Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Oct 1874, p. 3

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,- l8‘74 â€"â€"- " ‘ i8?4. New Fall Dry Goods "cunnnm HOUSE,” Dianna-nu?“ "1-1- 1- nqqggqoh in all sizess Cut and Wrought. Nails in all Out slid Wrought $310k: in all sizes, Savvs and Files,le kinds‘a'nd sizes, ' ‘I‘iglfi, Squall-.63 and Halts; Chains,“‘All slug fin Door Bulge, Latphes, r&c’ Pwder, Caps, and all pins" in Shot, Tingpd & Plabd'Sfioan, Knives and Fdéh; Poclm Knives, mafia": Sign!!! Forks, Also, a full line in I 1 l I inund devoting pan. of my small: this lifie, gap Hominid M)- keep a full :3! Hétdware. V ‘ fl fine; QQASEWABE. flak-undo Clothlng, Dress Shirts, Silk Bows and Ties, Collars, both in Paper and Linen, always in Stock \An 99.11” Elaawpaipag iE gmuggl Beats' Furnishing. Department ! Amt-s supply of Fresh Family Groceries; always on hand Choice Teas, Coffees and Dried Fruits, Orders for Clothing will receive prompt attention Wes-t of England and Canadian Tweeds, Full supply of Staple and mey Hardware. HATS & 'BONNETS. MILLINERY lining fitted up a department. especially for this line, and u‘nder the management of Mrs “ A," who is prepared to show phe Clouds and Scarfa, new styles. HOME. MADE FLANNEI. & SOCKS mchguouggm, 0a. 7, 1m. IlOSIEflY AND GLOVES LATEST NOVELTIES Black Lustres 65 Stuff Goods, in all the new Brands Wuid cull Ipocinl luonlion lo the foilowing lines of goods which will be found Extra V PETUBNS his sincere thanks to Ins numerous customers forjheir liberal patronage in 3 III. put and n his Fall Stool; is Now COmplete Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, And Red and Fancy Flannels, I defy Competition. I'RINTS AND SHIRTINGS, VERY LARGE STOCK and prime value. Canadian Knitting Yarn, 11: «hi: dopartment there will be found r. largo and well-assorted stock of ”. bi;qu making g. spapiality loftbis line, and is wig-mined to keep a Table Linens and [‘0welingsâ€"value,something extra From 65 cta.-'â€"A11 Colors, also, fine Fingering Yarns, in all shades. GREY .9; WHITE commons, FRENCH MERINOS in. all 's/mchsâ€"éGood valua Striped Tartan and Plain Shawls, Large Assomnent and Cheap. Broad Cloths and Fancy Coatings, all of the best makes. Hats and Caps in the Newest Styles. RICHMOND HILL. Wincy and Felt Skirts, In Ladies’ and Childrens’ From 17 ct8.â€" a splendid assortment. ny sum wrtyis line, Hebeéfingd-w keep a full . ATKINSON, 9‘ ggfibaym HOWE” I. ATKINSON That will defy Jack Frost. Something Special. Canadian and Scotch W: A SPDENDID LOT OF A full nssor tment. DEPARTMENT. '00] Shirts and. Drawers, BRITISH FLAG STAFF! Chaise 191 of Prints, Clmap. Groceries, Wines & Liquors, Gigs and Putty, STATIONERY OF ALL ‘KINDS AT I k the Emma Bock Stem New Fall Goods. ,Dress Goods, maude um. Oct. 1. m4. And knowing ,jllrt what tlm p90y‘0 wan! is prepared lo mas- Ilniv dem'hnds. Her long experit'nce In [’0 Milliuvn Emimss and Ihe MIN-action alrrndh gin-n rlm Sli” claims a allure of lhoir‘pmronage. Always on hand a. lnrge hasm'lmeul ‘l' BERLIN VVOOLS, FLEECY \VOOLS AND ' ‘lmgncdialoig', to loam {by garupus BUSiZlez-s. Apph‘ to Wu. HARRISON, LARGE STOCI’E 4O ngfc‘gppmm per 1b. FASHIONS ! IEASHIONS ! ! .0: IVIRS NIYERS EYER’S SUPERIOR FLOUR Always on hand and can he go: More in the Village. BRA N, SIâ€"IORTS And hopm. m leceive {he continued patronage ol'the Cuslmners of his Predecussor, ln‘ atten- tion In their wants 'md selling as cheap an it is possible to do. Suimble for the made of Ri:hmond Hill, and vicinin and will always endeavor to be up [0 Kim limes with SEASONABLE GOODS 'I‘HE Subscriber Iakas this opportuuilv of ru- lurnhg his find-ore \hanks '0 his mnnercns friends fur their Liberal l’alronuge while (muu- pying the more known as [he " Tea Chest. ” lhchmund Hill. and would Hum xlmt m- had suld nut his "Hares! in llmnbovu Esmhlishmeut In Mr C. SHEPPARD, and would bespehk their pulrouage and eupporl )[llis ruI-(‘e-sm-r. THE TE_A_ CHES']‘ DOMINION TEA HOUSE Richmond Hill, June 9- [8'14 Richmond Hill.“ July lam. 1874. Goods Delivered Promptly When Oxdcred. Richmond Hill, April 9 Cordwood In and __* THE BEST FAMILY Peas, Oats, 3771)? and We Always on hand. N ruference to xho above the Subscrin begs :0 any that he wilI keep a large and fresh slack of 'AMILY GROCERIES ! TINWABE, A great variety-cheap GOOD GREEN TEA 130015 a; SHOES of,» CHANGE OF HANDS HARVEST TOOLS A GREAT VARIETY. ONTARIO HOUSE GREAT flRuAINs : the HERALD Bock Sum. Having purchased this Spring u very rm & Coffees D‘GROCICRIES Great Baw'ga{/;sfo‘r_3â€"() 711658.. coups DELIVERED.â€" CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. hmund Hill. Fab. 19, 167-5. . Flour & Feed. (3004; Delivergd. Lustres, FI NGERING YARNS. A Splendid nl‘ficl'e. and Cheap In order to ma Apprentice Wanted Cheaper than any House in Town mcumoxn BILL. &c, &c, &c. RICHMOND HILL Arrival of The bezx that can he go‘ Warsaw, Cheaper than eoxynxsxyq GOOD AKD A nmvmg. H U M Glmwam, Crockery, daily a room for Pall Stock Uabourgs, ALEX. MOODI E‘ any Quantity. A. MDODIE J. BROWN Wincys, at no other $20â€" If. FLCUR sen-gr ’507‘1’8. HI)! I .LU U‘IU Agents wanted 2 All clause- of w¢rkinz people. of either Dex. \‘oung or old. make more money at work for us in their spur noments. or all the limo. than at. anything 0‘03 Particular: free. Address 6, ’L‘J'I'INEQY 1S; Cu, I’orthud. Mains, $5 TO $20 and Pulpers, Fanning Mills, Thrashers & Separators, Home I'Qwers, Jacks, &0. FOR SALE BY Wm. Rennie. Toronto. For him. Funeral Furnishings, Cofius and ' Caskds in every stylp. _. Funeral Furnishings supplied 3; from 10 to 100 Dollars A, W R I G H T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. 0:? Sendfor Revised Price List. Hogs .19 announce to the Inhabitants of Rich- mond Hjl‘. andmrropudlug neighborhood that he halhnilx a new Hearse and commenced tho (‘orner of Adelaide 8; Jarvis Streets Straw Cutterfi, TORONTO Agricultural Warehouse M TEEFY. N. LYN r 'I‘T. (As- Executan of tho Estate of the late Martin Brennan.) ggciwlmml filmplrmmtfi $200031) LO Nw‘lguga Sccurrtyâ€"iu gums from $500 up wards. A uply (0 ‘ (If;- Ifemembcr the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. Richm-gnd Hil) Feb. 26, ’74 PAID FM! WHEN ORDERED. Fund up in firstâ€"chm; style. and that he is now prepared to take all kinds of pictures in [he lalem bl} 105 of the arc. PICTURES FRAMED, COPIE R chmond Hill. June [,1874 TH OS. B. COUPLAND, Richmond Hill,July 23, 18% 835-1! GOOD AND CHEAP! Single & Double Harness Which he will Warrant lo be as WM. RENNIE, Toronto. anonto’. Sept. 30, {87%. 845 WON/ms Solicitcd. Richmond 11:”. Feb. 18. 1374. Harness! Harness! ! Harness H lumber Tangued,» Grooved. AND Surface Planedjn Short Gllcr A .SUPERIOR STOCK ! NE W ‘GA LLER Y! Doors, Lath, N rum-Hing his sincere thanks to his friends and ymlruns for past favors would respect- iully inlimale Hm! ho has now gothis BIAGEB & QUANTZI lST PRIZ E As can be go: elsewhere. Richmond Hill. Feb. ll, ’73. Iiarness Establishment. S sl'dl making to order an?! will endeavor to keep on hand mummy BUSINESS. FINE new HEARSE SEED STORE, GOOD & CHEAP, RICHMOND HILL ME AND 11mm FACTOR (3min Crushers, Richmond Hill, April 16. 12‘4.82|r3m CHARGES MODERATE. MONEY TO LEND - RICHMOND HILL, FUCHMOND HILL. :WM. HARRISON. Single and Double, HARNESS! THOMAS H. COUPLAND, gltutugrmflxy. 'LARGâ€"ED 3 Bic/mfond Hill. Blinds, flfould'ings, All work to be £991; Cuttors Mnnufaclur'ers of AT THE (‘36., (5-0., . Myers :01“ AN 7 on first-class PER DAY. Plurtngrupher‘ 11‘? 82% Shingles, Sashes, .l. traction of the Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and fitted up those large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight & Son'stovehy Works. Markhnm‘ Excellsnz accommodation afi'orded for the travellingpuhliquhd coihmorciad man. Lin stables in'conmctiou wfih “the hate}. Bottle?! Ale and Pomr. NIONVILLE. Basses run in connectio wilhuch train. Commodiuus sample room. Ranging in price from 33 cents per lb. upvnrd‘ I , r "f'v’V‘l “vyv U cuors, Conveyance”, Aux, 52.0,, “flammable. 56. Church Street. 'l'oronto. neud door north of Bxitish American lhsm'auue Buildings. 1. 91.31435. R. E. Kmaspomi ALA 1‘» r'aiiy be found ’at home from, 2 to 3 n'ciock. p M; .me mum Langstm is amn- oriud to collect accounts. ’ February 4111. ~1873. 759-1" -...... .uvu u uvu I“ I 'Well of Wale on tireVsziiemisos, 3 miles frnm Richmond Hill and about 2; miles from To- ronto. Price $2.50“ Applr- to JAS. LANGSTAFF. MD. 50 Amos of "Farsi-class Land, There is a 20nd House. Barn, and a very su- perior Orv-hard of Young Fruit Thlefllrsr; (9 good “741.1- In ., DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, pxcgpIQNQ HILLt WILL GENE~ For sale, good farm, being lot No 30, in the 211‘ Con. 'of Vaughan, “00”.”me And are located at the Noth-west 00min of lol No., 3:3, 4th concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can gel sleadywurk and high wages Appr (if by len‘cr.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square ,ur in WALL}. HJNGS'ION. ‘ Dingia P. 0 Match 97; 18753. “4-H FARM FOR SALE. V BE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village luls. situated 11 the villagovuf VICTORIA SQUARE ! About One-fifth of NIPISSING vHOTEL, MARKHAM'. N. CO'NSEQUENEIE OF THE DES- Sam. 4,, 1872. r , U Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dweHing house, Wilh a burn stables. and other outbuildings thereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on the premiseu In Being part of lots 3 and 4, 15!. Con. Township of Uxbr-idge. A FARM 01‘ 69 AND A HALF AGREE THUS. HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24. ":73. - 7‘ acres wilh Good Dwelling House and Out- buildings,jusl omside the Richmond Hill Cor- poration. And N. BLAKE. R. E. Kmaspom}. ALA Toronto July 28. 1873 7C4-lf’ 2% miles from Richmond Hill 'l‘he'a is on the premises a good house wk!) splendid cellars driving house and log barn, .1le an orchard of excellenl fruit trees in full bw'riug. A never failingslremn ofwan-r runs within a few rods ofllm buildings. There is also 4 acres of but-h on tho-properly. Richmond Hill, April 23. ’74 [51?le part of 301 No. 39. in the ls! Con- cersiun of the Township 01 Vaughan. con- taming 40 Acres of Farsi-class Land Or more. home. barn. wall. and n never-fa brook. good urchard.&.c &c Very dcsirub ploperly. Apply Io JOHN McQUHIRIE MP‘PIO l’.0 IRS'I‘ CLASS lnnd, part 10!“. an Yonge Sin-eat. (West side) aajnining the fiou rish- ing Village of Richmond NHL 14 miles from. the city of Torontoâ€" [COMPETITION DISTANCEU! BLAKE a. KINGSFQRD. ARRIS'I‘ERS, ATTQBNEYS, spu- That there is on Richmond Hill. ‘Richmond Hilh, June 4. 1874. JACOB MORDEN. Richmond Hill, Jan. 8,1574. 8 74f Good Boots and Shoes Will nol. can not he undemold. l have the largest assortment of The people will have lhetheV say it is as good‘ a boot as l F. CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 524. ’72. 753-3": 65ct LADIES’ BOOTS Also a fine u5§ortment of Fanfily Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proqf Store, RICHMOND HILL. .T; Aug. en, 1874. N Yonge Street, Richmond Bill. also [an TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SA‘E. A LARGE STOCK OF House and Lot for Saie, ' "pl-J-UCAS» STREET, RICHMOND Containing Seventy Acres Desirable Farm for Sale Village Lots for Sale. Still {hay come, another case of them OTHERS SELL FOR 80 Cts '. H. MYERS firnmty fur fiat», gtiscellnncmtfi, Union House; TEAS, Farm for Saleâ€"- The low conla'm Apply to Ml an ' Acre, 3411‘. 840-tf 797 828 BARRISTERS, £50., NOS-36 AN!) 38 King-Street but; Toiumé [LA HARRINON,Q,G. F.06Lnn. - Tuoma N1088,Q.Cv 3W A Fania: CHAnuzs Mo”. .K !W. G,F41&uup,;ngn. Home: and Vehicles for hire. Chlrpa‘mo- deralu. OppositeJSundorson&’Sonl. RICHMOND III-LL LIViERY S T A B L E S . ' Parties favoring us with grist! may rely out good return and well Iuan‘u’nelurod. FIRSTâ€"GLASS FLOUR -=& FEED! ~hummunt $6 per mu toot. Alsofiaor" ing and mhqr Lumber “mused : Sap Buckets. PailsIJidurMills; Washing Vlachinosfiluingleu Waggon Folloes.‘and LumberShwodto ordar lf‘or-parliculdruddrnss J0” N LANGSTA FF,’ VSflquanrMiHs .Thoruhiil. mu . 4.. .. A RIUHMDNII HILL MILLS! GEORGE ‘0': DAVID BIBRELL 15 TICKS 0N SQEEE USE MILLR'S 'I‘ICK HES'I‘KQYER. [pdeslroyu the Ticks. pmmotea the growth of the wool, and improjw the oonditiuli of the animal A 35 cent lid; will’clean 20iheop or 35 lambs. - r . HUGH MILLERfi: CD” Acmcumuguv Gummy". a 167. King VStreel East, Toronto. For Sgle by Draggists and Storekeeper» ' R. 8.} Law. 429m. Richmond Hi1} .-.-..uuu. - ‘rvv Ul'l"‘ Deszrovs h” kinds 9f Insects; Grubs and Car erpillurs on Curram't and Goomybern Buahmz Sold by Druggisxs and S‘orjukoopora 11‘)! cents per box. ' UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON 'I'd Weekly Papeys. rece'ved at the HERALD Book Sigma. Richmohfl Hil‘ It Fattens in One-fourth the usual tune, and saves Food. Prim; 25 cams and $1 0“ per box. A donut box qunlnins two hundred feeds. ‘ 0n Currcmt Bushes and Fruit Trees. THE chxypsg GARDER POWDER Toronto. mg. 4, 18%;: FATTENS HORSES,'COWS, CALVES‘ Sheen and I’m: ' THOMAS VSEDMAANy CARRMGF. AND WAGON MAKER, Undarmker. 1&5. U quortnker. Idaé. RI-zswicxcmâ€"Nearlv ‘ Richmond U ill. EWELRY! JEWELIEYII "EOE-SA HE I JOHN BROWN.‘PYOPI Richmond Hill. Dag. 14. '72, 751-: HARRISON. OSLER an M035; mouse-r nuluucr' "1c: um roa want. Richmond Hill‘Flour Mills. Oct 15. |873~ A FRESH SUPPLY, A! $1.82. $5, $5.50, $9.50 and $9. at the HERALD Boon STORE. Rxchmond Hi". _ Thornhl’fl. Nov. 3.1859 NIAYOR’S LUNG LIFE PILLS ! EG toi‘nf'oyx‘n Merchants Hakoré A Furl-‘emj that they have alwavnlou hand a largel flock of ‘ Patcht‘EaV’e-rtmugh: _ ND WATEKSPOU'PS FOR THE DO chaayfiz K116 HEELgi; Ekkflior‘o! April 9, 187... AMILY BIBLES, Sheep and Pips: CATERPILLARS’ “(Elm gumli Sii’mlu ’ruggisxs and S‘orjukoopora 11‘)?- HUGH MILLER & CO.. Agricultural Chemists. Torontu FiNearlv oppofitelkg All’osfiggwffico FOR SALE' 3? R E. LAW. Druggin’,‘ _ Richmond Hill “amt: 511;..14' Wi:<;f;;n";-A;;fiu {or imam?“ o! (“m sud Quake: I I :vm m: 2:58:96. 8W Rousing the Sluggish Heart und Linn 'nlrengxhening the action of tho Stamina» war : ‘iowels and enabling the Lungs to be fiuf’x~ i m r finied Wllll ()xvgen. ' It Is adapted for' ALLcnsas of Weaknez .r 15' e! Emacintion»,wholher ariainz ham udm-tuw ; life. a tropical rlimato. from faver m- fldhlhlv ‘from anv cnuu, and is efficaciou in him..." run! Conway-non. many confirmod up" having been cured and I" benefinul. who" u:- nu has been: continued Mar u («might '“f’flsm. proprifiiéfifilf.CLARni a . APOTHECARIFB' ‘HALL. blNCOUv ENGLAND, ‘ ‘ Sold'lp HERIan by .3] Mud IS warranted to an re .11 diw‘hupl {you I)“ Urinary Orgnns, in nilhor vex‘ neqllvg‘d‘vr' constitution]. Grin] and Plinth! r5316“.- Sold in Boxes. “.50 «cluby I” Clan-1W Ptunt'Medicmo Vonidofs. M . As Ih'in is entirely dilfinct Ind dlfl'onm [your ovorv other propnrnuon nl anophonphilu. ha careful [em for FltLIiDW" 81M». and II - noothor. ,SOLD BY APOTHEGJIJ" f‘tioo‘. 51-50: Biz for .7'50. JAMESLFN Lows.cgunw t8 . mam; A h _ Fellows? Compound RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPIIITES Oné' 13h}:l (if Clarke's ‘B 4.1 Pi!!! In Bronchitis it is lspooific. Ind in Ann-“um!” it (in: relief when over" other nmodv tub.“ For Nervous Dobillty it ulndl unfit-HM. ~ uud may be uud with; confidoupo ip 1” rant Modefn charms-G; v-ontilalod tho was. [ion fiad discovored lho mindful: con-litu- tihg thr brain. musclon In nemn. and finds' that by introducing than ingr‘odioml in proper ' propprlions tho brain and uorvou opu- new Astronglhened» 'I‘l,.‘ v, ‘ 3, 7"! . .u n .- 'l‘hjm. than. i- nnbstantinlly the bui- a d «whiéh» Wmmvi'u 'Hv‘rnyunsrmus in Mimi‘s“ direct nation in npnn Ih‘e Blood. the Brain I’nl‘ ' Nervoun Sx stem. and Iho Muscle-v .‘ I!II[II> o‘ni‘ng the vnarvon. itcnuus the rapid diurill- " tio’n oI‘VViuli'z'o’t‘l Blood in the Mum:qu Org-u ~ of the Body. Al ailiifa’ondowad bodies. whollm'they he Benn Birds, Reptiles. luau-Is or ovun Zuc- (phitos, unlaubjecu of the Vegetable Kingdom 217:: gavaruerl by rilalfarca, which binds all the springs 91 Oxksflf‘llco. and u nothin] OI!) new tlmni‘ fxom destruction when lhil priuraiplo leaves them, the discovory of moan: whamhy' yilalih muv b9 sustained in (be living body is intigeq A. him“ to the world. [Mr Gail-gar. Hunt Flodorictnn. N. 5. Mr W H Tho-'upnon. Harbor Grlco, N.F‘.L. Mr J. M Wiley. Fror'oriclnou N. H. Mess” W A D )uile.,Momrul My Pills and 'th’tmem are sold at the lows» ‘ wholesale not‘piiceu. in qnmuixim of mi lo»? than £2” worthâ€"viz, efl‘d. 22: . 343 .pev do’léu‘ 'box:~n ol' Pilan or pots ol‘Oimmem. 'th which'h-mm new: man I'm mm In adwm‘m ' _ - lmmiuxnnd mher Vendors of Hollowm's genuine Pi‘litand ()intnmnl mav Lave than ‘nnnmu ill~efléd in the local papers if [hm “ril' p‘l‘oaso apply here-â€" 538501.11er Sum WA 2! lanky. March 313:, 1874 M } C3733: ‘ ,_.__ k-..w._.u It‘ll-l4 unnu.‘ _ Th9 followingih a lip: of the firml Ill-dbli Eto} and I pn‘ticularlv recomnmnd thou who' desire to 'get mv medicines td'apply to Ito-0‘ ofmo Huuses named ;-â€"' ' Messrs Avary. Brown & Qo.. Unnmx. N.S.z 3109913 E0[fi\'Lll 51400.; Ham“. N S. _ Mqilffi‘T‘ B _ Barker 61 Sous. St. John, N..‘ hfv'i'. Deb Brisny, Chnrlottd Town. P111; Messrs Lah'glcy & Co . Vic‘lnn‘t. KC. Mus": Muorefig (30:. Vic'lorin,B.C. Dr..thn Palm}, Chath'am. N.‘ 88 IVIe'ss‘rs‘Munro 61, (30.. Manned. u Mats-3w J Winer & Co . Hamilton; C. W.‘ Mr‘H. J. Roée. 'oronto. . Mud Chipman Smith. S! Jb‘ n. N. I; ‘Vlr John Bond, vdricbr Out. Messrs Eiliot J: 0.. Tdfonld‘ . Mr J. Chum-wen St John'lN. B. . . Messrs Hanniuzlon Brothdrh. 5!. John. I. 3; Mr R. s 'Pnddfiv wiliéé'r', ‘VIrr Olipt'l).AMI]'d6n. N S. Many respect» Me firms in the Briliah Prav- iucoa. who obtam my medicines dine: from“ hére. ha‘v'o' vorv properly suggenod that l' slvomd; for flu benefit of lho‘mulvoa Ind lhd ‘puhlic, insert their names in the Import. thl‘: itmay heknow1lhm my medicinoa can be? hugger: uiym from them; _ It Sq presumed (hagfiom the [urge “ha-pf tion M98!!! Henry and (70. how in the Bii‘liifl Provinces and elsewhare, tho public in 701’ likely l0 be imposed upon bv unscrupulous valo' darn and othurs unluss they ex’qrci‘ne [rut caulinn to prevent lhei being miiléd, by find- ing these medicines be: mg a stamp with thy: name of " -! oJloutay and Cogflav Yuri," pri'lted themuu. Hbtloway’a Fills attd' Oiittmd‘nt are xtn‘ithef analllirnirliirfid not sold in the Unitdd Stutanv "tlltlough théy triat’ be'fobta'lnnd in the‘ B'. N‘. American l’mvittcea‘ Each Pot and Box of mv pteri‘atjatiut: hunk u": Rritish Government Stamp. with tI-o Wordi- HHuIIoW’aY's I’Hls and Ointment. London." ettfiruwd'tharenu.’ It : us become neces‘snry tn make this uni nnuncemam, beéause the New Ymk Ch. mienl Company (who pat ttobodyg. finding at 1:05 that thetr name has been No exposed hue u-' sumed the title of” Holloan tutd (70.: " but, even now. no 046 wilt buv their medicines di‘-’ rect frnm them, co that they have utldb fly rangements to upply oxulmiyely the firm ‘3 Messrs Henry and ('o., ot'_Now York. vim! their so culled “ Hollott‘ny’a PIHI and Him: men‘." Wha'eanla Agcutl for 1111! Quebec :â€" EVANS. MERCER 5-06.,sfo'fit‘z‘efl‘ Sold in Boulez; 1 dollar mach. «mininng 6 tunes the quantity. 4 ~ulficient to cfl'ecl a pnrmauen great m-ejorilv oHong standing -: .zmzwnsrs and PATENT VENDORS througlmut lha Solo Prepriolor. I". J CLARK \ P. )Tfl ECA RI I‘LS' HA LL. ENGLARD: told in Englapd by a” W For cleansing a” impurflea; cm (1- dn flad'e Mark “ Blind fli'xium'hi mm: GREAT BLOOD Panama amsrom BLOUDMIXTUBE pmamc; wanes-m :03. Tm; moon ISTRR um" gum 3:13am», c L A if; E ’8 wow. Hm 7 1 513150! a parmat r of long Mandin “A nnmnA- _v . - uuu-FI “Ichâ€" venl cum in tho H .1 ‘a a :2 > .. a .- THOMAS HOLLOWAY Madicina House; ng 7nd clearing the blow ctuum be too highly reed: ~ -nflvu.l)l dbl.- ‘Pfifi'fii‘ » manms l1 all W‘IOIGIIII Pitom‘ Provinces of u: lha world. I ARKEEhamin, .IILL. LINUUL‘E 5. M. John, I'. a; ’iSOllOl‘ v. and in (Tune . 4 dollnm anchâ€" ’0 blood from L" roeo'mumn- Omar‘w

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