Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 Nov 1874, p. 2

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. x _, 'xswspvsrqlsuiruurs, , , TNotice4Th6‘riiss Goblin N ' i' Astrny‘c. stapes. i Staged-:97 (31m Altrsy.â€" John Kuyler. 8500- pm' lion-tit. O'RTBERN RAILWAY 0F CANADA Richmond HillStu’tion Change at time , taking efi‘seiMond-LyJa 913m tau: Going North B.|3 Lani-2.34 p m...5 l3 p m ’ Milsonlc Halls and those Who desk? to Going South 91-7136 A.I_t. .9.|‘5 p.m . 3.46 purl swam anal chnuusn HILL. Nov. 27.1874. now WILL THEY PUT IN Tun TIME? iThat is certainly ti question of some moment to our Legislative Assembly at the present‘time, for the Bill of fare supplied by the speech from the throrie is so meagre, that the country already begins to ask what possible excused they have thr remaining in session at all? There‘are, however, an abundance of teitslabout which the country is not onlyadisposcd'to listen to any explan- ations which may be given, but is ur- entl'v anxious‘for information. ‘ W There lithe Model. Farm for example! Arise, Mr Archibald MoKellar, thou Agricultural Solomon, who cantiot cren "pram from cultivating the fields of 'to the tastes of the most fastiduos. scandal,,uut of mere sympathy and let nsheer the music of thy tuneful tongue, and thy silvery laugh, discourse eloquent- hoa Agriculture ; thy joy ofjoysl How may more thousimds are to be engulfed in the hungry man of? that Frankensteinic toy of the saintly Archibald ? The pco~ ple of Ontario would like to knoWl The, emailest scrap of information thankfully l weceifi‘ed. Supposing an evening or two were devoted to its elucidation. ~To be sure’it is not so attractive as party scan- del,‘but still it urivht be useful, if not trhctorically ornamental, as that Tavbrite wusomeot of our statesmen l , , ‘Or, again, why not sound the trumpet in that valley of dry bonesâ€"~thc Crown Lands Department there not quite anumber‘uf secret skeletons lying i in musty cupboards,:andlfirmly fastened sndlfctt‘ered withhth‘e' ortllodu'x' redfa’pe, mr’mrgtt spring lemme a. tell storieh that-the country are anxious to know. Wherefore that huge forced sale of tirn. ber‘ limits at a period when they were unmistakably uncalled for, and could only result in a loss to the Province? When, on the other hand, had they been carefully and economically ~husbanded and administered they would have been the source of a magnificent revenue for the next twenty years. _ . Whit about the railway policy of the Reform Government, if, it please our masters? Why halve" till; l results. â€"-o- oouulies of Grey and Bruce, who, are already well supplied with railway'com. munication‘,‘ been lavishly over-run with subsidised lines, while the 1 Free, Grants, and the districts of Muskoka have been treated in aimmoler so niggardly as to be the subject? of-igenoral comment ‘2“ Let I some member of'th'e Government while away the ‘time’by rising and eaplainipg. fruedonipf the press is an ever fruitful thence! discussiom There‘are soms'pcople ‘iu'this country who would just‘iiige‘ftbrknnw 1 whether the Govern 5 motile right in brushing out “ freedis cussiou." as it recently did in the case of the Mail. em chiiuiber’miglrt be furbished up by the Government, to do duty over again, in theeontroversy. If the law of the landiszsubscrvicnt to the interests of M‘oKollar and his colleagucs'thc country would‘l‘ike to know it. is the extravagant waste of the publiuuuoaey in departmental chines and about , the Legislative Chamber itself. Tongan-crowds of hungry hangers-on to he lied on ,thcdaily nnd'lrourly shower of crumbs that ’are scattered with a lavish;th from tho'qublic Treasury. Borneo oi‘l’rot‘ou outrages too, and a dbsan other. outrages against theueonsti- tuticnal, rights of the. people tube .provi. Moan rfl‘he‘cmtryâ€" expect to see «listeners investigated and weighed so that the electopsmray know'whom , they shall approve, and who. condemn. MECHANICS INSTITUTE- '2 :.l ,. '- The Cpmiitit‘tee'on «reap... v for‘dis- cuss-tan tinder the assist-3’s: was , Me; ohanios‘dnstitutb. have changed the," wording of the subject announced in last week's Humid) to thowfollowiugb-b "Prodigalilyisapreater curse to the world than ar'ariciousness." ,A flirmaitire, Mr Growler; ‘ Negative, .Mr Harrison. Mr I]. Sanderson, Chairman. Open to the public. ‘ 1 ‘ ' At a meeting of the" Managing Cum- mince; held last-Tuesday evening, it was resolved that the members of» the lustituteishou’ld hold their annual social, as usual! on'New venison. Thd Secretary has received from the] Government, a cheque for-the sum of: 8155. This amount will be spent in ad- ditioni to the Library, which will then suurberahczrt 1000 volumes of Seiruti' l rjnub'e th tic, Historical, Biographical, and Mis- colaneous Works, including [a large mmber of bound volumes of;,the beat periodical literature of the To all within reach, who love good reinfdinfio better opportunity of securfirg:’a' re, a, supply of the some ebuld be afforded. The books are issued, or exchanged, on thcevening of each Wednesday, at the avail tlrcmsclvesof the privilege can do| out U, dry,“ New,“ aneumnm had mys. AW”, so by purchasing. a season ticket from the President, Mr I. Crosby, ‘16]? Trio-“m o the Secretary,“lllr J. A: E. Switzer,rfur; which will as a wrappl r'in which to roll up the clothes the low price of one dollar, give a possessor access to the library. for 12 months. "â€" ' _"n"=Eâ€"-' ______ " m l . floorspaafltutr ENTERTAINMENT AT VICTOâ€"ltiA SQUARE. , .â€" Ma Eamon,â€" Knowing your kindness in giving a place in your columns to anything of local interest to your numerous pat.ons, I beg to'trouble you with the following communication :â€" I had much pleasure. on the evrening of the 19th inst.. in attendinr a socialrnnd lec ture which was held at Wesley Church, Markham. for the benefit of a. very flourish incSabhath school.which has been receml organized in thritiiificei .. 'J‘he tea, which was servedlayiivejtnm, was given by the friends ofihe School. and was of the Very best description, both with regard to quality and quantity, the ladies of Wesley 'Church ably sustaining their already well-knowu character for excelling in the art ofcatcrrmr After doing ample justice to the numerous good things provided for the physical man. the company repaired to the church. where. after music by the choir. they partook ofthe intellectual feast of the evening. which was provided by too Rev. Jon. E. Lancelcy, ot Guelph. " The, ltev. appreciative audience in Wraptnttention for nearlv an hour and a quarter; during which time, Mr Lanccley, in a pleasing and for" cible style. pecul ar-ly his 'an, showed, how in our ‘ struggles after favor, pleasure. Wealth and lame. we often pay too dear for our whistle. After the Icelurc. a sole-Was made of the colonies left from the tea. when the company repaired to their‘homes, well plPlISPO with the entertainrncm :of. the eve-1 ning. The proceeds nmouuteddt); $34.§6. .()ss who was Timur * Markham, Nov. let, 1874. v a r ” 'oRIlILIA cortnusliosnnNca. .__â€". (From our own- Correspondent.) ' THE W ASH AGO: MURDER. ‘1‘ ...._ 'I’v-l. l Tardily,bu_t' at lastgion Monday. the 23rd . inst, the Corporation of the .rcombiucd townships of ()rillia and‘Mutclredvsh, issued uiprocltmntion. offering a. reward of $100 (one hundred dollars) for the apprehension of Stephen Whitney, the Washago murderer. Public attention is beginning. to be aroused, and it is felt that the laws are in danger of being too loosely and flippantly administer ed, and that if this tendency is not checked in time itinay, evidently, loud to disastrous Gulf years ago, walked quietly away without any one attempting to stop him, and hits never sincé'becu heard of. Stephen Whitney is in his naturnl'elemenl. when in the woods, and may errhcr work his way westward into the. States. Of go towards Ottawa snd’coni coal himself among the lumlxormen there who are the most lawless and disreputable class of people under the heaven. Either way he can get into the States, and if once there be is sale trout pursuit. t jam: , arm. iSanas Drum.- Theitev. J. T. Byron. of Whitby, agent of the French Canadian Mission. and'who had manyfr‘ierids and acquaintances 'in this neighborhood. fell, dead in theatres-not Albany, N. Y., last Saturday. ' V ' CONCERT -â€"Our Village Brass Band are making preparations for musical entertainl ment, to be given earlyin December. The The chronicles of the hand boys promise something, rare and amusing in the programme. A large Rope Factory has been built in the village of Maple. by A. J. Rupert It is 260‘ feet long by 25 feet wide. Mr Rup~ ert rs going to commence Operations next week and intends to make all descriptions of rope, from a fish line to a Timberman's rope. . * ' ‘ ' Last week we omitted to mention that our Village Reeve, Mr Harrison, received a very severe full. course by alittle ice on' the doorsteps of Councillor \Villson’s dwelling. and spraininz his leg, on the evening of Saturday, the 7th inst. We are glad to be able to say that he is recovering, although istill‘co’uiined to the house. ._ r , ‘3',- .g The follorving officers were duly installed" thp firstFr-iday evening in-‘Nov. 'in Prince of Wales Temple, l. 0. G. T.. No. 365; gm. Henry Brown, Esg., T. D. of P. of we '1. s. outwards, ' ' 'ngb.‘ ii. 8‘, ‘KatelN‘atila, ’ i; »iV.‘L..H'. Si, A./.Mt-.Qoarrie, "5 ""' W, ,2, gnaw". . - . _ .. S . ., . Whiclwl . T., 'i‘ Ruill‘f. .‘ n, wi'o ,' r, mama”... "\VLM., W. Robinson, " W W W 2. A. ll.. S: MlQuuirie,”. " . l. 6.. 1M: Berr'vc. J ‘ 3‘ u (LG-.31 Mt-Kirrnnn,‘Esq., : A. 8., M. lllnguarrie.. Mm , Frostfis beginning to clog inland nevi ‘cslionrin this countrv; and the resultofthe transportatiorr business is anything butsotiy factory to those who were engaged on the, lakes or canals. Some vesselsvand barges made a‘small profit to the owners. others barelv covered‘enrrent expenses, and not a few will have to resort positive loss. Not within the hurt ~ten_yeuns. at least, hsvo fr-«iyhts been so low. The rich harvest, from which so much waaexpected in restor- ing the general prosperity of, the country. has not been required abroad, and home consumption has not been equal recruiting a demand which eculdt-reate the necessary ,. “'1 activity between the source of supply and the places where the produce is required. This your canal man cannot get ten Cents for taking a bushel of wheat from Bnfi'alo to New York; last year they could get at sum. ' gentleman deliveredhis very. o rularlccture on " Whistles,” and he tan. P l . P who murdered ,8. man ,Atherly, abou three miles cost (if us, some? ‘ ‘maii to nny’pnrltoftisuada; securely wraps ed' w _V..T.. intranets... ‘ r . HIGH SCHOOL â€"Marquis Chisholm. the Emrnent Pianist, and Mr Wm. Redstone. the Popular Vocalist. gave a concert here lid’fi’l’ednoitiayi} 'l'hhmajority of the. audi énce consisted of why ocholurs, who evumpr‘ ~{litaridelight5‘tirrouiihbftt, especially at the sii‘pg “ Fifty years ago” and no Juniullnl r dfitlzfgbngpipbpn one 10f Prince’s organs sup} d by‘Mr Street. Hovssxssrsus Barnumâ€"A few mornings ago. the family oers ‘ sler living in the 2nd Con. of Towrrslrip of Vaughan, awoke ’to’fir‘r'd'that‘the‘tVashinz, which was hung!' terrously disappeared, clothes, lilre. pros and ‘ I all.” “As clean-om had- been madeâ€" by inv geniously cutting ibcdirreliat curb end wherr fastened tothe posts; it. in thrs case servrng and facilitating transportation 'to a very great degree. "We [where Mr Peter Milne. of Queensvrlle, and his alone have been broughtinto requisition in order, if pos sible( 3 ) to discover the whereabouts of the stolen property, but to no purpose. Tun General Assembly of the Canada Presbyterian Church have. with only two votes in the negative. adopted the basis 0 union of the four negotiating Prosbvterran Churches. in the Synod of the (‘hurch of Scotland in. Canada, tlre'motion was adopted after a lengthv discussion by a vote of sixty' eight to sew-omen. From the reports noted in the Kirk Synod. the Presbyterian Church oftlre Lower Provinces had gone unanimously in the same direction, and the Church of the Maritime Provinces had voted twentyrlix to seven in favor of Union. Un lesssome untoward event. should intervene the Union will formally take place in Mon trenl in next Juno. NEW LITERATURE. BALLoo’s Maeazrxs von Dec. ~Publish- ed by Thomes & Talbot, 36 liromfield Street, Boston. at SLED ner- year, includ- ing postage'and premium. The December number - fBallou's charms int: magazine is issued. and contains such a large varietv of stories and poems that in . patrons will bomore _in._ love with it that over. There are Christmas tales and verses. rich engravings of interesting localities. a rhrillinjc sea vnrn. a wild adventure, and tome ofthe best domestic tales that" ever snpoltrod in print. ' But here is the table of Contents; so you can judm for yronrself: " A Christmas GrPFiln'I.” “The Mistletoe.” " Winter Birds." Fashion." ” The. New} fituirdland drz." “ Scenes in the. hislorv of Boston." “ Winter.” “Haunted. or Flori ‘éace'iviarztnn’s’ hath." " A touch of the supernatural" “ Puss Allyn." ‘- A city church porch on Christmas . Eve," “ Tum Cht'illmnslfves.” "A song for Winter." “The :Yincent Marriage." .“ Will She munghim ?’!g",'l.MUBinEa, under ,the Mistle a toe,” “TBA; Strange sar'or," ",At,lusi..’ . ' off away one Dorslnséfi” Kimonos SALES. .- , VSATK'RDAY. Nov. 28.â€"Exoc'ulor§' Safe of , A Farm. consistingr of 100 acres on the West Halfofuot No 33, 3rd Con. Mark ham. Sac at. 2 o‘clock,»'p. m. J. Gorm- lcy. Auctiorreerqwg . I __' _ Wsnsnsnn, Dec. 2.â€"â€"Auction Sale of Standing Timber, on Lot No. 52, rear of lst Con Markhnm- The property of Mr George Tensdall. Sale nt'l p. m. F. But i _ ton, Auctioneer. ’ Tussmr, Dec. 8.~ Credit Sale Farm Stock Implements, Household Furniture, Ate, at Hendford. 3rd Con. Markham The property of Mr John Ever. Sale at 12 o’clock. J. Gorluley, Auctioneer. iVsnsssmr. ilec. 9.â€"Auction S In Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on Lot No._ 3. 7th (‘on. King. The property of Mr Archibald Campbell. Sale at 10 n. m Lunch at noon. 'N. J. Armstrong, A.uc'r. ’ Parties getting Sale Bills printed at this office will recoiVe a notice similar to the above, FREE of charge. I _. _... w _._._._._.._._...-.___...... ’ fiptrial 31mins. . REAKFAST.â€"â€" EPPS’S COCOA. ~â€" , lrltA‘l‘lIUl. no COSIFOR'I'ING â€"-' B) a thorough knowledge o‘fthe u rural law: which gover'r‘lhe operaticusiifdigosuon and nutrition. and bvncsroful application \ I’ the fillt’ propen Hos-of well selected cocoa, Mi Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which um save us many heavy doctor-8' blils.”â€"- Civil Service: (inzcllc Made supply with Boiling Water or Milk Each packet I! labelled-p, Hams Errs dz. ’Io Hollywopathic Chemists._l.ondnn." MANUFACTURE. or Coc0\.â€"“ We will now give an account of the process adopted by Morals James I‘lpps 51 (30.. manufacturerr of. dietetic articles. at their works in the rlustop . Rs d. l.ondou”â€"Sos arlicle in ' Carroll‘s Household (Guido ‘ October 3|. l87‘2 739v” To Nervous Sufferers. Dr. J “an Simpson’s b‘pcc‘fic arr-I Tonic Pills, lira Great English miner/ny album‘s-one dubiltyfnm-u/mtcvu cause an" lug, have al ready beerrso thorouglm tester. Ill (iatrada as to require little to he said in hair favorâ€" as a canal n ours for those distressing symptoms arising from errors of youth, Ur. J.-Bel!'Sim- pson was a pupil and friend of the late Dr Wil- lis Mesoly. of London. England the musicale- bratcd authoritv m the \vorldfon [his subject. IS partner is nvw visiting Canada. and is prepared to give advicojreo mainland forward circular.'a plied tug-adorcssiug Dr. J, Boll Simpson do Em. Drawer 9i l’..0. Hamil ton. 3'l‘wt't'bclxoi: of' Filth Will hlso be sent bi from Dbhlbll'fllillllL‘OB} receipt. $36“. Epecial nrvnlmt’pl if drsirl d. IPills sold retail by all retail [)i'ugg'isls. and wholesale by all wholesale urusygtnnd Phtiln‘t Medicine "Dealers, .iil'J: .Wmcw :11 ' roams tumors- v V Toronto.Nov. lipltlisifi ' Flour -Sup£r6uo. . . . .. w..$ 4 00/13 f latter part of October. l l nnnwnwmwml ' Number cfgr‘fts BIRTHS. FRENCH.-â€"At Collingwood. on the 12th rnst., the wife of issue French, ofa son. 4‘ . L ,, ‘1“ __OF_ ._s. Hg or ll Apprentice Wante . ANIl-D. lntltlodralel}‘..,u solar! totally gent bor in learn Ilu- Printing Busirew at the "any." “Winged: Richiitoud Hills if Richmond um, Oct 7. tall. $l" Per Monthfitorr-"Liv‘o-ifiéux, O SEND$5 lorAgbnt’s‘omfil which .will sell for $10 or mime} rotundod ,. A. D. CABLE. 568 Craig S! ,‘hlorttreal. Sept,, 26 . 1874. ’nnnnhMMtl I suppose there is not in the whole course of a Physician’s experience amtlring in human suffering which calls forth his s} mpnlln and pity to such an extent as to witness the ext-ru- sia ing pains of s poor mortal. suffering from that fearful dlst use. Rheumatism Heretofore there has bten a considerable diversity of opinion among medical men, as to the true character of this tliseuso: some locating it in thr- fihro is or muscular tissues of the system, and others viewing it as an acute, nervous .lis- Ont-'0. but It is new gen- raln admitted to be a dlsvnst‘ arising from a poison circulating in rho blood. The circulation of the blood to tho ' life of the bodv, and Its stoppage rs death. l\o dis-vase can he in the bodv without first being genera ed in the blood. and no di>easc can possi t l_\' he in the lrody if the blood is ' puro Rhea atom can never be thoroughly cured without t-xrerminating the person cirnlnting in the blood by a constitutional internal rem- n-dy We feel confident that none wrl fool better so isfied nod rejolcc more than the con- scientious physician w!.o has discovered that a , sure cure for this stubborn disease has heenl found. The l'ullowrnglsstinrmu from a gen- tJotnan ofetanllung and high reaper-tahililyJud wall known to the Canadian public cannot l falllt'5h1i~f\ all hot the DIAMBNB RHEUMATIG EUBB ' IS A WONDERFUL l'l‘lEUiCAL DIS- Strsyod from the subscpher, lleadfurd, about (“OVER‘Y' _ Jul). “5,. V - Montreal. 21st March. 18H ' _ \‘lcssrs Darius A: Button : A Red & “trite ileiler. luau Suns .â€"l with pleasure concede to, Two rears old Any parsou'uivin{information the agent’s \vislr ilratl give mv olrcotsatpn to _ . the irrrnwdiatu reliefl ox lollalrced from a few ‘ to the undersigned loading to the uncover)" oi the same. will be suitably rewarded. «Inns of the Diamond it ioumnlic Curr. hav- (1. MARKS. 1m. ASTRAY. Left the premises of tho Subscriber Lot 38. in the rear of lot “on. Vaughan, about the A White Sow Pig. ' lR months old. Any one giving inforniation as to her whereabouts will ho "worded ‘ Any one k oping her in their possession after this date will prosecuted. JOHN KAYIJZR, Vaughan, Km. 26, [984. (-53-3t: Notice. , ll Parties are hereby cautioned not. in pm. ,_ chase a note given hv m‘o to Mr Daniel Ilornor for $6l.5tl.and endorsed tr.- Peter Bril~ linger. and due on or about the st of, October last, as the satire has been p lid it full. I, THOMAS COOK. Whilchuzch. Nov. 2“. '74. 8534f (XSTRAY. mg been a sulfur-er from the effects 0' mm". , mallsm,l am now, one!“ tnking two bottles of [hadron]. NW 23’ ,H. 853 3'7, tlus nredrcruo. entrrely'free from pain. i on are at llllrlty to use this letter, If vo‘t deem it w“ __.,..;iw,, "(ivlsub o.- to do so. ‘ I an: air, yours roepcrll'ullv. QTRAYED. JOHN “ELDER ESAACSON. N. P. I. -â€"â€"‘ 'l'lln proprietor of Ellis medicine has walde the arslcs oleIo hospitals of London. Fog., for the [met twooly iears, making rheumatism n speciality, and tho lll'léscl'lpllullh’ from which this remedy is connwuudotl is all he ever used in the treatment of this nisoaso. ' in simple cases sometimes one or two dosesl * . . , _ I Camr- into the oismisés of :lm s'uhrérl'rer. Lot No. ‘22. fill) Con. of Vaughsrt. about th e”- ?llth ongugnlt last. ' Nine Merino. Sheep." The owner .is re nested to prove properly, pny‘ expenses?hirdrtzilto'lho animals 'atvay' ' ‘ ‘stlfiico. In tho rnos= chronic cast-s it is sure ' " JOHN 'leLiANm I"! give way bv the use oflwo or three bottles. , , _ , , v 1 i) this a icianand with Us retired ' hundreds V"“L'l”‘“v 1‘0" 2" '7‘ 8534‘ nfdollars are savodvto tlrdse who cahr least af- ‘ s “ i ‘ ' ‘ ford to thrnw it away. as surely it is by the pur- chase of useless prescriptions. This medicine is prepared hr a careful, ex- ' periencod and conscientious physician. in obedience to the desire of rrun'bcrless friends in the profession, inqllrevtrado and among the . people, Every bottle'is warrented to contain . , too full strength oflhe medicine in HS highest ' state ofpurit_\~ and dtvclopnrent, and is sn- pe‘lor to any medicine over cornpuuridcd for ‘ this tor? lo trsrriplaiut, i 4 1 If?“ ' ris medicine is for sale‘ at all the l 5.; RISE" The only renurncfoin Distiibuliorrili' toe ' Country! " ' L. D. Sino’s. Twenty-first 'Ilruggists throughout Canada. it" it happens that your llrngglst has not got it in sleek, ask - him'to‘seod for it to ‘ 'NORTHROP a. LYMAN, aossrs'rort, THE PsoercE sco'r-r swscs'r. 'ronon'ro, on T0 DEVIN’S. BOLTON, AGEXTS FUR Ql'EBEC AND MONTREAL. Price, $1 per Bottle. Large Bottles. $2- Msv H, IE'H. . 8 55. ' To be drawn Friday, Jan. lst, 1875. “m " noonoooo Soon?" I . , Carr-.0 into the pr: mines of the gllh‘trilel',’ In valuable Glfts‘! {N No, 17. in the 4th Can. of Vaughan, curly GRAVD CAPITAL PRIZE ' ‘In the mouth 0| August last, $20,000 00. In Cash 2' TWO SHEER * The Owner is request-d to prove propertyt ONE “RAND PKlZl‘Z', I , pay cxpcusos..nud [also the a unols away $10 , 000 00, “IN CASH! MARK nonnsox. of; in Vaughnu,Nov. H, ’74 One Priz 83.000 g ' l FLOUR, , 84-..Bo‘Per Barrel. : D. C. O'BRIEN, | Six Prises 81,000 Top Prizes $500 . 2.).(20 (Julll and Silver Lcrer Howling n’nlnhcs (in all) wol'ihfmm 38‘le in *3 ,«U corh. , Ladies} doiieuts’ ,Gold Chains. Solid, and Double plated Silverâ€"ware. Jewell-v, it‘d 25.000; ’Trc’ltet's' iiuritefio , 300.000' > AGENTS WANTED To sum. TICK-swam: whom Liberal Premiums: wilt/be paid. Single Tickets $2; Six Tickets $l0; Twelve ' Tickets $20; 'i‘wentyjlf‘ive $40. Circulars containing a full llri ofprrzu-s. a description of tho manner of drawing. no otherint‘ornratton'in reference to lito’ lllstv'iv tuition, will ho- sentto any» one ordering thorn: Al letters must be od-lrwsod to > (lfiicc. Excelsior Building} L.D‘SINE.8938§ Cor Race & Longtvor‘th Cincigngu'b Nov. at, um. ‘ 8:5 61" .170 ope: alive Flour Store. Richmond Sheet. Richmond Hill. Nov. 5 Hill, 850. f f O O ' OPERATION. Good. ; ,Family Flour At J. Brown’s, Richmond Still]. ,IFd'r‘34,5o per brl, ,Iiiclrmoutl Hill, Nov. it), R4 J”! Affirm; at 1h? f 4 ‘ '7 CONQRET; l‘HQU‘SE ’91. i- ' A Li'gdswfilwl . ° V3.3 Cons. I inl’iflm, : I I . . - f .‘:~ 4 _' 30053 & Shoes 1 I Mvors’ 1 Boot and, .Slroe More. /" ' ' "Altvsvshssa Â¥ .Fusr-sa’rs- STOCK 4 m MYERS‘retiirns hei blightâ€"hanks. . . , I, Spring lvl'fi“ furl-3. ,4 a UO, td'llrosb Lott}: llairo‘lis'whn’aso libom’h- ‘. For‘iLadr‘es (fElt'nti' and Children. They rm“! - N'" 'i "- --"- 4 ‘5 "7) 4 5‘" supporteii‘lur during the no very successful " 7 cannot be best In £1?i£‘.‘.‘..‘.‘l:‘.â€"'.;;""“' 2133 ’33 $30 "”°”‘°°““" ' ~ ’ ' 'P’ - ‘ ' 1' d V " .mmnunfuu. ,,.,.";;;_ ,9" fl, 5 5. French, English; a - American alian ' . “My Qua "y (m an“!!! Comm”: ..................... 4.20 {a 425 , Feathers. Flowers 4: Fanbywaflods ‘ inv'filéill haves ared popular: to llsvolbo B Hmlfll om r F d p rtur ..V.,.-....A...,.V...... .y.‘. ‘- . n th .1, W' to S ' f ,. 7 is ' ' » '- ' 'ereaiâ€"Si ring”a . Liv. l: il5 g 0 (all allrpre‘irioiis :iil'urts.mA-li,'|::m“i; “r 'nulllv’ MOB?- Perfect and Complete Stock ‘ Soulusan *o' 'lv I'M ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ’ - v r _ " _ Ne ' ., 0n Richmond Hill. Remember that the . . . 1 madman...“ .‘ . n 0 9‘ @ ll 00 I. w v l6 Bdots and shoes is at 3. 33,593....”"H. H“ H | [2“ 1,1,; Vi Ill be pro-oulsd In variety, eicolled brno --' ' 'Pouuo _ , , , . , , , , . , ,. fl r 3 rm (f P5 Other house in iiielrmoud Hill Miler nrrapgo- . v w' H' MYERS)- lOnu- . . .. ......... .... 0 4! a o 4; merits have been madeu'pontlre strict princip‘o ‘ “minnow mil,.1\ov. II, 1874 llav...,,,,..,,,,,.,,,, ._. 9000a 92in) other-hummus motto,- y“, , ‘. . ‘ ', ' ’ ’ Straw-.................... 10“le 0”“ ‘ "Faqshjon with, Economy-J', .- my 'PNMDES- l’" b“"' o-c-n' n 07' a 0 8“ Trustn unit-ally lion. | ilrol «Ii-comb! 1 , Z ' “ ‘ 7 I ‘ = I Al‘l’hN P“ bum" .» - -- - -v-.- 1'75 fl 9 '35 Lliuso l‘rziolrds who ban mike it collimator." o ' , ' : L-iSt Of Letters Mutton, by he crate-bx, N“ 0 00 a r [M Richmond- Hill’ .114; . ’ Ypo“|,,y__(;,e,.,,__“__,,,.. 051m 060 V I, I , V ,, ’ , . ' , , Hill Pearl Meet-let Nov” 1874: 1. girl?" »....'. p _ ' M “A a, . ,1. 1,, ,7, i , .grmstroumdamos: Mills-r John J. R. 4 1c ens. or pau- .. ., ' . , ‘ .ll. . . l .R' I Ducks. .perirpnir” 050m j o 7:. D551?”m° Pursuit 1"” 'SM?‘ ' c.2253, 3335...; BMW) ilPorkâ€"“Mess ...... 96‘ “70 ( - ' v ' “ :‘ Geckhnm.‘P.' V McCsmo, Mus , ,_ ‘Extrs........ ........ 180030 820th ST ll“? 110T .SALPHF. “w (,Jolomt’m.Csrolinc Newman. .lno. I» Bacon - .w. Prime ~n-osaiss 0 ,0“ 9110 ‘ v'ung‘t‘ 'Maph' 0°".“im'l'z' X A l '1' Dickson, 1’; ' Peer Wm. tlamsâ€"$ult.,........ ...... 0 08 f0 0 l2 one Acre of headmistrch .- Page, Mrs H. smoked Dita 014‘ G1,? "bugge'; "a 1-,” .b .M ‘ GibnerOtto Rowo,MrsB.H. Dressed Hogs”... . -.-. u. 7 com 7 50 “o , “n” r . '. “ lo " m» “"8 :Gormsn Mrs Jane Rowlu Miss E l Lard...... . .6 no lo rue .lhmm 'F""P""c“’“"~ "’P’rl'“ ’ ' , Hall, James . a , Stephenson. James I Butterâ€"lb . ,.... .. 028 0 Bl) ‘ Jr 0- MCQUARRIE Hastings. Willian Stephens. Geo. , ‘ . Rollo. . . . . . .x 0 33 0 0 35 Mum, Nov, 1], ’74 351.“ Hewitt. Robert ('6)' Tucker Miss A. . Eggs fresh, psr down... 09,“ If” 029 l , . I , . , Johnston.‘6amu§l (2): erltloclr, F. D :d incised... ... ...... . H _ _- . I , , , Lsslosst'Mrs f Willa: John l'l W-crour'ns-aov . . c v' ‘- ‘ ' V l i ' , ‘ whithngfunni, ,” 150 ((3 2 on RK BQX_ES,-; ALL SIZES, AT. Pines, Wm“!!! M E ’ . ,WNI 0350 o1}; thciltsssnilookStore. ' TE “’5.” A THE 7 WEBSTER? w tore,” The epis RICHMOND HILL. _â€".. FISH : FISH : FISH r t! Arriving Daily, :. H Large Assortment”. of Fish, cossrs'nso of Salmon Trout, White FiSh, Finnin Haddies, Yarmouth 8101ch and Smoked Salmon, also, Fresh xx x and Select Oyste-r‘s 2 In Canned Fish and Fruits, We have a large 'arictv. Provisions, and Wines 8: Liqubrs Of the best brands and at price-l that only competition. Flour and Feed kept Constantly on Hand. Goods Delivered. (y. ' _ 7 P46}. SAVAGE. fliclrmond Hill. on” 9‘. 2374 ’ FIRE Plill 7F STORE RICHmON D HILL. Groceries, I New Goods for the Fall and “’7 inter Truth". J US'I‘ received, from the Best Markets, and bought at the Lowest Prunes,- : V .A. Large and: Complete Stock. ' or Maple and Fancy Dry Goods. courarsrsa, Dress Goods, all patterns, Merinos all Colors. and Black Lush-us 'l‘en per cent cheaper than usual price. . Colored Luslrcs, Cobourgs, Wincys, Prints, Sltirtings, SHA'W'LS. A beautiful assortment in Ottoma Stripe. Check and Plain. ((0., do, kc. THE WOOLEN GOODS DEPARTMENT Is complete. A var-3 fine assortment of English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. . Clothing made to Order at the Shortest Notice ; licadyxmade clothing constantly on' hand. Ner G00 Coming Every \Veek. Staplesnslrémpcy. Hardware, . loécricsgfir‘fieiyfldgfi N . ‘ .5 _ g ‘_ I. CROSBY. THE IMPROVED ,_ _ , Burns onGAlvs VVEBSFE ’ , . . I _ Victorious Everywhere .' l ‘ i 'r'. '4 9i l .. ., FIRST PRIZE aaqaiwiuptglliu "5"AKING into considerationflthe fact that ho “’obslor Sour}: Slhtzlriuu him» keep? ' before the pa -~ic onl about eistteen months "ml the trilpw cr-denlrd numlwr at we: In IllIMISHt ti lravn bet-u so'd in so slnorvxlinze is sufficient to convlncn 3h» rm st incredulous m the superiority :l the W) "81)." over ullntlrcrs lt Carr ed off nearlt «I. the leading print-r ‘0 the full of hi 3. it is construe-ltd Ill Inc mm , simple. rullt'l and substantial ma upr; (.ora- l scqorntlt less lr-tblo ll) get out of repair. it i~ >0 suntle In ltizmllr- tlrn- “ltdrfliot eon adjust lilt' stztcn m raftll-niu the [pastor wlti=o Ih lHHcl‘l w rs in mmmu. 'l‘he W luki'i m w ll do all kiml.. vet u'orithoau or light .com' o 0: fine. II hasn straight llct‘tlir. makes the lock ‘lllt'li. pot-torn. lerltct .owvn'g on :vsv} dost-rrp'mn o' Inalwmi. with cotton, £ lmun, or sill. thread If l-t-ms, fillsucbnls. braids and gathers! ' "3 5"”l‘lbi‘Y 'l‘llOfll". WJKHIVG if ltm.“ air-re thly ran pvoruro the but not ll'.~ vvo- would merely .Hlt'lllil‘ll thu_ fo'lowr g Hint“- A: Mr lv-winrial xlrilrlwnu held :n Toronto that '1'! in I8" \t vuoivetl'thn First. l‘rrzos for “Its first Mtlodonn and hue; mg». (. ‘1ll',llf,“llufik; also| ll»:- @1333»? ll?) HEJL 0.1V. 5.15 Awarded tor the “coil In: rimentsylniing tho M51 MM “use. .At the l’mth:inl i.xb'~iyi'tiois ' _-- .k . ' , , l : ) ~. Comp-etc 8310f the most up" n" "‘ ‘ "mm" " "‘° ’7'“? *"m "m , - the proved attachment: with each arm... On'y Medal Ever Awarded We would beg to call tlw mention ultimate ‘1‘0 our Organ Manufacturer nt'uny luxlrihlt on wonting first-class Inmzhitmi t’d ho euro, 1' fur (Tanada ' - and At the Uitario- Provinrioi txhii‘itilm..hd the Guelph Comrsl Exhibition for 1872. wow. “u received EVERY rI-ns'r Pit:le mum «Emma and rrovannl Exhibitions before porches“? any other. l‘rice. $35., . _ nyeaumgm. o‘r fiddle»:ng tire undersigned for {873. we received ever} I 1. its wanklgl my glamour the privsldgo of our, (.amnst (inst-3w. At both hptlltlllltonfi heron] muining tho maul-iota “ merit!” l' "ml. 'Bclndmgx Enter and JUHN ll. STONEIIOUSE, I . : figdiop‘hpi do Pelum (lrgsu Companies, 'fi'ot. Travelling agent for vaughan 61. Whitchurch.‘ cf’n'l’9l"°”; "’0 a" “W "'9" Pmlllmeul (AMI- “ mm...“ my dlan muuulacturors. - - ' " ' ’l "i‘ .' ilnr l‘l iv a ti H. Russell. general hgsm tor the followinr‘ '" "mm dw" ' of "M “"i “ Townships : Vaughan; York'. Scarboro’. Mark. Ednl‘klhéo’o.’ Style are simil pity.llres'lm’ It» - ~ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ': lh ttlfit 'l rile to-htv our 6* ham. Whitnlmmh, Pickering; Ushrrdgc, nfll "mm" m a, ’ i‘ n o ' O I Scott, . slruments continue the but ‘ births.- msr-kst. ’ liven instrument fully “irritated for fin Years. Sitinfat‘lilfit guaranteed. Wu. STREET. Agent. for Richmond ill-B and Eicinity. lites-suns 9.0. May 26. rm satay At home,’ tools or formic: Work . . ; , . r . ' s“ wasn't!“ or evening. r Np h yo ’ g for all :E‘lebl varsruttncpcr or hail“? tk Iilson, ‘ soon: or mountain Address. with ten non. ‘ - ' return stamp. M. YOUNG. .73 Greenwich Sh. Inv- stsgsmr- ,....r N Y , »FLUER'Y bang- Machines. STEAYED. l niclt they be bid at Low Prices undirest (.â€" , rot-ms. ' ’ , > C o 'nto my realises. Moty'fl. in Sen . V _ ‘ , , , stills. a... of. unit 0...»... y ,mifigfiwm artful AN EWE LAMH, : . iff submits not, swans. 1874.; .‘ The Owner is renamed to'vrovoyrqponu.‘ ; ‘ ~ - _ ,_ pay expenses, and like the normal away ' = 2 , ALEX. a,th ‘ Markham. Nov. ll, '74. 1 8 lg}, 5843'“ as I Alf/close?» of working people. of oilher m. rioting sr‘olgl. ‘ giro“ ». 7.9 WESLEYHYI. mp. s more money It work {or its in their spsfémomsuts. on oil mamas-n Csn'be obtained at the HIRALP ‘ut BunYlPliu'g, f "infest cprd at. the following reduced pricosh‘s‘t . .l-l? . .1 a ‘2’?” , .miufi 15cm. fillets.30eta’,38'ctti.'€0cts. Gupta, 7 to ‘. f a: , pew . il'.}"3.u9;w .snd90cts. ' . - ' ._ v ‘ “ l . »- - A '- . c - Elf]. _“;l;“ . ' as nus crass anagrams z _ 7 revs; no; on saw 411.: allure lisqu Bookélol‘vr‘ : . lic'ék Star}. . ,__ ’ Splendid in value. Firs: I'm» at» ‘ {as Also Agar-tile!" . . s2 ‘- are: as;

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