Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 16 Oct 1874, p. 2

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RichmondHiHSlation Changeomms inking efi'eclMonday, Juvyl3|h 1874: Gomg North 813 AM. .12.34‘p‘m,..5 13 p m Going South 926 A.M..2.l‘5 p m. . NAG p.m Elm €3an Of all the disgusting phases whichl have been developed of late in Canadian zpolitical life, there is nothing so nous-l eous as that which gave them all birth, â€"â€"that is. the hypocrisy of the Grits.â€" It is strange that the public were not warned in time of their insidious plans, for the trail ofthe serpent was over them ail. While clumourously claiming for themselves the virtue of being the sole leaders of a free people. they are at the Same time industriously cultiVating and lostering a system of political cubals and secret intrig ue “clubs” for the puipose of'dissemiuating their dangerous prin- ciples, and tett‘ering the people with all sorts of political pledges, at the same time that they shouted for popular rights and political freedom. There is nothing so dangerous to the well-being of a free people as these political cabals.â€" If they are in the interests of' the people â€"â€"why should the public be excluded from their deliberations ? Evidently because they cannot hear a very close inspection ! 'There is Something: behind dangerous to the putlic interests and they are .conscmus of'it. The Grit is the Jesuit ofzpulitics. The end justifies the means, and they instituted political Cabals because {they :could never attain power without them, and they are new perpetuated for the sole purpose of keep- ing them in power. The Conservatives have taken up this feature in self-de- fence, and have sanctified the meansâ€"- by their unquestionable patriotism, and their devotion since time immcmorable to the maintenance of the national honour and constitutional rule. The destinies of the Empire have been. too long in their hands. and it is not in the nature of' the British or Canadian public to distrust them long. The people have Stiff; Siguu to see "hmugl‘ the trans aparent humhug of Grit tactics, and their inflammatory cries and sham paâ€" triotism will hereafter fall stale upon the freak-lip gar 'I‘lfifij” Will be driven Coll}- pletely within the pale of their secret as- sociations. political cahals, and intrigue clubs. The popular verdict is out against them, and, if our people work with that energy which the occasion de- mands, it will soon he recorded. From the leering levity of McKellar to the sanetimonious hypocrisy of Mow- att, all the shades of' deception which can be practised by an unscrupulous party may be detected in the changeful career of the Grit leaders. Mr MeKell- at is a roaring, rollicking political debau- ehee, who does not pretend to maintain what the Grits themselves are pleased to denominate “the outward semblance of decency.” After ranting: for hours, on the inexhaustable subject of' “ public honor and honesty," and all the other oatchwords with which the unscrupulous demagague 18 so ready in order to charm the undisnerning multitude. He is too ready to put his tongue in his cheek to laugh that rukish horselaugh of hisâ€"so characteristic ofcvery debaucheeâ€" so full of that taunting derision, and superior scorn which a gambling 'trickster shows for his victim when the \ictory is won! He fools his followers to the top of their bent, by his apt and oily glibness of tongue and his spurious patriotism, and .then laughs at their easy credulity, be- fore their very faces as often as behind their backs. 'But he is beginning to be found out! -'J he Press is the Nemesis which is gradually encompassing the vengeance of an outraged people! He and the men who have rallied around this~ repulsive deniauogue will soon be ‘hurled From that position which they have converted into a "bad eminence ” Let the neople speak ! Mr Mowatt treads in the footsteps of his colleagues, and is hasten- ing‘ onin the path of the transgressor. iHis latest achievement is another mile- stone on the downward course showing the progress of-rthe party of puritv. Mr‘ Holmes, the Superintendent of the House of Industry, at Kingston, became1 obnoxious to the Grits. Mr. Langmuir,g :3 “ Government jackall," was set upon‘ his track to find an excuse for his being, superseded. He was soon represented as being an “ unfit man .” The Board ‘ of Directors, who were composed largely of Grits, were directed to put the case in operation They refused to remove him ! 1 Then from Mr. McKellar’s department, with the tacit consent of Premier Mo- »watt. there issues the following direct recommendationzâ€"“I am to intimate “that the continuance of Mr. Holmes -“ in his position mnv be a circumstance “ that may preclude the Government’s ' v v ~ the Provincial the rum NEW ADVERTISEMENTS An Apprentice x0 the Printing Business Diuolution of Partnership. Richmond Lodge, AF 6: A.M. List of Letters in P. 0. THE MEN AND THE PARTY. ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA RICHMUNII HILL. Oct. 16. 1874 GRIT TACTICS. The “ pure ” press, prominent among thetiii‘tlie‘ilnrnaculate London Advertiser, are loudly clamouring for more pap! This shows in a remarkable manner the sincerity of their feelings when they formerly so violently denounced the late Government for what they deemed their partiality to the Conservative press. Major Walker is too much a man after their own heart to be dropped after set- ting such an example as handing out six hundred dollar bribes. The “purity” press are charmed! The experience was so sweetâ€"and now why should’nt \the Government Come down? To be ‘sure why not? The creatures of their ‘own creation! 80 honest and pureâ€"â€" V and just a little lower than the angels! It is now a pity that they should not show a little of their earthly natures. \Vhy not come down with a dollar.or two. After all “no friend is so true as a dollar or two”~as the old songr says. They have been utterly fleuted by the ,slowness and barrenness of Government patronage and they Want something big‘ - ger. They thought that they had tap- ped a mine of‘ wealth when they placed their men upon Treasury benches-and now their disapointment is inconceivable I (They do not understand why the Con- "servative press made such a fight over so , small a matter! Well, the secret was, that they fighting: not for pelf but for ' patriotism and principle! Dawnsâ€"The Ccrnmittee on ” Debates,’ in connection with the Mechanics’ Institute in this village. are making preparation for the discussions for the coming season. Those who desire to assist will send their names to the President, Mr I. Croshy’ or to the Secretary, Mr Switzer. The first sub- ject will he :â€"Resolved “ That mankind is governed more by the fear' of punishment than the hope of reward. Br’ock Agricultural Show m” be held at Sunderland,'on the 16th and 17d) October. The Montreal District Orange Lodge, at a recent meeting, expressed its deep regret atzhe introduction of ritualistic practices into Protestant churches. POST OFFICE SAVINGS’ BANK.â€" Momhly Statementâ€"The following is the exhibit of the transactions in the Richmond Hi1! post~oflice Savings Bank up to the fat Oct. :â€" Iota] gegosits to Sept”, 1874..$87,601 00 A Temperance Social wi‘l be held in the Victoria Hall. Thornhill. on F.iday, 23rd inst Teawil] be served from 7:30 to 9 o’clock, after which, there will be songs. duens. trios and inswumental music by sev - em] talented amateurs. Tickets, 20 cents. DCbosi‘Is‘in month bf Slep” .. Withdrawals “ “ . . . The First Presbyterian Uhu rch, Hamilton, has sever-er] its connection with the Amer- ican Presbyterian Church, and united with the Hamilton Presbytery. FATAL Accmzx'r. â€" Au accident of a very painful nature occurred on Tuesday last, about one o’clock, in the house of Mrs Parsons, of Thornhill. It appears [hat Mrs Parsons, widow of Ihe late Mr B. Parsons. after partaking of dinner as usual, went to her mum for repose. On her way she is supposed to have caught her foot, and fall- ing down she struck her temple against the corner of the doorway. Dr. Reid was imV mediater sent for. but on his arrival life already was exlinct. Much sympathy is lelt forthe family. Deceased was in her eighty fourth year, and had but a few weeks ago recovered from a serious illness, Aerated water is now largely consumed in all civilized countries, and its purity 15 a matter of great public importance. It has been discovered that lead poisoning, how- ever, has followed a liberal use of water in that agreeable form. Persons employed in manufactories of lemonado and mineral waters, have been found suffering from lead taken into the system through freely drink- ing these beverages. It is needless to say that lead is not willingly introdu ed into these cool, palatable, and otherwise whole. some drinks. The presence of that mineral is only t) be accounted for in one or two wavs- Lead may be used as an adulterant of the chemicals used in the productions of aerated water, or the water may act on lead pines through which it may be conveyed. ‘he danger of'this form of lead poisoning j; 5,0 nrpsnnt causing considerable discussion ‘- r nest, and this will doubtless e143 “'2 of the whole w. ,..i« Li According to our latest advices three emi nent Scotsmen have concluded their work in this life. The death of the Rev. Dr. John Cook. of Haddington, “the hereditary lead er of the Kirk," has clothed the Church of Scotland in mourning. The venerable, pious and beloved Dr. James Henderson of Fee St. Enoch's, Glasgow, has gone to his rest, and his reward. The Hon. Lord Ben. holme, one of the Senators of the College ot'Justice, an ornament to the bench, and one of the most rigidly conscientious men who ever presided as A judge. has quietly paSSed through the gates of death to the life beyond. whither for years his saintvlilte spirit seemed ever ready to fly from his strangely attenuated mortal body. They rest from their labors, and their works do follow them. The annual fair of the West Riding of York and Vaughan Agricultural Societies. was opened at Woodhridge on Tuesdayflast. The Secretaries reported over 2,000 entries anumber twice as large as ever before. There was an immense gathering on Wedl nesday. The large hall of the Vaughan Agricultural Society. 200 feet long. was Completely filled, and the grounds were crowded with implements. machinery, and r small city of tents for Wednesday’s amuse- ments. The ladies’ work was considered equal to the display at the Provincial Ex. hibition. The annual meeting of’ the Langstafl‘Far~ mers’ Club was held in the shool house, on Wednesday of last week. and the following gentlemen were appointed officers for the year; David James, President; John Dun can. Vice President, and Andrew Boyle, Secretur). The next meeting will be cc- cuuied bv the newly elected officers in de livering their inaugural addresses. Arrange' ments are being.’ made for a. series oflectur es to be delivered. by competent gentlemen. during the ensuing winter. . Members tick: estnre only 50 cents. all who are in the neighborhood, interested in farming ought to become associated with this club. THE “ PURI'I‘Y. ” PRESS @flimw’fi «3:11am. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. 776 00 792.59 Amidst the heu‘ps of rubbish called music constantly being published, it 13 refreshing to'find even one small book with many pieces which have in them the true musical ring. This is the case. as far asI have had time to examine it, with all the pieces in The Canadian Musical Fountain, and Pro h’ibt'tion Singer, prepared by Mr C. W. ('ozttes & Brothers, and published but a few days ago. Mr (Jo-ates has already formed for h mself the character of a very superior lmusician, both as a performer, and com- poser ot'sevetal pieces of much more than‘ ordinary merit. The various Temperance organizations will find this book perfectly adapted to meet their wishes. The compi‘ lers say in the preface, " We aim at Pitom ‘Bl'l‘IONâ€"pure and simple. The book will lbe tound to breathe this spirit throughout." iThe Christian~tempemnceâ€"man will find [nothing in it offensive either to good taste or good morality. ln i'nct, many of the pieces combine christian Sen'lment with the lspecialityin view. If Philip Philips and Mr Sankey. and many others, can so success fully “ sin;y the gospel ” for the good ot‘the unsaved und erlificntion of‘ Christians; why may l 01 the friends t)f’I‘t'mpBrl/lll('f' sing oi' Temperance and Prohibition with equal effect? The Messrs Comes have confermtl a great benefit on the country by the publi- cation of “ The Canadian Anthem Bon ” and now “The Prohibition Singer.” In boththese books there are fewer useless pieces than in any other 1 have known The “ Fountain” will come within the reach of all at 35 cts each. l presume the HERALD Book Store will be able to furnish almost any quantity. Let every Temple place two or three dozen copies in its Hall of meeting. (T‘o the Editor of the Yurk Herald.) DEAR 8111,.- BALLov’s MAGAsz rm: Nov. *Plll>l;“h' ed byThomes & Talbot, 36 Bromllekl Street, Boston. The:NOVeniber number at Rallnu's Mngm zine is out and has a remarkahle table of contents. In it. are two Thanksgiving stories, a tale of California, a sea. story, four or five domestic tales and several choice pieces of poetry. besides a continua tion of that mysterious novely “Will she mary him?” which is attracting mnch at~ temion from those who have taken a little interest. in spiritualism, and desxre to' inves: tigate it, and see what it. inf All this in addition to the engravings and the juvenile department. But just see what a list of contentsis given. by reading the follow ing: “The Cottagef’ The little Wander- erg” "English lininsf’ “ Haunted; or. Florenwlyiuqmzlaâ€"Whg’ mvm‘s worl ” “Tell me â€"‘tell me;" “157’? Fldrencevlyiuglmidâ€"Whfi’ nin's i V wm-k ;” “Tell me â€"‘leH me ;" “ Lay's; ( A‘ T-hahksgiving,” “ Au'umn ;” " Th3 last ‘, 5 moments of Mary Queen of Scots ;” “The i/‘U counse ot'true love;” " The shipmnster’s treachery” “A trip to an Eruptiong" " An eventful journey ;” “ Noisy Brown;’y “ Our Yongl’eqple's Story ’J'ellcrâ€"Lpha #:w: Gray; or. Twice an ()rphunz” "Curious‘ Matters ” “ Ruthveu’s Puzzle l’nge;” “The Houseâ€"keeper ” " Facls and Funciesg” (Humorous Pictures”) TUESDAY, 13.-â€"- Orillia Lacrosse Club have beaten the “Blue Mountains ’7 of Collingwood, today, in a contest. so stub‘ born and hurt] foulln that ii Can fairly be put down as unprecedented in the annals of Ln- cmsse. One game lasted two hours and flve minutes. There was no dispute. The match was most amicably played. The Collin‘rwood club played well. Pamcu' lax-s “an week. Just olfthe field! Dr. J. Bell Simpson’s Specific and 'l‘om'l: Pills, the Great English Ramada/for all netvous debiltyfram whatever cause mixing, have al’ ready been so thoroughiv tested in Canada as to require little to be said in their favorâ€"as a certain eure for those distressing symptoms srising from errorsof youth. Dr. J. Bel! Sim. pson was a pupil and friend of the late Dr Wil- lis Mosely. of London. England the most cele- brated authority in the world on this subject. rlis partner is now visiting Canada. and is prepared to give advice free to all. and forward circular. etc., if applied toâ€"addressing Dr. J Bell Simpson & 00.. Drawer 91 1’. 0. Hamil ton. Two boxes of Fills WI” also be sent bv mail to guy part of Canada. securely wrapped from observation. on receipt 39.60. Special treatmént if desired. Pills sold rotail by all :etail D uggisls, and wholesale by allwholesale ’ nd Patent Medicine Dealers, (inn-mu. AND Comowrmaâ€"“By a thorough knowledge ofthe n lural law: which govermheoperationsofdigaslion and nutrition. and byacareful application of the fine proper. lies of well-selected cocoa, MJ Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored bevarage which may save us many heavy doctors’ hills.”~â€" Civil Service Gazette Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is labe||ed-â€"‘ ‘ JAMES Ens 5L 'Ta. Homoeopathic Chemists. London; MANUFACTURE or Cocm.-â€"~“ We will now give an acct-um of the process adopted bx Messrs James Epps &L 00.. Inanufacluren of. dietetic arliclas. at their works in the Euslon Rwd. London”-â€"See arlicle in Gasselt's llausc/wld Guido ' AUCTION SALES.‘ MogpAY, Oct; 26,â€"f-Cyeflit Sale Harness Waggons, Honseltoltl Furniture. etc., on Centre St. west, Richmond Hill. The property of Mr Fred. Whitlock. Sale at 12 o’clock. \V. H. Myers, Auctionenr WEDNESDAY, Oct. 21,â€"Auction Sale 01 Horses, Waggons, thomughlbred Bull. 8' Richmond [1111. The px'opm‘ty of Mr Henry F. lltamwr. Butcher. Sale at 12 o'clock. W. [1. Myers, Auctinneer FRIDAY, Oct. 16,» Credit Sale Real Estate, Store Goods, &c, on Lot. 1, 3rd (Jon. Whitchurch. 'J'h“ pt‘oywrty oer J. R Emery. S:th at 12 u’clnck, and 7 p. In. W. H. Myers AU'Xtioncer. FRIDAY, Oct. 16~(‘redn Salt: Farm Stock, lmplt-ments, than. (lll Lot 26. 41h Lon. Markham. The pt‘opetty 0." Mr Samuel M. Brown. Snle at 10 a.m, Lunch at noun. .l. Gmmley, “tuclioncer. 'I'I'ESDAY, Oct. ‘20â€"- (Trodit Sale Farm Stock. lmplements. Household Furniture. &c.. on Lot 4, (51h Cnn. \Yhilchurch. The property of Mr Benjamin M. Byer. Sale at 10 u.m. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. ' SATt'an, Uct.17â€"~C1-edit Sale Lumber. n1 Currville Saw Mt ls, Lot 16; 2nd (7m). Vaughan. The property of Mr Ji‘hn Jones. Sale at 12 o’clock W. H. Myers. Auctioneer. Parties getting Sale Bills pnnted at this office will receive a notice similar to the above, FREE of charge. THE MUSICAL FOUNTAIN AND PRUHIBi'l‘lUN SINGER. October 31. 1872. Oct 7th 1874. ORILLIA CORRESPONDIJVCE REAKFAST.â€" EPPS’S COCOA. ~â€" @mmmmmmm (From our own Correspondent.) NEW LITERATU To Nervous Sufferers. fimfifl “4311mm. J on}: B UNT. U RE 739-lv {gazmegzgggzmn“.3113” g ‘Five Prizes $1003 , 1000 Gold and Silvm‘ Lever Hunting W'atclus '. (in all) worlhfrom $20 to $300 each. Ladies’ & Gents’ Gold Chains. Coin Silver ,Vest Chains, Solid and Doublevplmed Silver- Flor: xSuperfine. . . . . . . . . . Sprung Wheat extra Fancy ............ Chrisllu “ C“|.r J Lynson, vvmm . (13.50”, Andrew (2’ Miller John J Dalton, Jana; “J'V’Wa- R'Nfl A Dickson. T. Nu "‘a\'. James I Dibb. GMN‘g'a :w[.,_'411.4“ern. D. Gorman Mrs Jane Maueg \Irs U; Gonna», John Phi'lips Gcm'g‘d GlanuyJames [{mvle‘ Mig, E Hrle. .lnnms Sirnpgn“ Mrs Hnslings. “'iliiam Tucker Miss A, Howm. Robert (6) Willox John ' ware. Jewelry, die-- Number of glfts 10.000. Tickets limited to 75,000 AGENTS WANTED To SELL TICKETS”) whom Liberal Premiums will b. paid. Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets $5; Twelve Tickets $10 ; Twenty-Five $20. Circulars containing a full -list of prizes. 3 description of the manner of drawing, and other infurmatton in referanca lo the Distri- bution, will be sentto any one ordering them, All letters mus! be adtiressea t0 Office, Excelsior Blinding L.D'smo§ee Cor. .Raco 6L Longworth mnmnug‘g‘ l‘ UGUS'l‘ last. O'Ie Shaw The owner is requested to prove propnrzy. pay expenses, and lake the animal away . TO BE DRAWN MONDAY, Nowmber 23rd, 1874. UNI: GRAND BASH PRIZE 0? $5,000 In GOLD $3,000 In Silver 3 The next regular communication of thr above lodge wt” he held next Moudav evening ‘ch 11181., M 7 n’clvwk. \VE, Hie undersigned, do hereby mnmnlly agree (ha( the partnership subsisxing he- Iwo‘rn .‘s, as Snwwrs. al (Lnrrville. under the lil'. 0r c-u-purlnorship of " Jones & Hewitt.” imhmfim‘dissnlved. All paruea indebted lo the said firm will please pay inunvdiatoh‘ 10 F Ilewh-, Cm-rvil'e l’.O. The said businafis will,for the future. be carried on by John Jonex. Dated at Car'villo, JOHN J’7NES. Ucl. lst, 1:474. FRED. HEWITT. \R‘TAN I FD: lnnnediamly, a smarl imelli- gem, hov to learn Ilm Painting Blush-es.~ Appiy u! the HFHALI) Office, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill,()ct 7. 1874. Gift Enterprise 1 FOUND More than half a century ago a Eh slcian of the British army discovered a cure for t a hitherto con- sidered incurable disease, Runumuxsu, which, In his own practice, proved to be an unfailing remedy. the prescription of which has long been i_n the pos- sesslon of a drugglst, who gave it a trial In his own family over 25 years ago, when it made such a re- markable cure of Ruuxunxsu that astonished all who were ac usinted with the case. Others trial with such comp ete success that established the fact thgt it does eflectuslly cure Rgnmumsu. A”, _.n.nx-x_- ‘_- The‘only reliable Gift Distribution in me Country 1 Smce the originatér‘s death, this medicine has been pntu un er the name of GRAHAM’S PAIN ERADICA 0R. Its superiority to all other: ls uni- veysnlly acknowledged 1n the cure or most fox-ma of p839. Tgy 3t. .- ,,,,.,‘,L :.____1-L_ ___1 5-4... "F31- 51; {1} all rcsgfiectablc mum: and Man tnmedlcmc. Pnoe cents. IN VALU'A BLE GIFTS ! mmmm: August 1. 1874. List of Letters FEAIAINING IN THE RICHMOND JOHN HU\TER Markham, Oct. 7, 1874, E Dissolution of Partnership. L. D. SINE’S 331cm grtlvsttismmxm. 170th REGULAR MONTHLY A MFRINO RAM, $75,000 00 Hi" Posh flies. in 00., IR74: hm {"3 A Johnston. Samuel J Lynson, William d w 2 Miller John J R malty: ( 5 Vla’vcna. Rom Ann(2) ;. rp ' Mu‘raV. James F. ONE GRAND CASH PRIZE 0F Apprentice Wante TORONTO MARKETS ICHMOND LODGE,A.F. &A M , No, 23, (my. M1": premi‘ses ofthe Subscriber. Lo? on. Markham, about. [he 1le) of THOMAS NEWTUN, Sec'y. TO BE DISTRIBUTED ll Witness, H. W. BOLI‘TH ) Toromo AN EFFECTUAL CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. M. TEEFY. r u ,Ocv. 9. l574. 25mm [I95@ i30® )05@ 090/11) 0:1? ((3 045/0 12 00@ [3(‘U@ 075f<E 200/13 000/03 060m) U75@ 0 BU/(D U 5051) 06- (a) 18 U0@ UUU/(b 008R? 011/6) 8mm) (H'Ufrb “3|! f]; U 22KB ()16@ (l Rafi? v \7 (2?; liwfrb 460E!) suufa) 54UIED 5:30sz 575((D 500@ 385@ () 35(1) 845-6t. 816 4t 4 90 5 25 5 60 U 60 b" 00 5 50 4 00 ) 3 t 0 U M] l 36 l m I (.0 I» 70 0 01! 2:) 00 17 U0 0 8|! 2 25 b ()0 0 b5 1 (m (I 50 0 L0 0 70 ~8 00 9) 00 U 12 0 l4 8 50 7 UK; 0 33 U 25 0 (:0 U 13 U 18 2 ()ll BELL’S ()RGANS r U S.-\'l'ISF'Y THOSE WISHING TO know wlwrelheg can procure the best Instrum nls we would merely mention the following facts:â€" At the Provincial Exhihition held in Toronto in MY“, w.- remived the First Prizes for the Best Molodeun and best lalge Cabinet Organ: also, the f1 Wanted immcdfiuty, an apprentice to lo urn Bucksmhhinz. Apply to WILLIAM TRENCB, Awarded for the Reed lnsvrumonm during ll‘o LAS'I‘ MM. YEARS. Al the Provincial Exh‘bition fur l-7l. we roceived all the FlrSl Prizes auo [he Groceries, Wines & Liquors, Glass and Putty, Only Medal Ever Awarded To nnv Organ Manufaclmer at any Exhibition in Canada At this Ontario Provincial Exhibition and the Gunlph (Tammi Exhibition for 1572. we a- gain recoived ’I‘AKING into consde J u that :he “’nlisler‘ Sowing Manliin‘e :2“ be..." before ihe public nnlv about eipl‘loen mun-“5‘ and the unprecedented number of over will jliousnnd have [won sold HI so shorl a lime is Eumclfllll to convincu the mrst incredulous 0f the Fuporiorily oi the Winn-1R over all others. Richmodd Hill. Oct. 1. 1874. At the (‘emrai and Provincial Exhibitiqu for #873. we received every Firs: l'rlze on Canine! ()rgnnn. A! hmh Exhibitions aevnrai ~\maricnn Firms. including Esley and i’eiouithL Pehon “mun Compnnins, worn nnmpmilms. also ail [he most prominent Cana- dian manufacturers. In alllhe detni‘s nf Tana. Darnhflilv. and Excalh-nce nf Sn-‘e we shall pay the same a!» u-nlinn as heretofore in order to have our 1n- slrnmenls cumin-m the host in .hn market. Evan lnmrnnwnl fnhy “'arrnmed for Five Yours. Salhsfaclinn gnarantwd. “’51. STREET. Agent, {hr Richmond Hi“ and Vicinity Also Agent fnr Choice lot of Prints. Cheap. 1! carried ofl' nearly al. the leading prizas [or the fall of i8? 3. It is construclcd in the most simple. solid and substantial manner; coll- sequomly less liable ‘0 get out of repair. BRITISH FLAG STAFF! 'I‘Pas & Cufi'ees Wuich may be had at Low Pvicos x-nd bent Tarms WSHOW ROOM, Adjoining 15¢ Britisfl Flag Siafi‘, Richmond Hill before purchasing any other, Price. $35. By culling on, or avdregsing the uudv-uigued he would gladly give them the privelege ofexv amining the m: chian JOHN H. S'I‘ONEHUUSE, Travelling agent for Vaughan &' Whimhnrch “AGERM a l’ U New Fall Goods. FL UER Y Sawing Mac/limes. “WEBSTER” it is: s'o simple to hafidlo that [hie operator can adjust the Hitch or r1 gulale the lensuon whiie lhu machine is in motion. The W MISTER wlll do a” kinds of worleenvy or light coar~e or fine. it hasa straight needla. makes the lock stitch. perform [erl'sct sawing We would beg to call wontng firshcluss and THE ‘WEBSTER’ H. Reason. general ago-m :or the ("mlnwixy Townships: Vaugnnn. ank Scmhuro’. \imk ‘ ham. Whilchurch, Pickering. Uxbridgr. and} Scott. ' Dress Goods, Whevler '& “’illson, A Comp/ct? Set of'the‘mosflap- an - very descl'ip'iml of. material, with canon} linen. or snlk lluead It I~ems, felis. cords. braids and gathers Richmond HI! l. Sam. 92 1874. May 26. H74 proved c-lttachments whiz each Machine: :9 would beglo call the attnmiun of those routing first-class machines to lw sure N APPRENTIQE WANTED. Victorious Everywhere! © Nil-3? CDT/I Goods Delivered. EVERY FIRST PRIZE Lustres, Cabourgs, AND A A Splendid article. and Cheap. THE IMPROVED RICHMOND HILL. Arrival of COMPRISING GOOD ‘Nl! Glassware, Crockery, 888 Flour & Feed. rafiob 1118 fact Hum mus l’ U PQTâ€"Iy Wincys, 8434!" Colored Lustres, Cobourgs, Dress Goods, all patterns, Mel-inns, a" Colon. and Black Lush-es . I _ Ten per cent cheaper than usual price. Splendid in Value. nJ, 11 A n: New Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, HIST-CLASS. near Toronto, and 2 miles from the Toronto and Nipissing Railway. being western put oflot No.7, in the 4th Con. of Malkham . containing - All cloned but b 1cm; wall fenced. gOod buildingsiorghgrd, and never-failing we]! of Readysmade clothing constantly on hand. Ne“? Goods Coming Every Week. Staple and Funny Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, «kc. ___._____,. 7 , an ‘ MM" 512 ' at the Hzxuug Store. J ES English, Scotch and, Canadian Tweeds. Clothing made to Order at the Shortest Notice NERVOUS DEBII..I'I'Y, L058 OF MAN- HUOD. etc , supplying the means of Self- cure. Wnuen by one who cured himself'after undergoing considerable qunckery, and sent. freeofcharge Sufi’orors are invited lo ad- dresx, port paid. lho author. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that on mud after llw 17th of October. [674. the undm'signod w." apply to the Surrogate Court of lhn (Tomm‘ af York. for Ietteru oquardinu- ship of ELIZABETH ANN HUNTER, m» imam dnughler of the late John Humar of Thornliill, deceased. "CALEB LUDFORD." “ ELIZABETH J HUNTER.” Punusuuu As A wuumw and for the bmnefit of Y mm ‘1 ml nu) OTHERS who aurfi‘efi frgrm IN GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, A! homo, malts or female: 3H5 pa:- wrztl. day nr evening. No WE SEND A VALUABLE PACKAGE ()F aoons by mailrnvm. Addrnsa. with ten can. votuvn stamp. M. Youxa. .73 Greenwich St.. N. Y. 845-Gm FRESH ARRIVALS! ! WINES 8‘6 LIQUORS [AHGE Well-Selected STUCK FLOUR AND FEED FIHEHBBPHE "$1095. ENAMELLBQZ 3‘ Human muss ' *2" L V The Confessiuns or an Invalid Fruil’ J (11's, THE WOOLEN GOODS DEPARTMENT Reduced Mass for CASH! UST received, from the Beat Markets, and bought at the Lowest Prices, "A: unqubmmmfwmb P 0 Oct. 8,1814. I 846-3: Snpl w. 1874 Thai-shill, Sept. ‘29. 1874. Richmond Hill. June 10. 1874. Eighty Adres, v” --__ large ns-sétmient nfllle above line goods which we' no soiling at gteutly ALarse and Complete Stock or * ~ at tn; Hnu‘w‘; FRUIT JARS ! 1‘4 11’ CELS DELIVERED FARM FOR SALE, IN A GREAT VARIETY. NATHANIEL; MAYFAIR. P. 0. Box 153. Brooklyn, New York RICHMOND HILL. FRUIT SEASON, Kept constantly rm hand, A on" from all is soliciled HAVE NOW 0-2! mm) A‘ YONG 12 ST! BET. WI“. HAVE R UHJAL- A beautiful nagortmem in Ottoma Strike, Check and Piain. SUITABLE F0 R THE P. G. SAVAGE RICHMOND HILL. ALSO : Is complete. A very fine assortment of Fruit .7 11's, U‘OflL‘ Wincys, Prints, Shin-tings, 842-331: 845-31. comxxsma, of OR TO RENT. on LM No. l. in tho 3"! Concession of Whigahlm'h A aplendifi «waning. The Store is well fined up and III. Dwelling is in good “dun. Ear funlur yum. culture a ly to pp .1. R. EMEBY, _ (VANADIAN ILLUSTRATEIS ' A weokly journal of Currant-Junta; Lib-azure. Scionsovwd Ant. "Smaller; 'Macbum‘u, Fabian tnfififi‘mmu' ,M We u numb” qt tho Klfltthfi‘p (WAMES; TOYS. 650-. run; SALE}? J the Hunt: Book Starr LICENSED Aucnomr for the Conmy eg- York. respectfully solicits ynur puma-(Q and friondly influence» Sales attended on (In, show-st nntica and at reasonable mu. LU. addrefl. King- _ _ ._ IPEVPED Auctioneer for thqurqlnty, of; York. rot-pnmfullv mucus your [merle :3 and friendly influence. Snlrs Illtgndpd nn tfipl‘ shortest haves and at ransom-Mo males. P. U. lddrvfifi. Victoria Squan . y ‘ October I. 18744 DEVINS 85 BOLTON; Price, $1 per Bottle Largq, v Bottles, $2. gwy'lamwd and (‘nnruwmlmh phm (mm. 'II uhvdmm'u In 2hr If- HIV Hf mulv he” ‘rh‘ 17"!)(319 in 1hr pmfywsi u, 1:) {hr inn!“ and H Um; my: mwlflo. 2:!)er [lulllv is \xm‘erHe-l: m chum-n luv {NH sll’t'llglh o! :1ch mm ivxju in HP higlmni mule nf'puvil)‘ and (Inveh pm H, "mi is sn~ |N~ not In am‘ “so-din he nmr mun'mnndud {or this lernhln ramplaim. ;l>‘ !|)i.~' modir-ins is for sale a? 5:” (ha Drugglslsllnnughmn ('mmdm II it hm‘poux that your Druggvm has not go! it in mock, aek him to send for il to NORTH ROP & LYMAN MILLIONS I suppose them in not in tho whole mar" 05! a Physician": e-xperim-ce mnuiiug 'm hull-n. sufi'eiit which calls 10th hiu- sympmhy audit piiyvm an extent as to whnm the oxen"- sia ing pains ‘uf a poor mumil. sum-ring from that. fearful dist ase, Rheumatism Herotoforux there has hren n ronsidnrahle din-wily of‘l‘ npininn among medical men. as In the Inn. characterufthis nirensn ;- some locating it in: the fibrous or muscular nan-nan of the ayutpmh ;and others \‘it‘wing it as an acute. norvuus div» ;em=a.hat it is now genera“) ndmiitrd to In a. Idisensa arising from a pninon-vimnlmingin tho- ‘blood. This circulation of the Bil-ud!‘ in» [hm :lil’e of the body. and it» stoppage isdrmulu. No [dis-arise mm he iINhe body witham first being :gonera'ed in the Wood. and no (human cnn ‘pt)xni”|_\‘ ha in tin- hody if the blood is pun» Rhsn- -M sm mm "UVPI‘ he thorougth cured without rxwrminnting the poison «initiating. in the Nomi by n nomtimtionnl internal rem-.â€" adyv “’0 feel confident that none wnil fool» brtter sa'isfied and rejoice more than the con» m-ir-ntions physirian w|.o hm- dinoovored that m sure cure for this stubborn diuan has bum found. Tie following testimony from a gon~. t'emnn ufstanding and high respectabilitynadi well known to the Canadian publix (manna fail to sntisfv all hat the The- prnpriamr nf $bi< nmdminn hm- walked! the RISIL‘S of H10 hmphnln HI I wndvn. Fug” for ma pm! lwemy Ham's. nmkin- -)u-umaxism a snncialily, mm llm |m~5t¢npli Irv fr: m which 'his remedy is mm mm .dar! is 1mm ever used: in me lrfl‘nlmflllt of this unease. In sumple vases sum! limfis nnv nr Km. don-s).- xumcu In tlh nm:l chunk-Nisan it In sure 1'! gnw Way In [he us» of mm m' Ihnn bunk-uh Bx Illis t-fiimmn mu. -m pw rmwm' hundreds: M" dollars we snvt-d i0 tunm who can lens! hf- f'ord to throw it away us sureh it is bylho put» cl ass uf “wk-s wresrrmtilul- '! hx.‘ m~ d Mn is prrpa!‘v:= h~ :- can-fu‘. QI- IS A WONDERFUL MEDICAL DIS;- COVERY. Mopn-eal. 218! March. 1874 Drum Sun; .â€"I with pleasuxe ooncedo to. tho ngqnl’fl \viah Shall I give an; nnflmnt-on-tm the ipnxfiredialo relief I empmimmw fimm- a- hm: dos-es of the Diamond Rheumatic Curr. haw ing Man a sufferer from the efl'ac's o' khan-- malist am now, after taking two houlos oi? this medicina. enlirnly {ma frum pain. You are a: liherty to me this letter, if )‘0‘! drum in advisnhés tn do so. I am, sir, mum rospncll'nnv. JOHN “ELDER IS:\A’7SON. N.P.‘. Messrs Davins «\‘2 Honor; :‘ King; Sep? ll). [F74 Markham, Sept. ‘10. “~74 an l4, H74 AGENTS FOR THE PR"VINCE ONT., SCOTT STREET, TORONTO. DIAMOND HHEUMATIG WIRE AGENTS FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. SAMUEL M. BROWN.. PHXSIBIANS CURNEHH].- STORE FOR SALE JAMES C STOKES. PEOPLE “SONY. I. CROSBY. 530., &c., 1 Gomlg_l:0i r- carrfu‘. ox» ph: l-nn, 1.. new :6? 856m 848-“ 842 -t f.

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