tv ££°EBLTS, SCHOOL REQUISITES ' PETER BUPER’I‘. Sit. On I mines. or if by letter. Mum: P.0. Dec. 10, 187 4. 85644 HERALD BOOK STORE. A Store and Dwelling House Under the some roofâ€"in one of the best busi- ness Corner: in Vaughan; Situated on Lot :6, Con. 3. Vaughan. :1 Rupertville. Auly to a" BOAR Inll he kept on Lot 15. Can. 3, Township of Vaughan. He is pronounced a FOR. SALE OR TO LET‘ Ready~made clothing constantly on hand. New Goods Coming Every Week Scipio and chy Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, &c. ByCompolomJudgea who have seen him. Terms: 8!. at. time of service, - JAMES HORD. Carrvillo. Dec. [0, ’74. 856-2t. Colored Lauren, Cobourgs, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Clothing maflo to Qxdor at the Shortest Notice Dress Goods, all patterns, Marinas all Colors. and Black Lustres Ten per cent cheaper than usual price. 01.1---.) 1...“-..- n-L-..--- J as! Arrived at the '-' CONCRETE HOUSE " 'A Large Stock of A Staple and'Fancy Dry Gaods. New Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade Salmon Trout, White Fish, Finnin Haddies, Yarmouth Bloaters and Smoked Salmon, also, Fresh XX X and Select THE WOOLEN GOODS DEPARTMENT Currants, (ï¬ne old fruit) N ew Dressed Currants The Stock consists of CHRISTMAS SEASON! Christmas WISHES TO RETURN HIS BEST THANKS TO HIS numerous cus- tomers for their very llberal support during the past year, and now an- nounces that he is again prepared to supply all those who may favor him with a. call with Superwr Seedless Raisins .' FIRE ynnur suns, D “UMA‘T‘I‘ "1- 'US'I.‘ received, from the Best Markets, and bought at the Lowet Prices, MERRY EHRISTMAS AM! HAPPY NEW YEAR «The Peoples’ Store.â€. Richmond Hill’. Dec. 8 IBM Pure and Unadulturated WINES AND LIQUORS momma. BBED BERKSH m E FIRST-CL ASS HOG CANNED FRUITS LONDON LAYER, Sardines, Lobsters, &c. FULL SUPPLIES AT THE Larqe Assortmcni uf Fish. Splendid in. Valzw. Teas: Coffees, Sugars, Orange and Lemon Marmalades, (Sac. Notice. A beautiful assortment in (Moms Stripe, Check and Plain. Staple and Fancy Groceries RICHMOND HILL. And that for CASH he will sell Decidedly Cheap. Is complete. A very ï¬ne assortment of Lemon. Orange and Citren Peels. Parcels Delivered. P. G. SAVAGE RICHMOND HILL. Is COMING 2 And Brazil Nuts. Wincys, Prints, Shirtings, SUITABLE FOR THE COMPRISING, COXSISTING 0F “ As the White Rose wakeneth into beauty so does the White Hog come to Gl-ladness †GEORGE WELDRICK still keeps his ï¬rst prize Boar. “John Cummings,’ ’ He has also imported from the Slots of Ohio, aChoscer White Pig. “ Josh Bilhngs. †mï¬â€˜-._ . -1 .s,,, .csuuto wuulBu : All classes of working people. of either sex. young or old. ma -e more money ll. work for us in their spare momenta, or all the time, than at anything elm Particulars free. Postcard to Slntes cost but two cents. Address: G STINSON 6; (10., Portland, Maine. Oct. 27. 1374. 849-ly $5 TO $20 Ponusunn QUARTr:RLY.-â€"Janu ary Number Just issued, and conmins over Ill“ pages, 500 Engravings. descriptions ol mnra than 500 of our best Flowers and Vegetables. with Direct- ions for Culture. Colored Plate. etc,-â€"-The most useful and elegant work of the kind in tho world‘â€"0nl_v 25 cents for the yeahâ€"Pub- lished In English and German. Address GEMINI] flfll‘PBES 8(51’10115. VICK’S FLO ~Al. GUIDE For 1873. Dec. 3, 1874. Tums: $1. time of serge; W‘JU Agents wantgdâ€"E working people. of eitherA sex. Race Course Farm, Thomhill' 854-5t, New Figs, Almonds, JAMES VICK. Roche-tor, N.Y. '. CROSBY. G. WELDRICK. m, &c., &c. Splendid in value. PER DAY. Good Frame House, and other buildings there on For particulars, apply to WESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES at the HERALD B0 01: Store. PERSONS requiring Licenses for tha sale of SplEllllolls Liquors in Taverns or Shops in the Village of Richmand Hill will require to polition the Village Council before MONDAY. the ISth day of JANUARY next. and hand to the Clark the names of two sureties M. 'I‘EEFY. CLERK. l)APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Store. ll Parties are hereby cautioned not to pur« chasa a note given by me to Mr Daniel Homer for $G|.5(I,and endorsed bv Peter Bril- Iinger. and due on or about lhe ml of October last, as the same has been pnid in full THOMAS COOK Tavern Keepers & Shep Keepers. At J. Brown’s. Richmond Hill. Fox-84,50 per brl l4 Work At home, male or female: $35 per WEEK. day nr evening. No for all WE SEND A VALUABLE PACKAGE or Goons hr mailrmcr: Addrass. wilh ten can. letun) stamp. M. YOUNG, .73 Greenwich St.. N. Y. 845-6m o o - OPERATION. Good Family Flour 40 Q‘EXYGS t0--,i$il,,per1b FLOUR, 3493013631: Barrel D. 0. O’BRIEN, 00 (am alive Flour Slore, Richmond Street And hopes to receive the continued patronage oflha Customers cf his l’redecesaor. by atten- tion to their wants 'snd selling as cheap as it is possible to do. EYER’S SUPERIOR FLOUR Always on hand and can be got store in the village. N", SHORTS FAMILY GROCERIES ! Suitable for the trade of Richmond Hill, and vicinity and wiliaiways endeavor to be up to the times with SEASONABLE GOODS 'l‘HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of ru- lurnixg his sincere thanks to his numerous friends for [heir Liberal Patronage while occu- pying lhe store known as the " ’l'ea Chest. †Richmond Hill. and would state that he hae sold out his Inlerest in theabovo Establishment In Mr C. SHEPPARD. and would hespeuk their patronage and support for his successor. THE TEA CHEST Maple, Nov. II. ’74 Desirable Property for Sale DOMINION TEA HOUSE Richmond Hm. Dec. 10, 1874 Richmond Hill. Dec. 1 ,1874. I very liberal patronage I have recaived commencing buâ€"ilies> in the village woul speclfully solicit a call. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. Whilclmrch, Nov. 20,- ’74‘ Goods Delivered Promptly When Ordered. Cordwood 1n At greatly reduced prices. Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts Always on hand. Richmond Hill, Nov. 10, 884. THE BEST FAMILY FLOUR TURF. AND LOT FOR SALE i Village of Maple. containing BOOTS 85 SHOES Overshoes and Rubbers,‘ M prices that cannot fail to please all White Fish, Salmon Trout, Oysters and Canned Fruit Richmond Hill. Nov. 5 1874, ONTARIO HOUSE N reference m the above the Subscribe! begs to say that he wilfkeep a large Ind fresh stock of 01> CHANGE OF HANDS. GOOD GREE N RETURNING THANKS FOR N APPRENTICE WANTED Choice Christmas Groceries: An Immense Stock of the HERALD Book Store. One Acre of Land 0000s DELIVERED... CHARLES E. SHEPPARD, hmond Hill. Feb. 19, 1874. Public Notice RICHMOND HILL. (Warsaw, m. Fall Arrivals, Notice. FROM '. C. McQUARRIE 8514f any Quantity. ALEX. mooum. 1V0 recexved since village would re- J. BROWN. a_t no_ othe) 853â€"1! 850- f. in the THE WESLEY HY MNS Can be obtained at the HERALD Book Storâ€"e at the following reduced prices :â€" l5cts. 20cts. 30cts, 38cts, 40ers. EOcts, 75cts and 90 cm. ( ‘ANADIAN ILLUSTRATET} NEWS. ’ A weekly journal of Current Events. Literature. Science and Arts. \griculture and Mechanics, Fashion and Alhasement. Sod at [00 a number at the HERALD RM" mom- TATIONERY OF ALL _KINDS AT I the HERALD Book Store. over an acre of land. good orchard. situ- ated on Richmond street. Richmond Hill. The estate of lhe late MRS WEST, Apply to ' PA RKER. CROSBY. IGEVSED Auctioneer For the County of York. respeclfnlly solicits your patronage and friendly influence, Sales attended on the shor'est notice and at reasonable rates P. 0 “direâ€. King- 00D DWELLING HOUSE I over an acre of land unnd nmlmn! I ICE NRED Auctioneer for the Crunly of .1 York, reopectfully solicits your patronaga and friendly influence. Salas attended on the shortest mouse and at reasonable rates. P. U . address. Victoria Squan . 10 to 100 Dollars For hire. Funeral Furnishings, Cofï¬ns and Caskets in every style. Bogs to announce to the Inhabitants of Rich- mond Hill, and surrounding neighborhood that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the UNBERTAKIATE BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE A. W R I G H T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. 015’ Send for Revised Price List. WM. RENNIE, Toronto. Toronto. Sept. 30, 1874. 845 Per Month to Live Men. SEND $5 forAgent’s outï¬t which will sell for $10 or money refunded and Pulpers, Fanning Mills, Threshers & Separators, Horse Powers Jacks &o. i 7 FOR SALE BY Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, Root Cutters T o R o N T o . Agricultural Warehouse Corner of Adelaide 8; Jarvis Streets Wm. Rennie, Toronto. @grimï¬uml flauptrmntï¬. $2000,T0 LOAN on ï¬rst-class Mortgage Securityâ€"in sums from $500 up- wards. A pply to M. TEEFY. N. LYN E'I‘T, (As Executors of the Estate of the late Martin Brennan.) ) \Rn «Imuud Hill branch) at the Haiti; wk Store Richmond Hill, Oct, 22, ’74. 0:? Remember the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. King, Sep?. 10. 1974 Richmond Hill Feb. 26, ’74 PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED. Fitted up in ï¬rst-claw Flyle. and that he is now prepared to take all kinds of pictures in the latest styles of the art. PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, Richmond Hill. June 1,1874 Richmond Hill, July ‘23, 1874‘ Markham, Sept. £10.771‘b74‘ THOS. B. CUUPLAND, lST PRIZ E A. D. CABLE, 568 Craig St ,Montreal. Sept., 26 .1874. lm. Harness Establishment GOOD & CHEAP, IBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORx NE W GALLERY! "N returning his sincere thanks to his friends . and patrons for past favors would respect- fully intimate that he has now gothis Funeral Furnishings supplied at from SAMUEL M. BROWN‘A‘ Richmond Hill, April 1h, 1274 House and Lot for Sale SEED STORE, ENLARGED ! JAMES C‘ STOKES. CHARGES MODERATE. RICHMOND HILL. :WM. HARRISON. Single and Double, MONEY TO LEND HARNESS! RICHMOND HILL, THOMAS B. COUPLAND, £1mtugmplxg. All work to be AT THE AND Photographer. 842M 842-†TF-828 35-11" 848.5: .l lruction of the Anglo American House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up thoaa large and commodious premisas belong- ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight & Son’s Novelty Worlis. Markham. Excellent accommodation 'afl‘orded for the travelling public and .cpmmercial men. Livery stables in connsclipn with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. WOOTEN. Sept. 4, 187%. 737-†NIONVILLE. Passes run in connectio with each train. Commodious sample room. Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb‘ __ -- -.._- , .LL uuuLu, 1.41- D (mars, Conveyancers, 6w... 5w†OFFCES.â€"N0. 56, Church Street. Toronto. nexi door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE. it rally be found at (home from '2‘ 10"3 o‘clock. P M. John Elliott Langstnï¬' is auth- orized to collect accounts. There is a good House. Barn. and a very su- perior OrI-hnrd of Young Fruit Trees; 11 good Well of Wale on the premises, 3 miles from Richmond HHI and about 2‘ miles from To- ronto. Price $2.500 App!" to JAS. LANGSTAFF. MD. Richmond Hill, April 23. ’74. 822-6. For sale, good farm, being lot No 30, in the 2m Con. of Vaughan, fconumlm 50 Ames of First-class Land, About Una-ï¬fth of an Acre, And are located at the North-west corner of lot No. 35, 4th concession] of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Applv (if by letlcr.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square,or lo WM. G. HINGSTON. Dingla P. 0 March 97. 1879. 714-1! FARM FOR SALE. .1. salea number of Village lols.rait;aleâ€"d‘ n the village of N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. wi lb a burn stables. and other outbuildings thereon, Termi, easy. Apply. on the premise“ M I". CRAWFORD. A FARM UP 69 AND A HALF AERES Being part of lots 3 and 4, 1“ C _ T . of Uxbridge, 0" ownshlp acres with Good Dwelling House and Out- buildings,just ouaside the {ichmond Hill Cor- poration» And THOS. HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24. 1873‘ 71 Will be presented in val-My, excelled by no other house in Richmond HI" Her arrange- ments have been made upon the strict principle of her businrss mono, “Fashion with Economy.†Trnslng an early visit. wi I he agreeable those friends who can make it convenient. Richmond Hill. Nov, ll, ’74. HIST-CLASS land. part lot 44, en Yongo Street. (West side) ad'oining the ï¬ou rish- ing ViHage of Richmond “1, 14 miles from the city of Toronto-â€" SnrflwePlaned.iuShal‘t \‘OtIcP 8:?0rde1 s Soliciteal RS. MYERS returns her best thanks to Ihose Lady Pan-nus who so liberallv svpporled lwr timing the last very successful season Her stock of French._!§ngl1‘.s_ZL: (ft A_me_rican {liilljnerzh Faatheï¬Ã©, Flowers (E Fancy Goods For the Fa l and Winter Seasons far outrivals all previous efforts. All the BLAKE. R. E. Kmasronn. MA Toronto Juiv 28. 1873 7844f lumber Tongued, Grooved. February 4th. 1873. Lath, VICTORIA SQUARE Doors, MAGEB QUANTZ! New and Beautiful Shades Richmond Hill, Jan. 8.1874. BLAKE a. KINGSFORD. ABRIS'ILERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLL Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72 DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMQNQ HILLL WILL GENEâ€" Richmond Hill, Feb, 18. 1874. CO‘NSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€"- Iv RICHMOND HILL ME AND DUDE METER ‘VN Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. also ten Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND mm. LL Containing Seventy Acres TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. NIPISSING- HOTEL A LARGE STOCK OF House and‘Lot for Sale, Village Lots for Sale. flxnmtg fur 5:112, gitiavcuauwuï¬, Also a ï¬ne assortment of SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR. A CARD. (ï¬e; (5-0., Richmond Hill; Farm for Sale-â€" Union House. TEAS, Blinds, Mouldings, The lots contain MARKHAM. Apply to Manufactuljers of JOU JACOB MORDEN. I. upward. 759-lv 753-3m Shingles, 8074f Sashes, 13‘ 797 to BARKISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AND .38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A. HARRISON,Q.C. F'. Oswa. THOMAS M055, Q.c W. A Fos‘rzn. CHARLES Moss. W. G. Fuconanmau Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. " 750rtf Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- deratu. Opposite Sanderson do Sons. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! Parties favoring us with grists may rely- all a good return and well manufaalured. mmoN, at $6 per 100 feet. ï¬A‘l‘S’O Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. Pails.CiderMiHs. Washing Machines.Shinglec Waggon Fences. and Lum berSawedto ordar F0 rp articulars address RIUHMUND HILL MILLS! GEORGE &: DAVID BIRREBL USE MILLR'S TICK DESTROYER. It destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of the wool, and improves the condilion of the animal. A 35 cunt box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs! * HUGH MILLER & CO., AGRICULTURAL Camus“. 167. King Street East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers. R. E. LA W, Agent. Richmond Hill B U To Weekly Papers. I'ece'ï¬ï¬‚i al the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hil' Sold by D: cents per box, 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees. THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Deszroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillars on Currant and Gooseberrv Bushes Sold by Druggists and Storekeepem at95 nnuln n-.. L-.. Price 25 cents and $l 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds. It Fattens in One-fourth the usual tune, and saves Food. FATTENS HORSES, cows, CALVES, Sheen and Pmn. ARRIAGE 'AND WAGON MAKER, Undgrlaker. 6w. RESIDENCEâ€"Nearlv opposite tho Post Oflicp Richmond Hill. ‘ A FRESH SUPPLY, At, $1.82, $5, $5.50, $8.50 and $9, a! the HERALD BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill. LON G LIFE PILLS ! FAMILY BIBLES, Richmond Hiâ€. Dec. 14,. ’72 HARRISON. OSLER & Mass, EWELRYll {{«JWELE_Y1_ 150}: SALE -1“, k- HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR \VHEATI Richmond Hill Flour M’ms, Oct '15. Thornhill, Nov. 3,1869. EG to inform Merchants Bakers 62 Farmers lhatthey have alwavs on hand a large mock of UBSinIP'IlIONS FOR. THE TORON ICHMOND HILL LIVERY April 9. 187.). Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND WATEitfaPOUfljS FOR THE D0 cheapzat the HERALIIBâ€"Oék Store Sheep and Pips. who gum†QWHWII‘ CATERPILLARS TICKS 0N SHEEP THOMAS S'EDMAN, JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills HUGH MILLER & CO.. Agricultural Chemists. Toronto FOR SALE BY R E. LAW. Druggist, “ Richmond Hill. 751-311) .Thoruhi". 510-.†L 1873 This, then. is substamially the basis on which FELLOW’S Hvrnpnospul'ncs is huillJRIa ‘direci action is upo-n the Blood, the Brain II‘ ‘ Nervous Sistem. turd Ihe Muscles. .‘ lrunglh- {suing the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu. tion of ViLaiized Blood in the Muscular Organ. ‘of tha Body. APOTHECA R1 FS’ HA LL. LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesle Pub“ Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Oahrlq and Quebec: IS warranted to cum all disLharges from the Urinary Organs, in Hither sex acquirod at constitutional, Gravel and Pains in the 830%. Sold in Boxes, $1.50 g†Chemists all Patent Medicine Vendors, As this is emirer distinct and different he!!! every other preparation of Hypophosphim,bt careful tousk for FELLOWB' SYRUP, and uh no other; it IS ad‘npwd for ALL cases of Weakness “l Emaciation, whether arising from sodonh. life. a tropical climate. from fever or debility from anv cause, and is efï¬cacious in Public. NARY CONSUMPTION. many conï¬rmed can: having been cured and all beneï¬tled. when u; use has been continued ova_r a forinight. In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Aalhng it gives relief where overv other remedy fIiIL For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalle‘, and may be used with conï¬dence in all aâ€... One Box of Clarke's B 41 P11]. Rou-aing the Sluggish Hear! and Linc strengthening the action of the Stomach II; Vowels and anabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyin- flaled wnh ()xygen. As alllit'e-endowed bodies. whetherthey h,- Beast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom. are governed by rilalform, which binds all tho. springs of existence. and as nothing can sum. them f'om dest' uction when this principlo. leaves them, the discovery of means whereby: vitalit} may be sustained in the living bodyiqu indeed a boon to the world. Modern chemistry has ventilated tha quoa-. tion and discovered the ingndienls commu- tingthe brain. muscles and nerves. and ï¬nd! that by introducing these ingredients in mop" proportions the brain and nervous system In. strengthened. 533. Oxford Street IV. C’ London, March 3133,1874 ('hemists and other Vendinrg’of Hollowuy'n‘ genuine Pills and Ointment may have their names inserted in the Inca! papers if they wflh please apply hem»â€" My Pills and dimmem are said at tho lowea wholesale not prices. in quantities of not less than £20 worthâ€"viz, 8s “(1.. 22s., 343.,por dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittances mast be sent in advance. Fellows’ Compound 81 RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES This followingis a. list, of the ï¬rms alluded‘ to; and I particularly reoommend those who, desire to get my medicines to apply to some ofthe Houses named ;â€" ' Messrs Avery. Brown & 09., Halifax. NJ. Messrs Forsyth J: Co., Halifax. N.S Messrs T, B. Barker & Sons. St. John, N.B Mr- T, Des Brisay, Charlotte Town. REJ. Messrs Langley 6L Co , Victoria. [3.0. Messrs Moore 65 (10.. Victoria, B.C, Dr, John Pollen, Chalham. N. B. Messrs Munro 81. 00.. Montreal. Messrs J. Winer & Co, Hamilton. C. W. Mr H. J. Ross. Toronto. Mr A Chlpmnn Smith. St John, N. I). Mr John Bond, Gndrich. Ont. Messrs Elliot & 00., Toronto» Mr J. Chalouer. St. John. N. B. Messrs Hanninglon Brothers. St. John, N. B, Mr R. S. Priddv.VVindsor, Om. Mrs Orpen. Morden. N 8. Mr George C. Hunt Jnn., Fredericton. N. B.__ Mr W. H. Thompson, Harbor Grace, N.F.II; Mr J. M. Wiley. F‘rederlcklon, N. B Messrs W. «- D. Yulle. Monlreul Many respectable ï¬rms in the British Provo inces. who obtain my medicines direct from here. have very properly suggested that I should, for the beneï¬t of themselves and the public, insert their names in the napers. that it may be known that my medicines can be had genuine from them, It has become necessary to make this ans nouncement, because the New York Cheminl Company (Who pav nobody). ï¬nding at In; that their name has been so exposed, have u- sumed the title of“ Holloan and Co.: " but. even now. no one will buv their medicines In’. rectfrnm them,so that they have made or- rangements to supply exclusiver the ï¬rm ol- Messrs Henry and 00., of New York. with their so called ‘.‘ l*]pllowyay'g Pills and (Jim: mam." V ' . . . It is presumed that, from the large connec- tion Messts Henry and Co. have in the British Provinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be impased upon bv unscrupulous vent dots and others unless they exercise great caution to pievent their being misled, by findo_ ing these medicines bearing a stamp with the, name of " Holloway and Co., New York," printed thereon. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of 0mm}. and Quebec :â€" V ' EVANS, MERCER .3; 00,, Montreal Each Pd and flux of‘ my preparation bun. thn Rrilish Government Stamp. wilh U a word. “Hulloway's Pills (and Ointment, Londqn.“ engraved thereom Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of 0mgâ€. and Quebec :â€" Holloway’s Pills and Ointment ara neither manufactured nor sold in the United Staloq,‘ although they mav he obtained in the B. Ht American Provinces. SOLD BY APOTHECARIEM Price. $51-50: Six for$7-50. JAMES l. FFI- LOWS,-Choy| 4-8 SLJo‘nn. N3. Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each, and in Casel.‘ containing 6 times the quantity; 4 dollars each: sufï¬cient to effect a permanent cure in tho graal mujnriry of long standing vasesJiY ALL, (IHEVUS'I‘S and PATENT MEDICIN E; VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor. F. J CIJ_AHKE,CIIemist, ADI\'I\III.‘n . n... Â¥ . , v.4 -..4.u,uuuuuat, APQTuE'cflims' HALL, LINCOLN -‘ ENGLAND. ‘ Fa r Scr'oï¬lla. Sgnrvv, Skin Diseasgs, and {Sores of all kind; it is a never-failing and per- manent cure. ' 1! cures old Sores. (Lures Ulcernted Sores on the. Neck. Cures Ulceramd Sore Legs Cures Mackheads. ur Pimples on. 1.119, 1"an Cures Scurvy Sores. ’ ‘ Cures Cancel-nus Ulcers. ('ures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glanduigr Swellings. Claars the Blood from all impure manor.I From whatever (muse arising. ‘ As [his migture is pleaiSaiii to the taste. and: warranted free from anything injurious to the: most delicate constitution of either sex. thé Proprietor solicits suffering to give it a trial «5, test its value, ' ' ' Thousands of testimonials from all para. Trade Mark “ Blood matured!» THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIEB dzï¬Esmom For cleansing rnd clearing the blood from an impurites, cannot be too higth reognili1§n- .1 .J - . BLUflDMlXTURE upon THE BLOOD 15mm, may! EVANS En 1mg 60- 246mm; Sole proprietar, [5.1L CLARKE. PUBLIC CAUTION. gaunt gimmim, CLARKEs mm FAME]! THOMAS HOLLOWAY. all pal-ta. kl