Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 18 Dec 1874, p. 2

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LIBERAL Osmanâ€"Mr James Vick. seedsl man and florist, Rochester. N. Y.. publishes the followihg notice in his Floral Guide. for January, 1875, and should be embraced in the prize lists of the various Agricultural Societies in Canada :â€"“ Vick’s Floral Prc miums.â€"For the purpose of encouraging the culture and love of flowers. I authorize the officers of every State and Territorial Society in the United (and where there are two prominet Societies in one State, both.) and the Provinces of Canada, to offer. in my behalf, the t'ollOuing premiums: for the best. collection of cut flowers, $20; second best, $10; third best. $5; lourth best. floral chromo. The offer is made to amateurs only, and the flowers to be exhibited at the regular Annual Fairs. The awards to he made by the regular Judges. or by any Committee appointed furthe purpose. When only one collection is exhihited, the Judges may award the fixst, or any other premium, according to merit. but the exhibition must be a creditable one, and if not so. in the opinion ofthe Judges. no premium to bel awarded. The flowers not to be made up in toquets, but exhibited separate and named. lshall not consuder this offer ac! cepted by any Society, unless published in the regular Premium List, so that all may have an oppontunity to compete. The money will be forwarded by Draft on the Bank of New York City, as soon as the‘ award is made known to us, either to the oficers ofthe Socxety, or to the persons ob- taining the premium. I also authorize the ofiicers of every County Somety in America to offer one of my Floral Chromos for the best exhibition of cut flowers Now let us, have some grand exhibitions of flowers.” PATTERSON Usinx S. SCHOOL. -- The tenth anniversary of this School will he held in the church in that village on the evening of the 24th inst., (Christmas Eve.) The usual anniversary exercises will be given, and the entertainment will conclude with the distribution of presents from the Christ. mas tree. The riublic will be admitted by tickets, which may be had in our village at the stores of Messrs Atkinson. Crosby, Sav‘ age, and Sheppard, at 20 cents and 15 cents. We undersland the butchers of Toronto are making strenuous ofl'ods t0 oulshow 9- ch other this Christmas. Purchasers of fancy cattle at the Guelph Fair have been made at from 9 to ll cents per pound live weight. Mr James Armstrong, of our own neighbor- hood. has sold Mr Henry Wickson. St. Lawrence Arcade, four beautiful animals the beef of which, we are persuaded, will compare favorably with any on exhibiton. 'l‘he faithf‘ul are still discordant over affairs in North York. All does not go merry as usual, and our knight ,qfi the quil is as ready as ever to mount his Pegasus and run a tilt with his pen, though no caUSe but his own be the. gauge of the hour. Well done, “ cutty sa ,” we were going to say. but we real- ly feel like clapping our brother “ quil ” on the back and bidding him 9:0 and gather laurelsin the Ontario Legislature. Go in. gallant heart I for why should all the drones have the honey, and nothing but toil and serf-work for the slaves of‘ the pen. The melody-laden song of' the golden trumpet. of {ii me is sweet to most cars. and why should it. not gladden thine. 0 Erastus '? Sweet echo answers â€"why ? Seriously, we say. we do not know of any person in the Riding who‘ has more claims upon the Electors than Mr Jackson. Especially the Reform Electors, and to these of course, only can he look. MeKellar has most of the necessary qualities of the successful juggler. In fact, every political charlatan must have conveniently on hand a fair supply of counterfeit virtues to flaunt before the gaze of the undiscerning multitude. A crowd who would turn their backs in acorn on the utterances ofau honest man would go into ecstacy over the meretri- cious bombast of an unscrupulous dema- gogue. McKellar has hitherto been a name for Grits, to swear byâ€"look at him now! Time brings its revenges; no matter how well schooled ; the man’s nature comes out at last. Before the Parliamentary Commission, which has been drafted to investigate the Agricul- tural School Scandal, is through with its labors, Mr McKellar will be pretty well depicted in his true colors before the whole country. Hitherto enj0ving the reputation of the saint while walking in the way of the transgressor; lifting hy- ‘ pocritical eyes heavenward to bear wit- ness to the more than infantine innocence ofhis thoughts. when he. at the same time, was treading in forbidden paths; piously raising the cup of the sanctury to his lips, and next plunging with the I«greedy eagerness of a bacchanalian de- votee into the unholy orgies of the sab- bathâ€"breaker. Even to such a point of daring insanity has this modern Lovat been carried in his career of disgusting hypocrisy I But this is what. the Grits :call the science of’ politics. and the glory of partyism. Unscrupulnus intrigue. letter-stealing hypocrisy anything but let the end be gained. As we have often pointed out. and as every turn of the tactics of the party indicates. their life principle isâ€"that the end justifies the means. The men who “mull wadel through seas of dishonor and through’ sloughs ofintrigue. mun expect at last to be swallowed up in that quicksand of hypocrisy which they persist in treading, with a dexterity all their own but which will inevitablv outwit them at last. Mr McKellar has figured for the last time“ on the floor of Parliament, or we are much mistiken. and his name will after this 'be ll beacon and a warning to all future politicians who betray an incli- nation to tread in such dubious paths for all time to come. "ichmondHillSlation Changeoltime taking efl'enl Monday Nov, 16th. 1874: Gomg North 8.13 A.M..l'?.27 p m...5 13 p m Going- South 9 26 A.M. .3.3~< p.m . 922611”) Wm gfi/mfla “éggmmm. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Holiday Goodsz. Atkinson. The “ V. ehsIPr ” Sewing Machine. Merry Xâ€"Mmâ€"A. Moodie. Noticeâ€"James Hord For Saleâ€"Peter Rupert. Richmond Lodge. A. F. & A. M. Vick’s Flora] Guide. The “ Pride of Canada”â€"H. Hopper [ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA RICEMUND HILL. Dec.18, 1874‘ ER‘ASTUS RA MPANT. CAUGHT AT LAST. Considerable progress has been made with the details of the course to be pursued by the British ArCIic Expedition. The com mittee appointed to determine the arrange- ments are Admirals Richards and Osborne, and Captain V. Hamilton Two steam whale ships are to convey the explorers. and they will sail in May in in Great Britain to Davis Straits. Proceedingr through Baflin’s Bay to Disco and Upernavik. the navigators will establish at. these Danish settlements their base tor further operalions. - The opening by which the attempt will be made to penetrate to the pole. is Smith‘s Sound; thus adopting the route disclosed by K-ine and Hall and favorably regarded by British geographers, in preference to that proposed by I’etermann, on either side of Spitzbergen. Entering: Smith’s Sound, one of the vessels will be left at about 81° north latitude, so that the men on the other ship, which will ‘ press forward, can retreat easily upon the former, by sledges, in case of disaster. The expedition is estimated to cost £30,000 a year, and it will be absent at least until a- bout the autumn 1877, by which time it is 1hoped the grand problem of geographers and navigators will be solved. In the controversy regarding the Vatican Decrees, Monsignor Cape] has made a den- gerous concession. He has said that the church has the right “ to raise her voice and condemn 7’ an action of the State of which she does not approve. To all intents and purposes. this seems a virtual concession of the point, advanced by Mr Gladstone. It is undoubtedly true that the individual con- science has a right to determine for itself, whether the doings of a civil government are right or wrong. Society is all the better tor this freedom, and is nowise endangered. Indeed, but. for such liberty, reform and pro- g'tess, in many respects, would have been retarded immeasurably. It is a different matter. however, when a. church assumes to dictate to the whole body of her believers, instead oftheir several consciences, in an infallible manner which excludes. by super? seding, private iudgment regarding what is and is not right. As to the authority oftlte Roman Catholic Church to do this, many of her adherents have serious doubts, and would probably, like Lord Acton and Lord Amoy, decline to submit to such dictation. TAKING Coi.n.â€"-0ne way is to “bundle up ” in furs or mufflers, tight; about the neck; “we a. brisk walk, go into a warm roomâ€"church, lecture-room, or concertâ€" sit with your things all on, get warm, per- spire freely, breathe vitiated air for an hour or two, and when thoroughly relaxed, the pores of the skin all open, go out into the cold, damp air, and you will soon begin to shiver. After having a chill. send for the doctor. and he will dose you with something hot; then go to bed; then, ifleft alone long enough you mav get up in a day or two, and in a fortnight or so you may repeat the imprudence. We don’t believe in furs, close, unventilated. overheated rooms. nor in stupid carelessness generally. There are several other ways to take cold. We will mention but one. and that is to “ over eat.” Stufi' the stomach w1th improper food, more than it can digest, and you will soon find yourself -‘ all clogged ” up with a. cold. You will couin or sneeze, blow your nose, and " wonder how in all the world you took such a COMPâ€"Science quealth. The most serious of the results of late difficulties betwveu employers and employed has occurred at Pittshurg, where all the rollng mills and furnaces blew out their files on Saturday the 5th inst.. with the in. temion to keep them eminguished for the wmtet'. Between thirty and forty thousand men will thus be out ofmnployment in that locality, entailing a 1388 of wages of newly a million dollars each week. The cause of the suspended Operations of these iron-work ing establishments was, mainly. the refusal of the purldlet‘s to accept a reduction of one dullm‘ 0n the mice allowed for a. ton ofiron. l In New York 1he at] ike of the Ion :shox'emen Virtually crushed about a week ago, is still ostensibly kept up, but with no reasonable hope of success. Until there is seen the necessity ofreferring Iaqu- disputes to im- partial- arbitrators, such aviOIent conflicts, with ail their disixessing::consequentes to labor and capital, will occur from time to mme. We call the attention of the travelling public to the fact that our old friend and host. Mr Henry Lemon, who has opened the Queen’s (late North American,) hotel, at Thornhill. The house has been entirely refitted and ref‘urmehedY and will compare favorably with any hotel north of Toronto. The table is furnished with every delicacy of the season, and the bar supplied with the choicest of liquors and cigars. We con- gratulate the c tizens of thwt village upon the fact. and no doubt the travelling com- munity will appreciate it equally. BAND CONCERT.â€" A Grand Concert will be given in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill. under the ausnioes of the Richmond Hill Brass Band, on Tuesday, the 22nd inst. On which occasion the popular play “ Ten Nights in a Barlroom,” will be performed, also, cornet solos. readings, recitations, vocal and instrumental music, given by some of the leading.r talent of the day. The public are cordially invited to attend. Tick! e13 25 cents. children 15 cents. Doors open at 7:30 to begin at 8. On Sunday evening Inst, an 01d mam named Snively, residing at St. Catherines, committed suicide in a most determined manner by strangulation, while suffering under temporary aberration of mind. Humanâ€"An Xâ€"Mas Tree will be held in Victoria Hall, Thornhill. on Christmas Day. The entertainment to consist ofsongs, read- ings. recitations. and tab‘eiux. The pro‘ gramme will be closed by the distribution of gifts frium the XnMas Tree. Tickets 15 cents. children 10 cents. Doors open at 7;30, to begin at, 8. IF vou want an excellent Xmas present for your friends, come to the HERALD Book Store. BEAUTIFULLY bound books of all kinds suitable for Xmas presents at the HERALD Book Store. SOCIALâ€"A social will be held in the house 01 Mr J Purkiss, Thomhill, on Mom day evening, the let inst. The entertainv ment will consist of music, readings, and addresses. Refreshments from 8 to 9 o'clock Admittance 25 cents. Proceeds to be ap- plied to Church Improvements for the Sab- bath School. TEA-PARTY.-â€"-The friends of the Metho dist Sabbath School, Buttonville, intend holding- thei' annual anniversary tea-party on Christmas Day. Tea served at 4 o’clock. after which addresses may be ex: pected from several Ministers, with singing and dialogues by the children, Tickets, 25 cents, children under 12 years, 15. 223m?! ammo PUBLISHED QUARTERLY.â€"Jannary Number Just issued, and contains over IOO pages, 500 Eugravings. descriptions ofmore than 500 of our best Flowers and Vegetables. with Direct- ions for Culture. Colored Plate, etc.â€"â€"The most useful and elegant work of the kind in the world.â€"()nly 25 cents for the yeahâ€"Pub- lished in English and German. Address VIC K’S FLORAL GUIDE For 1875. Rolls' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eggs fresh, per dozen....... " Packed...” . Dried Apples...... .4 ...... Salt.............. ...... Wool. -.......... -)o--- Smoked..r.r.i Dressed Hogs. . . . Lard............ Butterâ€"lb .. . . -. Bariey..................... Pease...................... Onts........ ............. Hav................... Straw..................... Potatbes.perbus-.......,... Appleb.per barrel.‘ -.......- Mutton, by he carcasi. . . . . . Poultryâ€"Geese...........y Turkeys...” Chickens. per pair Ducks, .per pain. Porkâ€"Mess Extra......... Bacon - . . .. Prima.. . Hamsâ€"Salt”..... . . . Flour FSuperfine . . . . . . . . . . Spring Wheat extra Fancy . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . Superior Extra. . . . . Dr. J. Bell Simpson’s Spccfio am] Tonic Pills, the Great English Rome/lyfar all nervous dcbiltyfram whatever cause (ruling, have 8] ready been so Ihorougliiv [65160 in Canada as to requn'e little to be said in their favorâ€" as a certain cure for lhose dislressing symptoms srising from errors of youth. Dr. J. Bell Sim- pson was a pupil and friend of the late Dr Wil- lis Mosely. of London. England the most cele- brated aulhority H] the world on this subject. 'lis partner is nnw visiling Canada, and is prepared to give advice free to al'.and forward circular. ele., if applied loâ€"addressing Dr. J Bell Simpson & 00.. Drawer 91 l’. 0. Hamil (on. Two boxes of Pills Will also be sent in mail to any purl of Canada, securely wrapped from observation. on receipt $'.60. Special imminent if desired. Pills sold retail by all retail Druggisls. and wholesale by all wholesale Drusggls and Patent Medicine Dealers.. 1) GianFUL AND Comrom‘mmâ€""By a thorough knowledge ofthe. natural |aw:~ which govermhe operations ofdigestion and nutrition. and by acarelul application of the fine proper- ties of well-selected cocoa, NLI Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables will] a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ hills.”â€"â€"C'ivil Service anctlc Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk Each packet is labelledâ€" ' JAMES EPPs & (Io. Homoeopathic Chemists. London.” MANUFACTURE OF Cocoa.â€"“ We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps 6L Co., manufacturers of, dietetic articles. M their works in the Enslon Rerd. Loudon”â€"-See article in Gasscll’s Hausa/told Guzde The Maple Methodist Church Anniversary will take plaCe on Sunday, the 27th inst. Sermons will he preached at 10:30, a. m. and at 6:30P p. In. On the following Mom day. a tea-meeting will he held. Tea served at, 5 o’clock. after which, addresses and musxc will be given to enliven the proceed: ings of the evening. Tickets, for the tea- meetiag 30 cls. THORNHILL. â€" We defer publishing an amusing accnunt of a trial which took place last week in Victoria Hall, Thornbill, before Mr Justice Muldoon, as the trial has been adjourned. The charge was intemperance. in which some of the prominent men of that village figure conspicuouslv. Thorn' hi“ has become rather gay and festive of late. IF you are asked which is the best store to buy Xmas presents, say at once Scott’s Book Store. SCHOOL EXAMINATIONSâ€"The half-yearly Examinalion will beheld in the High School on Friday the 18th, and in the Public Schools on Monday and Tuesday, the 21st and 22nd. A Temperance Entertainment will be given by the members of True Love Di- vision. Sons of Temperance. in the Temper- ance Hall, Purpleville, on Friday. the 18m inst. Tea served at 6 o’clock, p. m. After which, speeches, recitations, &c. Tickets, 20 cts; children, 10cts. HIGH SCHOOL.--We regret to learn that Mr Crozier, principal of our High School, has accepted an appomtment for the position in the same capacity at Bradford School. CHRISTMAS Cards and Toys of all kinds suitable for Christmas and New Year’s at the HERALD Book Store. The half-yearly examination of Public School No. 4, Union Markham & Vaughan, will take place next, Monday, Dec. 21st, at 1 o’clock. All are cordially invited to attend. Mr Wallace, the opposition candidate for South Norfolk. against Mr Stuart, (Grit,) who was unseated for bnbel‘y, has been elected by a majority of over one hundred. Dr Ferguson is relelected for North Leeds, by a. majority of 161. EAT To LIVE.â€"Mr Chas. Webster, bull cher, of Thornhil], passed through here on Wednesday last, with two large andexcel lent cattle, we understand for Xmas dinner. Mr W. intends to make a. big show this Christmas, as the cattle were both very fat, and weighed, on our village scales, 4,600. LIVE To Emuâ€"Messrs Pugsley, butchers, of our town, are making extenswe prepara- tions to supply their customers with good cheer at Christmas. They make an eer- lent display of very superior beef, mutton, pork, &c., &c. October 31. 1872 @1311: @flvnrtimxmm REAK FAST. â€"â€" EPPS’S COCOA. â€" To Nervous Sufi'erers fipvcial Elntitw. T0 RUAUI‘O MARKETS JAMES VICK. Toron'o,Nov. 12. 1874. Rochester, N.Y. 00500 0000024000520 00 00206 5V700115033QOWO3 00 ( ,010008000770000020 0.30.35U50000 01051520000 44045544000 m@@@@@@@m@@@@@@m@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ’ 5 (0500 0 IDle “.30005OUUU “008 00 3(570 51240%2W909W7400670563W6000H00£321153 344454430001006001000000800076W000010 '- 11 I» 739-1v 0 ()0 2 The next regular communication of the 0 18 above lodge will be held next Monduv evening 2 00 215: Inst., an 7 o’clock. 0 30‘ THOMAS NEWTON. Sec’y. I of Spirituoué Liqlfors in Taverns or Shops in the Village of Richmond Hill will require to etition the Village Council before MONDAY. p the 18th day of JANUARY next. and hand to the Clark the names of two sureties M. 'I‘EEFY. CLERK. PERSONS requiring Licenses for the sale of Spirituous Liquors in Taverns or Shana Tavern Keepers&8hep Keepers. On the premises, or if by letter. MAPLE P.0, Dec. 10, 187 4. 856-4t A Store and Dwelling House Under the same roofâ€" in one of the bent busi- ness Corners in Vaughan Situated on Lot 16. Con. 3. Vaughan, at Ruperlville. Apply to PETER BUPERT. Sn. FOR SALE OR TO LET‘ For nuperioriiy in design quan of tune. and fimsh thew Organs are excellod bv none in the market at the present day They have taken the 1st prizes at the foHowing fairs, viz ,. Markham. Cannington and Newmal'ket, and the following Instruments were brought into compo ition: at Markham : Prince City. W, Bell & 00.. Goodman, (E 00.. Toronto Organ Cm, G. A. Wood. & Co , and the Uxhl'idge Organ Co.,. AtCannington : W. Ba" & Co, the. anmanvilla Organ Co . and the Uxbriflge ()rgan Co, Al Newmarket, W. Bell (CL 00., G A. Wood & (70., Messrs. Plincfi Toronto Canada Organ Co . and the Uxbridge Organ, to which the ‘8! Prize was awarded in each case. thus proving what we assert that they are second to none. May 26. 1R74 827â€"] y )APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Store, THE Subscriber has at the premises of Mn Rom-2m HOPPER. Richmond Hill. for Service this Season, the [1 BOAR w1llbe Imp: on Lot 15. Can. 3. Township of Vaughan, He is pronounced in By CompetentJudges who have seen Illim. Terms : 81 at time of service, JAMES HORD. Can-ville. Dec, 10, ’74. 856‘2t. ” Tmr. Pam. or CANADA,” part Suffolk. and pan C‘vasfier. Terms : $1 at time of ervice HENRY I". HOPPER. Richmond H)“, Dec. 10, 1874. JOHN H. STONEHOUSE, Travelling agent for Vaughan & Whitchurch. H AGERMm P,O. Agents for the Frst Prize» is owing to its superior qualities as a. sewing machine, being adapted to hvlavy as we” as light work, makes it a desirable aru'cle in every familv To be coannced of its superior qualities it only requires to be thoroughly 0x- nmined 1“or further particulmiQ and price list. and dr-scriptive catalogue. Address l' irst Prive at the Vaughan Agricultural Show. held at \Voodhrldge on 1116 I3Lh and 14th of October last. Nolwithstanding the keenest competition and most unfounded pre- judlce they still conllnue to gain in public con- fidence. and so rapidly have they increased thelr sales thatthev stand in a position to hold- ly challenge conwarissn with any machine made or sold in the Dominion. The success of THE ‘WEBSTER’ Thirty First Prizes (or 1874. Richmodd Hill, Oct. 1. 1874, IIXBRIDEB BABINET ORGAN ! Fresh Arrival of all kinds of Fruits suitable for X-MAS AND NEW YEAR, A large assortment of Dress Goods, Cobourgs, Winceys, Del lains, and Prints Cheaper than ever. Clouds, Scarfs, & other Goods suitable for the Season. Blankets, Horse Blank ets & Quilts, Splendid in Value. BRITISH FLAG STAFF! Fruits, Fruits! Seedless, Valentias, Sultanas and Layer Raisins, Currants, &c., &c., FRESH Teas & Coffecs Wines, Brandies, Gin, MERRY X-MAS. Richmond Hill. Rev. 17. IBM. And all other Liquors of the best brands THOROTGH‘BRED BERKSH I R E Also, Ro‘n son & Stonehouse FIRST-CLASS HOG “ The Pride of Canada.” Superior White 110g, DRY GOODS. Public Notice Goods Deliverod. A, 1100mm Christmas Groceries ! ICHMOND LODGE,A.F. &A , No. 23, G.R.C. Best that can be bought RIGHMON D HILL. Notice. COMPRISING Flour & Feed. $69. 3w, Circulars containing a full list of prizes. a description of the manner of drawing, and other informatton in reference to the Distri- bution, will be sentto any one ordering them, All letters must be addressed to Office. Excelsior Building LUD'SINEJBoxse Cor. Race dz Longworth Cincinnato Nov. 14, 1874. 825-62. One Priz $3,000 ' | Six Prizes $1,000 |n Ten Prizes $500 ' 2500 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in. all) worth from $20 tu $300 each. Ladies’ & Gents’ Gold Chains. Solid and Duuble-plaled Silver-ware. Jewelry, 6m Number of g1fts 25,000. Tlckets limited to 100,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETSM: whom Liberal Premiums will be pald. Single Tickets $2; Six Tickets $10 ; Twelve Tickets $20; Twenty-Five $40. ONE GRAND PRIZE $10 , 000 00 IN CASH ! ONE PRIZE of $5,000 in‘ CASH! $20,000 00 In Cash! The only rehable Gift Distribution in tne Country I L. D. Sine’s Twenty-first IIIIIINII IINNUIII DISTRIBUTION next lhe undeliigned will appl} 1:: the Judg; ofthe said Court for a discharge under the said Act. Apply it tho HERALD Office, Richlfiond Hill, Richmond Hill, Oct 7. 1874. Nicholas shaver An Insolvent. . - JJ Immediately, to learn th e Harness Busmess. "' Apply to Wuich WM. HARRISON. jTerms Richmond Hill. Juxw 9 1874. 8294f WS‘ F-x'er A. Galpin. Mr Harxis, John L. Huwiu. Robert (6) Halh James lngram, John (2) Kendrick. Bridget Kendrir-k. Mrs Munshaw. Mr Province of Ontario, Coumy of York. A large sum ofmenev to [and on Mortgage at Seven per cent. In ()ctoherlast; a now uf‘ hand dv'axvn m favor of {he undermgnnd, bv Jesse B'iliiuger. of Lot 2. in rear of 3rd 'mn Whitchurch, f0: $25.daled Mav. 1873, and duv in October 1573‘ Notice ls harth given In all parties not nngo’ time for the abové new as payment has been shipped. I Premises, but 55, Yongv Sh'eel. Markiwm the Whim Hog, OnIW/Tednese‘lay,‘ the_13‘t__h day qflJarguqry DRY CORDWOOD FOR SALE, Mixed, Soft and Hardâ€"Cheap. JOHN HAMILTON 'I‘HE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HIS WANTED. Immediately, a smart intelli- geqt by to learn gm Plflning quflnqgs. Dated at Toronto. this fourth do.) of December. A.D. 1874; 855-5t Elgln \Iils, Dec. 9. 1874 CANADA. Dec. 7. 1874 For service this season TERMS ; $I , at time of Service. WM ROHINSON Dec. 7, 1874. Doc 7, 157 To be drawn Friday, Jam. Isl, 1875. EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hilll’osll ffice.lsl Dec” 1874: BLAKE & KINGSFORD. Solicitors Insolvent Act of 1869. 6‘ Y on nsr Lolipqe ” GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE ONEY T0 LEND. In Valuable Gifts! 200.000 00 Apprentice Wanted Apprentice Wanted. List of Letters NICHOLA S SHAVER. By Rosa & MACDONALD, His Attornies ad litem. 1n the matter of No 56, Church St, Toronto 8L5 1y. JOHN RIECHI‘JN. >55-3t 1n 1he County Court of the County of York, 854 t M‘ 'I‘EEFY. P PM ‘PHII‘ITOR . 850-lf. 899'“ fiSHOWROOM, Adjoining Ute ._ l‘ Flag Stafi, Richmond Hill S tore . Price, $1 per Bottle. Largu, Bottles. 82-. May 14, 1874. s 5 em DEVINS 85 BOLTON; This mndiciua is prepared bv a careful. ex- perienced and conscientious physician. in obedience to the drsire of nun‘berlesc friends in the professiun. in the trade and among the people, Every bottle is warranted to contain the full strength of the medicine in its highest state of purity and development, and is up. perior to any medicine ever compounded for; this terrible camplaint. _ (I? This meaiciner is for sub at all the. Druggists throughout Canada. If it happens that your Druggist has not got it in stock, Ik him to send for it to NORTHROP & LYMANE l suppose there is not in the whole course of a Physician’s experience anything in human suffering which calls forth his sympathy and ‘ pity to such an extent as to witness the excru- ‘sia ing pains of a poor mortal. sufi'ering from ‘ that fearful disease. Rheumatism Heretoi‘ore there has been a considerable diversin of opinion among medical men, as to the true character of this disease; some locating it in the fibrous or muscular tissues of the system, and others viewing it as an acute. nervous dis- lease.but it is now generally admitted to be a disease arising from a poison circulating in the ‘blood. The circulation of the blood is the life of the body. and its stoppage is death. N0 disease can he in the body without first being i generated in the blood. and no dist-use can possibly be in the body if the blood is pure Rheumatism can never be thoroughly cured without exterminating the poison circulating t in the blood by a constitutional internal rem- i edy. We feel confident that none wrll feel. better satisfied and rejoice more than the con scientious physician who has discovered that sure cure for this stubborn disease has beg found. The following testimonr from a gen-- tleman ofstandlng and high respectability. and well known to the Canadian public cannot. fail to satisfy all hat the In simple tense“ sommimes ona or two dot-es sufficu In [hr mm: chronic cases it Is sure to give wny b\ the use oflwo or Ihrve bottles. By [his efficient and x-imple remedy hundreds of dollars are saved 1.0 those who can least of: ford to throw i1 away. as surer it is by the pur- chase of usalms premzrlptionst The proprietor of Ibis medicine has walked the alslos of Ihe hospitals of London. F-ngn for the past twenty years, making rheumatism a sunrinlily, and the prescriptium frnm which this remedv is compounded is all he ever used in the lremment of this nisease. DEAR SIRS .-â€"| with pleasure concede to the agent’s wish ihat I give mv anflmsation to the immediate relief] experienced from a few doses of the Diamond Rheumatic Cure. hav- ing been a sufferer from the efi'ecis o‘ Rheu' matism, I am now. after taking two homes of this medicine. entirely free from pain. You are at liberty to use this letter, if you deem it advisuhie to do so. [ am Fir, \ours respnctfuliy. JOHN HELUER ISAACSON. N.P. IS A WONDERFUL MEDICAL DIS- COVERY. Montreal. 218! March. 1874. Messrs Devins «SI Boltuli : MILLIONS Agent, for Richmond Hill and Vicinih‘ Also Agent for Wuich may be had at Low Prices and best .1 know whnrnthay can procure the best Instrum-nts we wouM merely mention the followiyg [actgtâ€" At 1h; Provincial Exhihixion held in Toronto in 187I‘,wH received the First Prizes for the Rest Melodenn and best large Cabinet Organ: also. the 953%]?! DELIâ€"E93170) Wigs). At 1he (antral and Provincial Exhibitions for 873. we rem-Wed vven First l‘nze un (Tatum-I “rgnns. M holh Exhilmmm sevm'nl ‘mericnn Firms. including Emu and [’Qluuhm& Penn" Urgnn (furnpanlw, were enmpv-Umls. also all Hm most prunnm-m (Jana dinn nmnuh [men's~ In all the detain 0|" Tone. Ulirnhi‘ifl' and Excellence n b ‘ n we shall pay the Sam at lenlion vs hereml'nn- in nr ‘er m hth our 1n- slrnmentu cmninm- the hunt in ,h« market. BELL’S 'ORGANS Awarded for ‘he Read InwrumeMs during the LAST mm; Yuma. A! the Provincial Exhibition for 1K7]. we received all the First Prizes and th e Al [he Unlmio Provinx-ia! lixhilminn and the Gualph (201 (mi Exhxbixion for 1872. we a- gain received Even lnulruumm fully VVarramed lor Five Years Satisfactionzuarunieed. WM. STREET. FL UER Y Sewing Machines, Only Medal Ever Awarded To am Organ Manufacluxer a! any Exhibit-on in Canada Whaler & “"i/llson, AGENTS FOR. THE PROVINCE ONT.,> SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, OR TO AGENTS FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. Richmond H11]. Sept. 22, 1874‘ DIAMOND RHEUMATIB [HIRE ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA: - ble for presents at the HERALD Boon U SA'I‘ISFY THOSE WISHING 'I'O PHYSICIANS BURNEHED. Victorious Everywhere: EVERY FI RST PRIZE PEOPLE ABDNY. .._OF._. AND -1N_ 843-tf

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