Orders for Clothing will receive prompt attention Ready-made Clothing, Dress Shirts, Silk Bows and 'I‘ios, Collars, both in Paper and Linen, always in Ftook. An Early Inspection is Invited. 03001:.an and. GLASSWARE. A choice supply of Fresh Family Groceries, always on hand. Choice Teas, Coffees and Dried Fruits, Gents’ Furnishing Department? Door Looks in all sizes, Cut and VVlfpught Nails in all sizes, Cut and Wrought Tacks in all sites, Saws and Files, all kinds and sizes, Rules, Squares and Halter Chains, All sizes in Door Butts, Latches, &c P‘twder, Caps, and all sizes in Shot, Tinned & Plated Spoons, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Axes, &o., Manure Forks, Also, a full line in Carpenters Tools. I intend devoting part of my store to this line, and am determined to keep a full Stock of Hardware. W Cle'udp and Sen-fa, new styks. HATS & BUNNETS. Full supply of Staple and Fancy Harqure. Black Lustres & Stuff Goods, in all the new Brands MILLINEBY [IOS‘IEHY AWE} G LGVEK HOME MADE FLANNEL 61L SOCKS I) ETURNS Ins sincere thanks to 1115 numerous customers for their liberal patronage in t the past and as his Wouid call spocml alleminn lo the follmvingrlines of goods which will be found Exer Value : "374. -â€"â€" i8?4. New Fall Dry GM)ch living ï¬ned up a department especially for this line, and under the management, of" Mrs “ A," who is pnpurcd to show the Plain and Fancy Dress Guuds. “ 0mm: 30113:," “'1! A‘T“ - PRINTS AND SHIRTINGS, VERY LARGE STOCK and prime value LATEST NQVELTH‘ES Wm. ATKINSON, "CONCRETE aousn.» Richmond‘flm, 0a, 7, 1m. Canadian Knifiigag Warm In this department there will be found 8. large and wcllmswrtcd stock of n O ' ‘ es! of l‘ ngland and Canadian 1 weeds; Broad Cloths and Fancy Coatings, all of the best makes. Hats cud Caps in the Newest Styles. Table Linens and Toweliugs-valuc,somethiug extra. Fall Stock is Now Complete HARDWARE. W M. ATKINSON From 65 cts.-â€"All Colors, also, ï¬ne Fingering Yarns, in all shades FRENCH MERINOS in all shadesâ€"Good wlue. GREY 85 WHITE COTTONS, Strjped Tartan and Plain Shawls, Large Assortment and Cheap .. intends makixfg a speciality of this line, and is determined to keep a. GROCERIES. And Red and Fancy Flannels, I defy Competition. RICHMOND HILL. From 17 cta.â€" a splendid assortment. Wincy and Felt Skirts, In Ladies’ and Childrens’ That will defy Jack Frost Something Special. Canadian and Scutch Wool Shirts and Drawers A BPDENDKD LOT OF A full assortment. ALSO WOOD DWELI lNG HOUSE AND 1 over an acre 0! land. gnod orchard. situ- aled on Hichlnulld sI'm-t. Richmond Hill The Crtattl ol' the late MRS W HST. Apply 10 ICEVSLD Ammoxmer For [he (‘numv of J York, res-pacifle solicils ynur patronage and ('riendh' influance. Sal» ntlmdud nu the Shor't‘sl mum and at ramolmhla rates P. U ndzlrcr. King. v, r .w. W. ...'. mm“. uu wuuvul. gr." For sale by all respectable druggIsts in medicine. Price 25 cents. , _ . -. m. unhuuxn‘ x. 1%.. buysz- "When GRAHAM‘S PAIN ERADICA- . TOR was ï¬rst intr odnccd llv‘re. I was doubfr ‘- ful ofxts virtues. but since then it has been .‘ used in my own family. and we ï¬nd it pos- , scssed of that rare quality in a patent medicine v or being better than it is represented to be. Mrmy are astonished to ï¬nd Qbstinate and 1021 standing cases of Rheumatism cured by a few app Icauons. and that. it possesses similar power overother forms or diseases and pain. I have kept, it constant! on havd for thegust three years, and woulu not at my home bp_wit out it." vu... an)» L_. U‘E NRI‘ID Auctioneer for the Crunly of York. reqmmmllv solicits _\om- pnlrunugn and lrieluil}~ inï¬lmnce‘ Sales ultundnd on the shortest "03138 and at reasonablu xales. I’. U. addl'l‘SS. Vtclov'in Sqnnr‘ . Markhnm, Sew. |U, “~74 843-tf ['1 Wanted immediately. an appromice tu learn Blacksmilhing. Apply :0 VVHJJAM THEN( H. ‘ A wenklv journal of Curnut Events. Inlrmmre. Science and Arts \gnculture and M‘clmnics, Fa.~hion and AL Jsement. Sod a! We a numbnv an the HERALD R “ *"W' \‘Iore. SMILMe for the U'ndc of Rbhnmnd Hill. and vivinil)‘ and \\ 1H aiwn) s vnv'uavor :0 be up to [ho EYER’S 40 Cents to $1 per 1b. DOMINION TEA HO USE And hapm~10 rvcaivn [he continued pmrnnngu um“. (7nd: mw‘s 1'! his I’lm’wwsmr. In anon- tinn In Hinir w:th mi ruling as cheap m it is po<~ib‘u to flu. BEEA. N, I ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA I ble for museum m the HERALD Bnm E ‘prepared to lake :1): R mls 0| piCXII"bS 11) Inc- i Intcsl >() 165 of Lhu ml. THE BEST FAMILY mg, U 3 "1707171353 1m A MED, 0017121.), Riehmnnd’ NHL July huh. 1574 'lԠE thwriher Iakws [his opportunilv of' ru- [m'nijg his: shit era Ih'uuhs ‘0 his numerous l'riunds fur Iha-iv' [.ihz-rai Patronage \\ hila (wru- pying lhu hturn known as the " 'l'ua Chad." Rxchmvmd NH}. and Wuuld W119 that hu hm >0!d out his Imam-rt in Ihnahou- l‘:.<luh|l>=hll|t'Hl m Mr C. .\"Il[-.‘I’l’.-JI.'D. and would i~e.~[xe:.k (heir patronage and runmll for his mm «‘Mvr. ALEX. MUUUHC. hmnedialely,10 learn 1h 1- Harness“ Business Applv to WM. HARRISON. Cozdwood In any Quantity. Goods Delivurcd Promptly When Oldcrcd. T1115 wig CHEST SEASQNABLE GOODS Peas, Oats, Bran and Naorls. Always on hand. FAN LILY G ROCERI ES FRUIfi JARS . RICHMOND HILL. ’ u Cheaper than Ever. WV M. HARRISON TINWA'RE, A great varietyâ€"cheap lJAPER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT Lire Him! I‘ Back Stare, A‘zwuyr on I) BOOTS & SHOES VIiARVEST TOO LS A GREAT VARIETY. ()NTARIO HOUSE GREAT ï¬ARGAINs: King, Sepf 1(1 )ok Slum PARKER CROSBY. Richmond Hill, Oct, 2‘2, ’74. 848 5: ‘ANADTAN ILLUSTRATEI NE WS‘ Richxmnd Hill. June 9 [H74 rufm’encn m the “have the Subscribe: brgn :0 my that ho witI keep a large and flesh Mark of Great Bavguinsï¬n' 30 dag/37.7 G001) GREEN T EA N APPRENTIUE WANTED I B L E S U C I E TY DEPOSITOR In cader w mane mom for Fall Stuck SAMUEL M. BROWN, Houée and Lot for Sale ETTER THAN IT IS REPRE~ 1 SENTED TO BE. Rev. F. C. IRELAND LAch'rz. P. -' Whnn up A u ‘ um n A n. UUUIM‘ [)ICIAIIV'WJHISI) 7 CHARLES H. Silltl‘l’ARD, hmond Hill. Feb. 19,1674. Cheaper than auv Hausa in Town GBOCERIES,‘EE ble for presents m the HERALD Book JAMES C STOKES Apprentice W antï¬d CHANGE OF HANDS Thu be .x lhal can he go! RICHMOND HiLL. umud Hill branch) at the h (ï¬rnr’stieï¬, 8w. ulllund mm bu gut at no ulhe: mum in {ha Village. SUPERIOR FLOUR arrlvmg. tim‘ne with daily FHU’H J. BROWN and dealer- 8294f IN. fl 3:} R’cmmzber file place nearly apposite EQMF Sundu'sons’ Drug s/ore. :réï¬ï¬ITISH FLEE} STAFF! MlOiCc lot of Prints, Cheap. Groceries, Wines &. Liquors, Fail Goods. Dress Goods, Glass and Putty, 10 to 100 Dollars Richmond HIII,Jnly 333, M74. t351f Teas & Coffees '1‘ o R o N T 0 Agricultural Warehouse Straw Chtt 91‘s, Horse Powers, Jacks, &c F( )1? SALE BY A. W R I G H '1‘, , CARRIAGE BUILDER. boys to mm 11 me to 11m Inhabitants of Richâ€" mond Hil‘. Md snrruundmg neigfxlunhood Iha ha has hum a new Hum‘se and connrrpqud‘ :ho Fur hire Corner of Adelaide 6:: Jarvis Streets F (ted up in ï¬l'K‘nCIHJS ship. and :hal he is: now prepared to I: (e :1†k mix 08' piCXII“BS in lhe latest >(} 135 of [he ml. N . LYN i- 1"". (\s Exeanan at the Estate ofthe late Martin Brennan.) lichmoml Hiâ€. 5mm 1. 11-7-1. 'II-‘AEQH’ $2000 IQTATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT than "rm .II' n Rot-h Shun PAID MR WM fl).TO LOAN (my ï¬rst-ohms Murmage: SrmrJyâ€"in aumu from $500 up wards. A uph' lo M. 'I‘ICICFY. Richmodd Hill. Oct. l. 1874, ’1‘ H OS. B. (TUUPLANI), Richmond Hil; Feb ‘2", ’74 Wm. Rennie. Toronto. lST PRIZ E LIarness Establishment. GOOD & CHEAP, UEBEETAKEEE BUSINESS; . \ FINE NEW HEARSE ï¬grimkiumi ï¬juzgsicmmttï¬. NE W GALLERY! N rnlm'uing his sim‘em thanks to his fliends and parmns I'ur 1mm favor \vonm map-pect- iulhf imimalo thu' Inn has now golhis Toronto. $114. 30, 1874 Richmond Hill. Ayril lb. 124 Thrashers & Separators, .'. SEEB STGRE, Funeral Furnixhings supplied at irnm Sendfor Revised Price List. the Hrmrn Beoh Stare Grain Crushers, CHARGES MODE KATE. Lustres, Goods Delivered. Single and Double, ‘ HARNESS! A Splendid article. and Cheap DIONEY TO LEND RICHMOND HILL, gï¬lwtugmphy. RICHMOND HILL. 'nnr-rnL aniangs, Cuï¬ius and Caskc Is in every sule. THOMAS B COUI’LAND, \VM. RENNIE, Toronto Arrival of AH wurk to be COMPRISING Root Cutters Arr THE Fanning Mills, GOOD AND A Glassware, Crockery, AND Cobow'gs, EN ORDERED. and Pulpers, Flour & Feed. A. MO DIE l’l'lvntugrnplmr H’imgs, l-3m. [TNIONVILLBL P .a‘sea mu Ill connectin / with each train. Cummorhous sample I'UOlTla There is n grand Home. Barn. and a very su- perior OI"‘l18rd of" Young Frnil 'l' [er-s; a good Well of Wale 0v thu urmmsas, 3 miles frum Richmond Hill and abom‘) nulPs from To- Well of Wale 0v mu uhhnsas£31ni Ives“ Richmond Hill and abom‘) nans frou: romo. Price $2.55“ Appi" (e JAS. LANGSTAFF. M 1) Richmond Hill, April 23. ’74. 8‘ 2‘ l‘nlly he l'nund a! (home- from u'clock. P M. John I‘llliolt Lungatafl' orized lo collect accounts. U cilors, Couveyanuers. (Sum, &c.. “Frameâ€"Nu 56. Church Street. Toronto, nexl drror north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE J. tructinn of tho Anglo American Honsa by ï¬re. the subscriber has: taken and ï¬lled up those large‘ and commudious premises belong- ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Spnight & Son’s Novel'y Works. Markham. Excellent acrommodal‘on afforded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery Btablesin connactiou will: the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. And are localed at the Noth-wost come: of lot No. 35, Hh concession of Markl‘am. in a semiun where mechanics and laborers cnu gel sleurlywnrk and high wagas Apph‘ (if by lencr.pmpaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square ,ur lo CONTAIXING 50 chs of erst-class Land, Ranging in prico from 30 cents per 11). upward K} Hull. containing uua acre and :1 quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. wi lh a barn stables, and mhor outbuil: lugs ihereon. Terms, easy. Appiy. on the premised In J. sale a Humour of Village luls. situmed n the village of About Una-ï¬fth of an Acre For sale, food farm, being lot No 30, in the (’Irmore. house. barn. we“. and a never-fa hruok, goud m'ulvu'd.&c «to Verv dusiran “Input-1y. ' Apnly hr)‘ A FARM E1? 59 AND A HALF ABBES Being part uf 1013 3 and 4. [st Con. 'l'owx.ship 01 Uxbridge. FARM. FOR SALE. 4 IRST CLASS land. part lo! 44, on Yonga Sll'cet, (VVL‘H. side) wujniuing Hm Flourish. ing Vulhyv- or Rmhuwud Hill; 14 miles from lhu city of Tammaâ€" There is on the premises! a good house with splendid cvllnrx driving house and log barn, n|~u an orulmrl of excellent fruit [was in m“ bu -ring. A never fuiiingiuemn ofwnlc-rruus wilhfu n fmv rods of the buildings. There is aLo -l acres or buvsh on Murproporly. 2% miles from Richmond Hill acres \v‘lllx Gund Dwelling House and Out- buildings. just musidc the Richmond Hill Cur- poration And ICING. pan of 'ol No. 39. in H o Is! Con- Crssiun of the Township 0! Vaughan. con- mining 40 Acres of First-class Land leum lumber Tnngued, Grooved. AX!) Surface PlanedjnShort ictlcv 3f? Ordea s Solicitcd. {\ud Lath, Doors, MAGEB & QUANTZ! VICTORIA SQUARE ! N CONSEQUENCE' OF THE DES‘ THUS HUNTER. l’rnprietuh Oclohex 514. lr73 7 N. BLAKE. R. E. leasxronn, MJ Toronto Julv 98. 1873 7r4-tf FEE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR February 4ih. 1873 March 97, 1879. Sofa. 4, YR"? JACOB MORDI'IN. Richmond Hill, Jan. 8,1574. 8- 7-lf Aug, ‘37, 1674‘ 2n Con. 01' Vaughan, Richmond Hill. Feb. 18. 1874, RICHMOND HILL IASH AND 11!]th PAETIIR Richmond Hi1]. Doc. 94‘ DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMQND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" BLAKE a KINGSFORD, ABRISUSRS. ATTORNEYS, SOLI. Containing Seventy Acres NWLUCAS STREET, RICHMOND N Yungo Street, Richmond Hill. also ten TWO HOUSES AND LOTS 1‘01: SALE. Desirable Farm for Sale. about 15 from Tmouto. Apply ,prepnid, tq M H Familjr Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. CL House gnd Lot for Sa‘le, NIPISSING HOTEL, Village Lots for Sale. Qrumtg fur (gals, A LARGE STOCK OF “git-incumch Also a flag assortment of (in, (5-0., Richmond Hill. Farm for Saleâ€" Blinds, ï¬fouldings, Union House. TEAS, The lots contain Mauumclurvers of Apply to MICHAEL O’CONNOR, _ Cm'rwlle PJ). Ont L 8130 3m MARKHAM. \VM. G HINGS'ION. Dingla P. () ‘2. 714-lf JOHN MeQUMiRlE ‘Mevplb v.0, 8404f I". C R A “[170le D. WOOTEN. T37» if 753-3m Shingles, 759-lv L’ m 3 is auth- Sashes, 13 if by 97 nlmm'v. at $6 pnl‘ H)“ mm. Also Floor- ing and Ollie! Lumber Dressed: Sap Buckets. Y'ailsfï¬derMiHs.Washing \‘lachinemSlxingles Waggon Fellow.an LmnbaISawedtoordor Forparticulénsaddress J ()H N LA NGS'I‘A FF, Stnam Mills.’l‘horuhill. m. . ... ._ , BIGHMOND HILL MILLS! FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! THE CHINESE GARDER l‘()\VDHR_ Doslrm‘s all kinds‘nf Insects, Grulns and Cat- erpillars nu Currnnl and Gaosoberrv Bushes Sold by Druggisu and Storokeepers at95 Sold by Drnggim cents per box. TICKS ON SHEEP. Us: mum's ’l‘lCK I)ES’I'ROYER. ll desIruys the Ticks, promotes the growth of rim wool, and improvwi the coudilinu of the animul A 35 cunt box will clean 20 sheep or 3.â€) Lambs HUGH MILLER & (30., Amncuurunu. Cumnsrs. 167. King: Streel East, 'I oroulol For Sale by “Higgile and Smrekenpers. R. E. LAW. Agent. Richmond Hill Parties favoring us with grisis may rely out: good return and well manu'acun'e‘d. U King Street. East, Torumo. R. A IIAHI{l-'0N,Q,c. F. Osman. THOMAS 1V105s,q.c W A Fox CHARLES Moss. W. G. FA! Price 25 cents nnd 3| nn per box. A dollar box contains two hundnd feeds. GEORGE (f: DAVID BIRREBL Horses and Vehides for hire. Charges m0- deralu. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN H ROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’7‘3. 751-3m It Fattens in Oneâ€"fourth the usual lame, and saves Food. ‘ ) 'ro Weekh Pawâ€"rs. i‘t-(re‘vad at the HERALD Book Slnle. Richmond Hil’ 0n Currant Bushes and THOMAS SEDMAN, ‘ARMAGE AND WAGON MAKER, J Undel'lalmr. A'zr‘. Rnsumwcu~Nearlv opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill. QURSC ETPTIONS FOR THE TOR-0N lVIAYOR’S LUNG LIFE PILLS 3 A FRESH SUPPLY, Al $1.89. $5, $35.54), $18.50 and $9. at [Ma .UERALD Boox S‘I'OHH. Richmond Hill. )EG lo inform Merchants Bakers N Farmars ) that Ihey have alwavs on hand a large flock of HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR \VHEAT. TAMILY BIBLES, Thomhill. Nov. 3, {£65 Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct 15. 1873 Toronto. Duc. 4, 1872'. HARRISON. OSLER 85 moss, QAQKISTERS, 530.. NOS. 36 AND 33 April ‘3, 187°. EWELRYI JEWELRY! FOR SA’ZE ATTENS HQRSES, COWS, CALVES‘ Patent Eaveâ€"tzough ND \VATEHSPOUTS FOR THE DO ICHMONDV HILL L I VE R Y dwarf“ the Human; Boa}; §tnrt, Sheep and Pips. Underlalwr. 61v my: gamma swam. CATERPILLARS HUGH MILLER & C0.. Agricultural Chemism, Toronto FOR SALE BY R E. L A \V. Druggiat, Richmond Hill. w A Fosnn. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE . 750va Fruit Trees. 510..lf l hemists and mher Vexldgrgvof-hgiiowny"l genuine Pills and Ointment. may havo lhokv names Imerted in the local papers if (key Vi“. please apply here-â€" - 533. 01ft"?! Sin-cl W. 0.. London, March 3lsz,1874 . My Pills and Ointment are sold at the Iowa wholesale net prices. in quantities of not le- than £20 worthâ€"viz . 88 “d†229., 348.,†dozen boxes of Villa or pots of Ointmanl. for which remittances mas! be sent in advanco. As alllif'o-endowad bodies. wliolherthoy be Ilsa-:1 lirds, Roptiles. [moms or even Zoo- phites. and snlrjocls of Um Vegetable Kingdom are governed by rilulfnrw, which binds all tho spring»; 0! ex‘su-ntgp. and as nolllinz can sue them (“am (last nctinn when this principk leaves them, the discovery of means whoroh vilaliu may be sustained in the living bod-yic indeed a been to the world. As Ih'is is entirely distinct anddlfl‘oronlfrop- every other preparauou of Hypophospkhes,hq careful toask for Funows'Svnvn and “in no other. SOLD B Y A PO-TH-‘E‘CARIE? Price. $1.50: Six for $7r50. Mr R. s P1iddv.Wiuduor, om. ’ Mrs Orpen. Murden. N S. ‘ Mr Genrge C. Hunt. Jnn., Fredericton. N. I; Mr W H. Thompson. Harbor GraceyN.F‘.Ii. Mr J, M. Wiley. Fredericklon. N. B Messrs W. \\' I). \ uile. Montreal It IS urlapied for ALL cases of Weaknon Ind" Emacintion , whether arising from aodamuv‘ life. a tropicalrlimale. from fever or nobility from anv cnuse, and is efï¬cacious in Pvt...- NARY CONSUMPTION, many conï¬rmed cum“ having been cured and all beneï¬tled. when Ibo: use has been continued avz-r a fortnight. In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and is. All-hm? it gins relief where overv other remody “iii: For Nervous Debimy it stands uminlhdï¬. and my be used with conï¬denco'ug ables-o... Fellows’ Compound SE RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES.‘ Modern chemistry has vonlilaled tllo quel- tionand discovered the ingndients con-still- ting thy brain. muscles and nerves, and ï¬ll that by introducing these ingredients in prep» proporlions the brain and nervous aynlom Iw strengthened This. then. in substantially the basin 0" which FELLOW’S meiuosrmwe is built.“- diracl action is upon the Blood. the Brain a“ Nervous sttem. and the Musclem > [angli- ouing (he nerves, it causes the rapid distribu- “on of Vitalized Blood in tho Muscular Org-l. of the Body. Rousing. the Sluggish Heart and Liv". strengthening the nelion ol' the Stomach an! ‘iowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬nllyia’o flaled WIlh Oxygen. le followingis a lirt‘ of the ï¬rms allude! to: and | particulaer recommend those who" desire to get mv medicines to apply to some“ of xho Houses named ;â€"- ‘ Messrs Avery, Brown & Cm, Halifax. NS.» Messrs Forsylh 6: C0,, Halifax. N S Messrsi'l‘. Barker & Sons, St. John, H.3- .7 . . . u u “u.†u noun, uh Hull“, “.1 M a . Des Brisay, Chaaloue 'l‘own. I'LEJ. Messrs Langley &, Co . Victoria. 8 C. Messrs Moore 5L (20.. Victoria, KG. Dr. John Fallen, Chatham. N. B. Messrs Munro & Co.. Montreal. Messrs Jr Winer & Co . Hamilton. C. Wn Mr II. J. Rose. 'l'm-onlo. Mr A Chipman Smith. St Jo!.n.N. 3.3- Mr John Bond, G 'dricll, Ont. Messrs Eilint 31. Cu., 'I‘oromo Mr J. Chalouer, St John. N. B. Messrs Hanninglon Brothers. St. John, N. I Minn o n-xu IS warranted to euro HH‘ediMhnTng from Oh. Urinary Organs, in mrher sex acquired Q{_ commn ion al. Gravel and Pains in lhpiï¬pck'n Soid in Box“. $1.50 ench.by_ all 0&9;me Patent Medicine Vendors. APQTHECA RIFS’ HALL. LINGQQIQ, ENGLAND. 7570147 in light"! bly'all' Whokflb Paton Hollowny’s Pills and Ointment are noithor manufnmnrod nor sold in the United Staten although they may be obtained in the B. N? Americm Provinces. [l I‘ us become necessary to make [his ano- nouncmnnn, because the Now Yolk Clieluieal Company(who puv nobody). ï¬nding at half thut their name has been so exposed, have at“ sumed the title of“ Holloway and Co.; †but, even now. no one will buv their medicines “- recl from them, :0 that Illey have mado ar- rangements to supply exclusively the ï¬rm of Messrs Honrv and (.‘o., of New York. will: (heir so calléd Hollowuy’s ms and Uinl-r mom.†Many respectable ï¬rms in {he Briliah Prov- inces. who obtain my madicnws direct from here. hava "'very ploperly suggestbd that I should, for tlw beneï¬t of lhemsoives and)!“ public, insert their names in the flavors. lhlt it may Ive know1 that my medicine: can II. had genuine from them. Medic,in Héhses. Wholesale Agent! {qr Provincu 0'! Oniuh and Quebec: Suld in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in (Inset. (mulnining 6 “mos the quantity. 4 dollars «elk sufï¬cient to eï¬â€˜ecl a parmanem cure i’n [be great In vjnrity of long standing "aseleY ALL UH I'I VHS l‘S and PATENT “MEDICIN I} VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor. l“. J CLARKEChemisI, \PlYI‘H ECARH‘IS‘ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Puma Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontario and Qushac :â€" I'lach Pot and Box of my preparation bean (he Rritish Government Srlfmp. with U 3 words. .vr .. . “ Hullownv’s Pills and Oinlï¬io‘in-t‘," 'Londna engraved Ihnreon. It is presumed that, from the large connec- ‘ion Messrs Henry and Co. have in the Briliska Provinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon bv unscrupulous van-- dors and others unlass they exercise gran caution to pxevent lhei: being misled, by ï¬ni- ing these nmdicines bearing a Elfllnp wilh 1hr name of “ Holloway and Co., New York." pri Iled thereon. One Box of Clarke’s 135415 Puli- EVANS, MERCER & 00., Montreal Thousands of testimonials from «in? ï¬m‘ For Scrofnla; Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sues of all kindS'il is a never-failing and polo manth cure. ll cures all] Sores. L was Ulcernled Soras on the Neck. Cures Ulceraled Sum Legs (‘nres lilacnheade. or'lep’les on the Flu Cures Scurvy Sores. ’ ('ures CaIICENHIS Ulcars. (Turas Blood and Skin Diseases- (‘urus Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matt'ef’, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasanl m the taste; anf .varlauled free from anylhing injurious lov‘lhr uusl dehch constiluliml ofeilher sax, tho 1"rupriotnr solicits sull'erers to give it qtrial'w lHSl ils value. For cleansing (lid clearing the blood from all impurites, cannot. be too highly recommouo J J. _ Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.†THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER &RE STORE}! dl‘d 31.001] MIXTURE “FOR THE BLOOD IS'THE LIFE.†EVANS 38 HR t Gm 393'“ PUBLIC CAUTION. Sole proprietor, F'. J. CLARKE. 3mm Eta-mam, CL A R K E ’8‘ WORLD PAMBII JAMES I. FF!“ LOWS,Chon:§,4,- “ha-Jon» N .B- THOMAS HOLLOWAY.