. and as nolhing cum slit-i“ them ,from destpmtion when this princi'pTUT léavesvtvhem,thadiscolvery of mun; whorg'uy‘l" vitalitv'mnv be suslaiued“ in the living holy Id“ indeed a b'bdn (o the world. This. then. in substantially the 7‘ which FELLOW’B Hwopuosrnrru is huill. 5 direct ucliou is upon the Blood. the Brain n‘? Nervous Syste‘m, and the Muscles. t‘(rolp.§ euingrthohervon. it causes the rapid dunks; ,tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Ox‘gu'x ofigho Body._ My Find and Ointment are sold at the lam ’= whoiosnle net prices. in quantities of no! lo‘u‘ than £20 woulhâ€"vi‘z.. 83 “d†223., 34a., polf‘" dozen boxes of Pills or pots ofOimmant. fat" which remittances must be sent. in advanco'.) Chemists and other Vendors of Hollow:~ genuine Pills and Ointment may have thouâ€. names inserted in the local papers if they wilH please apply hereâ€"_ , 5B3; Ozfnrd>strcal.“ W. C" ' London, March 315:, 1874 . Modem chemistry. has vouliluod khaki“ tion and qiscovorod the ingredient! «unit... ling (he bra‘m. muscles and norvel, ‘Ii‘ that by introducing these Ingredients II a r proportions the brain and nervoul sys‘ï¬iï¬'..}.i! strengthened. ‘ Rousing. the Sluggish Heart and UV“? strengthening the aclion of the Stolnnellgl“: Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be aIHfII; fluted wuhOxygen- ' ..-- . ‘-'..| FelloWs’ CompOu-nd , r SI RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITEJSL" [mum WIHI'UK)gUu» V H ‘ It is adapted for ALchaBBB of Walnut-I00?! Emnciation , whether arising from "dehufl' life. a tropical climate. from fever or dobiflty' from ‘anv cause, and is efï¬cacious in Pulp: MARY. Consulv’rmn. many conï¬rmud onu-A having been cured and 8H beneï¬lled. when 1.3 use has been continued ovor a fortnight. _ .1 "no Ilvv," u..........~_ v. .. urn-"5.... In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Alth" it gives relief where uverv other remedy {nib} For Ne'rvons Debillty it stands unrivallod,’ and may be usud with conï¬dence in I“ and; As III-is is emirer distinct and dlï¬'erem fu‘ everY'olher preparauon of Hypophosphiln,Lol careful to ask for FLLLows’ SYRUP, and «H no other. SOLD BY APO'I'HECARI" Aiiubrjigau gibvihcjeg. ~ _’ , _‘ Ené: Pot 9nd qu of my preparation bear! lhéBn‘tiéh’ Government~ Stamp. wilh the words; “Hulloway’s Pills and Ointment, London." engraVed lhgrqon. ft has become nécéséarfl' (o miiké lhil an: nouucemem, bec'ause ih‘e New York Chemic- Company (who pay nobody). ï¬nding at In Lhat their name has been so exposed, hnvo In: mriied tho line of " Holloway and Co.; " butl evolynbw. no one will buv their medicines di- rect ffom them, so that l ' " rangementa to bupply Messrs Henry and ( their aorcallod “ H mam,†v It is presume‘ lion Mess" He Plovi‘ncos an likely lo be' dom and A PUBqu CAU'i‘IéN; Hollowï¬yis Pms hind (ï¬ninr'e'rié manhfugilurdd not sold in the Unith Stalled; ulthoiugh‘lhey miy be dbtaixied in die B. N.‘ Aiilbi‘ig'au Bibvihqu. H _ - "raw"... . . . nu 1nnn,uu_lululll aroruacmms- HALL. mucodu; : . ENGLAND. V‘ Sold In England by a" Wholu'a'k' Piiu'i' Medicine Hon-en." Whobsale Agents for Provinces b'f Cniafll‘ and Quebec :u- ’ ‘ ‘ EVANS, MERCER & 00.;ï¬ohtrodt V Suld in Bottles 1 dollar,enc‘lp,-L ï¬nd in Cassi. containing 6 times the quantity; 2] dollarï¬ latch-3 sufï¬cient to effect a perrr'mnént cure Hf div†great n'mjorily of long sgqlndin rummBY ALL? (:mmlsrs and PATEN§~ MEDXCLV B VENDORS throughout the world. . fob [’roprielof. I“. J >CLARKE,Cb'eiiï¬-’t, IS wurmntod lo curo‘all dihhargcg . "in tho Urinary Organs, in qilhe'r fez; NEE "ad or coxlsgulllional; Gravel gmd Pei]; {in l 'o hut. Sold in Boxes; $i.50 ghchï¬g' i | Chukka.“ Patent Medicine Velldbrng. ' ., , Sole proprioloi, F. J. OLARkEL APOTHECARIFS’, , . HA LL. LINGOLI. ENGLAND'.†‘ Sold in England by 'all Wh'bi'eï¬qlo run MedicimlI Housest l _ \ “W ‘ . thLo-snle Agent‘s for X’f‘oviuc‘ob o! OIUflO and Quehpc: ('ures Glafudular Swellings. (Ilenrithe Blo‘ud from all implitb malto‘r’; From wha't'o‘Ver eause arising. As this mixture is pleasanl to the taste. 8nd wand-net! free fro’fx‘i anything injurio'tls to thi‘ mus: delicate Constitution: ofeither sent, the‘ t’l'b‘p‘fiefur solicitsqhfl'érors lo give it a Mal to‘ (us! HS vdltle‘. ' moi-354‘s 6i éé-é’iniéz‘iiai- 563 m 53m; One Box of Clarke‘s ‘ ' Trade Mark “ Blb‘od' Mixture," THE? GREAT BLOOD PUBrELERmmsz‘On-ER For clé‘ansing _nld clenrin'g‘th'e 31003 from all impuritos, cannot be) tao'h'i'gh‘ly recommen- dud . ' For Scrofnla. Scurvy, Skin Di‘seésm. End Sores ql‘ all kinds it is a never-failing and pol“ manent cure. ' ' l ‘ ll cure's old Sores; . U Cures Ulcerï¬fed Sure: on‘ the Neck. Cures Ulce‘faled sore Logs ', . ' (,‘ures- Blackheads, 01‘ Pimples on the F3“ Cures Sc'u’lVy 'Sores'. ' ' Cures Cauce'rbuli-Ulcb'ibé (.‘urel Blo‘od‘nndlskin Disensot‘. BLUODMIXTURE “PM ï¬mB‘wou IS 'l‘ll'ErLJFI-z." essrï¬' LVMS ER 153 86 CO- MOBUOCI. 331121111 ï¬tteflitim, Price. ask-50; Six for $7'ML" CLARKE? wnnLnr mum JAMES LN‘Iâ€" LoWs,-6kiiï¬ 5t. Jenni DJ: w oms HOLLOWAL ‘ it a =BWOU k‘s " i; ii flit-